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The TDF Linker - Program Documentation: File Formats
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Written: April 1994
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Last Modified: July 1995
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Author: Steve Folkes
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Issue Number: 4.0
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This document describes the formats of the files used by the TDF linker.
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There are two file formats: the capsule format and the library format. It
23 |
also describes the format of the linker information units within capsules.
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The capsule format is described in more detail in the TDF specification.
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The structure of a TDF capsule is defined properly in the TDF specification.
30 |
This section describes the basic components of the TDF format that the
31 |
linker uses, and the remaining sections describe the format of a TDF
32 |
capsule, a TDF library and a linker information unit in terms of these
33 |
components. The basic components are:
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This is a byte alignment. It forces the next object to
38 |
begin on an eight bit boundary.
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42 |
This is an unsigned number of unbounded size. Its
43 |
representation is described properly in the TDF
44 |
specification. It is a series of nibbles (four bits), with
45 |
the high bit used as a terminator and the low three bits
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used as an octal digit. The terminator bit is set on the
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final octal digit. As an example, the number ten would be
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represented (in binary) as: 0001 1010.
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This is an eight bit quantity. BYTEs are always aligned on
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an eight bit boundary.
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A TDFIDENT is a sequence of characters. It is possible to
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change the size of the characters, although the current
59 |
implementation will produce an error for TDFIDENTs with
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character sizes other than eight bits. A TDFIDENT is
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represented by two TDFINTs (the size of the characters in
62 |
bits and the number of characters in the TDFIDENT), and a
63 |
sequence of BYTEs.
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67 |
A UNIQUE is a list of TDFIDENTs. It is represented as a
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TDFINT specifying the number of TDFIDENTs in the UNIQUE,
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followed by that many TDFIDENTs.
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73 |
An EXTERNAL is a mechanism for identifying external
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identifiers. It is represented as a discriminating tag,
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followed by a byte ALIGNment, followed by either a TDFIDENT
76 |
or a UNIQUE. The tag is a two bit number, where one
77 |
represents a TDFIDENT, two represents a UNIQUE, and zero and
78 |
three are currently illegal. UNIQUEs are only used as part
79 |
of an EXTERNAL; TDFIDENTs are used as entities in their own
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right, as well as in EXTERNALs.
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82 |
In the following descriptions, the syntax "<name>: <type>" is used to
83 |
specify an object in the structure. The "<name>" is used to describe the
84 |
purpose of the object; the "<type>" is used to describe what the object
85 |
is. A "<type>" is one of the following:
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This represents one of the basic types listed above.
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91 |
<type> * <integer>
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93 |
This represents a sequence of objects of the specified
94 |
type. The <integer> may be either an integer literal, or a
95 |
name that has been previously mentioned and is a TDFINT
96 |
97 |
98 |
{ <name1>: <type1> ... <nameN>: <typeN> }
99 |
100 |
This represents a structure composed of the elements
101 |
"<name1>: <type1>" to "<nameN>: <typeN>". It is used for
102 |
sequences of objects where the objects are not of basic
103 |
104 |
105 |
<type> = ( <value1> | ... | <valueN> )
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This represents a type with a constraint imposed upon it.
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The object value must be one of <value1> to <valueN>.
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A TDF capsule has the following structure:
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magic BYTE * 4 = "TDFC"
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major_version TDFINT
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minor_version TDFINT
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num_prop_names: TDFINT
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prop_names: TDFIDENT * num_prop_names
121 |
num_linkable_entities: TDFINT
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linkable_entities: {
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124 |
num_capsule_scope_identifiers: TDFINT
125 |
} * num_linkable_entities
126 |
num_external_linkages: TDFINT = num_linkable_entities
127 |
external_linkages: {
128 |
num_entries: TDFINT
129 |
entries: {
130 |
capsule_scope_id: TDFINT
131 |
external_name: EXTERNAL
132 |
} * num_entries
133 |
} * num_external_linkages
134 |
num_unit_groups: TDFINT = num_prop_names
135 |
unit_groups: {
136 |
num_units: TDFINT
137 |
units: {
138 |
num_counts: TDFINT = (num_linkable_entities | 0)
139 |
counts: TDFINT * num_counts
140 |
num_link_sets: TDFINT = num_counts
141 |
link_sets: {
142 |
num_links: TDFINT
143 |
links: {
144 |
internal: TDFINT
145 |
external: TDFINT
146 |
} * num_links
147 |
} * num_link_sets
148 |
num_bytes_tdf: TDFINT
149 |
tdf: BYTE * num_bytes_tdf
150 |
} * num_units
151 |
} * num_unit_groups
152 |
153 |
The rest of this section describes the format of a capsule.
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The capsule begins with a header that contains a four byte magic number
156 |
("<magic>": "TDFC"), followed by the major ("<major_version>") and minor
157 |
("<minor_version>") version numbers of the TDF in the capsule. This is then
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followed by a byte alignment and then the the capsule body.
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The first part of a capsule tells the linker how many types of unit groups
161 |
there are in the capsule ("<num_prop_names>"), and what the names of these
162 |
unit group types are ("<prop_names>"). There can be many unit group types,
163 |
but the linker must know what they are called, and the order in which they
164 |
should occur. At present the linker knows about "tld", "tld2", "versions",
165 |
"tokdec", "tokdef", "aldef", "diagtype", "tagdec", "diagdef", "tagdef" and
166 |
"linkinfo" (this can be changed from the command line). There is nothing
167 |
special about any unit group type except for the "tld" unit group type,
168 |
which contains information that the linker uses (and the "tld2" unit group
169 |
type, which is obsolete, but is treated as a special case of the "tld" unit
170 |
group type). The format of the "tld" unit group type is described in a
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later section.
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The second part of the capsule tells the linker how many linkable entities
174 |
it should be linking on ("<num_linkable_entities>"), the name of each
175 |
linkable entity ("<name>"), and the number of identifiers of each linkable
176 |
entity at capsule scope ("<num_capsule_scope_identifiers>"). Identifiers at
177 |
capsule scope should be numbers from zero to one less than
178 |
"<num_capsule_scope_identifiers>". The identifier allocation may be sparse,
179 |
but the linker is optimized for continuous identifier allocation.
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The third part of the capsule tells the linker which external names the
182 |
capsule contains for each linkable entity. For each linkable entity listed
183 |
in the second part, the number of external names of that linkable entity are
184 |
listed in this part ("<num_entries>"), along with each of the external names
185 |
("<external_name>") and the corresponding capsule scope identifiers
186 |
("<capsule_scope_id>"). The ordering of the linkable entities in part three
187 |
must be identical to the ordering of linkable entities in part two.
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189 |
The fourth and final part of the capsule contains the unit groups
190 |
themselves. The unit groups occur in the same order as the unit group types
191 |
were listed in part one. For each unit group, there is a TDFINT specifying
192 |
the number of units in that unit group ("<num_units>"), followed by that
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many units.
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Each unit contains a list of counts ("<counts>") and the number of counts in
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that list ("<num_counts>"), which must be either zero or the same as the
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number of linkable entities in the capsule ("<num_linkable_entities>").
198 |
Each count contains the number of unit scope identifiers of the given
199 |
linkable entity in the unit. If the number of counts is non-zero, then the
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counts must be in the same order as the linkable entity names.
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After the counts come the unit scope identifier to capsule scope identifier
203 |
mapping tables. The number of these tables is specified by
204 |
"<num_link_sets>" and must be the same as the number of counts
205 |
("<num_counts>"), which is either zero or the same as the number of linkable
206 |
entities in the capsule. There is one table for each linkable entity (if
207 |
"<num_link_sets>" is non-zero), and each table contains "<num_links>" pairs
208 |
of TDFINTs. The "<internal>" TDFINT is the unit scope identifier; the
209 |
"<external>" TDFINT is the capsule scope identifier.
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After the mapping tables there is a length ("<num_bytes_tdf>"), and that many
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bytes of TDF data ("<tdf>").
213 |
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The "tld" unit group (if it exists in the capsule) should contain one unit
218 |
only. This unit should begin with two zeroes (i.e. no counts, and no
219 |
identifier mapping tables), a length (which must be correct), and a sequence
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of bytes.
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222 |
The bytes encode information useful to the linker. The first thing in the
223 |
byte sequence of a "tld" unit is a TDFINT that is the type of the unit.
224 |
What follows depends upon the type. There are currently two types that are
225 |
supported: zero and one. Type zero units contain the same information as
226 |
the old "tld2" units (if a "tld2" unit is read, it is treated as if it were
227 |
a "tld" unit that began with a type of zero; it is illegal for a capsule to
228 |
contain both a "tld" unit group and a "tld2" unit group). Type one units
229 |
contain more information (described below), and are what the linker writes
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out in the generated capsule.
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A version one unit contains a sequence of TDFINTs. There is one TDFINT for
233 |
each external name in part two of the capsule. These TDFINTs should be in
234 |
the same order as the external names were. The TDFINTs are treated as a
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sequence of bits, with the following meanings:
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1 The name is declared within this capsule.
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2 The name is uniquely defined within this capsule.
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If this bit is set for a tag, then the declared bit
245 |
must also be set (i.e. a declaration must exist).
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3 The name is defined in this capsule, but may have
248 |
other definitions provided by other capsules. This
249 |
bit may not be set for tokens. If a tag has this
250 |
bit set, then the declared bit must also be set
251 |
(i.e. a declaration must exist).
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253 |
All of the other bits in the TDFINT are reserved. The linker uses the
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information provided by this unit to check that names do not have multiple
255 |
unique definitions, and to decide whether libraries should be consulted to
256 |
provide a definition for an external name. If a capsule contains no linker
257 |
information unit group, then the external names in that capsule will have no
258 |
information, and hence these checks will not be made. A similar situation
259 |
arises when the information for a name has no bits set.
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261 |
A version zero unit contains a sequence of TDFINTs. There is one TDFINT
262 |
for each external token name, and one TDFINT for each external tag name.
263 |
These TDFINTs should be in the same order as the external names were (but
264 |
the tokens always come before the tags). The TDFINTs are treated as a
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sequence of bits, with the same meanings as above.
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A TDF library begins with a header, followed by a TDFINT, that is the type
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of the library. At present only type zero libraries are supported. The
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format of a type zero library is as follows:
273 |
274 |
magic: BYTE * 4 = "TDFL"
275 |
major_version: TDFINT
276 |
minor_version: TDFINT
277 |
278 |
type: TDFINT = 0
279 |
num_capsules: TDFINT
280 |
capsules: {
281 |
capsule_name: TDFIDENT
282 |
capsule_length: TDFINT
283 |
capsule_body: BYTE * capsule_length
284 |
} * num_capsules
285 |
num_linkable_entities: TDFINT
286 |
linkable_entities: {
287 |
linkable_entity_name: TDFIDENT
288 |
num_this_linkable_entity: TDFINT
289 |
this_linkable_entity_names: {
290 |
291 |
info: TDFINT
292 |
capsule: TDFINT
293 |
} * num_this_linkable_entity
294 |
} * num_linkable_entities
295 |
296 |
The library begins with a four byte magic number ("<magic>": "TDFL"),
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followed by the major ("<major_version>") and minor ("<minor_version>")
298 |
versions of the TDF in the library (the major version must be the same for
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each capsule in the library; the minor version is the highest of the minor
300 |
version numbers of all of the the capsules contained in the library). This
301 |
is followed by a byte alignment, the type of the library ("<type>": 0), and
302 |
the number of capsules in the library ("<num_capsules>"), followed by that
303 |
many capsules.
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305 |
Each of the "<capsules>" has a name ("<capsule_name>"), and the capsule
306 |
content, which consists of the length of the capsule ("<capsule_length>")
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and that many bytes ("<capsule_body>"). The capsule name is the name of the
308 |
file from which the capsule was obtained when the library was built. The
309 |
names of capsules within a library must all be different.
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311 |
The library is terminated by the index. This contains information about
312 |
where to find definitions for external names. The index begins with the
313 |
number of linkable entities whose external names the library will provide
314 |
definitions for ("<num_linkable_entities>").
315 |
316 |
For each of these linkable entities, the linkable entity index begins with
317 |
the name of the linkable entity ("<linkable_entity_name>"), followed by the
318 |
number of external names of the linkable entity that have entries in the
319 |
index ("<num_this_linkable_entity>"). This is followed by the index
320 |
information for each of the names.
321 |
322 |
For each name, the index contains the name ("<name>"); a TDFINT that
323 |
provides information about the name ("<info>") with the same meaning as the
324 |
TDFINTs in the linker information units; and the index of the capsule that
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contains the definition for the name ("<capsule>"). The index of the first
326 |
capsule is zero.