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.HTML "Plan 9 from Bell Labs"
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Plan 9 from Bell Labs
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Rob Pike
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Dave Presotto
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Sean Dorward
8 |
Bob Flandrena
9 |
Ken Thompson
10 |
Howard Trickey
11 |
Phil Winterbottom
12 |
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Appeared in a slightly different form in
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Computing Systems,
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Vol 8 #3, Summer 1995, pp. 221-254.
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By the mid 1980's, the trend in computing was
26 |
away from large centralized time-shared computers towards
27 |
networks of smaller, personal machines,
28 |
typically UNIX `workstations'.
29 |
People had grown weary of overloaded, bureaucratic timesharing machines
30 |
and were eager to move to small, self-maintained systems, even if that
31 |
meant a net loss in computing power.
32 |
As microcomputers became faster, even that loss was recovered, and
33 |
this style of computing remains popular today.
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35 |
In the rush to personal workstations, though, some of their weaknesses
36 |
were overlooked.
37 |
First, the operating system they run, UNIX, is itself an old timesharing system and
38 |
has had trouble adapting to ideas
39 |
born after it. Graphics and networking were added to UNIX well into
40 |
its lifetime and remain poorly integrated and difficult to administer.
41 |
More important, the early focus on having private machines
42 |
made it difficult for networks of machines to serve as seamlessly as the old
43 |
monolithic timesharing systems.
44 |
Timesharing centralized the management
45 |
and amortization of costs and resources;
46 |
personal computing fractured, democratized, and ultimately amplified
47 |
administrative problems.
48 |
The choice of
49 |
an old timesharing operating system to run those personal machines
50 |
made it difficult to bind things together smoothly.
51 |
52 |
Plan 9 began in the late 1980's as an attempt to have it both
53 |
ways: to build a system that was centrally administered and cost-effective
54 |
using cheap modern microcomputers as its computing elements.
55 |
The idea was to build a time-sharing system out of workstations, but in a novel way.
56 |
Different computers would handle
57 |
different tasks: small, cheap machines in people's offices would serve
58 |
as terminals providing access to large, central, shared resources such as computing
59 |
servers and file servers. For the central machines, the coming wave of
60 |
shared-memory multiprocessors seemed obvious candidates.
61 |
The philosophy is much like that of the Cambridge
62 |
Distributed System [NeHe82].
63 |
The early catch phrase was to build a UNIX out of a lot of little systems,
64 |
not a system out of a lot of little UNIXes.
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66 |
The problems with UNIX were too deep to fix, but some of its ideas could be
67 |
brought along. The best was its use of the file system to coordinate
68 |
naming of and access to resources, even those, such as devices, not traditionally
69 |
treated as files.
70 |
For Plan 9, we adopted this idea by designing a network-level protocol, called 9P,
71 |
to enable machines to access files on remote systems.
72 |
Above this, we built a naming
73 |
system that lets people and their computing agents build customized views
74 |
of the resources in the network.
75 |
This is where Plan 9 first began to look different:
76 |
a Plan 9 user builds a private computing environment and recreates it wherever
77 |
desired, rather than doing all computing on a private machine.
78 |
It soon became clear that this model was richer
79 |
than we had foreseen, and the ideas of per-process name spaces
80 |
and file-system-like resources were extended throughout
81 |
the system\(emto processes, graphics, even the network itself.
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83 |
By 1989 the system had become solid enough
84 |
that some of us began using it as our exclusive computing environment.
85 |
This meant bringing along many of the services and applications we had
86 |
used on UNIX. We used this opportunity to revisit many issues, not just
87 |
kernel-resident ones, that we felt UNIX addressed badly.
88 |
Plan 9 has new compilers,
89 |
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91 |
window systems,
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and many new applications.
93 |
Many of the old tools were dropped, while those brought along have
94 |
been polished or rewritten.
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Why be so all-encompassing?
97 |
The distinction between operating system, library, and application
98 |
is important to the operating system researcher but uninteresting to the
99 |
user. What matters is clean functionality.
100 |
By building a complete new system,
101 |
we were able to solve problems where we thought they should be solved.
102 |
For example, there is no real `tty driver' in the kernel; that is the job of the window
103 |
104 |
In the modern world, multi-vendor and multi-architecture computing
105 |
are essential, yet the usual compilers and tools assume the program is being
106 |
built to run locally; we needed to rethink these issues.
107 |
Most important, though, the test of a system is the computing
108 |
environment it provides.
109 |
Producing a more efficient way to run the old UNIX warhorses
110 |
is empty engineering;
111 |
we were more interested in whether the new ideas suggested by
112 |
the architecture of the underlying system encourage a more effective way of working.
113 |
Thus, although Plan 9 provides an emulation environment for
114 |
running POSIX commands, it is a backwater of the system.
115 |
The vast majority
116 |
of system software is developed in the `native' Plan 9 environment.
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118 |
There are benefits to having an all-new system.
119 |
First, our laboratory has a history of building experimental peripheral boards.
120 |
To make it easy to write device drivers,
121 |
we want a system that is available in source form
122 |
(no longer guaranteed with UNIX, even
123 |
in the laboratory in which it was born).
124 |
Also, we want to redistribute our work, which means the software
125 |
must be locally produced. For example, we could have used some vendors'
126 |
C compilers for our system, but even had we overcome the problems with
127 |
cross-compilation, we would have difficulty
128 |
redistributing the result.
129 |
130 |
This paper serves as an overview of the system. It discusses the architecture
131 |
from the lowest building blocks to the computing environment seen by users.
132 |
It also serves as an introduction to the rest of the Plan 9 Programmer's Manual,
133 |
which it accompanies. More detail about topics in this paper
134 |
can be found elsewhere in the manual.
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The view of the system is built upon three principles.
139 |
First, resources are named and accessed like files in a hierarchical file system.
140 |
Second, there is a standard protocol, called 9P, for accessing these
141 |
142 |
Third, the disjoint hierarchies provided by different services are
143 |
joined together into a single private hierarchical file name space.
144 |
The unusual properties of Plan 9 stem from the consistent, aggressive
145 |
application of these principles.
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147 |
A large Plan 9 installation has a number of computers networked
148 |
together, each providing a particular class of service.
149 |
Shared multiprocessor servers provide computing cycles;
150 |
other large machines offer file storage.
151 |
These machines are located in an air-conditioned machine
152 |
room and are connected by high-performance networks.
153 |
Lower bandwidth networks such as Ethernet or ISDN connect these
154 |
servers to office- and home-resident workstations or PCs, called terminals
155 |
in Plan 9 terminology.
156 |
Figure 1 shows the arrangement.
157 |
158 |
.PS < network.pic
159 |
160 |
.ps -1
161 |
.in .25i
162 |
.ll -.25i
163 |
.ps -1
164 |
.vs -1
165 |
.I "Figure 1. Structure of a large Plan 9 installation.
166 |
CPU servers and file servers share fast local-area networks,
167 |
while terminals use slower wider-area networks such as Ethernet,
168 |
Datakit, or telephone lines to connect to them.
169 |
Gateway machines, which are just CPU servers connected to multiple
170 |
networks, allow machines on one network to see another.
171 |
.ps +1
172 |
.vs +1
173 |
.ll +.25i
174 |
.in 0
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
The modern style of computing offers each user a dedicated workstation or PC.
180 |
Plan 9's approach is different.
181 |
The various machines with screens, keyboards, and mice all provide
182 |
access to the resources of the network, so they are functionally equivalent,
183 |
in the manner of the terminals attached to old timesharing systems.
184 |
When someone uses the system, though,
185 |
the terminal is temporarily personalized by that user.
186 |
Instead of customizing the hardware, Plan 9 offers the ability to customize
187 |
one's view of the system provided by the software.
188 |
That customization is accomplished by giving local, personal names for the
189 |
publicly visible resources in the network.
190 |
Plan 9 provides the mechanism to assemble a personal view of the public
191 |
space with local names for globally accessible resources.
192 |
Since the most important resources of the network are files, the model
193 |
of that view is file-oriented.
194 |
195 |
The client's local name space provides a way to customize the user's
196 |
view of the network. The services available in the network all export file
197 |
198 |
Those important to the user are gathered together into
199 |
a custom name space; those of no immediate interest are ignored.
200 |
This is a different style of use from the idea of a `uniform global name space'.
201 |
In Plan 9, there are known names for services and uniform names for
202 |
files exported by those services,
203 |
but the view is entirely local. As an analogy, consider the difference
204 |
between the phrase `my house' and the precise address of the speaker's
205 |
home. The latter may be used by anyone but the former is easier to say and
206 |
makes sense when spoken.
207 |
It also changes meaning depending on who says it,
208 |
yet that does not cause confusion.
209 |
Similarly, in Plan 9 the name
210 |
.CW /dev/cons
211 |
always refers to the user's terminal and
212 |
.CW /bin/date
213 |
the correct version of the date
214 |
command to run,
215 |
but which files those names represent depends on circumstances such as the
216 |
architecture of the machine executing
217 |
.CW date .
218 |
Plan 9, then, has local name spaces that obey globally understood
219 |
220 |
it is the conventions that guarantee sane behavior in the presence
221 |
of local names.
222 |
223 |
The 9P protocol is structured as a set of transactions that
224 |
send a request from a client to a (local or remote) server and return the result.
225 |
9P controls file systems, not just files:
226 |
it includes procedures to resolve file names and traverse the name
227 |
hierarchy of the file system provided by the server.
228 |
On the other hand,
229 |
the client's name space is held by the client system alone, not on or with the server,
230 |
a distinction from systems such as Sprite [OCDNW88].
231 |
Also, file access is at the level of bytes, not blocks, which distinguishes
232 |
9P from protocols like NFS and RFS.
233 |
A paper by Welch compares Sprite, NFS, and Plan 9's network file system structures [Welc94].
234 |
235 |
This approach was designed with traditional files in mind,
236 |
but can be extended
237 |
to many other resources.
238 |
Plan 9 services that export file hierarchies include I/O devices,
239 |
backup services,
240 |
the window system,
241 |
network interfaces,
242 |
and many others.
243 |
One example is the process file system,
244 |
.CW /proc ,
245 |
which provides a clean way
246 |
to examine and control running processes.
247 |
Precursor systems had a similar idea [Kill84], but Plan 9 pushes the
248 |
file metaphor much further [PPTTW93].
249 |
The file system model is well-understood, both by system builders and general users,
250 |
so services that present file-like interfaces are easy to build, easy to understand,
251 |
and easy to use.
252 |
Files come with agreed-upon rules for
253 |
254 |
255 |
and access both local and remote,
256 |
so services built this way are ready-made for a distributed system.
257 |
(This is a distinction from `object-oriented' models, where these issues
258 |
must be faced anew for every class of object.)
259 |
Examples in the sections that follow illustrate these ideas in action.
260 |
261 |
The Command-level View
262 |
263 |
Plan 9 is meant to be used from a machine with a screen running
264 |
the window system.
265 |
It has no notion of `teletype' in the UNIX sense. The keyboard handling of
266 |
the bare system is rudimentary, but once the window system, 8½ [Pike91],
267 |
is running,
268 |
text can be edited with `cut and paste' operations from a pop-up menu,
269 |
copied between windows, and so on.
270 |
8½ permits editing text from the past, not just on the current input line.
271 |
The text-editing capabilities of 8½ are strong enough to displace
272 |
special features such as history in the shell,
273 |
paging and scrolling,
274 |
and mail editors.
275 |
8½ windows do not support cursor addressing and,
276 |
except for one terminal emulator to simplify connecting to traditional systems,
277 |
there is no cursor-addressing software in Plan 9.
278 |
279 |
Each window is created in a separate name space.
280 |
Adjustments made to the name space in a window do not affect other windows
281 |
or programs, making it safe to experiment with local modifications to the name
282 |
space, for example
283 |
to substitute files from the dump file system when debugging.
284 |
Once the debugging is done, the window can be deleted and all trace of the
285 |
experimental apparatus is gone.
286 |
Similar arguments apply to the private space each window has for environment
287 |
variables, notes (analogous to UNIX signals), etc.
288 |
289 |
Each window is created running an application, such as the shell, with
290 |
standard input and output connected to the editable text of the window.
291 |
Each window also has a private bitmap and multiplexed access to the
292 |
keyboard, mouse, and other graphical resources through files like
293 |
.CW /dev/mouse ,
294 |
.CW /dev/bitblt ,
295 |
296 |
.CW /dev/cons
297 |
(analogous to UNIX's
298 |
.CW /dev/tty ).
299 |
These files are provided by 8½, which is implemented as a file server.
300 |
Unlike X windows, where a new application typically creates a new window
301 |
to run in, an 8½ graphics application usually runs in the window where it starts.
302 |
It is possible and efficient for an application to create a new window, but
303 |
that is not the style of the system.
304 |
Again contrasting to X, in which a remote application makes a network
305 |
call to the X server to start running,
306 |
a remote 8½ application sees the
307 |
.CW mouse ,
308 |
.CW bitblt ,
309 |
310 |
.CW cons
311 |
files for the window as usual in
312 |
.CW /dev ;
313 |
it does not know whether the files are local.
314 |
It just reads and writes them to control the window;
315 |
the network connection is already there and multiplexed.
316 |
317 |
The intended style of use is to run interactive applications such as the window
318 |
system and text editor on the terminal and to run computation- or file-intensive
319 |
applications on remote servers.
320 |
Different windows may be running programs on different machines over
321 |
different networks, but by making the name space equivalent in all windows,
322 |
this is transparent: the same commands and resources are available, with the same names,
323 |
wherever the computation is performed.
324 |
325 |
The command set of Plan 9 is similar to that of UNIX.
326 |
The commands fall into several broad classes. Some are new programs for
327 |
old jobs: programs like
328 |
.CW ls ,
329 |
.CW cat ,
330 |
331 |
.CW who
332 |
have familiar names and functions but are new, simpler implementations.
333 |
.CW Who ,
334 |
for example, is a shell script, while
335 |
.CW ps
336 |
is just 95 lines of C code.
337 |
Some commands are essentially the same as their UNIX ancestors:
338 |
.CW awk ,
339 |
.CW troff ,
340 |
and others have been converted to ANSI C and extended to handle
341 |
Unicode, but are still the familiar tools.
342 |
Some are entirely new programs for old niches: the shell
343 |
.CW rc ,
344 |
text editor
345 |
.CW sam ,
346 |
347 |
.CW acid ,
348 |
and others
349 |
displace the better-known UNIX tools with similar jobs.
350 |
Finally, about half the commands are new.
351 |
352 |
Compatibility was not a requirement for the system.
353 |
Where the old commands or notation seemed good enough, we
354 |
kept them. When they didn't, we replaced them.
355 |
356 |
The File Server
357 |
358 |
A central file server stores permanent files and presents them to the network
359 |
as a file hierarchy exported using 9P.
360 |
The server is a stand-alone system, accessible only over the network,
361 |
designed to do its one job well.
362 |
It runs no user processes, only a fixed set of routines compiled into the
363 |
boot image.
364 |
Rather than a set of disks or separate file systems,
365 |
the main hierarchy exported by the server is a single
366 |
tree, representing files on many disks.
367 |
That hierarchy is
368 |
shared by many users over a wide area on a variety of networks.
369 |
Other file trees exported by
370 |
the server include
371 |
special-purpose systems such as temporary storage and, as explained
372 |
below, a backup service.
373 |
374 |
The file server has three levels of storage.
375 |
The central server in our installation has
376 |
about 100 megabytes of memory buffers,
377 |
27 gigabytes of magnetic disks,
378 |
and 350 gigabytes of
379 |
bulk storage in a write-once-read-many (WORM) jukebox.
380 |
The disk is a cache for the WORM and the memory is a cache for the disk;
381 |
each is much faster, and sees about an order of magnitude more traffic,
382 |
than the level it caches.
383 |
The addressable data in the file system can be larger than the size of the
384 |
magnetic disks, because they are only a cache;
385 |
our main file server has about 40 gigabytes of active storage.
386 |
387 |
The most unusual feature of the file server
388 |
comes from its use of a WORM device for
389 |
stable storage.
390 |
Every morning at 5 o'clock, a
391 |
.I dump
392 |
of the file system occurs automatically.
393 |
The file system is frozen and
394 |
all blocks modified since the last dump
395 |
are queued to be written to the WORM.
396 |
Once the blocks are queued,
397 |
service is restored and
398 |
the read-only root of the dumped
399 |
file system appears in a
400 |
hierarchy of all dumps ever taken, named by its date.
401 |
For example, the directory
402 |
.CW /n/dump/1995/0315
403 |
is the root directory of an image of the file system
404 |
as it appeared in the early morning of March 15, 1995.
405 |
It takes a few minutes to queue the blocks,
406 |
but the process to copy blocks to the WORM, which runs in the background, may take hours.
407 |
408 |
There are two ways the dump file system is used.
409 |
The first is by the users themselves, who can browse the
410 |
dump file system directly or attach pieces of
411 |
it to their name space.
412 |
For example, to track down a bug,
413 |
it is straightforward to try the compiler from three months ago
414 |
or to link a program with yesterday's library.
415 |
With daily snapshots of all files,
416 |
it is easy to find when a particular change was
417 |
made or what changes were made on a particular date.
418 |
People feel free to make large speculative changes
419 |
to files in the knowledge that they can be backed
420 |
out with a single
421 |
copy command.
422 |
There is no backup system as such;
423 |
instead, because the dump
424 |
is in the file name space,
425 |
backup problems can be solved with
426 |
standard tools
427 |
such as
428 |
.CW cp ,
429 |
.CW ls ,
430 |
.CW grep ,
431 |
432 |
.CW diff .
433 |
434 |
The other (very rare) use is complete system backup.
435 |
In the event of disaster,
436 |
the active file system can be initialized from any dump by clearing the
437 |
disk cache and setting the root of
438 |
the active file system to be a copy
439 |
of the dumped root.
440 |
Although easy to do, this is not to be taken lightly:
441 |
besides losing any change made after the date of the dump, this recovery method
442 |
results in a very slow system.
443 |
The cache must be reloaded from WORM, which is much
444 |
slower than magnetic disks.
445 |
The file system takes a few days to reload the working
446 |
set and regain its full performance.
447 |
448 |
Access permissions of files in the dump are the same
449 |
as they were when the dump was made.
450 |
Normal utilities have normal
451 |
permissions in the dump without any special arrangement.
452 |
The dump file system is read-only, though,
453 |
which means that files in the dump cannot be written regardless of their permission bits;
454 |
in fact, since directories are part of the read-only structure,
455 |
even the permissions cannot be changed.
456 |
457 |
Once a file is written to WORM, it cannot be removed,
458 |
so our users never see
459 |
``please clean up your files''
460 |
messages and there is no
461 |
.CW df
462 |
463 |
We regard the WORM jukebox as an unlimited resource.
464 |
The only issue is how long it will take to fill.
465 |
Our WORM has served a community of about 50 users
466 |
for five years and has absorbed daily dumps, consuming a total of
467 |
65% of the storage in the jukebox.
468 |
In that time, the manufacturer has improved the technology,
469 |
doubling the capacity of the individual disks.
470 |
If we were to upgrade to the new media,
471 |
we would have more free space than in the original empty jukebox.
472 |
Technology has created storage faster than we can use it.
473 |
474 |
Unusual file servers
475 |
476 |
Plan 9 is characterized by a variety of servers that offer
477 |
a file-like interface to unusual services.
478 |
Many of these are implemented by user-level processes, although the distinction
479 |
is unimportant to their clients; whether a service is provided by the kernel,
480 |
a user process, or a remote server is irrelevant to the way it is used.
481 |
There are dozens of such servers; in this section we present three representative ones.
482 |
483 |
Perhaps the most remarkable file server in Plan 9 is 8½, the window system.
484 |
It is discussed at length elsewhere [Pike91], but deserves a brief explanation here.
485 |
8½ provides two interfaces: to the user seated at the terminal, it offers a traditional
486 |
style of interaction with multiple windows, each running an application, all controlled
487 |
by a mouse and keyboard.
488 |
To the client programs, the view is also fairly traditional:
489 |
programs running in a window see a set of files in
490 |
.CW /dev
491 |
with names like
492 |
.CW mouse ,
493 |
.CW screen ,
494 |
495 |
.CW cons .
496 |
Programs that want to print text to their window write to
497 |
.CW /dev/cons ;
498 |
to read the mouse, they read
499 |
.CW /dev/mouse .
500 |
In the Plan 9 style, bitmap graphics is implemented by providing a file
501 |
.CW /dev/bitblt
502 |
on which clients write encoded messages to execute graphical operations such as
503 |
.CW bitblt
504 |
505 |
What is unusual is how this is done:
506 |
8½ is a file server, serving the files in
507 |
.CW /dev
508 |
to the clients running in each window.
509 |
Although every window looks the same to its client,
510 |
each window has a distinct set of files in
511 |
.CW /dev .
512 |
8½ multiplexes its clients' access to the resources of the terminal
513 |
by serving multiple sets of files. Each client is given a private name space
514 |
with a
515 |
.I different
516 |
set of files that behave the same as in all other windows.
517 |
There are many advantages to this structure.
518 |
One is that 8½ serves the same files it needs for its own implementation\(emit
519 |
multiplexes its own interface\(emso it may be run, recursively, as a client of itself.
520 |
Also, consider the implementation of
521 |
.CW /dev/tty
522 |
in UNIX, which requires special code in the kernel to redirect
523 |
.CW open
524 |
calls to the appropriate device.
525 |
Instead, in 8½ the equivalent service falls out
526 |
automatically: 8½ serves
527 |
.CW /dev/cons
528 |
as its basic function; there is nothing extra to do.
529 |
When a program wants to
530 |
read from the keyboard, it opens
531 |
.CW /dev/cons ,
532 |
but it is a private file, not a shared one with special properties.
533 |
Again, local name spaces make this possible; conventions about the consistency of
534 |
the files within them make it natural.
535 |
536 |
8½ has a unique feature made possible by its design.
537 |
Because it is implemented as a file server,
538 |
it has the power to postpone answering read requests for a particular window.
539 |
This behavior is toggled by a reserved key on the keyboard.
540 |
Toggling once suspends client reads from the window;
541 |
toggling again resumes normal reads, which absorb whatever text has been prepared,
542 |
one line at a time.
543 |
This allows the user to edit multi-line input text on the screen before the application sees it,
544 |
obviating the need to invoke a separate editor to prepare text such as mail
545 |
546 |
A related property is that reads are answered directly from the
547 |
data structure defining the text on the display: text may be edited until
548 |
its final newline makes the prepared line of text readable by the client.
549 |
Even then, until the line is read, the text the client will read can be changed.
550 |
For example, after typing
551 |
552 |
% make
553 |
rm *
554 |
555 |
to the shell, the user can backspace over the final newline at any time until
556 |
.CW make
557 |
finishes, holding off execution of the
558 |
.CW rm
559 |
command, or even point with the mouse
560 |
before the
561 |
.CW rm
562 |
and type another command to be executed first.
563 |
564 |
There is no
565 |
.CW ftp
566 |
command in Plan 9. Instead, a user-level file server called
567 |
.CW ftpfs
568 |
dials the FTP site, logs in on behalf of the user, and uses the FTP protocol
569 |
to examine files in the remote directory.
570 |
To the local user, it offers a file hierarchy, attached to
571 |
.CW /n/ftp
572 |
in the local name space, mirroring the contents of the FTP site.
573 |
In other words, it translates the FTP protocol into 9P to offer Plan 9 access to FTP sites.
574 |
The implementation is tricky;
575 |
.CW ftpfs
576 |
must do some sophisticated caching for efficiency and
577 |
use heuristics to decode remote directory information.
578 |
But the result is worthwhile:
579 |
all the local file management tools such as
580 |
.CW cp ,
581 |
.CW grep ,
582 |
.CW diff ,
583 |
and of course
584 |
.CW ls
585 |
are available to FTP-served files exactly as if they were local files.
586 |
Other systems such as Jade and Prospero
587 |
have exploited the same opportunity [Rao81, Neu92],
588 |
but because of local name spaces and the simplicity of implementing 9P,
589 |
this approach
590 |
fits more naturally into Plan 9 than into other environments.
591 |
592 |
One server,
593 |
.CW exportfs ,
594 |
is a user process that takes a portion of its own name space and
595 |
makes it available to other processes by
596 |
translating 9P requests into system calls to the Plan 9 kernel.
597 |
The file hierarchy it exports may contain files from multiple servers.
598 |
.CW Exportfs
599 |
is usually run as a remote server
600 |
started by a local program,
601 |
602 |
.CW import
603 |
604 |
.CW cpu .
605 |
.CW Import
606 |
makes a network call to the remote machine, starts
607 |
.CW exportfs
608 |
there, and attaches its 9P connection to the local name space. For example,
609 |
610 |
import helix /net
611 |
612 |
makes Helix's network interfaces visible in the local
613 |
.CW /net
614 |
directory. Helix is a central server and
615 |
has many network interfaces, so this permits a machine with one network to
616 |
access to any of Helix's networks. After such an import, the local
617 |
machine may make calls on any of the networks connected to Helix.
618 |
Another example is
619 |
620 |
import helix /proc
621 |
622 |
which makes Helix's processes visible in the local
623 |
.CW /proc ,
624 |
permitting local debuggers to examine remote processes.
625 |
626 |
627 |
.CW cpu
628 |
command connects the local terminal to a remote
629 |
CPU server.
630 |
It works in the opposite direction to
631 |
.CW import :
632 |
after calling the server, it starts a
633 |
.I local
634 |
.CW exportfs
635 |
and mounts it in the name space of a process, typically a newly created shell, on the
636 |
637 |
It then rearranges the name space
638 |
to make local device files (such as those served by
639 |
the terminal's window system) visible in the server's
640 |
.CW /dev
641 |
642 |
The effect of running a
643 |
.CW cpu
644 |
command is therefore to start a shell on a fast machine, one more tightly
645 |
coupled to the file server,
646 |
with a name space analogous
647 |
to the local one.
648 |
All local device files are visible remotely, so remote applications have full
649 |
access to local services such as bitmap graphics,
650 |
.CW /dev/cons ,
651 |
and so on.
652 |
This is not the same as
653 |
.CW rlogin ,
654 |
which does nothing to reproduce the local name space on the remote system,
655 |
nor is it the same as
656 |
file sharing with, say, NFS, which can achieve some name space equivalence but
657 |
not the combination of access to local hardware devices, remote files, and remote
658 |
CPU resources.
659 |
660 |
.CW cpu
661 |
command is a uniquely transparent mechanism.
662 |
For example, it is reasonable
663 |
to start a window system in a window running a
664 |
.CW cpu
665 |
command; all windows created there automatically start processes on the CPU server.
666 |
667 |
Configurability and administration
668 |
669 |
The uniform interconnection of components in Plan 9 makes it possible to configure
670 |
a Plan 9 installation many different ways.
671 |
A single laptop PC can function as a stand-alone Plan 9 system;
672 |
at the other extreme, our setup has central multiprocessor CPU
673 |
servers and file servers and scores of terminals ranging from small PCs to
674 |
high-end graphics workstations.
675 |
It is such large installations that best represent how Plan 9 operates.
676 |
677 |
The system software is portable and the same
678 |
operating system runs on all hardware.
679 |
Except for performance, the appearance of the system on, say,
680 |
an SGI workstation is the same
681 |
as on a laptop.
682 |
Since computing and file services are centralized, and terminals have
683 |
no permanent file storage, all terminals are functionally identical.
684 |
In this way, Plan 9 has one of the good properties of old timesharing systems, where
685 |
a user could sit in front of any machine and see the same system. In the modern
686 |
workstation community, machines tend to be owned by people who customize them
687 |
by storing private information on local disk.
688 |
We reject this style of use,
689 |
although the system itself can be used this way.
690 |
In our group, we have a laboratory with many public-access machines\(ema terminal
691 |
room\(emand a user may sit down at any one of them and work.
692 |
693 |
Central file servers centralize not just the files, but also their administration
694 |
and maintenance.
695 |
In fact, one server is the main server, holding all system files; other servers provide
696 |
extra storage or are available for debugging and other special uses, but the system
697 |
software resides on one machine.
698 |
This means that each program
699 |
has a single copy of the binary for each architecture, so it is
700 |
trivial to install updates and bug fixes.
701 |
There is also a single user database; there is no need to synchronize distinct
702 |
.CW /etc/passwd
703 |
704 |
On the other hand, depending on a single central server does limit the size of an installation.
705 |
706 |
Another example of the power of centralized file service
707 |
is the way Plan 9 administers network information.
708 |
On the central server there is a directory,
709 |
.CW /lib/ndb ,
710 |
that contains all the information necessary to administer the local Ethernet and
711 |
other networks.
712 |
All the machines use the same database to talk to the network; there is no
713 |
need to manage a distributed naming system or keep parallel files up to date.
714 |
To install a new machine on the local Ethernet, choose a
715 |
name and IP address and add these to a single file in
716 |
.CW /lib/ndb ;
717 |
all the machines in the installation will be able to talk to it immediately.
718 |
To start running, plug the machine into the network, turn it on, and use BOOTP
719 |
and TFTP to load the kernel.
720 |
All else is automatic.
721 |
722 |
723 |
the automated dump file system frees all users from the need to maintain
724 |
their systems, while providing easy access to backup files without
725 |
tapes, special commands, or the involvement of support staff.
726 |
It is difficult to overstate the improvement in lifestyle afforded by this service.
727 |
728 |
Plan 9 runs on a variety of hardware without
729 |
constraining how to configure an installation.
730 |
In our laboratory, we
731 |
chose to use central servers because they amortize costs and administration.
732 |
A sign that this is a good decision is that our cheap
733 |
terminals remain comfortable places
734 |
to work for about five years, much longer than workstations that must provide
735 |
the complete computing environment.
736 |
We do, however, upgrade the central machines, so
737 |
the computation available from even old Plan 9 terminals improves with time.
738 |
The money saved by avoiding regular upgrades of terminals
739 |
is instead spent on the newest, fastest multiprocessor servers.
740 |
We estimate this costs about half the money of networked workstations
741 |
yet provides general access to more powerful machines.
742 |
743 |
C Programming
744 |
745 |
Plan 9 utilities are written in several languages.
746 |
Some are scripts for the shell,
747 |
.CW rc
748 |
[Duff90]; a handful
749 |
are written in a new C-like concurrent language called Alef [Wint95], described below.
750 |
The great majority, though, are written in a dialect of ANSI C [ANSIC].
751 |
Of these, most are entirely new programs, but some
752 |
originate in pre-ANSI C code
753 |
from our research UNIX system [UNIX85].
754 |
These have been updated to ANSI C
755 |
and reworked for portability and cleanliness.
756 |
757 |
The Plan 9 C dialect has some minor extensions,
758 |
described elsewhere [Pike95], and a few major restrictions.
759 |
The most important restriction is that the compiler demands that
760 |
all function definitions have ANSI prototypes
761 |
and all function calls appear in the scope of a prototyped declaration
762 |
of the function.
763 |
As a stylistic rule,
764 |
the prototyped declaration is placed in a header file
765 |
included by all files that call the function.
766 |
Each system library has an associated header file, declaring all
767 |
functions in that library.
768 |
For example, the standard Plan 9 library is called
769 |
.CW libc ,
770 |
so all C source files include
771 |
.CW <libc.h> .
772 |
These rules guarantee that all functions
773 |
are called with arguments having the expected types \(em something
774 |
that was not true with pre-ANSI C programs.
775 |
776 |
Another restriction is that the C compilers accept only a subset of the
777 |
preprocessor directives required by ANSI.
778 |
The main omission is
779 |
.CW #if ,
780 |
since we believe it
781 |
is never necessary and often abused.
782 |
Also, its effect is
783 |
better achieved by other means.
784 |
For instance, an
785 |
.CW #if
786 |
used to toggle a feature at compile time can be written
787 |
as a regular
788 |
.CW if
789 |
statement, relying on compile-time constant folding and
790 |
dead code elimination to discard object code.
791 |
792 |
Conditional compilation, even with
793 |
.CW #ifdef ,
794 |
is used sparingly in Plan 9.
795 |
The only architecture-dependent
796 |
.CW #ifdefs
797 |
in the system are in low-level routines in the graphics library.
798 |
Instead, we avoid such dependencies or, when necessary, isolate
799 |
them in separate source files or libraries.
800 |
Besides making code hard to read,
801 |
.CW #ifdefs
802 |
make it impossible to know what source is compiled into the binary
803 |
or whether source protected by them will compile or work properly.
804 |
They make it harder to maintain software.
805 |
806 |
The standard Plan 9 library overlaps much of
807 |
ANSI C and POSIX [POSIX], but diverges
808 |
when appropriate to Plan 9's goals or implementation.
809 |
When the semantics of a function
810 |
change, we also change the name.
811 |
For instance, instead of UNIX's
812 |
.CW creat ,
813 |
Plan 9 has a
814 |
.CW create
815 |
function that takes three arguments,
816 |
the original two plus a third that, like the second
817 |
argument of
818 |
.CW open ,
819 |
defines whether the returned file descriptor is to be opened for reading,
820 |
writing, or both.
821 |
This design was forced by the way 9P implements creation,
822 |
but it also simplifies the common use of
823 |
.CW create
824 |
to initialize a temporary file.
825 |
826 |
Another departure from ANSI C is that Plan 9 uses a 16-bit character set
827 |
called Unicode [ISO10646, Unicode].
828 |
Although we stopped short of full internationalization,
829 |
Plan 9 treats the representation
830 |
of all major languages uniformly throughout all its
831 |
832 |
To simplify the exchange of text between programs, the characters are packed into
833 |
a byte stream by an encoding we designed, called UTF-8,
834 |
which is now
835 |
becoming accepted as a standard [FSSUTF].
836 |
It has several attractive properties,
837 |
including byte-order independence,
838 |
backwards compatibility with ASCII,
839 |
and ease of implementation.
840 |
841 |
There are many problems in adapting existing software to a large
842 |
character set with an encoding that represents characters with
843 |
a variable number of bytes.
844 |
ANSI C addresses some of the issues but
845 |
falls short of
846 |
solving them all.
847 |
It does not pick a character set encoding and does not
848 |
define all the necessary I/O library routines.
849 |
Furthermore, the functions it
850 |
.I does
851 |
define have engineering problems.
852 |
Since the standard left too many problems unsolved,
853 |
we decided to build our own interface.
854 |
A separate paper has the details [Pike93].
855 |
856 |
A small class of Plan 9 programs do not follow the conventions
857 |
discussed in this section.
858 |
These are programs imported from and maintained by
859 |
the UNIX community;
860 |
.CW tex
861 |
is a representative example.
862 |
To avoid reconverting such programs every time a new version
863 |
is released,
864 |
we built a porting environment, called the ANSI C/POSIX Environment, or APE [Tric95].
865 |
APE comprises separate include files, libraries, and commands,
866 |
conforming as much as possible to the strict ANSI C and base-level
867 |
POSIX specifications.
868 |
To port network-based software such as X Windows, it was necessary to add
869 |
some extensions to those
870 |
specifications, such as the BSD networking functions.
871 |
872 |
Portability and Compilation
873 |
874 |
Plan 9 is portable across a variety of processor architectures.
875 |
Within a single computing session, it is common to use
876 |
several architectures: perhaps the window system running on
877 |
an Intel processor connected to a MIPS-based CPU server with files
878 |
resident on a SPARC system.
879 |
For this heterogeneity to be transparent, there must be conventions
880 |
about data interchange between programs; for software maintenance
881 |
to be straightforward, there must be conventions about cross-architecture
882 |
883 |
884 |
To avoid byte order problems,
885 |
data is communicated between programs as text whenever practical.
886 |
Sometimes, though, the amount of data is high enough that a binary
887 |
format is necessary;
888 |
such data is communicated as a byte stream with a pre-defined encoding
889 |
for multi-byte values.
890 |
In the rare cases where a format
891 |
is complex enough to be defined by a data structure,
892 |
the structure is never
893 |
communicated as a unit; instead, it is decomposed into
894 |
individual fields, encoded as an ordered byte stream, and then
895 |
reassembled by the recipient.
896 |
These conventions affect data
897 |
ranging from kernel or application program state information to object file
898 |
intermediates generated by the compiler.
899 |
900 |
Programs, including the kernel, often present their data
901 |
through a file system interface,
902 |
an access mechanism that is inherently portable.
903 |
For example, the system clock is represented by a decimal number in the file
904 |
.CW /dev/time ;
905 |
906 |
.CW time
907 |
library function (there is no
908 |
.CW time
909 |
system call) reads the file and converts it to binary.
910 |
Similarly, instead of encoding the state of an application
911 |
process in a series of flags and bits in private memory,
912 |
the kernel
913 |
presents a text string in the file named
914 |
.CW status
915 |
in the
916 |
.CW /proc
917 |
file system associated with each process.
918 |
The Plan 9
919 |
.CW ps
920 |
command is trivial: it prints the contents of
921 |
the desired status files after some minor reformatting; moreover, after
922 |
923 |
import helix /proc
924 |
925 |
a local
926 |
.CW ps
927 |
command reports on the status of Helix's processes.
928 |
929 |
Each supported architecture has its own compilers and loader.
930 |
The C and Alef compilers produce intermediate files that
931 |
are portably encoded; the contents
932 |
are unique to the target architecture but the format of the
933 |
file is independent of compiling processor type.
934 |
When a compiler for a given architecture is compiled on
935 |
another type of processor and then used to compile a program
936 |
937 |
the intermediate produced on
938 |
the new architecture is identical to the intermediate
939 |
produced on the native processor. From the compiler's
940 |
point of view, every compilation is a cross-compilation.
941 |
942 |
Although each architecture's loader accepts only intermediate files produced
943 |
by compilers for that architecture,
944 |
such files could have been generated by a compiler executing
945 |
on any type of processor.
946 |
For instance, it is possible to run
947 |
the MIPS compiler on a 486, then use the MIPS loader on a
948 |
SPARC to produce a MIPS executable.
949 |
950 |
Since Plan 9 runs on a variety of architectures, even in a single installation,
951 |
distinguishing the compilers and intermediate names
952 |
simplifies multi-architecture
953 |
development from a single source tree.
954 |
The compilers and the loader for each architecture are
955 |
uniquely named; there is no
956 |
.CW cc
957 |
958 |
The names are derived by concatenating a code letter
959 |
associated with the target architecture with the name of the
960 |
compiler or loader. For example, the letter `8' is
961 |
the code letter for Intel
962 |
.I x 86
963 |
processors; the C compiler is named
964 |
.CW 8c ,
965 |
the Alef compiler
966 |
.CW 8al ,
967 |
and the loader is called
968 |
.CW 8l .
969 |
Similarly, the compiler intermediate files are suffixed
970 |
.CW .8 ,
971 |
972 |
.CW .o .
973 |
974 |
The Plan 9
975 |
build program
976 |
.CW mk ,
977 |
a relative of
978 |
.CW make ,
979 |
reads the names of the current and target
980 |
architectures from environment variables called
981 |
.CW $cputype
982 |
983 |
.CW $objtype .
984 |
By default the current processor is the target, but setting
985 |
.CW $objtype
986 |
to the name of another architecture
987 |
before invoking
988 |
.CW mk
989 |
results in a cross-build:
990 |
991 |
% objtype=sparc mk
992 |
993 |
builds a program for the SPARC architecture regardless of the executing machine.
994 |
The value of
995 |
.CW $objtype
996 |
selects a
997 |
file of architecture-dependent variable definitions
998 |
that configures the build to use the appropriate compilers and loader.
999 |
Although simple-minded, this technique works well in practice:
1000 |
all applications in Plan 9 are built from a single source tree
1001 |
and it is possible to build the various architectures in parallel without conflict.
1002 |
1003 |
Parallel programming
1004 |
1005 |
Plan 9's support for parallel programming has two aspects.
1006 |
First, the kernel provides
1007 |
a simple process model and a few carefully designed system calls for
1008 |
synchronization and sharing.
1009 |
Second, a new parallel programming language called Alef
1010 |
supports concurrent programming.
1011 |
Although it is possible to write parallel
1012 |
programs in C, Alef is the parallel language of choice.
1013 |
1014 |
There is a trend in new operating systems to implement two
1015 |
classes of processes: normal UNIX-style processes and light-weight
1016 |
kernel threads.
1017 |
Instead, Plan 9 provides a single class of process but allows fine control of the
1018 |
sharing of a process's resources such as memory and file descriptors.
1019 |
A single class of process is a
1020 |
feasible approach in Plan 9 because the kernel has an efficient system
1021 |
call interface and cheap process creation and scheduling.
1022 |
1023 |
Parallel programs have three basic requirements:
1024 |
management of resources shared between processes,
1025 |
an interface to the scheduler,
1026 |
and fine-grain process synchronization using spin locks.
1027 |
On Plan 9,
1028 |
new processes are created using the
1029 |
.CW rfork
1030 |
system call.
1031 |
.CW Rfork
1032 |
takes a single argument,
1033 |
a bit vector that specifies
1034 |
which of the parent process's resources should be shared,
1035 |
copied, or created anew
1036 |
in the child.
1037 |
The resources controlled by
1038 |
.CW rfork
1039 |
include the name space,
1040 |
the environment,
1041 |
the file descriptor table,
1042 |
memory segments,
1043 |
and notes (Plan 9's analog of UNIX signals).
1044 |
One of the bits controls whether the
1045 |
.CW rfork
1046 |
call will create a new process; if the bit is off, the resulting
1047 |
modification to the resources occurs in the process making the call.
1048 |
For example, a process calls
1049 |
.CW rfork(RFNAMEG)
1050 |
to disconnect its name space from its parent's.
1051 |
Alef uses a
1052 |
fine-grained fork in which all the resources, including
1053 |
memory, are shared between parent
1054 |
and child, analogous to creating a kernel thread in many systems.
1055 |
1056 |
An indication that
1057 |
.CW rfork
1058 |
is the right model is the variety of ways it is used.
1059 |
Other than the canonical use in the library routine
1060 |
.CW fork ,
1061 |
it is hard to find two calls to
1062 |
.CW rfork
1063 |
with the same bits set; programs
1064 |
use it to create many different forms of sharing and resource allocation.
1065 |
A system with just two types of processes\(emregular processes and threads\(emcould
1066 |
not handle this variety.
1067 |
1068 |
There are two ways to share memory.
1069 |
First, a flag to
1070 |
.CW rfork
1071 |
causes all the memory segments of the parent to be shared with the child
1072 |
(except the stack, which is
1073 |
forked copy-on-write regardless).
1074 |
Alternatively, a new segment of memory may be
1075 |
attached using the
1076 |
.CW segattach
1077 |
system call; such a segment
1078 |
will always be shared between parent and child.
1079 |
1080 |
1081 |
.CW rendezvous
1082 |
system call provides a way for processes to synchronize.
1083 |
Alef uses it to implement communication channels,
1084 |
queuing locks,
1085 |
multiple reader/writer locks, and
1086 |
the sleep and wakeup mechanism.
1087 |
.CW Rendezvous
1088 |
takes two arguments, a tag and a value.
1089 |
When a process calls
1090 |
.CW rendezvous
1091 |
with a tag it sleeps until another process
1092 |
presents a matching tag.
1093 |
When a pair of tags match, the values are exchanged
1094 |
between the two processes and both
1095 |
.CW rendezvous
1096 |
calls return.
1097 |
This primitive is sufficient to implement the full set of synchronization routines.
1098 |
1099 |
Finally, spin locks are provided by
1100 |
an architecture-dependent library at user level.
1101 |
Most processors provide atomic test and set instructions that
1102 |
can be used to implement locks.
1103 |
A notable exception is the MIPS R3000, so the SGI
1104 |
Power series multiprocessors have special lock hardware on the bus.
1105 |
User processes gain access to the lock hardware
1106 |
by mapping pages of hardware locks
1107 |
into their address space using the
1108 |
.CW segattach
1109 |
system call.
1110 |
1111 |
A Plan 9 process in a system call will block regardless of its `weight'.
1112 |
This means that when a program wishes to read from a slow
1113 |
device without blocking the entire calculation, it must fork a process to do
1114 |
the read for it. The solution is to start a satellite
1115 |
process that does the I/O and delivers the answer to the main program
1116 |
through shared memory or perhaps a pipe.
1117 |
This sounds onerous but works easily and efficiently in practice; in fact,
1118 |
most interactive Plan 9 applications, even relatively ordinary ones written
1119 |
in C, such as
1120 |
the text editor Sam [Pike87], run as multiprocess programs.
1121 |
1122 |
The kernel support for parallel programming in Plan 9 is a few hundred lines
1123 |
of portable code; a handful of simple primitives enable the problems to be handled
1124 |
cleanly at user level.
1125 |
Although the primitives work fine from C,
1126 |
they are particularly expressive from within Alef.
1127 |
The creation
1128 |
and management of slave I/O processes can be written in a few lines of Alef,
1129 |
providing the foundation for a consistent means of multiplexing
1130 |
data flows between arbitrary processes.
1131 |
Moreover, implementing it in a language rather than in the kernel
1132 |
ensures consistent semantics between all devices
1133 |
and provides a more general multiplexing primitive.
1134 |
Compare this to the UNIX
1135 |
.CW select
1136 |
system call:
1137 |
.CW select
1138 |
applies only to a restricted set of devices,
1139 |
legislates a style of multiprogramming in the kernel,
1140 |
does not extend across networks,
1141 |
is difficult to implement, and is hard to use.
1142 |
1143 |
Another reason
1144 |
parallel programming is important in Plan 9 is that
1145 |
multi-threaded user-level file servers are the preferred way
1146 |
to implement services.
1147 |
Examples of such servers include the programming environment
1148 |
Acme [Pike94],
1149 |
the name space exporting tool
1150 |
.CW exportfs
1151 |
1152 |
the HTTP daemon,
1153 |
and the network name servers
1154 |
.CW cs
1155 |
1156 |
.CW dns
1157 |
1158 |
Complex applications such as Acme prove that
1159 |
careful operating system support can reduce the difficulty of writing
1160 |
multi-threaded applications without moving threading and
1161 |
synchronization primitives into the kernel.
1162 |
1163 |
Implementation of Name Spaces
1164 |
1165 |
User processes construct name spaces using three system calls:
1166 |
.CW mount ,
1167 |
.CW bind ,
1168 |
1169 |
.CW unmount .
1170 |
1171 |
.CW mount
1172 |
system call attaches a tree served by a file server to
1173 |
the current name space. Before calling
1174 |
.CW mount ,
1175 |
the client must (by outside means) acquire a connection to the server in
1176 |
the form of a file descriptor that may be written and read to transmit 9P messages.
1177 |
That file descriptor represents a pipe or network connection.
1178 |
1179 |
1180 |
.CW mount
1181 |
call attaches a new hierarchy to the existing name space.
1182 |
1183 |
.CW bind
1184 |
system call, on the other hand, duplicates some piece of existing name space at
1185 |
another point in the name space.
1186 |
1187 |
.CW unmount
1188 |
system call allows components to be removed.
1189 |
1190 |
1191 |
1192 |
.CW bind
1193 |
1194 |
.CW mount ,
1195 |
multiple directories may be stacked at a single point in the name space.
1196 |
In Plan 9 terminology, this is a
1197 |
.I union
1198 |
directory and behaves like the concatenation of the constituent directories.
1199 |
A flag argument to
1200 |
.CW bind
1201 |
1202 |
.CW mount
1203 |
specifies the position of a new directory in the union,
1204 |
permitting new elements
1205 |
to be added either at the front or rear of the union or to replace it entirely.
1206 |
When a file lookup is performed in a union directory, each component
1207 |
of the union is searched in turn and the first match taken; likewise,
1208 |
when a union directory is read, the contents of each of the component directories
1209 |
is read in turn.
1210 |
Union directories are one of the most widely used organizational features
1211 |
of the Plan 9 name space.
1212 |
For instance, the directory
1213 |
.CW /bin
1214 |
is built as a union of
1215 |
.CW /$cputype/bin
1216 |
(program binaries),
1217 |
.CW /rc/bin
1218 |
(shell scripts),
1219 |
and perhaps more directories provided by the user.
1220 |
This construction makes the shell
1221 |
1222 |
variable unnecessary.
1223 |
1224 |
One question raised by union directories
1225 |
is which element of the union receives a newly created file.
1226 |
After several designs, we decided on the following.
1227 |
By default, directories in unions do not accept new files, although the
1228 |
.CW create
1229 |
system call applied to an existing file succeeds normally.
1230 |
When a directory is added to the union, a flag to
1231 |
.CW bind
1232 |
1233 |
.CW mount
1234 |
enables create permission (a property of the name space) in that directory.
1235 |
When a file is being created with a new name in a union, it is created in the
1236 |
first directory of the union with create permission; if that creation fails,
1237 |
the entire
1238 |
.CW create
1239 |
1240 |
This scheme enables the common use of placing a private directory anywhere
1241 |
in a union of public ones,
1242 |
while allowing creation only in the private directory.
1243 |
1244 |
By convention, kernel device file systems
1245 |
are bound into the
1246 |
.CW /dev
1247 |
directory, but to bootstrap the name space building process it is
1248 |
necessary to have a notation that permits
1249 |
direct access to the devices without an existing name space.
1250 |
The root directory
1251 |
of the tree served by a device driver can be accessed using the syntax
1252 |
.CW # \f2c\f1,
1253 |
1254 |
.I c
1255 |
is a unique character (typically a letter) identifying the
1256 |
.I type
1257 |
of the device.
1258 |
Simple device drivers serve a single level directory containing a few files.
1259 |
As an example,
1260 |
each serial port is represented by a data and a control file:
1261 |
1262 |
% bind -a '#t' /dev
1263 |
% cd /dev
1264 |
% ls -l eia*
1265 |
--rw-rw-rw- t 0 bootes bootes 0 Feb 24 21:14 eia1
1266 |
--rw-rw-rw- t 0 bootes bootes 0 Feb 24 21:14 eia1ctl
1267 |
--rw-rw-rw- t 0 bootes bootes 0 Feb 24 21:14 eia2
1268 |
--rw-rw-rw- t 0 bootes bootes 0 Feb 24 21:14 eia2ctl
1269 |
1270 |
1271 |
.CW bind
1272 |
program is an encapsulation of the
1273 |
.CW bind
1274 |
system call; its
1275 |
.CW -a
1276 |
flag positions the new directory at the end of the union.
1277 |
The data files
1278 |
.CW eia1
1279 |
1280 |
.CW eia2
1281 |
may be read and written to communicate over the serial line.
1282 |
Instead of using special operations on these files to control the devices,
1283 |
commands written to the files
1284 |
.CW eia1ctl
1285 |
1286 |
.CW eia2ctl
1287 |
control the corresponding device;
1288 |
for example,
1289 |
writing the text string
1290 |
.CW b1200
1291 |
1292 |
.CW /dev/eia1ctl
1293 |
sets the speed of that line to 1200 baud.
1294 |
Compare this to the UNIX
1295 |
.CW ioctl
1296 |
system call: in Plan 9, devices are controlled by textual messages,
1297 |
free of byte order problems, with clear semantics for reading and writing.
1298 |
It is common to configure or debug devices using shell scripts.
1299 |
1300 |
It is the universal use of the 9P protocol that
1301 |
connects Plan 9's components together to form a
1302 |
distributed system.
1303 |
Rather than inventing a unique protocol for each
1304 |
service such as
1305 |
.CW rlogin ,
1306 |
FTP, TFTP, and X windows,
1307 |
Plan 9 implements services
1308 |
in terms of operations on file objects,
1309 |
and then uses a single, well-documented protocol to exchange information between
1310 |
1311 |
Unlike NFS, 9P treats files as a sequence of bytes rather than blocks.
1312 |
Also unlike NFS, 9P is stateful: clients perform
1313 |
remote procedure calls to establish pointers to objects in the remote
1314 |
file server.
1315 |
These pointers are called file identifiers or
1316 |
.I fids .
1317 |
All operations on files supply a fid to identify an object in the remote file system.
1318 |
1319 |
The 9P protocol defines 17 messages, providing
1320 |
means to authenticate users, navigate fids around
1321 |
a file system hierarchy, copy fids, perform I/O, change file attributes,
1322 |
and create and delete files.
1323 |
Its complete specification is in Section 5 of the Programmer's Manual [9man].
1324 |
Here is the procedure to gain access to the name hierarchy supplied by a server.
1325 |
A file server connection is established via a pipe or network connection.
1326 |
An initial
1327 |
.CW session
1328 |
message performs a bilateral authentication between client and server.
1329 |
1330 |
.CW attach
1331 |
message then connects a fid suggested by the client to the root of the server file
1332 |
1333 |
1334 |
.CW attach
1335 |
message includes the identity of the user performing the attach; henceforth all
1336 |
fids derived from the root fid will have permissions associated with
1337 |
that user.
1338 |
Multiple users may share the connection, but each must perform an attach to
1339 |
establish his or her identity.
1340 |
1341 |
1342 |
.CW walk
1343 |
message moves a fid through a single level of the file system hierarchy.
1344 |
1345 |
.CW clone
1346 |
message takes an established fid and produces a copy that points
1347 |
to the same file as the original.
1348 |
Its purpose is to enable walking to a file in a directory without losing the fid
1349 |
on the directory.
1350 |
1351 |
.CW open
1352 |
message locks a fid to a specific file in the hierarchy,
1353 |
checks access permissions,
1354 |
and prepares the fid
1355 |
for I/O.
1356 |
1357 |
.CW read
1358 |
1359 |
.CW write
1360 |
messages allow I/O at arbitrary offsets in the file;
1361 |
the maximum size transferred is defined by the protocol.
1362 |
1363 |
.CW clunk
1364 |
message indicates the client has no further use for a fid.
1365 |
1366 |
.CW remove
1367 |
message behaves like
1368 |
.CW clunk
1369 |
but causes the file associated with the fid to be removed and any associated
1370 |
resources on the server to be deallocated.
1371 |
1372 |
9P has two forms: RPC messages sent on a pipe or network connection and a procedural
1373 |
interface within the kernel.
1374 |
Since kernel device drivers are directly addressable,
1375 |
there is no need to pass messages to
1376 |
communicate with them;
1377 |
instead each 9P transaction is implemented by a direct procedure call.
1378 |
For each fid,
1379 |
the kernel maintains a local representation in a data structure called a
1380 |
.I channel ,
1381 |
so all operations on files performed by the kernel involve a channel connected
1382 |
to that fid.
1383 |
The simplest example is a user process's file descriptors, which are
1384 |
indexes into an array of channels.
1385 |
A table in the kernel provides a list
1386 |
of entry points corresponding one to one with the 9P messages for each device.
1387 |
A system call such as
1388 |
.CW read
1389 |
from the user translates into one or more procedure calls
1390 |
through that table, indexed by the type character stored in the channel:
1391 |
.CW procread ,
1392 |
.CW eiaread ,
1393 |
1394 |
Each call takes at least
1395 |
one channel as an argument.
1396 |
A special kernel driver, called the
1397 |
.I mount
1398 |
driver, translates procedure calls to messages, that is,
1399 |
it converts local procedure calls to remote ones.
1400 |
In effect, this special driver
1401 |
becomes a local proxy for the files served by a remote file server.
1402 |
The channel pointer in the local call is translated to the associated fid
1403 |
in the transmitted message.
1404 |
1405 |
The mount driver is the sole RPC mechanism employed by the system.
1406 |
The semantics of the supplied files, rather than the operations performed upon
1407 |
them, create a particular service such as the
1408 |
.CW cpu
1409 |
1410 |
The mount driver demultiplexes protocol
1411 |
messages between clients sharing a communication channel
1412 |
with a file server.
1413 |
For each outgoing RPC message,
1414 |
the mount driver allocates a buffer labeled by a small unique integer,
1415 |
called a
1416 |
.I tag .
1417 |
The reply to the RPC is labeled with the same tag, which is used by
1418 |
the mount driver to match the reply with the request.
1419 |
1420 |
The kernel representation of the name space
1421 |
is called the
1422 |
.I "mount table" ,
1423 |
which stores a list of bindings between channels.
1424 |
Each entry in the mount table contains a pair of channels: a
1425 |
.I from
1426 |
channel and a
1427 |
.I to
1428 |
1429 |
Every time a walk succeeds in moving a channel to a new location in the name space,
1430 |
the mount table is consulted to see if a `from' channel matches the new name; if
1431 |
so the `to' channel is cloned and substituted for the original.
1432 |
Union directories are implemented by converting the `to'
1433 |
channel into a list of channels:
1434 |
a successful walk to a union directory returns a `to' channel that forms
1435 |
the head of
1436 |
a list of channels, each representing a component directory
1437 |
of the union.
1438 |
If a walk
1439 |
fails to find a file in the first directory of the union, the list is followed,
1440 |
the next component cloned, and walk tried on that directory.
1441 |
1442 |
Each file in Plan 9 is uniquely identified by a set of integers:
1443 |
the type of the channel (used as the index of the function call table),
1444 |
the server or device number
1445 |
distinguishing the server from others of the same type (decided locally by the driver),
1446 |
and a
1447 |
.I qid
1448 |
formed from two 32-bit numbers called
1449 |
.I path
1450 |
1451 |
.I version .
1452 |
The path is a unique file number assigned by a device driver or
1453 |
file server when a file is created.
1454 |
The version number is updated whenever
1455 |
the file is modified; as described in the next section,
1456 |
it can be used to maintain cache coherency between
1457 |
clients and servers.
1458 |
1459 |
The type and device number are analogous to UNIX major and minor
1460 |
device numbers;
1461 |
the qid is analogous to the i-number.
1462 |
The device and type
1463 |
connect the channel to a device driver and the qid
1464 |
identifies the file within that device.
1465 |
If the file recovered from a walk has the same type, device, and qid path
1466 |
as an entry in the mount table, they are the same file and the
1467 |
corresponding substitution from the mount table is made.
1468 |
This is how the name space is implemented.
1469 |
1470 |
File Caching
1471 |
1472 |
The 9P protocol has no explicit support for caching files on a client.
1473 |
The large memory of the central file server acts as a shared cache for all its clients,
1474 |
which reduces the total amount of memory needed across all machines in the network.
1475 |
Nonetheless, there are sound reasons to cache files on the client, such as a slow
1476 |
connection to the file server.
1477 |
1478 |
The version field of the qid is changed whenever the file is modified,
1479 |
which makes it possible to do some weakly coherent forms of caching.
1480 |
The most important is client caching of text and data segments of executable files.
1481 |
When a process
1482 |
.CW execs
1483 |
a program, the file is re-opened and the qid's version is compared with that in the cache;
1484 |
if they match, the local copy is used.
1485 |
The same method can be used to build a local caching file server.
1486 |
This user-level server interposes on the 9P connection to the remote server and
1487 |
monitors the traffic, copying data to a local disk.
1488 |
When it sees a read of known data, it answers directly,
1489 |
while writes are passed on immediately\(emthe cache is write-through\(emto keep
1490 |
the central copy up to date.
1491 |
This is transparent to processes on the terminal and requires no change to 9P;
1492 |
it works well on home machines connected over serial lines.
1493 |
A similar method can be applied to build a general client cache in unused local
1494 |
memory, but this has not been done in Plan 9.
1495 |
1496 |
Networks and Communication Devices
1497 |
1498 |
Network interfaces are kernel-resident file systems, analogous to the EIA device
1499 |
described earlier.
1500 |
Call setup and shutdown are achieved by writing text strings to the control file
1501 |
associated with the device;
1502 |
information is sent and received by reading and writing the data file.
1503 |
The structure and semantics of the devices is common to all networks so,
1504 |
other than a file name substitution,
1505 |
the same procedure makes a call using TCP over Ethernet as URP over Datakit [Fra80].
1506 |
1507 |
This example illustrates the structure of the TCP device:
1508 |
1509 |
% ls -lp /net/tcp
1510 |
d-r-xr-xr-x I 0 bootes bootes 0 Feb 23 20:20 0
1511 |
d-r-xr-xr-x I 0 bootes bootes 0 Feb 23 20:20 1
1512 |
--rw-rw-rw- I 0 bootes bootes 0 Feb 23 20:20 clone
1513 |
% ls -lp /net/tcp/0
1514 |
--rw-rw---- I 0 rob bootes 0 Feb 23 20:20 ctl
1515 |
--rw-rw---- I 0 rob bootes 0 Feb 23 20:20 data
1516 |
--rw-rw---- I 0 rob bootes 0 Feb 23 20:20 listen
1517 |
--r--r--r-- I 0 bootes bootes 0 Feb 23 20:20 local
1518 |
--r--r--r-- I 0 bootes bootes 0 Feb 23 20:20 remote
1519 |
--r--r--r-- I 0 bootes bootes 0 Feb 23 20:20 status
1520 |
1521 |
1522 |
The top directory,
1523 |
.CW /net/tcp ,
1524 |
contains a
1525 |
.CW clone
1526 |
file and a directory for each connection, numbered
1527 |
.CW 0
1528 |
1529 |
.I n .
1530 |
Each connection directory corresponds to an TCP/IP connection.
1531 |
1532 |
.CW clone
1533 |
reserves an unused connection and returns its control file.
1534 |
Reading the control file returns the textual connection number, so the user
1535 |
process can construct the full name of the newly allocated
1536 |
connection directory.
1537 |
1538 |
.CW local ,
1539 |
.CW remote ,
1540 |
1541 |
.CW status
1542 |
files are diagnostic; for example,
1543 |
.CW remote
1544 |
contains the address (for TCP, the IP address and port number) of the remote side.
1545 |
1546 |
A call is initiated by writing a connect message with a network-specific address as
1547 |
its argument; for example, to open a Telnet session (port 23) to a remote machine
1548 |
with IP address,
1549 |
the string is:
1550 |
1551 |
1552 |
1553 |
The write to the control file blocks until the connection is established;
1554 |
if the destination is unreachable, the write returns an error.
1555 |
Once the connection is established, the
1556 |
.CW telnet
1557 |
application reads and writes the
1558 |
.CW data
1559 |
1560 |
to talk to the remote Telnet daemon.
1561 |
On the other end, the Telnet daemon would start by writing
1562 |
1563 |
announce 23
1564 |
1565 |
to its control file to indicate its willingness to receive calls to this port.
1566 |
Such a daemon is called a
1567 |
.I listener
1568 |
in Plan 9.
1569 |
1570 |
A uniform structure for network devices cannot hide all the details
1571 |
of addressing and communication for dissimilar networks.
1572 |
For example, Datakit uses textual, hierarchical addresses unlike IP's 32-bit addresses, so
1573 |
an application given a control file must still know what network it represents.
1574 |
Rather than make every application know the addressing of every network,
1575 |
Plan 9 hides these details in a
1576 |
.I connection
1577 |
.I server ,
1578 |
1579 |
.CW cs .
1580 |
.CW Cs
1581 |
is a file system mounted in a known place.
1582 |
It supplies a single control file that an application uses to discover how to connect
1583 |
to a host.
1584 |
The application writes the symbolic address and service name for
1585 |
the connection it wishes to make,
1586 |
and reads back the name of the
1587 |
.CW clone
1588 |
file to open and the address to present to it.
1589 |
If there are multiple networks between the machines,
1590 |
.CW cs
1591 |
presents a list of possible networks and addresses to be tried in sequence;
1592 |
it uses heuristics to decide the order.
1593 |
For instance, it presents the highest-bandwidth choice first.
1594 |
1595 |
A single library function called
1596 |
.CW dial
1597 |
talks to
1598 |
.CW cs
1599 |
to establish the connection.
1600 |
An application that uses
1601 |
.CW dial
1602 |
needs no changes, not even recompilation, to adapt to new networks;
1603 |
the interface to
1604 |
.CW cs
1605 |
hides the details.
1606 |
1607 |
The uniform structure for networks in Plan 9 makes the
1608 |
.CW import
1609 |
command all that is needed to construct gateways.
1610 |
1611 |
Kernel structure for networks
1612 |
1613 |
The kernel plumbing used to build Plan 9 communications
1614 |
channels is called
1615 |
.I streams
1616 |
1617 |
A stream is a bidirectional channel connecting a
1618 |
physical or pseudo-device to a user process.
1619 |
The user process inserts and removes data at one end of the stream;
1620 |
a kernel process acting on behalf of a device operates at
1621 |
the other end.
1622 |
A stream comprises a linear list of
1623 |
.I "processing modules" .
1624 |
Each module has both an upstream (toward the process) and
1625 |
downstream (toward the device)
1626 |
.I "put routine" .
1627 |
Calling the put routine of the module on either end of the stream
1628 |
inserts data into the stream.
1629 |
Each module calls the succeeding one to send data up or down the stream.
1630 |
Like UNIX streams [Rit84],
1631 |
Plan 9 streams can be dynamically configured.
1632 |
1633 |
The IL Protocol
1634 |
1635 |
The 9P protocol must run above a reliable transport protocol with delimited messages.
1636 |
9P has no mechanism to recover from transmission errors and
1637 |
the system assumes that each read from a communication channel will
1638 |
return a single 9P message;
1639 |
it does not parse the data stream to discover message boundaries.
1640 |
Pipes and some network protocols already have these properties but
1641 |
the standard IP protocols do not.
1642 |
TCP does not delimit messages, while
1643 |
UDP [RFC768] does not provide reliable in-order delivery.
1644 |
1645 |
We designed a new protocol, called IL (Internet Link), to transmit 9P messages over IP.
1646 |
It is a connection-based protocol that provides
1647 |
reliable transmission of sequenced messages between machines.
1648 |
Since a process can have only a single outstanding 9P request,
1649 |
there is no need for flow control in IL.
1650 |
Like TCP, IL has adaptive timeouts: it scales acknowledge and retransmission times
1651 |
to match the network speed.
1652 |
This allows the protocol to perform well on both the Internet and on local Ethernets.
1653 |
Also, IL does no blind retransmission,
1654 |
to avoid adding to the congestion of busy networks.
1655 |
Full details are in another paper [PrWi95].
1656 |
1657 |
In Plan 9, the implementation of IL is smaller and faster than TCP.
1658 |
IL is our main Internet transport protocol.
1659 |
1660 |
Overview of authentication
1661 |
1662 |
Authentication establishes the identity of a
1663 |
user accessing a resource.
1664 |
The user requesting the resource is called the
1665 |
.I client
1666 |
and the user granting access to the resource is called the
1667 |
.I server .
1668 |
This is usually done under the auspices of a 9P attach message.
1669 |
A user may be a client in one authentication exchange and a server in another.
1670 |
Servers always act on behalf of some user,
1671 |
either a normal client or some administrative entity, so authentication
1672 |
is defined to be between users, not machines.
1673 |
1674 |
Each Plan 9 user has an associated DES [NBS77] authentication key;
1675 |
the user's identity is verified by the ability to
1676 |
encrypt and decrypt special messages called challenges.
1677 |
Since knowledge of a user's key gives access to that user's resources,
1678 |
the Plan 9 authentication protocols never transmit a message containing
1679 |
a cleartext key.
1680 |
1681 |
Authentication is bilateral:
1682 |
at the end of the authentication exchange,
1683 |
each side is convinced of the other's identity.
1684 |
Every machine begins the exchange with a DES key in memory.
1685 |
In the case of CPU and file servers, the key, user name, and domain name
1686 |
for the server are read from permanent storage,
1687 |
usually non-volatile RAM.
1688 |
In the case of terminals,
1689 |
the key is derived from a password typed by the user at boot time.
1690 |
A special machine, known as the
1691 |
.I authentication
1692 |
.I server ,
1693 |
maintains a database of keys for all users in its administrative domain and
1694 |
participates in the authentication protocols.
1695 |
1696 |
The authentication protocol is as follows:
1697 |
after exchanging challenges, one party
1698 |
contacts the authentication server to create
1699 |
1700 |
.I tickets
1701 |
encrypted with
1702 |
each party's secret key and containing a new conversation key.
1703 |
1704 |
party decrypts its own ticket and uses the conversation key to
1705 |
encrypt the other party's challenge.
1706 |
1707 |
This structure is somewhat like Kerberos [MBSS87], but avoids
1708 |
its reliance on synchronized clocks.
1709 |
1710 |
unlike Kerberos, Plan 9 authentication supports a `speaks for'
1711 |
relation [LABW91] that enables one user to have the authority
1712 |
of another;
1713 |
this is how a CPU server runs processes on behalf of its clients.
1714 |
1715 |
Plan 9's authentication structure builds
1716 |
secure services rather than depending on firewalls.
1717 |
Whereas firewalls require special code for every service penetrating the wall,
1718 |
the Plan 9 approach permits authentication to be done in a single place\(em9P\(emfor
1719 |
all services.
1720 |
For example, the
1721 |
.CW cpu
1722 |
command works securely across the Internet.
1723 |
1724 |
Authenticating external connections
1725 |
1726 |
The regular Plan 9 authentication protocol is not suitable for text-based services such as
1727 |
1728 |
or FTP.
1729 |
In such cases, Plan 9 users authenticate with hand-held DES calculators called
1730 |
.I authenticators .
1731 |
The authenticator holds a key for the user, distinct from
1732 |
the user's normal authentication key.
1733 |
The user `logs on' to the authenticator using a 4-digit PIN.
1734 |
A correct PIN enables the authenticator for a challenge/response exchange with the server.
1735 |
Since a correct challenge/response exchange is valid only once
1736 |
and keys are never sent over the network,
1737 |
this procedure is not susceptible to replay attacks, yet
1738 |
is compatible with protocols like Telnet and FTP.
1739 |
1740 |
Special users
1741 |
1742 |
Plan 9 has no super-user.
1743 |
Each server is responsible for maintaining its own security, usually permitting
1744 |
access only from the console, which is protected by a password.
1745 |
For example, file servers have a unique administrative user called
1746 |
.CW adm ,
1747 |
with special privileges that apply only to commands typed at the server's
1748 |
physical console.
1749 |
These privileges concern the day-to-day maintenance of the server,
1750 |
such as adding new users and configuring disks and networks.
1751 |
The privileges do
1752 |
.I not
1753 |
include the ability to modify, examine, or change the permissions of any files.
1754 |
If a file is read-protected by a user, only that user may grant access to others.
1755 |
1756 |
CPU servers have an equivalent user name that allows administrative access to
1757 |
resources on that server such as the control files of user processes.
1758 |
Such permission is necessary, for example, to kill rogue processes, but
1759 |
does not extend beyond that server.
1760 |
On the other hand, by means of a key
1761 |
held in protected non-volatile RAM,
1762 |
the identity of the administrative user is proven to the
1763 |
authentication server.
1764 |
This allows the CPU server to authenticate remote users, both
1765 |
for access to the server itself and when the CPU server is acting
1766 |
as a proxy on their behalf.
1767 |
1768 |
Finally, a special user called
1769 |
.CW none
1770 |
has no password and is always allowed to connect;
1771 |
anyone may claim to be
1772 |
.CW none .
1773 |
.CW None
1774 |
has restricted permissions; for example, it is not allowed to examine dump files
1775 |
and can read only world-readable files.
1776 |
1777 |
The idea behind
1778 |
.CW none
1779 |
is analogous to the anonymous user in FTP
1780 |
1781 |
On Plan 9, guest FTP servers are further confined within a special
1782 |
restricted name space.
1783 |
It disconnects guest users from system programs, such as the contents of
1784 |
.CW /bin ,
1785 |
but makes it possible to make local files available to guests
1786 |
by binding them explicitly into the space.
1787 |
A restricted name space is more secure than the usual technique of exporting
1788 |
an ad hoc directory tree; the result is a kind of cage around untrusted users.
1789 |
1790 |
The cpu command and proxied authentication
1791 |
1792 |
When a call is made to a CPU server for a user, say Peter,
1793 |
the intent is that Peter wishes to run processes with his own authority.
1794 |
To implement this property,
1795 |
the CPU server does the following when the call is received.
1796 |
First, the listener forks off a process to handle the call.
1797 |
This process changes to the user
1798 |
.CW none
1799 |
to avoid giving away permissions if it is compromised.
1800 |
It then performs the authentication protocol to verify that the
1801 |
calling user really is Peter, and to prove to Peter that
1802 |
the machine is itself trustworthy.
1803 |
Finally, it reattaches to all relevant file servers using the
1804 |
authentication protocol to identify itself as Peter.
1805 |
In this case, the CPU server is a client of the file server and performs the
1806 |
client portion of the authentication exchange on behalf of Peter.
1807 |
The authentication server will give the process tickets to
1808 |
accomplish this only if the CPU server's administrative user name is allowed to
1809 |
.I "speak for"
1810 |
1811 |
1812 |
1813 |
.I "speaks for
1814 |
relation [LABW91] is kept in a table on the authentication server.
1815 |
To simplify the management of users computing in different authentication domains,
1816 |
it also contains mappings between user names in different domains,
1817 |
for example saying that user
1818 |
.CW rtm
1819 |
in one domain is the same person as user
1820 |
.CW rtmorris
1821 |
in another.
1822 |
1823 |
File Permissions
1824 |
1825 |
One of the advantages of constructing services as file systems
1826 |
is that the solutions to ownership and permission problems fall out naturally.
1827 |
As in UNIX,
1828 |
each file or directory has separate read, write, and execute/search permissions
1829 |
for the file's owner, the file's group, and anyone else.
1830 |
The idea of group is unusual:
1831 |
any user name is potentially a group name.
1832 |
A group is just a user with a list of other users in the group.
1833 |
Conventions make the distinction: most people have user names without group members,
1834 |
while groups have long lists of attached names. For example, the
1835 |
.CW sys
1836 |
group traditionally has all the system programmers,
1837 |
and system files are accessible
1838 |
by group
1839 |
.CW sys .
1840 |
Consider the following two lines of a user database stored on a server:
1841 |
1842 |
1843 |
1844 |
1845 |
The first establishes user
1846 |
.CW pjw
1847 |
as a regular user. The second establishes user
1848 |
.CW sys
1849 |
as a group and lists four users who are
1850 |
.I members
1851 |
of that group.
1852 |
The empty colon-separated field is space for a user to be named as the
1853 |
.I group
1854 |
.I leader .
1855 |
If a group has a leader, that user has special permissions for the group,
1856 |
such as freedom to change the group permissions
1857 |
of files in that group.
1858 |
If no leader is specified, each member of the group is considered equal, as if each were
1859 |
the leader.
1860 |
In our example, only
1861 |
.CW pjw
1862 |
can add members to his group, but all of
1863 |
.CW sys 's
1864 |
members are equal partners in that group.
1865 |
1866 |
Regular files are owned by the user that creates them.
1867 |
The group name is inherited from the directory holding the new file.
1868 |
Device files are treated specially:
1869 |
the kernel may arrange the ownership and permissions of
1870 |
a file appropriate to the user accessing the file.
1871 |
1872 |
A good example of the generality this offers is process files,
1873 |
which are owned and read-protected by the owner of the process.
1874 |
If the owner wants to let someone else access the memory of a process,
1875 |
for example to let the author of a program debug a broken image, the standard
1876 |
.CW chmod
1877 |
command applied to the process files does the job.
1878 |
1879 |
Another unusual application of file permissions
1880 |
is the dump file system, which is not only served by the same file
1881 |
server as the original data, but represented by the same user database.
1882 |
Files in the dump are therefore given identical protection as files in the regular
1883 |
file system;
1884 |
if a file is owned by
1885 |
.CW pjw
1886 |
and read-protected, once it is in the dump file system it is still owned by
1887 |
.CW pjw
1888 |
and read-protected.
1889 |
Also, since the dump file system is immutable, the file cannot be changed;
1890 |
it is read-protected forever.
1891 |
Drawbacks are that if the file is readable but should have been read-protected,
1892 |
it is readable forever, and that user names are hard to re-use.
1893 |
1894 |
1895 |
1896 |
As a simple measure of the performance of the Plan 9 kernel,
1897 |
we compared the
1898 |
time to do some simple operations on Plan 9 and on SGI's IRIX Release 5.3
1899 |
running on an SGI Challenge M with a 100MHz MIPS R4400 and a 1-megabyte
1900 |
secondary cache.
1901 |
The test program was written in Alef,
1902 |
compiled with the same compiler,
1903 |
and run on identical hardware,
1904 |
so the only variables are the operating system and libraries.
1905 |
1906 |
The program tests the time to do a context switch
1907 |
.CW rendezvous "" (
1908 |
on Plan 9,
1909 |
.CW blockproc
1910 |
on IRIX);
1911 |
a trivial system call
1912 |
.CW rfork(0) "" (
1913 |
1914 |
.CW nap(0) );
1915 |
1916 |
lightweight fork
1917 |
.CW rfork(RFPROC) "" (
1918 |
1919 |
.CW sproc(PR_SFDS|PR_SADDR) ).
1920 |
It also measures the time to send a byte on a pipe from one process
1921 |
to another and the throughput on a pipe between two processes.
1922 |
The results appear in Table 1.
1923 |
1924 |
1925 |
1926 |
1927 |
1928 |
Test Plan 9 IRIX
1929 |
1930 |
Context switch 39 µs 150 µs
1931 |
System call 6 µs 36 µs
1932 |
Light fork 1300 µs 2200 µs
1933 |
Pipe latency 110 µs 200 µs
1934 |
Pipe bandwidth 11678 KB/s 14545 KB/s
1935 |
1936 |
1937 |
1938 |
Table 1. Performance comparison.
1939 |
1940 |
1941 |
1942 |
Although the Plan 9 times are not spectacular, they show that the kernel is
1943 |
competitive with commercial systems.
1944 |
1945 |
1946 |
1947 |
Plan 9 has a relatively conventional kernel;
1948 |
the system's novelty lies in the pieces outside the kernel and the way they interact.
1949 |
When building Plan 9, we considered all aspects
1950 |
of the system together, solving problems where the solution fit best.
1951 |
Sometimes the solution spanned many components.
1952 |
An example is the problem of heterogeneous instruction architectures,
1953 |
which is addressed by the compilers (different code characters, portable
1954 |
object code),
1955 |
the environment
1956 |
.CW $cputype "" (
1957 |
1958 |
.CW $objtype ),
1959 |
the name space
1960 |
(binding in
1961 |
.CW /bin ),
1962 |
and other components.
1963 |
Sometimes many issues could be solved in a single place.
1964 |
The best example is 9P,
1965 |
which centralizes naming, access, and authentication.
1966 |
9P is really the core
1967 |
of the system;
1968 |
it is fair to say that the Plan 9 kernel is primarily a 9P multiplexer.
1969 |
1970 |
Plan 9's focus on files and naming is central to its expressiveness.
1971 |
Particularly in distributed computing, the way things are named has profound
1972 |
influence on the system [Nee89].
1973 |
The combination of
1974 |
local name spaces and global conventions to interconnect networked resources
1975 |
avoids the difficulty of maintaining a global uniform name space,
1976 |
while naming everything like a file makes the system easy to understand, even for
1977 |
1978 |
Consider the dump file system, which is trivial to use for anyone familiar with
1979 |
hierarchical file systems.
1980 |
At a deeper level, building all the resources above a single uniform interface
1981 |
makes interoperability easy.
1982 |
Once a resource exports a 9P interface,
1983 |
it can combine transparently
1984 |
with any other part of the system to build unusual applications;
1985 |
the details are hidden.
1986 |
This may sound object-oriented, but there are distinctions.
1987 |
First, 9P defines a fixed set of `methods'; it is not an extensible protocol.
1988 |
More important,
1989 |
files are well-defined and well-understood
1990 |
and come prepackaged with familiar methods of access, protection, naming, and
1991 |
1992 |
Objects, despite their generality, do not come with these attributes defined.
1993 |
By reducing `object' to `file', Plan 9 gets some technology for free.
1994 |
1995 |
Nonetheless, it is possible to push the idea of file-based computing too far.
1996 |
Converting every resource in the system into a file system is a kind of metaphor,
1997 |
and metaphors can be abused.
1998 |
A good example of restraint is
1999 |
.CW /proc ,
2000 |
which is only a view of a process, not a representation.
2001 |
To run processes, the usual
2002 |
.CW fork
2003 |
2004 |
.CW exec
2005 |
calls are still necessary, rather than doing something like
2006 |
2007 |
cp /bin/date /proc/clone/mem
2008 |
2009 |
The problem with such examples is that they require the server to do things
2010 |
not under its control.
2011 |
The ability to assign meaning to a command like this does not
2012 |
imply the meaning will fall naturally out of the structure of answering the 9P requests
2013 |
it generates.
2014 |
As a related example, Plan 9 does not put machine's network names in the file
2015 |
name space.
2016 |
The network interfaces provide a very different model of naming, because using
2017 |
.CW open ,
2018 |
.CW create ,
2019 |
.CW read ,
2020 |
2021 |
.CW write
2022 |
on such files would not offer a suitable place to encode all the details of call
2023 |
setup for an arbitrary network.
2024 |
This does not mean that the network interface cannot be file-like, just that it must
2025 |
have a more tightly defined structure.
2026 |
2027 |
What would we do differently next time?
2028 |
Some elements of the implementation are unsatisfactory.
2029 |
Using streams to implement network interfaces in the kernel
2030 |
allows protocols to be connected together dynamically,
2031 |
such as to attach the same TTY driver to TCP, URP, and
2032 |
IL connections,
2033 |
but Plan 9 makes no use of this configurability.
2034 |
(It was exploited, however, in the research UNIX system for which
2035 |
streams were invented.)
2036 |
Replacing streams by static I/O queues would
2037 |
simplify the code and make it faster.
2038 |
2039 |
Although the main Plan 9 kernel is portable across many machines,
2040 |
the file server is implemented separately.
2041 |
This has caused several problems:
2042 |
drivers that must be written twice,
2043 |
bugs that must be fixed twice,
2044 |
and weaker portability of the file system code.
2045 |
The solution is easy: the file server kernel should be maintained
2046 |
as a variant of the regular operating system, with no user processes and
2047 |
special compiled-in
2048 |
kernel processes to implement file service.
2049 |
Another improvement to the file system would be a change of internal structure.
2050 |
The WORM jukebox is the least reliable piece of the hardware, but because
2051 |
it holds the metadata of the file system, it must be present in order to serve files.
2052 |
The system could be restructured so the WORM is a backup device only, with the
2053 |
file system proper residing on magnetic disks.
2054 |
This would require no change to the external interface.
2055 |
2056 |
Although Plan 9 has per-process name spaces, it has no mechanism to give the
2057 |
description of a process's name space to another process except by direct inheritance.
2058 |
2059 |
.CW cpu
2060 |
command, for example, cannot in general reproduce the terminal's name space;
2061 |
it can only re-interpret the user's login profile and make substitutions for things like
2062 |
the name of the binary directory to load.
2063 |
This misses any local modifications made before running
2064 |
.CW cpu .
2065 |
It should instead be possible to capture the terminal's name space and transmit
2066 |
its description to a remote process.
2067 |
2068 |
Despite these problems, Plan 9 works well.
2069 |
It has matured into the system that supports our research,
2070 |
rather than being the subject of the research itself.
2071 |
Experimental new work includes developing interfaces to faster networks,
2072 |
file caching in the client kernel,
2073 |
encapsulating and exporting name spaces,
2074 |
and the ability to re-establish the client state after a server crash.
2075 |
Attention is now focusing on using the system to build distributed applications.
2076 |
2077 |
One reason for Plan 9's success is that we use it for our daily work, not just as a research tool.
2078 |
Active use forces us to address shortcomings as they arise and to adapt the system
2079 |
to solve our problems.
2080 |
Through this process, Plan 9 has become a comfortable, productive programming
2081 |
environment, as well as a vehicle for further systems research.
2082 |
2083 |
2084 |
.nr PS -1
2085 |
.nr VS -2
2086 |
.IP [9man] 9
2087 |
2088 |
Plan 9 Programmer's Manual,
2089 |
Volume 1,
2090 |
2091 |
AT&T Bell Laboratories,
2092 |
Murray Hill, NJ,
2093 |
2094 |
2095 |
\f2American National Standard for Information Systems \-
2096 |
Programming Language C\f1, American National Standards Institute, Inc.,
2097 |
New York, 1990.
2098 |
.IP [Duff90] 9
2099 |
Tom Duff, ``Rc - A Shell for Plan 9 and UNIX systems'',
2100 |
2101 |
Proc. of the Summer 1990 UKUUG Conf.,
2102 |
2103 |
London, July, 1990, pp. 21-33, reprinted, in a different form, in this volume.
2104 |
.IP [Fra80] 9
2105 |
A.G. Fraser,
2106 |
``Datakit \- A Modular Network for Synchronous and Asynchronous Traffic'',
2107 |
2108 |
Proc. Int. Conf. on Commun.,
2109 |
2110 |
June 1980, Boston, MA.
2111 |
2112 |
2113 |
File System Safe UCS Transformation Format (FSS-UTF),
2114 |
2115 |
X/Open Preliminary Specification, 1993.
2116 |
ISO designation is
2117 |
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 N 1036, dated 1994-08-01.
2118 |
.IP "[ISO10646] " 9
2119 |
ISO/IEC DIS 10646-1:1993
2120 |
2121 |
Information technology \-
2122 |
Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) \(em
2123 |
Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane.
2124 |
2125 |
.IP [Kill84] 9
2126 |
T.J. Killian,
2127 |
``Processes as Files'',
2128 |
2129 |
USENIX Summer 1984 Conf. Proc.,
2130 |
2131 |
June 1984, Salt Lake City, UT.
2132 |
.IP "[LABW91] " 9
2133 |
Butler Lampson,
2134 |
Martín Abadi,
2135 |
Michael Burrows, and
2136 |
Edward Wobber,
2137 |
``Authentication in Distributed Systems: Theory and Practice'',
2138 |
2139 |
Proc. 13th ACM Symp. on Op. Sys. Princ.,
2140 |
2141 |
Asilomar, 1991,
2142 |
pp. 165-182.
2143 |
.IP "[MBSS87] " 9
2144 |
S. P. Miller,
2145 |
B. C. Neumann,
2146 |
J. I. Schiller, and
2147 |
J. H. Saltzer,
2148 |
``Kerberos Authentication and Authorization System'',
2149 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
2150 |
2151 |
.IP [NBS77] 9
2152 |
National Bureau of Standards (U.S.),
2153 |
2154 |
Federal Information Processing Standard 46,
2155 |
2156 |
National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 1977.
2157 |
.IP [Nee89] 9
2158 |
R. Needham, ``Names'', in
2159 |
2160 |
Distributed systems,
2161 |
2162 |
S. Mullender, ed.,
2163 |
Addison Wesley, 1989
2164 |
.IP "[NeHe82] " 9
2165 |
R.M. Needham and A.J. Herbert,
2166 |
2167 |
The Cambridge Distributed Computing System,
2168 |
2169 |
Addison-Wesley, London, 1982
2170 |
.IP [Neu92] 9
2171 |
B. Clifford Neuman,
2172 |
``The Prospero File System'',
2173 |
2174 |
USENIX File Systems Workshop Proc.,
2175 |
2176 |
Ann Arbor, 1992, pp. 13-28.
2177 |
.IP "[OCDNW88] " 9
2178 |
John Ousterhout, Andrew Cherenson, Fred Douglis, Mike Nelson, and Brent Welch,
2179 |
``The Sprite Network Operating System'',
2180 |
2181 |
IEEE Computer,
2182 |
2183 |
21(2), 23-38, Feb. 1988.
2184 |
.IP [Pike87] 9
2185 |
Rob Pike, ``The Text Editor \f(CWsam\fP'',
2186 |
2187 |
Software - Practice and Experience,
2188 |
2189 |
Nov 1987, \f3\&17\f1(11), pp. 813-845; reprinted in this volume.
2190 |
.IP [Pike91] 9
2191 |
Rob Pike, ``8½, the Plan 9 Window System'',
2192 |
2193 |
USENIX Summer Conf. Proc.,
2194 |
2195 |
Nashville, June, 1991, pp. 257-265,
2196 |
reprinted in this volume.
2197 |
.IP [Pike93] 9
2198 |
Rob Pike and Ken Thompson, ``Hello World or Καλημέρα κόσμε or
2199 |
\f(Jpこんにちは 世界\fP'',
2200 |
2201 |
USENIX Winter Conf. Proc.,
2202 |
2203 |
San Diego, 1993, pp. 43-50,
2204 |
reprinted in this volume.
2205 |
.IP [Pike94] 9
2206 |
Rob Pike,
2207 |
``Acme: A User Interface for Programmers'',
2208 |
2209 |
USENIX Proc. of the Winter 1994 Conf.,
2210 |
2211 |
San Francisco, CA,
2212 |
.IP [Pike95] 9
2213 |
Rob Pike,
2214 |
``How to Use the Plan 9 C Compiler'',
2215 |
2216 |
Plan 9 Programmer's Manual,
2217 |
Volume 2,
2218 |
2219 |
AT&T Bell Laboratories,
2220 |
Murray Hill, NJ,
2221 |
2222 |
2223 |
2224 |
Information Technology\(emPortable Operating
2225 |
System Interface (POSIX) Part 1:
2226 |
System Application Program Interface (API)
2227 |
[C Language],
2228 |
2229 |
IEEE, New York, 1990.
2230 |
.IP "[PPTTW93] " 9
2231 |
Rob Pike, Dave Presotto, Ken Thompson, Howard Trickey, and Phil Winterbottom, ``The Use of Name Spaces in Plan 9'',
2232 |
2233 |
Op. Sys. Rev.,
2234 |
2235 |
Vol. 27, No. 2, April 1993, pp. 72-76,
2236 |
reprinted in this volume.
2237 |
.IP [Presotto] 9
2238 |
Dave Presotto,
2239 |
``Multiprocessor Streams for Plan 9'',
2240 |
2241 |
UKUUG Summer 1990 Conf. Proc.,
2242 |
2243 |
July 1990, pp. 11-19.
2244 |
.IP [PrWi93] 9
2245 |
Dave Presotto and Phil Winterbottom,
2246 |
``The Organization of Networks in Plan 9'',
2247 |
2248 |
USENIX Proc. of the Winter 1993 Conf.,
2249 |
2250 |
San Diego, CA,
2251 |
pp. 43-50,
2252 |
reprinted in this volume.
2253 |
.IP [PrWi95] 9
2254 |
Dave Presotto and Phil Winterbottom,
2255 |
``The IL Protocol'',
2256 |
2257 |
Plan 9 Programmer's Manual,
2258 |
Volume 2,
2259 |
2260 |
AT&T Bell Laboratories,
2261 |
Murray Hill, NJ,
2262 |
2263 |
.IP "[RFC768] " 9
2264 |
J. Postel, RFC768,
2265 |
.I "User Datagram Protocol,
2266 |
.I "DARPA Internet Program Protocol Specification,
2267 |
August 1980.
2268 |
.IP "[RFC793] " 9
2269 |
2270 |
.I "Transmission Control Protocol,
2271 |
.I "DARPA Internet Program Protocol Specification,
2272 |
September 1981.
2273 |
.IP [Rao91] 9
2274 |
Herman Chung-Hwa Rao,
2275 |
2276 |
The Jade File System,
2277 |
2278 |
(Ph. D. Dissertation),
2279 |
Dept. of Comp. Sci,
2280 |
University of Arizona,
2281 |
TR 91-18.
2282 |
.IP [Rit84] 9
2283 |
D.M. Ritchie,
2284 |
``A Stream Input-Output System'',
2285 |
2286 |
AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal,
2287 |
\f363\f1(8), October, 1984.
2288 |
.IP [Tric95] 9
2289 |
Howard Trickey,
2290 |
``APE \(em The ANSI/POSIX Environment'',
2291 |
2292 |
Plan 9 Programmer's Manual,
2293 |
Volume 2,
2294 |
2295 |
AT&T Bell Laboratories,
2296 |
Murray Hill, NJ,
2297 |
2298 |
.IP [Unicode] 9
2299 |
2300 |
The Unicode Standard,
2301 |
Worldwide Character Encoding,
2302 |
Version 1.0, Volume 1,
2303 |
2304 |
The Unicode Consortium,
2305 |
Addison Wesley,
2306 |
New York,
2307 |
2308 |
.IP [UNIX85] 9
2309 |
2310 |
UNIX Time-Sharing System Programmer's Manual,
2311 |
Research Version, Eighth Edition, Volume 1.
2312 |
2313 |
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, 1985.
2314 |
.IP [Welc94] 9
2315 |
Brent Welch,
2316 |
``A Comparison of Three Distributed File System Architectures: Vnode, Sprite, and Plan 9'',
2317 |
2318 |
Computing Systems,
2319 |
2320 |
7(2), pp. 175-199, Spring, 1994.
2321 |
.IP [Wint95] 9
2322 |
Phil Winterbottom,
2323 |
``Alef Language Reference Manual'',
2324 |
2325 |
Plan 9 Programmer's Manual,
2326 |
Volume 2,
2327 |
2328 |
AT&T Bell Laboratories,
2329 |
Murray Hill, NJ,
2330 |