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From gbergman@UCBBRAHMS Mon Jul 25 16:21:43 1983
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Date: 25 Jul 83 16:16:52 PDT (Mon)
3 |
From: gbergman@UCBBRAHMS (George Mark Bergman)
4 |
Subject: Re: editor bugs etc.
5 |
Message-Id: <8307252316.AA22776@UCBBRAHMS.ARPA>
6 |
Received: by UCBBRAHMS.ARPA (3.342/3.7)
7 |
id AA22776; 25 Jul 83 16:16:52 PDT (Mon)
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Received: from UCBBRAHMS.ARPA by UCBERNIE.ARPA (3.336/3.7)
9 |
id AA13678; 25 Jul 83 16:21:17 PDT (Mon)
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To: mckusick@UCBERNIE
11 |
Status: R
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13 |
The following are (i) a short note from Mark Horton
14 |
in reply to a note of mine saying I'd been keeping notes
15 |
on editor bugs, had heard he had a new version, was
16 |
interested in hearing about it and perhaps sending
17 |
him notes on bugs not mentioned as corrected; (ii)
18 |
a long letter from me in which I do list bugs, features
19 |
I think would be desirable etc., (iii) an addendum I
20 |
sent the next day, (iv) brief jottings not yet sent.
21 |
22 |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
23 |
>From mark@cbosgd.UUCP Thu Jul 21 12:31:55 1983
24 |
25 |
The new version of vi isn't very different to the user.
26 |
The internals use terminfo instead of termcap, but the
27 |
user interface isn't affected by this (except that it
28 |
starts up faster). The major new features are
29 |
set showmode
30 |
will cause an indication on the status line when
31 |
you are in input mode
32 |
33 |
is a new invocation of vi for novices
34 |
more function keys now work
35 |
function keys work in both command and input mode
36 |
Of course, there are a few bug fixes too.
37 |
38 |
There is a binary in ~mark/bin/vi on ucbarpa. It requires the
39 |
/etc/term heirarchy (there is no file called /etc/terminfo) which
40 |
was on ucbarpa once but might be gone now. If you want to grab
41 |
them from whereever they still exist, please feel free to try them.
42 |
43 |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
44 |
Sent to Mark Horton 23/7/83, about 11AM
45 |
46 |
Dear Mark,
47 |
48 |
Well, your note didn't say you wanted me to send my comments
49 |
on editor bugs and suggestions, but you didn't say I shouldn't,
50 |
so I decided to do so. I've tried to organize it into some sort
51 |
of sections. I'd be interested to know which of the bugs mentioned
52 |
here you have already found and corrected. (I may soon find out for
53 |
myself; the person in charge of this machine says he'll try to get a
54 |
copy of version 3.9 from UCBARPA if they still have it, and get it
55 |
running for me. If you have any helpful information for him, he
56 |
is robert@brahms, Robert Gross.)
57 |
Vedit sounds like a great idea.
58 |
I should mention that throughout this letter, I have
59 |
avoided using actual control-characters, but faked them,
60 |
e.g. used ^ and H to get the appearance of ^H, since files with
61 |
real control-characters can be confusing when looked at in mail,
62 |
more, etc. But this means that if you want to try any commands I
63 |
refer to that use them, you won't be able to yank and source them,
64 |
unless you replace my fakes with real control characters.
65 |
The version I am using is 3.7.
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
Some vi operations that logically ought to be able to take
71 |
counts do not, while others misbehave with counts. In this section,
72 |
``N'' will always denote a positive integer placed as a count before
73 |
a vi operation.
74 |
The most gross case of misbehavior is that of N^B!
75 |
The effect is to redraw the screen 23N-44 lines further advanced.
76 |
(Probably the numbers depend on the screen-size of the terminal;
77 |
this is on a Z19, using termcap h19u.) When N=1, this does indeed
78 |
move you a screenful backward, but for higher N it moves the window
79 |
forward some amount! Further, whatever controls are supposed to
80 |
monitor whether the command would land one at an acceptable line-
81 |
number seem to have a different idea of what it is doing: If you
82 |
aren't already familiar with these weird effects, try setting the
83 |
cursor near the end of a file that is more than 4 screenfuls long,
84 |
and hitting 3^B. (You might then try an insert at the place you get
85 |
to, and a :f^] .)
86 |
N/pattern/ would be useful, but is not allowed.
87 |
ND would be a natural synonym for dN$, by analogy with NC for cN$,
88 |
but it doesn't work that way; it just ignores the N.
89 |
Finally, if N is precisely the number of lines
90 |
from the current line to the end of the file, N$ will still correctly
91 |
carry one to the last character of the file, but cN$, NC, dN$ and yN$
92 |
refuse to do anything! (NY does work, not being a synonym for yN$.)
93 |
The failure of NC is particularly annoying; often when I am composing
94 |
something, I go back to somewhere in the middle of the next-to-
95 |
last line, say, and want to rewrite the rest of the sentence;
96 |
2cc would kill not only the part I want to rewrite but also the OK
97 |
beginning of the line, and 2C or 2c$ won't work. I realize that I
98 |
could get around this by keeping an empty line at the end of the file,
99 |
but that should not be necessary.
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
These are enormously useful, but seem to have all kinds of hidden
104 |
105 |
106 |
The Appendix to the Ex Reference Manual, "List of Changes from
107 |
Version 3.5 to Version 3.6" says ``A bug which prevented the source
108 |
command from working...from visual has been fixed''. It is true that
109 |
one can now use :so from vi, but it still has a bug: When
110 |
the scriptfile invoked contains a global command
111 |
and some other command(s) after it, everything after the first global
112 |
command is ignored. The same appears to be true of scripts in named
113 |
buffers invoked from vi-bottom-line by @x.
114 |
115 |
(It is, perhaps, unexpected that one can invoke scripts with
116 |
multiline commands using @x from vi's bottom-line at all, since such
117 |
commands will not work if typed on vi's bottom line directly.
118 |
A script like
119 |
120 |
121 |
invoked as @x will indeed work. But strangely, if one tries to
122 |
invoke from the regular mode of vi the script
123 |
124 |
125 |
by putting it in buffer x and doing @x, only the first line
126 |
will take effect.)
127 |
128 |
Another serious restriction is that the command ``vi'' appears to
129 |
be ignored in sourced ex-scripts, and though the command Q in macros of
130 |
various flavors in vi (mapped characters, map!ed characters that contain
131 |
``...^V^[...Q...''; @x scripts) does take one into ex, any ex
132 |
commands after it are ignored.
133 |
134 |
I assume you are aware of whatever restrictions lead to the
135 |
error-message ``Cannot yank inside global/macro'', since you must
136 |
have written it, though ``inside'' seems to here have the peculiar
137 |
meaning ``after a text-changing operation of the macro.''
138 |
The error-message ``Can't undo in global commands'' is more
139 |
mysterious, since I get it when I have a global command after
140 |
a text-changing command in an @x script (though not in a sourced file).
141 |
Anyway, the fewer such restrictions these operations were subject
142 |
to, the more useful they would be!
143 |
144 |
Although nested source commands are allowed (and I find them
145 |
useful), they leave the editor in a ``noprompt'' state. This
146 |
can be gotten around by including ``se prompt'' as a line in the
147 |
outermost scriptfile, but I would hope the problem causing it could
148 |
be cured.
149 |
150 |
When one tries to ``:unmap!'' a ``:map!'' command whose
151 |
right-hand-side begins with ^H (entered as ^V^H, of course), one
152 |
gets the message ``That macro wasn't mapped''. (One can get around
153 |
this by using :unmap! ^V[character].)
154 |
155 |
Certain termcaps apparently produce automatic mappings, which
156 |
unfortunately may interfere with useful vi commands. In particular,
157 |
on a tvi, ^L gets mapped to a movement command, which makes it
158 |
unavailable for redrawing the screen, unless unmapped.
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
"Hit return to continue" -- It took me a long time to realize that
164 |
when I got this diagnostic there was an alternative to hitting
165 |
return. I suggest it be reworded
166 |
"Hit Return or :"
167 |
However, the behavior of the editor when this diagnostic is given
168 |
seems to be inconsistent. In particular, when the last of a serious
169 |
of commands is
170 |
:e otherfile
171 |
and I get "Hit return to continue", then hitting : usually
172 |
has no different effect from hitting return (or any other
173 |
key), namely the screen is redrawn; yet I think that sometimes
174 |
in this situation it has brought me directly to the bottom line
175 |
as desired. Very confusing.
176 |
Would it be possible to have other alternatives than : and return
177 |
available, such as /pattern ? Or, more simply, when one would presently
178 |
be given the diagnostic "Hit return to continue", why not just put the
179 |
editor into the state it would have if one then hit :, since one would
180 |
then still have the option of hitting return and getting into vi
181 |
proper, but it would not require the extra keystroke : to
182 |
begin a bottom-line command, nor would one go through the frequent
183 |
frustrating experience of absentmindedly starting to write a
184 |
bottom-line command, or a pattern-search, and then having to wait
185 |
while the screen was redrawn because one had hit a key other than :.
186 |
187 |
"Using open mode"
188 |
Again, it took me a long time to learn that when I tried to enter
189 |
vi and got this diagnostic, it meant that the system had somehow
190 |
lost the termcap for the terminal I was on, and that I would have
191 |
to do something to get the correct termcap into the environment.
192 |
Till I realized this, I generally ended up either struggling along
193 |
frustrated in open mode, or logging out and logging back in. I suggest
194 |
that when someone calls for vi and the termcap is not appropriate,
195 |
the editor should not be invoked in any form, but instead, a message
196 |
be given such as:
197 |
``Your environment does not show a termcap entry permitting
198 |
the use of the visual editor. If you are working on a terminal not
199 |
supporting vi (in particular, a device with no addressable cursor),
200 |
you may enter one of the other modes of the editor with the command
201 |
"open filename" or "ex filename". If you are working on a terminal
202 |
that should support vi, your environment entries are incorrect and
203 |
should be corrected. They presently show:
204 |
205 |
206 |
If you know the correct name or abbreviation for your terminal-
207 |
type, type it at the end of the next line; if not hit return:
208 |
% setenv TERM ''
209 |
If the user typed an acceptable terminal-name, the message would
210 |
continue, telling how to get the appropriate termcap. If the user
211 |
instead typed return, the message would ask him or her to type the
212 |
name of the manufacturer shown on the terminal, not
213 |
worrying about upper/lower-case distinctions, and a list of possible
214 |
terminal names and abbreviations would be given... . This whole
215 |
program would not be part of the editor, so there would
216 |
be no problem of space within the existing crowded confines of
217 |
the editor code.
218 |
219 |
"No such file or directory" -- I think there should be a distinction
220 |
between these two cases, because of the important distinction in the
221 |
consequences when the user tries to quit the editor:
222 |
If the directory exists, the file is created, but
223 |
if not, the results are more complicated -- I seem to recall on one
224 |
occasion simply losing what I had written on my second try
225 |
at quitting; though I just now did an experiment and this time
226 |
repeated ZZ's and :x's simply gave repeated error messages.
227 |
228 |
"File already exists..." -- The ``List of changes from 3.5 to 3.6'' says
229 |
``If you get I/O errors, the file is considered "not edited"... .''
230 |
I presume that this correction is somehow the cause of the fact that
231 |
I frequently get the above message when trying to leave the editor
232 |
on a machine with version 3.7, and have to use
233 |
:w! %|q
234 |
to exit. But I've never seen any evidence that there were I/O errors;
235 |
it mainly seems to happen when I've written some lines to another
236 |
file in the process of editing. So the criteria the editor is using
237 |
to decide when there have been ``I/O errors'' should be rechecked.
238 |
239 |
"no such command from open/visual" -- This confused me in my first
240 |
few days of using the editor, when I didn't understand that one
241 |
couldn't use i and a (in either their vi or ex senses) from the bottom
242 |
line of vi. A message "i -- no such command from open/visual"
243 |
was perplexing because I knew that "i" was indeed a vi command.
244 |
Perhaps it should say "no such command from open/visual bottom line".
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
In ex search and replacement patterns, \\ is supposed to represent
249 |
a real \-character, but something goes wrong when this occurs
250 |
at the end of a global command. E.g., though
251 |
252 |
works OK (in vi or ex), the variant
253 |
254 |
definitely does not. In vi it turns everything off, in ex it seems to
255 |
behave as though there were just a single \, and in a scriptfile,
256 |
it -- does something still different, which you can discover if you
257 |
don't know!
258 |
259 |
The Ex Reference Manual says, ``For sanity with use from within
260 |
visual mode, ex ignores a ":" preceding any command.'' But it
261 |
ignores it in the wrong place! -- not at the beginning of the
262 |
command line, but just before the command letter itself. I.e.,
263 |
it accepts 1,3:s/^/ /, but not :1,3s/^/ /.
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
In a multiline substitute command with the "c" option, when
268 |
each line is displayed one has three choices: y, n or break. There
269 |
are some further options that would be useful. One would be "p" --
270 |
at present, "p" can only be included on the command line, which
271 |
means that one has a choice between seeing the result of every
272 |
substitution or none. In practice, one would generally like to see
273 |
the results of the first few cases to make sure that the command one has
274 |
written does what one meant it to, and maybe a few tricky cases that
275 |
come up; but not every case! Another might be "u" -- to undo the last
276 |
case for which one gave a "y". Still another might be an option that
277 |
would mean ``undo the "c" option -- I see that the substitute command
278 |
is doing what I wanted, go ahead and finish it without me.''
279 |
In a command g/pattern/p, the pattern in question is occasionally
280 |
such that it takes a while to figure out where on the line it occurs.
281 |
For this purpose, an option that ``pointed out'' the instance of the
282 |
pattern, in the same manner that the pattern to be replaced is pointed
283 |
out in substitute command with option c, would be desirable.
284 |
When g/pattern/p gives more than a screenful of lines, it would
285 |
be nice to have it piped through the equivalent of ``more''.
286 |
287 |
ex has the command line option "-", which ``is useful in processing
288 |
editor scripts''. But if one wants to use a script in the course of
289 |
an otherwise interactive editing session, it would be desirable to have
290 |
a corresponding resettable option ``:se -'' (or ``:se nofb'').
291 |
292 |
In strings in pattern-searches, it would be useful to have
293 |
^ and $ retain their ``magic'', so that /x[a$]/ could
294 |
search for all occurrences of x before an a or a newline.
295 |
(Of course, one would then have to decide whether /x[^y]/ should
296 |
include the case of x followed by a newline or not.)
297 |
298 |
Just as ex allows the command :vi, so I think that vi should
299 |
have some bottom-line command equivalent to the regular-mode
300 |
command Q. When one has done some text-changing bottom-line
301 |
commands, and realizes one wants to go into ex, it can be time-
302 |
consuming to hit return and then Q, and wait for the screen to be
303 |
redrawn for vi before one gets the ex prompt.
304 |
305 |
The option of putting several commands on one line, separated
306 |
by, "|" is particularly useful in the vi bottom-line mode, because
307 |
it avoids having the screen redrawn several times. It would be
308 |
useful to be able sometimes do the same thing with non-bottom-line
309 |
commands, e.g. in editing a troff file at a low baud rate on a dumb
310 |
terminal one might like to be able to do i\fI^]3Ea\fR^] without
311 |
watching the line get redrawn twice. Perhaps some key that would
312 |
cause any sequence of commands to be ``held'' until some complementary
313 |
key was hit would be useful.
314 |
It would also be desirable to have a sequence of commands that had
315 |
been given in this way available as one unit to be repeated by ``.'',
316 |
if desired.
317 |
318 |
The parenthesis-matching facility with % might be extended
319 |
to match ` with ' and < with >.
320 |
321 |
I will mention one facility that I discovered by surprize is
322 |
possessed by ed but not ex -- sequences such as \1 can be used
323 |
within ed search-patterns. E.g. (for the most trivial case)
324 |
325 |
will search for doubled letters.
326 |
327 |
328 |
329 |
I will mention here some possible changes which have the
330 |
difficulty that they would change the meaning of existing commands,
331 |
so that it could be argued that the disadvantage of users having
332 |
to change their habits might outweigh the advantages.
333 |
334 |
First, one might try to resolve, one way or another, the
335 |
contradiction between the count arguments taken by the join commands
336 |
in vi and ex: In ex, jN joins N+1 lines; in vi, NJ joins N lines
337 |
(except if N=1).
338 |
339 |
Second, the movement commands tx and Tx of vi (x any character)
340 |
seem poorly defined. Just as fx will ignore the character on which
341 |
the cursor is presently sitting, even if it is an x, and move to the
342 |
next occurrence, so I would think that tx should ignore the character
343 |
immediately after the cursor, and Tx the character immediately before
344 |
the cursor. The point is that when one does Nfx, and finds that one
345 |
had failed to count one occurrence of x and fallen short of where one
346 |
wanted to go, one can hit ; and get there. Likewise, on doing Ntx
347 |
and finding one has fallen short, one should be able to hit ; and get
348 |
to the the next occurrence; but at present, hitting ; leaves
349 |
the cursor in the same position; one must hit ``2;'' to get any
350 |
further. In effect, Ntx is presently defined as Nfxh; I am
351 |
suggesting that it be defined as lNfxh.
352 |
353 |
The sequences cw, dw and yw are presently violations of the
354 |
principle that c[movement], d[movement] and y[movement] change,
355 |
delete, or yank everything from the current cursor position through
356 |
the endpoint of the movement command. cw does what one would expect of
357 |
ce (in fact, they seem to be synonyms), while there is no way to get
358 |
the effect which cw would have if it were treated ``consistently''.
359 |
(E.g., if I have a line beginning ``And if'', and I want to change it
360 |
to ``If'', I cannot just put the cursor on the A and hit cwI^].) dw
361 |
and yw delete up to the character immediately before the point to
362 |
which ``w'' would take the cursor. I would have to agree that this
363 |
behavior of dw and yw is more useful than that which a literal
364 |
interpretation of the movement rule would lead to; but perhaps it
365 |
would become still more useful if when applied to the last word on
366 |
a line, it deleted or yanked the space immediately before the word
367 |
along with the word... . On the other hand, one could argue for
368 |
making a distinction between cw and ce.
369 |
370 |
Though I see the motivation for the above definitions,
371 |
I see no sensible reason why Y should be equivalent to yy, when
372 |
C and D are equivalent to c$ and d$. I would vote for changing
373 |
Y to mean y$.
374 |
375 |
376 |
377 |
Is there any reason for maintaining the distinction between
378 |
the ``:'' state of vi, and ex itself? At present, there are
379 |
relative advantages that lead one to choose to go into one or the
380 |
other for a given operation: From the vi-: state, it is easier
381 |
to return to the regular vi state; from ex, one has a more powerful
382 |
range of commands; and it is easier to give a series of commands
383 |
because each carriage-return gives one a new prompt. My suggestion
384 |
is that from vi, ``:'' should carry you directly to ex, and when you
385 |
are in ex, carriage-return (^M) after a command should give you a new
386 |
prompt, while ^] should put you into vi. Conceivably, things might be
387 |
simplified even further, and carriage return rather than : could
388 |
be the key that would carry one from the regular mode of vi into ex:
389 |
390 |
.-------. .-------.
391 |
.-------. a,i... | basic | ^M | |
392 |
| vi |<------ | |----->| ex |<---.
393 |
| insert| | vi | | | |^M
394 |
| mode | ------>| |<-----| mode | ---'
395 |
`-------' ^] | mode | ^] | |
396 |
`-------' `-------'
397 |
398 |
(Of course, ^M presently has a meaning in vi, but
399 |
it has a synonym +.) Clearly, there would also be no need for a
400 |
special "Hit return to continue" state.
401 |
I have not distinguished vi and open in the above diagram.
402 |
My idea here is that ^] would actually return you to either vi
403 |
or open, whichever you had last been in, and that to switch
404 |
to the other, you could enter ex and type vi^] or o^] respectively.
405 |
(Or you could type vi^M, respectively o^M, and further ex commands,
406 |
and the mode would be saved for the next time you hit a ^].) Or
407 |
alternatively, these could be made settable options: se visual
408 |
respectively se novisual.
409 |
Having gotten used to the editor as it now exists, I admit that
410 |
I feel uneasy about the above idea -- the sense of knowing that
411 |
I am ``still in vi'' when I hit :, and not that ``other land'' of ex,
412 |
represents a kind of of orientation that it is disconcerting
413 |
to abandon. But I can't see any logical disadvantage in making
414 |
such a change. Can you? Certainly, there would be things that
415 |
would have to be thought out, such as what happens to bottom-line
416 |
vi pattern-searches. My thought would be that ``/'' from vi should
417 |
give :/ (i.e., put one in ex at the start of a pattern-search),
418 |
and ^] after a pattern-search should put one into vi at the appropriate
419 |
character on the line, in contrast to ^M after a pattern search,
420 |
which would leave one in ex at the appropriate line. In general,
421 |
I think such changes would lead to greater simplicity and learnability
422 |
of the editor.
423 |
I would also hope that excursions between vi and ex and back
424 |
could be allowed in scriptfiles. It might also be desirable for
425 |
ex to have, in addition to a concept of ``current line'', one of
426 |
``current cursor position''... .
427 |
428 |
Well, on to another subject. One of the inconveniences I
429 |
found very vexing when first learning to use the editor was that
430 |
when in either vi insert mode, or ex/vi-bottom-line, it was very hard
431 |
to edit what I was doing. Within insert mode the only ``editing''
432 |
I could do, without escaping, was with the three operations ^H,
433 |
^W and the kill character. And on a slow line with a dumb terminal,
434 |
escaping to make changes could be very time-consuming because large
435 |
parts of the screen would insist on being redrawn. Perhaps some
436 |
other control-character could serve as
437 |
a modified escape, that allowed one to edit what one had entered
438 |
in the current insertion without having everything below it redrawn,
439 |
and then return to it. Obviously, if carried to its logical
440 |
limit this idea could lead to ridiculous nests of
441 |
editing operations; but there would be no need to carry it to its
442 |
logical limit.
443 |
Anyway, the problem of editing ex-style commands
444 |
was even worse, because there was no way to ``escape and
445 |
revise''. I eventually learned enough to realize that the solution
446 |
was to edit complicated commands in another file and source it.
447 |
But it is sometimes very useful to have the text on which the
448 |
commands are to act in front of you when composing them (e.g., you can
449 |
yank and modify various pieces), which led to the variant of writing
450 |
command lines within the file I was editing, and then writing
451 |
those lines into another file and sourcing that, without ever leaving
452 |
the current file. But this is distracting to deal with
453 |
when concentrating on the editing task itself, which led me
454 |
to divise a scriptfile which would handle the writing-to-another-file-
455 |
and-sourcing for me. Or actually, several such files: One for
456 |
single-line commands to be used essentially once; one for single-line
457 |
commands that I would want to use on the same file during various
458 |
editing sessions, and so would want to keep available in that
459 |
file, and one for multi-line commands (to be used once). When
460 |
I first got the idea, I thought one scriptfile would be enough, and
461 |
I would call it ``do'', so that the command to execute a script I
462 |
had written in a file I was editing would be ``:so do''. The
463 |
file it would write to and source would be ``do.again'', so that
464 |
if I wanted to reuse it, I could ``:so do.again''. When I realized
465 |
the need for several versions, ``do'' became a directory. Here,
466 |
for your amusement, are the three files. (Re the lines ``se prompt'',
467 |
cf. my comment on that under PROBLEMS WITH SOURCE etc.):
468 |
469 |
do/1 (for 1-time use of 1-line commands)
470 |
.w! ~/do/again
471 |
472 |
so #
473 |
se prompt
474 |
475 |
do/1+ (like above, without deleting the command)
476 |
.w! ~/do/again
477 |
so #
478 |
se prompt
479 |
480 |
do/: (to use this, write a multi-line command script, put : at
481 |
the beginning of the first line, put the cursor on the last
482 |
line of the script, and then source the following:)
483 |
484 |
,''w! ~/do/again
485 |
486 |
so #
487 |
se prompt
488 |
489 |
(I also created another version to use in case the script had
490 |
to have an internal line beginning with ``:'', so that this couldn't
491 |
unambiguously mark the beginning of the script. This used
492 |
a line which explicitly specified the address-range of the script.
493 |
But I have never had a need for it, so I will not bother you with it.)
494 |
Finally, having gotten an account on a machine with a version 3
495 |
editor recently, I have divised still another way of doing this. I
496 |
have put in my EXINIT the command
497 |
498 |
'map ^A "ayy:@a^M'
499 |
500 |
and now, gratifyingly, the single stroke ^A has essentially the effect
501 |
of ``:so do/1+'' -- except for the restrictions to which vi ``map''
502 |
commands are subject. But I've only been using this for a
503 |
couple of weeks; so I have yet to learn how chafing those restrictions
504 |
will or won't be.
505 |
Anyway, it might be worth thinking about whether some of these
506 |
things that I've done with macros should be incorporated in some form
507 |
into the editor itself; or else whether these macros might be written
508 |
up in the documentation (or some tutorials) on the editor.
509 |
510 |
Next subject: Complicated pattern-searches in long files
511 |
can be time-consuming. I have seen the point mentioned
512 |
that if a pattern-description can be begun with "^",
513 |
this can speed up the search -- since the pattern-comparisons need
514 |
only be begun at beginnings of lines. In some cases, this might
515 |
not be possible, but the user might be aware of some other
516 |
character or character-sequence in the search-pattern
517 |
that will occur relatively rarely in the file. In such cases it would
518 |
be desirable if the user could specify one spot from which the pattern
519 |
search should start, working forward and backward from there, to
520 |
minimize false starts. E.g., if for some reason one wants to
521 |
delete every word containing the letter m, the script
522 |
%s/[^ ]*m[^ ]*//
523 |
would become much less time-consuming if one could mark the point
524 |
at which to begin, say writing
525 |
%s/[^ ]*\!m[^ ]*//
526 |
so as to instruct the editor to search for m's, and each time
527 |
one was found, to find the longest possible strings of non-space
528 |
characters before and after it, and delete these. (This is a silly
529 |
example, but I think the idea is clear.)
530 |
531 |
Something that I've seriously felt the need for is the
532 |
capability of searching for lines that satisfy more than one
533 |
condition. If one just wants to locate such lines, one can
534 |
of course leave the editor and do a pipeline of two or
535 |
more greps; but it would be nice to be able to perform global
536 |
commands on such lines.
537 |
538 |
Finally, any possibility of introducing the capability of searching
539 |
for patterns including embedded newlines, a la sed? Multiple windows,
540 |
a la emacs?
541 |
542 |
543 |
I logged in this morning on an adm3a at 300 baud to go over this
544 |
letter once more before sending it, and ran into another bug! I had
545 |
done 15^D to get a large scroll despite the low speed, and at one point
546 |
I saw a line with a typo scrolling up. So I noted its line-number, 402
547 |
and without waiting for the screen to stop moving typed something like
548 |
402Gfsrd. What happened was that the change was made on line 407 rather
549 |
than 402 -- presumably the cursor was sent to where 402 had been when
550 |
the command was received... .
551 |
Editing this letter this morning reminded me of another feature I
552 |
have thought would be desirable for editing on dumb terminals at low
553 |
speeds: An option that would cause lines read from a file or typed
554 |
in at the bottom of the screen to appear double spaced, with @ signs
555 |
556 |
between them, such as one gets when one deletes a line on such a
557 |
558 |
terminal. (I have faked this effect here, though the fake will not be
559 |
560 |
very successful if you have se nu or se list on.) The point is that
561 |
562 |
editing operations that presently cause painfully slow screen-redrawings
563 |
would simply put material in in place of these fillers -- as happens
564 |
now when one is lucky enough to be adding material just above a place
565 |
where material was previously deleted.
566 |
567 |
- * - * - * - * - * -
568 |
569 |
I hope you've found some things of interest in this hodgepodge.
570 |
571 |
572 |
George (gbergman@brahms)
573 |
574 |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
575 |
23/7/83, about 8PM
576 |
577 |
Maybe thinking about the editor while writing my previous
578 |
``note'' to you has made me more conscious of these things,
579 |
but for some reason, I've discovered several more peculiarities of
580 |
the the Version 3.7 editor today!
581 |
582 |
First, the abbreviation feature has a strange bug (feature?)
583 |
involving the backslash: If some string X is the abbreviation
584 |
for a string Y, and if X is typed (following a space etc)
585 |
immediately followed by a \ and another character c, the
586 |
result is not Y\c by cY\. The case where I discovered this
587 |
was a doubly complicated one: I had an abbreviation of
588 |
the form
589 |
:ab x x\yZ
590 |
where x and y were characters and Z was a string of characters.
591 |
So when I typed x, it presumably first expanded it as x\yZ,
592 |
then performed the transformation I just described on the x\y
593 |
turning it into yx\yZ\, and thus giving the result yx\yZ\Z.
594 |
This turns out to be one of the cases that can't be unmapped
595 |
without doing :una ^Vx. Further, I just tried a similar case
596 |
with x replaced by a string of more than one character
597 |
(namely, :ab if if\pq) and I find I can't unmap that at all.
598 |
I also find that an abbreviated string containing | (which
599 |
must be inserted using ^V|, of course) is difficult to unmap.
600 |
601 |
Second, some peculiarities about where the cursor ends
602 |
up after a yank. If the yank involved a forward movement,
603 |
the cursor stays where it is, which is the beginning
604 |
of the yanked segment. If the yank involves a backwards
605 |
movement, the place where the cursor originally was is not
606 |
the same as the beginning of the yanked segment, and there
607 |
seems to be some confusion as to which principle is followed:
608 |
y- or yk moves the cursor up, while yb leaves it fixed.
609 |
Unfortunately, there is a snake in the grass with yb: If
610 |
you hit p after it, the yanked word will not appear after
611 |
the position where the cursor has remained, but
612 |
after the position to which it would have gone if it had moved
613 |
to the beginning of the yanked segment! Likewise if you
614 |
you hit an x... .
615 |
(You have no idea how much trouble I'm
616 |
having with those "if"'s. Of course, I could quit the editor
617 |
and come back in, and I would lose that crazy abbreviation
618 |
that way.)
619 |
620 |
I also notice that if the cursor is at the end of a word
621 |
or between words, 2e behaves the same as e!
622 |
623 |
Finally, I note that d^, when the cursor is before the first
624 |
nonwhite character, is another exception to the principle that
625 |
d[motion] deletes everything through the endpoint of [motion].
626 |
Similarly with c^ and y^.
627 |
628 |
- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *
629 |
discovered next day (not yet sent):
630 |
631 |
error with yb does not just concern p and x: any command is
632 |
executed as though cursor is at destination of backward in-line
633 |
634 |
635 |
N^B does not work consistently? (Not on a medium-length file in Kim)
636 |
637 |
Can get endless-loop mapping if abbreviation forms word within
638 |
abbreviated. E.g. :ab x ( x )
639 |
``word'' must be delimited on left by space, tab,
640 |
newline, start-of-insert; on right by any punctuation. Why
641 |
special ``no tail recursion'' rule?
642 |
Things like that ``if'' abbreviation can be undone using
643 |
:una i^Vf!
644 |
645 |
Mention desirability of Np
646 |
647 |
copies sent to ralph@ucbarpa, lindahl@topaz 25/7/83
648 |
649 |
From gbergman@UCBCARTAN Mon Aug 1 14:19:27 1983
650 |
Date: 1 Aug 83 14:14:06 PDT (Mon)
651 |
From: gbergman@UCBCARTAN (George Mark Bergman)
652 |
Subject: Re: editor
653 |
Message-Id: <8308012114.AA00627@UCBCARTAN.ARPA>
654 |
Received: by UCBCARTAN.ARPA (3.342/3.7)
655 |
id AA00627; 1 Aug 83 14:14:06 PDT (Mon)
656 |
Received: from UCBCARTAN.ARPA by UCBERNIE.ARPA (3.336/3.7)
657 |
id AA19324; 1 Aug 83 14:19:12 PDT (Mon)
658 |
To: mckusick@UCBERNIE
659 |
Status: R
660 |
661 |
Here's Mark Horton's reply to my letter on bugs
662 |
663 |
>From mark@cbosgd.UUCP Thu Jul 28 14:38:55 1983
664 |
665 |
Sorry this has taken so long, but your note was too long to digest
666 |
in the cracks between the other stuff I do. Anyway, you've clearly
667 |
put a great deal of thought into this, and I appreciate your input.
668 |
I'll reply individually to your thoughts, and keep them on file
669 |
for use (someday) when vi gets rewritten. Some of them are just
670 |
plain bugs that ought to be fixed soon anyway.
671 |
672 |
673 |
674 |
The most gross case of misbehavior is that of N^B!
675 |
The effect is to redraw the screen 23N-44 lines further advanced.
676 |
(Probably the numbers depend on the screen-size of the terminal;
677 |
this is on a Z19, using termcap h19u.) When N=1, this does indeed
678 |
move you a screenful backward, but for higher N it moves the window
679 |
forward some amount! Further, whatever controls are supposed to
680 |
monitor whether the command would land one at an acceptable line-
681 |
number seem to have a different idea of what it is doing: If you
682 |
aren't already familiar with these weird effects, try setting the
683 |
cursor near the end of a file that is more than 4 screenfuls long,
684 |
and hitting 3^B. (You might then try an insert at the place you get
685 |
to, and a :f^] .)
686 |
This is a known bug, and was fixed in 3.8. The count is supposed to subtract
687 |
(LINES-1)*N from the line number, but there's + that should be a -, so it
688 |
goes forward instead. The check is correct, so it's possible to go off
689 |
the end of the buffer.
690 |
N/pattern/ would be useful, but is not allowed.
691 |
N/pattern/ resets the window size (silly but true) to N.
692 |
ND would be a natural synonym for dN$, by analogy with NC for cN$,
693 |
but it doesn't work that way; it just ignores the N.
694 |
Finally, if N is precisely the number of lines
695 |
from the current line to the end of the file, N$ will still correctly
696 |
carry one to the last character of the file, but cN$, NC, dN$ and yN$
697 |
refuse to do anything! (NY does work, not being a synonym for yN$.)
698 |
The failure of NC is particularly annoying; often when I am composing
699 |
something, I go back to somewhere in the middle of the next-to-
700 |
last line, say, and want to rewrite the rest of the sentence;
701 |
2cc would kill not only the part I want to rewrite but also the OK
702 |
beginning of the line, and 2C or 2c$ won't work. I realize that I
703 |
could get around this by keeping an empty line at the end of the file,
704 |
but that should not be necessary.
705 |
While you're making valid observations here, are you aware that you can delete
706 |
the current sentence with d} ? I think that's what you really want.
707 |
708 |
709 |
710 |
These are enormously useful, but seem to have all kinds of hidden
711 |
712 |
713 |
The Appendix to the Ex Reference Manual, "List of Changes from
714 |
Version 3.5 to Version 3.6" says ``A bug which prevented the source
715 |
command from working...from visual has been fixed''. It is true that
716 |
one can now use :so from vi, but it still has a bug: When
717 |
the scriptfile invoked contains a global command
718 |
and some other command(s) after it, everything after the first global
719 |
command is ignored. The same appears to be true of scripts in named
720 |
buffers invoked from vi-bottom-line by @x.
721 |
Sounds like a bug.
722 |
723 |
(It is, perhaps, unexpected that one can invoke scripts with
724 |
multiline commands using @x from vi's bottom-line at all, since such
725 |
commands will not work if typed on vi's bottom line directly.
726 |
A script like
727 |
728 |
729 |
invoked as @x will indeed work. But strangely, if one tries to
730 |
invoke from the regular mode of vi the script
731 |
732 |
733 |
by putting it in buffer x and doing @x, only the first line
734 |
will take effect.)
735 |
In 3.7 (or 3.8, I'm not sure), you can say
736 |
737 |
to get a newline on the RHS. Of course, this doesn't mean there isn't
738 |
a bug in scripts.
739 |
740 |
Another serious restriction is that the command ``vi'' appears to
741 |
be ignored in sourced ex-scripts, and though the command Q in macros of
742 |
various flavors in vi (mapped characters, map!ed characters that contain
743 |
``...^V^[...Q...''; @x scripts) does take one into ex, any ex
744 |
commands after it are ignored.
745 |
The internals of getting a character from the tty are completely different
746 |
in ex and vi. Pushing input for one doesn't affect the other. So there
747 |
isn't much hope of changing this situation.
748 |
749 |
I assume you are aware of whatever restrictions lead to the
750 |
error-message ``Cannot yank inside global/macro'', since you must
751 |
have written it, though ``inside'' seems to here have the peculiar
752 |
meaning ``after a text-changing operation of the macro.''
753 |
The error-message ``Can't undo in global commands'' is more
754 |
mysterious, since I get it when I have a global command after
755 |
a text-changing command in an @x script (though not in a sourced file).
756 |
Anyway, the fewer such restrictions these operations were subject
757 |
to, the more useful they would be!
758 |
It's the way undo is done - the text for undo is saved in the "last deleted"
759 |
buffer, and yank puts text there too. Couple this with the fact that globals
760 |
and macros can be undone as a unit (they save their state before the first change)
761 |
and you'll see that the two notions can't coexist. Of course, you can always
762 |
yank into a named buffer, even inside a macro.
763 |
764 |
Although nested source commands are allowed (and I find them
765 |
useful), they leave the editor in a ``noprompt'' state. This
766 |
can be gotten around by including ``se prompt'' as a line in the
767 |
outermost scriptfile, but I would hope the problem causing it could
768 |
be cured.
769 |
Bug, I guess.
770 |
771 |
When one tries to ``:unmap!'' a ``:map!'' command whose
772 |
right-hand-side begins with ^H (entered as ^V^H, of course), one
773 |
gets the message ``That macro wasn't mapped''. (One can get around
774 |
this by using :unmap! ^V[character].)
775 |
Bug, I guess.
776 |
777 |
Certain termcaps apparently produce automatic mappings, which
778 |
unfortunately may interfere with useful vi commands. In particular,
779 |
on a tvi, ^L gets mapped to a movement command, which makes it
780 |
unavailable for redrawing the screen, unless unmapped.
781 |
Well, there's no way for vi to tell the difference between ^L that the
782 |
user typed as ^L and ^L that the user typed as right arrow. However, there
783 |
are a number of terminals that are upward compatible with the adm3a and use
784 |
^L for right arrow. Vi has a special case for these built in - if the
785 |
terminal has insert/delete line, and ^L is right arrow, then ^R will redraw
786 |
the screen.
787 |
788 |
789 |
790 |
791 |
"Hit return to continue" -- It took me a long time to realize that
792 |
when I got this diagnostic there was an alternative to hitting
793 |
return. I suggest it be reworded
794 |
"Hit Return or :"
795 |
However, the behavior of the editor when this diagnostic is given
796 |
seems to be inconsistent. In particular, when the last of a serious
797 |
of commands is
798 |
:e otherfile
799 |
and I get "Hit return to continue", then hitting : usually
800 |
has no different effect from hitting return (or any other
801 |
key), namely the screen is redrawn; yet I think that sometimes
802 |
in this situation it has brought me directly to the bottom line
803 |
as desired. Very confusing.
804 |
Would it be possible to have other alternatives than : and return
805 |
available, such as /pattern ? Or, more simply, when one would presently
806 |
be given the diagnostic "Hit return to continue", why not just put the
807 |
editor into the state it would have if one then hit :, since one would
808 |
then still have the option of hitting return and getting into vi
809 |
proper, but it would not require the extra keystroke : to
810 |
begin a bottom-line command, nor would one go through the frequent
811 |
frustrating experience of absentmindedly starting to write a
812 |
bottom-line command, or a pattern-search, and then having to wait
813 |
while the screen was redrawn because one had hit a key other than :.
814 |
There is an internal difference between "ex mode" (where it doesn't keep a
815 |
screen image) and "vi mode" (where it does). Any : command that outputs more
816 |
than 1 line puts you into "ex mode", requiring "hit return to continue"
817 |
before clearing the screen and redrawing it with known stuff. There is no
818 |
hope of this changing - the code is too spaghetti-ized already. In the worst
819 |
case, the ! command scribbles on the screen and there's nothing vi can do
820 |
to know what the command did.
821 |
822 |
What you really want is for vi to check for typeahead and avert the refresh
823 |
when it's going to have to redo it anyway. My curses does this, but I simply
824 |
don't have time to rewrite vi to use it. This would also solve the other
825 |
problem you mention where macros ought to redraw the screen only once.
826 |
If you saw the insides of the code, you'd see it needs a rewrite to do this.
827 |
Each command knows the screen things to do to fix the screen.
828 |
829 |
What most of us do is hit DEL when the screen is being drawn with something
830 |
we don't want to see. This aborts the update and leaves junk on the screen.
831 |
Then you move the cursor where you want it, and if the screen is still
832 |
garbaged, hit ^L. Ugly but effective.
833 |
834 |
"Using open mode"
835 |
Again, it took me a long time to learn that when I tried to enter
836 |
vi and got this diagnostic, it meant that the system had somehow
837 |
lost the termcap for the terminal I was on, and that I would have
838 |
to do something to get the correct termcap into the environment.
839 |
Till I realized this, I generally ended up either struggling along
840 |
frustrated in open mode, or logging out and logging back in. I suggest
841 |
that when someone calls for vi and the termcap is not appropriate,
842 |
the editor should not be invoked in any form, but instead, a message
843 |
be given such as:
844 |
``Your environment does not show a termcap entry permitting
845 |
the use of the visual editor. If you are working on a terminal not
846 |
supporting vi (in particular, a device with no addressable cursor),
847 |
you may enter one of the other modes of the editor with the command
848 |
"open filename" or "ex filename". If you are working on a terminal
849 |
that should support vi, your environment entries are incorrect and
850 |
should be corrected. They presently show:
851 |
852 |
853 |
If you know the correct name or abbreviation for your terminal-
854 |
type, type it at the end of the next line; if not hit return:
855 |
% setenv TERM ''
856 |
If the user typed an acceptable terminal-name, the message would
857 |
continue, telling how to get the appropriate termcap. If the user
858 |
instead typed return, the message would ask him or her to type the
859 |
name of the manufacturer shown on the terminal, not
860 |
worrying about upper/lower-case distinctions, and a list of possible
861 |
terminal names and abbreviations would be given... . This whole
862 |
program would not be part of the editor, so there would
863 |
be no problem of space within the existing crowded confines of
864 |
the editor code.
865 |
This, of course, doesn't belong in vi, but in login or tset. In fact,
866 |
tset is much friendlier these days. Vi will print a better diagnostic
867 |
if it knows you're on a "generic" terminal type such as "dialup" - in
868 |
terminfo there's a capability to indicate this, so it can print
869 |
I don't know what kind of terminal you have - all I have is "patchboard"
870 |
3.7 can't do this because it can't tell the difference between a generic
871 |
terminal and a hardcopy terminal.
872 |
873 |
"No such file or directory" -- I think there should be a distinction
874 |
between these two cases, because of the important distinction in the
875 |
consequences when the user tries to quit the editor:
876 |
The kernel doesn't distinguish, so it's hard for vi to. This is just a perror
877 |
878 |
If the directory exists, the file is created, but
879 |
if not, the results are more complicated -- I seem to recall on one
880 |
occasion simply losing what I had written on my second try
881 |
at quitting; though I just now did an experiment and this time
882 |
repeated ZZ's and :x's simply gave repeated error messages.
883 |
Well, if it can't be reproduced, it doesn't stand much chance of getting fixed.
884 |
(Not that it would if you could reproduce it, of course.)
885 |
886 |
"File already exists..." -- The ``List of changes from 3.5 to 3.6'' says
887 |
``If you get I/O errors, the file is considered "not edited"... .''
888 |
I presume that this correction is somehow the cause of the fact that
889 |
I frequently get the above message when trying to leave the editor
890 |
on a machine with version 3.7, and have to use
891 |
:w! %|q
892 |
Ick! Most of us just type
893 |
894 |
which is equivalent and much shorter.
895 |
to exit. But I've never seen any evidence that there were I/O errors;
896 |
it mainly seems to happen when I've written some lines to another
897 |
file in the process of editing. So the criteria the editor is using
898 |
to decide when there have been ``I/O errors'' should be rechecked.
899 |
Actually, if you get ANY error (e.g. :foo<cr>) it resets the "buffer modified"
900 |
condition. I have finally been convinced this is not right. For a while, I
901 |
considered it a necessary evil in case your /tmp/Ex* file got an I/O error.
902 |
903 |
"no such command from open/visual" -- This confused me in my first
904 |
few days of using the editor, when I didn't understand that one
905 |
couldn't use i and a (in either their vi or ex senses) from the bottom
906 |
line of vi. A message "i -- no such command from open/visual"
907 |
was perplexing because I knew that "i" was indeed a vi command.
908 |
Perhaps it should say "no such command from open/visual bottom line".
909 |
910 |
911 |
912 |
913 |
In ex search and replacement patterns, \\ is supposed to represent
914 |
a real \-character, but something goes wrong when this occurs
915 |
at the end of a global command. E.g., though
916 |
917 |
works OK (in vi or ex), the variant
918 |
919 |
definitely does not. In vi it turns everything off, in ex it seems to
920 |
behave as though there were just a single \, and in a scriptfile,
921 |
it -- does something still different, which you can discover if you
922 |
don't know!
923 |
Backslash is special at the end of a line in global. You need more \\'s.
924 |
925 |
The Ex Reference Manual says, ``For sanity with use from within
926 |
visual mode, ex ignores a ":" preceding any command.'' But it
927 |
ignores it in the wrong place! -- not at the beginning of the
928 |
command line, but just before the command letter itself. I.e.,
929 |
it accepts 1,3:s/^/ /, but not :1,3s/^/ /.
930 |
931 |
932 |
933 |
934 |
In a multiline substitute command with the "c" option, when
935 |
each line is displayed one has three choices: y, n or break. There
936 |
are some further options that would be useful. One would be "p" --
937 |
at present, "p" can only be included on the command line, which
938 |
means that one has a choice between seeing the result of every
939 |
substitution or none. In practice, one would generally like to see
940 |
the results of the first few cases to make sure that the command one has
941 |
written does what one meant it to, and maybe a few tricky cases that
942 |
come up; but not every case! Another might be "u" -- to undo the last
943 |
case for which one gave a "y". Still another might be an option that
944 |
would mean ``undo the "c" option -- I see that the substitute command
945 |
is doing what I wanted, go ahead and finish it without me.''
946 |
If I were going to do something this involved (I didn't know anybody used the
947 |
c option anymore - most people use "n" and "." in vi) I would do query-replace
948 |
ala EMACS right.
949 |
In a command g/pattern/p, the pattern in question is occasionally
950 |
such that it takes a while to figure out where on the line it occurs.
951 |
For this purpose, an option that ``pointed out'' the instance of the
952 |
pattern, in the same manner that the pattern to be replaced is pointed
953 |
out in substitute command with option c, would be desirable.
954 |
When g/pattern/p gives more than a screenful of lines, it would
955 |
be nice to have it piped through the equivalent of ``more''.
956 |
Nice but unlikely. Unless, of course, you have page mode in your tty driver,
957 |
like we do, in which case you get it for free.
958 |
959 |
ex has the command line option "-", which ``is useful in processing
960 |
editor scripts''. But if one wants to use a script in the course of
961 |
an otherwise interactive editing session, it would be desirable to have
962 |
a corresponding resettable option ``:se -'' (or ``:se nofb'').
963 |
Seems like a good idea.
964 |
965 |
In strings in pattern-searches, it would be useful to have
966 |
^ and $ retain their ``magic'', so that /x[a$]/ could
967 |
search for all occurrences of x before an a or a newline.
968 |
(Of course, one would then have to decide whether /x[^y]/ should
969 |
include the case of x followed by a newline or not.)
970 |
This sounds pretty hard to do.
971 |
972 |
Just as ex allows the command :vi, so I think that vi should
973 |
have some bottom-line command equivalent to the regular-mode
974 |
command Q. When one has done some text-changing bottom-line
975 |
commands, and realizes one wants to go into ex, it can be time-
976 |
consuming to hit return and then Q, and wait for the screen to be
977 |
redrawn for vi before one gets the ex prompt.
978 |
This would be ugly, since the ex command routine would have to return an
979 |
indication to the vi routine to exit back to the top level ex command.
980 |
But I suppose it could be done.
981 |
982 |
The option of putting several commands on one line, separated
983 |
by, "|" is particularly useful in the vi bottom-line mode, because
984 |
it avoids having the screen redrawn several times. It would be
985 |
useful to be able sometimes do the same thing with non-bottom-line
986 |
commands, e.g. in editing a troff file at a low baud rate on a dumb
987 |
terminal one might like to be able to do i\fI^]3Ea\fR^] without
988 |
watching the line get redrawn twice. Perhaps some key that would
989 |
cause any sequence of commands to be ``held'' until some complementary
990 |
key was hit would be useful.
991 |
It would also be desirable to have a sequence of commands that had
992 |
been given in this way available as one unit to be repeated by ``.'',
993 |
if desired.
994 |
See above. And get yourself a terminal with insert/delete char!
995 |
996 |
The parenthesis-matching facility with % might be extended
997 |
to match ` with ' and < with >.
998 |
999 |
1000 |
I will mention one facility that I discovered by surprize is
1001 |
possessed by ed but not ex -- sequences such as \1 can be used
1002 |
within ed search-patterns. E.g. (for the most trivial case)
1003 |
1004 |
will search for doubled letters.
1005 |
This surprises me.
1006 |
1007 |
1008 |
1009 |
I will mention here some possible changes which have the
1010 |
difficulty that they would change the meaning of existing commands,
1011 |
so that it could be argued that the disadvantage of users having
1012 |
to change their habits might outweigh the advantages.
1013 |
1014 |
First, one might try to resolve, one way or another, the
1015 |
contradiction between the count arguments taken by the join commands
1016 |
in vi and ex: In ex, jN joins N+1 lines; in vi, NJ joins N lines
1017 |
(except if N=1).
1018 |
Yeah, ex should be N, not N+1.
1019 |
1020 |
Second, the movement commands tx and Tx of vi (x any character)
1021 |
seem poorly defined. Just as fx will ignore the character on which
1022 |
the cursor is presently sitting, even if it is an x, and move to the
1023 |
next occurrence, so I would think that tx should ignore the character
1024 |
immediately after the cursor, and Tx the character immediately before
1025 |
the cursor. The point is that when one does Nfx, and finds that one
1026 |
had failed to count one occurrence of x and fallen short of where one
1027 |
wanted to go, one can hit ; and get there. Likewise, on doing Ntx
1028 |
and finding one has fallen short, one should be able to hit ; and get
1029 |
to the the next occurrence; but at present, hitting ; leaves
1030 |
the cursor in the same position; one must hit ``2;'' to get any
1031 |
further. In effect, Ntx is presently defined as Nfxh; I am
1032 |
suggesting that it be defined as lNfxh.
1033 |
1034 |
1035 |
The sequences cw, dw and yw are presently violations of the
1036 |
principle that c[movement], d[movement] and y[movement] change,
1037 |
delete, or yank everything from the current cursor position through
1038 |
the endpoint of the movement command. cw does what one would expect of
1039 |
ce (in fact, they seem to be synonyms), while there is no way to get
1040 |
the effect which cw would have if it were treated ``consistently''.
1041 |
(E.g., if I have a line beginning ``And if'', and I want to change it
1042 |
to ``If'', I cannot just put the cursor on the A and hit cwI^].) dw
1043 |
and yw delete up to the character immediately before the point to
1044 |
which ``w'' would take the cursor. I would have to agree that this
1045 |
behavior of dw and yw is more useful than that which a literal
1046 |
interpretation of the movement rule would lead to; but perhaps it
1047 |
would become still more useful if when applied to the last word on
1048 |
a line, it deleted or yanked the space immediately before the word
1049 |
along with the word... . On the other hand, one could argue for
1050 |
making a distinction between cw and ce.
1051 |
This is to make the user interface friendlier, and is a fact of life.
1052 |
If I wanted to change "And if" to "If", I'd type "dw~".
1053 |
1054 |
Though I see the motivation for the above definitions,
1055 |
I see no sensible reason why Y should be equivalent to yy, when
1056 |
C and D are equivalent to c$ and d$. I would vote for changing
1057 |
Y to mean y$.
1058 |
The users wouldn't stand for such a change. Too many are used to it like it is.
1059 |
But you could always map it.
1060 |
1061 |
1062 |
1063 |
Is there any reason for maintaining the distinction between
1064 |
the ``:'' state of vi, and ex itself? At present, there are
1065 |
relative advantages that lead one to choose to go into one or the
1066 |
other for a given operation: From the vi-: state, it is easier
1067 |
to return to the regular vi state; from ex, one has a more powerful
1068 |
range of commands; and it is easier to give a series of commands
1069 |
because each carriage-return gives one a new prompt. My suggestion
1070 |
is that from vi, ``:'' should carry you directly to ex, and when you
1071 |
are in ex, carriage-return (^M) after a command should give you a new
1072 |
prompt, while ^] should put you into vi. Conceivably, things might be
1073 |
simplified even further, and carriage return rather than : could
1074 |
be the key that would carry one from the regular mode of vi into ex:
1075 |
The basic problem here is that if : put you into ex mode, you'd have to redraw
1076 |
the screen when you hit return. The motivation for : commands is that you
1077 |
don't have to go through a conceptually hard mode change and wait for a
1078 |
screen redraw.
1079 |
1080 |
.-------. .-------.
1081 |
.-------. a,i... | basic | ^M | |
1082 |
| vi |<------ | |----->| ex |<---.
1083 |
| insert| | vi | | | |^M
1084 |
| mode | ------>| |<-----| mode | ---'
1085 |
`-------' ^] | mode | ^] | |
1086 |
`-------' `-------'
1087 |
1088 |
(Of course, ^M presently has a meaning in vi, but
1089 |
it has a synonym +.) Clearly, there would also be no need for a
1090 |
special "Hit return to continue" state.
1091 |
I have not distinguished vi and open in the above diagram.
1092 |
My idea here is that ^] would actually return you to either vi
1093 |
or open, whichever you had last been in, and that to switch
1094 |
to the other, you could enter ex and type vi^] or o^] respectively.
1095 |
(Or you could type vi^M, respectively o^M, and further ex commands,
1096 |
and the mode would be saved for the next time you hit a ^].) Or
1097 |
alternatively, these could be made settable options: se visual
1098 |
respectively se novisual.
1099 |
Having gotten used to the editor as it now exists, I admit that
1100 |
I feel uneasy about the above idea -- the sense of knowing that
1101 |
I am ``still in vi'' when I hit :, and not that ``other land'' of ex,
1102 |
represents a kind of of orientation that it is disconcerting
1103 |
to abandon. But I can't see any logical disadvantage in making
1104 |
such a change. Can you? Certainly, there would be things that
1105 |
would have to be thought out, such as what happens to bottom-line
1106 |
vi pattern-searches. My thought would be that ``/'' from vi should
1107 |
give :/ (i.e., put one in ex at the start of a pattern-search),
1108 |
and ^] after a pattern-search should put one into vi at the appropriate
1109 |
character on the line, in contrast to ^M after a pattern search,
1110 |
which would leave one in ex at the appropriate line. In general,
1111 |
I think such changes would lead to greater simplicity and learnability
1112 |
of the editor.
1113 |
I would also hope that excursions between vi and ex and back
1114 |
could be allowed in scriptfiles. It might also be desirable for
1115 |
ex to have, in addition to a concept of ``current line'', one of
1116 |
``current cursor position''... .
1117 |
1118 |
Well, on to another subject. One of the inconveniences I
1119 |
found very vexing when first learning to use the editor was that
1120 |
when in either vi insert mode, or ex/vi-bottom-line, it was very hard
1121 |
to edit what I was doing. Within insert mode the only ``editing''
1122 |
I could do, without escaping, was with the three operations ^H,
1123 |
^W and the kill character. And on a slow line with a dumb terminal,
1124 |
escaping to make changes could be very time-consuming because large
1125 |
parts of the screen would insist on being redrawn. Perhaps some
1126 |
other control-character could serve as
1127 |
a modified escape, that allowed one to edit what one had entered
1128 |
in the current insertion without having everything below it redrawn,
1129 |
and then return to it. Obviously, if carried to its logical
1130 |
limit this idea could lead to ridiculous nests of
1131 |
editing operations; but there would be no need to carry it to its
1132 |
logical limit.
1133 |
Why not just get a terminal with insert char? You're paying in performance
1134 |
for having an obsolete terminal.
1135 |
Anyway, the problem of editing ex-style commands
1136 |
was even worse, because there was no way to ``escape and
1137 |
revise''. I eventually learned enough to realize that the solution
1138 |
was to edit complicated commands in another file and source it.
1139 |
This is a standard complaint about a moded editor. It couldn't be fixed
1140 |
without taking away the property of ESC ending command lines. Besides,
1141 |
allowing editing on the bottom line would really break a lot of code.
1142 |
But it is sometimes very useful to have the text on which the
1143 |
commands are to act in front of you when composing them (e.g., you can
1144 |
yank and modify various pieces), which led to the variant of writing
1145 |
command lines within the file I was editing, and then writing
1146 |
those lines into another file and sourcing that, without ever leaving
1147 |
the current file. But this is distracting to deal with
1148 |
when concentrating on the editing task itself, which led me
1149 |
to divise a scriptfile which would handle the writing-to-another-file-
1150 |
and-sourcing for me. Or actually, several such files: One for
1151 |
single-line commands to be used essentially once; one for single-line
1152 |
commands that I would want to use on the same file during various
1153 |
editing sessions, and so would want to keep available in that
1154 |
file, and one for multi-line commands (to be used once). When
1155 |
I first got the idea, I thought one scriptfile would be enough, and
1156 |
I would call it ``do'', so that the command to execute a script I
1157 |
had written in a file I was editing would be ``:so do''. The
1158 |
file it would write to and source would be ``do.again'', so that
1159 |
if I wanted to reuse it, I could ``:so do.again''. When I realized
1160 |
the need for several versions, ``do'' became a directory. Here,
1161 |
for your amusement, are the three files. (Re the lines ``se prompt'',
1162 |
cf. my comment on that under PROBLEMS WITH SOURCE etc.):
1163 |
1164 |
do/1 (for 1-time use of 1-line commands)
1165 |
.w! ~/do/again
1166 |
1167 |
so #
1168 |
se prompt
1169 |
1170 |
do/1+ (like above, without deleting the command)
1171 |
.w! ~/do/again
1172 |
so #
1173 |
se prompt
1174 |
1175 |
do/: (to use this, write a multi-line command script, put : at
1176 |
the beginning of the first line, put the cursor on the last
1177 |
line of the script, and then source the following:)
1178 |
1179 |
,''w! ~/do/again
1180 |
1181 |
so #
1182 |
se prompt
1183 |
1184 |
(I also created another version to use in case the script had
1185 |
to have an internal line beginning with ``:'', so that this couldn't
1186 |
unambiguously mark the beginning of the script. This used
1187 |
a line which explicitly specified the address-range of the script.
1188 |
But I have never had a need for it, so I will not bother you with it.)
1189 |
Finally, having gotten an account on a machine with a version 3
1190 |
editor recently, I have divised still another way of doing this. I
1191 |
have put in my EXINIT the command
1192 |
1193 |
'map ^A "ayy:@a^M'
1194 |
1195 |
and now, gratifyingly, the single stroke ^A has essentially the effect
1196 |
of ``:so do/1+'' -- except for the restrictions to which vi ``map''
1197 |
commands are subject. But I've only been using this for a
1198 |
couple of weeks; so I have yet to learn how chafing those restrictions
1199 |
will or won't be.
1200 |
Anyway, it might be worth thinking about whether some of these
1201 |
things that I've done with macros should be incorporated in some form
1202 |
into the editor itself; or else whether these macros might be written
1203 |
up in the documentation (or some tutorials) on the editor.
1204 |
1205 |
Next subject: Complicated pattern-searches in long files
1206 |
can be time-consuming. I have seen the point mentioned
1207 |
that if a pattern-description can be begun with "^",
1208 |
this can speed up the search -- since the pattern-comparisons need
1209 |
only be begun at beginnings of lines. In some cases, this might
1210 |
not be possible, but the user might be aware of some other
1211 |
character or character-sequence in the search-pattern
1212 |
that will occur relatively rarely in the file. In such cases it would
1213 |
be desirable if the user could specify one spot from which the pattern
1214 |
search should start, working forward and backward from there, to
1215 |
minimize false starts. E.g., if for some reason one wants to
1216 |
delete every word containing the letter m, the script
1217 |
%s/[^ ]*m[^ ]*//
1218 |
would become much less time-consuming if one could mark the point
1219 |
at which to begin, say writing
1220 |
%s/[^ ]*\!m[^ ]*//
1221 |
so as to instruct the editor to search for m's, and each time
1222 |
one was found, to find the longest possible strings of non-space
1223 |
characters before and after it, and delete these. (This is a silly
1224 |
example, but I think the idea is clear.)
1225 |
Isn't worth doing - this is fast enough for most people in most cases.
1226 |
1227 |
Something that I've seriously felt the need for is the
1228 |
capability of searching for lines that satisfy more than one
1229 |
condition. If one just wants to locate such lines, one can
1230 |
of course leave the editor and do a pipeline of two or
1231 |
more greps; but it would be nice to be able to perform global
1232 |
commands on such lines.
1233 |
You want the PWB "or" operator. This is hard to put in - their code
1234 |
is really convoluted.
1235 |
1236 |
Finally, any possibility of introducing the capability of searching
1237 |
for patterns including embedded newlines, a la sed?
1238 |
Newlines aren't stored - the data structure is an array of lines.
1239 |
So this is nearly impossible.
1240 |
Multiple windows, a la emacs?
1241 |
Would be easy after a rewrite, but impossible with current code.
1242 |
What you really want is a window manager, anyway, most of the time.
1243 |
1244 |
1245 |
I logged in this morning on an adm3a at 300 baud to go over this
1246 |
letter once more before sending it, and ran into another bug! I had
1247 |
done 15^D to get a large scroll despite the low speed, and at one point
1248 |
I saw a line with a typo scrolling up. So I noted its line-number, 402
1249 |
and without waiting for the screen to stop moving typed something like
1250 |
402Gfsrd. What happened was that the change was made on line 407 rather
1251 |
than 402 -- presumably the cursor was sent to where 402 had been when
1252 |
the command was received... .
1253 |
Knowing the internals of vi, I'd say this is impossible. It probably just
1254 |
screwed up your screen from line noise (or your terminal isn't truly full
1255 |
duplex), or you got the wrong line number.
1256 |
Editing this letter this morning reminded me of another feature I
1257 |
have thought would be desirable for editing on dumb terminals at low
1258 |
speeds: An option that would cause lines read from a file or typed
1259 |
in at the bottom of the screen to appear double spaced, with @ signs
1260 |
1261 |
between them, such as one gets when one deletes a line on such a
1262 |
1263 |
terminal. (I have faked this effect here, though the fake will not be
1264 |
1265 |
very successful if you have se nu or se list on.) The point is that
1266 |
1267 |
editing operations that presently cause painfully slow screen-redrawings
1268 |
would simply put material in in place of these fillers -- as happens
1269 |
now when one is lucky enough to be adding material just above a place
1270 |
where material was previously deleted.
1271 |
Again, it would cost less to buy a real terminal. You can get one for $500
1272 |
or so now from Falco or Liberty or Zenith.
1273 |
1274 |
Thanks again for the input.
1275 |
1276 |
1277 |
1278 |
1279 |
From gbergman@UCBCARTAN Fri Jul 29 16:07:10 1983
1280 |
Date: 29 Jul 83 16:02:06 PDT (Fri)
1281 |
From: gbergman@UCBCARTAN (George Mark Bergman)
1282 |
Subject: editor
1283 |
Message-Id: <8307292302.AA09635@UCBCARTAN.ARPA>
1284 |
Received: by UCBCARTAN.ARPA (3.342/3.7)
1285 |
id AA09635; 29 Jul 83 16:02:06 PDT (Fri)
1286 |
Received: from UCBCARTAN.ARPA by UCBERNIE.ARPA (3.336/3.7)
1287 |
id AA06658; 29 Jul 83 16:07:04 PDT (Fri)
1288 |
To: cc-03@ucbcory, danh@kim, lindahl@topaz, mckusick@ernie, ralph@ucbarpa
1289 |
Status: RO
1290 |
1291 |
1292 |
I got a reply from Horton: a copy of my (first) letter,
1293 |
annotated with comments that this should indeed be fixed, that
1294 |
would be impossible, etc.. I'll send a copy to anyone who'd
1295 |
like (or a copy of his comment on some specific bug they're
1296 |
interested in). Meanwhile, I'll send you my reply to him, since
1297 |
it discusses still more bugs and possible improvements.
1298 |
1299 |
Dear Mark,
1300 |
Got your comments on my first letter! Did you get the second,
1301 |
shorter one? Glad to see that some things, at least, can be fixed.
1302 |
Robert has put version 3.9 on this machine and I'm using it.
1303 |
Using movement arrows within insert mode is amusing; though when there
1304 |
is documentation, there should be a warning to the user that these
1305 |
prevent ``u'' from undoing anything before those commands. But
1306 |
the first thing there needs to be documentation for is vedit! Is
1307 |
any being written?
1308 |
In your comment on ``Can't yank inside global/macro'' you said
1309 |
that one can, of course, always yank to a named buffer. I checked,
1310 |
in the case of @a scripts, and the answer is yes and no: The yank
1311 |
works, but one still gets that diagnostic, and anything else in the
1312 |
sequence of commands is aborted.
1313 |
And concerning the diagnostic ``Can't undo in global commands'' --
1314 |
I understand what you say about why one can't, but it still seems an
1315 |
unenlightening and perhaps inappropriate diagnostic to get when one has
1316 |
done @a and buffer a contains say
1317 |
1318 |
Here the initial ``x'', deleting the character the cursor was on when
1319 |
the command was given, creates the text-modified condition which,
1320 |
as I mention, seems to cause globals in @-scripts to give this
1321 |
diagnostic. I've just tested the above script -- several times,
1322 |
because I found it hard to believe what was happening -- and it did
1323 |
indeed give the diagnostic in question, but instead of replacing foo's
1324 |
with bar's, it replaced the first line containing a foo with a copy of
1325 |
the last line of the file! I leave it to you to figure that one out!
1326 |
(This is on version 3.9. Incidentally, I've used a true ^M in that
1327 |
script, so it is ready for you to try.)
1328 |
1329 |
Further observations on some of the bugs I mentioned in my
1330 |
second letter: The business with yb is both more general and more
1331 |
complicated than I realized. The general fact seems to be that when
1332 |
one does a yank to a position earlier on the same line, the cursor does
1333 |
not move, but the editor thinks it has, so that any subsequent command,
1334 |
e.g. a movement, a delete, etc., has the effect that it would if it had
1335 |
been done with the cursor starting from the new position. The
1336 |
complication is that yanks to named buffers don't behave the same as
1337 |
simple yanks: They also leave the cursor unmoved, but what they actually
1338 |
yank into the buffer is the text from the cursor location to the end of
1339 |
the line; and whether they cause the editor to consider the cursor to
1340 |
be in a different location from where it really is seems to depend on
1341 |
the movement in question: with "ayNb, no, with "ayN|, yes (where N
1342 |
again stands for a positive integer). So what I called a snake in the
1343 |
grass seems to be a can of worms!
1344 |
In experimenting with this, incidentally, I've found that, while a
1345 |
put from a named buffer can be undone with u, if one attempts the
1346 |
command U, ``undo all changes made since coming onto this line'', only
1347 |
changes made since the last named-buffer-put are undone.
1348 |
1349 |
I mentioned various abbreviations that were hard to unabbreviate,
1350 |
but could be done with the help of ^V -- but that I had found no way
1351 |
to undo
1352 |
:ab if if\pq
1353 |
To be precise, I had found that :una ^Vif, :una ^V^Vif, and
1354 |
:una ^Vif where each ^V represents two ^V's typed in, didn't work.
1355 |
I've finally found something that does: :una i^Vf.
1356 |
1357 |
I find the diagnostic ``No tail recursion'' strange,
1358 |
since the occurrence of an abbreviation at the end of the item
1359 |
abbreviated shouldn't cause a recursive loop; while circumstances that
1360 |
do cause such a loop, namely the occurrence of the abbreviation within
1361 |
the item abbreviated, preceded by a space and followed by punctuation,
1362 |
are not censored, e.g. :ab x ( x ), or with more subtle effect,
1363 |
:ab x x sup 2.
1364 |
It seems that if one has :ab x word, then the abbreviation works
1365 |
when x is preceded by a beginning-of-insert, a space, a tab, or a
1366 |
newline, and followed by most any nonalphabetic character. For
1367 |
word-processing use, it would be natural to allow it to also be
1368 |
preceeded by (, ", `, [, perhaps even a user-specified set of
1369 |
1370 |
1371 |
To my list of vi commands which I think should be able to take
1372 |
counts, add p and P. I often want to put in a large number of copies of
1373 |
one or more lines, as ``forms'' in which I will enter various kinds of
1374 |
additional data, and it would be convenient to be able to do compose
1375 |
such a line and then duplicate it the desired number of times all at
1376 |
once. What I currently do is produce a copy and then go
1377 |
yypk2yypk4yyp... till I have enough.
1378 |
1379 |
Two more commands I think would be useful: (1) One which "puts" to
1380 |
the screen (in the sense of g/pattern/p, i.e. without affecting the
1381 |
buffer) the contents, or the first lines in cases that are longer than
1382 |
one line, of all nonempty buffers, named or numbered, with an
1383 |
indication, of course, of which each was. (Ideally one would like to
1384 |
be able to specify some subset of the buffers, whether one wants the
1385 |
first line, or everything, or some specified number of lines, etc..)
1386 |
(2) One which would show the script of the command stored to be used as
1387 |
``.''. (And perhaps ditto with the last search pattern.)
1388 |
Oh, yes: it would also be nice to have a way to give commands
1389 |
without having them displace the one specified to be repeated by ``.'',
1390 |
e.g. if one wants to do a certain change time after time at various
1391 |
points in the file (using ``n'' and ``.'') but occasionally sees other
1392 |
changes to be made along the way. An alternative to the above would be
1393 |
a way to read the command stored to be used as ``.'' into a named
1394 |
buffer, so that one can give other commands and then return to
1395 |
that one. This would also allow one to reread the text of the command:
1396 |
useful if it isn't behaving as one meant it to.
1397 |
1398 |
You might as well send any future mail to me here as
1399 |
gbergman@cartan -- I was using brahms while cartan's terminals were
1400 |
being moved but I'll probably be using cartan more from now on. But
1401 |
I'll check mail on both. (However, I'll be on vacation in New York
1402 |
State from the 3d to the 16th of August.)
1403 |
Best regards,
1404 |
1405 |
1406 |
From gbergman@ucbcartan Fri Sep 23 13:57:06 1983
1407 |
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 83 13:53:36 PDT
1408 |
From: gbergman@ucbcartan (George Mark Bergman)
1409 |
Message-Id: <8309232053.AA02960@ucbcartan.ARPA>
1410 |
Received: by ucbcartan.ARPA (4.6/3.7)
1411 |
id AA02960; Fri, 23 Sep 83 13:53:36 PDT
1412 |
Received: from ucbcartan.ARPA by UCBERNIE.ARPA (3.336/3.7)
1413 |
id AA20684; 23 Sep 83 13:57:01 PDT (Fri)
1414 |
To: cc-03@ucbcory, danh@kim, lindahl@topaz, mckusick@ucbernie, ralph@ucbarpa
1415 |
Status: RO
1416 |
1417 |
Latest letter on ex~vi to Horton:
1418 |
1419 |
Dear Mark,
1420 |
1421 |
I hope I can assume that after my long letter to which you
1422 |
replied, you did get my two shorter notes (one sent the same day,
1423 |
the other about a week later); and that you've simply been to busy
1424 |
to think about them or reply.
1425 |
However, since I have had bad experiences with Mail, I am worried
1426 |
that either you may never have gotten them or that you may have replied
1427 |
and your replies not reached me. I hope you can send me a one-liner to
1428 |
relieve my doubts.
1429 |
1430 |
Not many bugs to report this time, but I will modify or discuss
1431 |
a few of the suggestions I've made before.
1432 |
1433 |
One that I want to modify is my suggestion that % should also
1434 |
match < with > and ` with '. All right in itself, but terrible if it
1435 |
would also mean that with :set match, every time one typed a > or a '
1436 |
the cursor would look for the last occurrence of < or `, since <, >, and
1437 |
' can occur in ways that have nothing to do with matching. So I think
1438 |
that making matchable pairs user-specifiable would be much more useful.
1439 |
Faith Fich (who send her regards -- she and Mike were our neighbors till
1440 |
a month ago, but have left for their new jobs at U. Seattle) suggested
1441 |
that user-settable matches would be particularly useful for those
1442 |
like herself who use distinct opening and closing delimiters with eqn.
1443 |
Actually, on further thought this isn't quite right, since eqn
1444 |
delimiters behave differently from parentheses -- if I want to use =
1445 |
as my delimiter to enter equation mode, and & as my delimiter to leave
1446 |
it, then eqn will not give any special treatment to &'s in text mode or
1447 |
='s in equation mode; so perhaps a different kind of matching for
1448 |
that kind of use might be desirable; one would set :set dmatch =&
1449 |
for the delimiters suggested above; or :set dmatch $$ if one uses $
1450 |
for both delimiters as in the eqn tutorials. I know checkeq is
1451 |
supposed to serve this function; but it would certainly be convenient
1452 |
to have it in the editor; and anyway, my experience was that checkeq
1453 |
didn't understand that one could have distinct opening and closing
1454 |
delimiters. (But this is a disinterested suggestion; I haven't used
1455 |
eqn for a long time; I put in my equations in raw troff.)
1456 |
1457 |
The suggestion in my long original letter about an alternative to
1458 |
the diagnostic "using open mode" was based on a misunderstanding -- but
1459 |
one that might be worth making a reality. I had been assuming,
1460 |
since tutorials referred to the "three states" ex, vi, and open, and
1461 |
since I knew one could enter the editor by typing % ex filename or
1462 |
% vi filename, that a third way to enter the editor was by typing
1463 |
% open filename, and that this is what one should do when editing
1464 |
with a device not having an addressable cursor (which I had never done).
1465 |
So I supposed that the diagnostic "using open mode" would only be
1466 |
received if one were trying to use the wrong mode of the editor for the
1467 |
tty type shown in one's environment. Perhaps one should indeed have
1468 |
special way to enter the editor when one intended to edit in "open
1469 |
mode". (If "open" has other uses as a command, the command might be
1470 |
"vo" or "op".) Then if a user gave the command vi and his
1471 |
environment did not indicate a device with an addressable cursor, it
1472 |
would indeed be appropriate to give a diagnostic informing him that his
1473 |
environment was not compatible with this command. I suggest this
1474 |
because of the frustrating experiences I had as a beginner, of
1475 |
being put into open mode (because my tty type had somehow been lost)
1476 |
and not knowing what I could do about it.
1477 |
1478 |
I am somewhat confused by your explanation that editor scripts
1479 |
that would go back and forth between ex and vi modes (using the :vi
1480 |
and Q commands) are impossible because "The internals of getting a
1481 |
character from the tty are completely different in ex and vi. Pushing
1482 |
input for one doesn't affect the other." A vi "script" (i.e. a mapping
1483 |
or a macro called by @x) can presently include bottom-line commands
1484 |
called with ":". I would suppose that the way such commands get
1485 |
characters from the terminal is about the same as the way ex does.
1486 |
You also write that "Any : command that outputs more than 1 line puts
1487 |
you into "ex mode"," -- is this a different sense of "ex mode"? If
1488 |
not, what happens when a vi script does this?
1489 |
I mentioned that the :so command from vi ignored anything after
1490 |
any global command in the sourced file. I also find that it will not
1491 |
accept the ex commands i and a; I realize that a prohibition against
1492 |
these is part of the way vi's bottom line differs from genuine ex.
1493 |
I've just done some experimenting, and I find that a script sourced
1494 |
from the bottom line of vi also interprets the command vi as a command
1495 |
to edit another file. Do we really want script files to be interpreted
1496 |
so differently when sourced from ex mode and from the bottom line of vi?
1497 |
Or if these differences are inevitable, can't the vi version at least
1498 |
have the positive difference of being able to go to visual mode with
1499 |
^M^M or something, and continue following the script, interpreting
1500 |
characters as screen mode commands, just as a mapping or @x macro will
1501 |
if it has gone down to the bottom line with ":" and come back again?
1502 |
I am also still reluctant to give up the idea of a version of the
1503 |
editor in which there is no difference between the line-oriented mode
1504 |
and the bottom line of the visual mode. Suppose you took the editor as
1505 |
it exists now, and modified it so that in visual mode, ":" was
1506 |
interpreted as "Q", and in ex mode, ^[ was interpreted as ^Mvi. The one
1507 |
obvious disadvantage would be that it would insist on redrawing the
1508 |
screen after minor editing operations in ex mode. So suppose you made
1509 |
it remember the previous state of the screen every time it entered ex
1510 |
mode, and make the necessary adjustments on return to visual mode if the
1511 |
editing done was fairly trivial -- using the same criteria it now uses
1512 |
after bottom-line commands. What would be the problem?
1513 |
Of course, I know I am quite ignorant of what is involved, and what
1514 |
I am suggesting as possible may be quite impossible, or may have to wait
1515 |
for that far-off day when you rewrite the editor.
1516 |
1517 |
You write that some of the restrictions on global commands are due
1518 |
to the fact that the state of the buffer before the command is stored in
1519 |
the "last deleted" buffer. But couldn't this situation be modified?
1520 |
Let's call the "last deleted" buffer buffer 0, since material from it
1521 |
seems to progress up to 1, 2, etc. with successive changes made.
1522 |
Suppose things were set up so that during the operation of a global or
1523 |
macro, deleted material, yanked material, etc. went by default into
1524 |
buffer 1 instead of 0...? Or alternatively, that the state before the
1525 |
global were saved in buffer 9, and this was then set outside of the
1526 |
chain of buffers into which material got pushed with successive
1527 |
deletions, during the operation of the global? Would this eliminate
1528 |
the objection to nested globals as well? Presumably, in a global within
1529 |
a global, the previous state would be stored in buffer 1, and new yanks
1530 |
put by default in buffer 2 (if the first of the above suggestions were
1531 |
1532 |
You mention in your comments to my letter that the difficulty of
1533 |
editing command lines "is a standard complaint about a moded editor"
1534 |
that would be hard to fix. But I point out in that same letter how
1535 |
appropriate macros or script-files can overcome that difficulty. (My
1536 |
files "do/1", "do/:" and the "map ^A ..." in my EXINIT.) It should be
1537 |
possible to introduce commands that would have the
1538 |
same effects as those macros. (Or at least, to describe such macros
1539 |
in the documentation. I have realized, by the way, that ^A was a poor
1540 |
choice of character for me to map, because it occurs in the output of
1541 |
function keys on a lot of terminals.)
1542 |
1543 |
It would be nice to extend the kinds of "regular expressions"
1544 |
allowed in searches, e.g. a la egrep. Sometimes I also want to indicate
1545 |
something like "a substring of precisely 40 characters". This can be
1546 |
rendered as "........................................" at present,
1547 |
but things like that can easily lead to commands that
1548 |
exceed length limits. (Suppose one wants to look for a string of
1549 |
40 successive characters other than whitespace. [^ ][^ ][^ ] ... is
1550 |
too long.) Have you checked out what I mentioned in my first long
1551 |
letter, that ed allows you to search for (e.g.) successive
1552 |
identical characters as \(.\)\1?
1553 |
1554 |
Let me pass on a suggestion made recently in a system message by
1555 |
someone named nye. He was worried about what would happen
1556 |
if while one person was editing a file, someone else with write
1557 |
permission for that file also began editing it. Presumably, whoever
1558 |
did a "write" last would overwrite the other person's work. He
1559 |
suggested that there be a diagnostic "file has been changed since last
1560 |
write" for such a situation. (In particular, he wondered what would
1561 |
happen if he got his mail by editing /usr/spool/mail/name, rather than
1562 |
by using Mail -- which is certainly tempting if one is more comfortable
1563 |
with the editor than with Mail -- and if unbeknownst to him new mail
1564 |
arrived while he was editing.)
1565 |
1566 |
I have discovered the hard way that when one has done a
1567 |
vi -r filename and decided one was satisfied with the version that
1568 |
was saved, ZZ or :x are n o t the same as :wq -- the first two
1569 |
discard the saved file, and only the last one writes it over the
1570 |
previous version. (I actually haven't checked this out on version 3.9.
1571 |
I tried to, and found that robert hadn't brought
1572 |
/usr/lib/ex3.9{preserve,recover}, if that's what they're still
1573 |
called, from arpa along with the rest of 3.9. But he's getting them for
1574 |
me.) If you don't want to make ZZ and :x actually equivalent to
1575 |
:wq, you might at least make them give error messages forcing the
1576 |
user to make the explicit choice of :wq to keep the saved version, or :q
1577 |
to discard it.
1578 |
1579 |
I've been having fun using recursive "map" commands from time to
1580 |
time. For example, a file of mailing addresses of Math Departments is
1581 |
being prepared, for use with a new Computer Services command "label".
1582 |
This requires that each address constitute one line of the file, with
1583 |
the intended lines of each label separated by
1584 |
semicolons rather than newlines, each being no longer than 34
1585 |
characters. At present, the lines in the file are of the form
1586 |
1587 |
and I wanted to find cases where the university name the secretaries
1588 |
had typed in was over 34 characters long. So I did
1589 |
:map ^A +36^V|F;^A0
1590 |
Then, when I hit ^A, the cursor went bopping down the file, passing
1591 |
through each line at which it could find a ";" before the 36th position,
1592 |
but stopping when it hit a line where it could not. When I had
1593 |
corrected such a line, by abbreviating a long word or whatever, I could
1594 |
hit ^A again and find the next case. The "0" at the end of the map
1595 |
command is to prevent the "No tail recursion" rule from aborting my
1596 |
mapping. It has no other effect, because it is never reached.
1597 |
Of course, the above example of a recursive mapping is guaranteed
1598 |
to stop eventually, if only by reaching the end of the file. But I find
1599 |
that mappings that can go on indefinitely are very hard to stop. E.g.
1600 |
:map q ax^[q0
1601 |
I've tried some like that, and sometimes hitting <break> or whatever
1602 |
enough times successfully stops them (often leaving a bit of a mess --
1603 |
characters that ought to have come after the string of x's embedded
1604 |
among them), while other times the only thing I can do is to go to
1605 |
another terminal and kill the editing process. Maybe it is to prevent
1606 |
things like that that you put in the "No tail recursion" rule --
1607 |
though clearly it can be gotten around. Might it not be better to
1608 |
somehow make the editor not quite so deaf to <break>s during such a
1609 |
1610 |
1611 |
I will mention one curious experience which I have not been able to
1612 |
reproduce. I use :set nu. After a delete near the beginning of a file,
1613 |
I found myself looking at a screen with line-numbers beginning around
1614 |
-2! The lines with nonpositive numbers were blank, if I recall; lines
1615 |
1, 2, etc. were as they should be. I mentioned this to someone
1616 |
who said he'd had the same thing had happened at times, but had
1617 |
never been able to figure out what conditions caused it.
1618 |
1619 |
Best regards,
1620 |
1621 |
1622 |
From gbergman@ucbcartan Thu Nov 3 22:32:01 1983
1623 |
Received: from ucbcartan.ARPA by ucbernie.ARPA (4.17/4.13)
1624 |
id AA25163; Thu, 3 Nov 83 22:31:44 pst
1625 |
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 83 22:28:11 PST
1626 |
From: gbergman@ucbcartan (George Mark Bergman)
1627 |
Message-Id: <8311040628.AA06097@ucbcartan.ARPA>
1628 |
Received: by ucbcartan.ARPA (4.6/3.7)
1629 |
id AA06097; Thu, 3 Nov 83 22:28:11 PST
1630 |
To: cc-03@BERKELEY, danh@kim, lindahl@topaz, mckusick@ucbernie, ralph@ucbarpa
1631 |
Status: R
1632 |
1633 |
Latest letter to Mark Horton re editor bugs etc.:
1634 |
1635 |
copies sent to
1636 |
1637 |
ralph@ucbarpa, lindahl@topaz, mckusick@ucbernie 25/7/83
1638 |
danh@kim 26/7
1639 |
Mark Horton's reply: anderson@kim 30/7/83
1640 |
1641 |
Dear Mark,
1642 |
I got your reply to my last letter, but you don't say
1643 |
whether you got the two preceding ones -- in particular, I'm
1644 |
curious as to what you'd say about the peculiar behavior of
1645 |
abbreviations terminated by \[character]. (E.g., suppose
1646 |
someone did :ab ac artistic, and then, supposing the file was for
1647 |
troffing, typed ac\fP. -- Try it!) And likewise, about what
1648 |
happens if you hit @x, when register "x contains
1649 |
1650 |
(To see this wierd effect, you have to have a file with
1651 |
an occurrence of ``foo'', and a distinctive l a s t line.)
1652 |
1653 |
In an earlier letter I commented that the mapping that
1654 |
the editor sets up to enable the tvi's right-arrow key makes
1655 |
^L unavailable for refreshing the screen. You replied that,
1656 |
of course, the editor could not distinguish a ^L generated by
1657 |
the arrow key from one typed as <ctrl>-L by the user. True,
1658 |
but some users, such as myself, are quite happy using hjkl
1659 |
to move around the screen (I use them completely by reflex)
1660 |
and so have no wish to enable special arrow keys, but do
1661 |
want to have ^L available to redraw the screen when
1662 |
a message or something messes it up.
1663 |
The problem with ^L occurred in using a tvi; now, using
1664 |
a Z29 (in h19 mode), another version of the problem arises.
1665 |
It has arrow keys that transmit things like ^]A, ^]B, etc.,
1666 |
and version 3.9 not only maps these sequences, but also
1667 |
map!s them. What I found happening is that if in typing
1668 |
I made a change somewhere in the body of a line and then
1669 |
wanted to add something at the end of the line, I would often
1670 |
type a ^] to end the first change and then an A to
1671 |
begin the second, with less than a second between them, and
1672 |
this sequence would then be map!ed into ^]ka or
1673 |
something, landing me in a different place from the one
1674 |
I wanted. Aside from this major problem, there is the minor
1675 |
inconvenience that the map! mechanism apparently waits
1676 |
a second every time I type an ^] from insert mode to see
1677 |
whether this is going to be one of the map!ed sequences, and
1678 |
this makes exiting from insert mode sluggish. My temporary
1679 |
solution has been to write a file of the form
1680 |
unmap ^]A| unmap ^]B| ...|unmap! ^]A| unmap! ^]B|
1681 |
which I source every time I go into vi on the Z29. I
1682 |
guess what I should do is create simplified termcaps that
1683 |
leave out the arrow keys for my own use when in version 3.7.
1684 |
Kevin Layer tells me that when he puts 3.9 on all systems here,
1685 |
there will be documentation on how to create terminfo files;
1686 |
so I will be able to avoid these inconveniences in 3.9 as well.
1687 |
What would be better, for these two-or-more character sequences,
1688 |
though, would be if the "timeout" feature on mappings
1689 |
could involve a variable interval, which could be set in the
1690 |
millisecond range for terminal-generated sequences (I suppose
1691 |
it would have to depend on the baud rate), and longer
1692 |
for user-mapped sequences. The likelihood of the user
1693 |
accidentally typing in one of the special sequences so fast
1694 |
is negligible.
1695 |
Incidentally, I notice that when I type :map to look
1696 |
at the automatic mappings, these are labeled "up", "down" etc.,
1697 |
though for mappings that I create the corresponding position
1698 |
just shows a repeat of the mapped sequence. Is there
1699 |
any way the user can put mnemonics in with his own mappings?
1700 |
1701 |
Two other minor points:
1702 |
1703 |
In your reply to my first letter, where I suggested that
1704 |
N/pattern should take one to the Nth occurrence of /pattern,
1705 |
you said that N/pattern actually resets the window size to N
1706 |
while carrying one to /pattern. The tutorial says the same,
1707 |
I believe, but nonetheless, it doesn't work!
1708 |
When one has pulled a command into a buffer,
1709 |
say "x, and invoked it with @x, if one then tries to get
1710 |
a copy of this command by doing "xp, it doesn't seem to work.
1711 |
The way I've found to make it work is to do any other
1712 |
yank-and-put (using, say, the last-deleted
1713 |
buffer). This somehow unfreezes the mechanism, and (after undoing
1714 |
this last put, unless one wanted it), one can then successfully
1715 |
do "xp.
1716 |
1717 |
1718 |
1719 |
(Message inbox:32)
1720 |
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 84 16:29:50 pdt
1721 |
From: gbergman@ucbcartan (George Mark Bergman)
1722 |
To: cc-03@ucbcory, danh@kim, decvax!tarsa, gbergman@ucbcartan,
1723 |
hplabs!intelca!omsvax!isosvax!root, ihnp4!burl!we13!ltuxa!jab,
1724 |
leblanc@ucbdali, lindahl@topaz, mckusick@ucbernie, priili@Ardc.ARPA,
1725 |
ralph@ucbarpa, reiser@ruby, romine@seismo.ARPA, unisoft!eryk,
1726 |
1727 |
Subject: more editor bugs & ideas
1728 |
1729 |
Here's another letter of comments on the editor that I'm
1730 |
sending to Mark Horton (mark@cbosgd).
1731 |
If any of you to whom I'm sending this aren't interested in
1732 |
staying on this mailing list, just let me know.
1733 |
Horton replied to an earlier letter by saying he had no idea
1734 |
when he'd have any time to work on the editor again, so I don't
1735 |
expect replies from him to this and further such letters in the near
1736 |
1737 |
For those who are not familiar with the subject of item "A."
1738 |
below, modeline is a feature that he added without publicizing it much,
1739 |
whereby if any line in the vicinity of the top or bottom of the file
1740 |
(top and bottom 10 lines? I don't remember) contains the string
1741 |
vi: or ex: and then another :, everything between these is
1742 |
interpreted as a command and executed when this file is read by the
1743 |
editor. There was a big squall in net.news when someone discovered
1744 |
it by chance (an accidental string of this sort occurred in their
1745 |
/etc/password; fortunately the "command" was meaningless, and evoked
1746 |
a diagnostic from the editor). Some serious dangers of this
1747 |
feature were pointed out by various contributors, one of whom described
1748 |
for all who were interested how to eliminate it from the source file.
1749 |
1750 |
Dear Mark,
1751 |
Here's another few month's collection of comments...
1752 |
1753 |
A. Modeline
1754 |
I presume that in following the net.news discussion of the
1755 |
``MAJOR BUG (modeline)'' you saw my two contributions; but I'll
1756 |
summarize the relevant points (not in the order I made them):
1757 |
1758 |
1) One possible feature that would be about as convenient as
1759 |
the modeline, and would avoid the dangers that people have pointed
1760 |
out, would be `enhanced tags', in which the 3d entry of a line of the
1761 |
tags file could be not merely a pattern search, but an arbitrary
1762 |
command line.
1763 |
1764 |
2) I described (both in net.news and in an earlier letter to you) a
1765 |
mapping in my EXINIT which makes one keystroke yank the current line
1766 |
(or the next N lines if preceded by a count) to a named buffer
1767 |
and then execute that buffer. If one keeps a set of initializing
1768 |
commands within a file to which they are to apply, one can then
1769 |
easily execute them on beginning an editing session, which gives
1770 |
almost the convenience of the modeline feature, without the dangers,
1771 |
and has an enormous range of other uses. So I think the modeline
1772 |
feature could be dropped.
1773 |
1774 |
Let me add to those points:
1775 |
1776 |
3) A modeline
1777 |
vi:r %:
1778 |
leads to an infinite recursion! Fortunately, ^C cuts it off.
1779 |
1780 |
4) I agree with others' comments in net.news that if the modeline
1781 |
feature is not dropped altogether, it should be a settable option
1782 |
with default ``nomodeline''.
1783 |
1784 |
5) It should certainly be off when ``novice'' is set!
1785 |
1786 |
B. Tags
1787 |
Having mentioned these in point A(1), I will give some other
1788 |
comments I have: One of your update documents mentions the fixing
1789 |
of a bug that left ``nomagic'' set if the file named in the tags
1790 |
file did not exist. Very good, but one still ends up with ``nomagic''
1791 |
if the file exists but the pattern-search is unsuccessful!
1792 |
It would also be nice if the tags file could include file addresses
1793 |
of the form ~user/filename, in particular ~/filename, and if the
1794 |
command :set tags= recognized the same. (I suppose this makes no
1795 |
difference to people who get their tags from ctags, but for me, the
1796 |
tags file is maintained as a collection of items I have been working on
1797 |
recently, or mean to soon, and entries are put in or removed by
1798 |
hand regularly.)
1799 |
1800 |
C. Reversal of n and N
1801 |
I also mentioned in one of my net.news comments a peculiar behavior
1802 |
that often seems to occur after I've been using my yank-and-execute
1803 |
mapping a lot, in which, after a command-line pattern-search :/pattern
1804 |
(rather than simply /pattern), the screen-mode commands n and N give
1805 |
searches in the reverse of the expected direction, with ? and /
1806 |
respectively instead of vice versa. Perhaps you can figure out what
1807 |
causes this; if not, would it help for me to do something like make
1808 |
a core dump of the editor when it is happening and send it to you?
1809 |
(I don't know how to send a nonascii file, though... .)
1810 |
A few more observations on this behavior: Though I commonly
1811 |
discover it when I am using my yank-and-execute mapping, it has
1812 |
happened on at least one occasion when I hadn't use that at all,
1813 |
so far as I could recall. It may actually happen quite frequently,
1814 |
but people just don't notice it because they usually use /pattern
1815 |
instead of :/pattern. (My mapping makes it more convenient for
1816 |
me to use the latter when the pattern is complicated, or I want to
1817 |
store it for repeated use.)
1818 |
1819 |
D. Update on dangerous recursions
1820 |
Discovering that ^C interrupted the recursive modeline led me
1821 |
to test it out on a recursive mapping, :ab x ( x ). It interrupts
1822 |
it OK. Problem solved courtesy of 4.2BSD, I guess.
1823 |
1824 |
I will collect under the next heading my usual list of:
1825 |
1826 |
E. Minor bugs and modest suggestions
1827 |
1828 |
ye and yE yank one character less than they should.
1829 |
1830 |
If the command Ne (N a count) would land one on a 1-letter
1831 |
word, one generally lands at the end of the next word instead
1832 |
(even if it is also a 1-letter word. Exception: if one starts
1833 |
at or after the end of the preceding word, e behaves as it should.)
1834 |
1835 |
Note also that in the line
1836 |
Sentence... . Sentence
1837 |
if the cursor is on the second S, the command ( causes no motion
1838 |
at all.
1839 |
1840 |
I suggest that the motion commands { and } should accept indented
1841 |
lines as paragraph-starts, or at least that there should be some
1842 |
way of requesting this in the ":set para=" command. After all, these
1843 |
motions shouldn't be useful only to people writing troff files!
1844 |
1845 |
In general, the command NC (where N is a count) changes material
1846 |
from the cursor position to the end of the Nth line, leaving material
1847 |
before the cursor on the current line unchanged. But if the line
1848 |
is indented, and the cursor is on or before the first nonwhite
1849 |
character, the preceding white text (spaces and tabs) is lost.
1850 |
1851 |
It should be possible to use
1852 |
:unmap #1 :unmap! #1 :unab #1
1853 |
when function-keys have been mapped.
1854 |
1855 |
Sometimes a noisy phone-line, termcap padding errors, etc.
1856 |
cause just one or two lines of the screen to be messed up, and one
1857 |
may only wish to refresh those lines. Could a command be introduced
1858 |
which would do this? Ironically, on a dumb terminal one can generally
1859 |
do this by moving the cursor over the line, but not on a smart terminal.
1860 |
Another way one can do it is ddP, but I would sometimes feel uneasy
1861 |
about unnecessarily modifying the text. I would
1862 |
suggest that the form of the command be 1^L (2^L for 2 lines, etc.).
1863 |
Currently, ^L apparently ignores counts. (Actually, I'm writing at
1864 |
the moment on a tvi, so I've verified this for ^R rather than ^L.)
1865 |
1866 |
If one uses the source command, and the file sourced contains
1867 |
a command
1868 |
:e newfile
1869 |
where newfile does not already exist, the diagnostic ``No such file
1870 |
or directory'' aborts the sourcing process. One ought to be able to
1871 |
use such commands in a sourced file.
1872 |
1873 |
In vi screen command mode, ^[ is supposed to ``cancel partially
1874 |
formed commands'' and generally does so without protesting, but if the
1875 |
partially formed command is a count (e.g., if one has typed 110 instead
1876 |
of 10 and wishes to start over) it feeps, which depending on one's
1877 |
terminal can be a minor or a major annoyance. (Also depending on
1878 |
whether someone is trying to sleep in the next room.)
1879 |
1880 |
The diagnostic, ``First address exceeds second'' should not be
1881 |
needed with one-address commands! The case where a series of addresses
1882 |
before a command, of which the first may exceed the second, is most
1883 |
useful is when the last address is a pattern-search preceded
1884 |
by a ";", e.g.
1885 |
:$;?^\.PP?-r otherfile
1886 |
but let me give simpler examples; of the two commands
1887 |
:3,1,2ka :1,3,2ka
1888 |
the first correctly marks line 2, but the second is aborted by the
1889 |
diagnostic quoted.
1890 |
1891 |
F. A feature that would be very desirable, and might or might not
1892 |
be easy to implement.
1893 |
1894 |
In general, when one is inserting text on a smart terminal in vi,
1895 |
the context below the text being added is pushed downward, line by line,
1896 |
till none is left on the screen. I would like a settable option that
1897 |
kept a certain number of lines of following context on the screen
1898 |
during additions. The point is that one should see the material that
1899 |
what one is writing will have to mesh with. What would be involved in
1900 |
implementing this would, of course, depend on terminal capabilities.
1901 |
If it would be difficult to keep an arbitrary number of lines,
1902 |
would it at least be possible to have an option that would keep one
1903 |
line, using the special bottom-line feature of some terminals?
1904 |
1905 |
G. More radical suggestions (wishlist).
1906 |
1907 |
1) Editing text with _u_n_d_e_r_l_i_n_i_n_g.
1908 |
Although one of the valuable features of vi is the explicitness
1909 |
with which most nonprinting characters are shown, this can be annoying
1910 |
when one wants to deal with text in which many characters
1911 |
are ``emphasized'' using the sequence _^H; e.g. nroff output. I
1912 |
suggest a settable option under which such sequences would be shown as
1913 |
with ul.
1914 |
I realize that this would involve working out a great number
1915 |
of details, e.g. would motion commands treat _^Hx as one
1916 |
character or as three? How would the nth column be defined? How
1917 |
would one place the cursor on one of the elements of the string
1918 |
_^Hx for editing purposes? What would be done with _^H^A or _^H_^H....?
1919 |
I think the best solution would be to treat _^Hx as a single
1920 |
character for the purposes of motion commands, definition of nth
1921 |
column, deletions, etc. when this option was set. In terms of placing
1922 |
the cursor, two possibilities occur to me. One would be to only allow
1923 |
the cursor to sit on the underlined character ``as a whole'', and to
1924 |
have changes in underlining done by special commands: perhaps ^E as a
1925 |
toggle to turn emphasis on and off in insert mode, _ to change
1926 |
underlining in screen command mode as ~ changes capitalization
1927 |
("_" is at present a synonym to "^", except
1928 |
that it takes counts. ^ could be modified to take
1929 |
counts, and _ then used as suggested above), and \e in replacement
1930 |
patterns. The other would be to consider a cursor sitting ``on''
1931 |
a sequence _^Hx to actually be on the x, and to set things up so that
1932 |
if the cursor is on any of the other members of this sequence, the
1933 |
sequence is ``expanded'' on the screen, i.e. shown as it is in the
1934 |
present vi. Then define a single vi command so as not to skip over
1935 |
the _ and ^H in such a sequence; namely ^H. (This would mean
1936 |
making a distinction between h and ^H in screen command mode.)
1937 |
This one motion would allow one to edit parts of such a sequence.
1938 |
1939 |
2) Editing several files at once.
1940 |
When I have to do work that involves more than one file, the
1941 |
repeated use of :w|e#, yanking text to named buffers to move it, losing
1942 |
marked lines when I return to a previous file, etc. becomes
1943 |
annoying. I think it would be desirable if one could make a group
1944 |
of files behave like one file during an editing session, and move
1945 |
around within that file as comfortably as one move within one file.
1946 |
I suggest that visually, each file be separated from the next
1947 |
by a pattern
1948 |
1949 |
as when ``more'' is applied to a group of files.
1950 |
For ``Go to file 3, line 20'' I suggest a screen command syntax
1951 |
*3*20G. *-1* and *+2* could mean ``the preceding file'' and ``the
1952 |
file after next'' in such commands. (The initial * could be optional
1953 |
if there is no preceding + or -, as in the first example.) In a
1954 |
command such as :w, the default address range would be all of the file
1955 |
to which the current line belongs (i.e.,
1956 |
it would be a synonym for :*.*w) To write all files, I suggest :**w.
1957 |
:q, :x and ZZ would quit the editing session entirely, while :*1*q
1958 |
would remove the buffer of file 1 from the object being edited.
1959 |
On the other hand, relative motions such as 10j, H, etc. would work
1960 |
within the ``visible object'', the union of the files.
1961 |
%s/pattern/repl/ would apply to the file containing the current line,
1962 |
and would have the synonym *.*s/pattern/repl/, while
1963 |
*1,2,4*s/pattern/repl/ would affect the 3 indicated files, and
1964 |
**s/pattern/repl/ would affect all files.
1965 |
1966 |
3) Input and output of shell escapes.
1967 |
The various commands involving shell escapes that you have
1968 |
set up allow four possible relations between the text being edited
1969 |
and the input and output of the commands: none (:!command);
1970 |
specified line-range as input with output not affecting text
1971 |
(:address-range w !command); no input from text but output inserted at
1972 |
specified line (:address r !command); and specified input from text
1973 |
with output replacing input (:address-range !command).
1974 |
It would be nice to have more flexibility; in particular, to
1975 |
be able to include input from the file and place the output somewhere
1976 |
else in the file without destroying the input text, and to input
1977 |
more than one segment of text, e.g.
1978 |
!egrep -f[addr.range] [other.addr.range] > [place of insertion]
1979 |
Obviously, there would be a problem of setting up a syntax that would
1980 |
avoid confusion with strings that look like address-ranges in the
1981 |
shell command. Perhaps \[...\] could enclose address-ranges where
1982 |
I have used [...] above.
1983 |
1984 |
4) ;
1985 |
The ; syntax, allowing one to do a pattern-search starting
1986 |
from a specified line is useful, but in setting up 2-address commands,
1987 |
one does not necessarily want the point from which one starts the
1988 |
search for the second address to be the first address. If this business
1989 |
were being set up now, I would suggest that
1990 |
1991 |
should simply be a way of specifying the result of doing the indicated
1992 |
pattern-search relative to the indicated address, so that
1993 |
1994 |
would delete from address1 to the location found by the pattern-search
1995 |
relative to address2. Since people are used to the existing
1996 |
syntax of ;, I suggest that some other symbol be used in the above
1997 |
way, e.g. ], so that
1998 |
1999 |
could be interpreted as described.
2000 |
2001 |
5) Insertions into long lines on smart terminals at low or medium
2002 |
baud rate (e.g. 1200).
2003 |
This is annoying because the material coming after the point
2004 |
of insertion begins to wrap around, and the cursor must jump back and
2005 |
forth, inserting characters at the beginning of the
2006 |
continuation line, then going back to the point of insertion, and so
2007 |
on. (At least, this is my experience on my Z29. I haven't done
2008 |
editing by phone connection on any other smart terminal.) It's
2009 |
actually nicer on a dumb terminal, where the editor just overwrites,
2010 |
and shows you the result after you escape. I suppose that the need
2011 |
for the cursor to jump back and forth is due to the deficiency of the
2012 |
terminals -- has anyone suggested to terminal manufacturers that along
2013 |
with the wraparound feature, they add a feature which ``remembers''
2014 |
when a line is a continuation of the preceding line, and automatically
2015 |
pushes material from the preceding line into the continuation line
2016 |
when characters are added to the former, eliminating the need to send
2017 |
all these instructions in over a slow line? (Do terminal manufacturers
2018 |
listen to editor-software specialists?) If not, it might just
2019 |
be best to not show the pushed-over earlier material till the insertion
2020 |
is complete.
2021 |
2022 |
6) Filename convention
2023 |
This is really a suggestion for UNIX generally, but it could be
2024 |
implemented on the editor separately. It is that for any file,
2025 |
filename/.. denote the directory in which the file lies. (This
2026 |
does not mean that every file should be treated as a directory, or
2027 |
that the ls command should show filename/..; it would just
2028 |
be a convenient way to refer to the directory containing a given
2029 |
nondirectory file, consistent with the existing convention for
2030 |
directories.) Within the editor, the important cases would be
2031 |
%/.. and #/.., allowing commands such as:
2032 |
:1,10w %/../othername
2033 |
2034 |
All for now! Yours,
2035 |
2036 |