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<!-- Crown Copyright (c) 1998 -->
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<TITLE>C Checker Reference Manual: Type Checking</TITLE>
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<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#400080" ALINK="#FF0000">
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<A NAME=S15>
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<H1>C Checker Reference Manual</H1>
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<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<DT><A HREF="#S16"><B>3.1 </B> - Introduction</A><DD>
19 |
<DT><A HREF="#S17"><B>3.2 </B> - Type conversions</A><DD>
20 |
21 |
<DT><A HREF="#S18"><B>3.2.1 </B> - Integer to integer conversions
22 |
23 |
<DT><A HREF="#S19"><B>3.2.2 </B> - Pointer to integer and integer
24 |
to pointer conversions</A><DD>
25 |
<DT><A HREF="#S20"><B>3.2.3 </B> - Pointer to pointer conversions
26 |
27 |
<DT><A HREF="#S21"><B>3.2.4 </B> - Example: 64-bit portability issues</A><DD>
28 |
29 |
<DT><A HREF="#S22"><B>3.3 </B> - Function type checking</A><DD>
30 |
31 |
<DT><A HREF="#S23"><B>3.3.1 </B> - Type checking non-prototyped functions</A>
32 |
33 |
<DT><A HREF="#S24"><B>3.3.2 </B> - Checking printf strings</A><DD>
34 |
<DT><A HREF="#S25"><B>3.3.3 </B> - Function return checking</A><DD>
35 |
36 |
<DT><A HREF="#S26"><B>3.4 </B> - Overriding type checking</A><DD>
37 |
38 |
<DT><A HREF="#S27"><B>3.4.1 </B> - Implicit Function Declarations</A><DD>
39 |
<DT><A HREF="#S28"><B>3.4.2 </B> - Function Parameters</A><DD>
40 |
<DT><A HREF="#S29"><B>3.4.3 </B> - Incompatible promoted function
41 |
42 |
<DT><A HREF="#S30"><B>3.4.4 </B> - Incompatible type qualifiers</A><DD>
43 |
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45 |
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<H1>3 Type Checking</H1>
48 |
<A NAME=S16>
49 |
<HR><H2>3.1 Introduction</H2>
50 |
Type checking is relevant to two main areas of C. It ensures that
51 |
all declarations referring to the same object are consistent (clearly
52 |
a pre-requisite for a well-defined program). It is also the key to
53 |
determining when an undefined or unexpected value has been produced
54 |
due to the type conversions which arise from certain operations in
55 |
C. Conversions may be explicit (conversion is specified by a cast)
56 |
or implicit. Generally explicit conversions may be regarded more leniently
57 |
since the programmer was obviously aware of the conversion, whereas
58 |
the implications of an implicit conversion may not have been considered.<P>
59 |
<A NAME=S17>
60 |
<HR><H2>3.2 <A NAME=2>Type conversions</H2>
61 |
The only types which may be interconverted legally are integral types,
62 |
floating point types and pointer types. Even if these rules are observed,
63 |
the results of some conversions can be surprising and may vary on
64 |
different machines. The checker can detect three categories of conversion:
65 |
integer to integer conversions, pointer to integer and integer to
66 |
pointer conversions, and pointer to pointer conversions.<P>
67 |
In the default mode, the checker allows all integer to integer conversions,
68 |
explicit integer to pointer and pointer to integer conversions and
69 |
the explicit pointer to pointer conversions defined by the ISO C standard
70 |
(all conversions between pointers to function types and other pointers
71 |
are undefined according to the ISO C standard).<P>
72 |
Checks to detect these conversions are controlled by the pragma:<P>
73 |
74 |
#pragma TenDRA conversion analysis <EM>status</EM>
75 |
76 |
Unless explicitly stated to the contrary, throughout the rest of the
77 |
document where <EM>status</EM> appears in a pragma statement it represents
78 |
one of <CODE>on</CODE> (enable the check and produce errors),
79 |
<CODE>warning</CODE> (enable the check but produce only warnings),
80 |
or <CODE>off</CODE> (disable the check). Here <EM>status</EM> may
81 |
be <CODE>on</CODE> to give an error if a conversion is detected, <CODE>warning
82 |
</CODE> to produce a warning if a conversion is detected, or <CODE>off</CODE>
83 |
to switch the checks off. The checks may also be controlled using
84 |
the command line option<CODE>
85 |
-X:</CODE><EM>test</EM><CODE>=</CODE><EM>state</EM><CODE> </CODE>where
86 |
<EM>test</EM> is one of <CODE>convert_all</CODE>, <CODE>convert_int</CODE>,
87 |
<CODE>convert_int_explicit</CODE>, <CODE>convert_int_implicit</CODE>,
88 |
<CODE>convert_int_ptr</CODE> and <CODE>convert_ptr</CODE> and <EM>state</EM>
89 |
is <CODE>check</CODE>,<CODE>warn</CODE> or <CODE>dont</CODE>.<P>
90 |
Due to the serious nature of implicit pointer to integer, implicit
91 |
pointer to pointer conversions and undefined explicit pointer to pointer
92 |
conversions, such conversions are flagged as errors by default. These
93 |
conversion checks are not controlled by the global conversion analysis
94 |
pragma above, but must be controlled by the relevant individual pragmas
95 |
given in sections <A HREF="#8">3.2.2</A> and <A HREF="#11">3.2.3</A>.<P>
96 |
<A NAME=S18>
97 |
<H3>3.2.1 <A NAME=5>Integer to integer conversions</H3>
98 |
All integer to integer conversions are allowed in C, however some
99 |
can result in a loss of accuracy and so may be usefully detected.
100 |
For example, conversions from int to long never result in a loss of
101 |
accuracy, but conversions from long to int may. The detection of these
102 |
shortening conversions is controlled by:<P>
103 |
104 |
#pragma TenDRA conversion analysis ( int-int ) <EM>status</EM>
105 |
106 |
Checks on explicit conversions and implicit conversions may be controlled
107 |
independently using:<P>
108 |
109 |
#pragma TenDRA conversion analysis ( int-int explicit ) <EM>status</EM>
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
#pragma TenDRA conversion analysis ( int-int implicit ) <EM>status</EM>
114 |
115 |
Objects of enumerated type are specified by the ISO C standard to
116 |
be compatible with an implementation-defined integer type. However
117 |
assigning a value of a different integral type other then an appropriate
118 |
enumeration constant to an object of enumeration type is not really
119 |
in keeping with the spirit of enumerations. The check to detect the
120 |
implicit integer to enum type conversions which arise from such assignments
121 |
is controlled using:<P>
122 |
123 |
#pragma TenDRA conversion analysis ( int-enum implicit ) <EM>status</EM>
124 |
125 |
Note that only implicit conversions are flagged; if the conversion
126 |
is made explicit, by using a cast, no errors are raised. <P>
127 |
As usual <EM>status</EM> must be replaced by <CODE>on</CODE>, <CODE>warning
128 |
</CODE> or <CODE>off</CODE> in all the pragmas listed above.<P>
129 |
The interaction of the integer conversion checks with the integer
130 |
promotion and arithmetic rules is an extremely complex issue which
131 |
is further discussed in Chapter 4.<P>
132 |
<A NAME=S19>
133 |
<H3>3.2.2 <A NAME=8>Pointer to integer and integer to pointer conversions</H3>
134 |
Integer to pointer and pointer to integer conversions are generally
135 |
unportable and should always be specified by means of an explicit
136 |
cast. The exception is that the integer zero and null pointers are
137 |
deemed to be inter-convertible. As in the integer to integer conversion
138 |
case, explicit and implicit pointer to integer and integer to pointer
139 |
conversions may be controlled separately using:<P>
140 |
141 |
#pragma TenDRA conversion analysis ( int-pointer explicit ) <EM>status</EM>
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
#pragma TenDRA conversion analysis ( int-pointer implicit ) <EM>status</EM>
146 |
147 |
or both checks may be controlled together by:<P>
148 |
149 |
#pragma TenDRA conversion analysis ( int-pointer ) <EM>status</EM>
150 |
151 |
where <EM>status</EM> may be <CODE>on</CODE>, <CODE>warning</CODE>
152 |
or <CODE>off</CODE> as before and <CODE>pointer-int</CODE> may be
153 |
substituted for <CODE>int-pointer</CODE>.<P>
154 |
155 |
<A NAME=S20>
156 |
<H3>3.2.3 <A NAME=11>Pointer to pointer conversions.
157 |
158 |
According to the ISO C standard, section 6.3.4, the only legal pointer
159 |
to pointer conversions are explicit conversions between:<P>
160 |
161 |
<LI>a pointer to an object or incomplete type and a pointer to a different
162 |
object or incomplete type. The resulting pointer may not be valid
163 |
if it is improperly aligned for the type pointed to;<P>
164 |
<LI>a pointer to a function of one type and a pointer to a function
165 |
of another type. If a converted pointer, used to call a function,
166 |
has a type that is incompatible with the type of the called function,
167 |
the behaviour is undefined.<P>
168 |
169 |
Except for conversions to and from the generic pointer which are discussed
170 |
below, all other conversions, including implicit pointer to pointer
171 |
conversions, are extremely unportable. <P>
172 |
All pointer to pointer conversion may be flagged as errors using:<P>
173 |
174 |
#pragma TenDRA conversion analysis ( pointer-pointer ) <EM>status</EM>
175 |
176 |
Explicit and implicit pointer to pointer conversions may be controlled
177 |
separately using:<P>
178 |
179 |
#pragma TenDRA conversion analysis ( pointer-pointer explicit ) <EM>status</EM>
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
#pragma TenDRA conversion analysis ( pointer-pointer implicit ) <EM>status</EM>
184 |
185 |
where, as before, <CODE>status</CODE> may be <CODE>on</CODE>, <CODE>warning
186 |
</CODE> or <CODE>off</CODE>.<P>
187 |
Conversion between a pointer to a function type and a pointer to a
188 |
non-function type is undefined by the ISO C standard and should generally
189 |
be avoided. The checker can however be configured to treat function
190 |
pointers as object pointers for conversion using:<P>
191 |
192 |
#pragma TenDRA function pointer as pointer <EM>permit</EM>
193 |
194 |
Unless explicitly stated to the contrary, throughout the rest of the
195 |
document where <EM>permit</EM> appears in a pragma statement it represents
196 |
one of <CODE>allow</CODE> (allow the construct and do not produce
197 |
errors), <CODE>warning</CODE> (allow the construct but produce warnings
198 |
when it is detected), or <CODE>disallow</CODE> (produce errors if
199 |
the construct is detected) Here there are three options for <EM>permit</EM>:
200 |
201 |
</CODE> (do not produce errors or warnings for function pointer <->
202 |
pointer conversions); <CODE>warning</CODE> (produce a warning when
203 |
function pointer <-> pointer conversions are detected); or <CODE>disallow
204 |
</CODE> (produce an error for function pointer <-> pointer conversions).
205 |
206 |
The generic pointer, void *, is a special case. All conversions of
207 |
pointers to object or incomplete types to or from a generic pointer
208 |
are allowed. Some older dialects of C used char * as a generic pointer.
209 |
This dialect feature may be allowed, allowed with a warning, or disallowed
210 |
using the pragma:<P>
211 |
212 |
#pragma TenDRA compatible type : char * == void * <EM>permit</EM>
213 |
214 |
where <EM>permit </EM>is <CODE>allow</CODE>, <CODE>warning</CODE>
215 |
or <CODE>disallow</CODE> as before.<P>
216 |
<A NAME=S21>
217 |
<H3>3.2.4 <A NAME=15>Example: 64-bit portability issues</H3>
218 |
64-bit machines form the "next frontier" of program portability.
219 |
Most of the problems involved in 64-bit portability are type conversion
220 |
problems. The assumptions that were safe on a 32-bit machine are not
221 |
necessarily true on a 64-bit machine - int may not be the same size
222 |
as long, pointers may not be the same size as int, and so on. This
223 |
example illustrates the way in which the checker's conversion analysis
224 |
tests can detect potential 64-bit portability problems.<P>
225 |
Consider the following code:<P>
226 |
227 |
#include <stdio.h>
228 |
void print ( string, offset, scale )
229 |
char *string;
230 |
unsigned int offset;
231 |
int scale;
232 |
233 |
string += ( scale * offset );
234 |
( void ) puts ( string );
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
int main ()
239 |
240 |
char *s = "hello there";
241 |
print ( s + 4, 2U, -2 );
242 |
return ( 0 );
243 |
244 |
245 |
This appears to be fairly simple - the offset of 2U scaled by -2 cancels
246 |
out the offset in s + 4, so the program just prints "hello there".
247 |
Indeed, this is what happens on most machines. When ported to a particular
248 |
64-bit machine, however, it core dumps. The fairly subtle reason is
249 |
that the composite offset, scale * offset, is actually calculated
250 |
as an unsigned int by the ISO C arithmetic conversion rules. So the
251 |
answer is not -4. Strictly speaking it is undefined, but on virtually
252 |
all machines it will be UINT_MAX - 3. The fact that adding this offset
253 |
to string is equivalent to adding -4 is only true on machines on which
254 |
pointers have the same size as unsigned int. If a pointer contains
255 |
64 bits and an unsigned int contains 32 bits, the result is 232 bytes
256 |
257 |
So the error occurs because of the failure to spot that the offset
258 |
being added to string is unsigned. All mixed integer type arithmetic
259 |
involves some argument conversion. In the case above, scale is converted
260 |
to an unsigned int and that is multiplied by offset to give an unsigned
261 |
int result. If the implicit int->int conversion checks (<A HREF="#5">3.2.1
262 |
</A>) are enabled, this conversion is detected and the problem may
263 |
be avoided.<P>
264 |
<A NAME=S22>
265 |
<HR><H2>3.3 <A NAME=17>Function type checking</H2>
266 |
The importance of function type checking in C lies in the conversions
267 |
which can result from type mismatches between the arguments in a function
268 |
call and the parameter types assumed by its definition or between
269 |
the specified type of the function return and the values returned
270 |
within the function definition. Until the introduction of function
271 |
prototypes into ISO standard C, there was little scope for detecting
272 |
the correct typing of functions. Traditional C allows for absolutely
273 |
no type checking of function arguments, so that totally bizarre functions,
274 |
such as:<P>
275 |
276 |
int f ( n ) int n ; {
277 |
return ( f ( "hello", "there" ) ) ;
278 |
279 |
280 |
are allowed, although their effect is undefined. However, the move
281 |
to fully prototyped programs has been relatively slow. This is partially
282 |
due to an understandable reluctance to change existing, working programs,
283 |
but the desire to maintain compatibility with existing C compilers,
284 |
some of which still do not support prototypes, is also a powerful
285 |
factor. Prototypes are allowed in the checker's default mode but tchk
286 |
can be configured to allow, allow with a warning or disallow prototypes,
287 |
288 |
289 |
#pragma TenDRA prototype <EM>permit</EM>
290 |
291 |
where <EM>permit </EM>is <CODE>allow</CODE>, <CODE>disallow</CODE>
292 |
or <CODE>warning</CODE>. <P>
293 |
Even if prototypes are not supported the checker has a facility, described
294 |
below, for detecting incorrectly typed functions.<P>
295 |
<A NAME=S23>
296 |
<H3>3.3.1 <A NAME=20>Type checking non-prototyped functions</H3>
297 |
The checker offers a method for applying prototype-like checks to
298 |
traditionally defined functions, by introducing the concept of "
299 |
weak" prototypes. A weak prototype contains function parameter
300 |
type information, but has none of the automatic argument conversions
301 |
associated with a normal prototype. Instead weak prototypes imply
302 |
the usual argument promotion passing rules for non-prototyped functions.
303 |
The type information required for a weak prototype can be obtained
304 |
in three ways:<P>
305 |
306 |
<LI>A weak prototype may be declared using the syntax:<P>
307 |
308 |
int f <EM>WEAK</EM> ( char, char * ) ;
309 |
310 |
where<EM> WEAK</EM> represents any keyword which has been introduced
311 |
312 |
313 |
#pragma TenDRA keyword <EM>WEAK</EM> for weak
314 |
315 |
An alternative definition of the keyword must be provided for other
316 |
compilers. For example, the following definition would make system
317 |
compilers interpret weak prototypes as normal (strong) prototypes:<P>
318 |
319 |
#ifdef __TenDRA__
320 |
#pragma TenDRA keyword WEAK for weak
321 |
322 |
#define WEAK
323 |
324 |
325 |
The difference between conventional prototypes and weak prototypes
326 |
can be illustrated by considering the normal prototype for f:
327 |
328 |
int f (char,char *);
329 |
330 |
When the prototype is present, the first argument to f would be passed
331 |
as a char. Using the weak prototype, however, results in the first
332 |
argument being passed as the integral promotion of char, that is to
333 |
say, as an int.<P>
334 |
There is one limitation on the declaration of weak prototypes - declarations
335 |
of the form:
336 |
337 |
int f <EM>WEAK</EM>() ;
338 |
339 |
are not allowed. If a function has no arguments, this should be stated
340 |
explicitly as:<P>
341 |
342 |
int f <EM>WEAK</EM>( void ) ;
343 |
344 |
whereas if the argument list is not specified, weak prototypes should
345 |
be avoided and a traditional declaration used instead:<P>
346 |
347 |
extern int f ();
348 |
349 |
The checker may be configured to allow, allow with a warning or disallow
350 |
weak prototype declarations using:
351 |
352 |
#pragma TenDRA prototype ( weak ) <EM>permit</EM>
353 |
354 |
where <CODE>permit</CODE> is replaced by <CODE>allow</CODE>, <CODE>warning
355 |
</CODE> or <CODE>disallow</CODE> as appropriate. Weak prototypes are
356 |
not permitted in the default mode.<P>
357 |
<LI>Information can be deduced from a function definition. For example,
358 |
the function definition:<P>
359 |
360 |
int f(c,s) char c; char *s;{...}
361 |
362 |
is said to have weak prototype:<P>
363 |
364 |
int f <EM>WEAK</EM> (char,char *);
365 |
366 |
The checker automatically constructs a weak prototype for each traditional
367 |
function definition it encounters and if the weak prototype analysis
368 |
mode is enabled (see below) all subsequent calls of the function are
369 |
checked against this weak prototype. <P>
370 |
For example, in the bizarre function in <A HREF="#17">3.3</A>, the
371 |
weak prototype:<P>
372 |
373 |
int f <EM>WEAK</EM> ( int );
374 |
375 |
is constructed for f. The subsequent call to f:<P>
376 |
377 |
f ( "hello", "there" );
378 |
379 |
is then rejected by comparison with this weak prototype - not only
380 |
is f called with the wrong number of arguments, but the first argument
381 |
has a type incompatible with (the integral promotion of) int.<P>
382 |
<LI>Information may be deduced from the calls of a function. For example,
383 |
384 |
385 |
extern void f ();
386 |
void g ()
387 |
388 |
f ( 3 );
389 |
f ( "hello" );
390 |
391 |
392 |
we can infer from the first call of f that f takes one integral argument.
393 |
We cannot deduce the type of this argument, only that it is an integral
394 |
type whose promotion is int (since this is how the argument is passed).
395 |
We can therefore infer a partial weak prototype for f:<P>
396 |
397 |
void f <EM>WEAK</EM> ( t );
398 |
399 |
for some integral type t which promotes to int. Similarly, from the
400 |
second call of f we can infer the weak prototype:<P>
401 |
402 |
void f <EM>WEAK</EM> ( char * );
403 |
404 |
(the argument passing rules are much simpler in this case). Clearly
405 |
the two inferred prototypes are incompatible, so an error is raised.<P>
406 |
Note that prototype inferred from function calls alone cannot ensure
407 |
that the uses of the function within a source file are correct, merely
408 |
that they are consistent. The presence of an explicit function declaration
409 |
or definition is required for a definitive "right" prototype.<P>
410 |
Null pointers cause particular problems with weak prototypes inferred
411 |
from function calls. For example, in:<P>
412 |
413 |
#include <stdio.h>
414 |
extern void f ();
415 |
void g () {
416 |
f ( "hello" );
417 |
f( NULL );
418 |
419 |
420 |
the argument in the first call of f is char* whereas in the second
421 |
it is int (because NULL is defined to be 0). Whereas NULL can be converted
422 |
to char*, it is not necessarily passed to procedures in the same way
423 |
(for example, it may be that pointers have 64 bits and ints have 32
424 |
bits). It is almost always necessary to cast NULL to the appropriate
425 |
pointer type in weak procedure calls.<P>
426 |
427 |
Functions for which explicitly declared weak prototypes are provided
428 |
are always type-checked by the checker. Weak prototypes deduced from
429 |
function declarations or calls are used for type checking if the weak
430 |
prototype analysis mode is enabled using:<P>
431 |
432 |
#pragma TenDRA weak prototype analysis <EM>status</EM>
433 |
434 |
where <CODE>status</CODE> is one of <CODE>on</CODE>, <CODE>warning</CODE>
435 |
and <CODE>off</CODE> as usual. Weak prototype analysis is not performed
436 |
in the default mode.<P>
437 |
There is also an equivalent command line option of the form <CODE>-X:weak_proto=
438 |
</CODE><CODE>state</CODE>, where <CODE>state</CODE> can be <CODE>check</CODE>,
439 |
<CODE>warn</CODE> or <CODE>dont</CODE>. <P>
440 |
This section ends with two examples which demonstrate some of the
441 |
less obvious consequences of weak prototype analysis.<P>
442 |
443 |
<B>Example 1: An obscure type mismatch</B><P>
444 |
As stated above, the promotion and conversion rules for weak prototypes
445 |
are precisely those for traditionally declared and defined functions.
446 |
Consider the program:<P>
447 |
448 |
void f ( n )long n;{
449 |
printf ( "%ld\n", n );
450 |
451 |
void g (){
452 |
f ( 3 );
453 |
454 |
455 |
The literal constant 3 is an int and hence is passed as such to f.
456 |
f is however expecting a long, which can lead to problems on some
457 |
machines. Introducing a strong prototype declaration of f for those
458 |
compilers which understand them:<P>
459 |
460 |
#ifdef __STDC__
461 |
void f ( long );
462 |
463 |
464 |
will produce correct code - the arguments to a function declared with
465 |
a prototype are converted to the appropriate types, so that the literal
466 |
is actually passed as 3L. This solves the problem for compilers which
467 |
understand prototypes, but does not actually detect the underlying
468 |
error. Weak prototypes, because they use the traditional argument
469 |
passing rules, do detect the error. The constructed weak prototype:<P>
470 |
471 |
void f <EM>WEAK</EM> ( long );
472 |
473 |
conveys the type information that f is expecting a long, but accepts
474 |
the function arguments as passed rather than converting them. Hence,
475 |
the error of passing an int argument to a function expecting a long
476 |
is detected.<P>
477 |
Many programs, seeking to have prototype checks while preserving compilability
478 |
with non-prototype compilers, adopt a compromise approach of traditional
479 |
definitions plus prototype declarations for those compilers which
480 |
understand them, as in the example above. While this ensures correct
481 |
argument passing in the prototype case, as the example shows it may
482 |
obscure errors in the non-prototype case.<P>
483 |
484 |
<B>Example 2: Weak prototype checks in defined programs</B><P>
485 |
In most cases a program which fails to compile with the weak prototype
486 |
analysis enabled is undefined. ISO standard C does however contain
487 |
an anomalous rule on equivalence of representation. For example, in:<P>
488 |
489 |
extern void f ();
490 |
void g () {
491 |
f ( 3 );
492 |
f ( 4U );
493 |
494 |
495 |
the TenDRA checker detects an error - in one instance f is being passed
496 |
an int, whereas in the other it is being passed an unsigned int. However,
497 |
the ISO C standard states that, for values which fit into both types,
498 |
the representation of a number as an int is equal to that as an unsigned
499 |
int, and that values with the same representation are interchangeable
500 |
in procedure arguments. Thus the program is defined. The justification
501 |
for raising an error or warning for this program is that the prototype
502 |
analysis is based on types, not some weaker notion of "equivalence
503 |
of representation". The program may be defined, but it is not
504 |
type correct.<P>
505 |
Another case in which a program is defined, but not correct, is where
506 |
an unnecessary extra argument is passed to a function. For example,
507 |
508 |
509 |
void f ( a ) int a; {
510 |
printf ( "%d\n", a );
511 |
512 |
void g () {
513 |
f ( 3, 4 );
514 |
515 |
516 |
the call of f is defined, but is almost certainly a mistake.<P>
517 |
<A NAME=S24>
518 |
<H3>3.3.2 <A NAME=23>Checking printf strings
519 |
520 |
Normally functions which take a variable number of arguments offer
521 |
only limited scope for type checking. For example, given the prototype:<P>
522 |
523 |
int execl ( const char *, const char *, ... );
524 |
525 |
the first two arguments may be checked, but we have no hold on any
526 |
subsequent arguments (in fact in this example they should all be const
527 |
char *, but C does not allow this information to be expressed). Two
528 |
classes of functions of this form, namely the printf and scanf families,
529 |
are so common that they warrant special treatment. If one of these
530 |
functions is called with a constant format string, then it is possible
531 |
to use this string to deduce the types of the extra arguments that
532 |
it is expect ing. For example, in:<P>
533 |
534 |
printf ( "%ld", 4 );
535 |
536 |
the format string indicates that printf is expecting a single additional
537 |
argument of type long. We can therefore deduce a <EM>quasi-prototype</EM>
538 |
which this particular call to printf should conform to, namely:<P>
539 |
540 |
int printf ( const char *,long );
541 |
542 |
In fact this is a mixture of a strong prototype and a weak prototype.
543 |
The first argument comes from the actual prototype of printf, and
544 |
hence is strong. All subsequent arguments correspond to the ellipsis
545 |
part of the printf prototype, and are passed by the normal promotion
546 |
rules. Hence the long component of the inferred prototype is weak
547 |
(see 3.3.1). This means that the error in the call to printf - the
548 |
integer literal is passed as an int when a long is expected - is detected.<P>
549 |
In order for this check to take place, the function declaration needs
550 |
to tell the checker that the function is like printf. This is done
551 |
by introducing a special type, <EM>PSTRING</EM> say, to stand for
552 |
a printf string, using:<P>
553 |
554 |
#pragma TenDRA type <EM>PSTRING</EM> for ... printf
555 |
556 |
For most purposes this is equivalent to:<P>
557 |
558 |
typedef const char *<EM>PSTRING</EM>;
559 |
560 |
except that when a function declaration:<P>
561 |
562 |
int f ( <EM>PSTRING</EM>, ... );
563 |
564 |
is encountered the checker knows to deduce the types of the arguments
565 |
corresponding to the ... from the PSTRING argument (the precise rules
566 |
it applies are those set out in the XPG4 definition of fprintf). If
567 |
this mechanism is used to apply printf style checks to user defined
568 |
functions, an alternative definition of PSTRING for conventional compilers
569 |
must be provided. For example:<P>
570 |
571 |
#ifdef __TenDRA__
572 |
#pragma TenDRA type PSTRING for ... printf
573 |
574 |
typedef const char *PSTRING;
575 |
576 |
577 |
There are similar rules with scanf in place of printf.<P>
578 |
The TenDRA descriptions of the standard APIs use this mechanism to
579 |
describe those functions, namely printf, fprintf and sprintf, and
580 |
scanf, fscanf and sscanf which are of these forms. This means that
581 |
the checks are switched on for these functions by default. However,
582 |
these descriptions are under the control of a macro, __NO_PRINTF_CHECKS,
583 |
which, if defined before stdio.h is included, effectively switches
584 |
the checks off. This macro is defined in the start-up files for certain
585 |
checking modes, so that the checks are disabled in these modes (see
586 |
chapter 2). The checks can be enabled in these cases by #undef'ing
587 |
the macro before including stdio.h. There are equivalent command-line
588 |
options to tchk of the form <CODE>-X:printf=</CODE><CODE>state</CODE>,
589 |
where <CODE>state</CODE> can be <CODE>check</CODE> or <CODE>dont</CODE>,
590 |
which respectively undefine and define this macro.<P>
591 |
<A NAME=S25>
592 |
<H3>3.3.3 <A NAME=25>Function return checking
593 |
594 |
Function returns normally present no difficulties. The return value
595 |
is converted, as if by assignment, to the function return type, so
596 |
that the problem is essentially one of type conversion (see 3.2).
597 |
There is however one anomalous case. A plain return statement, without
598 |
a return value, is allowed in functions returning a non-void type,
599 |
the value returned being undefined. For example, in:<P>
600 |
601 |
int f ( int c )
602 |
603 |
if ( c ) return ( 1 );
604 |
605 |
606 |
607 |
the value returned when c is zero is undefined. The test for detecting
608 |
such void returns is controlled by:<P>
609 |
610 |
#pragma TenDRA incompatible void return <EM>permit</EM>
611 |
612 |
where <EM>permit</EM> may be <CODE>allow</CODE>, <CODE>warning</CODE>
613 |
or <CODE>disallow</CODE> as usual. <P>
614 |
There are also equivalent command line options to tchk of the form
615 |
<CODE>-X:void_ret=</CODE><CODE>state</CODE>, where <CODE>state</CODE>
616 |
can be <CODE>check</CODE>, <CODE>warn</CODE> or <CODE>dont</CODE>.
617 |
Incompatible void returns are allowed in the default mode and of course,
618 |
plain return statements in functions returning void are always legal.<P>
619 |
This check also detects functions which do not contain a return statement,
620 |
but fall out of the bottom of the function as in:<P>
621 |
622 |
int f ( int c )
623 |
624 |
if ( c ) return ( 1 );
625 |
626 |
627 |
Occasionally it may be the case that such a function is legal, because
628 |
the end of the function is not reached. Unreachable code is discussed
629 |
in section <A HREF="tdfc8.html#2">5.2</A>.<P>
630 |
<A NAME=S26>
631 |
<HR><H2>3.4 Overriding type checking</H2>
632 |
There are several commonly used features of C, some of which are even
633 |
allowed by the ISO C standard, which can circumvent or hinder the
634 |
type-checking of a program. The checker may be configured either to
635 |
enforce the absence of these features or to support them with or without
636 |
a warning, as described below.<P>
637 |
<A NAME=S27>
638 |
<H3>3.4.1 <A NAME=30>Implicit Function Declarations
639 |
640 |
The ISO C standard states that any undeclared function is implicitly
641 |
assumed to return int. For example, in ISO C:<P>
642 |
643 |
int f ( int c ) {
644 |
return ( g( c )+1 );
645 |
646 |
647 |
the undeclared function g is inferred to have a declaration:<P>
648 |
649 |
extern int g ();
650 |
651 |
This can potentially lead to program errors. The definition of f would
652 |
be valid if g actually returned double, but incorrect code would be
653 |
produced. Again, an explicit declaration might give us more information
654 |
about the function argument types, allowing more checks to be applied.<P>
655 |
Therefore the best chance of detecting bugs in a program and ensuring
656 |
its portability comes from having each function declared before it
657 |
is used. This means detecting implicit declarations and replacing
658 |
them by explicit declarations. By default implicit function declarations
659 |
are allowed, however the pragma:<P>
660 |
661 |
#pragma TenDRA implicit function declaration <EM>status</EM>
662 |
663 |
may be used to determine how tchk handles implicit function declarations.
664 |
<CODE>Status</CODE> is replaced by <CODE>on</CODE> to allow implicit
665 |
declarations, <CODE>warning</CODE> to allow implicit declarations
666 |
but to produce a warning when they occur, or <CODE>off</CODE> to prevent
667 |
implicit declarations and raise an error where they would normally
668 |
be used.<P>
669 |
(There are also equivalent command-line options to tcc of the form
670 |
<CODE>-X:implicit_func=</CODE><CODE>state</CODE>, where <CODE>state</CODE>
671 |
can be <CODE>check</CODE>, <CODE>warn</CODE> or <CODE>dont</CODE>.)<P>
672 |
This test assumes an added significance in API checking. If a programmer
673 |
wishes to check that a certain program uses nothing outside the POSIX
674 |
API, then implicitly declared functions are a potential danger area.
675 |
A function from outside POSIX could be used without being detected
676 |
because it has been implicitly declared. Therefore, the detection
677 |
of implicitly declared functions is vital to rigorous API checking.<P>
678 |
<A NAME=S28>
679 |
<H3>3.4.2 <A NAME=32>Function Parameters</H3>
680 |
Many systems pass function arguments of differing types in the same
681 |
way and programs are sometimes written to take advantage of this feature.
682 |
The checker has a number of options to resolve type mismatches which
683 |
may arise in this way and would otherwise be flagged as errors:<P>
684 |
685 |
<LI><B>Type-type compatibility</B><P>
686 |
When comparing function prototypes for compatibility, the function
687 |
parameter types must be compared. If the parameter types would otherwise
688 |
be incompatible, they are treated as compatible if they have previously
689 |
been introduced with a type-type param ter compatibility pragma i.e.<P>
690 |
691 |
#pragma TenDRA argument <EM>type-name</EM> as <EM>type-name</EM>
692 |
693 |
where <EM>type-name</EM> is the name of any type. This pragma is transitive
694 |
and the second type in the pragma is taken to be the final type of
695 |
the parameter. <P>
696 |
<LI><B>Type-ellipsis compatibility</B><P>
697 |
Two function prototypes with different numbers of arguments are compatible
698 |
if: <P>
699 |
700 |
<LI>both prototypes have an ellipsis; <P>
701 |
<LI>each parameter type common to both prototypes is compatible;<P>
702 |
<LI>each extra parameter type in the prototype with more parameters,
703 |
is either specified in a type-ellipsis compatibility pragma or is
704 |
type-type compatible (see above) to a type that is specified in a
705 |
type-ellipsis compatibility.<P>
706 |
707 |
Type-ellipsis compatibility is introduced using the pragma: <P>
708 |
709 |
#pragma TenDRA argument <EM>type-name</EM> as ...
710 |
711 |
where again <CODE>type-name</CODE> is the name of any type.<P>
712 |
<LI><B>Ellipsis compatibility</B><P>
713 |
If, when comparing two function prototypes for compatibility, one
714 |
has an ellipsis and the other does not, but otherwise the two types
715 |
would be compatible, then if an `extra' ellipsis is allowed, the types
716 |
are treated as compatible. The pragma controlling ellipsis compatibility
717 |
718 |
719 |
#pragma TenDRA extra ... <EM>permit</EM>
720 |
721 |
where <CODE>permit</CODE> may be <CODE>allow</CODE>, <CODE>disallow</CODE>
722 |
or <CODE>warning</CODE> as usual. <P>
723 |
724 |
725 |
726 |
<A NAME=S29>
727 |
<H3>3.4.3 <A NAME=37>Incompatible promoted function arguments</H3>
728 |
Mixing the use of prototypes with old-fashioned function definitions
729 |
can result in incorrect code. For example, in the program below the
730 |
function argument promotion rules are applied to the definition of
731 |
f, making it incompatible with the earlier prototype (a is converted
732 |
to the integer promotion of char, i.e. int).<P>
733 |
734 |
int f(char);
735 |
int f(a)char a;{
736 |
737 |
738 |
739 |
An incompatible type error is raised in the default checking mode.
740 |
The check for incompatible types which arise from mixtures of prototyped
741 |
and non-prototyped function declarations and definitions is controlled
742 |
using: <P>
743 |
<CODE>#pragma TenDRA incompatible promoted function argument </CODE><EM>permit
744 |
745 |
<CODE>Permit</CODE> may be replaced by <CODE>allow</CODE>, <CODE>warning</CODE>
746 |
or <CODE>disallow</CODE> as normal. The parameter type in the resulting
747 |
function type is the promoted parameter type.<P>
748 |
<A NAME=S30>
749 |
<H3>3.4.4 <A NAME=39>Incompatible type qualifiers</H3>
750 |
The declarations <P>
751 |
752 |
const int a;
753 |
int a;
754 |
755 |
are not compatible according to the ISO C standard because the qualifier,
756 |
const, is present in one declaration but not in the other. Similar
757 |
rules hold for volatile qualified types. By default, tchk produces
758 |
an error when declarations of the same object contain different type
759 |
qualifiers. The check is controlled using: <P>
760 |
761 |
#pragma TenDRA incompatible type qualifier <EM>permit</EM>
762 |
763 |
where the options for <EM>permit</EM> are <CODE>allow</CODE>, <CODE>disallow
764 |
</CODE> or <CODE>warning</CODE>.<P>
765 |
766 |
<!-- FM pgf ignored -->
767 |
768 |
<P><I>Part of the <A HREF="../index.html">TenDRA Web</A>.<BR>Crown
769 |
Copyright © 1998.</I></P>
770 |
771 |