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<title>A Guide to the TDF Specification, Issue 4.0</title>
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<corpauthor>The TenDRA Project</corpauthor>
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<surname>Ruigrok van der Werven</surname>
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<holder>The TenDRA Project</holder>
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<chapter id="introduction">
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<para>This memo is intended to be a fairly detailed commentary on the
40 |
specification of TDF, a kind of Talmud to the Torah. If it conflicts
41 |
with the specification document, it is wrong. The aim is elucidate the
42 |
various constructions of TDF, giving examples of usages both from the
43 |
point of view of a producer of TDF and how it is used to construct
44 |
programs on particular platforms using various installers or
45 |
translators. In addition, some attempt is made to give the reasons why
46 |
the particular constructions have been chosen. Most of the commentary is
47 |
a distillation of questions and answers raised by people trying to learn
48 |
TDF from the specification document.</para>
49 |
50 |
<para>Throughout this document, references like (S5.1) are headings in the
51 |
<ulink url="../tdf/spec1.html">TDF specification, Issue 4.0</ulink>.
52 |
I use the term "compiling" or "producing" to mean the production of TDF
53 |
from some source language and "translating" to mean making a program for
54 |
some specific platform from TDF.</para>
55 |
56 |
<para>I use the first person where I am expressing my own opinions or
57 |
preferences; these should not be taken as official opinions of DRA or
58 |
the TenDRA team.</para>
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<sect1 id="sorts-and-tokens">
63 |
<title>SORTs and TOKENs</title>
64 |
65 |
<para>In the syntax of language like C or Pascal, we find various
66 |
syntactic units like <Expression>, <Identifier> etc. A
67 |
SORT bears the same relation to TDF as these syntactic units bear to
68 |
the language; roughly speaking, the syntactic unit <Expression>
69 |
corresponds to the SORT EXP and <Identifier> to TAG . However,
70 |
instead of using BNF to compose syntactic units from others, TDF uses
71 |
explicit constructors to compose its SORTs; each constructor uses
72 |
other pieces of TDF of specified SORTs to make a piece of its result
73 |
SORT. For example, the constructor plus uses an ERROR_TREATMENT and
74 |
two EXPs to make another EXP.</para>
75 |
76 |
<para>At the moment, there are 58 different SORTS, from ACCESS to
77 |
VARIETY given in tables 1 and 2. Some of these have familiar analogues
78 |
in standard language construction as with EXP and TAG above. Others
79 |
will be less familiar since TDF must concern itself with issues not
80 |
normally addressed in language definitions. For example, the process
81 |
of linking together TDF programs is at the root of the architecture
82 |
neutrality of TDF and so must form an integral part of its definition.
83 |
On the other hand, TDF is not meant to be a language readily
84 |
accessible to the human reader or writer; computers handle it much
85 |
more easily. Thus a great many choices have been made in the
86 |
definition which would be intolerable in a standard language
87 |
definition for the human programmer but which, paradoxically enough,
88 |
make it much simpler for a computer to produce and analyse TDF</para>
89 |
90 |
<para>The SORTs and constructors in effect form a multi-sorted algebra.
91 |
There were two principal reasons for choosing this algebraic form of
92 |
definition. First, it is easy to extend - a new operation on existing
93 |
constructs simply requires a new constructor. Secondly, the algebraic
94 |
form is highly amenable to the automatic construction of programs.
95 |
Large parts of both TDF producers and TDF translators have been
96 |
created by automatic transformation of the text of the specification
97 |
document itself, by extracting the algebraic signature and
98 |
constructing C program which can read or produce TDF. To this extent,
99 |
one can regard the specification document as a formal description of
100 |
the free algebra of TDF SORTs and constructors. Of course, most of the
101 |
interesting parts of the definition of TDF lies in the equivalences of
102 |
parts of TDF, so this formality only covers the easy bit.</para>
103 |
104 |
<para>Another distinction between the TDF definition and language
105 |
syntactic description is that TDF is to some extent conscious of its
106 |
own SORTs so that it can specify a new construction of a given SORT.
107 |
The analogy in normal languages would be that one could define a new
108 |
construction with new syntax and say this is an example of an
109 |
<Expression>, for example; I don't know of any standard language
110 |
which permits this, although those of you with a historical bent might
111 |
remember Algol-N which made a valiant attempt at it. Of course, the
112 |
algebraic method of description makes it much easier to specify,
113 |
rather than having to give syntax to provide the syntax for the new
114 |
construction in a language.</para>
115 |
116 |
117 |
<title>Token applications and first-class SORTs</title>
118 |
119 |
<para>A new construction is introduced by the SORT TOKEN; the
120 |
constructors involving TOKENs allow one to give an expansion for the
121 |
TOKEN in terms of other pieces of TDF, possibly including
122 |
parameters. We can encapsulate a (possibly parameterised) fragment
123 |
of TDF of a suitable SORT by giving it a TOKEN as identification.
124 |
Not all of the SORTs are available for this kind of encapsulation
125 |
- only those which have a SORTNAME constructor (from access to
126 |
variety). These are the "first-class" SORTs given in table 1. Each
127 |
of these have an appropriate _apply_token constructor (e.g.
128 |
exp_apply_token) give the expansion. Most of these also have _cond
129 |
constructors (e.g.see exp_cond in
130 |
<link linkend="cond-constructors">section 9.1</link>)
131 |
which allows translate time conditional expansion of the
132 |
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<imagedata fileref="images/guidetable3.png" format="PNG"/>
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<para>Every TOKEN has a result SORT, i.e. the SORT of its resulting
147 |
expansion and before it can be expanded, one must have its parameter
148 |
SORTs. Thus, you can regard a TOKEN as having a type defined by its
149 |
result and parameter SORTs and the _apply_token as the operator
150 |
which expands the encapsulation and substitutes the
151 |
152 |
153 |
<para>However, if we look at the signature of exp_apply_token:</para>
154 |
155 |
156 |
token_value: TOKEN
157 |
token_args: BITSTREAM param_sorts(token_value)
158 |
-> EXP x
159 |
160 |
161 |
<para>we are confronted by the mysterious BITSTREAM where one might
162 |
expect to find the actual parameters of the TOKEN.</para>
163 |
164 |
<para>To explain BITSTREAMs requires a diversion into the bit-encoding
165 |
of TDF. Constructors for a particular SORT are represented in a
166 |
number of bits depending on the number of constructors for that
167 |
SORT; the context will determine the SORT required, so no more bits
168 |
are required. Thus since there is only one constructor for UNITs, no
169 |
bits are required to represent make_unit; there are about 120
170 |
different constructors for EXPs so 7 bits are required to cover all
171 |
the EXPs. The parameters of each constructor have known SORTs and so
172 |
their representations are just concatenated after the representation
173 |
of the constructor.
174 |
175 |
<footnote><para>There are facilities to allow extensions to the
176 |
number of constructors, so it is not quite as simple as
177 |
178 |
179 |
While this is a very compact representation, it suffers from the
180 |
defect that one must decode it even just to skip over it. This is
181 |
very irksome is some applications, notably the TDF linker which is
182 |
not interested detailed expansions. Similarly, in translators there
183 |
are places where one wishes to skip over a token application without
184 |
knowledge of the SORTs of its parameters. Thus a BITSTREAM is just
185 |
an encoding of some TDF, preceded by the number of bits it occupies.
186 |
Applications can then skip over BITSTREAMs trivially. Similar
187 |
considerations apply to BYTESTREAMs used elsewhere; here the
188 |
encoding is preceded by the number of bytes in the encoding and is
189 |
aligned to a byte boundary to allow fast copying.</para>
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 |
<title>Token definitions and declarations</title>
194 |
195 |
<para>Thus the <parameter>token_args</parameter> parameter of
196 |
exp_apply_token is just the BITSTREAM formed from the actual
197 |
parameters in the sequence described by the definition of the
198 |
<parameter>token_value</parameter> parameter. This will be given in
199 |
a TOKEN_DEFN somewhere with constructor token_definition:</para>
200 |
201 |
202 |
result_sort: SORTNAME
203 |
tok_params: LIST(TOKFORMALS)
204 |
body: result_sort
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
<para>The <type>result_sort</type> is the SORT of the construction of
209 |
<type> body</type>; e.g. if <type>result_sort</type> is formed from
210 |
exp then <type>body</type> would be constructed using the EXP
211 |
constructors and one would use exp_apply_token to give the
212 |
expansion. The list <type>tok_params</type> gives the formal
213 |
parameters of the definition in terms of TOKFORMALS constructed
214 |
using make_tok_formals:</para>
215 |
216 |
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218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
<para>The TDFINT <type>tk</type> will be the integer representation of
223 |
the formal parameter expressed as a TOKEN whose result sort is
224 |
<type>sn</type> (see more about name representation in
225 |
<link linkend="make_capsule-and-name-spaces">section 3.1</link>). To
226 |
use the parameter in the body of the TOKEN_DEFN, one simply uses the
227 |
_apply_token appropriate to <type>sn</type>.Note that sn may be a
228 |
TOKEN but the <type>result_sort</type> may not.</para>
229 |
230 |
<para>Hence the BITSTREAM
231 |
<type>param_sorts</type>(<parameter>token_value</parameter>) in the
232 |
actual parameter of exp_apply_token above is simply formed by the
233 |
catenation of constructions of the SORTs given by the SORTNAMEs in
234 |
the <type>tok_params</type> of the TOKEN being expanded.</para>
235 |
236 |
<para>Usually one gives a name to a TOKEN_DEFN using to form a TOKDEF
237 |
using make_tokdef :</para>
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
signature: OPTION(STRING)
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
<para>Here, <type>tok</type> gives the name that will be used to
247 |
identify the TOKEN whose expansion is given by <type>def</type>. Any
248 |
use of this TOKEN (e.g. in exp_apply_token) will be given by
249 |
make_token(<type>tok</type>). Once again, a BITSTREAM is used to
250 |
encapsulate the TOKEN_DEFN.</para>
251 |
252 |
<para>The significance of the signature parameter is discussed in
253 |
<link linkend="declaration-and-definition-signatures">section
254 |
255 |
256 |
<para>Often, one wishes a token without giving its definition - the
257 |
definition could, for example, be platform-dependent. A TOKDEC
258 |
introduces such a token using make_tokdec:</para>
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
signature: OPTION(STRING)
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
<para>Here the SORTNAME, <type>s</type>, is given by token:</para>
268 |
269 |
270 |
result: SORTNAME
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
<para>which gives the result and parameter SORTs of
276 |
277 |
278 |
<para>One can also use a TOKEN_DEFN in an anonymous fashion by giving
279 |
it as an actual parameter of a TOKEN which itself demands a TOKEN
280 |
parameter. To do this one simply uses use_tokdef:</para>
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
<title>A simple use of a TOKEN</title>
290 |
291 |
<para>The crucial use of TOKENs in TDF is to provide abstractions of
292 |
APIs (see <link linkend="tokens-and-apis">section 10</link>) but
293 |
they are also used as shorthand for commonly occurring
294 |
constructions. For example, given the TDF constructor plus,
295 |
mentioned above, we could define a plus with only two EXP parameters
296 |
more suitable to C by using the wrap constructor as the
297 |
298 |
299 |
300 |
make_tokdef(C_plus, empty, token_definition(exp(), (make_tokformals(exp(), l),
301 |
make_tokformals(exp(), r)),
302 |
plus(wrap(), exp_apply_token(l, ()), exp_apply_token(r, ())))
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
<title>Second class SORTs</title>
308 |
309 |
<para>Second class SORTs (given in table 2) cannot be
310 |
TOKENised. These are the "syntactic units" of TDF which the user
311 |
cannot extend; he can only produce them using the constructors
312 |
defined in core-TDF.</para>
313 |
314 |
<para>Some of these constructors are implicit. For example, there are
315 |
no explicit constructors for LIST or SLIST which are both used to
316 |
form lists of SORTs; their construction is simply part of the
317 |
encoding of TDF. However, it is forseen that LIST constructors would
318 |
be highly desireable and there will probably extensions to TDF to
319 |
promote LIST from a second-class SORT to a first-class one. This
320 |
will not apply to SLIST or to the other SORTs which have implicit
321 |
constructions. These include BITSTREAM, BYTESTREAM, TDFINT, TDFIDENT
322 |
and TDFSTRING.</para>
323 |
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 |
<title>CAPSULEs and UNITs</title>
328 |
329 |
<para>A CAPSULE is typically the result of a single compilation - one
330 |
could regard it as being the TDF analogue of a Unix .o file. Just as
331 |
with .o files, a set of CAPSULEs can be linked together to form
332 |
another. Similarly, a CAPSULE may be translated to make program for
333 |
some platform, provided certain conditions are met. One of these
334 |
conditions is obviously that a translator exists for the platform, but
335 |
there are others. They basically state that any names that are
336 |
undefined in the CAPSULE can be supplied by the system in which it is
337 |
to be run. For example, the translator could produce assembly code
338 |
with external identifiers which will be supplied by some system
339 |
340 |
341 |
<sect2 id="make_capsule-and-name-spaces">
342 |
<title>make_capsule and name-spaces</title>
343 |
344 |
<para>The only constructor for a CAPSULE is make_capsule. Its basic
345 |
function is to compose together UNITs which contain the declarations
346 |
and definitions of the program. The signature of make_capsule looks
347 |
rather daunting and is probable best represented graphically.</para>
348 |
349 |
350 |
351 |
<imagedata fileref="images/guide2.png" format="PNG"/>
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361 |
<para>The diagram gives an example of a CAPSULE using the same
362 |
components as in the following text.</para>
363 |
364 |
<para>Each CAPSULE has its own name-space, distinct from all other
365 |
CAPSULEs' name-spaces and also from the name-spaces of its component
366 |
UNITs (see <link linkened="#11">section 3.1.2</link>). There are
367 |
several different kinds of names in TDF and each name-space is
368 |
further subdivided into one for each kind of name. The number of
369 |
different kinds of names is potentially unlimited but only three are
370 |
used in core-TDF, namely "tag", "token" and "al_tag". Those names in
371 |
a "tag" name-space generally correspond to identifiers in normal
372 |
programs and I shall use these as the paradigm for the properties of
373 |
them all.</para>
374 |
375 |
<para>The actual representations of a "tag" name in a given name-space
376 |
is an integer, described as SORT TDFINT. These integers are drawn
377 |
from a contiguous set starting from 0 up to some limit given by the
378 |
constructor which introduces the name-space. For CAPSULE
379 |
name-spaces, this is given by the <type>capsule_linking</type>
380 |
parameter of make_capsule:</para>
381 |
382 |
383 |
capsule_linking: SLIST(CAPSULE_LINK)
384 |
385 |
386 |
<para>In the most general case in core-TDF, there would be three
387 |
entries in the list introducing limits using make_capsule_link for
388 |
each of the "tag", "token" and "al_tag" name-spaces for the CAPSULE.
389 |
Thus if:</para>
390 |
391 |
392 |
capsule_linking = (make_capsule_link("tag", 5),
393 |
make_capsule_link("token", 6),
394 |
make_capsule_link("al_tag", 7))
395 |
396 |
397 |
<para>there are 5 CAPSULE "tag" names used within the CAPSULE, namely
398 |
0, 1, 2, 3 and 4; similarly there are 6 "token" names and 7 "al_tag"
399 |
400 |
401 |
<sect3 id="external-linkages">
402 |
<title>External linkages</title>
403 |
404 |
<para>The context of usage will always determine when and how an
405 |
integer is to be interpreted as a name in a particular name-space.
406 |
For example, a TAG in a UNIT is constructed by make_tag applied to
407 |
a TDFINT which will be interpreted as a name from that UNIT's
408 |
"tag" name-space. An integer representing a name in the CAPSULE
409 |
name-space would be found in a LINKEXTERN of the
410 |
<type>external_linkage</type> parameter of make_capsule.</para>
411 |
412 |
413 |
external_linkage: SLIST(EXTERN_LINK)
414 |
415 |
416 |
<para>Each EXTERN_LINK is itself formed from an SLIST of LINKEXTERNs
417 |
given by make_extern_link . The order of the EXTERN_LINKs
418 |
determines which name-space one is dealing with; they are in the
419 |
same order as given by the <type>extern_linkage</type> parameter.
420 |
Thus, with the <type>extern_linkage</type> given above, the first
421 |
EXTERN_LINK would deal with the "tag" name-space; Each of its
422 |
component LINKEXTERNs constructed by make_linkextern would be
423 |
identifying a tag number with some name external to the CAPSULE;
424 |
for example one might be:</para>
425 |
426 |
427 |
make_linkextern(4, string_extern("printf"))
428 |
429 |
430 |
<para>This would mean: identify the CAPSULE's "tag" 4 with an name
431 |
called "printf", external to the module. The name "printf" would
432 |
be used to linkage external to the CAPSULE; any name required
433 |
outside the CAPSULE would have to be linked like
434 |
435 |
436 |
<sect3 id="units">
437 |
438 |
439 |
<para>This name "printf", of course, does not necessarily mean the C
440 |
procedure in the system library. This depends both on the system
441 |
context in which the CAPSULE is translated and also the meaning of
442 |
the CAPSULE "tag" name 4 given by the component UNITs of the
443 |
CAPSULE in the <type>groups</type> parameter of
444 |
445 |
446 |
447 |
groups: SLIST(GROUP)
448 |
449 |
450 |
<para>Each GROUP in the <type>groups</type> SLIST will be formed by
451 |
sets of UNITs of the same kind. Once again, there are a
452 |
potentially unlimited number of kinds of UNITs but core-TDF only
453 |
uses those named "tld","al_tagdefs", "tagdecs", "tagdefs",
454 |
"tokdecs" and "tokdefs".
455 |
456 |
<footnote><para>The "tld" UNITs gives usage information for names
457 |
to aid the linker, tld, to discover which namess have
458 |
definitions and some usage information. The C producer also
459 |
optionally constructs "diagnostics" UNITs (to give run-time
460 |
diagnostic information).</para></footnote>
461 |
462 |
These names will appear (in the same order as in
463 |
<type>groups</type>) in the <type>prop_names</type> parameter of
464 |
make_capsule, one for each kind of UNIT appearing in the
465 |
466 |
467 |
468 |
prop_names: SLIST(TDFIDENT)
469 |
470 |
471 |
<para>Thus if:</para>
472 |
473 |
474 |
prop_names = ("tagdecs", "tagdefs")
475 |
476 |
477 |
<para>then, the first element of <type>groups</type> would contain
478 |
only "tagdecs" UNITs and and the second would contain only
479 |
"tagdefs" UNITs. A "tagdecs" UNIT contains things rather like a
480 |
set of global identifier declarations in C, while a "tagdefs" UNIT
481 |
is like a set of global definitions of identifiers.</para>
482 |
483 |
484 |
<sect3 id="make_unit">
485 |
486 |
487 |
<para>Now we come to the construction of UNITs using make_unit, as
488 |
in the diagram below
489 |
490 |
491 |
492 |
<imagedata fileref="images/guide1.png" format="PNG"/>
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500 |
501 |
502 |
503 |
<para>First we give the limits of the various name-spaces local to
504 |
the UNIT in the <type>local_vars</type> parameter:</para>
505 |
506 |
507 |
local_vars: SLIST(TDFINT)
508 |
509 |
510 |
<para>Just in the same way as with <type>external_linkage</type>,
511 |
the numbers in local_vars correspond (in the same order) to the
512 |
spaces indicated in <type>capsule_linking</type> in
513 |
<link linkend="make_capsule-and-name-spaces">section 3.1</link>.
514 |
With our example,the first element of <type>local_vars</type>
515 |
gives the number of "tag" names local to the UNIT, the second
516 |
gives the number of "token" names local to the UNIT etc. These
517 |
will include all the names used in the body of the UNIT. Each
518 |
declaration of a TAG, for example, will use a new number from the
519 |
"tag" name-space; there is no hiding or reuse of names within a
520 |
521 |
522 |
523 |
<sect3 id="link">
524 |
525 |
526 |
<para>Connections between the CAPSULE name-spaces and the UNIT
527 |
name-spaces are made by LINKs in the <parameter>lks</parameter>
528 |
parameter of make_unit:</para>
529 |
530 |
531 |
532 |
533 |
534 |
<para>Once again, <type>lks</type> is effectively indexed by the
535 |
kind of name-space a. Each LINKS is an SLIST of LINKs each of
536 |
which which establish an identity between names in the CAPSULE
537 |
name-space and names in the UNIT name-space. Thus if the first
538 |
element of <type>lks</type> contains:</para>
539 |
540 |
541 |
make_link(42, 4)
542 |
543 |
544 |
<para>then, the UNIT "tag" 42 is identical to the CAPSULE "tag"
545 |
546 |
547 |
<para>Note that names from the CAPSULE name-space only arise in two
548 |
places, LINKs and LINK_EXTERNs. Every other use of names are
549 |
derived from some UNIT name-space.</para>
550 |
551 |
552 |
553 |
<sect2 id="definitions-and-declarations">
554 |
<title>Definitions and declarations</title>
555 |
556 |
<para>The encoding in the <type>properties</type>:BYTESTREAM parameter
557 |
of a UNIT is a PROPS, for which there are five constructors
558 |
corresponding to the kinds of UNITs in core-TDF, make_al_tagdefs,
559 |
make_tagdecs, make_tagdefs, make_tokdefs and make_tokdecs. Each of
560 |
these will declare or define names in the appropriate UNIT
561 |
name-space which can be used by make_link in the UNIT's
562 |
<type>lks</type> parameter as well as elsewhere in the
563 |
<type>properties</type> parameter. The distinction between
564 |
"declarations" and "definitions" is rather similar to C usage; a
565 |
declaration provides the "type" of a name, while a definition gives
566 |
its meaning. For tags, the "type" is the SORT SHAPE (see below). For
567 |
tokens, the "type" is a SORTNAME constructed from the SORTNAMEs of
568 |
the parameters and result of the TOKEN using token:
569 |
570 |
571 |
572 |
result: SORTNAME
573 |
574 |
575 |
576 |
Taking make_tagdefs as a paradigm for PROPS, we have:
577 |
578 |
579 |
no_labels: TDFINT
580 |
581 |
582 |
583 |
584 |
The <type>no_labels</type> parameter introduces the size of yet
585 |
another name-space local to the PROPS, this time for the LABELs used
586 |
in the TAGDEFs. Each TAGDEF in <type>tds</type> will define a "tag"
587 |
name in the UNIT's name-space. The order of these TAGDEFs is
588 |
immaterial since the initialisations of the tags are values which
589 |
can be solved at translate time, load time or as unordered dynamic
590 |
591 |
592 |
<para>There are three constructors for TAGDEFs, each with slightly
593 |
different properties. The simplest is make_id_tagdef:</para>
594 |
595 |
596 |
597 |
signature: OPTION(STRING)
598 |
e: EXP x
599 |
600 |
601 |
602 |
<para>Here, <type>t</type> is the tag name and the evaluation of
603 |
<type>e</type> will be the value of SHAPE <type>x</type> of an
604 |
obtain_tag(<type>t</type>) in an EXP. Note that t is not a variable;
605 |
the value of obtain_tag(<type>t</type>) will be invariant. The
606 |
<type>signature</type> parameter gives a STRING (see
607 |
<link linkend="sort-string">section 3.2.3</link>) which may be used
608 |
as an name for the tag, external to TDF and also as a check
609 |
introduced by the producer that a tagdef and its corresponding
610 |
tagdec have the same notion of the language-specific type of the
611 |
612 |
613 |
<para>The two other constructors for TAGDEF, make_var_tagdef and
614 |
common_tagdef both define variable tags and have the same
615 |
616 |
617 |
618 |
619 |
opt_access: OPTION(ACCESS)
620 |
signature: OPTION(STRING)
621 |
e: EXP x
622 |
623 |
624 |
625 |
<para>Once again <type>t</type> is tag name but now <type>e</type> is
626 |
initialisation of the variable <type>t</type>. A use of
627 |
obtain_tag(<type>t</type>) will give a pointer to the variable (of
628 |
SHAPE POINTER x), rather than its contents.
629 |
630 |
<footnote><para>There is a similar distinction between tags
631 |
introduced to be locals of a procedure using identify and variable
632 |
(see <link linkend="identify-variable">section 5.3.1</link>).</para>
633 |
634 |
635 |
There can only be one make_var_tagdef of a given tag in a program,
636 |
but there may be more than one common_tagdef, possibly with
637 |
different initialisations; however these initialisations must
638 |
overlap consistently just as in common blocks in FORTRAN.</para>
639 |
640 |
<para>The ACCESS parameter gives various properties required for the
641 |
tag being defined and is discussed in
642 |
<link linkend="sort-access">section 5.3.2</link>.</para>
643 |
644 |
<para>The initialisation EXPs of TAGDEFs will be evaluated before the
645 |
"main" program is started. An initialiation EXP must either be a
646 |
constant (in the sense of
647 |
<link linkend="constants">section 9</link>) or reduce to (either
648 |
directly or by token or _cond expansions) to an initial_value:
649 |
650 |
651 |
init: EXP s
652 |
-> EXP s
653 |
654 |
655 |
The translator will arrange that <type>init</type> will be evaluated
656 |
once only before any procedure application, other than those
657 |
themselves involved in initial_values, but after any constant
658 |
initialisations. The order of evaluation of different initial_values
659 |
is arbitrary.</para>
660 |
661 |
<sect3 id="scopes-and-linking">
662 |
<title>Scopes and linking</title>
663 |
664 |
<para>Only names introduced by AL_TAGDEFS, TAGDEFS, TAGDECs, TOKDECs
665 |
and TOKDEFs can be used in other UNITs (and then, only via the
666 |
<type>lks</type> parameters of the UNITs involved). You can regard
667 |
them as being similar to C global declarations. Token definitions
668 |
include their declarations implicitly; however this is not true of
669 |
tags. This means that any CAPSULE which uses or defines a tag
670 |
across UNITs must include a TAGDEC for that tag in its "tagdecs"
671 |
UNITs. A TAGDEC is constructed using either make_id_tagdec,
672 |
make_var_tagdec or common_tagdec, all with the same form:
673 |
674 |
675 |
t_intro: TDFINT
676 |
677 |
signature: OPTION(STRING)
678 |
679 |
680 |
681 |
682 |
Here the tagname is given by <type>t_intro</type>; the SHAPE
683 |
<type>x</type> will defined the space and alignment required for the
684 |
tag (this is analogous to the type in a C declaration). The
685 |
<type>acc</type> field will define certain properties of the tag not
686 |
implicit in its SHAPE; I shall return to the kinds of properties
687 |
envisaged in discussing local declarations in
688 |
<link linkend="defining-and-using-locals">section 5.3</link>.</para>
689 |
690 |
<para>Most program will appear in the "tagdefs" UNITs - they will
691 |
include the definitions of the procedures of the program which in
692 |
turn will include local definitions of tags for the locals of the
693 |
694 |
695 |
<para>The standard TDF linker allows one to link CAPSULEs together
696 |
using the name identifications given in the LINKEXTERNs, perhaps
697 |
hiding some of them in the final CAPSULE. It does this just by
698 |
generating a new CAPSULE name-space, grouping together component
699 |
UNITs of the same kind and replacing their
700 |
<parameter>lks</parameter> parameters with values derived from the
701 |
new CAPSULE name-space without changing the UNITs' name-spaces or
702 |
their <parameter>props</parameter> parameters. The operation of
703 |
grouping together UNITs is effectively assumed to be associative,
704 |
commutative and idempotent e.g. if the same tag is declared in two
705 |
capsules it is assumed to be the same thing . It also means that
706 |
there is no implied order of evaluation of UNITs or of their
707 |
component TAGDEFs</para>
708 |
709 |
<para>Different languages have different conventions for deciding how
710 |
programs are actually run. For example, C requires the presence of a
711 |
suitably defined "main" procedure; this is usually enforced by
712 |
requiring the system ld utility to bind the name "main" along with
713 |
the definitions of any library values required. Otherwise, the C
714 |
conventions are met by standard TDF linking. Other languages have
715 |
more stringent requirements. For example, C++ requires dynamic
716 |
initialisation of globals, using initial_value. As the only runnable
717 |
code in TDF is in procedures, C++ would probably require an
718 |
additional linking phase to construct a "main" procedure which calls
719 |
the initialisation procedures of each CAPSULE involved if the system
720 |
linker did not provide suitable C++ linking.</para>
721 |
722 |
723 |
<sect3 id="declaration-and-definition-signatures">
724 |
<title>Declaration and definition signatures</title>
725 |
726 |
<para>The <type>signature</type> arguments of TAGDEFs and TAGDECs
727 |
are designed to allow a measure of cross-UNIT checking when
728 |
linking independently compiled CAPSULEs. Suppose that we have a
729 |
tag, <type>t</type>, used in one CAPSULE and defined in another;
730 |
the first CAPSULE would have to have a TAGDEC for <type>t</type>
731 |
whose TAGDEF is in the second. The <type>signature</type> STRING
732 |
of both could be arranged to represent the language-specific type
733 |
of <type>t</type> as understood at compilation-time. Clearly, when
734 |
the CAPSULEs are linked the types must be identical and hence
735 |
their STRING representation must be the same - a translator will
736 |
reject any attempt to link definitions and declarations of the
737 |
same object with different signatures.</para>
738 |
739 |
<para>Similar considerations apply to TOKDEFs and TOKDECs; the
740 |
"type" of a TOKEN may not have any familiar analogue in most HLLs,
741 |
but the principle remains the same.</para>
742 |
743 |
744 |
<sect3 id="sort-string">
745 |
746 |
747 |
<para>The SORT STRING is used in various constructs other than
748 |
declarations and definitions. It is a first-class SORT with
749 |
string_apply_token and string_cond. A primitive STRING is
750 |
constructed from a TDFSTRING(k,n) which is an encoding of n
751 |
integers,each of k bits, using make_string:
752 |
753 |
754 |
arg: TDFSTRING(k, n)
755 |
-> STRING(k, n)
756 |
757 |
758 |
STRINGs may be concatenated using concat_string:
759 |
760 |
761 |
arg1: STRING(k, n)
762 |
arg2: STRING(k,m)
763 |
-> STRING(k, n + m)
764 |
765 |
766 |
Being able to compose strings, including token applications etc,
767 |
means that late-binding is possible in <type>signature</type>
768 |
checking in definitions and declarations. This late-binding means
769 |
that the representation of platform-dependent HLL types need only
770 |
be fully expanded at install-time and hence the types could be
771 |
expressed in their representational form on the specific
772 |
773 |
774 |
775 |
776 |
777 |
778 |
<title>SHAPEs, ALIGNMENTs and OFFSETs.</title>
779 |
780 |
<para>In most languages there is some notion of the type of a value.
781 |
This is often an uncomfortable mix of a definition of a representation
782 |
for the value and a means of choosing which operators are applicable
783 |
to the value. The TDF analogue of the type of value is its SHAPE
784 |
(S3.20). A SHAPE is only concerned with the representation of a value,
785 |
being an abstraction of its size and alignment properties. Clearly an
786 |
architecture-independent representation of a program cannot say, for
787 |
example, that a pointer is 32 bits long; the size of pointers has to
788 |
be abstracted so that translations to particular architectures can
789 |
choose the size that is apposite for the platform.</para>
790 |
791 |
<sect2 id="S19">
792 |
793 |
794 |
<para>There are ten different basic constructors for the SORT SHAPE
795 |
from bitfield to top as shown in table 3. SHAPEs arising from those
796 |
constructors are used as qualifiers (just using an upper case
797 |
version of the constructor name) to various SORTs in the definition;
798 |
for example, EXP TOP is an expression with top SHAPE. This is just
799 |
used for definitional purposes only; there is no SORT SHAPENAME as
800 |
one has SORTNAME.</para>
801 |
802 |
<para>In the TDF specification of EXPs, you will observe that all EXPs
803 |
in constructor signatures are all qualified by the SHAPE name; for
804 |
example, a parameter might be EXP INTEGER(v). This merely means that
805 |
for the construct to be meaningful the parameter must be derived
806 |
from a constructor defined to be an EXP INTEGER(v). You might be
807 |
forgiven for assuming that TDF is hence strongly-typed by its
808 |
SHAPEs. This is not true; the producer must get it right. There are
809 |
some checks in translators, but these are not exhaustive and are
810 |
more for the benefit of translator writers than for the user. A tool
811 |
for testing the SHAPE correctness of a TDF program would be useful
812 |
but has yet to be written.</para>
813 |
814 |
<sect3 id="S20">
815 |
<title>TOP, BOTTOM, LUB</title>
816 |
817 |
<para>Two of the SHAPE constructions are rather specialised; these
818 |
are TOP and BOTTOM. The result of any expression with a TOP shape
819 |
will always be discarded; examples are those produced by assign
820 |
and integer_test . A BOTTOM SHAPE is produced by an expression
821 |
which will leave the current flow of control e.g. goto . The
822 |
significance of these SHAPEs only really impinges on the
823 |
computation of the shapes of constructs which have alternative
824 |
expressions as results. For example, the result of conditional is
825 |
the result of one of its component expressions. In this case, the
826 |
SHAPE of the result is described as the LUB of the SHAPEs of the
827 |
components. This simply means that if one of the component SHAPEs
828 |
is TOP then the resulting SHAPE is TOP; if one is BOTTOM then the
829 |
resulting SHAPE is the SHAPE of the other; otherwise both
830 |
component SHAPEs must be equal and is the resulting SHAPE. Since
831 |
this operation is associative, commutative and idempotent, we can
832 |
speak quite unambiguously of the LUB of several SHAPEs.</para>
833 |
834 |
835 |
<sect3 id="S21">
836 |
837 |
838 |
<para>Integer values in TDF have shape INTEGER(v) where v is of SORT
839 |
VARIETY. The constructor for this SHAPE is integer with a VARIETY
840 |
parameter. The basic constructor for VARIETY is var_limits which
841 |
has a pair of signed natural numbers as parameters giving the
842 |
limits of possible values that the integer can attain. The SHAPE
843 |
required for a 32 bit signed integer would be:
844 |
845 |
846 |
integer(var_limits(-2<superscript>31</superscript>, 2<superscript>31</superscript> - 1))
847 |
848 |
849 |
while an unsigned char is:
850 |
851 |
852 |
integer(var_limits(0, 255))
853 |
854 |
855 |
A translator should represent each integer variety by an object
856 |
big enough (or bigger) to contain all the possible values with
857 |
limits of the VARIETY. That being said, I must confess that most
858 |
current translators do not handle integers of more than the
859 |
maximum given naturally by the target architecture, but this will
860 |
be rectified in due course.
861 |
862 |
<para>The other way of constructing a VARIETY is to specify the
863 |
number of bits required for its 2s-complemennt representation
864 |
using var_width:</para>
865 |
866 |
867 |
signed_width: BOOL
868 |
width: NAT
869 |
870 |
871 |
872 |
873 |
874 |
<sect3 id="S22">
875 |
<title>FLOATING and complex</title>
876 |
877 |
<para>Similarly, floating point and complex numbers have shape
878 |
FLOATING qualified by a FLOATING_VARIETY.</para>
879 |
880 |
<para>A FLOATING_VARIETY for a real number is constructed using
881 |
882 |
883 |
884 |
base: NAT
885 |
mantissa_digits: NAT
886 |
minimum_exponent: NAT
887 |
maximum_exponent:: NAT
888 |
889 |
890 |
891 |
<para>A FLOATING_VARIETY specifies the base, number of mantissa
892 |
digits, and maximum and minimum exponent. Once again, it is
893 |
intended that the translator will choose a representation which
894 |
will contain all possible values, but in practice only those which
895 |
are included in IEEE float, double and extended are actually
896 |
897 |
898 |
<para>Complex numbers have a floating variety constructed by
899 |
complex_parms which has the the same signature as fvar_parms. The
900 |
representation of these numbers is likely to be a pair of real
901 |
numbers each defined as if by fvar_parms with the same arguments.
902 |
The real and imaginary parts of of a complex number can be
903 |
extracted using real_part and imaginary_part; these could have
904 |
been injected ito the complex number using make_complex or any of
905 |
the complex operations. Many translators will simply transform
906 |
complex numbers into COMPOUNDs consisting of two floating point
907 |
numbers, transforming the complex operations into floating point
908 |
operations on the fields.</para>
909 |
910 |
911 |
<sect3 id="S23">
912 |
913 |
914 |
<para>A number of contiguous bits have shape BITFIELD, qualified by
915 |
a BITFIELD_VARIETY (S3.4) which gives the number of bits involved
916 |
and whether these bits are to be treated as signed or unsigned
917 |
integers. Current translators put a maximum of 32 or 64 on the
918 |
number of bits.</para>
919 |
920 |
921 |
<sect3 id="S24">
922 |
923 |
924 |
<para>The representational SHAPEs of procedure values is given by
925 |
PROC with constructor proc . I shall return to this in the
926 |
description of the operations which use it.</para>
927 |
928 |
929 |
<sect3 id="S25">
930 |
<title>Non-primitive SHAPEs</title>
931 |
932 |
<para>The construction of the other four SHAPEs involves either
933 |
existing SHAPEs or the alignments of existing SHAPEs. These are
934 |
constructed by compound, nof, offset and pointer. Before
935 |
describing these, we require a digression into what is meant by
936 |
alignments and offsets.</para>
937 |
938 |
939 |
940 |
941 |
942 |
943 |
<para>In most processor architectures there are limitations on how one
944 |
can address particular kinds of objects in convenient ways. These
945 |
limitations are usually defined as part of the ABI for the
946 |
processor. For example, in the MIPs processor the fastest way to
947 |
access a 32-bit integer is to ensure that the address of the integer
948 |
is aligned on a 4-byte boundary in the address space; obviously one
949 |
can extract a mis-aligned integer but not in one machine
950 |
instruction. Similarly, 16-bit integers should be aligned on a
951 |
2-byte boundary. In principle, each primitive object could have
952 |
similar restrictions for efficient access and these restrictions
953 |
could vary from platform to platform. Hence, the notion of alignment
954 |
has to be abstracted to form part of the architecture independent
955 |
TDF - we cannot assume that any particular alignment regime will
956 |
hold universally.</para>
957 |
958 |
<para>The abstraction of alignments clearly has to cover compound
959 |
objects as well as primitive ones like integers. For example, if a
960 |
field of structure in C is to be accessed efficiently, then the
961 |
alignment of the field will influence the alignment of the structure
962 |
as whole; the structure itself could be a component of a larger
963 |
object whose alignment must then depend on the alignment of the
964 |
structure and so on. In general, we find that a compound alignment
965 |
is given by the maximum alignment of its components, regardless of
966 |
the form of the compound object e.g. whether it is a structure,
967 |
union, array or whatever.</para>
968 |
969 |
<para>This gives an immediate handle on the abstraction of the
970 |
alignment of a compound object - it is just the set of abstractions
971 |
of the alignments of its components. Since "maximum" is associative,
972 |
commutative and idempotent, the component sets can be combined using
973 |
normal set-union rules. In other words, a compound alignment is
974 |
abstracted as the set of alignments of the primitive objects which
975 |
make up the compound object. Thus the alignment abstraction of a C
976 |
structure with only float fields is the singleton set containing the
977 |
alignment of a float while that of a C union of an int and this
978 |
structure is a pair of the alignments of an int and a float.</para>
979 |
980 |
<sect3 id="alignement-constructors">
981 |
<title>ALIGNMENT constructors</title>
982 |
983 |
<para>The TDF abstraction of an alignment has SORT ALIGNMENT. The
984 |
constructor, unite_alignments, gives the set-union of its
985 |
ALIGNMENT parameters; this would correspond to taking a maximum of
986 |
two real alignments in the translator.</para>
987 |
988 |
<para>The constructor, alignment, gives the ALIGNMENT of a given
989 |
SHAPE according to the rules given in the definition. These rules
990 |
effectively <type>define</type> the primitive ALIGNMENTs as in the
991 |
ALIGNMENT column of table 3. Those for PROC, all OFFSETs and all
992 |
POINTERs are constants regardless of any SHAPE qualifiers. Each of
993 |
the INTERGER VARIETYs, each of the FLOATING VARIETYs and each of
994 |
995 |
will be bound to values apposite to the particular platform at
996 |
translate-time. The ALIGNMENT of TOP is conventionally taken to be
997 |
the empty set of ALIGNMENTs (corresponding to the minimum
998 |
alignment on the platform).</para>
999 |
1000 |
<para>The alignment of a procedure parameter clearly has to include
1001 |
the alignment of its SHAPE; however, most ABIs will mandate a
1002 |
greater alignment for some SHAPEs e.g. the alignment of a byte
1003 |
parameter is usually defined to be on a 32-bit rather than an
1004 |
8-bit boundary. The constructor, parameter_alignment, gives the
1005 |
ALIGNMENT of a parameter of given SHAPE.</para>
1006 |
1007 |
1008 |
<sect3 id="S28">
1009 |
<title>Special alignments</title>
1010 |
1011 |
<para>There are several other special ALIGNMENTs.</para>
1012 |
1013 |
<para>The alignment of a code address is {<type>code</type>} given
1014 |
by code_alignment; this will be the alignment of a pointer given
1015 |
by make_local_lv giving the value of a label.</para>
1016 |
1017 |
<para>The other special ALIGNMENTs are considered to include all of
1018 |
the others, but remain distinct. They are all concerned with
1019 |
offsets and pointers relevant to procedure frames, procedure
1020 |
parameters and local allocations and are collectively known as
1021 |
frame alignments. These frame alignments differ from the normal
1022 |
alignments in that their mapping to a given architecture is rather
1023 |
more than just saying that it describes some n-bit boundary. For
1024 |
example, alloca_alignment describes the alignment of dynamic space
1025 |
produced by local_alloc (roughly the C alloca). Now, an ABI could
1026 |
specify that the alloca space is a stack disjoint from the normal
1027 |
procedure stack; thus manipulations of space at alloca_alignment
1028 |
may involve different code to space generated in other
1029 |
1030 |
1031 |
<para>Similar considerations apply to the other special alignments,
1032 |
callees_alignment(b), callers_alignment(b) and locals_alignment.
1033 |
The first two give the alignments of the bases of the two
1034 |
different parameter spaces in procedures (q.v.) and
1035 |
locals_alignment gives the alignment of the base of locally
1036 |
declared tags within a procedure. The exact interpretation of
1037 |
these depends on how the frame stack is defined in the target ABI,
1038 |
e.g. does the stack grow downwards or upwards?</para>
1039 |
1040 |
<para>The final special alignment is var_param_alignment. This
1041 |
describes the alignment of a special kind of parameter to a
1042 |
procedure which can be of arbitrary length (see
1043 |
<link linkend="vartag-varparam">section 5.1.1</link>).</para>
1044 |
1045 |
1046 |
<sect3 id="al_tag-make_al_tagdef">
1047 |
<title>AL_TAG, make_al_tagdef</title>
1048 |
1049 |
<para>Alignments can also be named as AL_TAGs using make_al_tagdef.
1050 |
There is no corresponding make_al_tagdec since AL_TAGs are
1051 |
implicitly declared by their constructor, make_al_tag. The main
1052 |
reason for having names for alignments is to allow one to resolve
1053 |
the ALIGNMENTs of recursive data structures. If, for example, we
1054 |
have mutually recursive structures, their ALIGNMENTs are best
1055 |
named and given as a set of equations formed by AL_TAGDEFs. A
1056 |
translator can then solve these equations trivially by
1057 |
substitution; this is easy because the only significant operation
1058 |
is set-union.</para>
1059 |
1060 |
1061 |
1062 |
<sect2 id="pointer-and-offset-shapes">
1063 |
<title>Pointer and offset SHAPEs</title>
1064 |
1065 |
<para>A pointer value must have a form which reflects the alignment of
1066 |
the object that it points to; for example, in the MIPs processor,
1067 |
the bottom two bits of a pointer to an integer must be zero. The TDF
1068 |
SHAPE for a pointer is POINTER qualified by the ALIGNMENT of the
1069 |
object pointed to. The constructor pointer uses this alignment to
1070 |
make a POINTER SHAPE.</para>
1071 |
1072 |
<sect3 id="offset">
1073 |
1074 |
1075 |
<para>Expressions which give sizes or offsets in TDF have an OFFSET
1076 |
SHAPE. These are always described as the difference between two
1077 |
pointers. Since the alignments of the objects pointed to could be
1078 |
different, an OFFSET is qualified by these two ALIGNMENTs. Thus an
1079 |
EXP OFFSET(X,Y) is the difference between an EXP POINTER(X) and an
1080 |
EXP POINTER(Y). In order for the alignment rules to apply, the set
1081 |
X of alignments must include Y. The constructor offset uses two
1082 |
such alignments to make an OFFSET SHAPE. However, many instances
1083 |
of offsets will be produced implicitly by the offset arithmetic,
1084 |
e.g., offset_pad:
1085 |
1086 |
1087 |
1088 |
arg1: EXP OFFSET(z, t)
1089 |
-> EXP OFFSET(z xc8 a, a)
1090 |
1091 |
1092 |
This gives the next OFFSET greater or equal to <type>arg1</type>
1093 |
at which an object of ALIGNMENT <parameter>a</parameter> can be
1094 |
placed. It should be noted that the calculation of shapes and
1095 |
alignments are all translate-time activities; only EXPs should
1096 |
produce runnable code. This code, of course, may depend on the
1097 |
shapes and alignments involved; for example, offset_pad might
1098 |
round up <type>arg1</type> to be a multiple of four bytes if
1099 |
<parameter>a</parameter> was an integer ALIGNMENT and
1100 |
<parameter>z</parameter> was a character ALIGNMENT. Translators
1101 |
also do extensive constant analysis, so if <type>arg1</type> was a
1102 |
constant offset, then the round-off would be done at
1103 |
translate-time to produce another constant.</para>
1104 |
1105 |
1106 |
1107 |
1108 |
<title>Compound SHAPEs</title>
1109 |
1110 |
<para>The alignments of compound SHAPEs (i.e. those arising from the
1111 |
constructors compound and nof) are derived from the constructions
1112 |
which produced the SHAPE. To take the easy one first, the
1113 |
constructor nof has signature:
1114 |
1115 |
1116 |
n: NAT
1117 |
1118 |
1119 |
1120 |
1121 |
This SHAPE describes an array of <type>n</type> values all of SHAPE
1122 |
<type>s</type>; note that <type>n</type> is a natural number and
1123 |
hence is a constant known to the producer. Throughout the definition
1124 |
this is referred to as the SHAPE NOF(n, s). The ALIGNMENT of such a
1125 |
value is alignment(s); i.e. the alignment of an array is just the
1126 |
alignment of its elements.</para>
1127 |
1128 |
<para>The other compound SHAPEs are produced using compound:</para>
1129 |
1130 |
1131 |
sz: EXP OFFSET(x, y)
1132 |
1133 |
1134 |
1135 |
<para>The <type>sz</type> parameter gives the minimum size which can
1136 |
accommodate the SHAPE.</para>
1137 |
1138 |
<sect3 id="offset-arithmetic">
1139 |
<title>Offset arithmetic with compound shapes</title>
1140 |
1141 |
<para>The constructors offset_add, offset_zero and shape_offset are
1142 |
used together with offset_pad to implement (<emphasis>inter
1143 |
alia</emphasis>) selection from structures represented by
1144 |
COMPOUND SHAPEs. Starting from the zero OFFSET given by
1145 |
offset_zero, one can construct an EXP which is the offset of a
1146 |
field by padding and adding offsets until the required field is
1147 |
reached. The value of the field required could then be extracted
1148 |
using component or add_to_ptr. Most producers would define a TOKEN
1149 |
for the EXP OFFSET of each field of a structure or union used in
1150 |
the program simply to reduce the size of the TDF.</para>
1151 |
1152 |
<para>The SHAPE of a C structure consisting of an char followed by
1153 |
an int would require <varname>x</varname> to be the set consisting
1154 |
of two INTEGER VARIETYs, one for int and one for char, and
1155 |
<type>sz</type> would probably have been constructed like:</para>
1156 |
1157 |
1158 |
sz = offset_add(offset_pad(int_al, shape_offset(char)), shape_offset(int))
1159 |
1160 |
1161 |
<para>The various rules for the ALIGNMENT qualifiers of the OFFSETs
1162 |
give the required SHAPE; these rules also ensure that offset
1163 |
arithmetic can be implemented simply using integer arithmetic for
1164 |
standard architectures (see
1165 |
<link linkend="model-for-32bit-architecture">section 13.1</link>).
1166 |
Note that the OFFSET computed here is the minimum size for the
1167 |
SHAPE. This would not in general be the same as the difference
1168 |
between successive elements of an array of these structures which
1169 |
would have SHAPE OFFSET(<parameter>x</parameter>,
1170 |
<parameter>x</parameter>) as produced by
1171 |
offset_pad(<parameter>x</parameter>, <parameter>sz</parameter>).
1172 |
For examples of the use of OFFSETs to access and create
1173 |
structures, see
1174 |
<link linkend="tdf-expansions-of-offsets">section 12</link>.</para>
1175 |
1176 |
1177 |
<sect3 id="S34">
1178 |
1179 |
1180 |
<para>In C, all structures have size known at translate-time. This
1181 |
means that OFFSETs for all field selections of structures and
1182 |
unions are translate-time constants; there is never any need to
1183 |
produce code to compute these sizes and offsets. Other languages
1184 |
(notably Ada) do have variable size structures and so sizes and
1185 |
offsets within these structures may have to be computed
1186 |
dynamically. Indexing in C will require the computation of dynamic
1187 |
OFFSETs; this would usually be done by using offset_mult to
1188 |
multiply an offset expression representing the stride by an
1189 |
integer expression giving the index:
1190 |
1191 |
1192 |
arg1: EXP OFFSET(x, x)
1193 |
arg2: EXP INTEGER(v)
1194 |
-> EXP OFFSET(x, x)
1195 |
1196 |
1197 |
and using add_to_ptr with a pointer expression giving the base of
1198 |
the array with the resulting OFFSET.</para>
1199 |
1200 |
1201 |
<sect3 id="S35">
1202 |
<title>OFFSET ordering and representation</title>
1203 |
1204 |
<para>There is an ordering defined on OFFSETs with the same
1205 |
alignment qualifiers, as given by offset_test and offset_max
1206 |
having properties like:
1207 |
1208 |
1209 |
shape_offset(S) xb3 offset_zero(alignment(S))
1210 |
A xb3 B iff offset_max(A,B) = A
1211 |
offset_add(A, B) xb3 A where B xb3 offset_zero(some compatible alignment)
1212 |
1213 |
1214 |
In most machines, OFFSETs would be represented as single integer
1215 |
values with the OFFSET ordering corresponding to simple integer
1216 |
ordering. The offset_add constructor just translates to simple
1217 |
addition with offset_zero as 0 with similar correspondences for
1218 |
the other offset constructors. You might well ask why TDF does not
1219 |
simply use integers for offsets, instead of introducing the rather
1220 |
complex OFFSET SHAPE. The reasons are two-fold. First, following
1221 |
the OFFSET arithmetic rules concerned with the ALIGNMENT
1222 |
qualifiers will ensure that one never extracts a value from a
1223 |
pointer with the wrong alignment by, for example, applying
1224 |
contents to an add_to_pointer. This frees TDF from having to
1225 |
define the effect of strange operations like forming a float by
1226 |
taking the contents of a pointer to a character which may be
1227 |
mis-aligned with respect to floats - a heavy operation on most
1228 |
processors. The second reason is quite simple; there are machines
1229 |
which cannot represent OFFSETs by a single integer value.</para>
1230 |
1231 |
<para>The iAPX-432 is a fairly extreme example of such a machine; it
1232 |
is a "capability" machine which must segregate pointer values and
1233 |
non-pointer values into different spaces. On this machine a value
1234 |
of SHAPE POINTER({<type>pointer</type>, int}) (e.g. a pointer to a
1235 |
structure containing both integers and pointers) could have two
1236 |
components; one referring to the pointers and another to the
1237 |
integers. In general, offsets from this pointer would also have
1238 |
two components, one to pick out any pointer values and the other
1239 |
the integer values. This would obviously be the case if the
1240 |
original POINTER referred to an array of structures containing
1241 |
both pointers and integers; an offset to an element of the array
1242 |
would have SHAPE OFFSET({<type>pointer</type>, int},
1243 |
{<type>pointer</type>, int}); both elements of the offset would
1244 |
have to be used as displacements to the corresponding elements of
1245 |
the pointer to extract the structure element. The OFFSET ordering
1246 |
is now given by the comparison of both displacements. Using this
1247 |
method, one finds that pointers in store to non-pointer alignments
1248 |
are two words in different blocks and pointers to
1249 |
pointer-alignments are four words, two in one block and two in
1250 |
another. This sounds a very unwieldy machine compared to normal
1251 |
machines with linear addressing. However, who knows what similar
1252 |
strange machines will appear in future; the basic conflicts
1253 |
between security, integrity and flexibility that the iAPX-432
1254 |
sought to resolve are still with us. For more on the modelling of
1255 |
pointers and offsets see
1256 |
<link linkend="models-of-the-tdf-algebra">section 13</link>.
1257 |
1258 |
1259 |
1260 |
1261 |
<sect2 id="bitfield-alignments">
1262 |
<title>BITFIELD alignments</title>
1263 |
1264 |
<para>Even in standard machines, one finds that the size of a pointer
1265 |
may depend on the alignment of the data pointed at. Most machines do
1266 |
not allow one to construct pointers to bits with the same facility
1267 |
as other alignments. This usually means that pointers in memory to
1268 |
BITFIELD VARIETYs must be implemented as two words with an address
1269 |
and bit displacement. One might imagine that a translator could
1270 |
implement BITFIELD alignments so that they are the same as the
1271 |
smallest natural alignment of the machine and avoid the bit
1272 |
displacement, but this is not the intention of the definition. On
1273 |
any machine for which it is meaningful, the alignment of a BITFIELD
1274 |
must be one bit; in other words successive BITFIELDs are butted
1275 |
together with no padding bits.
1276 |
1277 |
1278 |
<para>Note that is not generally true for C bitfields; most C ABIs
1279 |
have (different) rules for putting in padding bits depending on
1280 |
the size of the bitfield and its relation with the natural
1281 |
alignments. This is a fruitful source of errors in data exchange
1282 |
between different C ABIs For more on similar limitations of
1283 |
bitfields in TDF (see
1284 |
<link linkend="assigning-and-extracting-bitfields">Assigning and
1285 |
extracting bitfields</link>).</para>
1286 |
1287 |
1288 |
Within the limits of what one can extract from BITFIELDs, namely
1289 |
INTEGER VARIETYs, this is how one should implement non-standard
1290 |
alignments, perhaps in constructing data, such as protocols, for
1291 |
exchange between machines. One could implement some Ada
1292 |
representational statements in this way; certainly the most commonly
1293 |
used ones.</para>
1294 |
1295 |
<para>TDF Version 3.0 does not allow one to construct a pointer of
1296 |
SHAPE POINTER(b) where b consists entirely of bitfield alignments;
1297 |
this relieves the translators of the burden of doing general
1298 |
bit-addressing. Of course, this simply shifts the burden to the
1299 |
producer. If the high level language requires to construct a pointer
1300 |
to an arbitrary bit position, then the producer is required to
1301 |
represent such a pointer as a pair consisting of pointer to some
1302 |
alignment including the required bitfield and an offset from this
1303 |
alignment to the bitfield. For example, Ada may require the
1304 |
construction of a pointer to a boolean for use as the parameter to a
1305 |
procedure; the SHAPE of the rep resentation of this Ada pointer
1306 |
could be a COMPOUND formed from a POINTER({x,b}) and an OFFSET({x,
1307 |
b}, b) where b is the alignment given by a 1 bit alignment. To
1308 |
access the boolean, the producer would use the elements of this pair
1309 |
as arguements to bitfield_assign and bitfield_contents
1310 |
(<link linkend="assigning-and-extracting-bitfields">Assigning and
1311 |
extracting bitfields</link>.).</para>
1312 |
1313 |
1314 |
1315 |
1316 |
<title>Procedures and Locals</title>
1317 |
1318 |
<para>All procedures in TDF are essentially global; the only values
1319 |
which are accessible from the body of a procedure are those which are
1320 |
derived from global TAGs (introduced by TAGDEFs or TAGDECs), local
1321 |
TAGs defined within the procedure and parameter TAGs of the
1322 |
1323 |
1324 |
<para>All executable code in TDF will arise from an EXP PROC made by
1325 |
either make_proc or make_general_proc. They differ in their treatment
1326 |
of how space for the actual parameters of a call is managed; in
1327 |
particular, is it the caller or the callee which deallocates the
1328 |
parameter space?</para>
1329 |
1330 |
<para>With make_proc, this management is conceptually done by the caller
1331 |
at an apply_proc; i.e. the normal C situation. This suffers from the
1332 |
limitation that tail-calls of procedures are then only possible in
1333 |
restricted circumstances (e.g. the space for the parameters of the
1334 |
tail-call must be capable of being included in caller's parameters)
1335 |
and could only be implemented as an optimisation within a translator.
1336 |
A producer could not predict these circumstances in a machine
1337 |
independent manner, whether or not it knew that a tail-call was
1338 |
1339 |
1340 |
<para>An alternative would be to make the management of parameter space
1341 |
the responsibility of the called procedure. Rather than do this,
1342 |
make_general_proc (and apply_general_proc) splits the parameters into
1343 |
two sets, one whose allocation is the responsibility of the caller and
1344 |
the other whose allocation is dealt with by the callee. This allows an
1345 |
explicit tail_call to be made to a procedure with new callee
1346 |
parameters; the caller parameters for the tail_call will be the same
1347 |
as (or some initial subset of) the caller parameters of the procedure
1348 |
containing the tail_call .</para>
1349 |
1350 |
<para>A further refinement of make_general_proc is to allow access to
1351 |
the caller parameter space in a postlude at the call of the procedure
1352 |
using an apply_general_proc. This allows simple implementations of Ada
1353 |
out_parameters, or more generally, multiple results of
1354 |
1355 |
1356 |
<sect2 id="S38">
1357 |
<title>make_proc and apply_proc</title>
1358 |
1359 |
<para>The make_proc constructor has signature:
1360 |
1361 |
1362 |
result_shape: SHAPE
1363 |
params_intro: LIST(TAGSHACC)
1364 |
var_intro: OPTION(TAGACC)
1365 |
1366 |
1367 |
1368 |
1369 |
The <type>params_intro</type> and <type>var_intro</type> parameters
1370 |
introduce the formal parameters of the procedure which may be used
1371 |
in <type>body</type>. The procedure result will have SHAPE
1372 |
<type>result_shape</type> and will be usually given by some return
1373 |
construction within <type>body</type>. The basic model is that space
1374 |
will be provided to copy actual parameters (into space supplied by
1375 |
some apply_proc) by value into these formals and the body will treat
1376 |
this space effectively as local variables.</para>
1377 |
1378 |
<para>Each straightforward formal parameter is introduced by an
1379 |
auxiliary SORT TAGSHACC using make_tagshacc:
1380 |
1381 |
1382 |
sha: SHAPE
1383 |
opt_access: OPTION(LIST(ACCESS))
1384 |
tg_intro: TAG POINTER(alignment(sha))
1385 |
1386 |
1387 |
1388 |
1389 |
<para>Within <type>body</type>, the formal will be accessed using
1390 |
<type>tg_intro</type>; it is always considered to be a pointer to
1391 |
the space of SHAPE <type>sha</type> allocated by apply_proc, hence
1392 |
the pointer SHAPE.</para>
1393 |
1394 |
<para>For example, if we had a simple procedure with one integer
1395 |
parameter, <type>var_intro</type> would be empty and
1396 |
<varname>params_intro</varname> might be:
1397 |
1398 |
1399 |
params_intro = make_tagshacc(integer(v), empty, make_tag(13))
1400 |
1401 |
1402 |
Then, TAG 13 from the enclosing UNIT's name-space is identified with
1403 |
the formal parameter with SHAPE POINTER(INTEGER(v)). Any use of
1404 |
obtain_tag(make_tag(13)) in <type>body</type> will deliver a pointer
1405 |
to the integer parameter. I shall return to the meaning of
1406 |
<type>opt_access</type> and the ramifications of the scope and extent
1407 |
of TAGs involved in conjunction with local declarations in
1408 |
<link linkend="identify-variable">section 5.3.1</link>.</para>
1409 |
1410 |
<para>Procedures, whether defined by make_proc or make_general_proc,
1411 |
will usually terminate and deliver its result with a return:
1412 |
1413 |
1414 |
arg1: EXP x
1415 |
1416 |
1417 |
1418 |
Here <varname>x</varname> must be identical to the
1419 |
<type>result_shape</type> of the call of the procedure There may be
1420 |
several returns in body; and the SHAPE <varname>x</varname> in each
1421 |
will be the same. Some languages allow different types to be returned
1422 |
depending on the particular call. The producer must resolve this
1423 |
issue. For example, C allows one to deliver void if the resulting
1424 |
value is not used. In TDF a dummy value must be provided at the
1425 |
return; for example make_value(<type>result_shape</type>).</para>
1426 |
1427 |
<para>Note that the <type>body</type> has SHAPE bottom since all
1428 |
possible terminations to a procedure have SHAPE BOTTOM..</para>
1429 |
1430 |
<para>Procedures defined by make_proc are called using
1431 |
1432 |
1433 |
1434 |
result_shape: SHAPE
1435 |
arg1: EXP PROC
1436 |
arg2: LIST(EXP)
1437 |
varparam: OPTION(EXP)
1438 |
-> EXP result_shape
1439 |
1440 |
1441 |
<para>Here <type>arg1</type> is the procedure to be called and
1442 |
<type>arg2</type> gives the actual parameters. There must be at least
1443 |
as many actual parameters as given (with the same SHAPE) in the
1444 |
<type>params_intro</type> of the corresponding make_proc for arg1.
1445 |
1446 |
1447 |
<para>The vararg construction in C are implemented by giving more
1448 |
actuals than formals; the extra parameters are accessed by offset
1449 |
arithmetic with a pointer to a formal, using parameter_alignment
1450 |
to pad the offsets.</para>
1451 |
1452 |
1453 |
The values of <type>arg2</type> will be copied into space managed by
1454 |
1455 |
1456 |
<para>The SHAPE of the result of the call is given by
1457 |
<type>result_shape</type> which must be identical to the
1458 |
<type>result_shape</type> of the make_proc.</para>
1459 |
1460 |
<sect3 id="vartag-varparam">
1461 |
<title>vartag, varparam</title>
1462 |
1463 |
<para>Use of the <type>var_intro</type> OPTION in make_proc and the
1464 |
corresponding <type>varparam</type> in apply_proc allows one to
1465 |
have a parameter of any SHAPE, possibly differing from call to
1466 |
call where the actual SHAPE can be deduced in some way by the
1467 |
<type>body</type> of the make_proc . One supplies an extra actual
1468 |
parameter, <type>varparam</type>, which usually would be a
1469 |
structure grouping some set of values. The body of the procedure
1470 |
can then access these values using the pointer given by the TAG
1471 |
<type>var_intro</type>, using add_to_ptr with some computed
1472 |
offsets to pick out the individual fields.</para>
1473 |
1474 |
<para>This is a slightly different method of giving a variable
1475 |
number of parameters to a procedure, rather than simply giving
1476 |
more actuals than formals. The principle difference is in the
1477 |
alignment of the components of <type>varparam</type>; these will
1478 |
be laid out according to the default padding defined by the
1479 |
component shapes. In most ABIs, this padding is usually different
1480 |
to the way parameters are laid out; for example, character
1481 |
parameters are generally padded out to a full word. Thus a
1482 |
sequence of parameters of given shape has a different layout in
1483 |
store to the same sequence of shapes in a structure. If one wished
1484 |
to pass an arbitrary structure to a procedure, one would use the
1485 |
<type>varparam</type> option rather passing the fields
1486 |
individually as extra actual parameters.</para>
1487 |
1488 |
1489 |
1490 |
<sect2 id="S40">
1491 |
<title>make_general_proc and apply_general_proc</title>
1492 |
1493 |
<para>A make_general_proc has signature:
1494 |
1495 |
1496 |
result_shape: SHAPE
1497 |
1498 |
caller_intro: LIST(TAGSHACC)
1499 |
callee_intro: LIST(TAGSHACC)
1500 |
1501 |
1502 |
1503 |
1504 |
Here the formal parameters are split into two sets,
1505 |
<type>caller_intro</type> and <type>callee_intro</type>, each given
1506 |
by a list of TAGSHACCs just as in make_proc. The distinction between
1507 |
the two sets is that the make_general_proc is responsible for
1508 |
de_allocating any space required for the callee parameter set; this
1509 |
really only becomes obvious at uses of tail_call within
1510 |
1511 |
1512 |
<para>The <type>result_shape</type> and <type>body</type> have the
1513 |
same general properties as in make_proc. In addition
1514 |
<type>prcprops</type> gives other information both about
1515 |
<type>body</type> and the way that that the procedure is called.
1516 |
PROCPROPS are a set drawn from check_stack, inline,
1517 |
no_long_jump_dest, untidy, var_callees and var_callers. The set is
1518 |
composed using add_procprops. The PROCPROPS no_long_jump_dest is a
1519 |
property of <type>body</type> only; it indicates that none of the
1520 |
labels within <type>body</type> will be the target of a long_jump
1521 |
construct. The other properties should also be given consistently at
1522 |
all calls of the procedure; theu are discussed in
1523 |
<link linkend="procprops">section 5.2.2</link>.</para>
1524 |
1525 |
<para>A procedure, <type>p</type>, constructed by make_general_proc is
1526 |
called using apply_general_proc:</para>
1527 |
1528 |
1529 |
result_shape: SHAPE
1530 |
1531 |
1532 |
caller_params: LIST(OTAGEXP)
1533 |
callee_params: CALLEES
1534 |
postlude: EXP TOP
1535 |
-> EXP result_shape
1536 |
1537 |
1538 |
<para>The actual caller parameters are given by
1539 |
<type>caller_params</type> as a list of OTAGEXPs constructed using
1540 |
1541 |
1542 |
1543 |
tgopt: OPTION(TAG x / i>)
1544 |
e: EXP x / i>
1545 |
1546 |
1547 |
1548 |
<para>Here, <type>e</type> is the value of the parameter and
1549 |
<type>tgopt</type>, if present, is a TAG which will bound to the
1550 |
final value of the parameter (after <type>body</type> is evaluated)
1551 |
in the <type>postlude</type> expression of the apply_general_proc.
1552 |
1553 |
1554 |
<para>If a formal parameter is to be used in this way, it should
1555 |
be marked as having out_par ACCESS in its corresponding TAGSHACC
1556 |
in <type>callers_intro</type>.</para>
1557 |
1558 |
1559 |
Clearly, this allows one to use a caller parameter as an extra
1560 |
result of the procedure; for example, as in Ada
1561 |
1562 |
1563 |
<para>The actual <type>callee_params</type> may be constructed in
1564 |
three different ways. The usual method is to use make_callee_list,
1565 |
giving a list of actual EXP parameters, corresponding to the
1566 |
<type>caller_intro</type> list in the obvious way.The constructor,
1567 |
same_callees allows one to use the callees of the current procedure
1568 |
as the callees of the call; this, of course, assumes that the
1569 |
formals of the current procedure are compatible with the formals
1570 |
required for the call The final method allows one to construct a
1571 |
dynamically sized set of CALLEES; make_dynamic_callees takes a
1572 |
pointer and a size (expressed as an OFFSET) to make the CALLEES;
1573 |
this will be used in conjunction with a var_callees PROCPROPS (see
1574 |
<link linkend="procprops">section 5.2.2</link>).</para>
1575 |
1576 |
<para>Some procedures can be expressed using either make_proc or
1577 |
make_general_proc. For example:</para>
1578 |
1579 |
<para>make_proc(S, L, empty, B) = make_general_proc(S, var_callers, L,
1580 |
empty, B)</para>
1581 |
1582 |
<sect3 id="tail_call">
1583 |
1584 |
1585 |
<para>Often the result of a procedure, <function>f</function>, is
1586 |
simply given by the call of another (or the same) procedure,
1587 |
<function>g</function>. In appropriate circumstances, the same
1588 |
stack space can be used for the call of <function>g</function> as
1589 |
the call of <function>f</function>. This can be particularly
1590 |
important where heavily recursive routines are involved; some
1591 |
languages even use tail recursion as the preferred method of
1592 |
1593 |
1594 |
<para>One condition for such a tail call to be applicable is knowing
1595 |
that <function>g</function> does not require any pointers to
1596 |
locals of <function>f</function>; this is often implicit in the
1597 |
language involved. Equally important is that the action on the
1598 |
return from <function>f</function> is indistiguishable from the
1599 |
return from <function>g</function>. For example, if it were the
1600 |
callers responsibility to pop the the space for the parameters on
1601 |
return from a call, then the tail call of <function>g</function>
1602 |
would only work if <function>g</function> had the same parameter
1603 |
space as <function>f</function>.</para>
1604 |
1605 |
<para>This is the justification for splitting the parameter set of a
1606 |
general proc; it is (at least conceptually) the caller's
1607 |
responsibility for popping the caller-parameters only - the
1608 |
callee-parameters are dealt with by the procedure itself. Hence we
1609 |
can define tail_call which uses the same caller-parameters, but a
1610 |
different set of callee-parameters:
1611 |
1612 |
1613 |
1614 |
1615 |
callee_params: CALLEES
1616 |
1617 |
1618 |
1619 |
The procedure p will be called with the same caller parameters as
1620 |
the current procedure and the new <type>callee_params</type> and
1621 |
return to the call site of the current procedure. Semantically, if
1622 |
S is the return SHAPE of the current procedure, and L is its
1623 |
1624 |
1625 |
<para>tail_call(P, p, C) = return(apply_general_proc(S, P, p, L, C,
1626 |
1627 |
1628 |
<para>However an implementation is expected to conserve stack by
1629 |
using the same space for the call of p as the current
1630 |
1631 |
1632 |
1633 |
<sect3 id="procprops">
1634 |
1635 |
1636 |
<para>The presence of var_callees (or var_callers) means that the
1637 |
procedure can be called with more actual callee (or caller)
1638 |
parameters than are indicated in <type>callee_intro</type> (or
1639 |
<type>caller_intro</type>). These extra parameters would be
1640 |
accessed within body using offset calculations with respect to the
1641 |
named parameters. The offsets should be calculated using
1642 |
parameter_alignment to give the packing of the parameter
1643 |
1644 |
1645 |
<para>The presence of untidy means that <type>body</type> may be
1646 |
terminated by an untidy_return. This returns the result of the
1647 |
procedure as in return, but the lifetime of the local space of the
1648 |
procedure is extended (in practice this is performed by not
1649 |
returning the stack to its original value at the call). A
1650 |
procedure containing an untidy_return is a generalisation of a
1651 |
local_alloc(see <link linkend="local_alloc">section 5.3.4</link>).
1652 |
For example the procedure could do some complicated local
1653 |
allocation (a triangular array, say) and untidily return a pointer
1654 |
to it so that the space is still valid in the calling procedure.
1655 |
The space will remain valid for the lifetime of the calling
1656 |
procedure unless some local_free is called within it, just as if
1657 |
the space had been generated by a local_alloc in the calling
1658 |
1659 |
1660 |
<para>The presence of inline is just a hint to the translator that
1661 |
the procedure body is a good candidate for inlining at the
1662 |
1663 |
1664 |
<para>The presence of check_stack means that the static stack
1665 |
requirements of the procedure will be checked on entry to see that
1666 |
they do not exceed the limits imposed by set_stack_limit; if they
1667 |
are exceeded a TDF exception with ERROR_CODE stack_overflow (see
1668 |
<link linkend="exceptional-flow">section 6.3</link>) will be
1669 |
1670 |
1671 |
1672 |
1673 |
<sect2 id="defining-and-using-locals">
1674 |
<title>Defining and using locals</title>
1675 |
1676 |
<sect3 id="identify-variable">
1677 |
<title>identify, variable</title>
1678 |
1679 |
<para>Local definitions within the <type>body</type> of a procedure
1680 |
are given by two EXP constructors which permit one to give names
1681 |
to values over a scope given by the definition. Note that this is
1682 |
somewhat different to declarations in standard languages where the
1683 |
declaration is usually embedded in a larger construct which
1684 |
defines the scope of the name; here the scope is explicit in the
1685 |
definition. The reason for this will become more obvious in the
1686 |
discussion of TDF transformations. The simpler constructor is
1687 |
1688 |
1689 |
1690 |
opt_access: OPTION(ACCESS)
1691 |
name_intro: TAG x
1692 |
definition: EXP x
1693 |
body: EXP y
1694 |
-> EXP y
1695 |
1696 |
1697 |
The <type>definition</type> is evaluated and its result is
1698 |
identified with the TAG given by <type>name_intro</type> within
1699 |
its scope <type>body</type>. Hence the use of any
1700 |
obtain_tag(<type>name_intro</type>) within <type>body</type> is
1701 |
equivalent to using this result. Anywhere else,
1702 |
obtain_tag(<type>name_intro</type>) is meaningless, including in
1703 |
other procedures.</para>
1704 |
1705 |
<para>The other kind of local definition is variable:
1706 |
1707 |
1708 |
opt_access: OPTION(ACCESS)
1709 |
name_intro: TAG x
1710 |
init: EXP x
1711 |
body: EXP y
1712 |
-> EXP y
1713 |
1714 |
1715 |
Here the <type>init</type> EXP is evaluated and its result serves
1716 |
as an initialisation of space of SHAPE <varname>x</varname> local
1717 |
to the procedure. The TAG name_intro is then identified with a
1718 |
pointer to that SPACE within body. A use of
1719 |
obtain_tag(<type>name_intro</type>) within <type>body</type> is
1720 |
equivalent to using this pointer and is meaningless outside
1721 |
<type>body</type> or in other procedures. Many variable
1722 |
declarations in programs are uninitialised; in this case, the
1723 |
<type>init</type> argument could be provided by make_value which
1724 |
will produce some value with SHAPE given by its parameter.</para>
1725 |
1726 |
1727 |
<sect3 id="sort-access">
1728 |
1729 |
1730 |
<para>The ACCESS SORT given in tag declarations is a way of
1731 |
describing a list of properties to be associated with the tag.
1732 |
They are basically divided into two classes, one which describes
1733 |
global properties of the tag with respect to the model for locals
1734 |
and the other which gives "hints" on how the value will be used.
1735 |
Any of these can be combined using add_access.</para>
1736 |
1737 |
<sect4 id="locals-model">
1738 |
<title>Locals model</title>
1739 |
1740 |
<para>At the moment there are just three possibilities in the
1741 |
first class of ACCESS constructors. They are standard_access
1742 |
(the default), visible, out_par and long_jump_access.</para>
1743 |
1744 |
<para>The basic model used for the locals and parameters of a
1745 |
procedure is a frame within a stack of nested procedure calls.
1746 |
One could implement a procedure by allocating space according to
1747 |
SHAPEs of all of the parameter and local TAGs so that the
1748 |
corresponding values are at fixed offsets either from the start
1749 |
of the frame or some pointer within it.</para>
1750 |
1751 |
<para>Indeed, if the ACCESS <type>opt_access</type> parameter in a
1752 |
TAG definition is produced by visible, then a translator is
1753 |
almost bound to do just that for that TAG. This is because it
1754 |
allows for the possibility of the value to be accessed in some
1755 |
way other than by using obtain_tag which is the standard way of
1756 |
recovering the value bound to the TAG. The principal way that
1757 |
this could happen within TDF is by the combined use of
1758 |
env_offset to give the offset and current_env to give a pointer
1759 |
to the current frame (see
1760 |
<link linkend="current_env">section 5.3.3</link>).</para>
1761 |
1762 |
<para>The out_par ACCESS is only applicable to caller parameters
1763 |
of procedures; it indicates that the value of the TAG concerned
1764 |
will accessed by the postlude part of an apply_general_proc.
1765 |
Hence, the value of the parameter must be accessible after the
1766 |
call; usually this will be on the stack in the callers
1767 |
1768 |
1769 |
<para>The long_jump_access flag is used to indicate that the tag
1770 |
must be available after a long_jump. In practice, if either
1771 |
visible or long_jump_access is set, most translators would
1772 |
allocate the space for the declaration on the main-store stack
1773 |
rather than in an available register. If it is not set, then a
1774 |
translator is free to use its own criteria for whether space
1775 |
which can fit into a register is allocated on the stack or in a
1776 |
register, provided there is no observable difference (other than
1777 |
time or program size) between the two possibilities.</para>
1778 |
1779 |
<para>Some of these criteria are rather obvious; for example, if a
1780 |
pointer to local variable is passed outside the procedure in an
1781 |
opaque manner, then it is highly unlikely that one can allocate
1782 |
the variable in a register. Some might be less obvious. If the
1783 |
only uses of a TAG t was in obtain_tag(t)s which are operands of
1784 |
contents or the left-hand operands of assigns, most ABIs would
1785 |
allow the tag to be placed in a register. We do not necessarily
1786 |
have to generate a pointer value if it can be subsumed by the
1787 |
operations available.</para>
1788 |
1789 |
1790 |
<sect4 id="access-hints">
1791 |
<title>Access "hints"</title>
1792 |
1793 |
<para>A variable tag with ACCESS constant is a write-once value;
1794 |
once it is initialised the variable will always contain the
1795 |
initialisation. In other words the tag is a pointer to a
1796 |
constant value; translators can use this information to apply
1797 |
various optimisations.</para>
1798 |
1799 |
<para>A POINTER tag with ACCESS no_other_read or no_other_write is
1800 |
asserting that there are no "aliassed" accesses to the contents
1801 |
of the pointer. For example, when applied to a parameter of a
1802 |
procedure, it is saying that the original pointer of the tag is
1803 |
distinct from any other tags used (reading/writing) in the
1804 |
lifetime of the tag. These other tags could either be further
1805 |
parameters of the procedure or globals. Clearly, this is useful
1806 |
for describing the limitations imposed by Fortran parameters,
1807 |
for example.</para>
1808 |
1809 |
1810 |
1811 |
<sect3 id="current_env">
1812 |
<title>current_env, env_offset</title>
1813 |
1814 |
<para>The constructor current_env gives a pointer to the current
1815 |
procedure frame of SHAPE POINTER(<type>fa</type>) where
1816 |
<type>fa</type> is depends on how the procedure was defined and
1817 |
will be some set of the special frame ALIGNMENTs. This set will
1818 |
always include locals_alignment - the alignment of any locals
1819 |
defined within the procedure. If the procedure has any caller-
1820 |
parameters, the set will also include callers_alignment(b) where b
1821 |
indicates whether there can be a variable number of them;
1822 |
similarly for callee-parameters.</para>
1823 |
1824 |
<para>Offsets from the current_env of a procedure to a tag declared
1825 |
in the procedure are constructed by env_offset:
1826 |
1827 |
1828 |
1829 |
1830 |
t: TAG x
1831 |
-> EXP OFFSET(fa, y)
1832 |
1833 |
1834 |
The frame ALIGNMENT <type>fa</type> will be the appropriate one
1835 |
for the TAG <type>t</type>; i.e. if <type>t</type> is a local then
1836 |
the <type>fa</type> will be locals_alignment; if <type>t</type> is
1837 |
a caller parameter, <type>fa</type> will be callers_alignment(b);
1838 |
if <type>t</type> is a callee_parameter, <type>fa</type> will be
1839 |
callees_alignment(b). The alignment <type>y</type> will be the
1840 |
alignment of the initialisation of <type>t</type>.</para>
1841 |
1842 |
<para>The offset arithmetic operations allow one to access the
1843 |
values of tags non-locally using values derived from current_env
1844 |
and env_offset. They are effectively defined by the following
1845 |
1846 |
1847 |
1848 |
If TAG t is derived from a variable definition
1849 |
add_to_ptr(current_env(), env_offset(locals_alignment, A, t)) = obtain_tag(t)
1850 |
if TAG t is derived from an identify definition:
1851 |
contents(S, add_to_ptr(current_env(), env_offset(locals_alignment, A, t))) = obtain_tag(t)
1852 |
if TAG t is derived from a caller parameter:
1853 |
add_to_ptr(current_env(), env_offset(callers_alignment(b), A, t)) = obtain_tag(t)
1854 |
if TAG t is derived from a callee parameter:
1855 |
add_to_ptr(current_env(), env_offset(callees_alignment(b), A, t)) = obtain_tag(t)
1856 |
1857 |
1858 |
These identities are valid throughout the extent of t, including
1859 |
in inner procedure calls. In other words, one can dynamically
1860 |
create a pointer to the value by composing current_env and
1861 |
1862 |
1863 |
<para>The importance of this is that env_offset(t) is a constant
1864 |
OFFSET and can be used anywhere within the enclosing UNIT, in
1865 |
other procedures or as part of constant TAGDEF; remember that the
1866 |
TDFINT underlying t is unique within the UNIT. The result of a
1867 |
current_env could be passed to another procedure (as a parameter,
1868 |
say) and this new procedure could then access a local of the
1869 |
original by using its env_offset. This would be the method one
1870 |
would use to access non-local, non-global identifiers in a
1871 |
language which allowed one to define procedures within procedures
1872 |
such as Pascal or Algol. Of course, given the stack-based model,
1873 |
the value given by current_env becomes meaningless once the
1874 |
procedure in which it is invoked is exited.</para>
1875 |
1876 |
1877 |
<sect3 id="local_alloc">
1878 |
<title>local_alloc, local_free_all, last_local</title>
1879 |
1880 |
<para>The size of stack frame produced by variable and identify
1881 |
definitions is a translate-time constant since the frame is
1882 |
composed of values whose SHAPEs are known. TDF also allows one to
1883 |
produce dynamically sized local objects which are conceptually
1884 |
part of the frame. These are produced by local_alloc:
1885 |
1886 |
1887 |
arg1: EXP OFFSET(x, y)
1888 |
-> EXP POINTER(alloca_alignment)
1889 |
1890 |
1891 |
The operand <token>arg1</token> gives the size of the new object
1892 |
required and the result is a pointer to the space for this object
1893 |
"on top of the stack" as part of the frame. The quotation marks
1894 |
indicate that a translator writer might prefer to maintain a
1895 |
dynamic stack as well as static one. There are some disadvantages
1896 |
in putting everything into one stack which may well out-weigh the
1897 |
trouble of maintaining another stack which is relatively
1898 |
infrequently used. If a frame has a known size, then all
1899 |
addressing of locals can be done using a stack-front register; if
1900 |
it is dynamically sized, then another frame-pointer register must
1901 |
be used - some ABIs make this easy but not all. The majority of
1902 |
procedures contain no local_allocs, so their addressing of locals
1903 |
can always be done relative to a stack-front; only the others have
1904 |
to use another register for a frame pointer.</para>
1905 |
1906 |
<para>The alignment of pointer result is alloca_alignment which must
1907 |
include all SHAPE alignments.</para>
1908 |
1909 |
<para>There are two constructors for releasing space generated by
1910 |
local_alloc. To release all such space generated in the current
1911 |
procedure one does local_free_all(); this reduces the size of the
1912 |
current frame to its static size.</para>
1913 |
1914 |
<para>The other constructor is local_free whch is effectively a
1915 |
"pop" to local_alloc's "push":
1916 |
1917 |
1918 |
a: EXP OFFSET(x, y)
1919 |
p: EXP POINTER(alloca_alignment)
1920 |
1921 |
1922 |
1923 |
Here <type>p</type> must evaluate to a pointer generated either by
1924 |
local_alloc or last_local . The effect is to free all of the space
1925 |
locally allocated after p. The usual implementation (with a
1926 |
downward growing stack) of this is that p becomes the "top of
1927 |
stack" pointer.</para>
1928 |
1929 |
<para>The use of a procedure with an untidy_return is just a
1930 |
generalisation of the idea of local_alloc and the space made
1931 |
available by its use can be freed in the same way as normal local
1932 |
allocations. Of course, given that it could be the result of the
1933 |
procedure it can be structured in an arbitrarily complicated
1934 |
1935 |
1936 |
1937 |
1938 |
<sect2 id="heap-storage">
1939 |
<title>Heap storage</title>
1940 |
1941 |
<para>At the moment, there are no explicit constructors of creating
1942 |
dynamic off-stack storage in TDF. Any off-stack storage requirements
1943 |
must be met by the API in which the system is embedded, using the
1944 |
standard procedural interface. For example, the ANSI C API allows
1945 |
the creation of heap space using standard library procedures like
1946 |
1947 |
1948 |
1949 |
1950 |
1951 |
<title>Control Flow within procedures</title>
1952 |
1953 |
1954 |
<title>Unconditional flow</title>
1955 |
1956 |
<sect3 id="sequence">
1957 |
1958 |
1959 |
<para>To perform a sequential set of operations in TDF, one uses the
1960 |
constructor sequence:
1961 |
1962 |
1963 |
statements: LIST(EXP)
1964 |
result: EXP x
1965 |
-> EXP x
1966 |
1967 |
1968 |
Each of the <type>statements</type> are evaluated in order,
1969 |
throwing away their results. Then, <type>result</type> is
1970 |
evaluated and its result is the result of the sequence.</para>
1971 |
1972 |
<para>A translator is free to rearrange the order of evaluation if
1973 |
there is no observable difference other than in time or space.
1974 |
This applies anywhere I say "something is evaluated and then ...".
1975 |
We find this kind of statement in definitions of local variables
1976 |
in <link linkend="defining-and-using-locals">section 5.3</link>,
1977 |
and in the controlling parts of the conditional constructions
1978 |
1979 |
1980 |
<para>For a more precise discussion of allowable reorderings see
1981 |
(<fix>S7.14</fix>) .</para>
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
<sect2 id="conditional-flow">
1986 |
<title>Conditional flow</title>
1987 |
1988 |
<sect3 id="labelled">
1989 |
<title>labelled, make_label</title>
1990 |
1991 |
<para>All simple changes of flow of control within a TDF procedure
1992 |
are done by jumps or branches to LABELs, mirroring what actually
1993 |
happens in most computers. There are three constructors which
1994 |
introduce LABELs; the most general is labelled which allows
1995 |
arbitrary jumping between its component EXPs:
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
placelabs_intro: LIST(LABEL)
1999 |
starter: EXP x
2000 |
places: LIST(EXP)
2001 |
-> EXP w
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
Each of the EXPs in <type>places</type> is labelled by the
2005 |
corresponding LABEL in <type>placelabs_intro</type>; these LABELs
2006 |
are constructed by make_label applied to a TDFINT uniquely drawn
2007 |
from the LABEL name-space introduced by the enclosing PROPS. The
2008 |
evaluation starts by evaluating <type>starter</type>; if this runs
2009 |
to completion the result of the labelled is the result of
2010 |
<type>starter.</type> If there is some jump to a LABEL in
2011 |
<type>placelabs_intro</type> then control passes to the
2012 |
corresponding EXP in <type>places</type> and so on. If any of
2013 |
these EXPS runs to completion then its result is the result of the
2014 |
labelled; hence the SHAPE of the result, w, is the LUB of the
2015 |
SHAPEs of the component EXPs.</para>
2016 |
2017 |
<para>Note that control does not automatically pass from one EXP to
2018 |
the next; if this is required the appropriate EXP must end with an
2019 |
explicit goto.</para>
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
<sect3 id="goto">
2023 |
<title>goto, make_local_lv, goto_local_lv, long_jump,
2024 |
2025 |
2026 |
<para>The unconditional goto is the simplest method of jumping. In
2027 |
common with all the methods of jumping using LABELs, its LABEL
2028 |
parameter must have been introduced in an enclosing construction,
2029 |
like labelled, which scopes it.</para>
2030 |
2031 |
<para>One can also pick up a label value of SHAPE POINTER {code}
2032 |
(usually implemented as a program address) using make_local_lv for
2033 |
later use by an "indirect jump" such as goto_local_lv . Here the
2034 |
same prohibition holds - the construction which introduced the
2035 |
LABEL must still be active.</para>
2036 |
2037 |
<para>The construction goto_local_lv only permits one to jump within
2038 |
the current procedure; if one wished to do a jump out of a
2039 |
procedure into a calling one, one uses long_jump which requires a
2040 |
pointer to the destination frame (produced by current_env in the
2041 |
destination procedure) as well as the label value. If a long_jump
2042 |
is made to a label, only those local TAGs which have been defined
2043 |
with a visible ACCESS are guaranteed to have preserved their
2044 |
values; the translator could allocate the other TAGs in scope as
2045 |
registers whose values are not necessarily preserved.</para>
2046 |
2047 |
<para>A slightly "shorter" long jump is given by return_to_label.
2048 |
Here the destination of the jump must a label value in the calling
2049 |
procedure. Usually this value would be passed as parameter of the
2050 |
call to provide an alternative exit to the procedure.</para>
2051 |
2052 |
2053 |
<sect3 id="integer_test">
2054 |
<title>integer_test, NTEST</title>
2055 |
2056 |
<para>Conditional branching is provided by the various _test
2057 |
constructors, one for each primitive SHAPE except BITFIELD. I
2058 |
shall use integer_test as the paradigm for them all:
2059 |
2060 |
2061 |
2062 |
dest: LABEL
2063 |
arg1: EXP INTEGER(v)
2064 |
arg2: EXP INTEGER(v)
2065 |
2066 |
2067 |
2068 |
The NTEST <type>nt</type> chooses a dyadic test (e.g. =, >=,
2069 |
<, etc.) that is to be applied to the results of evaluating
2070 |
<type>arg1</type> and <type>arg2</type>. If <type>arg1</type>
2071 |
<type>nt</type> <type>arg2</type> then the result is TOP;
2072 |
otherwise control passes to the LABEL <type>dest</type>. In other
2073 |
words, integer_test acts like an assertion where if the assertion
2074 |
is false, control passes to the LABEL instead of continuing in the
2075 |
normal fashion.</para>
2076 |
2077 |
<para>Some of the constructors for NTESTs are disallowed for some
2078 |
_tests (e.g. proc_test) while others are redundant for some
2079 |
_tests; for example, not_greater_than is the same as
2080 |
less_than_or_equal for all except possibly floating_test. where
2081 |
the use of NaNs (in the IEEE sense) as operands may give different
2082 |
2083 |
2084 |
2085 |
<sect3 id="case">
2086 |
2087 |
2088 |
<para>There are only two other ways of changing flow of control
2089 |
using LABELs. One arises in ERROR_TREATMENTs which will be dealt
2090 |
with in the arithmetic operations. The other is case:
2091 |
2092 |
2093 |
exhaustive: BOOL
2094 |
control: EXP INTEGER(v)
2095 |
branches: LIST(CASELIM)
2096 |
-> EXP (exhaustive ? BOTTOM : TOP)
2097 |
2098 |
2099 |
Each CASELIM is constructed using make_caselim:
2100 |
2101 |
2102 |
branch: LABEL
2103 |
2104 |
2105 |
2106 |
2107 |
2108 |
In the case construction, the <type>control</type> EXP is
2109 |
evaluated and tested to see whether its value lies inclusively
2110 |
between some <type>lower</type> and <type>upper</type> in the list
2111 |
of CASELIMs. If so, control passes to the corresponding
2112 |
<type>branch</type>. The order in which these tests are performed
2113 |
is undefined, so it is probably best if the tests are exclusive.
2114 |
The exhaustive flag being true asserts that one of the branches
2115 |
will be taken and so the SHAPE of the result is BOTTOM.
2116 |
Otherwise, if none of the branches are taken, its SHAPE is TOP and
2117 |
execution carries on normally.</para>
2118 |
2119 |
2120 |
<sect3 id="conditional">
2121 |
<title>conditional, repeat</title>
2122 |
2123 |
<para>Besides labelled, two other constructors, conditional and
2124 |
repeat, introduce LABELs which can be used with the various jump
2125 |
instructions. Both can be expressed as labelled, but have extra
2126 |
constraints which make assertions about the use of the LABELs
2127 |
introduced and could usually be translated more efficiently; hence
2128 |
producers are advised to use them where possible. A conditional
2129 |
expression or statement would usually be done using conditional:
2130 |
2131 |
2132 |
alt_label_intro: LABEL
2133 |
first: EXP x
2134 |
alt: EXP y
2135 |
-> EXP(LUB(x, y))
2136 |
2137 |
2138 |
Here <type>first</type> is evaluated; if it terminates normally,
2139 |
its result is the result of the conditional. If a jump to
2140 |
<type>alt_label_intro</type> occurs then <type>alt</type> is
2141 |
evaluated and its result is the result of the conditional.
2142 |
Clearly, this, so far, is just the same as
2143 |
labelled((<type>alt_label_intro</type>), <type>first</type>,
2144 |
(<type>alt</type>)). However, conditional imposes the constraint
2145 |
that <type>alt</type> cannot use <type>alt_label_intro</type>. All
2146 |
jumps to <type>alt_label_intro</type> are "forward jumps" - a
2147 |
useful property to know in a translator.</para>
2148 |
2149 |
<para>Obviously, this kind of conditional is rather different to
2150 |
those found in traditional high-level languages which usually have
2151 |
three components, a boolean expression, a then-part and an
2152 |
else-part. Here, the <type>first</type> component includes both
2153 |
the boolean expression and the then-part; usually we find that it
2154 |
is a sequence of the tests (branching to
2155 |
<type>alt_label_intro</type>) forming the boolean expression
2156 |
followed by the else-part. This formulation means that HLL
2157 |
constructions like "andif" and "orelse" do not require special
2158 |
constructions in TDF.</para>
2159 |
2160 |
<para>A simple loop can be expressed using repeat:
2161 |
2162 |
2163 |
repeat_label_intro: LABEL
2164 |
start: EXP TOP
2165 |
body: EXP y
2166 |
-> EXP y
2167 |
2168 |
2169 |
The EXP <type>start</type> is evaluated, followed by
2170 |
<type>body</type> which is labelled by
2171 |
<type>repeat_label_intro</type>. If a jump to
2172 |
<type>repeat_label_intro</type> occurs in <type>body</type>, then
2173 |
<type>body</type> is re-evaluated. If <type>body</type> terminates
2174 |
normally then its result is the result of the repeat. This is just
2175 |
the same as:
2176 |
2177 |
2178 |
labelled((repeat_label_intro), sequence((start), goto(repeat_label_intro)), (body))
2179 |
2180 |
2181 |
except that no jumps to <type>repeat_label_intro</type> are
2182 |
allowed in <type>start</type> - a useful place to do
2183 |
initialisations for the loop.</para>
2184 |
2185 |
<para>Just as with conditionals, the tests for the continuing or
2186 |
breaking the loop are included in <type>body</type> and require no
2187 |
special constructions.</para>
2188 |
2189 |
2190 |
2191 |
<sect2 id="exceptional-flow">
2192 |
<title>Exceptional flow</title>
2193 |
2194 |
<para>A further way of changing the flow of control in a TDF program
2195 |
is by means of exceptions. TDF exceptions currently arise from three
2196 |
sources - overflow in arithmetic operations with trap
2197 |
2198 |
<link linkend="error_treatment">section 8.1.1</link>), an attempt to
2199 |
access a value via a nil pointer using assign_with_mode,
2200 |
contents_with_mode or move_some(see
2201 |
<link linkend="transfer_mode-operations">section 7.3</link>) or a
2202 |
stack overflow on procedure entry with PROCPROPS check_stack(see
2203 |
<link linkend="procprops">section 5.2.2</link>) or a
2204 |
2205 |
2206 |
<para>Each of these exceptions have an ERROR_CODE ascribed to them,
2207 |
namely overflow, nil_access and stack_overflow. Each ERROR_CODE can
2208 |
be made into a distinct NAT by means of the constructor error_val;
2209 |
these NATs could be used, for example, to discriminate the different
2210 |
kinds of errors using a case construction.</para>
2211 |
2212 |
<para>When one of these exceptions is raised, the translator will
2213 |
arrange that a TOKEN, ~Throw, is called with the appropriate
2214 |
ERROR_CODE as its (sole) parameter. Given that every language has a
2215 |
different way of both characterising and handling exceptions, the
2216 |
exact expansion of ~Throw must be given by the producer for that
2217 |
language - usually it will involve doing a long_jump to some label
2218 |
specifying a signal handler and translating the ERROR_CODE into its
2219 |
language-specific representation.</para>
2220 |
2221 |
<para>The expansion of ~Throw forms part of the language specific
2222 |
environment required for the translation of TDF derived from the
2223 |
language, just as the exact shape of FILE must be given for the
2224 |
translation of C.</para>
2225 |
2226 |
2227 |
2228 |
2229 |
<title>Values, variables and assignments.</title>
2230 |
2231 |
<para>TAGs in TDF fulfil the role played by identifiers in most
2232 |
programming languages. One can apply obtain_tag to find the value
2233 |
bound to the TAG. This value is always a constant over the scope of a
2234 |
particular definition of the TAG. This may sound rather strange to
2235 |
those used to the concepts of left-hand and right-hand values in C,
2236 |
for example, but is quite easily explained as follows.</para>
2237 |
2238 |
<para>If a TAG, id, is introduced by an identify, then the value bound
2239 |
is fixed by its <type>definition</type> argument. If, on the other
2240 |
hand, v was a TAG introduced by a variable definition, then the value
2241 |
bound to v is a pointer to fixed space in the procedure frame (i.e.
2242 |
the left-hand value in C).</para>
2243 |
2244 |
<sect2 id="S62">
2245 |
2246 |
2247 |
<para>In order to get the contents of this space (the right-hand value
2248 |
in C), one must apply the contents operator to the pointer:
2249 |
2250 |
2251 |
contents(shape(v), obtain_tag(v))
2252 |
2253 |
2254 |
In general, the contents constructor takes a SHAPE and an
2255 |
expression delivering pointer:
2256 |
2257 |
2258 |
2259 |
arg1: EXP POINTER(x)
2260 |
-> EXP s
2261 |
2262 |
2263 |
It delivers the value of SHAPE <type>s</type>, pointed at by the
2264 |
evaluation of <type>arg1</type>. The alignment of <type>s</type>
2265 |
need not be identical to <varname>x</varname>. It only needs to be
2266 |
included in it; this would allow one, for example, to pick out the
2267 |
first field of a structure from a pointer to it.</para>
2268 |
2269 |
2270 |
<sect2 id="S63">
2271 |
2272 |
2273 |
<para>A simple assignment in TDF is done using assign:
2274 |
2275 |
2276 |
arg1: EXP POINTER(x)
2277 |
arg2: EXP y
2278 |
2279 |
2280 |
2281 |
The EXPs <type>arg1</type> and <type>arg2</type> are evaluated (no
2282 |
ordering implied) and the value of SHAPE <varname>y</varname> given by
2283 |
<type>arg2</type> is put into the space pointed at by
2284 |
<type>arg1</type>. Once again, the alignment of <varname>y</varname>
2285 |
need only be included in <varname>x</varname>, allowing the assignment
2286 |
to the first field of a structure using a pointer to the structure. An
2287 |
assignment has no obvious result so its SHAPE is TOP.</para>
2288 |
2289 |
<para>Some languages give results to assignments. For example, C defines
2290 |
the result of an assignment to be its right-hand expression, so that
2291 |
if the result of (v = exp) was required, it would probably be
2292 |
expressed as:
2293 |
2294 |
2295 |
identify(empty, newtag, exp, sequence((assign(obtain_tag(v), obtain_tag(newtag))), obtain_tag(newtag)))
2296 |
2297 |
2298 |
From the definition of assign, the destination argument,
2299 |
<type>arg1</type>, must have a POINTER shape. This means that given
2300 |
the TAG id above, assign(obtain_tag(id), lhs) is only legal if the
2301 |
<type>definition</type> of its identify had a POINTER SHAPE. A trivial
2302 |
example would be if id was defined:
2303 |
2304 |
2305 |
identify(empty, id, obtain_tag(v), assign(obtain_tag(id), lhs))
2306 |
2307 |
2308 |
This identifies id with the variable v which has a POINTER SHAPE, and
2309 |
assigns lhs to this pointer. Given that id does not occur in lhs, this
2310 |
is identical to:
2311 |
2312 |
2313 |
assign(obtain_tag(v), lhs).
2314 |
2315 |
2316 |
Equivalences like this are widely used for transforming TDF in
2317 |
translators and other tools (see
2318 |
<link linkend= "tdf-transformations">section 11</link>).</para>
2319 |
2320 |
2321 |
<sect2 id="transfer_mode-operations">
2322 |
<title>TRANSFER_MODE operations</title>
2323 |
2324 |
<para>The TRANSFER_MODE operations allow one to do assignment and
2325 |
contents operations with various qualifiers to control how the
2326 |
access is done in a more detailed manner than the standard contents
2327 |
and assign operations.</para>
2328 |
2329 |
<para>For example, the value assigned in assign has some fixed SHAPE;
2330 |
its size is known at translate-time. Variable sized objects can be
2331 |
moved by move_some:
2332 |
2333 |
2334 |
2335 |
2336 |
2337 |
arg3: EXP OFFSET(z, t)
2338 |
2339 |
2340 |
2341 |
The EXP <type>arg1</type> is the destination pointer, and
2342 |
<type>arg2</type> is a source pointer. The amount moved is given by
2343 |
the OFFSET <type>arg3</type>.</para>
2344 |
2345 |
<para>The TRANSFER_MODE <type>md</type> parameter controls the way
2346 |
that the move will be performed. If overlap is present, then the
2347 |
translator will ensure that the move is equivalent to moving the
2348 |
source into new space and then copying it to the destination; it
2349 |
would probably do this by choosing a good direction in which to step
2350 |
through the value. The alternative, standard_transfer_mode,
2351 |
indicates that it does not matter.</para>
2352 |
2353 |
<para>If the TRANSFER_MODE trap_on_nil is present and
2354 |
<type>arg1</type> is a nil pointer, a TDF exception with ERROR_CODE
2355 |
nil_access is raised.</para>
2356 |
2357 |
<para>There are variants of both the contents and assign constructors.
2358 |
The signature of contents_with_mode is:
2359 |
2360 |
2361 |
2362 |
2363 |
arg1: EXP POINTER(x)
2364 |
-> EXP s
2365 |
2366 |
2367 |
Here, the only significant TRANSFER_MODE constructors
2368 |
<type>md</type> are trap_on_nil and volatile. The latter is
2369 |
principally intended to implement the C volatile construction; it
2370 |
certainly means that the contents_with_mode operation will never be
2371 |
"optimised" away.</para>
2372 |
2373 |
<para>Similar considerations apply to assign_with_mode; here the
2374 |
overlap TRANSFER_MODE is also possible with the same meaning as in
2375 |
2376 |
2377 |
2378 |
<sect2 id="assigning-and-extracting-bitfields">
2379 |
<title>Assigning and extracting bitfields</title>
2380 |
2381 |
<para>Since pointers to bits are forbidden, two special operations are
2382 |
provided to extract and assign bitfields. These require the use of
2383 |
a pointer value and a bitfield offset from the pointer. The
2384 |
signature of bitfield_contents which extracts a bitfield in this
2385 |
manner is:
2386 |
2387 |
2388 |
2389 |
arg1: EXP POINTER(x)
2390 |
arg2: EXP OFFSET(y,z)
2391 |
-> EXP bitfield(v)
2392 |
2393 |
2394 |
Here <type>arg1</type> is a pointer to an alignment
2395 |
<parameter>x</parameter> which includes <type>v</type>, the required
2396 |
bitfield alignment. In practice, <parameter>x</parameter> must
2397 |
include an INTEGER VARIETY whose representation can contain the
2398 |
entire bitfield. Thus on a standard architecture, if v is a 15 bit
2399 |
bitfield, x must include at least a 16 bit integer variety; a 27
2400 |
bitfield would require a 32 bit integer variety and so on. Indeed
2401 |
the constraint is stronger than this since there must be an integer
2402 |
variety, accessible from arg1, which entirely contains the
2403 |
2404 |
2405 |
<para>This constraint means that producers cannot expect that
2406 |
arbitrary bitfield lengths can be accomodated without extra padding;
2407 |
clearly it also means that the maximum bitfield length possible is
2408 |
the maximum size of integer variety that can be implemented on the
2409 |
translator concerned (this is defined to be at least 32). On
2410 |
standard architectures, the producer can expect that an array of
2411 |
bitfields of lenth 2<emphasis>n</emphasis> will be packed without
2412 |
padding; this, of course, includes arrays of booleans. For
2413 |
structures of several different bitfields, he can be sure of no
2414 |
extra padding bits if the total number of bits involved is less than
2415 |
or equal to 32; similarly if he can subdivide the bitfields so that
2416 |
each of the subdivisions (except the last) is exactly equal to 32
2417 |
and the last is less than or equal to 32. This could be relaxed to
2418 |
64 bits if the translator deals with 64 bit integer varieties, but
2419 |
would require that conditional TDF is produced to maintain
2420 |
portability to 32 bit platforms - and on these platforms the
2421 |
assurance of close packing would be lost.</para>
2422 |
2423 |
<para>Since a producer is ignorant of the exact representational
2424 |
varieties used by a translator, the onus is on the translator writer
2425 |
to provide standard tokens which can be used by a producer to
2426 |
achieve both optimum packing of bitfields and minimum alignments for
2427 |
COMPOUNDs containing them(see
2428 |
<link linkend="bitfield-offsets">Bitfield offsets</link>). These
2429 |
tokens would allow one to construct an offset of the form OFFSET(x,
2430 |
b) (where b is some bitfield alignment and x is the `minimum'
2431 |
alignment which could contain it) in a manner analogous to the
2432 |
normal padding operations for offsets. This offset could then used
2433 |
both in the construction of a compound shape and in the extraction
2434 |
and assignment constructors.</para>
2435 |
2436 |
<para>The assignment of bitfields follows the same pattern with the
2437 |
same constraints using bitfield_assign:
2438 |
2439 |
2440 |
arg1: EXP POINTER(x)
2441 |
arg2: EXP OFFSET(y,z)
2442 |
2443 |
2444 |
2445 |
2446 |
2447 |
2448 |
2449 |
2450 |
2451 |
2452 |
<para>Most of the arithmetic operations of TDF have familiar analogues
2453 |
in standard languages and processors. They differ principally in how
2454 |
error conditions (e.g. numeric overflow) are handled. There is a wide
2455 |
diversity in error handling in both languages and processors, so TDF
2456 |
tries to reduce it to the simplest primitive level compatible with
2457 |
their desired operation in languages and their implementation on
2458 |
processors. Before delving into the details of error handling, it is
2459 |
worthwhile revisiting the SHAPEs and ranges in arithmetic
2460 |
2461 |
2462 |
<sect2 id="S67">
2463 |
<title>VARIETY and overflow</title>
2464 |
2465 |
<para>An INTEGER VARIETY, for example, is defined by some range of
2466 |
signed natural numbers. A translator will fit this range into some
2467 |
possibly larger range which is convenient for the processor in
2468 |
question. For example, the integers with variety(1,10) would
2469 |
probably be represented as unsigned characters with range (0..255),
2470 |
a convenient representation for both storage and arithmetic.</para>
2471 |
2472 |
<para>The question then arises of what is meant by overflow in an
2473 |
operation which is meant to deliver an integer of this VARIETY - is
2474 |
it when the integer result is outside the range (1..10) or outside
2475 |
the range (0..255)? For purely pragmatic reasons, TDF chooses the
2476 |
latter - the result is overflowed when it is outside its
2477 |
representational range (0..255). If the program insists that it must
2478 |
be within (1..10), then it can always test for it. If the program
2479 |
uses the error handling mechanism and the result is outside (1..10)
2480 |
but still within the representational limits, then, in order for the
2481 |
program to be portable, then the error handling actions must in some
2482 |
sense be "continuous" with the normal action. This would not be the
2483 |
case if, for example, the value was used to index an array with
2484 |
bounds (1..10), but will usually be the case where the value is used
2485 |
in further arithmetic operations which have similar error handling.
2486 |
The arithmetic will continue to give the mathematically correct
2487 |
result provided the representational bounds are not exceeded.</para>
2488 |
2489 |
<para>The limits in a VARIETY are there to provide a guide to its
2490 |
representation, and not to give hard limits to its possible values.
2491 |
This choice is consistent with the general TDF philosophy of how
2492 |
exceptions are to be treated. If, for example, one wishes to do
2493 |
array-bound checking, then it must be done by explicit tests on the
2494 |
indices and jumping to some exception action if they fail.
2495 |
Similarly, explicit tests can be made on an integer value, provided
2496 |
its representational limits are not exceeded. It is unlikely that a
2497 |
translator could produce any more efficient code, in general, if the
2498 |
tests were implicit. The representational limits can be exceeded in
2499 |
arithmetic operations, so facilities are provided to either to
2500 |
ignore it, to allow one to jump to a label, or to obey a TDF
2501 |
exception handler if it happens.</para>
2502 |
2503 |
<sect3 id="error_treatment">
2504 |
2505 |
2506 |
<para>Taking integer addition as an example, plus has signature:
2507 |
2508 |
2509 |
2510 |
arg1: EXP INTEGER(v)
2511 |
arg2: EXP INTEGER(v)
2512 |
2513 |
2514 |
2515 |
The result of the addition has the same integer VARIETY as its
2516 |
parameters. If the representational bounds of
2517 |
<parameter>v</parameter> are exceeded, then the action taken
2518 |
depends on the ERROR_TREATMENT <type>ov_err</type>.</para>
2519 |
2520 |
<para>The ERROR_TREATMENT, impossible, is an assertion by the
2521 |
producer that overflow will not occur; on its head be it if it
2522 |
2523 |
2524 |
<para>The ERROR_TREATMENTS continue and wrap give "fixup" values for
2525 |
the result. For continue the fixup value is undefined. For wrap,
2526 |
the the answer will be modulo 2 to the power of the number of bits
2527 |
in the representational variety.Thus, integer arithmetic with byte
2528 |
representational variety is done modulo 256. This just corresponds
2529 |
to what happens in most processors and, incidentally, the
2530 |
definition of C.</para>
2531 |
2532 |
<para>The ERROR_TREATMENT that one would use if one wished to jump
2533 |
to a label is error_jump:
2534 |
2535 |
2536 |
lab: LABEL
2537 |
2538 |
2539 |
2540 |
A branch to <type>lab</type> will occur if the result
2541 |
2542 |
2543 |
<para>The ERROR_TREATMENT, trap(overflow) will raise a TDF
2544 |
exception(see <link linkend="exceptional-flow">section 6.3</link>)
2545 |
with ERROR_CODE overflow if overflow occurs.</para>
2546 |
2547 |
2548 |
2549 |
<sect2 id="S69">
2550 |
<title>Division and remainder</title>
2551 |
2552 |
<para>The various constructors in involving integer division (e.g.
2553 |
div1, rem1) have two ERROR_TREATMENT parameters, one for overflow
2554 |
and one for divide-by-zero e.g. div1 is:
2555 |
2556 |
2557 |
div_by_zero_error: ERROR_TREATMENT
2558 |
2559 |
arg1: EXP INTEGER(v)
2560 |
arg2: EXP INTEGER(v)
2561 |
2562 |
2563 |
2564 |
There are two different kinds of division operators (with
2565 |
corresponding remainder operators) defined. The operators div2 and
2566 |
rem2 are those generally implemented directly by processor
2567 |
instructions giving the sign of the remainder the same as the sign
2568 |
of the quotient. The other pair, div1 and rem1, is less commonly
2569 |
implemented in hardware, but have rather more consistent
2570 |
mathematical properties; here the sign of remainder is the same as
2571 |
the sign of divisor. Thus, div1(x, 2) is the same as shift_right(x,
2572 |
1) which is only true for div2 if x is positive. The two pairs of
2573 |
operations give the same results if both operands have the same
2574 |
sign. The constructors div0 and rem0 allow the translator to choose
2575 |
whichever of the two forms of division is convenient - the producer
2576 |
is saying that he does not care which is used, as long as they are
2577 |
pairwise consistent. The precise definition of the divide operations
2578 |
is given in (<fix>S7.4</fix>).</para>
2579 |
2580 |
2581 |
<sect2 id="change_variety">
2582 |
2583 |
2584 |
<para>Conversions between the various INTEGER varieties are provided
2585 |
for by change_variety:
2586 |
2587 |
2588 |
2589 |
2590 |
arg1: EXP INTEGER(v)
2591 |
2592 |
2593 |
2594 |
If the value <type>arg1</type> is outside the limits of the
2595 |
representational variety of <type>r</type>, then the ERROR_TREATMENT
2596 |
<type>ov_err</type> will be invoked.</para>
2597 |
2598 |
2599 |
<sect2 id="S71">
2600 |
<title>and, or, not, xor</title>
2601 |
2602 |
<para>The standard logical operations, and, not, or and xor are
2603 |
provided for all integer varieties. Since integer varieties are
2604 |
defined to be represented in twos-complement the result of these
2605 |
operations are well defined.</para>
2606 |
2607 |
2608 |
<sect2 id="S72">
2609 |
<title>Floating-point operations, ROUNDING_MODE</title>
2610 |
2611 |
<para>All of the floating-point (including complex) operations include
2612 |
ERROR-TREATMENTs. If the result of a floating-point operation cannot
2613 |
be represented in the desired FLOATING_VARIETY, the error treatment
2614 |
is invoked. If the ERROR_TREATMENT is wrap or impossible, the result
2615 |
is undefined; otherwise the jump operates in the same way as for
2616 |
integer operations. Both floating_plus and floating_mult are defined
2617 |
as n-ary operations. In general, floating addition and
2618 |
multiplication are not associative, but a producer may not care
2619 |
about the order in which they are to be performed. Making them
2620 |
appear as though they were associative allows the translator to
2621 |
choose an order which is convenient to the hardware.</para>
2622 |
2623 |
<para>Conversions from integer to floating are done by float_int and
2624 |
from floating to integers by round_with_mode . This latter
2625 |
constructor has a parameter of SORT ROUNDING_MODE which effectively
2626 |
gives the IEEE rounding mode to be applied to the float to produce
2627 |
its integer result.</para>
2628 |
2629 |
<para>One can extract the real and imaginary parts of a complex
2630 |
FLOATING using real_part and imaginary_part. A complex FLOATING can
2631 |
be constructed using make_complex. Normal complex arithmetic applies
2632 |
to all the other FLOATING constructors except for those explicitly
2633 |
excluded (eg floating_abs, floating_max etc.)</para>
2634 |
2635 |
2636 |
<sect2 id="change_bitfield_to_int">
2637 |
<title>change_bitfield_to_int, change_int_to_bitfield</title>
2638 |
2639 |
<para>There are two bit-field operation, change_bitfield_to_int and
2640 |
change_int_to_bitfield to transform between bit-fields and integers.
2641 |
If the varieties do not fit the result is undefined; the producer
2642 |
can always get it right.</para>
2643 |
2644 |
2645 |
<sect2 id="make_compound">
2646 |
<title>make_compound, make_nof, n_copies</title>
2647 |
2648 |
<para>There is one operation to make values of COMPOUND SHAPE,
2649 |
2650 |
2651 |
2652 |
arg1: EXP OFFSET(base, y)
2653 |
arg2: LIST(EXP)
2654 |
2655 |
2656 |
2657 |
The OFFSET <type>arg1</type> is evaluated as a translate-time
2658 |
constant to give <parameter>sz</parameter>, the size of the compound
2659 |
object. The EXPs of arg2 are alternately OFFSETs (also
2660 |
translate-time constants) and values which will be placed at those
2661 |
offsets. This constructor is used to construct values given by
2662 |
structure displays; in C, these only occur with constant
2663 |
<constant>val[i]</constant> in global definitions. It is also used
2664 |
to provide union injectors; here <parameter>sz</parameter> would be
2665 |
the size of the union and the list would probably two elements with
2666 |
the first being an offset_zero.</para>
2667 |
2668 |
<para>Constant sized array values may be constructed using make_nof,
2669 |
make_nof_int, and n_copies. Again, they only occur in C as constants
2670 |
in global definitions.</para>
2671 |
2672 |
2673 |
2674 |
<sect1 id="constants">
2675 |
2676 |
2677 |
<para>The representation of constants clearly has peculiar difficulties
2678 |
in any architecture neutral format. Leaving aside any problems of how
2679 |
numbers are to be represented, we also have the situation where a
2680 |
"constant" can have different values on different platforms. An
2681 |
obvious example would be the size of a structure which, although it is
2682 |
a constant of any particular run of a program, may have different
2683 |
values on different machines. Further, this constant is in general the
2684 |
result of some computation involving the sizes of its components which
2685 |
are not known until the platform is chosen. In TDF, sizes are always
2686 |
derived from some EXP OFFSET constructed using the various OFFSET
2687 |
arithmetic operations on primitives like shape_offset and offset_zero.
2688 |
Most such EXP OFFSETs produced are in fact constants of the platform;
2689 |
they include field displacements of structure as well as their sizes.
2690 |
TDF assumes that, if these EXPs can be evaluated at translate-time
2691 |
(i.e. when the sizes and alignments of primitive objects are known),
2692 |
then they must be evaluated there. An example of why this is so arises
2693 |
in make_compound; the SHAPE of its result EXP depends on its
2694 |
<type>arg1</type> EXP OFFSET parameter and all SHAPEs must be
2695 |
translate-time values.</para>
2696 |
2697 |
<para>An initialisation of a TAGDEF is a constant in this sense
2698 |
2699 |
2700 |
<para>However see also initial_value in
2701 |
<link linkend="definitions-and-declarations">section 3.2</link>.
2702 |
2703 |
2704 |
2705 |
; this allows one to ignore any difficulties about their order of
2706 |
evaluation in the UNIT and consequently the order of evaluation of
2707 |
UNITs. Once again all the EXPs which are initialisations must be
2708 |
evaluated before the program is run; this obviously includes any
2709 |
make_proc or make_general_proc. . The limitation on an initialisation
2710 |
EXP to ensure this is basically that one cannot take the contents of a
2711 |
variable declared outside the EXP after all tokens and conditional
2712 |
evaluation is taken into account. In other words, each TDF translator
2713 |
effectively has an TDF interpreter which can do evaluation of
2714 |
expressions (including conditionals etc.) involving only constants
2715 |
such as numbers, sizes and addresses of globals. This corresponds very
2716 |
roughly to the kind of initialisations of globals that are permissible
2717 |
in C; for a more precise definition, see (<fix>S7.3</fix>).</para>
2718 |
2719 |
<sect2 id="cond-constructors">
2720 |
<title>_cond constructors</title>
2721 |
2722 |
<para>Another place where translate-time evaluation of constants is
2723 |
mandated is in the various _cond constructors which give a kind of
2724 |
"conditional compilation" facility; every SORT which has a SORTNAME,
2725 |
other that TAG, TOKEN and LABEL, has one of these constructors e.g.
2726 |
2727 |
2728 |
2729 |
control: EXP INTEGER(v)
2730 |
2731 |
2732 |
-> EXP x or EXP y
2733 |
2734 |
2735 |
The constant, <type>control</type>, is evaluated at translate time.
2736 |
If it is not zero the entire construction is replaced by the EXP in
2737 |
<type>e1</type>; otherwise it is replaced by the one in
2738 |
<type>e2</type>. In either case, the other BITSTREAM is totally
2739 |
ignored; it even does not need to be sensible TDF. This kind of
2740 |
construction is use extensively in C pre-processing directives e.g.:
2741 |
2742 |
2743 |
#if (sizeof(int) == sizeof(long)) ...
2744 |
2745 |
2746 |
2747 |
2748 |
<sect2 id="primitive-constant-constructors">
2749 |
<title>Primitive constant constructors</title>
2750 |
2751 |
<para>Integer constants are constructed using make_int:
2752 |
2753 |
2754 |
2755 |
2756 |
2757 |
2758 |
2759 |
The SIGNED_NAT <type>value</type> is an encoding of the binary value
2760 |
required for the integer; this value must lie within the limits
2761 |
given by <type>v</type>. I have been rather slip-shod in writing
2762 |
down examples of integer constants earlier in this document; where I
2763 |
have written 1 as an integer EXP, for example, I should have written
2764 |
make_int(v, 1) where v is some appropriate VARIETY.</para>
2765 |
2766 |
<para>Constants for both floats and strings use STRINGs. A constant
2767 |
string is just an particular example of make_nof_int:
2768 |
2769 |
2770 |
2771 |
str: STRING(k, n)
2772 |
2773 |
2774 |
2775 |
Each unsigned integer in <type>str</type> must lie in the variety
2776 |
<type>v</type> and the result is the constant array whose elements
2777 |
are the integers considered to be of VARIETY <type>v</type>. An
2778 |
ASCI-C constant string might have <type>v</type> = variety(-128,127)
2779 |
and <parameter>k</parameter> = 7; however, make_nof_int can be used
2780 |
to make strings of any INTEGER VARIETY; a the elements of a Unicode
2781 |
string would be integers of size 16 bits.</para>
2782 |
2783 |
<para>A floating constant uses a STRING which contains the ASCI
2784 |
characters of a expansion of the number to some base in
2785 |
2786 |
2787 |
2788 |
2789 |
2790 |
sign: BOOL
2791 |
mantissa: STRING(k, n)
2792 |
base: NAT
2793 |
exponent: SIGNED_NAT
2794 |
2795 |
2796 |
2797 |
For a normal floating point number, each integer in
2798 |
<type>mantissa</type> is either the ASCII `.'-symbol or the ASCII
2799 |
representation of a digit of the representation in the given
2800 |
<type>base</type>; i.e. if c is the ASCII symbol, the digit value is
2801 |
c-'0'. The resulting floating point number has SHAPE FLOATING(f) and
2802 |
value <type>mantissa</type> * <type>base</type>
2803 |
<type>exponent</type> rounded according to <type>rm</type>. Usually
2804 |
the base will be 10 (sometimes 2) and the rounding mode to_nearest.
2805 |
Any floating-point evaluation of expressions done at translate-time
2806 |
will be done to an accuracy greater that implied by the
2807 |
FLOATING_VARIETY involved, so that floating constants will be as
2808 |
accurate as the platform permits.</para>
2809 |
2810 |
<para>The make_floating construct does not apply apply to a complex
2811 |
FLOATING_VARIETY <type>f</type>; to construct a complex constant use
2812 |
make_complex with two make_floating arguments.</para>
2813 |
2814 |
<para>Constants are also provided to give unique null values for
2815 |
pointers, label values and procs i.e.: make_null_ptr,
2816 |
make_null_local_lv and make_null_proc. Any significant use of these
2817 |
values (e.g. taking the contents of a null pointer) is undefined,
2818 |
but they can be assigned and used in tests in the normal way.</para>
2819 |
2820 |
2821 |
2822 |
<sect1 id="tokens-and-apis">
2823 |
<title>Tokens and APIs</title>
2824 |
2825 |
<para>All of the examples of the use of TOKENs so far given have really
2826 |
been as abbreviations for commonly used constructs, e.g. the EXP
2827 |
OFFSETS for fields of structures. However, the real justification for
2828 |
TOKENs are their use as abstractions for things defined in libraries
2829 |
or application program interfaces (APIs).</para>
2830 |
2831 |
<sect2 id="S79">
2832 |
<title>Application programming interfaces</title>
2833 |
2834 |
<para>APIs usually do not give complete language definitions of the
2835 |
operations and values that they contain; generally, they are defined
2836 |
informally in English giving relationships between the entities
2837 |
within them. An API designer should allow implementors the
2838 |
opportunity of choosing actual definitions which fit their hardware
2839 |
and the possibility of changing them as better algorithms or
2840 |
representations become available.</para>
2841 |
2842 |
<para>The most commonly quoted example is the representation of the
2843 |
type FILE and its related operations in C. The ANSI C definition
2844 |
gives no common representation for FILE; its implementation is
2845 |
defined to be platform-dependent. A TDF producer can assume nothing
2846 |
about FILE; not even that it is a structure. The only things that
2847 |
can alter or create FILEs are also entities in the Ansi-C API and
2848 |
they will always refer to FILEs via a C pointer. Thus TDF abstracts
2849 |
FILE as a SHAPE TOKEN with no parameters, make_tok(T_FILE) say. Any
2850 |
program that uses FILE would have to include a TOKDEC introducing
2851 |
2852 |
2853 |
2854 |
make_tokdec(T_FILE, empty, shape())
2855 |
2856 |
2857 |
and anywhere that it wished to refer to the SHAPE of FILE it would
2858 |
2859 |
2860 |
2861 |
shape_apply_token(make_tok(T_FILE), ())
2862 |
2863 |
2864 |
Before this program is translated on a given platform, the actual
2865 |
SHAPE of FILE must be supplied. This would be done by linking a TDF
2866 |
CAPSULE which supplies the TOKDEF for the SHAPE of FILE which is
2867 |
particular to the target platform.</para>
2868 |
2869 |
<para>Many of the C operations which use FILEs are explicitly allowed
2870 |
to be expanded as either procedure calls or as macros. For example,
2871 |
putc(c,f) may be implemented either as a procedure call or as the
2872 |
expansion of macro which uses the fields of f directly. Thus, it is
2873 |
quite natural for putc(c, f) to be represented in TDF as an EXP
2874 |
TOKEN with two EXP parameters which allows it to be expanded in
2875 |
either way. Of course, this would be quite distinct from the use of
2876 |
putc as a value (as a proc parameter of a procedure for example)
2877 |
which would require some other representation. One such
2878 |
representation that comes to mind might be to simply to make a
2879 |
TAGDEC for the putc value, supplying its TAGDEF in the Ansi API
2880 |
CAPSULE for the platform. This might prove to be rather
2881 |
short-sighted, since it denies us the possibility that the putc
2882 |
value itself might be expanded from other values and hence it would
2883 |
be better as another parameterless TOKEN. I have not come across an
2884 |
actual API expansion for the putc value as other than a simple TAG;
2885 |
however the FILE* value stdin is sometimes expressed as:
2886 |
2887 |
2888 |
#define stdin &_iob[0]
2889 |
2890 |
2891 |
which illustrates the point. It is better to have all of the
2892 |
interface of an API expressed as TOKENs to give both generality and
2893 |
flexibility across different platforms.</para>
2894 |
2895 |
2896 |
<sect2 id="S80">
2897 |
<title>Linking to APIs</title>
2898 |
2899 |
<para>In general, each API requires platform-dependent definitions to
2900 |
be supplied by a combination of TDF linking and system linking for
2901 |
that platform. This is illustrated in the following diagram giving
2902 |
the various phases involved in producing a runnable program.</para>
2903 |
2904 |
2905 |
2906 |
<imagedata fileref="images/guide3.png" format="PNG"/>
2907 |
2908 |
2909 |
2910 |
2911 |
2912 |
2913 |
2914 |
2915 |
2916 |
<para>There will be CAPSULEs for each API on each platform giving the
2917 |
expansions for the TOKENs involved, usually as uses of identifiers
2918 |
which will be supplied by system linking from some libraries. These
2919 |
CAPSULEs would be derived from the header files on the platform for
2920 |
the API in question, usually using some automatic tools. For
2921 |
example, there will be a TDF CAPSULE (derived from <stdio.h>)
2922 |
which defines the TOKEN T_FILE as the SHAPE for FILE, together with
2923 |
definitions for the TOKENs for putc, stdin, etc., in terms of
2924 |
identifiers which will be found in the library libc.a.</para>
2925 |
2926 |
<sect3 id="S81">
2927 |
<title>Target independent headers, unique_extern</title>
2928 |
2929 |
<para>Any producer which uses an API will use system independent
2930 |
information to give the common interface TOKENs for this API. In
2931 |
the C producer, this is provided by header files using pragmas,
2932 |
which tell the producer which TOKENs to use for the particular
2933 |
constructs of the API . In any target-independent CAPSULE which
2934 |
uses the API, these TOKENs would be introduced as TOKDECs and made
2935 |
globally accessible by using make_linkextern. For a world-wide
2936 |
standard API, the EXTERNAL "name" for a TOKEN used by
2937 |
make_linkextern should be provided by an application of
2938 |
unique_extern on a UNIQUE drawn from a central repository of names
2939 |
for entities in standard APIs; this repository would form a kind
2940 |
of super-standard for naming conventions in all possible APIs. The
2941 |
mechanism for controlling this super-standard has yet to be set
2942 |
up, so at the moment all EXTERN names are created by
2943 |
2944 |
2945 |
<para>An interesting example in the use of TOKENs comes in
2946 |
abstracting field names. Often, an API will say something like
2947 |
"the type Widget is a structure with fields alpha, beta ..."
2948 |
without specifying the order of the fields or whether the list of
2949 |
fields is complete. The field selection operations for Widget
2950 |
should then be expressed using EXP OFFSET TOKENs; each field would
2951 |
have its own TOKEN giving its offset which will be filled in when
2952 |
the target is known. This gives implementors on a particular
2953 |
platform the opportunity to reorder fields or add to them as they
2954 |
like; it also allows for extension of the standard in the same
2955 |
2956 |
2957 |
<para>The most common SORTs of TOKENs used for APIs are SHAPEs to
2958 |
represent types, and EXPs to represent values, including
2959 |
procedures and constants. NATs and VARIETYs are also sometimes
2960 |
used where the API does not specify the types of integers
2961 |
involved. The other SORTs are rarely used in APIs; indeed it is
2962 |
difficult to imagine <emphasis>any</emphasis> realistic use of
2963 |
TOKENs of SORT BOOL. However, the criterion for choosing which
2964 |
SORTs are available for TOKENisation is not their immediate
2965 |
utility, but that the structural integrity and simplicity of TDF
2966 |
is maintained. It is fairly obvious that having BOOL TOKENs will
2967 |
cause no problems, so we may as well allow them.</para>
2968 |
2969 |
2970 |
2971 |
<sect2 id="S82">
2972 |
<title>Language programming interfaces</title>
2973 |
2974 |
<para>So far, I have been speaking as though a TOKENised API could
2975 |
only be some library interface, built on top of some language,
2976 |
like xpg3, posix, X etc. on top of C. However, it is possible to
2977 |
consider the constructions of the language itself as ideal
2978 |
candidates for TOKENisation. For example, the C for-statement
2979 |
could be expressed as TOKEN with four parameters. This TOKEN could
2980 |
be expanded in TDF in several different ways, all giving the
2981 |
correct semantics of a for-statement. A translator (or other
2982 |
tools) could choose the expansion it wants depending on context
2983 |
and the properties of the parameters. The C producer could give a
2984 |
default expansion which a lazy translator writer could use, but
2985 |
others might use expansions which might be more advantageous. This
2986 |
idea could be extended to virtually all the constructions of the
2987 |
language, giving what is in effect a C-language API; perhaps this
2988 |
might be called more properly a language programming interface
2989 |
(LPI). Thus, we would have TOKENs for C for-statements, C
2990 |
conditionals, C procedure calls, C procedure definitions etc.
2991 |
2992 |
2993 |
<para>Exercise for the reader: what are the SORTs of these
2994 |
2995 |
2996 |
<para>The current C producer does this for some of the
2997 |
constructs, but not in any systematic manner; perhaps it will
2998 |
2999 |
3000 |
3001 |
3002 |
<para>The notion of a producer for any language working to an LPI
3003 |
specific to the constructs of the language is very attractive. It
3004 |
could use different TOKENs to reflect the subtle differences
3005 |
between uses of similar constructs in different languages which
3006 |
might be difficult or impossible to detect from their expansions,
3007 |
but which could allow better optimisations in the object code.
3008 |
For example, Fortran procedures are slightly different from C
3009 |
procedures in that they do not allow aliasing between parameters
3010 |
and globals. While application of the standard TDF procedure calls
3011 |
would be semantically correct, knowledge of that the non-aliasing
3012 |
rule applies would allow some procedures to be translated to more
3013 |
efficient code. A translator without knowledge of the semantics
3014 |
implicit in the TOKENs involved would still produce correct code,
3015 |
but one which knew about them could take advantage of that
3016 |
3017 |
3018 |
<para>I also think that LPIs would be a very useful tool for
3019 |
crystalising ideas on how languages should be translated, allowing
3020 |
one to experiment with expansions not thought of by the producer
3021 |
writer. This decoupling is also an escape clause allowing the
3022 |
producer writer to defer the implementation of a construct
3023 |
completely to translate-time or link-time, as is done at the
3024 |
moment in C for off-stack allocation. As such it also serves as a
3025 |
useful test-bed for TOKEN constructions which may in future become
3026 |
new constructors of core TDF.</para>
3027 |
3028 |
3029 |
3030 |
<sect1 id="tdf-transformations">
3031 |
<title>TDF transformations</title>
3032 |
3033 |
<para>TDF to TDF transformations form the basis of most of the tools of
3034 |
TDF, including translators. TDF has a rich set of easily performed
3035 |
transformations; this is mainly due to its algebraic nature, the
3036 |
liberality of its sequencing rules, and the ease with which one can
3037 |
introduce new names over limited scopes. For example, a translator is
3038 |
always free to transform:
3039 |
3040 |
3041 |
assign(e1, e2)
3042 |
3043 |
3044 |
3045 |
3046 |
3047 |
identify(empty, new_tag, e1, assign(obtain_tag(new_tag), e2))
3048 |
3049 |
3050 |
i.e. identify the evaluation of the left-hand side of the assignment
3051 |
with a new TAG and use that TAG as the left-hand operand of a new
3052 |
assignment in the body of the identification. Note that the reverse
3053 |
transformation is only valid if the evaluation of e1 does not
3054 |
side-effect the evaluation of e2. A producer would have had to use the
3055 |
second form if it wished to evaluate e1 before e2. The definition of
3056 |
assign allows its operands to be evaluated in any order while identify
3057 |
insists that the evaluation of its <type>definition</type> is
3058 |
conceptually complete before starting on its <type>body</type>.</para>
3059 |
3060 |
<para>Why would a translator wish to make the more complicated form from
3061 |
the simpler one? This would usually depend on the particular forms of
3062 |
e1 and e2 as well as the machine idioms available for implementing the
3063 |
assignment. If, for example, the joint evaluation of e1 and e2 used
3064 |
more evaluation registers than is available, the transformation is
3065 |
probably a good idea. It would not necessarily commit one to putting
3066 |
the new tag value into the stack; some other more global criteria
3067 |
might lead one to allocate it into a register disjoint from the
3068 |
evaluation registers. In general, this kind of transformation is used
3069 |
to modify the operands of TDF constructions so that the
3070 |
code-production phase of the translator can just "churn the handle"
3071 |
knowing that the operands are already in the correct form for the
3072 |
machine idioms.</para>
3073 |
3074 |
<para>Transformations like this are also used to give optimisations
3075 |
which are largely independent of the target architecture. In general,
3076 |
provided that the sequencing rules are not violated, any EXP
3077 |
construction, F(X), say, where X is some inner EXP, can be replaced
3078 |
3079 |
3080 |
3081 |
identify(empty, new_tag, X, F(obtain_tag(new_tag))).
3082 |
3083 |
3084 |
This includes the extraction of expressions which are constant over a
3085 |
loop; if F was some repeat construction and one can show that the EXP
3086 |
X is invariant over the repeat, the transformation does the constant
3087 |
3088 |
3089 |
<para>Most of the transformations performed by translators are of the
3090 |
above form, but there are many others. Particular machine idioms might
3091 |
lead to transformations like changing a test (i>=1) to (i>0)
3092 |
because the test against zero is faster; replacing multiplication by a
3093 |
constant integer by shifts and adds because multiplication is slow;
3094 |
and so on. Target independent transformations include things like
3095 |
procedure inlining and loop unrolling. Often these target independent
3096 |
transformations can be profitably done in terms of the TOKENs of an
3097 |
LPI; loop unrolling is an obvious example.</para>
3098 |
3099 |
<sect2 id="transformations-as-definitions">
3100 |
<title>Transformations as definitions</title>
3101 |
3102 |
<para>As well being a vehicle for expressing optimisation, TDF
3103 |
transformations can be used as the basis for defining TDF. In
3104 |
principle, if we were to define all of the allowable transformations
3105 |
of the TDF constructions, we would have a complete definition of TDF
3106 |
as the initial model of the TDF algebra. This would be a fairly
3107 |
impracticable project, since the totality of the rules including all
3108 |
the simple constructs would be very unwieldy, difficult to check for
3109 |
inconsistencies and would not add much illumination to the
3110 |
definition. However, knowledge of allowable transformations of TDF
3111 |
can often answer questions of the meaning of diverse constructs by
3112 |
relating them to a single construct. What follows is an alphabet of
3113 |
generic transformations which can often help to answer knotty
3114 |
questions. Here, E[X \ Y] denotes an EXP E with all internal
3115 |
occurrences of X replaced by Y.</para>
3116 |
3117 |
<para>If F is any non order-specifying
3118 |
3119 |
3120 |
<para>The order-specifying constructors are conditional,
3121 |
identify, repeat, labelled, sequence and
3122 |
3123 |
3124 |
3125 |
EXP constructor and E is one of the EXP operands of F, then:
3126 |
3127 |
3128 |
F(..., E, ...) xde identify(empty, newtag, E, F(..., obtain_tag(newtag), ...))
3129 |
3130 |
3131 |
3132 |
<para>If E is a non side-effecting
3133 |
3134 |
<para>A sufficient condition for not side-effecting in this sense
3135 |
is that there are no apply_procs or local_allocs in E; that any
3136 |
assignments in E are to variables defined in E; and that any
3137 |
branches in E are to labels defined in conditionals in
3138 |
3139 |
3140 |
3141 |
EXP and none of the variables used in E are assigned to in B:
3142 |
identify(v, tag, E, B) xde B[obtain_tag(tag) \ E]</para>
3143 |
3144 |
<para>If all uses of tg in B are of the form contents(shape(E),
3145 |
3146 |
3147 |
3148 |
variable(v, tg, E, B) xde identify(v, nt, E, B[contents(shape(E), obtain_tag(tg)) \ obtain_tag(nt)])
3149 |
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>),
3150 |
sequence((P<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., P<subscript>m</subscript>), R) xdb
3151 |
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>, P<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., P<subscript>m</subscript>), R)
3152 |
3153 |
3154 |
3155 |
<para>If S<subscript>i</subscript> =
3156 |
sequence((P<subscript>1</subscript>, ...,
3157 |
P<subscript>m</subscript>), R):
3158 |
3159 |
3160 |
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), T) xdb
3161 |
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ...,
3162 |
S<subscript>i-1</subscript>, P<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., P<subscript>m</subscript>, R,
3163 |
S<subscript>i+1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), T) E xdb sequence((), E)
3164 |
3165 |
3166 |
3167 |
<para>If D is either identify or variable:
3168 |
3169 |
3170 |
D(v, tag, sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), R), B) xde
3171 |
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), D(v, tag, R, B))
3172 |
3173 |
3174 |
3175 |
<para>If S<subscript>i</subscript> is an EXP BOTTOM, then:
3176 |
3177 |
3178 |
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, S<subscript>2</subscript>, ... S<subscript>n</subscript>), R) xde
3179 |
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ... S<subscript>i - 1</subscript>), S<subscript>i</subscript>)
3180 |
3181 |
3182 |
3183 |
3184 |
<para>If E is an EXP BOTTOM, and if D is either identify or variable:
3185 |
3186 |
3187 |
D(v, tag, E, B) xde E
3188 |
3189 |
3190 |
3191 |
<para>If S<subscript>i</subscript> is make_top(), then:
3192 |
3193 |
3194 |
3195 |
S<subscript>2</subscript>, ... S<subscript>n</subscript>), R) xdb
3196 |
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ... S<subscript>i - 1</subscript>,
3197 |
S<subscript>i + 1</subscript>, ...S<subscript>n</subscript>), R)
3198 |
3199 |
3200 |
3201 |
<para>If S<subscript>n</subscript> is an EXP TOP:
3202 |
3203 |
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ...
3204 |
S<subscript>n</subscript>), make_top()) xdb sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ...,
3205 |
S<subscript>n - 1</subscript>), S<subscript>n</subscript>)
3206 |
3207 |
3208 |
3209 |
<para>If E is an EXP TOP and E is not side-effecting then:
3210 |
3211 |
E xde make_top()
3212 |
3213 |
3214 |
3215 |
<para>If C is some non order-specifying and non side-effecting
3216 |
constructor, and S<subscript>i</subscript> is C(P<subscript>1</subscript>,...,
3217 |
P<subscript>m</subscript>) where P<subscript>1..m</subscript> are the EXP operands of C:
3218 |
3219 |
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), R) xde
3220 |
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>i - 1</subscript>, P<subscript>1</subscript>,
3221 |
..., P<subscript>m</subscript>, S<subscript>i + 1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), R)
3222 |
3223 |
3224 |
3225 |
<para>If none of the S<subscript>i</subscript> use the label L:
3226 |
3227 |
3228 |
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), R), A) xde
3229 |
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), conditional(L, R, A))
3230 |
3231 |
3232 |
3233 |
<para>If there are no uses of L in X
3234 |
3235 |
3236 |
<para>There are analogous rules for labelled and repeat with
3237 |
unused LABELs.</para>
3238 |
3239 |
3240 |
3241 |
3242 |
conditional(L, X, Y) xde X conditional(L, E, goto(Z)) xde E[L \ Z]
3243 |
3244 |
3245 |
3246 |
<para>If EXP X contains no use of the LABEL L:
3247 |
3248 |
conditional(L, conditional(M, X, Y), Z) xde conditional(M, X, conditional(L, Y, Z))
3249 |
repeat(L, I, E) xde sequence((I), repeat(L, make_top(), E))
3250 |
repeat(L, make_top(), E) xde conditional(Z, E[L \ Z], repeat(L, make_top(), E))
3251 |
3252 |
3253 |
3254 |
<para>If there are no uses of L in E:
3255 |
3256 |
repeat(L, make_top(), sequence((S, E), make_top())) xde
3257 |
conditional(Z, S[L \ Z], repeat(L, make_top(), sequence((E, S), make_top())))
3258 |
3259 |
3260 |
3261 |
<para>If f is a procedure defined
3262 |
3263 |
3264 |
<para>This has to be modified if B contains any uses of
3265 |
local_free_all or last_local.</para>
3266 |
3267 |
3268 |
3269 |
3270 |
3271 |
make_proc(rshape, formal<subscript>1 .. n</subscript>, vtg,
3272 |
B(return R<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., return R<subscript>m</subscript>))
3273 |
3274 |
3275 |
3276 |
3277 |
3278 |
formal<subscript>i</subscript> = make_tagshacc(s<subscript>i</subscript>, vi, tgi)
3279 |
3280 |
3281 |
and B is an EXP with all of its internal return constructors indicated
3282 |
parametrically then:
3283 |
3284 |
3285 |
if Ai has SHAPE si apply_proc(rshape, f, (A1, ..., An), V) xde
3286 |
variable(empty, newtag, make_value((rshape=BOTTOM) ? TOP : rshape),
3287 |
labelled((L), variable(v1, tg1, A1, ...,
3288 |
variable(vn, tgn, An,
3289 |
variable(empty, vtg, V,
3290 |
B(sequence(assign(obtain_tag(newtag), R1), goto(L)),
3291 |
3292 |
sequence(assign(obtain_tag(newtag), Rm), goto(L))))),
3293 |
contents(rshape, obtain_tag(newtag))))
3294 |
assign(E, make_top()) xde sequence((E), make_top())
3295 |
contents(TOP, E) xde sequence((E), make_top())
3296 |
make_value(TOP) xde make_top()
3297 |
component(s, contents(COMPOUND(S), E), D) xde contents(s, add_to_ptr(E, D))
3298 |
make_compound(S, ((E1, D1), ..., (En, Dn))) xde variable(empty, nt, make_value(COMPOUND(S)),
3299 |
sequence((assign(add_to_ptr(obtain_tag(nt), D1), E1), ...,
3300 |
assign(add_to_ptr(obtain_tag(nt), Dn), En)),
3301 |
contents(S, obtain_tag(nt))))
3302 |
3303 |
3304 |
3305 |
<sect3 id="examples-of-transformations">
3306 |
<title>Examples of transformations</title>
3307 |
3308 |
<para>Any of these transformations may be performed by the TDF
3309 |
translators. The most important is probably {A} which allows one
3310 |
to reduce all of the EXP operands of suitable constructors to
3311 |
obtain_tags. The expansion rules for identification, {G}, {H} and
3312 |
{I}, gives definition to complicated operands as well as strangely
3313 |
formed ones, e.g. return(... return(X)...). Rule {A} also
3314 |
illustrates neatly the lack of ordering constraints on the
3315 |
evaluation of operands. For example, mult(et, exp1, exp2) could be
3316 |
expanded by applications of {A} to either:
3317 |
3318 |
3319 |
identify(empty, t1, exp1, identify(empty, t2, exp2, mult(et, obtain_tag(t1), obtain_tag(t2))))
3320 |
3321 |
3322 |
3323 |
3324 |
3325 |
identify(empty, t2, exp2, identify(empty, t1, exp1, mult(et, obtain_tag(t1), obtain_tag(t2))))
3326 |
3327 |
3328 |
Both orderings of the evaluations of exp1 and exp2 are acceptable,
3329 |
regardless of any side-effects in them. There is no requirement
3330 |
that both expansions should produce the same answer for the
3331 |
multiplications; the only person who can say whether either result
3332 |
is "wrong" is the person who specified the program.</para>
3333 |
3334 |
<para>Many of these transformations often only come into play when
3335 |
some previous transformation reveals some otherwise hidden
3336 |
information. For example, after procedure in-lining given by {U}
3337 |
or loop un-rolling given by {S}, a translator can often deduce the
3338 |
behaviour of a _test constructor, replacing it by either a
3339 |
make_top or a goto. This may allow one to apply either {J} or {H}
3340 |
to eliminate dead code in sequences and in turn {N} or {P} to
3341 |
eliminate entire conditions and so on.</para>
3342 |
3343 |
<para>Application of transformations can also give expansions which
3344 |
are rather pathological in the sense that a producer is very
3345 |
unlikely to form them. For example, a procedure which returns no
3346 |
result would have result statements of the form
3347 |
return(make_top()). In-lining such a procedure by {U} would have a
3348 |
form like:
3349 |
3350 |
3351 |
variable(empty, nt, make_shape(TOP),
3352 |
3353 |
... sequence((assign(obtain_tag(nt), make_top())),
3354 |
goto(L)) ...
3355 |
contents(TOP, obtain_tag(nt))
3356 |
3357 |
3358 |
3359 |
3360 |
The rules {V}, {W} and {X} allow this to be replaced by:
3361 |
3362 |
3363 |
variable(empty, nt, make_top(),
3364 |
3365 |
... sequence((obtain_tag(nt)), goto(L)) ...
3366 |
sequence((obtain_tag(nt)), make_top())
3367 |
3368 |
3369 |
3370 |
3371 |
The obtain_tags can be eliminated by rule {M} and then the
3372 |
sequences by {F}. Sucessive applications of {C} and {B} then give:
3373 |
3374 |
3375 |
3376 |
... goto(L) ...
3377 |
3378 |
3379 |
3380 |
3381 |
3382 |
3383 |
<sect3 id="S86">
3384 |
<title>Programs with undefined values</title>
3385 |
3386 |
<para>The definitions of most of the constructors in the TDF
3387 |
specification are predicated by some conditions; if these
3388 |
conditions are not met the effect and result of the constructor is
3389 |
not defined for all possible platforms.
3390 |
3391 |
3392 |
<para>However, we may find that the mapping of a constraint
3393 |
allows extra relationships for a class of architectures which
3394 |
do not hold in all generality; this may mean that some
3395 |
constructions are defined on this class while still being
3396 |
undefined in others (see
3397 |
<link linkend="models-of-the-tdf-algebra">section 13</link>).
3398 |
3399 |
3400 |
3401 |
Any value which is dependent on the effect or result of an
3402 |
undefined construction is also undefined. This is not the same as
3403 |
saying that a program is undefined if it can construct an
3404 |
undefined value - the dynamics of the program might be such that
3405 |
the offending construction is never obeyed.</para>
3406 |
3407 |
3408 |
3409 |
3410 |
<sect1 id="tdf-expansions-of-offsets">
3411 |
<title>TDF expansions of offsets</title>
3412 |
3413 |
<para>Consider the C structure defined by:
3414 |
3415 |
3416 |
typedef struct{ int i; double d; char c;} mystruct;
3417 |
3418 |
3419 |
Given that sh_int, sh_char and sh_double are the SHAPEs for int, char
3420 |
and double, the SHAPE of <type>mystruct</type> is constructed by:
3421 |
3422 |
3423 |
SH_mystruct = compound(S_c)
3424 |
3425 |
3426 |
3427 |
3428 |
3429 |
S_c = offset_add(O_c, shape_offset(sh_char))
3430 |
3431 |
3432 |
3433 |
3434 |
3435 |
O_c = offset_pad(alignment(sh_char), S_d)
3436 |
3437 |
3438 |
3439 |
3440 |
3441 |
S_d = offset_add(O_d, shape_offset(sh_double))
3442 |
3443 |
3444 |
3445 |
3446 |
3447 |
O_d = offset_pad(alignment(sh_double), S_i)
3448 |
3449 |
3450 |
3451 |
3452 |
3453 |
<para>I could equally have given simply shape_offset(sh_int) for
3454 |
S_i, but the above formulation is more uniform with respect to
3455 |
selection OFFSETs.</para>
3456 |
3457 |
3458 |
3459 |
S_i = offset_add(O_i, shape_offset(sh_int))
3460 |
3461 |
3462 |
3463 |
3464 |
3465 |
O_i = offset_zero(alignment(sh_int))
3466 |
3467 |
3468 |
Each of S_c, S_d and S_i gives the minimum "size" of the space
3469 |
required to upto and including the field c, d and i respectively. Each
3470 |
of O_c, O_d and O_i gives the OFFSET "displacement" from a pointer to
3471 |
a <type>mystruct</type> required to select the fields c, d and i
3472 |
respectively. The C program fragment:
3473 |
3474 |
3475 |
mystruct s;
3476 |
.... s.d = 1.0; ...
3477 |
3478 |
3479 |
would translate to something like:
3480 |
3481 |
3482 |
variable(empty, tag_s, make_value(compound(S_c)),
3483 |
3484 |
assign(add_to_ptr(obtain_tag(tag_s), O_d), 1.0),
3485 |
3486 |
3487 |
3488 |
3489 |
3490 |
Each of the OFFSET expressions above are ideal candidates for
3491 |
tokenisation; a producer would probably define tokens for each of them
3492 |
and use exp_apply_token to expand them at each of their uses.</para>
3493 |
3494 |
<para>From the definition, we find that:
3495 |
3496 |
3497 |
S_c = shape_offset(SH_mystruct)
3498 |
i.e. an OFFSET(alignment(sh_int) xc8 alignment(sh_char) xc8 alignment(sh_double), {})
3499 |
3500 |
3501 |
This would not be the OFFSET required to describe
3502 |
<type>sizeof(mystruct)</type> in C, since this is defined to be the
3503 |
difference between successive elements an array of
3504 |
<type>mystruct</type>s. The <type>sizeof</type> OFFSET would have to
3505 |
pad S_c to the alignment of SH_mystruct:
3506 |
3507 |
3508 |
offset_pad(alignment(SH_mystruct), S_c)
3509 |
3510 |
3511 |
This is the OFFSET that one would use to compute the displacement of
3512 |
an element of an array of <type>mystruct</type>s using offset_mult
3513 |
with the index.</para>
3514 |
3515 |
<para>The most common use of OFFSETs is in add_to_ptr to compute the
3516 |
address of a structure or array element. Looking again at its
3517 |
signature in a slightly different form:
3518 |
3519 |
3520 |
arg1: EXP POINTER(y xc8 A)
3521 |
arg2: EXP OFFSET(y, z)
3522 |
3523 |
... for any ALIGNMENT A
3524 |
3525 |
3526 |
one sees that <type>arg2</type> can measure an OFFSET from a value of
3527 |
a "smaller" alignment than the value pointed at by <type>arg1</type>.
3528 |
If <type>arg2</type> were O_d, for example, then <type>arg1</type>
3529 |
could be a pointer to any structure of the form struct {int i, double
3530 |
d,...} not just <type>mystruct</type>. The general principle is that
3531 |
an OFFSET to a field constructed in this manner is independent of any
3532 |
fields after it, corresponding to normal usage in both languages and
3533 |
machines. A producer for a language which conflicts with this would
3534 |
have to produce less obvious TDF, perhaps by re-ordering the fields,
3535 |
padding the offsets by later alignments or taking maxima of the sizes
3536 |
of the fields.</para>
3537 |
3538 |
<sect2 id="bitfield-offsets">
3539 |
<title>Bitfield offsets</title>
3540 |
3541 |
<para>Bitfield offsets are governed by rather stricter rules. In order
3542 |
to extract or assign a bitfield, we have to find an integer variety
3543 |
which entirely contains the bitfield. Suppose that we wished to
3544 |
extract a bitfield by:
3545 |
3546 |
3547 |
bitfield_contents(v, p:POINTER(X), b:OFFSET(Y, B))
3548 |
3549 |
3550 |
Y must be an alignment(I) where I is some integer SHAPE, contained
3551 |
in X. Further, this has to be equivalent to:
3552 |
3553 |
3554 |
bitfield_contents(v, add_ptr(p, d:OFFSET(Y,Y)), b':OFFSET(Y, B))
3555 |
3556 |
3557 |
for some d and b' such that:
3558 |
3559 |
3560 |
offset_pad(v, shape_offset(I)) >= b'
3561 |
3562 |
3563 |
3564 |
3565 |
3566 |
offset_add(offset_pad(v, offset_mult(d, sizeof(I)), b') = b
3567 |
3568 |
3569 |
Clearly, we have a limitation on the length of bitfields to the
3570 |
maximum integer variety available; in addition, we cannot have a
3571 |
bitfield which overlaps two such varieties.</para>
3572 |
3573 |
<para>The difficulties inherent in this may be illustrated by
3574 |
attempting to construct an array of bitfields using the nof
3575 |
constructor. Assuming a standard architecture, we find that we
3576 |
cannot usefully define an object of SHAPE nof(N,
3577 |
bitfield(bfvar_bits(b, M))) without padding this shape out to some
3578 |
integer variety which can contain M bits. In addition, they can only
3579 |
be usefully indexed (using bitfield_contents)either if M is some
3580 |
power of 2 or M*N is less than the length of the maximum integer
3581 |
variety. Thus a producer must be sure that these conditions hold if
3582 |
he is to generate and index this object simply. Even here he is in
3583 |
some dificulty, since he does not know the representational
3584 |
varieties of the integers available to him; also it is difficult for
3585 |
him to ensure that the alignment of the entire array is in some
3586 |
sense minimal. Similar difficulties occur with bitfields in
3587 |
structures - they are not restricted to arrays.</para>
3588 |
3589 |
<para>The solution to this conundrum in its full generality requires
3590 |
knowledge of the available representational varieties. Particular
3591 |
languages have restrictions which means that sub-optimal solutions
3592 |
will satisfy its specification on the use of bitfields. For
3593 |
example, C is satisfied with bitfields of maximum length 32 and
3594 |
simple alignment constraints. However, for the general optimal
3595 |
solution, I can see no reasonable alternative to the installer
3596 |
defining some tokens to produce bitfield offsets which are
3597 |
guaranteed to obey the alignment rules and also give optimal packing
3598 |
of fields and alignments of the total object for the platform in
3599 |
question. I believe that three tokens are sufficient to do this;
3600 |
these are analogous to the constructors offset_zero, offset_pad and
3601 |
offset_mult with ordinary alignments and their signatures could be:
3602 |
3603 |
3604 |
3605 |
n: NAT
3606 |
issigned: BOOL
3607 |
-> EXP OFFSET(A, bfvar_bits(issigned, n))
3608 |
3609 |
3610 |
Here the result is a zero offset to the bitfield with `minimum'
3611 |
integer variety alignment A.
3612 |
3613 |
3614 |
3615 |
n: NAT
3616 |
issigned: BOOL
3617 |
3618 |
-> EXP OFFSET(alignment(sh) xc8 A, bfvar_bits(issigned, n))
3619 |
3620 |
3621 |
Here the result is the shape_offset of <type>sh</type> padded with
3622 |
the `minimum' alignment A so that it can accomodate the bitfield.
3623 |
Note that this may involve padding <type>sh</type> with the
3624 |
alignment of the maximum integer variety if there are not enough
3625 |
bits left at the end of <type>sh.</type>
3626 |
3627 |
3628 |
3629 |
n: NAT
3630 |
issigned: BOOL
3631 |
3632 |
-> EXP OFFSET(A, bfvar_bits(issigned, n))
3633 |
3634 |
3635 |
Here the result is an offset which gives the displacement of
3636 |
<type>ind</type>th element of an array of <type>n</type>-bit
3637 |
bitfields with `minimum' alignment A. Note that this will correspond
3638 |
to a normal multiplication only if <type>n</type> is a power of 2 or
3639 |
<type>ind</type> * <type>n</type> <= length of the maximum
3640 |
integer variety.</para>
3641 |
3642 |
<para>These tokens can be expressed in TDF if the lengths of the
3643 |
available varieties are known, i.e., they are installer defined.
3644 |
3645 |
3646 |
<para>For most architectures, these definition are dependent only
3647 |
on a few constants such as the maximum length of bitfield.,
3648 |
expessed as tokens for the target. The precise specification of
3649 |
such target dependent tokens is of current interest outside the
3650 |
scope of this document.</para>
3651 |
3652 |
3653 |
They ought to be used in place of offset_zero, offset_pad and
3654 |
offset_mult whereever the alignment or shape (required to construct
3655 |
a SHAPE or an argument to the bitfield constructs) is a pure
3656 |
bitfield. The constructor nof should never be used on a pure
3657 |
bitfield; instead it should be replaced by:
3658 |
3659 |
3660 |
S = compound(~Bitfield_offset_mult(M, b, N))
3661 |
3662 |
3663 |
to give a shape, S, representing an array of N M-bit bitfields. This
3664 |
may not be just N*M bits; for example ~Bitfield_offset_mult may be
3665 |
implemented to pack an array of 3-bit bitfields as 10 fields to a
3666 |
32-bit word. In any case, one would expect that normal rules for
3667 |
offset arithmetic are preserved, e.g.
3668 |
3669 |
3670 |
offset_add(~Bitfield_offset_pad(M, b, S), size(bitfield(bfvar_bits(b, N)))) =
3671 |
~Bitfield_offset_mult(M, b, N + 1)
3672 |
3673 |
where size(X) = offset_pad(alignment(X), shape_offset(X))
3674 |
3675 |
3676 |
3677 |
3678 |
3679 |
<sect1 id="models-of-the-tdf-algebra">
3680 |
<title>Models of the TDF algebra</title>
3681 |
3682 |
<para>TDF is a multi-sorted abstract algebra. Any implementation of TDF
3683 |
is a model of this algebra, formed by a mapping of the algebra into a
3684 |
concrete machine. An algebraic mapping gives a concrete representation
3685 |
to each of the SORTs in such a way that the representation of any
3686 |
construction of TDF is independent of context; it is a homomorphism.
3687 |
In other words if we define the mapping of a TDF constructor, C, as
3688 |
MAP[C] and the representation of a SORT, S, as REPR[S] then:
3689 |
3690 |
3691 |
REPR[C(P1, ..., Pn)] = MAP[C](REPR(P1), ..., REPR(Pn))
3692 |
3693 |
3694 |
Any mapping has to preserve the equivalences of the abstract algebra,
3695 |
such as those exemplified by the transformations {A} - {Z} in
3696 |
<link linkend="transformations-as-definitions">section 11.1</link>.
3697 |
Similarly, the mappings of any predicates on the constructions, such
3698 |
as those giving "well-formed" conditions, must be satisfied in terms
3699 |
of the mapped representations.</para>
3700 |
3701 |
<para>In common with most homomorphisms, the mappings of constructions
3702 |
can exhibit more equivalences than are given by the abstract algebra.
3703 |
The use of these extra equivalences is the basis of most of the
3704 |
target-dependent optimisations in a TDF translator; it can make use of
3705 |
"idioms" of the target architecture to produce equivalent
3706 |
constructions which may work faster than the "obvious" translation. In
3707 |
addition, we may find that may find that more predicates are satisfied
3708 |
in a mapping than would be in the abstract algebra. a particular
3709 |
concrete mapping might allow more constructions to be well-formed than
3710 |
are permitted in the abstract; a producer can use this fact to target
3711 |
its output to a particular class of architectures. in this case, the
3712 |
producer should produce tdf so that any translator not targeted to
3713 |
this class can fail gracefully.</para>
3714 |
3715 |
<para>giving a complete mapping for a particular architecture here is
3716 |
tantamount to writing a complete translator. however, the mappings for
3717 |
the small but important sub-algebra concerned with offsets and
3718 |
alignments illustrates many of the main principles. what follows is
3719 |
two sets of mappings for disparate architectures; the first gives a
3720 |
more or less standard meaning to alignments but the second may be less
3721 |
3722 |
3723 |
<sect2 id="model-for-32bit-architecture">
3724 |
<title>Model for a 32-bit standard architecture</title>
3725 |
3726 |
<para>Almost all current architectures use a "flat-store" model of
3727 |
memory. There is no enforced segregation of one kind of data from
3728 |
another - in general, one can access one unit of memory as a linear
3729 |
offset from any other. Here, TDF ALIGNMENTs are a reflection of
3730 |
constraints for the efficient access of different kinds of data
3731 |
objects - usually one finds that 32-bit integers are most
3732 |
efficiently accessed if they start at 32 bit boundaries and so
3733 |
3734 |
3735 |
<sect3 id="S91">
3736 |
<title>Alignment model</title>
3737 |
3738 |
<para>The representation of ALIGNMENT in a typical standard
3739 |
architecture is a single integer where:
3740 |
3741 |
3742 |
REPR[{ }] = 1
3743 |
REPR[{bitfield}] = 1
3744 |
REPR[{char_variety}] = 8
3745 |
REPR[{short_variety}] = 16
3746 |
3747 |
3748 |
Otherwise, for all other primitive ALIGNMENTS a:
3749 |
3750 |
3751 |
REPR[{a}] = 32
3752 |
3753 |
3754 |
The representation of a compound ALIGNMENT is given by:
3755 |
3756 |
3757 |
REPR[A xc8 B] = Max(REPR[A], REPR[B])
3758 |
i.e. MAP[unite_alignment] = Max
3759 |
3760 |
3761 |
while the ALIGNMENT inclusion predicate is given by:
3762 |
3763 |
3764 |
REPR[A ... B]= REPR[A] xb3 REPR[B]
3765 |
3766 |
3767 |
All the constructions which make ALIGNMENTs are represented here
3768 |
and they will always reduce to an integer known at translate-time.
3769 |
Note that the mappings for xc8 and ... must preserve the basic
3770 |
algebraic properties derived from sets; for example the mapping of
3771 |
xc8 must be idempotent, commutative and associative, which is true
3772 |
for Max.</para>
3773 |
3774 |
3775 |
<sect3 id="offset-and-pointer-model">
3776 |
<title>Offset and pointer model</title>
3777 |
3778 |
<para>Most standard architectures use byte addressing; to address
3779 |
bits requires more complication. Hence, a value with SHAPE
3780 |
POINTER(A) where REPR[A)]xb9 1 is represented by a 32-bit byte
3781 |
3782 |
3783 |
<para>We are not allowed to construct pointers where REPR[A] = 1,
3784 |
but we still have offsets whose second alignment is a bitfield.
3785 |
Thus a offsets to bitfield are represented differently to offsets
3786 |
to other alignments:</para>
3787 |
3788 |
<para>A value with SHAPE OFFSET(A, B) where REPR(B) xb9 1 is
3789 |
represented by a 32-bit byte-offset.</para>
3790 |
3791 |
<para>A value with SHAPE OFFSET(A, B) where REPR(B) = 1 is
3792 |
represented by a 32-bit bit-offset.</para>
3793 |
3794 |
3795 |
<sect3 id="size-model">
3796 |
<title>Size model</title>
3797 |
3798 |
<para>In principle, the representation of a SHAPE is a pair of an
3799 |
ALIGNMENT and a size, given by shape_offset applied to the SHAPE.
3800 |
This pair is constant which can be evaluated at translate time.
3801 |
The construction, shape_offset(S), has SHAPE OFFSET(alignment(s),
3802 |
{ }) and hence is represented by a bit-offset:
3803 |
3804 |
3805 |
REPR[shape_offset(top())] = 0
3806 |
REPR[shape_offset(integer(char_variety))] = 8
3807 |
REPR[shape_offset(integer(short_variety))] = 16
3808 |
.... etc. for other numeric varieties
3809 |
REPR[shape_offset(pointer(A))]= 32
3810 |
REPR[shape_offset(compound(E))] = REPR[E]
3811 |
REPR[shape_offset(bitfield(bfvar_bits(b, N)))] = N
3812 |
REPR[shape_offset(nof(N, S))] = N * REPR[offset_pad(alignment(S), shape_offset(S))]
3813 |
where S is not a bitfield shape
3814 |
3815 |
3816 |
Similar considerations apply to the other offset-arithmetic
3817 |
constructors. In general, we have:
3818 |
3819 |
3820 |
REPR[offset_zero(A)] = 0 for all A
3821 |
3822 |
REPR[offset_pad(A, X:OFFSET(C, D)) =
3823 |
((REPR[X] + REPR[A] - 1) / (REPR[A])) * REPR[A] / 8
3824 |
if REPR[A] xb9 1 xd9 REPR[D] =1
3825 |
3826 |
3827 |
3828 |
3829 |
3830 |
REPR[offset_pad(A, X:OFFSET(C, D)) =
3831 |
((REPR[X] + REPR[A] - 1) / (REPR[A])) * REPR[A]
3832 |
3833 |
REPR[offset_add(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = REPR[X] * 8 + REPR[Y]
3834 |
if REPR[B] xb9 1 xd9 REPR[D] = 1
3835 |
3836 |
3837 |
3838 |
3839 |
3840 |
REPR[offset_add(X, Y)] = REPR[X] + REPR[Y]
3841 |
3842 |
REPR[offset_max(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = Max(REPR[X], 8 * REPR[Y]
3843 |
if REPR[B] = 1 xd9 REPR[D] xb9 1
3844 |
REPR[offset_max(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = Max(8 * REPR[X], REPR[Y]
3845 |
if REPR[D] = 1 xd9 REPR[B] xb9 1
3846 |
3847 |
3848 |
3849 |
3850 |
3851 |
REPR[offset_max(X, Y)] = Max(REPR[X], REPR[Y])
3852 |
3853 |
REPR[offset_mult(X, E)] = REPR[X] * REPR[E]
3854 |
3855 |
3856 |
IA translator working to this model maps ALIGNMENTs into the
3857 |
integers and their inclusion constraints into numerical
3858 |
comparisons. As a result, it will correctly allow many OFFSETs
3859 |
which are disallowed in general; for example, OFFSET({pointer},
3860 |
{char_variety}) is allowed since REPR[{pointer}] xb3
3861 |
REPR[{char_variety}]. Rather fewer of these extra relationships
3862 |
are allowed in the next model considered.</para>
3863 |
3864 |
3865 |
3866 |
3867 |
<title>Model for machines like the iAPX-432</title>
3868 |
3869 |
<para>The iAPX-432 does not have a linear model of store. The address
3870 |
of a word in store is a pair consisting of a block-address and a
3871 |
displacement within that block. In order to take full advantage of
3872 |
the protection facilities of the machine, block-addresses are
3873 |
strictly segregated from scalar data like integers, floats,
3874 |
displacements etc. There are at least two different kind of blocks,
3875 |
one which can only contain block-addresses and the other which
3876 |
contains only scalar data. There are clearly difficulties here in
3877 |
describing data-structures which contain both pointers and scalar
3878 |
3879 |
3880 |
<para>Let us assume that the machine has bit-addressing to avoid the
3881 |
bit complications already covered in the first model. Also assume
3882 |
that instruction blocks are just scalar blocks and that block
3883 |
addresses are aligned on 32-bit boundaries.</para>
3884 |
3885 |
<sect3 id="S95">
3886 |
<title>Alignment model</title>
3887 |
3888 |
<para>An ALIGNMENT is represented by a pair consisting of an
3889 |
integer, giving the natural alignments for scalar data, and
3890 |
boolean to indicate the presence of a block-address. Denote this
3891 |
3892 |
3893 |
3894 |
(s:alignment_of_scalars, b:has_blocks)
3895 |
3896 |
3897 |
We then have:
3898 |
3899 |
3900 |
REPR[alignment({ })] = (s:1, b:FALSE)
3901 |
REPR[alignment({char_variety}) = (s:8, b:FALSE)
3902 |
... etc. for other numerical and bitfield varieties.
3903 |
REPR[alignment({pointer})] = (s:32, b:TRUE)
3904 |
REPR[alignment({proc})] = (s:32, b:TRUE)
3905 |
REPR[alignment({local_label_value})] = (s:32, b:TRUE)
3906 |
3907 |
3908 |
The representation of a compound ALIGNMENT is given by:
3909 |
3910 |
3911 |
REPR[A xc8 B] = (s:Max(REPR[A].s, REPR[B].s), b:REPR[A].b xda REPR[B].b)
3912 |
3913 |
3914 |
and their inclusion relationship is given by:
3915 |
3916 |
3917 |
REPR[A ... B] = (REPR[A].s xb3 REPR[B].s) xd9 (REPR[A].b xda REPR[B].b)
3918 |
3919 |
3920 |
3921 |
3922 |
<sect3 id="S96">
3923 |
<title>Offset and pointer model</title>
3924 |
3925 |
<para>A value with SHAPE POINTER A where REPR[A].b is represented
3926 |
by a pair consisting of a block-address of a scalar block and an
3927 |
integer bit-displacement within that block. Denote this by:
3928 |
3929 |
3930 |
(sb:scalar_block_address, sd:bit_displacement)
3931 |
3932 |
3933 |
A value with SHAPE POINTER A where REPR[A].b is represented by a
3934 |
quad word consisting of two block-addresses and two
3935 |
bit-displacements within these blocks. One of these block
3936 |
addresses will contain the scalar information pointed at by one of
3937 |
the bit-displacements; similarly, the other pair will point at the
3938 |
block addresses in the data are held. Denote this by:
3939 |
3940 |
3941 |
(sb:scalar_block_address, ab:address_block_address,
3942 |
sd:scalar_displacement, ad:address_displacement)
3943 |
3944 |
3945 |
3946 |
<para>A value with SHAPE OFFSET(A, B) where REPR[A].b is represented
3947 |
by an integer bit-displacement.</para>
3948 |
3949 |
<para>A value with SHAPE OFFSET(A, B) where REPR[A].b is represented
3950 |
by a pair of bit-displacements, one relative to a scalar-block and
3951 |
the other to an address-block. Denote this by:
3952 |
3953 |
3954 |
(sd:scalar_displacement, ad:address_displacement)
3955 |
3956 |
3957 |
3958 |
3959 |
<sect3 id="S97">
3960 |
<title>Size model</title>
3961 |
3962 |
<para>The sizes given by shape_offset are now:
3963 |
3964 |
3965 |
REPR[shape_offset(integer(char_variety))] = 8
3966 |
... etc. for other numerical and bitfield varieties.
3967 |
REPR[shape_offset(pointer(A))] = (REPR[A].b) ? (sd:64, ad:64) : (sd:32, ad:32)
3968 |
REPR[shape_offset(offset(A, B))] = (REPR[A].b) ? 64 : 32)
3969 |
REPR[shape_offset(proc)] = (sd:32, ad:32)
3970 |
REPR[shape_offset(compound(E))] = REPR[E]
3971 |
REPR[shape_offset(nof(N, S))] = N * REPR[offset_pad(alignment(S)), shape_offset(S))]
3972 |
REPR[shape_offset(top)] = 0
3973 |
3974 |
3975 |
3976 |
3977 |
<sect3 id="S98">
3978 |
<title>Offset arithmetic</title>
3979 |
3980 |
<para>The other OFFSET constructors are given by:</para>
3981 |
3982 |
3983 |
REPR[offset_zero(A)] = 0 if REPR[A].b
3984 |
REPR[offset_zero(A)] = (sd: 0, ad: 0) if REPR[A].b
3985 |
3986 |
REPR[offset_add(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = REPR[X] + REPR[Y]
3987 |
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
3988 |
REPR[offset_add(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
3989 |
(sd:REPR[X].sd + REPR[Y].sd, ad: REPR[X].ad + REPR[Y].ad)
3990 |
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
3991 |
REPR[offset_add(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
3992 |
(sd:REPR[X].sd + REPR[Y], ad:REPR[X].ad)
3993 |
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
3994 |
3995 |
REPR[offset_pad(A, Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = (REPR[Y] + REPR[A].s - 1) / REPR[A].s
3996 |
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
3997 |
REPR[offset_pad(A, Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
3998 |
(sd:(REPR[Y] + REPR[A].s - 1) / REPR[A].s, ad:REPR[Y].ad)
3999 |
if REPR[C].b
4000 |
REPR[offset_pad(A, Y: OFFSET(C, D))] =
4001 |
(sd:(REPR[Y] + REPR[A].s - 1) / REPR[A].s, ad:0)
4002 |
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
4003 |
REPR[offset_max(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = Max(REPR[X], REPR[Y])
4004 |
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
4005 |
REPR[offset_max(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
4006 |
(sd:Max(REPR[X].sd, REPR[Y].sd), ad:Max(REPR[X].a, REPR[Y].ad))
4007 |
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
4008 |
REPR[offset_max(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
4009 |
(sd:Max(REPR[X].sd, REPR[Y]), ad:REPR[X].ad)
4010 |
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
4011 |
REPR[offset_max(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
4012 |
(sd:Max(REPR[Y].sd, REPR[X]), ad: REPR[Y].ad)
4013 |
if REPR[C].b xd9 REPR[A].b
4014 |
4015 |
REPR[offset_subtract(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = REPR[X] - REPR[Y]
4016 |
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
4017 |
REPR[offset_subtract(X:OFFSET(A,B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
4018 |
(sd:REPR[X].sd - REPR[Y].sd, ad:REPR[X].ad - REPR[Y].ad)
4019 |
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
4020 |
REPR[offset_add(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = REPR[X].sd - REPR[Y]
4021 |
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
4022 |
.... and so on.
4023 |
4024 |
4025 |
<para>Unlike the previous one, this model of ALIGNMENTs would reject
4026 |
OFFSETs such as OFFSET({long_variety}, {pointer}) but not
4027 |
OFFSET({pointer}, {long_variety}) since:</para>
4028 |
4029 |
4030 |
REPR[{long_variety} ... {pointer}] = FALSE
4031 |
4032 |
4033 |
4034 |
4035 |
4036 |
REPR[{pointer} ... {long_variety}] = TRUE
4037 |
4038 |
4039 |
<para>This just reflects the fact that there is no way that one can
4040 |
extract a block-address necessary for a pointer from a
4041 |
scalar-block, but since the representation of a pointer includes a
4042 |
scalar displacement, one can always retrieve a scalar from a
4043 |
pointer to a pointer.</para>
4044 |
4045 |
4046 |
4047 |
4048 |
4049 |
4050 |
4051 |
<para>This commentary is not complete. I have tended to go into
4052 |
considerable detail into aspects which I consider might be unfamiliar
4053 |
and skip over others which occur in most compiling systems. I also
4054 |
have a tendency to say things more than once, albeit in different
4055 |
words; however if something is worth saying, it is worth saying
4056 |
4057 |
4058 |
<para>I shall continue tracking further revisions of the TDF
4059 |
specification in later releases or appendices to this document.</para>
4060 |
4061 |
4062 |