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<TITLE>Control Flow within procedures</TITLE>
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<A NAME=S51>
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<H1>TDF Guide, Issue 4.0 </H1>
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<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<DT><A HREF="#S52"><B>6.1 </B> - Unconditional flow</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S53"><B>6.1.1 </B> - sequence</A><DD>
21 |
<DT><A HREF="#S54"><B>6.2 </B> - Conditional flow</A><DD>
22 |
<DT><A HREF="#S55"><B>6.2.1 </B> - labelled, make_label</A><DD>
23 |
<DT><A HREF="#S56"><B>6.2.2 </B> - goto, make_local_lv, goto_local_lv,
24 |
long_jump, return_to_label</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S57"><B>6.2.3 </B> - integer_test, NTEST</A><DD>
26 |
<DT><A HREF="#S58"><B>6.2.4 </B> - case</A><DD>
27 |
<DT><A HREF="#S59"><B>6.2.5 </B> - conditional, repeat</A><DD>
28 |
<DT><A HREF="#S60"><B>6.3 </B> - Exceptional flow</A><DD>
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<H1>6 Control Flow within procedures</H1>
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<A NAME=S52>
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<HR><H2>6.1. Unconditional flow</H2>
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<A NAME=S53>
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<H3>6.1.1. sequence</H3>
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To perform a sequential set of operations in TDF, one uses the constructor
37 |
38 |
39 |
<I> statements</I>: LIST(EXP)
40 |
<I> result</I>: EXP <I>x</I>
41 |
-> EXP <I>x</I>
42 |
43 |
Each of the <I>statements</I> are evaluated in order, throwing away
44 |
their results. Then, <I>result</I> is evaluated and its result is
45 |
the result of the sequence. <P>
46 |
A translator is free to rearrange the order of evaluation if there
47 |
is no observable difference other than in time or space. This applies
48 |
anywhere I say "something is evaluated and then ...". We
49 |
find this kind of statement in definitions of local variables in
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<A HREF="guide7.html#34">section 5.3 on page 30</A>, and in the controlling
51 |
parts of the conditional constructions below. <P>
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For a more precise discussion of allowable reorderings see (S7.14)</A>
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<A NAME=S54>
55 |
<HR><H2>6.2. Conditional flow</H2>
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<A NAME=S55>
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<H3>6.2.1. labelled, make_label</H3>
58 |
All simple changes of flow of control within a TDF procedure are done
59 |
by jumps or branches to LABELs, mirroring what actually happens in
60 |
most computers. There are three constructors which introduce LABELs;
61 |
the most general is labelled which allows arbitrary jumping between
62 |
its component EXPs:<P>
63 |
64 |
<I> placelabs_intro</I>: LIST(LABEL)
65 |
<I> starter</I>: EXP <I>x</I>
66 |
<I> places</I>: LIST(EXP)
67 |
-> EXP <I>w</I>
68 |
69 |
Each of the EXPs in <I>place</I>s is labelled by the corresponding
70 |
LABEL in <I>placelabs_intro</I>; these LABELs are constructed by
71 |
make_label applied to a TDFINT uniquely drawn from the LABEL name-space
72 |
introduced by the enclosing PROPS. The evaluation starts by evaluating
73 |
<I>starter</I>; if this runs to completion the result of the labelled
74 |
is the result of <I>starter.</I> If there is some jump to a LABEL
75 |
in<I> placelabs_intro</I> then control passes to the corresponding
76 |
EXP in <I>place</I>s and so on. If any of these EXPS<I> </I>runs to
77 |
completion then its result is the result of the labelled; hence the
78 |
SHAPE of the result, w, is the LUB of the SHAPEs of the component
79 |
EXPs. <P>
80 |
Note that control does not automatically pass from one EXP to the
81 |
next; if this is required the appropriate EXP must end with an explicit
82 |
83 |
<A NAME=S56>
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<H3>6.2.2. goto, make_local_lv, goto_local_lv, long_jump, return_to_label</H3>
85 |
The unconditional goto is the simplest method of jumping. In common
86 |
with all the methods of jumping using LABELs, its LABEL parameter
87 |
must have been introduced in an enclosing construction, like labelled,
88 |
which scopes it. <P>
89 |
One can also pick up a label value of SHAPE POINTER {code} (usually
90 |
implemented as a program address) using make_local_lv for later use
91 |
by an "indirect jump" such as goto_local_lv . Here the same
92 |
prohibition holds - the construction which introduced the LABEL must
93 |
still be active. <P>
94 |
The construction goto_local_lv only permits one to jump within the
95 |
current procedure; if one wished to do a jump out of a procedure into
96 |
a calling one, one uses long_jump which requires a pointer to the
97 |
destination frame (produced by current_env in the destination procedure)
98 |
as well as the label value. If a long_jump is made to a label, only
99 |
those local TAGs which have been defined with a visible ACCESS are
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guaranteed to have preserved their values; the translator could allocate
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the other TAGs in scope as registers whose values are not necessarily
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103 |
A slightly "shorter" long jump is given by return_to_label.
104 |
Here the destination of the jump must a label value in the calling
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procedure. Usually this value would be passed as parameter of the
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call to provide an alternative exit to the procedure.<P>
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<A NAME=S57>
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<H3>6.2.3. integer_test, NTEST</H3>
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Conditional branching is provided by the various _test constructors,
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one for each primitive SHAPE except BITFIELD. I shall use integer_test
111 |
as the paradigm for them all:<P>
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113 |
<I> nt</I>: NTEST
114 |
<I> dest</I>: LABEL
115 |
<I> arg1</I>: EXP INTEGER(<I>v</I>)
116 |
<I> arg2</I>: EXP INTEGER(<I>v</I>)
117 |
118 |
119 |
The NTEST <I>nt</I> chooses a dyadic test (e.g. =, >=, <, etc.)
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that is to be applied to the results of evaluating
121 |
<I>arg1</I> and <I>arg2</I>. If <I>arg1 nt arg2</I> then the result
122 |
is TOP; otherwise control passes to the LABEL <I>dest</I>. In other
123 |
words, integer_test acts like an assertion where if the assertion
124 |
is false, control passes to the LABEL instead of continuing in the
125 |
normal fashion. <P>
126 |
Some of the constructors for NTESTs are disallowed for some _tests
127 |
(e.g. proc_test ) while others are redundant for some _tests; for
128 |
example, not_greater_than is the same as less_than_or_equal for all
129 |
except possibly floating_test. where the use of NaNs (in the IEEE
130 |
sense) as operands may give different results.<P>
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<A NAME=S58>
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<H3>6.2.4. case</H3>
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There are only two other ways of changing flow of control using LABELs.
134 |
One arises in ERROR_TREATMENTs which will be dealt with in the arithmetic
135 |
operations. The other is case:<P>
136 |
137 |
<I> exhaustive</I>: BOOL
138 |
<I> control</I>: EXP INTEGER(<I>v</I>)
139 |
<I> branches</I>: LIST(CASELIM)
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-> EXP (<I>exhaustive</I> ? BOTTOM : TOP)
141 |
142 |
Each CASELIM is constructed using make_caselim:
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branch: LABEL
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In the case construction, the<I> control</I> EXP is evaluated and
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tested to see whether its value lies inclusively between some <I>lower</I>
152 |
and <I>upper </I>in the list of CASELIMs. If so, control passes to
153 |
the corresponding <I>branch</I>. The order in which these tests are
154 |
performed is undefined, so it is probably best if the tests are exclusive.
155 |
The exhaustive flag being true asserts that one of the branches will
156 |
be taken and so the SHAPE of the result is BOTTOM. Otherwise, if none
157 |
of the branches are taken, its SHAPE is TOP and execution carries
158 |
on normally.<P>
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<A NAME=S59>
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<H3>6.2.5. conditional, repeat</H3>
161 |
Besides labelled, two other constructors, conditional and repeat,
162 |
introduce LABELs which can be used with the various jump instructions.
163 |
Both can be expressed as labelled, but have extra constraints which
164 |
make assertions about the use of the LABELs introduced and could usually
165 |
be translated more efficiently; hence producers are advised to use
166 |
them where possible. A conditional expression or statement would usually
167 |
be done using conditional:
168 |
169 |
170 |
<I> alt_label_intro</I>: LABEL
171 |
<I> first</I>: EXP <I>x</I>
172 |
<I> alt</I>: EXP <I>y</I>
173 |
-> EXP(LUB(<I>x, y</I>))
174 |
175 |
Here <I>first</I> is evaluated; if it terminates normally, its result
176 |
is the result of the conditional. If a jump to <I>alt_label_intro</I>
177 |
occurs then <I>alt</I> is evaluated and its result is the result of
178 |
the conditional. Clearly, this, so far, is just the same as labelled((<I>alt_label_intro
179 |
</I>), <I>first</I>, (<I>alt</I>)). However, conditional imposes the
180 |
constraint that <I>alt</I> cannot use <I>alt_label_intro</I>. All
181 |
jumps to <I>alt_label_intro</I> are "forward jumps" - a
182 |
useful property to know in a translator. <P>
183 |
Obviously, this kind of conditional is rather different to those found
184 |
in traditional high-level languages which usually have three components,
185 |
a boolean expression, a then-part and an else-part. Here, the <I>first</I>
186 |
component includes both the boolean expression and the then-part;
187 |
usually we find that it is a sequence of the tests (branching to <I>alt_label_intro
188 |
</I>) forming the boolean expression followed by the else-part. This
189 |
formulation means that HLL constructions like "andif" and
190 |
"orelse" do not require special constructions in TDF.<P>
191 |
A simple loop can be expressed using repeat:<P>
192 |
193 |
<I> repeat_label_intro</I>: LABEL
194 |
<I> start</I>: EXP TOP
195 |
<I> body</I>: EXP <I>y</I>
196 |
-> EXP <I>y</I>
197 |
198 |
The EXP <I>start</I> is evaluated, followed by <I>body</I> which is
199 |
labelled by <I>repeat_label_intro</I>. If a jump to <I>repeat_label_intro</I>
200 |
occurs in <I>body</I>, then <I>body</I> is re-evaluated. If <I>body</I>
201 |
terminates normally then its result is the result of the repeat. This
202 |
is just the same as:<P>
203 |
204 |
labelled((<I>repeat_label_intro</I>), sequence((<I>start</I>), goto(<I>repeat_label_intro
205 |
</I>)), <I>(body</I>))
206 |
207 |
except that no jumps to <I>repeat_label_intro</I> are allowed in <I>start</I>
208 |
- a useful place to do initialisations for the loop. <P>
209 |
Just as with conditionals, the tests for the continuing or breaking
210 |
the loop are included in <I>body</I> and require no special constructions.<P>
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<A NAME=S60>
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<HR><H2>6.3. <A NAME=31>Exceptional flow</H2>
213 |
A further way of changing the flow of control in a TDF program is
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by means of exceptions. TDF exceptions currently arise from three
215 |
sources - overflow in arithmetic operations with trap ERROR_TREATMENT(see
216 |
<A HREF="guide10.html#6">section 8.1.1 on page 40</A>) , an attempt
217 |
to access a value via a nil pointer using assign_with_mode, contents_with_mode
218 |
or move_some(see <A HREF="guide9.html#8">section 7.3 on page 38</A>)
219 |
or a stack overflow on procedure entry with PROCPROPS check_stack(see
220 |
<A HREF="guide7.html#24">section 5.2.2 on page 29</A>) or a local_alloc_check.
221 |
222 |
Each of these exceptions have an ERROR_CODE ascribed to them, namely
223 |
overflow, nil_access and stack_overflow. Each ERROR_CODE can be made
224 |
into a distinct NAT by means of the constructor error_val; these NATs
225 |
could be used, for example, to discriminate the different kinds of
226 |
errors using a case construction.<P>
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When one of these exceptions is raised, the translator will arrange
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that a TOKEN, ~Throw, is called with the appropriate ERROR_CODE as
229 |
its (sole) parameter. Given that every language has a different way
230 |
of both characterising and handling exceptions, the exact expansion
231 |
of ~Throw must be given by the producer for that language - usually
232 |
it will involve doing a long_jump to some label specifying a signal
233 |
handler and translating the ERROR_CODE into its language-specific
234 |
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The expansion of ~Throw forms part of the language specific environment
236 |
required for the translation of TDF derived from the language, just
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as the exact shape of FILE must be given for the translation of C.<P>
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<P><I>Part of the <A HREF="../index.html">TenDRA Web</A>.<BR>Crown
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Copyright © 1998.</I></P>
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