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.HTML "Plumbing and Other Utilities
2 |
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Plumbing and Other Utilities
4 |
5 |
Rob Pike
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Plumbing is a new mechanism for inter-process communication in Plan 9,
11 |
specifically the passing of messages between interactive programs as part of
12 |
the user interface.
13 |
Although plumbing shares some properties with familiar notions
14 |
such as cut and paste,
15 |
it offers a more general data exchange mechanism without imposing
16 |
a particular user interface.
17 |
18 |
The core of the plumbing system is a program called the
19 |
.I plumber ,
20 |
which handles all messages and dispatches and reformats them
21 |
according to configuration rules written in a special-purpose language.
22 |
This approach allows the contents and context of a piece of data to define how
23 |
it is handled.
24 |
Unlike with drag and drop or cut and paste,
25 |
the user doesn't need to deliver the data;
26 |
the contents of a plumbing message, as interpreted by the plumbing rules,
27 |
determine its destination.
28 |
29 |
The plumber has an unusual architecture: it is a language-driven file server.
30 |
This design has distinct advantages.
31 |
It makes plumbing easy to add to an existing, Unix-like command environment;
32 |
it guarantees uniform handling of inter-application messages;
33 |
it off-loads from those applications most of the work of extracting and dispatching messages;
34 |
and it works transparently across a network.
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
Data moves from program to program in myriad ways.
40 |
Command-line arguments,
41 |
shell pipe lines,
42 |
cut and paste,
43 |
drag and drop, and other user interface techniques all provide some form
44 |
of interprocess communication.
45 |
Then there are tricks associated with special domains,
46 |
such as HTML hyperlinks or the heuristics mail readers
47 |
use to highlight URLs embedded in mail messages.
48 |
Some systems provide implicit ways to automate the attachment of program to data\(emthe
49 |
best known examples are probably the resource forks in MacOS and the
50 |
file name extension `associations' in Microsoft Windows\(embut in practice
51 |
humans must too often carry their data from program to program.
52 |
53 |
Why should a human do the work?
54 |
Usually there is one obvious thing to do with a piece of data,
55 |
and the data itself suggests what this is.
56 |
Resource forks and associations speak to this issue directly, but statically and narrowly and with
57 |
little opportunity to control the behavior.
58 |
Mechanisms with more generality,
59 |
such as cut and paste or drag and drop, demand too much manipulation by
60 |
the user and are (therefore) too error-prone.
61 |
62 |
We want a system that, given a piece of data,
63 |
hands it to the appropriate application by default with little or no human intervention,
64 |
while still permitting the user to override the defaults if desired.
65 |
66 |
The plumbing system is an attempt to address some of these issues in a single,
67 |
coherent, central way.
68 |
It provides a mechanism for
69 |
formatting and sending arbitrary messages between applications,
70 |
typically interactive programs such as text editors, web browsers, and the window system,
71 |
under the control of a central message-handling server called the
72 |
.I plumber .
73 |
Interactive programs provide application-specific connections to the plumber,
74 |
triggering with minimal user action the transfer of data or control to other programs.
75 |
The result is similar to a hypertext system in which all the links are implicit,
76 |
extracted automatically by examining the data and the user's actions.
77 |
It obviates
78 |
cut and paste and other such hand-driven interprocess communication mechanisms.
79 |
Plumbing delivers the goods to the right place automatically.
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
The plumber is implemented as a Plan 9 file server [Pike93];
84 |
programs send messages by writing them to the plumber's file
85 |
.CW /mnt/plumb/send ,
86 |
and receive messages by reading them from
87 |
.I ports ,
88 |
which are other plumber files in
89 |
.CW /mnt/plumb .
90 |
For example,
91 |
.CW /mnt/plumb/edit
92 |
is by convention the file from which a text editor reads messages requesting it to
93 |
open and display a file for editing.
94 |
(See Figure 1.)
95 |
.if h .B1 10 60
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
P1: ellipse "ProgramA"
100 |
101 |
P2: ellipse "ProgramB"
102 |
103 |
P3: ellipse "ProgramC"
104 |
105 |
INVIS: box wid 1.3 invis at P2.e
106 |
SEND: arrow from INVIS.e "\f(CWsend \fP" ""
107 |
arrow -> right 0.2 from P1.e; spline -> right 0.2 then down 1 to SEND.w
108 |
arrow -> right 0.2 from P2.e; arrow -> to SEND.w
109 |
arrow -> right 0.2 from P3.e; spline -> right 0.2 then up 1 to SEND.w
110 |
111 |
PL: box height 1 "plumber" with .w at SEND.e
112 |
A3: arrow 0.8 -> "\f(CWimage\fP" ""; arrow ->
113 |
O3: ellipse "Viewer"
114 |
O2: ellipse "Browser" with .s at O3.n + (0, 0.1)
115 |
O1: ellipse "Editor" with .s at O2.n + (0, 0.1)
116 |
O4: ellipse "Faces" with .n at O3.s + (0, -0.1)
117 |
O5: ellipse "..." with .n at O4.s + (0, -0.1)
118 |
119 |
A1: arrow 0.8 -> "\f(CWedit\fP" "" from PL.e + (0, .4); spline -> right 0.15 then up 0.7 then to O1.w
120 |
121 |
A2: arrow 0.8 -> "\f(CWweb\fP" "" from PL.e + (0, .2); spline -> right 0.3 then up 0.3 then to O2.w
122 |
123 |
A4: arrow 0.8 -> "\f(CWnewmail\fP" "" from PL.e + (0, -.2); spline -> right 0.3 then down 0.3 then to O4.w
124 |
125 |
A5: arrow 0.8 -> "\f(CW...\fP" "" from PL.e + (0, -.4); spline -> right 0.15 then down 0.7 then to O5.w
126 |
127 |
128 |
.ps -1
129 |
Figure 1. The plumber controls the flow of messages between applications.
130 |
Programs write to the file
131 |
.CW send
132 |
and receive on `ports' of various names representing services such as
133 |
.CW edit
134 |
135 |
.CW web .
136 |
Although the figure doesn't illustrate it, some programs may both send and receive messages,
137 |
and some ports are read by multiple applications.
138 |
139 |
140 |
.if h .B2
141 |
142 |
The plumber takes messages from the
143 |
.CW send
144 |
file and interprets their contents using rules defined by
145 |
a special-purpose pattern-action language.
146 |
The language specifies any rewriting of the message that is to be done by the plumber
147 |
and defines how to dispose of a message, such as by sending it to a port or
148 |
starting a new process to handle it.
149 |
150 |
The behavior is best described by example.
151 |
Imagine that the user has, in a terminal emulator window,
152 |
just run a compilation that has failed:
153 |
154 |
% make
155 |
cc -c rmstar.c
156 |
rmstar.c:32: syntax error
157 |
158 |
159 |
The user points the typing cursor somewhere in the string
160 |
.CW rmstar.c:32:
161 |
and executes the
162 |
.CW plumb
163 |
menu entry.
164 |
This causes the terminal emulator to format a plumbing message
165 |
containing the entire string surrounding the cursor,
166 |
.CW rmstar:32: ,
167 |
and to write it to
168 |
.CW /mnt/plumb/send .
169 |
The plumber receives this message and compares it sequentially to the various
170 |
patterns in its configuration.
171 |
Eventually, it will find one that breaks the string into pieces,
172 |
.CW rmstar.c ,
173 |
a colon,
174 |
.CW 32 ,
175 |
and the final colon.
176 |
Other associated patterns verify that
177 |
.CW rmstar.c
178 |
is a file in the current directory of the program generating
179 |
the message, and that
180 |
.CW 32
181 |
looks like a line number within it.
182 |
The plumber rewrites the message,
183 |
setting the data to the string
184 |
.CW rmstar.c
185 |
and attaching an indication that
186 |
.CW 32
187 |
is a line number to display.
188 |
Finally, it sends the resulting message to the
189 |
.CW edit
190 |
191 |
The text editor picks up the message, opens
192 |
.CW rmstar.c
193 |
(if it's not already open) and highlights line 32, the location of the syntax error.
194 |
195 |
From the user's point of view, this process is simple: the error message appears,
196 |
it is `plumbed', and the editor jumps to the problem.
197 |
198 |
Of course, there are many different ways to cause compiler messages to
199 |
pop up the source of an error,
200 |
but the design of the plumber addresses more general issues than the specific
201 |
goal of shortening the compile/debug/edit cycle.
202 |
It facilitates the general exchange of data among programs, interactive or otherwise,
203 |
throughout the environment, and its
204 |
architecture\(ema central, language-driven file server\(emalthough
205 |
unusual, has distinct advantages.
206 |
It makes plumbing easy to add to an existing, Unix-like command environment;
207 |
it guarantees uniform handling of inter-application messages;
208 |
it off-loads from those applications most of the work of extracting and dispatching messages;
209 |
and it works transparently and effortlessly across a network.
210 |
211 |
This paper is organized bottom-up, beginning with the format of the messages
212 |
and proceeding through the plumbing language, the handling of messages,
213 |
and the interactive user interface.
214 |
The last sections discuss the implications of the design
215 |
and compare the plumbing system to other environments that
216 |
provide similar services.
217 |
218 |
Format of messages
219 |
220 |
Since the language that controls the plumber is defined in terms of the
221 |
contents of plumbing messages, we begin by describing their layout.
222 |
223 |
Plumbing messages have a fixed-format textual
224 |
header followed by a free-format data section.
225 |
The header consists of six lines of text, in set order,
226 |
each specifying a property of the message.
227 |
Any line may be blank except the last, which is the length of the data portion of the
228 |
message, as a decimal string.
229 |
The lines are, in order:
230 |
231 |
The source application, the name of the program generating the message.
232 |
233 |
The destination port, the name of the port to which the messages should be sent.
234 |
235 |
The working directory in which the message was generated.
236 |
237 |
The type of the data, analogous to a MIME type, such as
238 |
.CW text
239 |
240 |
.CW image/gif .
241 |
242 |
Attributes of the message, given as blank-separated
243 |
.I name\f(CW=\fPvalue
244 |
245 |
The values may be quoted to protect
246 |
blanks or quotes; values may not contain newlines.
247 |
248 |
The length of the data section, in bytes.
249 |
250 |
Here is a sample message, one that (conventionally) tells the editor to open the file
251 |
.CW /usr/rob/src/mem.c
252 |
and display line
253 |
27 within it:
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
Because in general it need not be text, the data section of the message has no terminating newline.
264 |
265 |
A library interface simplifies the processing of messages by translating them
266 |
to and from a data structure,
267 |
.CW Plumbmsg ,
268 |
defined like this:
269 |
270 |
.ta 4n +4n +4n +4n +4n +4n +4n +4n +4n +4n +4n +4n +4n
271 |
typedef struct Plumbattr Plumbattr;
272 |
typedef struct Plumbmsg Plumbmsg;
273 |
274 |
struct Plumbmsg
275 |
276 |
char *src; /* source application */
277 |
char *dst; /* destination port */
278 |
char *wdir; /* working directory */
279 |
char *type; /* type of data */
280 |
Plumbattr *attr; /* attribute list */
281 |
int ndata; /* #bytes of data */
282 |
char *data;
283 |
284 |
285 |
struct Plumbattr
286 |
287 |
char *name;
288 |
char *value;
289 |
Plumbattr *next;
290 |
291 |
292 |
The library also includes routines to send a message, receive a message,
293 |
manipulate the attribute list, and so on.
294 |
295 |
The Language
296 |
297 |
An instance of the plumber runs for each user on each terminal or workstation.
298 |
299 |
begins by reading its rules from the file
300 |
.CW lib/plumbing
301 |
in the user's home directory,
302 |
which in turn may use
303 |
.CW include
304 |
statements to interpolate macro definitions and
305 |
rules from standard plumbing rule libraries stored in
306 |
.CW /sys/lib/plumb .
307 |
308 |
The rules control the processing of messages.
309 |
They are written in
310 |
a pattern-action language comprising a sequence of blank-line-separated
311 |
.I rule
312 |
.I sets ,
313 |
each of which contains one or more
314 |
.I patterns
315 |
followed by one or more
316 |
.I actions .
317 |
Each incoming message is compared against the rule sets in order.
318 |
If all the patterns within a rule set succeed,
319 |
one of the associated actions is taken and processing completes.
320 |
321 |
The syntax of the language is straightforward.
322 |
Each rule (pattern or action) has three components, separated by white space:
323 |
324 |
.I object ,
325 |
326 |
.I verb ,
327 |
and optional
328 |
.I arguments .
329 |
The object
330 |
identifies a part of the message, such as
331 |
the source application
332 |
.CW src ), (
333 |
or the data
334 |
portion of the message
335 |
.CW data ), (
336 |
or the rule's own arguments
337 |
.CW arg ); (
338 |
or it is the keyword
339 |
.CW plumb ,
340 |
which introduces an action.
341 |
The verb specifies an operation to perform on the object, such as the word
342 |
.CW is ' `
343 |
to require precise equality between the object and the argument, or
344 |
.CW isdir ' `
345 |
to require that the object be the name of a directory.
346 |
347 |
For instance, this rule set sends messages containing the names of files
348 |
ending in
349 |
.CW .gif ,
350 |
.CW .jpg ,
351 |
etc. to a program,
352 |
.CW page ,
353 |
to display them; it is analogous to a Windows association rule:
354 |
355 |
# image files go to page
356 |
type is text
357 |
data matches '[a-zA-Z0-9_\e-./]+'
358 |
data matches '([a-zA-Z0-9_\e-./]+)\e.(jpe?g|gif|bit|tiff|ppm)'
359 |
arg isfile $0
360 |
plumb to image
361 |
plumb client page -wi
362 |
363 |
(Lines beginning with
364 |
.CW #
365 |
are commentary.)
366 |
Consider how this rule handles the following message, annotated down the left column for clarity:
367 |
368 |
.ta 10n
369 |
\f2src\fP plumbtest
370 |
371 |
\f2wdir\fP /usr/rob/pics
372 |
\f2type\fP text
373 |
374 |
\f2ndata\fP 9
375 |
\f2data\fP horse.gif
376 |
377 |
378 |
.CW is
379 |
verb specifies a precise match, and the
380 |
.CW type
381 |
field of the message is the string
382 |
.CW text ,
383 |
so the first pattern succeeds.
384 |
385 |
.CW matches
386 |
verb invokes a regular expression pattern match of the object (here
387 |
.CW data )
388 |
against the argument pattern.
389 |
390 |
.CW matches
391 |
patterns in this rule set will succeed, and in the process set the variables
392 |
.CW $0
393 |
to the matched string,
394 |
.CW $1
395 |
to the first parenthesized submatch, and so on (analogous to
396 |
.CW & ,
397 |
.CW \e1 ,
398 |
etc. in
399 |
.CW ed 's
400 |
regular expressions).
401 |
The pattern
402 |
.CW arg
403 |
.CW isfile
404 |
.CW $0
405 |
verifies that the named file,
406 |
.CW horse.gif ,
407 |
is an actual file in the directory
408 |
.CW /usr/rob/pics .
409 |
If all the patterns succeed, one of the actions will be executed.
410 |
411 |
There are two actions in this rule set.
412 |
413 |
.CW plumb
414 |
.CW to
415 |
rule specifies
416 |
.CW image
417 |
as the destination port of the message.
418 |
By convention, the plumber mounts its services in the directory
419 |
.CW /mnt/plumb ,
420 |
so in this case if the file
421 |
.CW /mnt/plumb/image
422 |
has been opened, the message will be made available to the program reading from it.
423 |
Note that the message does not name a port, but the rule set that matches
424 |
the message does, and that is sufficient to dispatch the message.
425 |
If on the other hand a message matches no rule but has an explicit port mentioned,
426 |
that too is sufficient.
427 |
428 |
If no client has opened the
429 |
.CW image
430 |
431 |
that is, if the program
432 |
.CW page
433 |
is not already running, the
434 |
.CW plumb
435 |
.CW client
436 |
action gives the execution script to start the application
437 |
and send the message on its way; the
438 |
.CW -wi
439 |
arguments tell
440 |
.CW page
441 |
to create a window and to receive its initial arguments from the plumbing port.
442 |
The process by which the plumber starts a program is described in more detail in the next section.
443 |
444 |
It may seem odd that there are two
445 |
.CW matches
446 |
rules in this example.
447 |
The reason is related to the way the plumber can use the rules themselves
448 |
to refine the
449 |
.I data
450 |
in the message, somewhat in the manner of Structural Regular Expressions [Pike87a].
451 |
For example, consider what happens if the cursor is at the last character of
452 |
453 |
% make nightmare>horse.gif
454 |
455 |
and the user asks to plumb what the cursor is pointing at.
456 |
The program creating the plumbing
457 |
message\(emin this case the terminal emulator running the window\(emcan send the
458 |
entire white-space-delimited string
459 |
.CW nightmare>horse.gif
460 |
or even the entire line, and the combination of
461 |
.CW matches
462 |
rules can determine that the user was referring to the string
463 |
.CW horse.gif .
464 |
The user could of course select the entire string
465 |
.CW horse.gif ,
466 |
but it's more convenient just to point in the general location and let the machine
467 |
figure out what should be done.
468 |
The process is as follows.
469 |
470 |
The application generating the message adds a special attribute to the message, named
471 |
.CW click ,
472 |
whose numerical value is the offset of the cursor\(emthe selection point\(emwithin the data string.
473 |
This attribute tells the plumber two things:
474 |
first, that the regular expressions in
475 |
.CW matches
476 |
rules should be used to identify the relevant data;
477 |
and second, approximately where the relevant data lies.
478 |
The plumber
479 |
will then use the first
480 |
.CW matches
481 |
pattern to identify the longest leftmost match that touches the cursor, which will extract the string
482 |
.CW horse.gif ,
483 |
and the second pattern will then verify that that names a picture file.
484 |
The rule set succeeds and the data is winnowed to the matching substring
485 |
before being sent to its destination.
486 |
487 |
488 |
.CW matches
489 |
pattern within a given rule set must match the same portion of the string, which
490 |
guarantees that the rule set fails to match a string for which the
491 |
second pattern matches only a portion.
492 |
For instance, our example rule set should not execute if the data is the string
493 |
.CW horse.gift ,
494 |
and although the first pattern will match
495 |
.CW horse.gift ,
496 |
the second will match only
497 |
.CW horse.gif
498 |
and the rule set will fail.
499 |
500 |
The same approach of multiple
501 |
.CW matches
502 |
rules can be used to exclude, for instance, a terminal period from
503 |
a file name or URL, so a file name or URL at the end of a sentence is recognized properly.
504 |
505 |
If a
506 |
.CW click
507 |
attribute is not specified, all patterns must match the entire string,
508 |
so the user has an option:
509 |
he or she may select exactly what data to send,
510 |
or may instead indicate where the data is by clicking the selection button on the mouse
511 |
and letting the machine locate the URL or image file name within the text.
512 |
In other words,
513 |
the user can control the contents of the message precisely when required,
514 |
but the default, simplest action in the user interface does the right thing most of the time.
515 |
516 |
How Messages are Handled in the Plumber
517 |
518 |
An application creates a message header, fills in whatever fields it wishes to define,
519 |
attaches the data, and writes the result to the file
520 |
.CW send
521 |
in the plumber's service directory,
522 |
.CW /mnt/plumb .
523 |
The plumber receives the message and applies the plumbing rules successively to it.
524 |
When a rule set matches, the message is dispatched as indicated by that rule set
525 |
and processing continues with the next message.
526 |
If no rule set matches the message, the plumber indicates this by returning a write
527 |
error to the application, that is, the write to
528 |
.CW /mnt/plumb/send
529 |
fails, with the resulting error string
530 |
describing the failure.
531 |
(Plan 9 uses strings rather than pre-defined numbers to describe error conditions.)
532 |
Thus a program can discover whether a plumbing message has been sent successfully.
533 |
534 |
After a matching rule set has been identified, the plumber applies a series of rewriting
535 |
steps to the message. Some rewritings are defined by the rule set; others are implicit.
536 |
For example, if the message does not specify a destination port, the outgoing message
537 |
will be rewritten to identify it.
538 |
If the message does specify the port, the rule set will only match if any
539 |
.CW plumb
540 |
.CW to
541 |
action in the rule set names the same port.
542 |
(If it matches no rule sets, but mentions a port, it will be sent there unmodified.)
543 |
544 |
The rule set may contain actions that explicitly rewrite components of the message.
545 |
These may modify the attribute list or replace the data section of the message.
546 |
Here is a sample rule set that does both.
547 |
It matches strings of the form
548 |
.CW plumb.h
549 |
550 |
.CW plumb.h:27 .
551 |
If that string identifies a file in the standard C include directory,
552 |
.CW /sys/include ,
553 |
perhaps with an optional line number, the outgoing message
554 |
is rewritten to contain the full path name and an attribute,
555 |
.CW addr ,
556 |
to hold the line number:
557 |
558 |
# .h files are looked up in /sys/include and passed to edit
559 |
type is text
560 |
data matches '([a-zA-Z0-9]+\e.h)(:([0-9]+))?'
561 |
arg isfile /sys/include/$1
562 |
data set /sys/include/$1
563 |
attr add addr=$3
564 |
plumb to edit
565 |
566 |
567 |
.CW data
568 |
.CW set
569 |
rule replaces the contents of the data, and the
570 |
.CW attr
571 |
.CW add
572 |
rule adds a new attribute to the message.
573 |
The intent of this rule is to permit one to plumb an include file name in a C program
574 |
to trigger the opening of that file, perhaps at a specified line, in the text editor.
575 |
A variant of this rule, discussed below,
576 |
tells the editor how to interpret syntax errors from the compiler,
577 |
or the output of
578 |
.CW grep
579 |
.CW -n ,
580 |
both of which use a fixed syntax
581 |
.I file\f(CW:\fPline
582 |
to identify a line of source.
583 |
584 |
The Plan 9 text editors interpret the
585 |
.CW addr
586 |
attribute as the definition of which portion of the file to display.
587 |
In fact, the real rule includes a richer definition of the address syntax,
588 |
so one may plumb strings such as
589 |
.CW plumb.h:/plumbsend
590 |
(using a regular expression after the
591 |
.CW / )
592 |
to pop up the declaration of a function in a C header file.
593 |
594 |
Another form of rewriting is that the plumber may modify the attribute list of
595 |
the message to clarify how to handle the message.
596 |
The primary example of this involves the treatment of the
597 |
.CW click
598 |
attribute, described in the previous section.
599 |
If the message contains a
600 |
.CW click
601 |
attribute and the matching rule set uses it to extract the matching substring from the data,
602 |
the plumber
603 |
deletes the
604 |
.CW click
605 |
attribute and replaces the data with the matching substring.
606 |
607 |
Once the message is rewritten, the actions of the matching rule set are examined.
608 |
If the rule set contains a
609 |
.CW plumb
610 |
.CW to
611 |
action and the corresponding port is open\(emthat is, if a program is already reading
612 |
from that port\(emthe message is delivered to the port.
613 |
The application will receive the message and handle it as it sees fit.
614 |
If the port is not open, a
615 |
.CW plumb
616 |
.CW start
617 |
618 |
.CW plumb
619 |
.CW client
620 |
action will start a new program to handle the message.
621 |
622 |
623 |
.CW plumb
624 |
.CW start
625 |
action is the simpler: its argument specifies a command to run
626 |
instead of passing on the message; the message is discarded.
627 |
Here for instance is a rule that, given the process id (pid) of an existing process,
628 |
starts the
629 |
.CW acid
630 |
debugger [Wint94] in a new window to examine that process:
631 |
632 |
# processes go to acid (assuming strlen(pid) >= 2)
633 |
type is text
634 |
data matches '[a-zA-Z0-9.:_\e-/]+'
635 |
data matches '[0-9][0-9]+'
636 |
arg isdir /proc/$0
637 |
plumb start window acid $0
638 |
639 |
(Note the use of multiple
640 |
.CW matches
641 |
rules to avoid misfires from strings like
642 |
.CW party.1999 .)
643 |
644 |
.CW arg
645 |
.CW isdir
646 |
rule checks that the pid represents a running process (or broken one; Plan 9 does not create
647 |
.CW core
648 |
files but leaves broken processes around for debugging) by checking that the process file
649 |
system has a directory for that pid [Kill84].
650 |
Using this rule, one may plumb the pid string printed by the
651 |
.CW ps
652 |
command or by the operating system when the program breaks;
653 |
the debugger will then start automatically.
654 |
655 |
The other startup action,
656 |
.CW plumb
657 |
.CW client ,
658 |
is used when a program will read messages from the plumbing port.
659 |
For example,
660 |
text editors can read files specified as command arguments, so one could use a
661 |
.CW plumb
662 |
.CW start
663 |
rule to begin editing a file.
664 |
If, however, the editor will read messages from the
665 |
.CW edit
666 |
plumbing port, letting it read the message
667 |
from the port insures that it uses other information in the message,
668 |
such as the line number to display.
669 |
670 |
.CW plumb
671 |
.CW client
672 |
action is therefore like
673 |
.CW plumb
674 |
.CW start ,
675 |
but keeps the message around for delivery when the application opens the port.
676 |
Here is the full rule set to pass a regular file to the text editor:
677 |
678 |
# existing files, possibly tagged by address, go to editor
679 |
type is text
680 |
data matches '([.a-zA-Z0-9_/\e-]*[a-zA-Z0-9_/\e-])('$addr')?'
681 |
arg isfile $1
682 |
data set $1
683 |
attr add addr=$3
684 |
plumb to edit
685 |
plumb client window $editor
686 |
687 |
If the editor is already running, the
688 |
.CW plumb
689 |
.CW to
690 |
rule causes it to receive the message on the port.
691 |
If not,
692 |
the command
693 |
.CW window "" `
694 |
.CW $editor '
695 |
will create a new window (using the Plan 9 program
696 |
.CW window )
697 |
to run the editor, and once that starts it will open the
698 |
.CW edit
699 |
plumbing port as usual and discover this first message already waiting.
700 |
701 |
The variables
702 |
.CW $editor
703 |
704 |
.CW $addr
705 |
in this rule set
706 |
are macros defined in the plumbing rules file; they specify the name of the user's favorite text editor
707 |
and a regular expression
708 |
that matches that editor's address syntax, such as line numbers and patterns.
709 |
This rule set lives in a library of shared plumbing rules that
710 |
users' private rules can build on,
711 |
so the rule set needs to be adaptable to different editors and their address syntax.
712 |
The macro definitions for Acme and Sam [Pike94,Pike87b] look like this:
713 |
714 |
715 |
# or editor=sam
716 |
717 |
718 |
719 |
720 |
Finally, the application reads the message from the appropriate port, such as
721 |
.CW /mnt/plumb/edit ,
722 |
unpacks it, and goes to work.
723 |
724 |
Message Delivery
725 |
726 |
In summary, a message is delivered by writing it to the
727 |
.CW send
728 |
file and having the plumber, perhaps after some rewriting, send it to the destination
729 |
port or start a new application to handle it.
730 |
If no destination can be found by the plumber, the original write to the
731 |
.CW send
732 |
file will fail, and the application will know the message could not be delivered.
733 |
734 |
If multiple applications are reading from the destination port, each will receive
735 |
an identical copy of the message; that is, the plumber implements fan-out.
736 |
The number of messages delivered is equal to the number of clients that have
737 |
opened the destination port.
738 |
The plumber queues the messages and makes sure that each application that opened
739 |
the port before the message was written gets exactly one copy.
740 |
741 |
This design minimizes blocking in the sending applications, since the write to the
742 |
.CW send
743 |
file can complete as soon as the message has been queued for the appropriate port.
744 |
If the plumber waited for the message to be read by the recipient, the sender could
745 |
block unnecessarily.
746 |
Unfortunately, this design also means that there is no way for a sender to know when
747 |
the message has been handled; in fact, there are cases when
748 |
the message will not be delivered at all, such as if the recipient exits while there are
749 |
still messages in the queue.
750 |
Since the plumber is part of a user interface, and not
751 |
an autonomous message delivery system,
752 |
the decision was made to give the
753 |
non-blocking property priority over reliability of message delivery.
754 |
In practice, this tradeoff has worked out well:
755 |
applications almost always know when a message has failed to be delivered (the
756 |
.CW write
757 |
fails because no destination could be found),
758 |
and those occasions when the sender believes incorrectly that the message has been delivered
759 |
are both extremely rare and easily recognized by the user\(emusually because the recipient
760 |
application has exited.
761 |
762 |
The Rules File
763 |
764 |
The plumber begins execution by reading the user's startup plumbing rules file,
765 |
.CW lib/plumbing .
766 |
Since the plumber is implemented as a file server, it can also present its current rules
767 |
as a dynamic file, a design that provides an easily understood way to maintain the rules.
768 |
769 |
The file
770 |
.CW /mnt/plumb/rules
771 |
is the text of the rule set the plumber is currently using,
772 |
and it may be edited like a regular file to update those rules.
773 |
To clear the rules, truncate that file;
774 |
to add a new rule set, append to it:
775 |
776 |
% echo 'type is text
777 |
data is self-destruct
778 |
plumb start rm -rf $HOME' >> /mnt/plumb/rules
779 |
780 |
This rule set will take effect immediately.
781 |
If it has a syntax error, the write will fail with an error message from the plumber,
782 |
such as `malformed rule' or 'undefined verb'.
783 |
784 |
To restore the plumber to its startup configuration,
785 |
786 |
% cp /usr/$user/lib/plumbing /mnt/plumb/rules
787 |
788 |
For more sophisticated changes,
789 |
one can of course use a regular text editor to modify
790 |
.CW /mnt/plumb/rules .
791 |
792 |
This simple way of maintaining an active service could profitably be adopted by other systems.
793 |
It avoids the need to reboot, to update registries with special tools, or to send asynchronous signals
794 |
to critical programs.
795 |
796 |
The User Interface
797 |
798 |
One unusual property of the plumbing system is that
799 |
the user interface that programs provide to access it can vary considerably, yet
800 |
the result is nonetheless a unifying force in the environment.
801 |
Shells talk to editors, image viewers, and web browsers; debuggers talk to editors;
802 |
editors talk to themselves; and the window system talks to everybody.
803 |
804 |
The plumber grew out of some of the ideas of the Acme editor/window-system/user interface [Pike94],
805 |
in particular its `acquisition' feature.
806 |
With a three-button mouse, clicking the right button in Acme on a piece of text tells Acme to
807 |
get the thing being pointed to.
808 |
If it is a file name, open the file;
809 |
if it is a directory, open a viewer for its contents;
810 |
if a line number, go to that line;
811 |
if a regular expression, search for it.
812 |
This one-click access to anything describable textually was very powerful but had several
813 |
limitations, of which the most important were that Acme's rules for interpreting the
814 |
text (that is, the implicit hyperlinks) were hard-wired and inflexible, and
815 |
that they only applied to and within Acme itself.
816 |
One could not, for example, use Acme's power to open an image file, since Acme is
817 |
a text-only system.
818 |
819 |
The plumber addresses these limitations, even with Acme itself:
820 |
Acme now uses the plumber to interpret the right button clicks for it.
821 |
When the right button is clicked on some text,
822 |
Acme constructs a plumbing message much as described above,
823 |
using the
824 |
.CW click
825 |
attribute and the white-space-delimited text surrounding the click.
826 |
It then writes the message to the plumber; if the write succeeds, all is well.
827 |
If not, it falls back to its original, internal rules, which will result in a context search
828 |
for the word within the current document.
829 |
830 |
If the message is sent successfully, the recipient is likely to be Acme itself, of course:
831 |
the request may be to open a file, for example.
832 |
Thus Acme has turned the plumber into an external component of its own operation,
833 |
while expanding the possibilities; the operation might be to start an image viewer to
834 |
open a picture file, something Acme cannot do itself.
835 |
The plumber expands the power of Acme's original user interface.
836 |
837 |
Traditional menu-driven programs such as the text editor Sam [Pike87b] and the default
838 |
shell window of the window
839 |
840 |
.CW 8½
841 |
[Pike91] cannot dedicate a mouse button solely to plumbing, but they can certainly
842 |
dedicate a menu entry.
843 |
The editing menu for such programs now contains an entry,
844 |
.CW plumb ,
845 |
that creates a plumbing message using the current selection.
846 |
(Acme manages to send a message by clicking on the text with one button;
847 |
other programs require a click with the select button and then a menu operation.)
848 |
For example, after this happens in a shell window:
849 |
850 |
% make
851 |
cc -c shaney.c
852 |
shaney.c:232: i undefined
853 |
854 |
855 |
one can click anywhere on the string
856 |
.CW shaney.c:232 ,
857 |
execute the
858 |
.CW plumb
859 |
menu entry, and have line 232 appear in the text editor, be it Sam or Acme\(emwhichever has the
860 |
.CW edit
861 |
port open.
862 |
(If this were an Acme shell window, it would be sufficient to right-click on the string.)
863 |
864 |
[An interesting side line is how the window system knows what directory the
865 |
shell is running in; in other words, what value to place in the
866 |
.CW wdir
867 |
field of the plumb message.
868 |
Recall that
869 |
.CW 8½
870 |
is, like many Plan 9 programs, a file server.
871 |
It now serves a new file,
872 |
.CW /dev/wdir ,
873 |
that is private to each window.
874 |
Programs, in particular the
875 |
Plan 9 shell,
876 |
.CW rc ,
877 |
can write that file to inform the window system of its current directory.
878 |
When a
879 |
.CW cd
880 |
command is executed in an interactive shell,
881 |
.CW rc
882 |
updates the contents of
883 |
.CW /dev/wdir
884 |
and plumbing can proceed with local file names.]
885 |
886 |
Of course, users can plumb image file names, process ids, URLs, and other items\(emany string
887 |
whose syntax and disposition are defined in the plumbing rules file.
888 |
An example of how the pieces fit together is the way Plan 9 now handles mail, particularly
889 |
MIME-encoded messages.
890 |
891 |
When a new mail message arrives, the mail receiver process sends a plumbing message to the
892 |
.CW newmail
893 |
port, which notifies any interested process that new mail is here.
894 |
The plumbing message contains information about the mail, including
895 |
its sender, date, and current location in the file system.
896 |
The interested processes include a program,
897 |
.CW faces ,
898 |
that gives a graphical display of the mail box using
899 |
faces to represent the senders of messages [PiPr85],
900 |
as well as interactive mail programs such as the Acme mail viewer [Pike94].
901 |
The user can then click on the face that appears, and the
902 |
.CW faces
903 |
program will send another plumbing message, this time to the
904 |
.CW showmail
905 |
906 |
Here is the rule for that port:
907 |
908 |
# faces -> new mail window for message
909 |
type is text
910 |
data matches '[a-zA-Z0-9_\e-./]+'
911 |
data matches '/mail/fs/[a-zA-Z0-9/]+/[0-9]+'
912 |
plumb to showmail
913 |
plumb start window edmail -s $0
914 |
915 |
If a program, such as the Acme mail reader, is reading that port, it will open a new window
916 |
in which to display the message.
917 |
If not, the
918 |
.CW plumb
919 |
.CW start
920 |
rule will create a new window and run
921 |
.CW edmail ,
922 |
a conventional mail reading process, to examine it.
923 |
Notice how the plumbing connects the components of the interface together the same way
924 |
regardless of which components are actually being used to view mail.
925 |
926 |
There is more to the mail story.
927 |
Naturally, mail boxes in Plan 9 are treated as little file systems, which are synthesized
928 |
on demand by a special-purpose file server that takes a flat mail box file and converts
929 |
it into a set of directories, one per message, with component files containing the header,
930 |
body, MIME information, and so on.
931 |
Multi-part MIME messages are unpacked into multi-level directories, like this:
932 |
933 |
% ls -l /mail/fs/mbox/25
934 |
d-r-xr-xr-x M 20 rob rob 0 Nov 21 13:06 /mail/fs/mbox/25/1
935 |
d-r-xr-xr-x M 20 rob rob 0 Nov 21 13:06 /mail/fs/mbox/25/2
936 |
--r--r--r-- M 20 rob rob 28678 Nov 21 13:06 /mail/fs/mbox/25/body
937 |
--r--r--r-- M 20 rob rob 0 Nov 21 13:06 /mail/fs/mbox/25/cc
938 |
939 |
% mail
940 |
25 messages
941 |
: 25
942 |
From: presotto
943 |
Date: Sun Nov 21 13:05:51 EST 1999
944 |
To: rob
945 |
946 |
Check this out.
947 |
948 |
===> 2/ (image/jpeg) [inline]
949 |
950 |
951 |
952 |
Since the components are all (synthetic) files, the user can plumb the pieces
953 |
to view embedded pictures, URLs, and so on.
954 |
Note that the mail program can plumb the contents of
955 |
.CW inline
956 |
attachments automatically, without user interaction;
957 |
in other words, plumbing lets the mailer handle multimedia data
958 |
without itself interpreting it.
959 |
960 |
At a more mundane level, a shell command,
961 |
.CW plumb ,
962 |
can be used to send messages:
963 |
964 |
% cd /usr/rob/src
965 |
% plumb mem.c
966 |
967 |
will send the appropriate message to the
968 |
.CW edit
969 |
970 |
A surprising use of the
971 |
.CW plumb
972 |
command is in actions within the plumbing rules file.
973 |
In our lab, we commonly receive Microsoft Word documents by mail,
974 |
but we do not run Microsoft operating systems on our machines so we cannot
975 |
view them without at least rebooting.
976 |
Therefore, when a Word document arrives in mail, we could plumb the
977 |
.CW .doc
978 |
file but the text editor could not decode it.
979 |
However, we have a program,
980 |
.CW doc2txt ,
981 |
that decodes the Word file format to extract and format the embedded text.
982 |
The solution is to use
983 |
.CW plumb
984 |
in a
985 |
.CW plumb
986 |
.CW start
987 |
action to invoke
988 |
.CW doc2txt
989 |
990 |
.CW .doc
991 |
files and synthesize a plain text file:
992 |
993 |
# rule set for microsoft word documents
994 |
type is text
995 |
data matches '[a-zA-Z0-9_\e-./]+'
996 |
data matches '([a-zA-Z0-9_\e-./]+)\e.doc'
997 |
arg isfile $0
998 |
plumb start doc2txt $data | \e
999 |
plumb -i -d edit -a action=showdata -a filename=$0
1000 |
1001 |
The arguments to
1002 |
.CW plumb
1003 |
tell it to take standard input as its data rather than the text of the arguments
1004 |
.CW -i ), (
1005 |
define the destination port
1006 |
.CW -d "" (
1007 |
.CW edit ),
1008 |
and set a conventional attribute so the editor knows to show the message data
1009 |
itself rather than interpret it as a file name
1010 |
.CW -a "" (
1011 |
.CW action=showdata )
1012 |
and provide the original file name
1013 |
.CW -a "" (
1014 |
.CW filename=$0 ).
1015 |
Now when a user plumbs a
1016 |
.CW .doc
1017 |
file the plumbing rules run a process to extract the text and send it as a
1018 |
temporary file to the editor for viewing.
1019 |
It's imperfect, but it's easy and it beats rebooting.
1020 |
1021 |
Another simple example is a rule that turns man pages into hypertext.
1022 |
Manual page entries of the form
1023 |
.CW plumber(1)
1024 |
can be clicked on to pop up a window containing the formatted `man page'.
1025 |
That man page will in turn contain more such citations, which will also be clickable.
1026 |
The rule is a little like that for Word documents:
1027 |
1028 |
# man index entries are synthesized
1029 |
type is text
1030 |
data matches '([a-zA-Z0-9_\e-./]+)\e(([0-9])\e)'
1031 |
plumb start man $2 $1 | \e
1032 |
plumb -i -d edit -a action=showdata -a filename=/man/$1($2)
1033 |
1034 |
1035 |
There are many other inventive uses of plumbing.
1036 |
One more should give some of the flavor.
1037 |
We have a shell script,
1038 |
.CW src ,
1039 |
that takes as argument the name of an executable binary file.
1040 |
It examines the symbol table of the binary to find the source file
1041 |
from which it was compiled.
1042 |
Since the Plan 9 compilers place full source path names in the symbol table,
1043 |
.CW src
1044 |
can discover the complete file name.
1045 |
That is then passed to
1046 |
.CW plumb ,
1047 |
complete with the line number to find the
1048 |
1049 |
.CW main .
1050 |
For example,
1051 |
1052 |
% src plumb
1053 |
1054 |
is all it takes to pop up an editor window on the
1055 |
.CW main
1056 |
routine of the
1057 |
.CW plumb
1058 |
command, beginning at line 39 of
1059 |
.CW /sys/src/cmd/plumb/plumb.c .
1060 |
Like most uses of plumbing,
1061 |
this is not a breakthrough in functionality, but it is a great convenience.
1062 |
1063 |
Why This Architecture?
1064 |
1065 |
The design of the plumbing system is peculiar:
1066 |
a centralized language-based file server does most of the work,
1067 |
while compared to other systems the applications themselves
1068 |
contribute relatively little.
1069 |
This architecture is deliberate, of course.
1070 |
1071 |
That the plumber's behavior is derived from a linguistic description
1072 |
gives the system great flexibility and dynamism\(emrules can be added
1073 |
and changed at will, without rebooting\(embut the existence of a central library of rules
1074 |
ensures that, for most users, the environment behaves in well-established ways.
1075 |
1076 |
That the plumber is a file server is perhaps the most unusual aspect of its design,
1077 |
but is also one of the most important.
1078 |
Messages are passed by regular I/O operations on files, so no extra technology
1079 |
such as remote procedure call or request brokers needs to be provided;
1080 |
messages are transmitted by familiar means.
1081 |
Almost every service in Plan 9 is a file server, so services can be exported
1082 |
trivially using the system's remote file system operations [Pike93].
1083 |
The plumber is no exception;
1084 |
plumbing messages pass routinely across the network to remote applications without
1085 |
any special provision,
1086 |
in contrast to some commercial IPC mechanisms that become
1087 |
significantly more complex when they involve multiple machines.
1088 |
As I write this, my window system is talking to applications running on three
1089 |
different machines, but they all share a single instance of the plumber and so
1090 |
can interoperate to integrate my environment.
1091 |
Plan 9 uses a shared file name space
1092 |
to combine multiple networked machines\(emcompute servers,
1093 |
file servers, and interactive workstations\(eminto a single
1094 |
computing environment; plumbing's design as a file server
1095 |
is a natural by-product of, and contributor to, the overall system architecture
1096 |
1097 |
1098 |
The centrality of the plumber is also unusual.
1099 |
Other systems tend to let the applications determine where messages will go;
1100 |
consider mail readers that recognize and highlight URLs in the messages.
1101 |
Why should just the mail readers do this, and why should they just do it for URLs?
1102 |
(Acme was guilty of similar crimes.)
1103 |
The plumber, by removing such decisions to a central authority,
1104 |
guarantees that all applications behave the same and simultaneously
1105 |
frees them all from figuring out what's important.
1106 |
The ability for the plumber to excerpt useful data from within a message
1107 |
is critical to the success of this model.
1108 |
1109 |
The entire system is remarkably small.
1110 |
The plumber itself is only about two thousand lines of C code.
1111 |
Most applications work fine in a plumbing environment without knowing about it at all;
1112 |
some need trivial changes such as to standardize their error output;
1113 |
a few need to generate and receive plumbing messages.
1114 |
But even to add the ability to send and receive messages in a program such as text editor is short work,
1115 |
involving typically a few dozen lines of code.
1116 |
Plumbing fits well into the existing environment.
1117 |
1118 |
But plumbing is new and it hasn't been pushed far enough yet.
1119 |
Most of the work so far has been with textual messages, although
1120 |
the underlying system is capable of handling general data.
1121 |
We plan to reimplement some of the existing data movement operations,
1122 |
such as cut and paste or drag and drop, to use plumbing as their exchange mechanism.
1123 |
Since the plumber is a central message handler, it is an obvious place to store the `clipboard'.
1124 |
The clipboard could be built as a special port that holds onto messages rather than
1125 |
deleting them after delivery.
1126 |
Since the clipboard would then be holding a plumbing
1127 |
message rather than plain text, as in the current Plan 9 environment,
1128 |
it would become possible to cut and paste arbitrary data without
1129 |
providing new mechanism.
1130 |
In effect, we would be providing a new user interface to the existing plumbing facilities.
1131 |
1132 |
Another possible extension is the ability to override plumbing operations interactively.
1133 |
Originally, the plan was to provide a mechanism, perhaps a pop-up menu, that one could
1134 |
use to direct messages, for example to send a PostScript file to the editor rather than the
1135 |
PostScript viewer by naming an explicit destination in the message.
1136 |
Although this deficiency should one day be addressed, it should be done without
1137 |
complicating the interface for invoking the default behavior.
1138 |
Meanwhile, in practice the default behavior seems to work very well in practice\(emas it
1139 |
must if plumbing is to be successful\(emso the lack of
1140 |
overrides is not keenly felt.
1141 |
1142 |
Comparison with Other Systems
1143 |
1144 |
The ideas of the plumbing system grew from an
1145 |
attempt to generalize the way Acme acquires files and data.
1146 |
Systems further from that lineage also share some properties with plumbing.
1147 |
Most, however, require explicit linking or message passing rather than
1148 |
plumbing's implicit, context-based pattern matching, and none
1149 |
has the plumber's design of a language-based file server.
1150 |
1151 |
Reiss's FIELD system [Reis95] probably comes the closest to providing the facilities of the plumber.
1152 |
It has a central message-passing mechanism that connects applications together through
1153 |
a combination of a library and a pattern-matching central message dispatcher that handles
1154 |
message send and reply.
1155 |
The main differences between FIELD's message dispatcher and the plumber are first
1156 |
that the plumber is based on a special-purpose language while the FIELD
1157 |
system uses an object-oriented library, second that the plumber has no concept
1158 |
of a reply to a message, and finally that the FIELD system
1159 |
has no concept of port.
1160 |
But the key distinction is probably in the level of use.
1161 |
In FIELD, the message dispatcher is a critical integrating force of the underlying
1162 |
programming environment, handling everything from debugging events to
1163 |
changing the working directory of a program.
1164 |
Plumbing, by contrast, is intended primarily for integrating the user interface
1165 |
of existing tools; it is more modest and very much simpler.
1166 |
The central advantage of the plumber is its convenience and dynamism;
1167 |
the FIELD system does not share the ease with which
1168 |
message dispatch rules can be added or modified.
1169 |
1170 |
The inspiration for Acme was
1171 |
the user interface to the object-oriented Oberon system [WiGu92].
1172 |
Oberon's user interface interprets mouse clicks on strings such as
1173 |
.CW Obj.meth
1174 |
to invoke calls to the method
1175 |
.CW meth
1176 |
of the object
1177 |
.CW Obj .
1178 |
This was the starting point for Acme's middle-button execution [Pike94],
1179 |
but nothing in Oberon is much like Acme's right-button `acquisition',
1180 |
which was the starting point for the plumber.
1181 |
Oberon's implicit method-based linking is not nearly as general as the pattern-matched
1182 |
linking of the plumber, nor does its style of user-triggered method call
1183 |
correspond well to the more general idea of inter-application communication
1184 |
of plumbing messages.
1185 |
1186 |
Microsoft's OLE interface is another relative.
1187 |
It allows one application to
1188 |
.I embed
1189 |
its own data within another's,
1190 |
for example to place an Excel spreadsheet within a Frame document;
1191 |
when Frame needs to format the page, it will start Excel itself, or at least some of its
1192 |
DLLs, to format the spreadsheet.
1193 |
OLE data can only be understood by the application that created it;
1194 |
plumbing messages, by contrast, contain arbitrary data with a rigidly formatted header
1195 |
that will be interpreted by the pattern matcher and the destination application.
1196 |
The plumber's simplified message format may limit its
1197 |
flexibility but makes messages easy and efficient to dispatch and to interpret.
1198 |
At least for the cut-and-paste style of exchange OLE encourages,
1199 |
plumbing gives up some power in return for simplicity, while avoiding
1200 |
the need to invoke a vestigial program (if Excel can be called a vestige) every time
1201 |
the pasted data is examined.
1202 |
Plumbing is also better suited to
1203 |
other styles of data exchange, such as connecting compiler errors to the
1204 |
text editor.
1205 |
1206 |
The Hyperbole [Wein] package for Emacs adds hypertext facilities to existing documents.
1207 |
It includes explicit links and, like plumbing, a rule-driven way to form implicit links.
1208 |
Since Emacs is purely textual, like Acme, Hyperbole does not easily extend to driving
1209 |
graphical applications, nor does it provide a general interprocess communication method.
1210 |
For instance, although Hyperbole provides some integration for mail applications,
1211 |
it cannot provide the glue that allows a click on a face icon in an external program to open a
1212 |
mail message within the viewer.
1213 |
Moreover, since it is not implemented as a file server,
1214 |
Hyperbole does not share the advantages of that architecture.
1215 |
1216 |
1217 |
.CW error
1218 |
program in 4BSD echoes a small but common use of plumbing.
1219 |
It takes the error messages produced by a compiler and drives a text editor
1220 |
through the steps of looking at each one in turn; the notion is to quicken the
1221 |
compile/edit/debug cycle.
1222 |
Similar results are achieved in EMACS by writing special M-LISP
1223 |
macros to parse the error messages from various compilers.
1224 |
Although for this particular purpose they may be more convenient than plumbing,
1225 |
these are specific solutions to a specific problem and lack plumbing's generality.
1226 |
1227 |
Of course, the resource forks in MacOS and the association rules for
1228 |
file name extensions in Windows also provide some of the functionality of
1229 |
the plumber, although again without the generality or dynamic nature.
1230 |
1231 |
Closer to home, Ousterhout's Tcl (Tool Command Language) [Oust90]
1232 |
was originally designed to embed a little command interpreter
1233 |
in each application to control interprocess communication and
1234 |
provide a level of integration.
1235 |
Plumbing, on the other hand, provides minimal support within
1236 |
the application, offloading most of the message handling and all the
1237 |
command execution to the central plumber.
1238 |
1239 |
The most obvious relative to plumbing is perhaps the hypertext links of a web browser.
1240 |
Plumbing differs by synthesizing
1241 |
the links on demand.
1242 |
Rather than constructing links within a document as in HTML,
1243 |
plumbing uses the context of a button click to derive what it should link to.
1244 |
That the rules for this decision can be modified dynamically gives it a more
1245 |
fluid feel than a standard web browsing world.
1246 |
One possibility for future work is to adapt a web browser to use
1247 |
plumbing as its link-following engine, much as Acme used plumbing to offload
1248 |
its acquisition rules.
1249 |
This would connect the web browser to the existing tools, rather than the
1250 |
current trend in most systems of replacing the tools by a browser.
1251 |
1252 |
Each of these prior systems\(emand there are others, e.g. [Pasa93, Free93]\(emaddresses
1253 |
a particular need or subset of the
1254 |
issues of system integration.
1255 |
Plumbing differs because its particular choices were different.
1256 |
It focuses on two key issues:
1257 |
centralizing and automating the handling of interprocess communication
1258 |
among interactive programs,
1259 |
and maximizing the convenience (or minimizing the trouble) for the human user
1260 |
of its services.
1261 |
Moreover, the plumber's implementation as a file server, with messages
1262 |
passed over files it controls,
1263 |
permits the architecture to work transparently across a network.
1264 |
None of the other systems discussed here integrates distributed systems
1265 |
as smoothly as local ones without the addition of significant extra technology.
1266 |
1267 |
1268 |
1269 |
There were a few surprises during the development of plumbing.
1270 |
The first version of plumbing was done for the Inferno system [Dorw97a,Dorw97b],
1271 |
using its file-to-channel mechanism to mediate the IPC.
1272 |
Although it was very simple to build, it encountered difficulties because
1273 |
the plumber was too disconnected from its clients; in particular, there was
1274 |
no way to discover whether a port was in use.
1275 |
When plumbing was implemented afresh for Plan 9, it was provided through a true file server.
1276 |
Although this was much more work, it paid off handsomely.
1277 |
The plumber now knows whether a port is open, which makes it easy to decide whether
1278 |
a new program must be started to handle a message,
1279 |
and the ability to edit the rules file dynamically is a major advantage.
1280 |
Other advantages arise from the file-server design,
1281 |
such as
1282 |
the ease of exporting plumbing ports across the network to remote machines
1283 |
and the implicit security model a file-based interface provides: no one has
1284 |
permission to open my private plumbing files.
1285 |
1286 |
On the other hand, Inferno was an all-new environment and the user interface for plumbing was
1287 |
able to be made uniform for all applications.
1288 |
This was impractical for Plan 9, so more
1289 |
.I "ad hoc
1290 |
interfaces had to be provided for that environment.
1291 |
Yet even in Plan 9 the advantages of efficient,
1292 |
convenient, dynamic interprocess communication outweigh the variability of
1293 |
the user interface.
1294 |
In fact, it is perhaps a telling point that the system works well for a variety of interfaces;
1295 |
the provision of a central, convenient message-passing
1296 |
service is a good idea regardless of how the programs use it.
1297 |
1298 |
Plumbing's rule language uses only regular expressions and a few special
1299 |
rules such as
1300 |
.CW isfile
1301 |
for matching text.
1302 |
There is much more that could be done. For example, in the current system a JPEG
1303 |
file can be recognized by a
1304 |
.CW .jpg
1305 |
suffix but not by its contents, since the plumbing language has no facility
1306 |
for examining the
1307 |
.I contents
1308 |
of files named in its messages.
1309 |
To address this issue without adding more special rules requires rethinking
1310 |
the language itself.
1311 |
Although the current system seems a good balance of complexity
1312 |
and functionality,
1313 |
perhaps a richer, more general-purpose language would
1314 |
permit more exotic applications of the plumbing model.
1315 |
1316 |
In conclusion, plumbing adds an effective, easy-to-use inter-application
1317 |
communication mechanism to the Plan 9
1318 |
user interface.
1319 |
Its unusual design as a language-driven file server makes it easy to add
1320 |
context-dependent, dynamically interpreted, general-purpose hyperlinks
1321 |
to the desktop, for both existing tools and new ones.
1322 |
1323 |
1324 |
1325 |
Dave Presotto wrote the mail file system and
1326 |
.CW edmail .
1327 |
He, Russ Cox, Sape Mullender, and Cliff Young influenced the design, offered useful suggestions,
1328 |
and suffered early versions of the software.
1329 |
They also made helpful comments on this paper, as did Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan.
1330 |
1331 |
1332 |
1333 |
1334 |
Sean Dorward, Rob Pike, David Leo Presotto, Dennis M. Ritchie,
1335 |
Howard W. Trickey, and Philip Winterbottom,
1336 |
1337 |
.I "Proceedings of the IEEE Compcon 97 Conference" ,
1338 |
San Jose, 1997, pp. 241-244.
1339 |
1340 |
1341 |
Sean Dorward, Rob Pike, David Leo Presotto, Dennis M. Ritchie,
1342 |
Howard W. Trickey, and Philip Winterbottom,
1343 |
``The Inferno Operating System'',
1344 |
.I "Bell Labs Technical Journal" ,
1345 |
.B 2 ,
1346 |
1, Winter, 1997.
1347 |
1348 |
1349 |
1350 |
Syslog configuration file manual
1351 |
.I syslog.conf (0).
1352 |
1353 |
1354 |
T. J. Killian,
1355 |
``Processes as Files'',
1356 |
.I "Proceedings of the Summer 1984 USENIX Conference" ,
1357 |
Salt Lake City, 1984, pp. 203-207.
1358 |
1359 |
1360 |
John K. Ousterhout,
1361 |
``Tcl: An Embeddable Command Languages'',
1362 |
.I "Proceedings of the Winter 1990 USENIX Conference" ,
1363 |
Washington, 1990, pp. 133-146.
1364 |
1365 |
1366 |
Vern Paxson and Chris Saltmarsh,
1367 |
"Glish: A User-Level Software Bus for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems" ,
1368 |
.I "Proceedings of the Winter 1993 USENIX Conference" ,
1369 |
San Diego, 1993, pp. 141-155.
1370 |
1371 |
1372 |
Rob Pike,
1373 |
``Structural Regular Expressions'',
1374 |
.I "EUUG Spring 1987 Conference Proceedings" ,
1375 |
Helsinki, May 1987, pp. 21-28.
1376 |
1377 |
1378 |
Rob Pike,
1379 |
``The Text Editor sam'',
1380 |
.I "Software - Practice and Experience" ,
1381 |
.B 17 ,
1382 |
5, Nov. 1987, pp. 813-845.
1383 |
1384 |
1385 |
Rob Pike,
1386 |
``8½, the Plan 9 Window System'',
1387 |
.I "Proceedings of the Summer 1991 USENIX Conference" ,
1388 |
Nashville, 1991, pp. 257-265.
1389 |
1390 |
1391 |
Rob Pike, Dave Presotto, Ken Thompson, Howard Trickey, and Phil Winterbottom,
1392 |
``The Use of Name Spaces in Plan 9'',
1393 |
.I "Operating Systems Review" ,
1394 |
.B 27 ,
1395 |
2, April 1993, pp. 72-76.
1396 |
1397 |
1398 |
Rob Pike,
1399 |
``Acme: A User Interface for Programmers'',
1400 |
.I "Proceedings of the Winter 1994 USENIX Conference",
1401 |
San Francisco, 1994, pp. 223-234.
1402 |
1403 |
1404 |
Rob Pike and Dave Presotto,
1405 |
``Face the Nation'',
1406 |
.I "Proceedings of the USENIX Summer 1985 Conference" ,
1407 |
Portland, 1985, pg. 81.
1408 |
1409 |
1410 |
Steven P. Reiss,
1411 |
.I "The FIELD Programming Environment: A Friendly Integrated Environment for Learning and Development" ,
1412 |
Kluwer, Boston, 1995.
1413 |
1414 |
1415 |
Bob Weiner,
1416 |
.I "Hyperbole User Manual" ,
1417 |
.CW http://www.cs.indiana.edu/elisp/hyperbole/hyperbole_1.html
1418 |
1419 |
1420 |
Philip Winterbottom,
1421 |
``ACID: A Debugger based on a Language'',
1422 |
.I "Proceedings of the USENIX Winter Conference" ,
1423 |
San Francisco, CA, 1994.
1424 |
1425 |
1426 |
Niklaus Wirth and Jurg Gutknecht,
1427 |
.I "Project Oberon: The Design of an Operating System and Compilers" ,
1428 |
Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1992.
1429 |