2 |
- |
1 |
2 |
3 |
typedef struct List List;
4 |
typedef struct Strlist Strlist;
5 |
6 |
// List of integers (and also generic list with next pointer at beginning)
7 |
struct List
8 |
9 |
List* next;
10 |
int val;
11 |
12 |
13 |
struct Strlist
14 |
15 |
Strlist* next;
16 |
Rune* val;
17 |
18 |
19 |
extern int _inclass(Rune c, Rune* cl);
20 |
extern int _listlen(List* l);
21 |
extern List* _newlist(int val, List* rest);
22 |
extern Rune* _newstr(int n);
23 |
extern int _prefix(Rune* pre, Rune* s);
24 |
extern List* _revlist(List* l);
25 |
extern void _splitl(Rune* s, int n, Rune* cl, Rune** p1, int* n1, Rune** p2, int* n2);
26 |
extern void _splitr(Rune* s, int n, Rune* cl, Rune** p1, int* n1, Rune** p2, int* n2);
27 |
extern int _splitall(Rune* s, int n, Rune* cl, Rune** strarr, int* lenarr, int alen);
28 |
extern Rune* _Stradd(Rune*s1, Rune* s2, int n);
29 |
extern Rune* _Strclass(Rune* s, Rune* cl);
30 |
extern int _Strcmp(Rune* s1, Rune* s2);
31 |
extern Rune* _Strdup(Rune* s);
32 |
extern Rune* _Strdup2(Rune* s, Rune* t);
33 |
extern int _Streqn(Rune* s1, int n1, Rune* s2);
34 |
extern int _Strlen(Rune* s);
35 |
extern Rune* _Strnclass(Rune* s, Rune* cl, int n);
36 |
extern int _Strncmpci(Rune* s1, int n1, Rune* s2);
37 |
extern Rune* _Strndup(Rune* s, int n);
38 |
extern Rune* _Strnrclass(Rune* s, Rune* cl, int n);
39 |
extern Rune* _Strrclass(Rune* s, Rune* cl);
40 |
extern Rune* _Strsubstr(Rune* s, int start, int stop);
41 |
extern long _Strtol(Rune* s, Rune** eptr, int base);
42 |
extern void _trimwhite(Rune* s, int n, Rune** pans, int* panslen);
43 |
44 |
extern Rune* notwhitespace;
45 |
extern Rune* whitespace;
46 |
47 |
48 |
typedef struct StringInt StringInt;
49 |
50 |
// Element of String-Int table (used for keyword lookup)
51 |
struct StringInt
52 |
53 |
Rune* key;
54 |
int val;
55 |
56 |
57 |
extern int _lookup(StringInt* t, int n, Rune* key, int keylen, int* pans);
58 |
extern StringInt* _makestrinttab(Rune** a, int n);
59 |
extern Rune* _revlookup(StringInt* t, int n, int val);
60 |
61 |
// Colors, in html format, not Plan 9 format. (RGB values in bottom 3 bytes)
62 |
enum {
63 |
White = 0xFFFFFF,
64 |
Black = 0x000000,
65 |
Blue = 0x0000CC,
66 |
67 |
68 |
// LEX
69 |
70 |
// HTML 4.0 tags (plus blink, nobr)
71 |
// sorted in lexical order; used as array indices
72 |
enum {
73 |
74 |
75 |
Ta, Tabbr, Tacronym, Taddress, Tapplet, Tarea,
76 |
Tb, Tbase, Tbasefont, Tbdo, Tbig, Tblink,
77 |
Tblockquote, Tbody, Tbq, Tbr, Tbutton,
78 |
Tcaption, Tcenter, Tcite, Tcode, Tcol, Tcolgroup,
79 |
Tdd, Tdel, Tdfn, Tdir, Tdiv, Tdl, Tdt,
80 |
81 |
Tfieldset, Tfont, Tform, Tframe, Tframeset,
82 |
Th1, Th2, Th3, Th4, Th5, Th6,
83 |
Thead, Thr, Thtml,
84 |
Ti, Tiframe, Timg, Tinput, Tins, Tisindex,
85 |
86 |
Tlabel, Tlegend, Tli, Tlink,
87 |
Tmap, Tmenu, Tmeta,
88 |
Tnobr, Tnoframes, Tnoscript,
89 |
Tobject, Tol, Toptgroup, Toption,
90 |
Tp, Tparam, Tpre,
91 |
92 |
Ts, Tsamp, Tscript, Tselect, Tsmall,
93 |
Tspan, Tstrike, Tstrong, Tstyle, Tsub, Tsup,
94 |
Ttable, Ttbody, Ttd, Ttextarea, Ttfoot,
95 |
Tth, Tthead, Ttitle, Ttr, Ttt,
96 |
Tu, Tul,
97 |
98 |
99 |
RBRA = Numtags,
100 |
Data = Numtags+RBRA
101 |
102 |
103 |
// HTML 4.0 tag attributes
104 |
// Keep sorted in lexical order
105 |
enum {
106 |
Aabbr, Aaccept_charset, Aaccess_key, Aaction,
107 |
Aalign, Aalink, Aalt, Aarchive, Aaxis,
108 |
Abackground, Abgcolor, Aborder,
109 |
Acellpadding, Acellspacing, Achar, Acharoff,
110 |
Acharset, Achecked, Acite, Aclass, Aclassid,
111 |
Aclear, Acode, Acodebase, Acodetype, Acolor,
112 |
Acols, Acolspan, Acompact, Acontent, Acoords,
113 |
Adata, Adatetime, Adeclare, Adefer, Adir, Adisabled,
114 |
115 |
Aface, Afor, Aframe, Aframeborder,
116 |
Aheaders, Aheight, Ahref, Ahreflang, Ahspace, Ahttp_equiv,
117 |
Aid, Aismap,
118 |
Alabel, Alang, Alink, Alongdesc,
119 |
Amarginheight, Amarginwidth, Amaxlength,
120 |
Amedia, Amethod, Amultiple,
121 |
Aname, Anohref, Anoresize, Anoshade, Anowrap,
122 |
Aobject, Aonblur, Aonchange, Aonclick, Aondblclick,
123 |
Aonfocus, Aonkeypress, Aonkeyup, Aonload,
124 |
Aonmousedown, Aonmousemove, Aonmouseout,
125 |
Aonmouseover, Aonmouseup, Aonreset, Aonselect,
126 |
Aonsubmit, Aonunload,
127 |
Aprofile, Aprompt,
128 |
Areadonly, Arel, Arev, Arows, Arowspan, Arules,
129 |
Ascheme, Ascope, Ascrolling, Aselected, Ashape,
130 |
Asize, Aspan, Asrc, Astandby, Astart, Astyle, Asummary,
131 |
Atabindex, Atarget, Atext, Atitle, Atype,
132 |
133 |
Avalign, Avalue, Avaluetype, Aversion, Avlink, Avspace,
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
struct Attr
139 |
140 |
Attr* next; // in list of attrs for a token
141 |
int attid; // Aabbr, etc.
142 |
Rune* value;
143 |
144 |
145 |
struct Token
146 |
147 |
int tag; // Ta, etc
148 |
Rune* text; // text in Data, attribute text in tag
149 |
Attr* attr; // list of Attrs
150 |
int starti; // index into source buffer of token start
151 |
152 |
153 |
extern Rune* tagnames[];
154 |
extern Rune* attrnames[];
155 |
156 |
extern void _freetokens(Token* tarray, int n);
157 |
extern Token* _gettoks(uchar* data, int datalen, int chset, int mtype, int* plen);
158 |
extern int _tokaval(Token* t, int attid, Rune** pans, int xfer);
159 |
160 |
#pragma varargck type "T" Token*