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<TITLE>tcc User's Guide: tcc Environments</TITLE>
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<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#400080" ALINK="#FF0000">
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<A NAME=S14>
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<H1>tcc User's Guide</H1>
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<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<DT><A HREF="#S15"><B>4.1</B> - The Environment Search Path</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S16"><B>4.2</B> - The Default Environment: Configuring
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<DT><A HREF="#S17"><B>4.3</B> - Using Environments to Specify APIs</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S18"><B>4.4</B> - Using Environments to Implement tcc
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<DT><A HREF="#S19"><B>4.5</B> - User-Defined Environments</A><DD>
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<H1>4. tcc Environments</H1>
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In addition to command-line options, there is a second method of specifying
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<CODE>tcc</CODE>'s behaviour, namely <CODE>tcc</CODE> environments.
31 |
An environment is just a file consisting of lines of the form:<P>
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where <CODE>*</CODE> stands for one of the environment prefixes, <CODE>+</CODE>,
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<CODE><</CODE> and <CODE>></CODE>
37 |
(in fact <CODE>?</CODE> is also a valid environment prefix. It is
38 |
used to query the values represented by environmental identifiers.
39 |
If <CODE>tcc
40 |
</CODE> is invoked with the <B>-Ystatus</B> command-line option it
41 |
will print the values of all the environmental identifiers it recognises).
42 |
Any line in the environment not beginning with one of these characters
43 |
is ignored. <CODE>IDENTIFIER</CODE> will be one of the environmental
44 |
identifiers recognised by <CODE>tcc</CODE>, the environment prefix
45 |
will tell <CODE>tcc</CODE> how to modify the value given by this identifier,
46 |
and <CODE>text</CODE> what to modify it by.<P>
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The simplest environmental identifiers are those which are used to
48 |
pass flags to <CODE>tcc</CODE> and the various components of the compilation
49 |
system. The line:<P>
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51 |
+FLAG "text"
52 |
53 |
causes <CODE>text</CODE> to be interpreted by <CODE>tcc</CODE> as
54 |
if it was a command-line option. Similarly:<P>
55 |
56 |
+FLAG_TDFC "text"
57 |
58 |
causes <CODE>text</CODE> to be passed as an option to <CODE>tdfc</CODE>.
59 |
There are similar environmental identifiers for each of the components
60 |
of the compilation system (see 7.6</A> for a complete list).<P>
61 |
The second class of environmental identifiers are those corresponding
62 |
to simple string variables. Only the form:<P>
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is allowed. This will set the corresponding variable to <CODE>text</CODE>.
67 |
The permitted environmental identifiers and the corresponding variables
68 |
69 |
<CODE>ENVDIR</CODE> the default environments directory (see section
70 |
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72 |
MACHINE the target machine type (see section 4.2),
73 |
PORTABILITY the producer portability table (see section 5.1.3),
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TEMP the default temporary directory (see section 6.4),
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VERSION the target machine version (Mips only, see section 5.3.4).
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77 |
The final class of environmental identifiers are those corresponding
78 |
to lists of strings. Firstly <CODE>text</CODE> is transformed into
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a list of strings, b say, by splitting at any spaces, then the list
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corresponding to the identifier, a say, is modified by this value.
81 |
How this modification is done depends on the environment prefix:<P>
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83 |
<LI>if the prefix is <CODE>+</CODE> then a = b,<P>
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<LI>if the prefix is <CODE>></CODE> then a = a + b,<P>
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<LI>if the prefix is <CODE><</CODE> then a = b + a,<P>
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where + denotes concatenation of lists. The lists represented in this
88 |
way include those giving the pathnames of the executables of the various
89 |
compilation components (plus default flags). These are given by the
90 |
identifiers <CODE>TDFC</CODE>, <CODE>TLD</CODE>, etc. (see 7.6 for
91 |
a complete list). The other lists can be divided between those affecting
92 |
the producer, the TDF linker, and the system linker respectively (see
93 |
sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.5 for more details):<P>
94 |
95 |
INCL list of default producer include file directories (as <B>-I</B> options),
96 |
STARTUP list of default producer start-up files (as <B>-f</B> options),
97 |
STARTUP_DIR list of default producer start-up directories (as <B>-I</B> options),
98 |
99 |
LIB list of default TDF libraries (as <B>-l</B> options),
100 |
LINK list of default TDF library directories (as <B>-L</B> options),
101 |
102 |
CRT0 list of default initial .o files,
103 |
CRT1 second list of default initial .o files,
104 |
CRTN list of default final .o files,
105 |
SYS_LIB list of default system libraries (as <B>-l</B> options),
106 |
SYS_LIBC list of default standard system libraries (as <B>-l</B> options),
107 |
SYS_LINK list of default system library directories (as <B>-L</B> options).
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<A NAME=S15>
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<HR><H2>4.1. The Environment Search Path</H2>
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The command-line option <B>-Y</B><I>env</I> tells <CODE>tcc</CODE>
112 |
to read the environment <I>env</I>. If <I>env</I> is not a full pathname
113 |
then it is searched for along the environment search path. This consists
114 |
of a colon-separated list of directories, the initial segment of which
115 |
is given by the system variable <CODE>TCCENV</CODE>
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(we use the term "system variable" to describe <CODE>TCCENV</CODE>
117 |
rather than the more normal "environmental variable" to
118 |
avoid confusion with <CODE>tcc</CODE> environments) if this is defined,
119 |
and the final segment of which consists of the default environments
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directory, which is built into <CODE>tcc</CODE>
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at compile-time, and the current working directory. The option <B>-show_env</B>
122 |
causes <CODE>tcc</CODE> to print this environment search path. If
123 |
the environment cannot be found, then a warning is issued.<P>
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<A NAME=S16>
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<HR><H2>4.2. The Default Environment: Configuring tcc</H2>
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The most important environment is the <CODE>default</CODE> environment,
127 |
which is built into <CODE>tcc</CODE> at compile-time. This does not
128 |
mean that the <CODE>default</CODE> environment is read every time
129 |
that <CODE>tcc</CODE> is invoked, but rather that it is read once
130 |
(at compile-time) to determine the default configuration of <CODE>tcc</CODE>.<P>
131 |
The information included in the <CODE>default</CODE> environment includes:
132 |
the pathnames and default flags of the various components of the compilation
133 |
system; the target machine type; the default temporary directory;
134 |
the specification of the target independent headers, TDF libraries
135 |
and system libraries comprising the default API (which is always ANSI);
136 |
the variables specifying the default compilation mode; the default
137 |
environments directory (mentioned above).<P>
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The target machine type, defined by the <CODE>MACHINE</CODE> environmental
139 |
identifier, actually plays a very minor role in dealing with the very
140 |
real target dependency problems in <CODE>tcc</CODE>. These problems
141 |
are caused by the fact that <CODE>tcc</CODE> is designed to work on
142 |
many different target machines. All the information on where the executables,
143 |
include files, TDF libraries etc. are located on a particular machine
144 |
is stored in the standard environments, and in particular, the <CODE>default
145 |
</CODE> environment. The interaction with the system assembler and,
146 |
more importantly, the system linker is also expressed using environments.
147 |
The only target dependencies for which the machine type needs to be
148 |
known are genuine aberrations. For example, the TDF to Mips translator
149 |
and the Mips assembler are completely different from most other translator-assembler
150 |
pairs in that they pass two files, a <CODE>.G</CODE> and a <CODE>.T</CODE>
151 |
file, between them, rather than the more normal single <CODE>.s</CODE>
152 |
file. Thus it is important for <CODE>tcc</CODE> to know that the machine
153 |
type is Mips in this case (see section 5.3.4</A> for more details).<P>
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<A NAME=S17>
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<HR><H2>4.3. Using Environments to Specify APIs</H2>
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Another important use of environments concerns their use in specifying
157 |
APIs. As was mentioned above, an API may be considered to have three
158 |
components: the target independent headers, giving an abstract description
159 |
of the API to the producer, and the TDF libraries and system libraries,
160 |
giving the details of the API implementation to the installer. Environments
161 |
are an ideal medium for expressing this information. The <CODE>INCL</CODE>
162 |
environmental identifier can be used to specify the location of the
163 |
target independent headers, <CODE>LIB</CODE> and <CODE>LINK</CODE>
164 |
the location of the TDF libraries, and <CODE>SYS_LIB</CODE> and <CODE>SYS_LINK
165 |
</CODE> the location of the system libraries. Moreover, all this information
166 |
can be canned into a single command-line option.<P>
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A number of standard APIs have been described as target independent
168 |
headers and are provided with the TDF system. A <CODE>tcc</CODE> environment
169 |
is provided for each of these APIs (for example, <CODE>ansi</CODE>,
170 |
<CODE>posix</CODE>, <CODE>xpg3</CODE> - see 7.5</A> for a complete
171 |
list, also see section 6.3</A>). There is an important distinction
172 |
to be made between base APIs (for example, POSIX) and extension APIs
173 |
(for example, X11 Release 5). The command-line option <B>-Yposix</B>
174 |
sets the API to be precisely POSIX, whereas the option <B>-Yx5_lib</B>
175 |
sets it to the existing API plus the X11 Release 5 basic X library.
176 |
This is done by using <CODE>+INCL</CODE> etc. in the <CODE>posix</CODE>
177 |
environment to set the various variables corresponding to these environmental
178 |
identifiers to precisely the values for POSIX, but <CODE><INCL</CODE>
179 |
etc. in the <CODE>x5_lib</CODE> environment to extend these variables
180 |
by the values for X11 Release 5. Thus, to specify the API POSIX plus
181 |
X11 Release 5, the command-line options <B>-Yposix -Yx5_lib</B> are
182 |
required (in that order).<P>
183 |
All the standard API environments provided also contain lines which
184 |
set, or modify, the <CODE>INFO</CODE> environmental identifier. This
185 |
contains textual information on the API, including API names and version
186 |
numbers. This information can be printed by invoking <CODE>tcc</CODE>
187 |
with the <B>-info</B> command-line option. For example, the command-line
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189 |
190 |
> tcc -info -Yposix -Yx5_lib
191 |
192 |
cause the message:<P>
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194 |
tcc: API is X11 Release 5 Xlib plus POSIX (1003.1).
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to be printed.<P>
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As was mentioned above, the default API is ANSI. Thus invoking <CODE>tcc</CODE>
198 |
without specifying an API environment is equivalent to giving the
199 |
<B>-Yansi</B> command-line option. On the basis that, when it comes
200 |
to portability, explicit decisions are better than implicit ones,
201 |
the use of <B>-Yansi</B> is recommended.<P>
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<A NAME=S18>
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<HR><H2>4.4. Using Environments to Implement tcc Options</H2>
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Another use to which environments are put is to implement certain
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<CODE>tcc</CODE> command-line options. In particular, some options
206 |
require different actions depending on the target machine. It is far
207 |
easier to implement these by means of an environment, which can be
208 |
defined differently on each target machine, rather than by trying
209 |
to build all the alternative definitions into <CODE>tcc</CODE>.<P>
210 |
An important example is the <B>-g</B> flag, which causes the generation
211 |
of information for symbolic debugging. Depending on the target machine,
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different flags may need to be passed to the assembler and system
213 |
linker when <B>-g</B> is specified, or the default <CODE>.o</CODE>
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files and libraries used by the linker may need to be changed. For
215 |
this reason <CODE>tcc</CODE> uses a standard environment, <CODE>tcc_diag</CODE>,
216 |
to implement the <B>-g</B> option.<P>
217 |
For a complete list of those options which are implemented by means
218 |
of environments, see 7.7</A>. If the given option is not supported
219 |
on a particular target machine, then the corresponding environment
220 |
will not exist, and <CODE>tcc</CODE> will issue a warning to that
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<A NAME=S19>
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<HR><H2>4.5. User-Defined Environments</H2>
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The <CODE>tcc</CODE> user can also set up and use environments. It
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is anticipated that this facility will be used mainly to group a number
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of <CODE>tcc</CODE> command-line options into an environment using
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the <CODE>FLAG</CODE> environmental identifier and to set up environments
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corresponding to user-defined APIs.<P>
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<P><I>Part of the <A HREF="../index.html">TenDRA Web</A>.<BR>Crown
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Copyright © 1998.</I></P>
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