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<TITLE>Values, variables and assignments.</TITLE>
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<A NAME=S61>
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<H1>TDF Guide, Issue 4.0 </H1>
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<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<DT><A HREF="#S62"><B>7.1 </B> - contents</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S63"><B>7.2 </B> - assign</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S64"><B>7.3 </B> - TRANSFER_MODE operations</A>
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<DT><A HREF="#S65"><B>7.4 </B> - Assigning and extracting bitfields</A><DD>
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<H1>7 Values, variables and assignments.</H1>
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TAGs in TDF fulfil the role played by identifiers in most programming
29 |
languages. One can apply obtain_tag to find the value bound to the
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TAG. This value is always a constant over the scope of a particular
31 |
definition of the TAG. This may sound rather strange to those used
32 |
to the concepts of left-hand and right-hand values in C, for example,
33 |
but is quite easily explained as follows. <P>
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If a TAG, id, is introduced by an identify, then the value bound is
35 |
fixed by its <I>definition</I> argument. If, on the other hand, v
36 |
was a TAG introduced by a variable definition, then the value bound
37 |
to v is a pointer to fixed space in the procedure frame (i.e. the
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left-hand value in C). <P>
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<A NAME=S62>
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<HR><H2>7.1. contents</H2>
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In order to get the contents of this space (the right-hand value in
42 |
C), one must apply the contents operator to the pointer:<P>
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44 |
contents(shape(v), obtain_tag(v))
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In general, the contents constructor takes a SHAPE and an expression
47 |
delivering pointer:<P>
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49 |
<I> s</I>: SHAPE
50 |
<I> arg1</I>: EXP POINTER(<I>x</I>)
51 |
-> EXP <I>s</I>
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It delivers the value of SHAPE <I>s</I>, pointed at by the evaluation
54 |
of <I>arg1</I>. The alignment of <I>s</I> need not be identical to
55 |
<I>x</I>. It only needs to be included in it; this would allow one,
56 |
for example, to pick out the first field of a structure from a pointer
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to it.<P>
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<A NAME=S63>
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<HR><H2>7.2. assign</H2>
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A simple assignment in TDF is done using assign:<P>
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<I> arg1</I>: EXP POINTER(<I>x</I>)
63 |
<I> arg2</I>: EXP <I>y</I>
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The EXPs <I>arg1</I> and <I>arg2</I> are evaluated (no ordering implied)
67 |
and the value of SHAPE <I>y</I> given by <I>arg2</I> is put into the
68 |
space pointed at by <I>arg1</I>. Once again, the alignment of <I>y</I>
69 |
need only be included in <I>x</I>, allowing the assignment to the
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first field of a structure using a pointer to the structure. An assignment
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has no obvious result so its SHAPE is TOP. <P>
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Some languages give results to assignments. For example, C defines
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the result of an assignment to be its right-hand expression, so that
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if the result of (v = exp) was required, it would probably be expressed
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77 |
identify(empty, newtag, exp,
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sequence((assign(obtain_tag(v), obtain_tag(newtag))), obtain_tag(newtag)))
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From the definition of assign, the destination argument, <I>arg1</I>,
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must have a POINTER shape. This means that given the TAG id above,
83 |
assign(obtain_tag(id), lhs) is only legal if the <I>definition</I>
84 |
of its identify had a POINTER SHAPE. A trivial example would be if
85 |
id was defined: <P>
86 |
87 |
identify(empty, id, obtain_tag(v), assign(obtain_tag(id), lhs))
88 |
89 |
This identifies id with the variable v which has a POINTER SHAPE,
90 |
and assigns lhs to this pointer. Given that id does not occur in lhs,
91 |
this is identical to:<P>
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assign(obtain_tag(v), lhs).
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Equivalences like this are widely used for transforming TDF in translators
96 |
and other tools (see <A HREF="guide13.html#0">section 11 on page 48</A>).<P>
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<A NAME=S64>
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<HR><H2>7.3. <A NAME=8>TRANSFER_MODE operations</H2>
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The TRANSFER_MODE operations allow one to do assignment and contents
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operations with various qualifiers to control how the access is done
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in a more detailed manner than the standard contents and assign operations.<P>
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For example, the value assigned in assign has some fixed SHAPE; its
103 |
size is known at translate-time. Variable sized objects can be moved
104 |
by move_some:<P>
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107 |
<I>arg1</I>: EXP POINTER <I>x</I>
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<I>arg2</I>: EXP POINTER y
109 |
<I>arg3</I>: EXP OFFSET(z, t)
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The EXP <I>arg1</I> is the destination pointer, and <I>arg2</I> is
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a source pointer. The amount moved is given by the OFFSET <I>arg3</I>.
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The TRANSFER_MODE<I> md</I> parameter controls the way that the move
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will be performed. If overlap is present, then the translator will
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ensure that the move is equivalent to moving the source into new space
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and then copying it to the destination; it would probably do this
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by choosing a good direction in which to step through the value. The
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alternative, standard_transfer_mode, indicates that it does not matter.<P>
121 |
If the TRANSFER_MODE trap_on_nil is present and
122 |
<I>arg1</I> is a nil pointer, a TDF exception with ERROR_CODE nil_access
123 |
is raised.<P>
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There are variants of both the contents and assign constructors. The
125 |
signature of contents_with_mode is:<P>
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128 |
<I>s</I>: SHAPE
129 |
<I>arg1</I>: EXP POINTER(<I>x</I>)
130 |
-> EXP s
131 |
132 |
Here, the only significant TRANSFER_MODE constructors <I>md</I> are
133 |
trap_on_nil and volatile. The latter is principally intended to implement
134 |
the C volatile construction; it certainly means that the contents_with_mode
135 |
operation will never be "optimised" away.<P>
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Similar considerations apply to assign_with_mode; here the overlap
137 |
TRANSFER_MODE is also possible with the same meaning as in move_some.<P>
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<A NAME=S65>
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<HR><H2>7.4. <A NAME=16>Assigning and extracting bitfields</H2>
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Since pointers to bits are forbidden, two special operations are provided
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to extract and assign bitfields. These require the use of a pointer
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value and a bitfield offset from the pointer. The signature of bitfield_contents
143 |
which extracts a bitfield in this manner is:<P>
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<I>arg1</I>: EXP POINTER(<I>x</I>)
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<I>arg2</I>: EXP OFFSET(<I>y,z</I>)
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-> EXP bitfield(<I>v</I>)
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Here <I>arg1</I> is a pointer to an alignment <I>x</I> which includes
151 |
<I>v</I>, the required bitfield alignment. In practice, <I>x</I> must
152 |
include an INTEGER VARIETY whose representation can contain the entire
153 |
bitfield. Thus on a standard architecture, if v is a 15 bit bitfield,
154 |
x must include at least a 16 bit integer variety; a 27 bitfield would
155 |
require a 32 bit integer variety and so on. Indeed the constraint
156 |
is stronger than this since there must be an integer variety, accessible
157 |
from arg1, which entirely contains the bitfield. <P>
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This constraint means that producers cannot expect that arbitrary
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bitfield lengths can be accomodated without extra padding; clearly
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it also means that the maximum bitfield length possible is the maximum
161 |
size of integer variety that can be implemented on the translator
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concerned (this is defined to be at least 32). On standard architectures,
163 |
the producer can expect that an array of bitfields of lenth 2<I>n
164 |
</I>will be packed without padding; this, of course, includes arrays
165 |
of booleans. For structures of several different bitfields, he can
166 |
be sure of no extra padding bits if the total number of bits involved
167 |
is less than or equal to 32; similarly if he can subdivide the bitfields
168 |
so that each of the subdivisions (except the last) is exactly equal
169 |
to 32 and the last is less than or equal to 32. This could be relaxed
170 |
to 64 bits if the translator deals with 64 bit integer varieties,
171 |
but would require that conditional TDF is produced to maintain portability
172 |
to 32 bit platforms - and on these platforms the assurance of close
173 |
packing would be lost.<P>
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Since a producer is ignorant of the exact representational varieties
175 |
used by a translator, the onus is on the translator writer to provide
176 |
standard tokens which can be used by a producer to achieve both optimum
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packing of bitfields and minimum alignments for COMPOUNDs containing
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them(see <A HREF="guide14.html#12">Bitfield offsets on page 54</A>).
179 |
These tokens would allow one to construct an offset of the form OFFSET(x,
180 |
b) (where b is some bitfield alignment and x is the `minimum' alignment
181 |
which could contain it) in a manner analogous to the normal padding
182 |
operations for offsets. This offset could then used both in the construction
183 |
of a compound shape and in the extraction and assignment constructors.<P>
184 |
The assignment of bitfields follows the same pattern with the same
185 |
constraints using bitfield_assign:<P>
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<I>arg1</I>: EXP POINTER(<I>x</I>)
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<I>arg2</I>: EXP OFFSET(<I>y,z</I>)
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<P><I>Part of the <A HREF="../index.html">TenDRA Web</A>.<BR>Crown
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Copyright © 1998.</I></P>
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