50 |
7u83 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
init(_Id, State) ->
13 |
Start = os:timestamp(),
14 |
PgConfig = start_postgres(),
15 |
ok = create_testdbs(PgConfig),
16 |
ct:pal(info, "postgres started in ~p ms\n",
17 |
[timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), Start) / 1000]),
18 |
[{pg_config, PgConfig}|State].
19 |
20 |
pre_init_per_suite(_SuiteName, Config, State) ->
21 |
{Config ++ State, State}.
22 |
23 |
terminate(State) ->
24 |
ok = stop_postgres(?config(pg_config, State)).
25 |
26 |
create_testdbs(Config) ->
27 |
PgHost = ?config(host, Config),
28 |
PgPort = ?config(port, Config),
29 |
PgUser = ?config(user, Config),
30 |
Utils = ?config(utils, Config),
31 |
Psql = ?config(psql, Utils),
32 |
CreateDB = ?config(createdb, Utils),
33 |
34 |
Opts = lists:concat([" -h ", PgHost, " -p ", PgPort, " "]),
35 |
Cmds = [
36 |
[CreateDB, Opts, PgUser],
37 |
[Psql, Opts, "template1 < ", filename:join(?TEST_DATA_DIR, "test_schema.sql")]
38 |
39 |
lists:foreach(fun(Cmd) ->
40 |
{ok, []} = exec:run(lists:flatten(Cmd), [sync])
41 |
end, Cmds).
42 |
43 |
%% =============================================================================
44 |
%% start postgresql
45 |
%% =============================================================================
46 |
47 |
-define(PG_TIMEOUT, 30000).
48 |
49 |
start_postgres() ->
50 |
ok = application:start(erlexec),
51 |
52 |
fun find_utils/1,
53 |
fun init_database/1,
54 |
fun get_version/1,
55 |
fun write_postgresql_config/1,
56 |
fun copy_certs/1,
57 |
fun write_pg_hba_config/1,
58 |
fun start_postgresql/1
59 |
], []).
60 |
61 |
stop_postgres(Config) ->
62 |
PgProc = ?config(proc, Config),
63 |
64 |
PgProc ! stop,
65 |
66 |
67 |
find_utils(State) ->
68 |
Utils = [initdb, createdb, postgres, psql],
69 |
UtilsConfig = lists:foldl(fun(U, Acc) ->
70 |
UList = atom_to_list(U),
71 |
Path = case os:find_executable(UList) of
72 |
false ->
73 |
case filelib:wildcard("/usr/lib/postgresql/**/bin/" ++ UList) of
74 |
[] ->
75 |
ct:pal(error, "~s not found", [U]),
76 |
throw({util_no_found, U});
77 |
List -> lists:last(lists:sort(List))
78 |
79 |
P -> P
80 |
81 |
[{U, Path}|Acc]
82 |
end, [], Utils),
83 |
[{utils, UtilsConfig}|State].
84 |
85 |
start_postgresql(Config) ->
86 |
PgDataDir = ?config(datadir, Config),
87 |
Utils = ?config(utils, Config),
88 |
Postgres = ?config(postgres, Utils),
89 |
90 |
PgHost = "localhost",
91 |
PgPort = get_free_port(),
92 |
SocketDir = "/tmp",
93 |
Command = lists:concat(
94 |
95 |
" -k ", SocketDir,
96 |
" -D ", PgDataDir,
97 |
" -h ", PgHost,
98 |
" -p ", PgPort]),
99 |
ct:pal(info, ?HI_IMPORTANCE, "Starting Postgresql: `~s`", [Command]),
100 |
Pid = proc_lib:spawn(fun() ->
101 |
{ok, _, I} = exec:run_link(Command,
102 |
103 |
fun(_, _, Msg) ->
104 |
ct:pal(info, "postgres: ~s", [Msg])
105 |
106 |
{env, [{"LANGUAGE", "en"}]}]),
107 |
108 |
109 |
ConfigR = [
110 |
{host, PgHost},
111 |
{port, PgPort},
112 |
{proc, Pid}
113 |
| Config
114 |
115 |
wait_postgresql_ready(SocketDir, ConfigR).
116 |
117 |
loop(I) ->
118 |
119 |
stop -> exec:kill(I, 0);
120 |
_ -> loop(I)
121 |
122 |
123 |
wait_postgresql_ready(SocketDir, Config) ->
124 |
PgPort = ?config(port, Config),
125 |
126 |
PgFile = lists:concat([".s.PGSQL.", PgPort]),
127 |
Path = filename:join(SocketDir, PgFile),
128 |
WaitUntil = ts_add(os:timestamp(), ?PG_TIMEOUT),
129 |
case wait_(Path, WaitUntil) of
130 |
true -> ok;
131 |
false -> throw(<<"Postgresql init timeout">>)
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
wait_(Path, Until) ->
136 |
case file:read_file_info(Path) of
137 |
{error, enoent} ->
138 |
case os:timestamp() > Until of
139 |
true -> false;
140 |
_ ->
141 |
142 |
wait_(Path, Until)
143 |
144 |
_ -> true
145 |
146 |
147 |
init_database(Config) ->
148 |
Utils = ?config(utils, Config),
149 |
Initdb = ?config(initdb, Utils),
150 |
151 |
{ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
152 |
PgDataDir = filename:append(Cwd, "datadir"),
153 |
{ok, _} = exec:run(Initdb ++ " --locale en_US.UTF8 " ++ PgDataDir, [sync,stdout,stderr]),
154 |
[{datadir, PgDataDir}|Config].
155 |
156 |
get_version(Config) ->
157 |
Datadir = ?config(datadir, Config),
158 |
VersionFile = filename:join(Datadir, "PG_VERSION"),
159 |
{ok, VersionFileData} = file:read_file(VersionFile),
160 |
VersionBin = list_to_binary(string:strip(binary_to_list(VersionFileData), both, $\n)),
161 |
Version = lists:map(fun erlang:binary_to_integer/1,
162 |
binary:split(VersionBin, <<".">>, [global])),
163 |
[{version, Version} | Config].
164 |
165 |
write_postgresql_config(Config) ->
166 |
PgDataDir = ?config(datadir, Config),
167 |
168 |
PGConfig = [
169 |
"ssl = on\n",
170 |
"ssl_ca_file = 'root.crt'\n",
171 |
"lc_messages = 'en_US.UTF-8'\n",
172 |
"fsync = off\n",
173 |
"wal_level = 'logical'\n",
174 |
"max_replication_slots = 15\n",
175 |
"max_wal_senders = 15"
176 |
177 |
FilePath = filename:join(PgDataDir, "postgresql.conf"),
178 |
ok = file:write_file(FilePath, PGConfig),
179 |
180 |
181 |
copy_certs(Config) ->
182 |
PgDataDir = ?config(datadir, Config),
183 |
184 |
Files = [
185 |
{"server.crt", "server.crt", 8#00660},
186 |
{"server.key", "server.key", 8#00600},
187 |
{"root.crt", "root.crt", 8#00660},
188 |
{"root.key", "root.key", 8#00660}
189 |
190 |
lists:foreach(fun({From, To, Mode}) ->
191 |
FromPath = filename:join(?TEST_DATA_DIR, From),
192 |
ToPath = filename:join(PgDataDir, To),
193 |
{ok, _} = file:copy(FromPath, ToPath),
194 |
ok = file:change_mode(ToPath, Mode)
195 |
end, Files),
196 |
197 |
198 |
write_pg_hba_config(Config) ->
199 |
PgDataDir = ?config(datadir, Config),
200 |
Version = ?config(version, Config),
201 |
202 |
User = os:getenv("USER"),
203 |
PGConfig = [
204 |
"local all ", User, " trust\n",
205 |
"host template1 ", User, " trust\n",
206 |
"host ", User, " ", User, " trust\n",
207 |
"hostssl postgres ", User, " trust\n",
208 |
"host epgsql_test_db1 ", User, " trust\n",
209 |
"host epgsql_test_db1 epgsql_test trust\n",
210 |
"host epgsql_test_db1 epgsql_test_md5 md5\n",
211 |
"host epgsql_test_db1 epgsql_test_cleartext password\n",
212 |
"hostssl epgsql_test_db1 epgsql_test_cert cert clientcert=1\n",
213 |
"host template1 ", User, " ::1/128 trust\n",
214 |
"host ", User, " ", User, " ::1/128 trust\n",
215 |
"hostssl postgres ", User, " ::1/128 trust\n",
216 |
"host epgsql_test_db1 ", User, " ::1/128 trust\n",
217 |
"host epgsql_test_db1 epgsql_test ::1/128 trust\n",
218 |
"host epgsql_test_db1 epgsql_test_md5 ::1/128 md5\n",
219 |
"host epgsql_test_db1 epgsql_test_cleartext ::1/128 password\n",
220 |
"hostssl epgsql_test_db1 epgsql_test_cert ::1/128 cert clientcert=1\n" |
221 |
case Version >= [10] of
222 |
true ->
223 |
%% See
224 |
%% https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/release-10.html
225 |
%% "Change how logical replication uses pg_hba.conf"
226 |
["host epgsql_test_db1 epgsql_test_replication trust\n",
227 |
%% scram auth method only available on PG >= 10
228 |
"host epgsql_test_db1 epgsql_test_scram scram-sha-256\n"];
229 |
false ->
230 |
["host replication epgsql_test_replication trust\n"]
231 |
232 |
233 |
FilePath = filename:join(PgDataDir, "pg_hba.conf"),
234 |
ok = file:write_file(FilePath, PGConfig),
235 |
[{user, User}|Config].
236 |
237 |
%% =============================================================================
238 |
%% Internal functions
239 |
%% =============================================================================
240 |
241 |
get_free_port() ->
242 |
{ok, Listen} = gen_tcp:listen(0, []),
243 |
{ok, Port} = inet:port(Listen),
244 |
ok = gen_tcp:close(Listen),
245 |
246 |
247 |
pipe(Funs, Config) ->
248 |
lists:foldl(fun(F, S) -> F(S) end, Config, Funs).
249 |
250 |
ts_add({Mega, Sec, Micro}, Timeout) ->
251 |
V = (Mega * 1000000 + Sec)*1000000 + Micro + Timeout * 1000,
252 |
{V div 1000000000000,
253 |
V div 1000000 rem 1000000,
254 |
V rem 1000000}.