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<TITLE>TDF and Portability: Conclusions</TITLE>
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<H1>TDF and Portability</H1>
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<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<H1>4. Conclusions</H1>
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The philosophy underlying the whole TDF approach to portability is
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that of separation or isolation. This separation of the various components
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of the compilation system means that to a large extent they can be
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considered independently. The separation is only possible because
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the definition of TDF has mechanisms which facilitate it - primarily
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the token mechanism, but also the capsule linkage scheme.<P>
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The most important separation is that of the abstract description
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of the syntactic aspects of the API, in the form of the target independent
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headers, from the API implementation. It is this which enables the
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separation of target independent from target dependent code which
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is necessary for any Architecture Neutral Distribution Format. It
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also means that programs can be checked against the abstract API description,
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instead of against a particular implementation, allowing for effective
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API conformance testing of applications. Furthermore, it isolates
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the actual program from the API implementation, thereby allowing the
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programmer to work in the idealised world envisaged by the API description,
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rather than the real world of API implementations and all their faults.<P>
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This isolation also means that these API implementation problems are
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seen to be genuinely separate from the main program development. They
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are isolated into a single process, TDF library building, which needs
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to be done only once per API implementation. Because of the separation
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of the API description from the implementation, this library building
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process also serves as a conformance check for the syntactic aspects
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of the API implementation. However the approach is evolutionary in
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that it can handle the current situation while pointing the way forward.
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Absolute API conformance is not necessary; the TDF libraries can be
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used as a medium for workarounds for minor implementation errors.<P>
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The same mechanism which is used to separate the API description and
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implementation can also be used within an application to separate
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the target dependent code from the main body of target independent
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code. This use of user-defined APIs also enables a separation of the
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portability requirements of the program from the particular ways these
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requirements are implemented on the various target machines. Again,
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the approach is evolutionary, and not prescriptive. Programs can be
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made more portable in incremental steps, with the degree of portability
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to be used being made a conscious decision.<P>
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In a sense the most important contribution TDF has to portability
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is in enabling the various tasks of API description, API implementation
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and program writing to be considered independently, while showing
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up the relationships between them. It is often said that well specified
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APIs are the solution to the world's portability and interoperability
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problems; but by themselves they can never be. Without methods of
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checking the conformance of programs which use the API and of API
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implementations, the APIs themselves will remain toothless. TDF, by
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providing syntactic API checking for both programs and implementations,
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is a significant first step towards solving this problem.<P>
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[1] <I>tcc User's Guide</I>, DRA, 1993.<BR>
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[2] <I>tspec - An API Specification Tool</I>, DRA, 1993.<BR>
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[3] <I>The C to TDF Producer</I>, DRA, 1993.<BR>
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[4] <I>A Guide to the TDF Specification</I>, DRA, 1993.<BR>
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[5] <I>TDF Facts and Figures</I>, DRA, 1993.<BR>
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[6] <I>TDF Specification</I>, DRA, 1993.<BR>
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[7] <I>The 80386/80486 TDF Installer</I>, DRA, 1992.<BR>
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[8] <I>A Guide to Porting using TDF</I>, DRA, 1993.<BR>
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[9] <I>The TDF Notation Compiler</I>, DRA, 1993.<P>
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