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This directory contains source code for two PowerPC ports,
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The kernel made with
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mk 'CONF=blast'
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is an 8260 kernel. The 8260 (PowerQuick II) is an embedded PowerPC
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with on-chip DMA, Uart, Ethernet, ATM controllers and a few other things.
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The 8260-specific code is in m8260.c (no surprises there) and in the
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device drivers for SMC uart (uartsmc.c) and FCC ethernet (etherfcc.c).
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The kernel made with
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mk 'CONF=ucu'
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is a PowerPC 750/755 kernel using the saturn chip for Ether and Uart.
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We run both kernels on Lucent proprietary boards, but the kernels are
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pretty generic. On a different board, the ports may be hooked up differently,
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the clocks may be running at different speeds, the memory banks may be
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configured differently and this will require tweaking the Ethernet setup,
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Uart setup, Memory bank setup and several other things as well.
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There is 8260 and Ucu specific code in l.s too (lucu.s and lblast.s).
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These differences primarily concern the state of the system at bootup.
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In the case of the ucu, virtual memory is already on when the kernel
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Questions to Sape or Pb (@plan9.bell-labs.com). No whining, however,
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you're lucky to be looking at this code at all.
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