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<H1>TDF Guide, Issue 4.0 </H1>
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<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<DT><A HREF="#S4"><B>2.1 </B> - Token applications and first-class
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<DT><A HREF="#S5"><B>2.2 </B> - Token definitions and declarations</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S6"><B>2.3 </B> - A simple use of a TOKEN</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S7"><B>2.4 </B> - Second class SORTs</A><DD>
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<H1>2 SORTs and TOKENs</H1>
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In the syntax of language like C or Pascal, we find various syntactic
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units like <Expression>, <Identifier> etc. A SORT bears
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the same relation to TDF as these syntactic units bear to the language;
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roughly speaking, the syntactic unit <Expression> corresponds
31 |
to the SORT EXP and <Identifier> to TAG . However, instead of
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using BNF to compose syntactic units from others, TDF uses explicit
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constructors to compose its SORTs; each constructor uses other pieces
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of TDF of specified SORTs to make a piece of its result SORT. For
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example, the constructor plus uses an ERROR_TREATMENT and two EXPs
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to make another EXP.<P>
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At the moment, there are 58 different SORTS, from ACCESS to VARIETY
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given in tables 1 and 2. Some of these have familiar analogues in
39 |
standard language construction as with EXP and TAG above. Others will
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be less familiar since TDF must concern itself with issues not normally
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addressed in language definitions. For example, the process of linking
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together TDF programs is at the root of the architecture neutrality
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of TDF and so must form an integral part of its definition. On the
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other hand, TDF is not meant to be a language readily accessible to
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the human reader or writer; computers handle it much more easily.
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Thus a great many choices have been made in the definition which would
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be intolerable in a standard language definition for the human programmer
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but which, paradoxically enough, make it much simpler for a computer
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to produce and analyse TDF<P>
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The SORTs and constructors in effect form a multi-sorted algebra.
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There were two principal reasons for choosing this algebraic form
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of definition. First, it is easy to extend - a new operation on existing
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constructs simply requires a new constructor. Secondly, the algebraic
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form is highly amenable to the automatic construction of programs.
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Large parts of both TDF producers and TDF translators have been created
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by automatic transformation of the text of the specification document
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itself, by extracting the algebraic signature and constructing C program
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which can read or produce TDF. To this extent, one can regard the
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specification document as a formal description of the free algebra
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of TDF SORTs and constructors. Of course, most of the interesting
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parts of the definition of TDF lies in the equivalences of parts of
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TDF, so this formality only covers the easy bit.<P>
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Another distinction between the TDF definition and language syntactic
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description is that TDF is to some extent conscious of its own SORTs
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so that it can specify a new construction of a given SORT. The analogy
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in normal languages would be that one could define a new construction
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with new syntax and say this is an example of an <Expression>,
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for example; I don't know of any standard language which permits this,
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although those of you with a historical bent might remember Algol-N
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which made a valiant attempt at it. Of course, the algebraic method
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of description makes it much easier to specify, rather than having
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to give syntax to provide the syntax for the new construction in a
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<HR><H2>2.1. Token applications and first-class SORTs</H2>
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A new construction is introduced by the SORT TOKEN; the constructors
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involving TOKENs allow one to give an expansion for the TOKEN in terms
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of other pieces of TDF, possibly including parameters. We can encapsulate
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a (possibly parameterised) fragment of TDF of a suitable SORT by giving
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it a TOKEN as identification. Not all of the SORTs are available for
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this kind of encapsulation - only those which have a SORTNAME constructor
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(from access to variety). These are the "first-class" SORTs
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given in table 1 on page 8</A>. Each of these have an appropriate
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_apply_token constructor (e.g. exp_apply_token ) give the expansion.
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Most of these also have _cond constructors (e.g.see exp_cond in
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<A HREF="guide11.html#1">section 9.1 on page 43</A>) which allows
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translate time conditional expansion of the SORT.<P>
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<BR><IMG SRC="table6.gif"><BR>
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Every TOKEN has a result SORT, i.e. the SORT of its resulting expansion
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and before it can be expanded, one must have its parameter SORTs.
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Thus, you can regard a TOKEN as having a type defined by its result
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and parameter SORTs and the _apply_token as the operator which expands
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the encapsulation and substitutes the parameters. <P>
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However, if we look at the signature of exp_apply_token:<P>
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<I>token_value</I>: TOKEN
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<I>token_args</I>: BITSTREAM <I>param_sorts(token_value)</I>
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-> EXP <I>x</I>
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we are confronted by the mysterious BITSTREAM where one might expect
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to find the actual parameters of the TOKEN.<P>
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To explain BITSTREAMs requires a diversion into the bit-encoding of
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TDF. Constructors for a particular SORT are represented in a number
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of bits depending on the number of constructors for that SORT; the
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context will determine the SORT required, so no more bits are required.
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Thus since there is only one constructor for UNITs, no bits are required
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to represent make_unit; there are about 120 different constructors
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for EXPs so 7 bits are required to cover all the EXPs. The parameters
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of each constructor have known SORTs and so their representations
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are just concatenated after the representation of the constructor
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<A NAME=footnote70 HREF="footnote.html#70">*</A>. While this is a
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very compact representation, it suffers from the defect that one must
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decode it even just to skip over it. This is very irksome is some
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applications, notably the TDF linker which is not interested detailed
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expansions. Similarly, in translators there are places where one wishes
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to skip over a token application without knowledge of the SORTs of
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its parameters. Thus a BITSTREAM is just an encoding of some TDF,
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preceded by the number of bits it occupies. Applications can then
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skip over BITSTREAMs trivially. Similar considerations apply to BYTESTREAMs
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used elsewhere; here the encoding is preceded by the number of bytes
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in the encoding and is aligned to a byte boundary to allow fast copying.<P>
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<HR><H2>2.2. Token definitions and declarations</H2>
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Thus the <I>token_args</I> parameter of exp_apply_token is just the
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BITSTREAM formed from the actual parameters in the sequence described
129 |
by the definition of the <I>token_valu</I><I>e</I> parameter. This
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will be given in a TOKEN_DEFN somewhere with constructor token_definition:<P>
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132 |
<I>result_sort</I>: SORTNAME
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<I>tok_params</I>: LIST(TOKFORMALS)
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<I>body</I>: <I>result_sort</I>
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The <I>result_sort</I> is the SORT of the construction of <I>body</I>;
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e.g. if <I>result_sort</I> is formed from exp then <I>body</I> would
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be constructed using the EXP constructors and one would use exp_apply_token
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to give the expansion. The list <I>tok_params</I> gives the formal
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parameters of the definition in terms of TOKFORMALS constructed using
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<I>tk</I>: TDFINT
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The TDFINT <I>tk</I> will be the integer representation of the formal
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parameter expressed as a TOKEN whose result sort is <I>sn</I> (see
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more about name representation in <A HREF="guide5.html#2">section
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3.1 on page 13</A>). To use the parameter in the body of the TOKEN_DEFN,
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one simply uses the _apply_token appropriate to <I>sn</I>.Note that
153 |
sn may be a TOKEN but the <I>result_sort</I> may not.<P>
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Hence the BITSTREAM <I>param_sorts</I>(<I>token_value</I>) in the
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actual parameter of exp_apply_token above is simply formed by the
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catenation of constructions of the SORTs given by the SORTNAMEs in
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the <I>tok_params</I> of the TOKEN being expanded.<P>
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Usually one gives a name to a TOKEN_DEFN using to form a TOKDEF using
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make_tokdef :<P>
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161 |
<I>tok</I>: TDFINT
162 |
<I>signature</I>: OPTION(STRING)
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Here, <I>tok</I> gives the name that will be used to identify the
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TOKEN whose expansion is given by <I>def</I>. Any use of this TOKEN
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(e.g. in exp_apply_token) will be given by make_token(<I>tok
169 |
</I>) . Once again, a BITSTREAM is used to encapsulate the TOKEN_DEFN.
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The significance of the signature parameter is discussed in
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<A HREF="guide5.html#37">section 3.2.2 on page 18</A>.<P>
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Often, one wishes a token without giving its definition - the definition
174 |
could, for example, be platform-dependent. A TOKDEC introduces such
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a token using make_tokdec:<P>
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177 |
<I>tok</I>: TDFINT
178 |
<I>signature</I>: OPTION(STRING)
179 |
180 |
181 |
182 |
Here the SORTNAME, <I>s</I>, is given by token:<P>
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184 |
<I>result</I>: SORTNAME
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<I>params</I>: LIST(SORTNAME)
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which gives the result and parameter SORTs of <I>tok</I>. <P>
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One can also use a TOKEN_DEFN in an anonymous fashion by giving it
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as an actual parameter of a TOKEN which itself demands a TOKEN parameter.
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To do this one simply uses use_tokdef :<P>
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<HR><H2>2.3. A simple use of a TOKEN</H2>
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The crucial use of TOKENs in TDF is to provide abstractions of APIs
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(see <A HREF="guide12.html#0">section 10 on page 45</A>) but they
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are also used as shorthand for commonly occurring constructions. For
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example, given the TDF constructor plus, mentioned above, we could
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define a plus with only two EXP parameters more suitable to C by using
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the wrap constructor as the ERROR_TREATMENT:<P>
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208 |
make_tokdef (C_plus, empty,
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(make_tokformals(exp(), l), make_tokformals(exp(), r)),
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plus(wrap(), exp_apply_token(l, ()), exp_apply_token(r,())
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<HR><H2>2.4. Second class SORTs</H2>
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Second class SORTs (given in table 2 on page 11</A>) cannot be TOKENised.
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These are the "syntactic units" of TDF which the user cannot
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extend; he can only produce them using the constructors defined in
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Some of these constructors are implicit. For example, there are no
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explicit constructors for LIST or SLIST which are both used to form
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lists of SORTs; their construction is simply part of the encoding
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of TDF. However, it is forseen that LIST constructors would be highly
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desireable and there will probably extensions to TDF to promote LIST
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from a second-class SORT to a first-class one. This will not apply
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to SLIST or to the other SORTs which have implicit constructions.
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