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<!-- Crown Copyright (c) 1998 -->
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TDF Linker
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<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#400080" ALINK="#FF0000">
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<H1>The TDF Linker</H1>
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<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<DT><A HREF="#S1"><B>1</B> - Introduction</A><DD>
23 |
<DT><A HREF="#S2"><B>2</B> - Basic TDF structures</A><DD>
24 |
<DT><A HREF="#S3"><B>3</B> - Structure of a TDF Capsule</A><DD>
25 |
<DT><A HREF="#S4"><B>4</B> - Linker information unit groups</A><DD>
26 |
<DT><A HREF="#S5"><B>5</B> - Structure of a TDF library</A><DD>
27 |
<DT><A HREF="#S6"><B>6</B> - Purpose</A><DD>
28 |
<DT><A HREF="#S7"><B>7</B> - TDF Linking</A><DD>
29 |
30 |
<DT><A HREF="#S71"><B>7.1</B> - Basic linking</A><DD>
31 |
<DT><A HREF="#S72"><B>7.2</B> - Renaming</A><DD>
32 |
<DT><A HREF="#S73"><B>7.3</B> - Library capsules</A><DD>
33 |
<DT><A HREF="#S74"><B>7.4</B> - Hiding</A><DD>
34 |
<DT><A HREF="#S75"><B>7.5</B> - Writing out the capsule</A><DD>
35 |
36 |
<DT><A HREF="#S8"><B>8</B> - Constructing TDF Libraries</A><DD>
37 |
38 |
39 |
<H2><A NAME=S1>1. Introduction</A></H2>
40 |
41 |
This document describes the formats of the files used by the TDF linker
42 |
and the linker's required behaviour. There are two file formats:
43 |
the capsule format and the library format. It also describes the
44 |
format of the linker information units within capsules. The capsule
45 |
format is described in more detail in the TDF specification.
46 |
47 |
48 |
<H2><A NAME=S2>2. Basic TDF structures</A></H2>
49 |
50 |
The structure of a TDF capsule is defined properly in the TDF specification.
51 |
This section describes the basic components of the TDF format that
52 |
the linker uses, and the remaining sections describe the format of
53 |
a TDF capsule, a TDF library and a linker information unit in terms
54 |
of these components. The basic components are:
55 |
56 |
<DT><CODE>ALIGN</CODE><DD> This is a byte alignment. It forces the
57 |
next object to begin on an eight bit boundary.<P>
58 |
<DT><CODE>TDFINT</CODE><DD> This is an unsigned number of unbounded
59 |
size. Its representation is described properly in the TDF specification.
60 |
It is a series of nibbles (four bits), with the high bit used as a
61 |
terminator and the low three bits used as an octal digit. The terminator
62 |
bit is set on the final octal digit. As an example, the number ten
63 |
would be represented (in binary) as: 0001 1010.<P>
64 |
<DT><CODE>BYTE</CODE><DD>This is an eight bit quantity. <CODE>BYTE</CODE>s
65 |
are always aligned on an eight bit boundary.<P>
66 |
67 |
of characters. It is possible to change the size of the characters,
68 |
although the current implementation will produce an error for <CODE>TDFIDENT
69 |
</CODE>s with character sizes other than eight bits. A <CODE>TDFIDENT</CODE>
70 |
is represented by two <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>s (the size of the characters
71 |
in bits and the number of characters in the <CODE>TDFIDENT</CODE>),
72 |
and a sequence of <CODE>BYTE</CODE>s.<P>
73 |
74 |
</CODE>s. It is represented as a
75 |
<CODE>TDFINT</CODE> specifying the number of <CODE>TDFIDENT</CODE>s
76 |
in the <CODE>UNIQUE</CODE>, followed by that many <CODE>TDFIDENT</CODE>s.<P>
77 |
78 |
for identifying external identifiers. It is represented as a discriminating
79 |
tag, followed by a byte alignment, followed by either a <CODE>TDFIDENT</CODE>
80 |
or a <CODE>UNIQUE</CODE>. The tag is a two bit number, where one
81 |
represents a <CODE>TDFIDENT</CODE>, two represents a
82 |
<CODE>UNIQUE</CODE>, and zero and three are currently illegal. <CODE>UNIQUE
83 |
</CODE>s are only used as part of an <CODE>EXTERNAL</CODE>; <CODE>TDFIDENT
84 |
</CODE>s are used as entities in their own right, as well as in <CODE>EXTERNAL
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
In the following descriptions, the syntax <I>name: type</I> is used
89 |
to specify an object in the structure. The <I>name</I> is used to
90 |
describe the purpose of the object; the <I>type</I> is used to describe
91 |
what the object is. A <I>type</I> is one of the following:
92 |
93 |
<DT><I>basic_type</I><DD>This represents one of the basic types listed
94 |
95 |
<DT><I>type</I> * <I>integer</I><DD>This represents a sequence of
96 |
objects of the specified type. The <I>integer</I> may be either
97 |
an integer literal, or a name that has been previously mentioned
98 |
and is a <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>
99 |
100 |
<DT>{ <I>name1</I>: <I>type1</I> ... <I>nameN</I>: <I>typeN</I> }<DD>This
101 |
represents a structure composed of the elements <I>name1: type1</I>
102 |
to <I>nameN: typeN</I>. It is used for sequences of objects where
103 |
the objects are not of basic types.<P>
104 |
<DT><I>type</I> = ( <I>value1</I> | ... | <I>valueN</I> )<DD>This
105 |
represents a type with a constraint imposed upon it. The object
106 |
value must be one of <I>value1</I> to <I>valueN</I>.
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
<H2><A NAME=S3>3. Structure of a TDF Capsule</A></H2>
111 |
112 |
A TDF capsule has the following structure:
113 |
114 |
magic BYTE * 4 = "TDFC"
115 |
major_version TDFINT
116 |
minor_version TDFINT
117 |
118 |
num_prop_names: TDFINT
119 |
prop_names: TDFIDENT * num_prop_names
120 |
num_linkable_entities: TDFINT
121 |
linkable_entities: {
122 |
123 |
num_capsule_scope_identifiers: TDFINT
124 |
} * num_linkable_entities
125 |
num_external_linkages: TDFINT = num_linkable_entities
126 |
external_linkages: {
127 |
num_entries: TDFINT
128 |
entries: {
129 |
capsule_scope_id: TDFINT
130 |
external_name: EXTERNAL
131 |
} * num_entries
132 |
} * num_external_linkages
133 |
num_unit_groups: TDFINT = num_prop_names
134 |
unit_groups: {
135 |
num_units: TDFINT
136 |
units: {
137 |
num_counts: TDFINT = (num_linkable_entities | 0)
138 |
counts: TDFINT * num_counts
139 |
num_link_sets: TDFINT = num_counts
140 |
link_sets: {
141 |
num_links: TDFINT
142 |
links: {
143 |
internal: TDFINT
144 |
external: TDFINT
145 |
} * num_links
146 |
} * num_link_sets
147 |
num_bytes_tdf: TDFINT
148 |
tdf: BYTE * num_bytes_tdf
149 |
} * num_units
150 |
} * num_unit_groups
151 |
152 |
The rest of this section describes the format of a capsule.
153 |
154 |
The capsule begins with a header that contains a four byte magic number
155 |
(<I>magic</I>: "TDFC"), followed by the major (<I>major_version</I>)
156 |
and minor (<I>minor_version</I>) version numbers of the TDF in the
157 |
capsule. This is then followed by a byte alignment and then the the
158 |
capsule body.
159 |
160 |
The first part of a capsule tells the linker how many types of unit
161 |
groups there are in the capsule (<I>num_prop_names</I>), and what
162 |
the names of these unit group types are (<I>prop_names</I>). There
163 |
can be many unit group types, but the linker must know what they are
164 |
called, and the order in which they should occur. At present the
165 |
linker knows about <I>tld</I>, <I>tld2</I>, <I>versions</I>,
166 |
<I>tokdec</I>, <I>tokdef</I>, <I>aldef</I>, <I>diagtype</I>, <I>tagdec</I>,
167 |
<I>diagdef</I>, <I>tagdef</I> and
168 |
<I>linkinfo</I> (this can be changed from the command line). There
169 |
is nothing special about any unit group type except for the <I>tld</I>
170 |
unit group type, which contains information that the linker uses (and
171 |
the <I>tld2</I> unit group type, which is obsolete, but is treated
172 |
as a special case of the <I>tld</I> unit group type). The format
173 |
of the <I>tld</I> unit group type is described in a later section.
174 |
175 |
The second part of the capsule tells the linker how many linkable
176 |
entities it should be linking on (<I>num_linkable_entities</I>), the
177 |
name of each linkable entity (<I>name</I>), and the number of identifiers
178 |
of each linkable entity at capsule scope (<I>num_capsule_scope_identifiers</I>).
179 |
Identifiers at capsule scope should be numbers from zero to one less
180 |
181 |
<I>num_capsule_scope_identifiers</I>. The identifier allocation may
182 |
be sparse, but the linker is optimized for continuous identifier allocation.
183 |
184 |
The third part of the capsule tells the linker which external names
185 |
the capsule contains for each linkable entity. For each linkable
186 |
entity listed in the second part, the number of external names of
187 |
that linkable entity are listed in this part (<I>num_entries</I>),
188 |
along with each of the external names (<I>external_name</I>) and the
189 |
corresponding capsule scope identifiers (<I>capsule_scope_id</I>).
190 |
The ordering of the linkable entities in part three must be identical
191 |
to the ordering of linkable entities in part two.
192 |
193 |
The fourth and final part of the capsule contains the unit groups
194 |
themselves. The unit groups occur in the same order as the unit group
195 |
types were listed in part one. For each unit group, there is a <CODE>TDFINT
196 |
</CODE> specifying the number of units in that unit group (<I>num_units</I>),
197 |
followed by that many units.
198 |
199 |
Each unit contains a list of counts (<I>counts</I>) and the number
200 |
of counts in that list (<I>num_counts</I>), which must be either zero
201 |
or the same as the number of linkable entities in the capsule (<I>num_linkable_entities
202 |
</I>). Each count contains the number of unit scope identifiers of
203 |
the given linkable entity in the unit. If the number of counts is
204 |
non-zero, then the counts must be in the same order as the linkable
205 |
entity names.
206 |
207 |
After the counts come the unit scope identifier to capsule scope identifier
208 |
mapping tables. The number of these tables is specified by
209 |
<I>num_link_sets</I> and must be the same as the number of counts
210 |
(<I>num_counts</I>), which is either zero or the same as the number
211 |
of linkable entities in the capsule. There is one table for each
212 |
linkable entity (if
213 |
<I>num_link_sets</I> is non-zero), and each table contains <I>num_links</I>
214 |
pairs of <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>s. The <I>internal</I> <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>
215 |
is the unit scope identifier; the
216 |
<I>external</I> <CODE>TDFINT</CODE> is the capsule scope identifier.
217 |
218 |
After the mapping tables there is a length (<I>num_bytes_tdf</I>),
219 |
and that many bytes of TDF data (<I>tdf</I>).
220 |
221 |
222 |
<H2><A NAME=S4>4. Linker information unit groups</A></H2>
223 |
224 |
The <I>tld</I> unit group (if it exists in the capsule) should contain
225 |
one unit only. This unit should begin with two zeroes (i.e. no counts,
226 |
and no identifier mapping tables), a length (which must be correct),
227 |
and a sequence of bytes.
228 |
229 |
The bytes encode information useful to the linker. The first thing
230 |
in the byte sequence of a <I>tld</I> unit is a <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>
231 |
that is the type of the unit. What follows depends upon the type.
232 |
There are currently two types that are supported: zero and one. Type
233 |
zero units contain the same information as the old <I>tld2</I> units
234 |
(if a <I>tld2</I> unit is read, it is treated as if it were a <I>tld</I>
235 |
unit that began with a type of zero; it is illegal for a capsule to
236 |
contain both a <I>tld</I> unit group and a <I>tld2</I> unit group).
237 |
Type one units contain more information (described below), and are
238 |
what the linker writes out in the generated capsule.
239 |
240 |
A version one unit contains a sequence of <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>s. There
241 |
is one <CODE>TDFINT</CODE> for each external name in part two of the
242 |
capsule. These <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>s should be in the same order as
243 |
the external names were. The <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>s are treated as
244 |
a sequence of bits, with the following meanings:
245 |
246 |
<P>0 = The name is used within this capsule.
247 |
<P>1 = The name is declared within this capsule.
248 |
<P>2 = The name is uniquely defined within this capsule. If this
249 |
bit is set for a tag, then the declared bit must also be set (i.e.
250 |
a declaration must exist).
251 |
<P>3 = The name is defined in this capsule, but may have other
252 |
definitions provided by other capsules. This bit may not be set
253 |
for tokens. If a tag has this bit set, then the declared bit must
254 |
also be set (i.e. a declaration must exist).
255 |
256 |
257 |
All of the other bits in the <CODE>TDFINT</CODE> are reserved. The
258 |
linker uses the information provided by this unit to check that names
259 |
do not have multiple unique definitions, and to decide whether libraries
260 |
should be consulted to provide a definition for an external name.
261 |
If a capsule contains no linker information unit group, then the external
262 |
names in that capsule will have no information, and hence these checks
263 |
will not be made. A similar situation arises when the information
264 |
for a name has no bits set.
265 |
266 |
A version zero unit contains a sequence of <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>s.
267 |
There is one <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>
268 |
for each external token name, and one <CODE>TDFINT</CODE> for each
269 |
external tag name. These <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>s should be in the same
270 |
order as the external names were (but the tokens always come before
271 |
the tags). The <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>s are treated as a sequence of
272 |
bits, with the same meanings as above.
273 |
274 |
275 |
<H2><A NAME=S5>5. Structure of a TDF library</A></H2>
276 |
277 |
A TDF library begins with a header, followed by a <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>,
278 |
that is the type of the library. At present only type zero libraries
279 |
are supported. The format of a type zero library is as follows:
280 |
281 |
magic: BYTE * 4 = "TDFL"
282 |
major_version: TDFINT
283 |
minor_version: TDFINT
284 |
285 |
type: TDFINT = 0
286 |
num_capsules: TDFINT
287 |
capsules: {
288 |
capsule_name: TDFIDENT
289 |
capsule_length: TDFINT
290 |
capsule_body: BYTE * capsule_length
291 |
} * num_capsules
292 |
num_linkable_entities: TDFINT
293 |
linkable_entities: {
294 |
linkable_entity_name: TDFIDENT
295 |
num_this_linkable_entity: TDFINT
296 |
this_linkable_entity_names: {
297 |
298 |
info: TDFINT
299 |
capsule: TDFINT
300 |
} * num_this_linkable_entity
301 |
} * num_linkable_entities
302 |
303 |
The library begins with a four byte magic number (<I>magic</I>: "TDFL"),
304 |
followed by the major (<I>major_version</I>) and minor (<I>minor_version</I>)
305 |
versions of the TDF in the library (the major version must be the
306 |
same for each capsule in the library; the minor version is the highest
307 |
of the minor version numbers of all of the the capsules contained
308 |
in the library). This is followed by a byte alignment, the type of
309 |
the library (<I>type</I>: 0), and the number of capsules in the library
310 |
(<I>num_capsules</I>), followed by that many capsules.
311 |
312 |
Each of the <I>capsules</I> has a name (<I>capsule_name</I>), and
313 |
the capsule content, which consists of the length of the capsule (<I>capsule_length
314 |
</I>) and that many bytes (<I>capsule_body</I>). The capsule name
315 |
is the name of the file from which the capsule was obtained when the
316 |
library was built. The names of capsules within a library must all
317 |
be different.
318 |
319 |
The library is terminated by the index. This contains information
320 |
about where to find definitions for external names. The index begins
321 |
with the number of linkable entities whose external names the library
322 |
will provide definitions for (<I>num_linkable_entities</I>).
323 |
324 |
For each of these linkable entities, the linkable entity index begins
325 |
with the name of the linkable entity (<I>linkable_entity_name</I>),
326 |
followed by the number of external names of the linkable entity that
327 |
have entries in the index (<I>num_this_linkable_entity</I>). This
328 |
is followed by the index information for each of the names.
329 |
330 |
For each name, the index contains the name (<I>name</I>); a <CODE>TDFINT</CODE>
331 |
that provides information about the name (<I>info</I>) with the same
332 |
meaning as the
333 |
<CODE>TDFINT</CODE>s in the linker information units; and the index
334 |
of the capsule that contains the definition for the name (<I>capsule</I>).
335 |
The index of the first capsule is zero.
336 |
337 |
338 |
<H2><A NAME=S6>6. Purpose</A></H2>
339 |
340 |
The TDF linker has four uses:
341 |
342 |
<LI>To bind together a number of TDF capsules (including those in
343 |
libraries) to produce a single capsule.<P>
344 |
<LI>To produce a TDF library from a set of capsules.<P>
345 |
<LI>To list the contents of a TDF library.<P>
346 |
<LI>To extract capsules from a TDF library.
347 |
348 |
The most complex part of the linker is the normal linking process,
349 |
which is described in the next section. Constructing libraries is
350 |
described in the section after the one on linking. Listing the contents
351 |
of a library, and extracting capsules from a library are not very
352 |
complicated so they aren't described in this document.
353 |
354 |
355 |
<H2><A NAME=S7>7. TDF Linking</A></H2>
356 |
357 |
This section describes the requirements of linking capsules together.
358 |
The first sub-section describes the basic linking requirements. Subsequent
359 |
sub-sections detail the requirements of some more advanced features.
360 |
361 |
Before the linking process is described in detail, here is an outline
362 |
of the stages of the link process:
363 |
364 |
365 |
The linker is invoked with the following inputs: a set of input
366 |
capsules, a set of libraries, a set of hiding rules, a set of keeping
367 |
rules, a set of renaming rules, and a set of link suppression rules.
368 |
369 |
The first thing that the linker does is to enter the renaming rules
370 |
into the name hash table. The name entry lookup routines will automatically
371 |
pick up the new name when a renamed name is looked up in a name table.
372 |
373 |
The next stage is to load the input capsules, and to bind them together.
374 |
As part of this binding process, the capsule scope identifiers for
375 |
all input capsules are mapped into a single capsule scope (to
376 |
be output to the final capsule). The rules for this mapping are
377 |
described below.
378 |
379 |
After binding the input capsules together, the linker tries to provide
380 |
definitions for undefined names using the specified libraries. When
381 |
a definition is found in a library (and it hasn't been suppressed
382 |
by the link suppression rules), the capsule that contains it is
383 |
loaded and bound to the input capsules as if it had been one itself.
384 |
385 |
After the library capsules have been bound in, external names are
386 |
hidden according to the hiding rules, and kept according to the
387 |
keeping rules. Hiding means removing an entry from the external
388 |
name list of the output capsule. Keeping means forcing an entry
389 |
into the list, if it would otherwise be hidden. It is illegal
390 |
to hide names that have no definition.
391 |
392 |
Finally the output capsule is written to a file.
393 |
394 |
395 |
<H3><A NAME=S71>7.1. Basic linking</A></H3>
396 |
397 |
This sub-section describes the process of binding capsules together
398 |
in greater detail.
399 |
400 |
The first thing that the linker does when reading a capsule is to
401 |
read in the magic number, and the major and minor version numbers.
402 |
Capsules with an incorrect magic number are rejected. The major version
403 |
number of each capsule read in must be at least four. In addition,
404 |
the major version numbers of all capsules that are read in must be
405 |
the same.
406 |
407 |
408 |
After this, the linker reads the unit group type names (also called
409 |
`prop names'), and checks that the they are known and that they are
410 |
in the correct order. There is a default list of names built into
411 |
the linker (the list specified in the TDF specification) and that
412 |
should be sufficient for most uses of the linker, but it is possible
413 |
to provide a new list by specifying a file containing the new list
414 |
on the command line.
415 |
416 |
The next thing the linker does is to read in the linkable entity names
417 |
and the capsule scope identifier limit for each linkable entity.
418 |
It checks that there are no duplicate names, and creates a mapping
419 |
vector for each linkable entity, to contain the mapping from the capsule
420 |
scope identifiers in the capsule being read in to the capsule scope
421 |
identifiers in the capsule that will be written out.
422 |
423 |
After reading the linkable entity names, the linker reads the external
424 |
names for each linkable entity. For each name, it checks that its
425 |
capsule scope identifier is in range, and maps that to the next available
426 |
capsule scope identifier (for the same linkable entity) in the output
427 |
capsule, unless a name with the same linkable entity and the same
428 |
name (subject to the renaming rules) has already been read (in which
429 |
case it is mapped to the same capsule scope identifier as the identical
430 |
name). The linker also checks to ensure that each capsule scope identifier
431 |
has no more than one external name bound to it.
432 |
433 |
The final phase of reading a capsule is to read the unit groups.
434 |
For normal (i.e. not <I>tld</I> or <I>tld2</I>) unit groups, the following
435 |
occurs for each unit in the unit group:
436 |
437 |
438 |
The unit scope identifier limits for each linkable entity are read
439 |
and saved in the unit data structure (which is appended to the
440 |
list of units in that unit group for all input capsules). When
441 |
the unit is written out in the output capsule, it may be necessary
442 |
to add extra unit scope identifier limits (and extra mapping tables)
443 |
as other capsules may have different linkable entities, which
444 |
will also need entries (they will just be zero length).
445 |
446 |
The capsule scope to unit scope identifier mapping tables are read,
447 |
and the old capsule scope identifier (which is first checked to
448 |
see if it is in range) is replaced by a new capsule scope identifier.
449 |
This information is also saved in the unit data structure. The
450 |
new capsule scope identifiers are either the ones that were allocated
451 |
when reading in the external names (if the old identifier is bound
452 |
to an external name), or the next free capsule scope identifier
453 |
of the required linkable entity.
454 |
455 |
Finally, the unit body is read, and saved with the unit.
456 |
457 |
458 |
For <I>tld</I> and <I>tld2</I> unit groups, the unit group count is
459 |
checked to ensure that it is one, and the number of unit scope identifier
460 |
limits and identifier mapping tables are checked to ensure that they
461 |
are both zero. The size of the body is read (and it must be correct
462 |
as this is checked after reading the unit), and then the body is read.
463 |
If the unit is a <I>tld</I>
464 |
unit, then the type is read, and the body is read depending upon the
465 |
type; if the unit is a <I>tld2</I> unit, then the body is read as
466 |
if it where a type zero <I>tld</I> unit.
467 |
468 |
A type zero <I>tld</I> unit consists of a number of integers: one
469 |
for each external token name, followed by one for each external tag
470 |
name (in the same order as the external name tables, but tokens always
471 |
precede tags). A type one <I>tld</I> unit consists of a number of
472 |
integers: one for each external name (of all linkable entities), in
473 |
the same order as the external name tables.
474 |
475 |
Each of the integers is interpreted as a series of bits, with the
476 |
bits having the following meanings:
477 |
478 |
479 |
480 |
1 = The name is declared within this capsule.
481 |
482 |
2 = The name is uniquely defined within this capsule. If this
483 |
bit is set for a tag, then the declared bit must also be set.
484 |
It is illegal to have a name uniquely defined in more than one
485 |
capsule. If this occurs, the linker will report an error.
486 |
487 |
3 = The name is defined in this capsule, but may have other definitions
488 |
provided by other capsules. This bit may not be set for tokens.
489 |
If a tag has this bit set, the declared bit must also be set.
490 |
It is possible for a name to provide a unique definition, but
491 |
still allow other non-unique definitions to be linked in from other
492 |
493 |
494 |
All of the other bits in the integer are reserved. The linker uses
495 |
the information provided by this unit to check that names do not have
496 |
multiple unique definitions, and to decide whether libraries should
497 |
be consulted to provide a definition for a name. If a capsule contains
498 |
no linker information unit group, then the names in that capsule will
499 |
have no information, and hence will not receive the extra checking
500 |
or library definition.
501 |
502 |
<H3><A NAME=S72>7.2. Renaming</A></H3>
503 |
504 |
Renaming just requires that any occurrence of the name being renamed
505 |
is treated as though it were an occurrence of the name it is being
506 |
renamed to. This includes names read from library indices.
507 |
508 |
<H3><A NAME=S73>7.3. Library capsules</A></H3>
509 |
510 |
After reading in all of the specified capsules, the linker loads the
511 |
libraries. The library indices are read, and checked to ensure that
512 |
there is no more than one definition for any external name. If there
513 |
is no unique definition, but there is a single multiple definition,
514 |
then this is considered to be a definition (although this can be turned
515 |
off with a command line option).
516 |
517 |
Once the libraries have been loaded, each of the external names in
518 |
the bound capsules that are used, but not defined are looked up in
519 |
the library index. If a definition is found (and it hasn't been suppressed)
520 |
then the defining capsule is loaded from the library. This process
521 |
is repeated until definitions have been found for all external names
522 |
that need them (and that definitions exist for), including those that
523 |
are undefined in the capsules read in from the libraries.
524 |
525 |
<H3><A NAME=S74>7.4. Hiding</A></H3>
526 |
527 |
Hiding and keeping just require that all names which should be hidden,
528 |
and are not required to be kept, are not written to the external name
529 |
table of the output capsule.
530 |
531 |
<H3><A NAME=S75>7.5. Writing out the capsule</A></H3>
532 |
533 |
The magic number is written out, followed by the major and minor version
534 |
numbers. The major version number is the same as that in each of
535 |
the loaded capsules. The minor version number is the largest of the
536 |
minor version numbers in the loaded capsules.
537 |
538 |
The unit group type names are written out first. Only those unit
539 |
groups that are non-empty are actually written out. They are written
540 |
out in the order specified by the current unit group name list.
541 |
542 |
The linkable entity names are written out next, followed by their
543 |
capsule scope identifier limit. Again, only those linkable entity
544 |
names that are non empty (i.e. have some unit scope or capsule scope
545 |
identifiers) are written out.
546 |
547 |
After the linkable entity names have been written out, the external
548 |
names are written out. These are written out in an arbitrary order
549 |
within their linkable entities, with the linkable entities being written
550 |
out in the same order as in the linkable entity name section (which
551 |
is itself arbitrary, but must be repeatable). The names are written
552 |
out with their new capsule scope identifiers. External names that
553 |
have been hidden must not be written out.
554 |
555 |
Finally the unit groups are written out in the same order as the unit
556 |
group type names in the first section. For normal units, the old
557 |
counts (plus some zero counts that may be necessary if there are new
558 |
linkable entities that weren't in the unit's original capsule) are
559 |
written out in the same order as the linkable entity names in section
560 |
two. The counts are followed by the new capsule scope to unit scope
561 |
identifier mapping tables, in the same order as the counts. Finally
562 |
the old unit content is written out.
563 |
564 |
For <I>tld</I> unit groups, a single version one <I>tld</I> unit is
565 |
written out containing the use information for each of the external
566 |
names, in the same order that the external names were written out
567 |
568 |
569 |
570 |
<H2><A NAME=S8>8. Constructing TDF Libraries</A></H2>
571 |
572 |
This section describes the requirements of building TDF libraries.
573 |
Here is an outline of the stages of the construction process:
574 |
575 |
576 |
The linker is invoked with the following inputs: a set of input
577 |
capsules, a set of libraries, and a set of link suppression rules.
578 |
579 |
The first thing that the linker does is to load the input capsules
580 |
(including all capsules that are included in any of the specified
581 |
libraries), and to extract their external name information into a
582 |
central index. The index is checked to ensure that there is only
583 |
one definition for any given name. The capsules are read in in
584 |
the same way as for linking them (this checks them for validity).
585 |
586 |
The suppression rules are applied, to ensure that no suppressed external
587 |
name will end up in the index in the output library.
588 |
589 |
The library is written out. The library consists of a magic number,
590 |
and the major and minor version numbers of the TDF in the library
591 |
(calculated in the same way as for capsules), the type zero, followed
592 |
by the number of capsules. This is followed by that many capsule
593 |
name and capsule content pairs. Finally, the index is appended
594 |
to the library.
595 |
596 |
The index only contains entries for linkable entities that have external
597 |
names defined by the library. Only external names for which there
598 |
is a definition are written into the index, although this is not
599 |
a requirement (when linking, the linker will ignore index entries
600 |
that don't provide a definition). Either a unique definition
601 |
or a single multiple definition are considered to be definitions
602 |
(although the latter can be disabled using a command line option).
603 |
604 |
605 |
606 |
<P><I>Part of the <A HREF="../index.html">TenDRA Web</A>.<BR>Crown
607 |
Copyright © 1998.</I></P>
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