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<TITLE>Tokens and APIs</TITLE>
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<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#400080" ALINK="#FF0000">
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<A NAME=S78>
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<H1>TDF Guide, Issue 4.0 </H1>
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<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<DT><A HREF="#S79"><B>10.1 </B> - Application programming interfaces</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S80"><B>10.2 </B> - Linking to APIs</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S81"><B>10.2.1 </B> - Target independent headers, unique_extern
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<DT><A HREF="#S82"><B>10.3 </B> - Language programming interfaces</A><DD>
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<H1>10 <A NAME=0>Tokens and APIs</H1>
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All of the examples of the use of TOKENs so far given have really
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been as abbreviations for commonly used constructs, e.g. the EXP OFFSETS
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for fields of structures. However, the real justification for TOKENs
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are their use as abstractions for things defined in libraries or application
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program interfaces (APIs). <P>
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<A NAME=S79>
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<HR><H2>10.1. Application programming interfaces</H2>
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APIs usually do not give complete language definitions of the operations
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and values that they contain; generally, they are defined informally
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in English giving relationships between the entities within them.
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An API designer should allow implementors the opportunity of choosing
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actual definitions which fit their hardware and the possibility of
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changing them as better algorithms or representations become available.<P>
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The most commonly quoted example is the representation of the type
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FILE and its related operations in C. The ANSI C definition gives
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no common representation for FILE; its implementation is defined to
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be platform-dependent. A TDF producer can assume nothing about FILE;
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not even that it is a structure. The only things that can alter or
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create FILEs are also entities in the Ansi-C API and they will always
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refer to FILEs via a C pointer. Thus TDF abstracts FILE as a SHAPE
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TOKEN with no parameters, make_tok(T_FILE) say. Any program that uses
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FILE would have to include a TOKDEC introducing T_FILE:<P>
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make_tokdec(T_FILE, empty, shape())
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and anywhere that it wished to refer to the SHAPE of FILE it would
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shape_apply_token(make_tok(T_FILE), ())
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Before this program is translated on a given platform, the actual
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SHAPE of FILE must be supplied. This would be done by linking a TDF
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CAPSULE which supplies the TOKDEF for the SHAPE of FILE which is particular
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to the target platform.<P>
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Many of the C operations which use FILEs are explicitly allowed to
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be expanded as either procedure calls or as macros. For example, putc(c,f)
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may be implemented either as a procedure call or as the expansion
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of macro which uses the fields of f directly. Thus, it is quite natural
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for putc(c, f) to be represented in TDF as an EXP TOKEN with two EXP
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parameters which allows it to be expanded in either way. Of course,
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this would be quite distinct from the use of putc as a value (as a
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proc parameter of a procedure for example) which would require some
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other representation. One such representation that comes to mind might
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be to simply to make a TAGDEC for the putc value, supplying its TAGDEF
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in the Ansi API CAPSULE for the platform. This might prove to be rather
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short-sighted, since it denies us the possibility that the putc value
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itself might be expanded from other values and hence it would be better
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as another parameterless TOKEN. I have not come across an actual API
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expansion for the putc value as other than a simple TAG; however the
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FILE* value stdin is sometimes expressed as:<P>
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#define stdin &_iob[0]
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which illustrates the point. It is better to have all of the interface
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of an API expressed as TOKENs to give both generality and flexibility
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across different platforms.<P>
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<A NAME=S80>
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<HR><H2>10.2. Linking to APIs</H2>
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In general, each API requires platform-dependent definitions to be
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supplied by a combination of TDF linking and system linking for that
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platform. This is illustrated in the following diagram giving the
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various phases involved in producing a runnable program.<P>
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<CENTER><IMG SRC="../images/guide3.gif"></CENTER>
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There will be CAPSULEs for each API on each platform giving the expansions
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for the TOKENs involved, usually as uses of identifiers which will
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be supplied by system linking from some libraries. These CAPSULEs
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would be derived from the header files on the platform for the API
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in question, usually using some automatic tools. For example, there
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will be a TDF CAPSULE (derived from <stdio.h>) which defines
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the TOKEN T_FILE as the SHAPE for FILE, together with definitions
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for the TOKENs for putc, stdin, etc., in terms of identifiers which
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will be found in the library libc.a. <P>
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<A NAME=S81>
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<H3>10.2.1. Target independent headers, unique_extern</H3>
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Any producer which uses an API will use system independent information
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to give the common interface TOKENs for this API. In the C producer,
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this is provided by header files using pragmas, which tell the producer
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which TOKENs to use for the particular constructs of the API . In
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any target-independent CAPSULE which uses the API, these TOKENs would
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be introduced as TOKDECs and made globally accessible by using make_linkextern.
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For a world-wide standard API, the EXTERNAL "name" for a
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TOKEN used by make_linkextern should be provided by an application
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of unique_extern on a UNIQUE drawn from a central repository of names
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for entities in standard APIs; this repository would form a kind of
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super-standard for naming conventions in all possible APIs. The mechanism
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for controlling this super-standard has yet to be set up, so at the
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moment all EXTERN names are created by string_extern.<P>
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An interesting example in the use of TOKENs comes in abstracting field
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names. Often, an API will say something like "the type Widget
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is a structure with fields alpha, beta ..." without specifying
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the order of the fields or whether the list of fields is complete.
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The field selection operations for Widget should then be expressed
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using EXP OFFSET TOKENs; each field would have its own TOKEN giving
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its offset which will be filled in when the target is known. This
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gives implementors on a particular platform the opportunity to reorder
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fields or add to them as they like; it also allows for extension of
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the standard in the same way.<P>
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The most common SORTs of TOKENs used for APIs are SHAPEs to represent
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types, and EXPs to represent values, including procedures and constants.
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NATs and VARIETYs are also sometimes used where the API does not specify
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the types of integers involved. The other SORTs are rarely used in
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APIs; indeed it is difficult to imagine <I>any</I> realistic use of
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TOKENs of SORT BOOL. However, the criterion for choosing which SORTs
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are available for TOKENisation is not their immediate utility, but
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that the structural integrity and simplicity of TDF is maintained.
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It is fairly obvious that having BOOL TOKENs will cause no problems,
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so we may as well allow them. <P>
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<A NAME=S82>
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<HR><H2>10.3. Language programming interfaces</H2>
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So far, I have been speaking as though a TOKENised API could only
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be some library interface, built on top of some language, like xpg3,
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posix, X etc. on top of C. However, it is possible to consider the
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constructions of the language itself as ideal candidates for TOKENisation.
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For example, the C for-statement could be expressed as TOKEN with
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four parameters
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<A NAME=footnote77 HREF="footnote.html#77">*</A>. This TOKEN could
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be expanded in TDF in several different ways, all giving the correct
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semantics of a for-statement. A translator (or other tools) could
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choose the expansion it wants depending on context and the properties
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of the parameters. The C producer could give a default expansion which
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a lazy translator writer could use, but others might use expansions
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which might be more advantageous. This idea could be extended to virtually
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all the constructions of the language, giving what is in effect a
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C-language API; perhaps this might be called more properly a language
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programming interface (LPI). Thus, we would have TOKENs for C for-statements,
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C conditionals, C procedure calls, C procedure definitions etc.
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<A NAME=footnote78 HREF="footnote.html#78">*</A>.
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The notion of a producer for any language working to an LPI specific
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to the constructs of the language is very attractive. It could use
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different TOKENs to reflect the subtle differences between uses of
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similar constructs in different languages which might be difficult
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or impossible to detect from their expansions, but which could allow
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better optimisations in the object code. For example, Fortran procedures
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are slightly different from C procedures in that they do not allow
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aliasing between parameters and globals. While application of the
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standard TDF procedure calls would be semantically correct, knowledge
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of that the non-aliasing rule applies would allow some procedures
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to be translated to more efficient code. A translator without knowledge
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of the semantics implicit in the TOKENs involved would still produce
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correct code, but one which knew about them could take advantage of
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that knowledge.<P>
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I also think that LPIs would be a very useful tool for crystalising
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ideas on how languages should be translated, allowing one to experiment
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with expansions not thought of by the producer writer. This decoupling
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is also an escape clause allowing the producer writer to defer the
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implementation of a construct completely to translate-time or link-time,
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as is done at the moment in C for off-stack allocation. As such it
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also serves as a useful test-bed for TOKEN constructions which may
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in future become new constructors of core TDF. <P>
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<P><I>Part of the <A HREF="../index.html">TenDRA Web</A>.<BR>Crown
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Copyright © 1998.</I></P>
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