2 |
- |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
T: box "\f(CWText\fP" ht 40 wid 112
5 |
R: box "\f(CWRasp\fP" ht 40 wid 90 with .w at (T.e.x+16, T.e.y)
6 |
7 |
line from T.e to R.w
8 |
arrow from R.e right 24
9 |
box invis "to host" with .w at end of last arrow
10 |
11 |
line from T.s down 16 then left 30 then down 30 then right 16
12 |
13 |
FL: box "\f(CWFlayer\fP" ht 40 wid 75 with .w at end of last line
14 |
F1: box ht 40 wid 75 with .w at FL.e
15 |
F2: box ht 40 wid 75 with .w at F1.e
16 |
F3: box "\&\f(CW...\fP" ht 40 wid 75 with .w at F2.e
17 |
18 |
FX: box invis "\f(CW...\fP" ht 40 wid 75 with .n at (F1.s.x, F1.s.y-24)
19 |
20 |
FR: box "\f(CWFrame\fP" ht 40 wid 75 with .n at (FL.s.x, FL.s.y-24)
21 |
22 |
line from FL.s to FR.n
23 |
line from F1.s down 24
24 |
line from F2.s down 24
25 |
line from F3.s down 24
26 |
27 |
BM: box "\f(CWBitmap\fP" "(cache)" ht 40 wid 68 with .e at (FR.w.x-28, FR.w.y)
28 |
29 |
line from BM.e to FR.w
30 |
31 |
line from FR.s down 16 then left 50 then down 30 then right 16
32 |
33 |
B1: box "\f(CWBox\fP" ht 40 wid 45 with .w at end of last line
34 |
B2: box ht 40 wid 45 with .w at B1.e
35 |
B3: box ht 40 wid 45 with .w at B2.e
36 |
B4: box "\f(CW...\fP" ht 40 wid 45 with .w at B3.e
37 |
38 |