6 |
7u83 |
1 |
#include "config.h"
2 |
#include "consfile.h"
3 |
#include "defs.h"
4 |
#include "syntax.h"
5 |
6 |
7 |
/* note that the table is sorted into alphabetic order */
8 |
Constructs constructs [] = {
9 |
{ "abs", exp_t, c_abs },
10 |
{ "add_accesses", access_t, c_add_accesses },
11 |
{ "add_modes", transfer_mode_t, c_add_modes },
12 |
{ "add_to_ptr", exp_t, c_add_to_ptr },
13 |
{ "alignment", alignment_t, c_alignment },
14 |
{ "alloca_alignment", alignment_t, c_alloca_alignment },
15 |
{ "and", exp_t, c_and },
16 |
{ "assign", exp_t, c_assign },
17 |
{ "assign_with_mode", exp_t, c_assign_with_mode },
18 |
{ "bfvar_bits", bitfield_variety_t, c_bfvar_bits },
19 |
{ "bitfield", shape_t, c_bitfield },
20 |
{ "bitfield_assign", exp_t, c_bitfield_assign },
21 |
{ "bitfield_assign_with_mode", exp_t, c_bitfield_assign_with_mode },
22 |
{ "bitfield_contents", exp_t, c_bitfield_contents },
23 |
{ "bitfield_contents_with_mode", exp_t, c_bitfield_contents_with_mode },
24 |
{ "bottom", shape_t, c_bottom },
25 |
{ "callees_alignment", alignment_t, c_callees_alignment },
26 |
{ "callers_alignment", alignment_t, c_callers_alignment },
27 |
{ "change_bitfield_to_int", exp_t, c_change_bitfield_to_int },
28 |
{ "change_floating_variety", exp_t, c_change_floating_variety },
29 |
{ "change_int_to_bitfield", exp_t, c_change_int_to_bitfield },
30 |
{ "change_variety", exp_t, c_change_variety },
31 |
{ "code_alignment", alignment_t, c_code_alignment },
32 |
{ "comparable", ntest_t, c_comparable },
33 |
{ "complete", transfer_mode_t, c_complete },
34 |
{ "complex_conjugate", exp_t, c_complex_conjugate },
35 |
{ "complex_of_float", floating_variety_t, c_complex_of_float },
36 |
{ "complex_parms", floating_variety_t, c_complex_parms },
37 |
{ "component", exp_t, c_component },
38 |
{ "compound", shape_t, c_compound },
39 |
{ "computed_nat", nat_t, c_computed_nat },
40 |
{ "computed_signed_nat", signed_nat_t, c_computed_signed_nat },
41 |
{ "concat_nof", exp_t, c_concat_nof },
42 |
{ "conditional", exp_t, c_conditional },
43 |
{ "constant", access_t, c_constant },
44 |
{ "contents", exp_t, c_contents },
45 |
{ "contents_with_mode", exp_t, c_contents_with_mode },
46 |
{ "continue", error_treatment_t, c_continue },
47 |
{ "current_env", exp_t, c_current_env },
48 |
{ "div0", exp_t, c_div0 },
49 |
{ "div1", exp_t, c_div1 },
50 |
{ "div2", exp_t, c_div2 },
51 |
{ "env_offset", exp_t, c_env_offset },
52 |
{ "env_size", exp_t, c_env_size },
53 |
{ "equal", ntest_t, c_equal },
54 |
{ "error_val", nat_t, c_error_val },
55 |
{ "fail_installer", exp_t, c_fail_installer },
56 |
{ "false", bool_t, c_false },
57 |
{ "float_int", exp_t, c_float_int },
58 |
{ "float_of_complex", floating_variety_t, c_float_of_complex },
59 |
{ "floating", shape_t, c_floating },
60 |
{ "floating_abs", exp_t, c_floating_abs },
61 |
{ "floating_div", exp_t, c_floating_div },
62 |
{ "floating_maximum", exp_t, c_floating_maximum },
63 |
{ "floating_minimum", exp_t, c_floating_minimum },
64 |
{ "floating_minus", exp_t, c_floating_minus },
65 |
{ "floating_mult", exp_t, c_floating_mult },
66 |
{ "floating_negate", exp_t, c_floating_negate },
67 |
{ "floating_plus", exp_t, c_floating_plus },
68 |
{ "floating_power", exp_t, c_floating_power },
69 |
{ "floating_test", exp_t, c_floating_test },
70 |
{ "flvar_parms", floating_variety_t, c_flvar_parms },
71 |
{ "goto", exp_t, c_goto },
72 |
{ "goto_local_lv", exp_t, c_goto_local_lv },
73 |
{ "greater_than", ntest_t, c_greater_than },
74 |
{ "greater_than_or_equal", ntest_t, c_greater_than_or_equal },
75 |
{ "ignorable", exp_t, c_ignorable },
76 |
{ "imaginary_part", exp_t, c_imaginary_part },
77 |
{ "impossible", error_treatment_t, c_impossible },
78 |
{ "initial_value", exp_t, c_initial_value },
79 |
{ "integer", shape_t, c_integer },
80 |
{ "integer_test", exp_t, c_integer_test },
81 |
{ "last_local", exp_t, c_last_local },
82 |
{ "less_than", ntest_t, c_less_than },
83 |
{ "less_than_or_equal", ntest_t, c_less_than_or_equal },
84 |
{ "less_than_or_greater_than", ntest_t, c_less_than_or_greater_than },
85 |
{ "local_alloc", exp_t, c_local_alloc },
86 |
{ "local_alloc_check", exp_t, c_local_alloc_check },
87 |
{ "local_free", exp_t, c_local_free },
88 |
{ "local_free_all", exp_t, c_local_free_all },
89 |
{ "locals_alignment", alignment_t, c_locals_alignment },
90 |
{ "long_jump", exp_t, c_long_jump },
91 |
{ "long_jump_access", access_t, c_long_jump_access },
92 |
{ "make_complex", exp_t, c_make_complex },
93 |
{ "make_compound", exp_t, c_make_compound },
94 |
{ "make_local_lv", exp_t, c_make_local_lv },
95 |
{ "make_nof", exp_t, c_make_nof },
96 |
{ "make_nof_int", exp_t, c_make_nof_int },
97 |
{ "make_null_local_lv", exp_t, c_make_null_local_lv },
98 |
{ "make_null_proc", exp_t, c_make_null_proc },
99 |
{ "make_null_ptr", exp_t, c_make_null_ptr },
100 |
{ "make_signed_nat", signed_nat_t, c_make_signed_nat },
101 |
{ "make_stack_limit", exp_t, c_make_stack_limit },
102 |
{ "make_top", exp_t, c_make_top },
103 |
{ "make_value", exp_t, c_make_value },
104 |
{ "maximum", exp_t, c_maximum },
105 |
{ "minimum", exp_t, c_minimum },
106 |
{ "minus", exp_t, c_minus },
107 |
{ "move_some", exp_t, c_move_some },
108 |
{ "mult", exp_t, c_mult },
109 |
{ "n_copies", exp_t, c_n_copies },
110 |
{ "negate", exp_t, c_negate },
111 |
{ "nil_access", error_code_t, c_nil_access },
112 |
{ "no_other_read", access_t, c_no_other_read },
113 |
{ "no_other_write", access_t, c_no_other_write },
114 |
{ "nof", shape_t, c_nof },
115 |
{ "not", exp_t, c_not },
116 |
{ "not_comparable", ntest_t, c_not_comparable },
117 |
{ "not_equal", ntest_t, c_not_equal },
118 |
{ "not_greater_than", ntest_t, c_not_greater_than },
119 |
{ "not_greater_than_or_equal", ntest_t, c_not_greater_than_or_equal },
120 |
{ "not_less_than", ntest_t, c_not_less_than },
121 |
{ "not_less_than_and_not_greater_than", ntest_t, c_not_less_than_and_not_greater_than },
122 |
{ "not_less_than_or_equal", ntest_t, c_not_less_than_or_equal },
123 |
{ "offset", shape_t, c_offset },
124 |
{ "offset_add", exp_t, c_offset_add },
125 |
{ "offset_div", exp_t, c_offset_div },
126 |
{ "offset_div_by_int", exp_t, c_offset_div_by_int },
127 |
{ "offset_max", exp_t, c_offset_max },
128 |
{ "offset_mult", exp_t, c_offset_mult },
129 |
{ "offset_negate", exp_t, c_offset_negate },
130 |
{ "offset_pad", exp_t, c_offset_pad },
131 |
{ "offset_subtract", exp_t, c_offset_subtract },
132 |
{ "offset_test", exp_t, c_offset_test },
133 |
{ "offset_zero", exp_t, c_offset_zero },
134 |
{ "or", exp_t, c_or },
135 |
{ "out_par", access_t, c_out_par },
136 |
{ "overflow", error_code_t, c_overflow },
137 |
{ "overlap", transfer_mode_t, c_overlap },
138 |
{ "parameter_alignment", alignment_t, c_parameter_alignment },
139 |
{ "plus", exp_t, c_plus },
140 |
{ "pointer", shape_t, c_pointer },
141 |
{ "pointer_test", exp_t, c_pointer_test },
142 |
{ "power", exp_t, c_power },
143 |
{ "preserve", access_t, c_preserve },
144 |
{ "proc", shape_t, c_proc },
145 |
{ "proc_test", exp_t, c_proc_test },
146 |
{ "profile", exp_t, c_profile },
147 |
{ "real_part", exp_t, c_real_part },
148 |
{ "register", access_t, c_register },
149 |
{ "rem0", exp_t, c_rem0 },
150 |
{ "rem1", exp_t, c_rem1 },
151 |
{ "rem2", exp_t, c_rem2 },
152 |
{ "repeat", exp_t, c_repeat },
153 |
{ "return", exp_t, c_return },
154 |
{ "return_to_label", exp_t, c_return_to_label },
155 |
{ "rotate_left", exp_t, c_rotate_left },
156 |
{ "rotate_right", exp_t, c_rotate_right },
157 |
{ "round_as_state", rounding_mode_t, c_round_as_state },
158 |
{ "round_with_mode", exp_t, c_round_with_mode },
159 |
{ "set_stack_limit", exp_t, c_set_stack_limit },
160 |
{ "shape_offset", exp_t, c_shape_offset },
161 |
{ "shift_left", exp_t, c_shift_left },
162 |
{ "shift_right", exp_t, c_shift_right },
163 |
{ "snat_from_nat", signed_nat_t, c_snat_from_nat },
164 |
{ "stack_overflow", error_code_t, c_stack_overflow },
165 |
{ "standard_access", access_t, c_standard_access },
166 |
{ "standard_transfer_mode", transfer_mode_t, c_standard_transfer_mode },
167 |
{ "subtract_ptrs", exp_t, c_subtract_ptrs },
168 |
{ "to_nearest", rounding_mode_t, c_to_nearest },
169 |
{ "top", shape_t, c_top },
170 |
{ "toward_larger", rounding_mode_t, c_toward_larger },
171 |
{ "toward_smaller", rounding_mode_t, c_toward_smaller },
172 |
{ "toward_zero", rounding_mode_t, c_toward_zero },
173 |
{ "trap", error_treatment_t, c_trap },
174 |
{ "trap_on_nil", transfer_mode_t, c_trap_on_nil },
175 |
{ "true", bool_t, c_true },
176 |
{ "unite_alignments", alignment_t, c_unite_alignments },
177 |
{ "untidy_return", exp_t, c_untidy_return },
178 |
{ "used_as_volatile", access_t, c_used_as_volatile },
179 |
{ "var_limits", variety_t, c_var_limits },
180 |
{ "var_param_alignment", alignment_t, c_var_param_alignment },
181 |
{ "var_width", variety_t, c_var_width },
182 |
{ "visible", access_t, c_visible },
183 |
{ "volatile", transfer_mode_t, c_volatile },
184 |
{ "wrap", error_treatment_t, c_wrap },
185 |
{ "xor", exp_t, c_xor }
186 |
} ;