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<A NAME=S75>
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<H1>TDF Guide, Issue 4.0 </H1>
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<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<DT><A HREF="#S76"><B>9.1 </B> - _cond constructors</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S77"><B>9.2 </B> - Primitive constant constructors</A><DD>
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<H1>9 <A NAME=0>Constants</H1>
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The representation of constants clearly has peculiar difficulties
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in any architecture neutral format. Leaving aside any problems of
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how numbers are to be represented, we also have the situation where
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a "constant" can have different values on different platforms.
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An obvious example would be the size of a structure which, although
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it is a constant of any particular run of a program, may have different
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values on different machines. Further, this constant is in general
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the result of some computation involving the sizes of its components
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which are not known until the platform is chosen. In TDF, sizes are
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always derived from some EXP OFFSET constructed using the various
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OFFSET arithmetic operations on primitives like shape_offset and offset_zero.
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Most such EXP OFFSETs produced are in fact constants of the platform;
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they include field displacements of structure as well as their sizes.
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TDF assumes that, if these EXPs can be evaluated at translate-time
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(i.e. when the sizes and alignments of primitive objects are known),
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then they must be evaluated there. An example of why this is so arises
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in make_compound; the SHAPE of its result EXP depends on its <I>arg1</I>
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EXP OFFSET parameter and all SHAPEs must be translate-time values.
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An initialisation of a TAGDEF is a constant in this sense
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<A NAME=footnote76 HREF="footnote.html#76">*</A>; this allows one
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to ignore any difficulties about their order of evaluation in the
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UNIT and consequently the order of evaluation of UNITs. Once again
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all the EXPs which are initialisations must be evaluated before the
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program is run; this obviously includes any make_proc or make_general_proc.
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. The limitation on an initialisation EXP to ensure this is basically
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that one cannot take the contents of a variable declared outside the
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EXP after all tokens and conditional evaluation is taken into account.
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In other words, each TDF translator effectively has an TDF interpreter
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which can do evaluation of expressions (including conditionals etc.)
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involving only constants such as numbers, sizes and addresses of globals.
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This corresponds very roughly to the kind of initialisations of globals
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that are permissible in C; for a more precise definition, see (S7.3)</A>.<P>
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<A NAME=S76>
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<HR><H2>9.1. <A NAME=1>_cond constructors</H2>
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Another place where translate-time evaluation of constants is mandated
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is in the various _cond constructors which give a kind of "conditional
62 |
compilation" facility; every SORT which has a SORTNAME, other
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that TAG, TOKEN and LABEL, has one of these constructors e.g. exp_cond:<P>
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<I> control</I>: EXP INTEGER(<I>v</I>)
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<I> e1</I>: BITSTREAM EXP <I>x</I>
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<I> e2</I>: BITSTREAM EXP <I>y</I>
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-> EXP <I>x</I> or EXP <I>y</I>
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The constant, <I>control</I>, is evaluated at translate time. If it
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is not zero the entire construction is replaced by the EXP in <I>e1</I>;
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otherwise it is replaced by the one in <I>e2</I>. In either case,
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the other BITSTREAM is totally ignored; it even does not need to be
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sensible TDF. This kind of construction is use extensively in C pre-processing
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directives e.g.:<P>
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#if (sizeof(int) == sizeof(long)) ...
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<A NAME=S77>
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<HR><H2>9.2. Primitive constant constructors</H2>
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Integer constants are constructed using make_int:<P>
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<I> v</I>: VARIETY
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<I> value</I>: SIGNED_NAT
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-> EXP INTEGER(<I>v</I>)
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The SIGNED_NAT <I>value</I> is an encoding of the binary value required
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for the integer; this value must lie within the limits given by <I>v</I>.
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I have been rather slip-shod in writing down examples of integer constants
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earlier in this document; where I have written 1 as an integer EXP,
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for example, I should have written make_int(v, 1) where v is some
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appropriate VARIETY.<P>
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Constants for both floats and strings use STRINGs. A constant string
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is just an particular example of make_nof_int:<P>
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<I> v</I>: VARIETY
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<I> str</I>: STRING(<I>k, n</I>)
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-> EXP NOF(<I>n</I>, INTEGER(<I>v</I>))
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Each unsigned integer in <I>str</I> must lie in the variety <I>v</I>
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and the result is the constant array whose elements are the integers
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considered to be of VARIETY <I>v</I>. An ASCI-C constant string might
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have <I>v</I> = variety(-128,127) and <I>k</I> = 7; however, make_nof_int
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can be used to make strings of any INTEGER VARIETY; a the elements
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of a Unicode string would be integers of size 16 bits.<P>
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A floating constant uses a STRING which contains the ASCI characters
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of a expansion of the number to some base in make_floating:<P>
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<I> sign</I>: BOOL
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<I> mantissa</I>: STRING(<I>k, n</I>)
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<I> base</I>: NAT
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<I> exponent</I>: SIGNED_NAT
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For a normal floating point number, each integer in <I>mantissa</I>
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is either the ASCI `.'-symbol or the ASCI representation of a digit
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of the representation in the given <I>base</I>; i.e. if c is the ASCI
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symbol, the digit value is c-'0'. The resulting floating point number
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has SHAPE FLOATING(f) and value <I>mantissa</I> *<I> base</I><I> exponent</I>
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rounded according to <I>rm</I>. Usually the base will be 10 (sometimes
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2) and the rounding mode to_nearest. Any floating-point evaluation
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of expressions done at translate-time will be done to an accuracy
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greater that implied by the FLOATING_VARIETY involved, so that floating
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constants will be as accurate as the platform permits.<P>
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The make_floating construct does not apply apply to a complex FLOATING_VARIETY
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<I>f</I>; to construct a complex constant use make_complex with two
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make_floating arguments.<P>
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Constants are also provided to give unique null values for pointers,
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label values and procs i.e.: make_null_ptr, make_null_local_lv and
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make_null_proc. Any significant use of these values (e.g. taking the
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contents of a null pointer) is undefined, but they can be assigned
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and used in tests in the normal way.<P>
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<P><I>Part of the <A HREF="../index.html">TenDRA Web</A>.<BR>Crown
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Copyright © 1998.</I></P>
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