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Coraid Ethernet Console (cec)
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The Coraid Ethernet Console (cec) implements a bidirectional conversation
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over raw ethernet frames with provisions for retransmission and discovery.
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Like serial consoles, each machine has a single shared interface per service
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type, but any number connections can be made from any machine connected to
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the same physical network. The communications from the various connections
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will be interleaved. The first implementation of cec is for console communications
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to Coraid appliances.
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1. Packet format
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2. The Tdiscover packet and Toffer reply.
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3. Initializing a connection. Tinit[abc]
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4. The connection. Tdata and Tack
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5. Closing the connection. Treset
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1. Packet Format
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All cec packets are follow the layout implied by the following structure
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struct Pkt {
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uchar dst[6]; // destination ethernet address
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uchar src[6]; // source ethernet address
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uchar etype[2]; // service type
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uchar type; // type of packet.
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uchar conn; // unique connection id.
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uchar seq; // packet sequence number
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uchar len; // data length.
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uchar data[1500];
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The packet types are as follows:
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enum {
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2. The Tdiscover packet and Toffer reply.
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The Tdiscover packet is used to discover the avaliable cec devices on the local
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network. The packet sent is of the form
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Tdiscover = {
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[dest] 0xffffffff,
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[src] mac of local interface,
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[etype] service type,
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[type] Tdiscover,
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[seq] 0,
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[len] 0,
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[data] 0,
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The reply to the Tdiscover packet is of type Toffer which differes from
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Tdiscover in that data and len may be set. The contents of data is application
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3. Initializing a connection. Tinit[abc]
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A connection is initialized by the following conversation: In addition
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to the fields set for the Tdiscover packet, the client sends a packet
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of type Tinita with the conntag of its choice. The server responds to
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Tinita with a packet of type Tinitb. And finally the client sents a
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Tinitc packet back to the server, completing the connection.
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4. The connection. Tdata and Tack
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Data is sent from the client to the console server with the Tdata packet.
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The seq field is incremented for each data packet sent. Thus data packets
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may be transmitted if lost. The data is whatever data the client has to
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send to the server, up to 255 bytes. Typically, however, each keystroke
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is sent in a seperate packet. The len field is the length of the
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The server responds to a Tdata message with a Tack message with the
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same seq sequence number.
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5. Closing the connection. Treset
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Either the server of the client may send a Treset message to close the
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connection. There is no response to a Treset message, however any
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information associated with that connection (conntag) is discarded
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when the Treset message is recieved.