2 |
- |
1 |
struct Cfsmsg {
2 |
ulong n; /* number of messages (of some type) */
3 |
vlong t; /* time spent in these messages */
4 |
vlong s; /* start time of last call */
5 |
6 |
7 |
struct Cfsstat {
8 |
struct Cfsmsg cm[128]; /* client messages */
9 |
struct Cfsmsg sm[128]; /* server messages */
10 |
11 |
ulong ndirread; /* # of directory read ops */
12 |
ulong ndelegateread; /* # of read ops delegated */
13 |
ulong ninsert; /* # of cache insert ops */
14 |
ulong ndelete; /* # of cache delete ops */
15 |
ulong nupdate; /* # of cache update ops */
16 |
17 |
uvlong bytesread; /* # of bytes read by client */
18 |
uvlong byteswritten; /* # of bytes written by client */
19 |
uvlong bytesfromserver; /* # of bytes read from server */
20 |
uvlong bytesfromdirs; /* # of directory bytes read from server */
21 |
uvlong bytesfromcache; /* # of bytes read from cache */
22 |
uvlong bytestocache; /* # of bytes written to cache */
23 |
24 |
25 |
extern struct Cfsstat cfsstat, cfsprev;
26 |
extern int statson;