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<TITLE>Models of the TDF algebra</TITLE>
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<A NAME=S89>
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<H1>TDF Guide, Issue 4.0 </H1>
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<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<DT><A HREF="#S90"><B>13.1 </B> - Model for a 32-bit standard architecture</A>
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<DT><A HREF="#S91"><B>13.1.1 </B> - Alignment model</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S92"><B>13.1.2 </B> - Offset and pointer model</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S93"><B>13.1.3 </B> - Size model</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S94"><B>13.2 </B> - Model for machines like the iAPX-432</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S95"><B>13.2.1 </B> - Alignment model</A><DD>
27 |
<DT><A HREF="#S96"><B>13.2.2 </B> - Offset and pointer model</A><DD>
28 |
<DT><A HREF="#S97"><B>13.2.3 </B> - Size model</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S98"><B>13.2.4 </B> - Offset arithmetic</A><DD>
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<H1>13 <A NAME=0>Models of the TDF algebra</H1>
33 |
TDF is a multi-sorted abstract algebra. Any implementation of TDF
34 |
is a model of this algebra, formed by a mapping of the algebra into
35 |
a concrete machine. An algebraic mapping gives a concrete representation
36 |
to each of the SORTs in such a way that the representation of any
37 |
construction of TDF is independent of context; it is a homomorphism.
38 |
In other words if we define the mapping of a TDF constructor, C, as
39 |
MAP[C] and the representation of a SORT, S, as REPR[S] then:<P>
40 |
41 |
REPR[ C(P<I>1</I> ,..., P<I>n</I>) ] = MAP[C]( REPR(P<I>1</I>) ,..., REPR(P<I>n
42 |
43 |
44 |
Any mapping has to preserve the equivalences of the abstract algebra,
45 |
such as those exemplified by the transformations {A} - {Z} in
46 |
<A HREF="guide13.html#4">section 11.1 on page 48</A>. Similarly, the
47 |
mappings of any predicates on the constructions, such as those giving
48 |
"well-formed" conditions, must be satisfied in terms of
49 |
the mapped representations.<P>
50 |
In common with most homomorphisms, the mappings of constructions can
51 |
exhibit more equivalences than are given by the abstract algebra.
52 |
The use of these extra equivalences is the basis of most of the target-dependent
53 |
optimisations in a TDF translator; it can make use of "idioms"
54 |
of the target architecture to produce equivalent constructions which
55 |
may work faster than the "obvious" translation. In addition,
56 |
we may find that may find that more predicates are satisfied in a
57 |
mapping than would be in the abstract algebra. A particular concrete
58 |
mapping might allow more constructions to be well-formed than are
59 |
permitted in the abstract; a producer can use this fact to target
60 |
its output to a particular class of architectures. In this case, the
61 |
producer should produce TDF so that any translator not targeted to
62 |
this class can fail gracefully.<P>
63 |
Giving a complete mapping for a particular architecture here is tantamount
64 |
to writing a complete translator. However, the mappings for the small
65 |
but important sub-algebra concerned with OFFSETs and ALIGNMENTs illustrates
66 |
many of the main principles. What follows is two sets of mappings
67 |
for disparate architectures; the first gives a more or less standard
68 |
meaning to ALIGNMENTs but the second may be less familiar.<P>
69 |
<A NAME=S90>
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<HR><H2>13.1. <A NAME=2>Model for a 32-bit standard architecture</H2>
71 |
Almost all current architectures use a "flat-store" model
72 |
of memory. There is no enforced segregation of one kind of data from
73 |
another - in general, one can access one unit of memory as a linear
74 |
offset from any other. Here, TDF ALIGNMENTs are a reflection of constraints
75 |
for the efficient access of different kinds of data objects - usually
76 |
one finds that 32-bit integers are most efficiently accessed if they
77 |
start at 32 bit boundaries and so on. <P>
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<A NAME=S91>
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<H3>13.1.1. Alignment model</H3>
80 |
The representation of ALIGNMENT in a typical standard architecture
81 |
is a single integer where:<P>
82 |
83 |
REPR [ { } ] = 1
84 |
REPR[ {bitfield} ] = 1
85 |
REPR[ {char_variety} ] = 8
86 |
REPR[ {short_variety} ] = 16
87 |
88 |
Otherwise, for all other primitive ALIGNMENTS a:<P>
89 |
90 |
REPR [ {a} ] = 32
91 |
92 |
The representation of a compound ALIGNMENT is given by:<P>
93 |
94 |
REPR [ A xc8 B ] = Max(REPR[ A ] , REPR[ B ])
95 |
i.e. MAP[ unite_alignment] = Max
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while the ALIGNMENT inclusion predicate is given by:<P>
98 |
99 |
REPR[ A ... B ]= REPR[ A ] xb3 REPR[ B }
100 |
101 |
102 |
All the constructions which make ALIGNMENTs are represented here and
103 |
they will always reduce to an integer known at translate-time. Note
104 |
that the mappings for xc8 and ... must preserve the basic algebraic
105 |
properties derived from sets; for example the mapping of xc8 must
106 |
be idempotent, commutative and associative, which is true for Max.<P>
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<A NAME=S92>
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<H3>13.1.2. Offset and pointer model</H3>
109 |
Most standard architectures use byte addressing; to address bits requires
110 |
more complication. Hence, a value with SHAPE POINTER(A) where REPR[A)]xb9
111 |
1 is represented by a 32-bit byte address. <P>
112 |
We are not allowed to construct pointers where REPR[A] = 1, but we
113 |
still have offsets whose second alignment is a bitfield. Thus a offsets
114 |
to bitfield are represented differently to offsets to other alignments:<P>
115 |
A value with SHAPE OFFSET(A, B) where REPR(B) xb9 1 is represented
116 |
by a 32-bit byte-offset.<P>
117 |
A value with SHAPE OFFSET(A, B) where REPR(B) = 1 is represented by
118 |
a 32-bit <I>bit</I>-offset.<P>
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<A NAME=S93>
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<H3>13.1.3. Size model</H3>
121 |
In principle, the representation of a SHAPE is a pair of an ALIGNMENT
122 |
and a size, given by shape_offset applied to the SHAPE. This pair
123 |
is constant which can be evaluated at translate time. The construction,
124 |
shape_offset(S), has SHAPE OFFSET(alignment(s), { } ) and hence is
125 |
represented by a bit-offset: <P>
126 |
127 |
REPR[ shape_offset(top()) ] = 0
128 |
REPR[ shape_offset(integer(char_variety)) ] = 8
129 |
REPR[ shape_offset(integer(short_variety)) ] = 16
130 |
.... etc. for other numeric varieties
131 |
REPR[ shape_offset(pointer(A)) ]= 32
132 |
REPR[ shape_offset(compound(E)) ] = REPR[ E ]
133 |
REPR[ shape_offset(bitfield(bfvar_bits(b, N))) ] = N
134 |
REPR[ shape_offset(nof(N, S)) ] = N * REPR[ offset_pad(
135 |
alignment(S), shape_offset(S)) ]
136 |
where S is not a bitfield shape
137 |
138 |
Similar considerations apply to the other offset-arithmetic constructors.
139 |
In general, we have:<P>
140 |
141 |
REPR [ offset_zero(A) ] = 0 for all A
142 |
143 |
REPR[offset_pad(A, X:OFFSET(C,D))
144 |
= ((REPR[X] + REPR[A]-1)/(REPR[A]))*REPR[A]/8
145 |
if REPR[A] xb9 1 xd9 REPR[D ] =1
146 |
Otherwise :
147 |
REPR[offset_pad(A, X:OFFSET(C,D))
148 |
= ((REPR[X] + REPR[A]-1)/(REPR[A]))*REPR[A]
149 |
150 |
REPR[ offset_add(X:OFFSET(A,B), Y:OFFSET(C,D) )]
151 |
= REPR[ X ] *8+ REPR[ Y ]
152 |
if REPR[B] xb9 1 xd9 REPR[D ] =1
153 |
154 |
REPR[ offset_add(X, Y )] = REPR[ X ] + REPR[ Y ]
155 |
156 |
REPR[ offset_max(X: OFFSET(A, B), Y: OFFSET(C, D))]
157 |
= Max(REPR[ X ], 8*REPR[ Y ]
158 |
if REPR[ B ] = 1 xd9 REPR[D ] xb9 1
159 |
REPR[ offset_max(X: OFFSET(A, B), Y: OFFSET(C, D))]
160 |
= Max(8*REPR[ X ], REPR[ Y ]
161 |
if REPR[ D ] = 1 xd9 REPR[ B ] xb9 1
162 |
163 |
REPR[ offset_max(X, Y) ] = Max( REPR[ X ], REPR[ Y ])
164 |
165 |
REPR[offset_mult(X, E) ] = REPR[ X ] * REPR[ E ]
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
IA translator working to this model maps ALIGNMENTs into the integers
170 |
and their inclusion constraints into numerical comparisons. As a result,
171 |
it will correctly allow many OFFSETs which are disallowed in general;
172 |
for example, OFFSET({pointer}, {char_variety}) is allowed since REPR[
173 |
{pointer} ] xb3 REPR[ {char_variety} ]. Rather fewer of these extra
174 |
relationships are allowed in the next model considered.<P>
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<A NAME=S94>
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<HR><H2>13.2. Model for machines like the iAPX-432</H2>
177 |
The iAPX-432 does not have a linear model of store. The address of
178 |
a word in store is a pair consisting of a block-address and a displacement
179 |
within that block. In order to take full advantage of the protection
180 |
facilities of the machine, block-addresses are strictly segregated
181 |
from scalar data like integers, floats, displacements etc. There are
182 |
at least two different kind of blocks, one which can only contain
183 |
block-addresses and the other which contains only scalar data. There
184 |
are clearly difficulties here in describing data-structures which
185 |
contain both pointers and scalar data.<P>
186 |
Let us assume that the machine has bit-addressing to avoid the bit
187 |
complications already covered in the first model. Also assume that
188 |
instruction blocks are just scalar blocks and that block addresses
189 |
are aligned on 32-bit boundaries.<P>
190 |
<A NAME=S95>
191 |
<H3>13.2.1. Alignment model</H3>
192 |
An ALIGNMENT is represented by a pair consisting of an integer, giving
193 |
the natural alignments for scalar data, and boolean to indicate the
194 |
presence of a block-address. Denote this by:<P>
195 |
196 |
(s: alignment_of_scalars, b: has_blocks)
197 |
198 |
We then have:<P>
199 |
200 |
REPR[ alignment({ }) ] = (s: 1, b: FALSE)
201 |
REPR[ alignment({char_variety}) = (s: 8, b:FALSE)
202 |
... etc. for other numerical and bitfield varieties.
203 |
REPR[ alignment({pointer}) ] = (s: 32, b: TRUE)
204 |
REPR[ alignment({proc}) ] = (s: 32, b: TRUE)
205 |
REPR[ alignment({local_label_value}) ] = (s: 32, b: TRUE)
206 |
207 |
The representation of a compound ALIGNMENT is given by:<P>
208 |
209 |
REPR[ A xc8 B ] = (s: Max(REPR[ A ].s, REPR[ B ].s), b: REPR[ A ].b xda REPR[ B ].b )
210 |
211 |
212 |
and their inclusion relationship is given by:<P>
213 |
214 |
REPR[ A ... B ] = (REPR[ A ].s xb3 REPR[ B ].s) xd9 (REPR[ A ].b xda ÿ REPR[ B ].b)
215 |
216 |
<A NAME=S96>
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<H3>13.2.2. Offset and pointer model</H3>
218 |
A value with SHAPE POINTER A where ÿ REPR[ A ].b is represented
219 |
by a pair consisting of a block-address of a scalar block and an integer
220 |
bit-displacement within that block. Denote this by:<P>
221 |
222 |
(sb: scalar_block_address, sd: bit_displacement)
223 |
224 |
A value with SHAPE POINTER A where REPR[ A ].b is represented by a
225 |
quad word consisting of two block-addresses and two bit-displacements
226 |
within these blocks. One of these block addresses will contain the
227 |
scalar information pointed at by one of the bit-displacements; similarly,
228 |
the other pair will point at the block addresses in the data are held.
229 |
Denote this by:<P>
230 |
231 |
(sb: scalar_block_address, ab: address_block_address,
232 |
sd: scalar_displacement, ad: address_displacement )
233 |
234 |
235 |
A value with SHAPE OFFSET(A, B) where ÿ REPR[ A ].b is represented
236 |
by an integer bit-displacement.<P>
237 |
A value with SHAPE OFFSET(A, B) where REPR[ A ].b is represented by
238 |
a pair of bit-displacements, one relative to a scalar-block and the
239 |
other to an address-block. Denote this by:<P>
240 |
241 |
( sd: scalar_displacement, ad: address_displacement )
242 |
243 |
<A NAME=S97>
244 |
<H3>13.2.3. Size model</H3>
245 |
The sizes given by shape_offset are now:<P>
246 |
247 |
REPR[shape_offset(integer(char_variety)) ] = 8
248 |
... etc. for other numerical and bitfield varieties.
249 |
REPR[ shape_offset(pointer(A)) ] = ( REPR[ A ].b ) ? (sd: 64, ad: 64) : (sd: 32, ad: 32)
250 |
REPR[ shape_offset(offset(A, B)) ] = (REPR[ A ].b) ? 64 : 32)
251 |
REPR[ shape_offset(proc) ] = (sd: 32, ad: 32)
252 |
REPR[ shape_offset(compound(E)) ] = REPR[ E ]
253 |
REPR[ shape_offset(nof(N, S)) ]
254 |
= N* REPR[ offset_pad(alignment(S)), shape_offset(S)) ]
255 |
REPR[ shape_offset(top) ] = 0
256 |
257 |
<A NAME=S98>
258 |
<H3>13.2.4. Offset arithmetic</H3>
259 |
The other OFFSET constructors are given by:<P>
260 |
261 |
REPR[ offset_zero(A) ] = 0 if ÿ REPR[ A ].b
262 |
REPR[ offset_zero(A) ] = (sd: 0, ad: 0) if REPR[ A ].b
263 |
264 |
REPR[ offset_add(X: OFFSET(A,B), Y: OFFSET(C, D)) ] = REPR[ X ] + REPR[ Y ]
265 |
if ÿ REPR[ A ].b xd9 ÿ REPR[ C ].b
266 |
REPR[ offset_add(X: OFFSET(A,B), Y: OFFSET(C, D)) ]
267 |
= ( sd: REPR[ X ].sd + REPR[ Y ].sd, ad: REPR[ X ].ad + REPR[ Y ].ad)
268 |
if REPR[ A ].b xd9 REPR[ C ].b
269 |
REPR[ offset_add(X: OFFSET(A,B), Y: OFFSET(C, D)) ]
270 |
= ( sd: REPR[ X ].sd + REPR[ Y ], ad:REPR[ X ].ad )
271 |
if REPR[ A ].b xd9 ÿ REPR[ C ].b
272 |
273 |
REPR[ offset_pad(A, Y: OFFSET(C, D)) ] = (REPR[Y ] + REPR[A ].s - 1)/REPR[ A ].s
274 |
if ÿ REPR[ A ].b xd9 ÿ REPR[ C ].b
275 |
REPR[ offset_pad(A, Y: OFFSET(C, D)) ]
276 |
= ( sd: (REPR[Y ] + REPR[A ].s - 1)/REPR[ A ].s, ad: REPR[ Y ].ad)
277 |
if REPR[ C ].b
278 |
REPR[ offset_pad(A, Y: OFFSET(C, D)) ]
279 |
= ( sd: (REPR[Y]+REPR[A].s-1)/REPR[A].s, ad: 0)
280 |
if REPR[ A ].b xd9 ÿ REPR[ C ].b
281 |
REPR[ offset_max(X: OFFSET(A,B), Y: OFFSET(C, D)) ]
282 |
= Max(REPR[ X ], REPR[ Y ])
283 |
if ÿ REPR[ A ].b xd9 ÿ REPR[ C ].b
284 |
REPR[ offset_max(X: OFFSET(A,B), Y: OFFSET(C, D)) ]
285 |
= ( sd: Max(REPR[ X ].sd, REPR[ Y ].sd),
286 |
ad: Max(REPR[ X ].a, REPR[ Y ].ad) )
287 |
if REPR[ A ].b xd9 REPR[ C ].b
288 |
REPR[ offset_max(X: OFFSET(A,B), Y: OFFSET(C, D)) ]
289 |
= ( sd: Max(REPR[ X ].sd, REPR[ Y ]), ad:REPR[ X ].ad )
290 |
if REPR[ A ].b xd9 ÿ REPR[ C ].b
291 |
REPR[ offset_max(X: OFFSET(A,B), Y: OFFSET(C, D)) ]
292 |
= ( sd: Max(REPR[Y ].sd, REPR[ X]), ad: REPR[Y ].ad )
293 |
if REPR[C ].b xd9 ÿ REPR[ A ].b
294 |
295 |
REPR[ offset_subtract(X: OFFSET(A,B), Y: OFFSET(C, D)) ]
296 |
= REPR[ X ]- REPR[ Y ]
297 |
if ÿ REPR[ A ].b xd9 ÿ REPR[ C ].b
298 |
REPR[ offset_subtract(X: OFFSET(A,B), Y: OFFSET(C, D)) ]
299 |
= ( sd: REPR[ X ].sd - REPR[ Y ].sd, ad:REPR[ X ].ad - REPR[ Y ].ad)
300 |
if REPR[ A ].b xd9 REPR[ C ].b
301 |
REPR[ offset_add(X: OFFSET(A,B), Y: OFFSET(C, D)) ]
302 |
= REPR[ X ].sd - REPR[ Y ]
303 |
if REPR[ A ].b xd9 ÿ REPR[ C ].b
304 |
.... and so on.
305 |
306 |
307 |
Unlike the previous one, this model of ALIGNMENTs would reject OFFSETs
308 |
such as OFFSET({long_variety}, {pointer}) but not OFFSET( {pointer},
309 |
{long_variety}) since:<P>
310 |
311 |
REPR [ {long_variety} ... {pointer} ] = FALSE
312 |
313 |
REPR [ {pointer} ... {long_variety} ] = TRUE
314 |
315 |
316 |
This just reflects the fact that there is no way that one can extract
317 |
a block-address necessary for a pointer from a scalar-block, but since
318 |
the representation of a pointer includes a scalar displacement, one
319 |
can always retrieve a scalar from a pointer to a pointer.<P>
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