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<TITLE>tcc User's Guide: Miscellaneous Topics</TITLE>
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<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#400080" ALINK="#FF0000">
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<A NAME=S43>
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<H1>tcc User's Guide</H1>
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<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<DT><A HREF="#S44"><B>6.1</B> - Intermodular Checks</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S45"><B>6.2</B> - Debugging and Profiling</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S46"><B>6.3</B> - The System Environment</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S47"><B>6.4</B> - The Temporary Directory</A><DD>
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<DT><A HREF="#S48"><B>6.5</B> - The tcc Option Interpreter</A>
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<H1>6. Miscellaneous Topics</H1>
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In this section we draw together a number of miscellaneous topics
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not so far covered.<P>
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<A NAME=S44>
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<HR><H2>6.1. Intermodular Checks</H2>
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All of the extra compiler checks described in section 5.1.3</A> refer
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to a single C source file, however <CODE>tcc</CODE> also has support
34 |
for a number of intermodular checks. These checks are enabled by means
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of the <B>-im</B> command-line option. This causes the producer to
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create for each C source file, in addition to its TDF capsule output
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file, a second output file, called a C spec file, containing a description
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of the C objects declared in that file. This C spec file is kept associated
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with the target independent TDF as it is transformed to a target dependent
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capsule, an assembly source file, and a binary object file. When these
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binary object files are linked then the associated C spec files are
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also linked using the C spec linker, <CODE>spec_linker</CODE>, into
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a single C spec file. This file is named <CODE>a.k</CODE> by default.
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It is this linking process which constitutes the intermodular checking
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(in fact <CODE>spec_linker</CODE> may also be invoked at the TDF merging
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level when the <B>-M</B> option is used).<P>
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When intermodular checks are specified, <CODE>tcc</CODE> will also
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recognise input files with a <CODE>.k</CODE> suffix as C spec files
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and pass them to the C spec linker.<P>
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The nature of the association between a C spec file and its binary
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object file needs discussion. While these files are internal to a
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single call of <CODE>tcc</CODE> it can keep track of the association,
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however if the compilation is halted before linking it needs to preserve
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this association. For example in:<P>
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> tcc -im -c a.c
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the binary object file <CODE>a.o</CODE> and the C spec file <CODE>a.k</CODE>
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need to be kept together. This is done by forming them into a single
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archive file named <CODE>a.o</CODE>. When <CODE>a.o</CODE> is subsequently
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linked, <CODE>tcc</CODE> recognises that it is an archive and splits
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it into its two components, one of which it passes to the system linker,
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and one to the C spec linker.<P>
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Intermodular checking is described in more detail in [3]. In <CODE>tchk</CODE>
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intermodular checking is on by default, but may be switched off using
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<A NAME=S45>
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<HR><H2>6.2. Debugging and Profiling</H2>
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<CODE>tcc</CODE> supports options for both symbolic debugging using
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the target machine's default debugger, and profiling using <CODE>prof</CODE>
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on those machines which have it.<P>
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The <B>-g</B> command-line option causes the producer to output extra
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debugging information in its output TDF capsule, and the TDF translator
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to translate this information into the appropriate assembler directives
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for its supported debugger (for details of which debuggers are supported
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by which translators, consult the appropriate manual pages). For the
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translator to have all the diagnostic information it requires, not
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only the TDF capsules output by the producer, but also those linked
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in by the TDF linker from the TDF libraries, need to contain this
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debugging information. This is ensured for the standard TDF libraries
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by having two versions of each library, one containing diagnostics
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and one not. By default the environmental identifier <CODE>LINK</CODE>,
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which gives the directories which the TDF linker should search, is
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set so that the non-diagnostic versions are found. However the <B>-g</B>
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option modifies <CODE>LINK</CODE> so that the diagnostic versions
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are found first.<P>
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Depending on the target machine, the <B>-g</B> option may also need
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to modify the behaviour of the system assembler and the system linker.
89 |
Like all potentially target dependent options, <B>-g</B> is implemented
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by means of a standard environment, in this case <CODE>tcc_diag</CODE>.<P>
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The <B>-p</B> option is likewise implemented by means of a standard
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environment, <CODE>tcc_prof</CODE>. It causes the producer to output
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extra information on the names of statically declared objects, and
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the TDF translator to output assembler directives which enable <CODE>prof</CODE>
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to profile the number of calls to each procedure (including static
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procedures). The behaviour of the system assembler and system linker
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may also be modified by <B>-p</B>, depending on the target machine.<P>
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<A NAME=S46>
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<HR><H2>6.3. The System Environment</H2>
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In section 4.3</A> we discussed how <CODE>tcc</CODE> environments
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can be used to specify APIs. There is one API environment however
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which is so exceptional that it needs to be treated separately. This
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is the <CODE>system</CODE> environment, which specifies that <CODE>tcc</CODE>
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should emulate <CODE>cc</CODE> on the machine on which it is being
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run. The <CODE>system</CODE> environment specifies that <CODE>tcc</CODE>
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should use the system headers directory, <CODE>/usr/include</CODE>,
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as its default include file directory, and should define all the machine
108 |
dependent macros which are built into <CODE>cc</CODE>. It will also
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specify the 32-bit portability table on 32-bit machines.<P>
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Despite the differences from the normal API environments, the <CODE>system
111 |
</CODE> environment is indeed specifying an API, namely the system
112 |
headers and libraries on the host machine. This means that the <CODE>.j</CODE>
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files produced when using this environment are only "target independent"
114 |
in the sense that they can be ported successfully to machines which
115 |
have the exactly the same system headers and predefined macros.<P>
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Using the system headers is fraught with difficulties. In particular,
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they tend to be very <CODE>cc</CODE>-specific. It is often necessary
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to use the <B>-not_ansi</B> and <B>-nepc</B> options together with
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<B>-Ysystem</B> merely to negotiate the system headers. Even then,
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<CODE>tcc</CODE> may still reject some constructs. Of course, the
121 |
number of problems encountered will vary considerably between different
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To conclude, the <CODE>system</CODE> environment is at best only suitable
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for experimental compilation. There are also potential problems involved
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with its use. It should therefore be used with care.<P>
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<A NAME=S47>
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<HR><H2>6.4. The Temporary Directory</H2>
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As we have said, <CODE>tcc</CODE> creates a temporary directory in
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which to put all the intermediate files which are created, but are
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not to be preserved. By default, these intermediate files are left
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in the temporary directory until the end of the compilation, when
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the temporary directory is removed. However, if disk space is short,
133 |
or a particularly large compilation is taking place, the <B>-tidy</B>
134 |
command-line option may be appropriate. This causes <CODE>tcc</CODE>
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to remove each unwanted intermediate file immediately when it is no
136 |
longer required.<P>
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The name of the temporary directory created by <CODE>tcc</CODE> to
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store the intermediate files is generated by the system library routine
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<CODE>tempnam</CODE>. It takes the form <CODE>TEMP/tcc????</CODE>,
140 |
where <CODE>TEMP</CODE> is the main <CODE>tcc</CODE> temporary directory,
141 |
and <CODE>????</CODE> is an automatically generated unique suffix.
142 |
There are three methods of specifying <CODE>TEMP</CODE>, listed in
143 |
order of increasing precedence:<P>
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<LI>by the <CODE>TEMP</CODE> environmental identifier (usually in
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the <CODE>default</CODE> environment),<P>
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<LI>by the <B>-temp</B> <I>dir</I> command-line option,<P>
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<LI>by the <CODE>TMPDIR</CODE> system variable.<P>
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Normally <CODE>TEMP</CODE> will be a normal temporary directory, <CODE>/tmp
151 |
</CODE> or <CODE>/usr/tmp</CODE> for example, but any directory to
152 |
which the user has write permission may be used. In general, the more
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spare disk space which is available in <CODE>TEMP</CODE>, the better.<P>
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<A NAME=S48>
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<HR><H2>6.5. The tcc Option Interpreter</H2>
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All <CODE>tcc</CODE> command-line options and environmental directives
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are actually processed by the same method, namely the <CODE>tcc</CODE>
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option interpreter. A simple pattern matching algorithm is applied
159 |
to the input and, if a match is found, the corresponding instructions
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are sent to the low-level option interpreter. The command-line option
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<B>--</B><I>str</I><B>,</B> ... causes <I>str</I> to be passed directly
162 |
to the option interpreter. This is intended primarily to help in debugging
163 |
<CODE>tcc</CODE> and not for use by the general user. However, if
164 |
you are interested, <B>--1DB</B> is a good place to start.<P>
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[1] <I>TDF and Portability</I>, DRA, 1994.
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[2] <I>The C to TDF Producer</I>, DRA, 1993.
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[3] <I>The TenDRA Static Checker</I>, DRA, 1994.
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[4] <I>The TDF Notation Compiler</I>, DRA, 1994.
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<P><I>Part of the <A HREF="../index.html">TenDRA Web</A>.<BR>Crown
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Copyright © 1998.</I></P>
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