2 |
- |
1 |
# only kb, disk, and ether are prepared for embedding.
2 |
# others are not yet converted to sit in the usbd device driver library.
3 |
4 |
kb csp=0x010103 csp=0x020103 args=
5 |
disk class=storage args=
6 |
ether class=255 csp=0x00ffff vid=0x0b95 args=
7 |
ether class=255 csp=0xff00ff vid=0x0424 did=0xec00 args=
8 |
serial class=255 csp=0xffffff vid=0x9e88 did=0x9e8f args=
9 |
serial class=255 csp=0xffffff vid=0x0403 args=
10 |
serial class=255 csp=0x0000ff vid=0x10c4 args=
11 |
# wifi class=0 csp=0 vid=0x0bda did=0x8192 args=
12 |
# wifi class=0 csp=0 vid=0x148f did=0x2870 args=
13 |