68 |
7u83 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
struct ilpcb /* Control block */
5 |
6 |
int state; /* Connection state */
7 |
struct inpcb * inpcb; /* back pointer to internet pcb */
8 |
u_long unacked;
9 |
10 |
#define ILF_NEEDACK 1
11 |
u_long flags;
12 |
13 |
u_long rxt_max;
14 |
int rxt_timer; /* number of ticks to the next timeout */
15 |
int rxt_timer_cur; /* current rxt timer period */
16 |
17 |
int death_timer;
18 |
int death_timer_cur;
19 |
20 |
u_long next; /* Id of next to send */
21 |
u_long recvd; /* Last packet received */
22 |
23 |
u_long start; /* Local start id */
24 |
u_long rstart; /* Remote start id */
25 |
int rxtot; /* number of retransmits on this connection */
26 |
27 |
struct mbuf * segq;
28 |
29 |
30 |
#define intoilpcb(ip) ((struct ilpcb *)(ip)->inp_ppcb)
31 |
#define sotoilpcb(so) (intoilpcb(sotoinpcb(so)))
32 |
33 |
#ifdef KERNEL
34 |
void il_init __P((void));
35 |
void il_input __P((struct mbuf * m, int iphlen));
36 |
void il_slowtimo __P((void));
37 |
void il_fasttimo __P((void));
38 |
void il_ctlinput __P((int cmd, struct sockaddr *sa, void *vip));
39 |
int il_ctloutput __P((struct socket *so, struct sockopt *sopt));
40 |
void il_drain __P((void));
41 |
42 |
extern struct pr_usrreqs il_usrreqs;
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |