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adict [-d dictionary] [pattern]
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adict with no arguments opens a window that displays all the currently
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available dictionaries. To select a dictionary, click the right mouse button on
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its name.
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-d dictionary Opens a window that interfaces to the specified dictionary. To
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look up a word, enter it in the window, and click the right mouse button on it.
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[pattern] If no dictionary is specified, adict looks up the pattern in "oed" (Oxford
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English Dictionary). If more than one entry is found, adict opens a window
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displaying the headers of the matching entries. To display a particular entry
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click the right mouse button on the number to its left.
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Quit Exit and remove all windows associated with this one.
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Nmatch Display the next matching entry.
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Next Display the next entry in the dictionary.
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Prev Display the previous entry in the dictionary.
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Nmatch works independently of Prev and Next.
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Any word in the window displaying an entry can be looked up in the selected
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dictionary by clicking the right mouse button on that word.