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7u83 |
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# Crown Copyright (c) 1997
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# This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
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# owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
5 |
# acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
6 |
# (DERA). It is made available to Recipients with a
7 |
# royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
8 |
# to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
9 |
# product development provided that any such use et cetera
10 |
# shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
11 |
12 |
# (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
13 |
# reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
14 |
15 |
# (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
16 |
# show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
17 |
# for the relevant amendment or amendments;
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# (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
20 |
# party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
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# these conditions;
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# (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
24 |
# quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
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# no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
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# it may be put.
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+USE "x5/mu", "X11/StringDefs.h" ;
29 |
30 |
+CONST String XtNallowOff, XtNallowResize ;
31 |
+CONST String XtNautoFill, XtNautoReconfigure, XtNbackgroundStipple ;
32 |
+CONST String XtNbetweenCursor, XtNbottom, XtNbottomMargin ;
33 |
+CONST String XtNcanvasHeight, XtNcanvasWidth, XtNcolumnSpacing ;
34 |
+CONST String XtNcolumnWidth, XtNcornerRoundPercent, XtNcursor ;
35 |
+CONST String XtNcursorName, XtNdataCompression, XtNdecay ;
36 |
+CONST String XtNdefaultColumns, XtNdefaultDistance, XtNdefaultScale ;
37 |
+CONST String XtNdialogHOffset, XtNdialogVOffset, XtNdisplayCaret ;
38 |
+CONST String XtNdisplayNonprinting, XtNdisplayPosition, XtNecho ;
39 |
+CONST String XtNencoding, XtNflash ;
40 |
+CONST String XtNforceColumns, XtNfromHoriz, XtNfromVert ;
41 |
+CONST String XtNgetValue, XtNgravity, XtNgripCursor, XtNgripIndent ;
42 |
+CONST String XtNgripTranslations ;
43 |
+CONST String XtNhighlightThickness, XtNhorizDistance ;
44 |
+CONST String XtNhorizontalBetweenCursor, XtNhorizontalGripCursor ;
45 |
+CONST String XtNicon, XtNinitialDelay, XtNinsensitiveBorder ;
46 |
+CONST String XtNinternalBorderColor ;
47 |
+CONST String XtNinternalBorderWidth, XtNinternalSpace ;
48 |
+CONST String XtNjumpScroll, XtNlabelClass ;
49 |
+CONST String XtNleft, XtNleftBitmap, XtNleftCursor, XtNleftMargin ;
50 |
+CONST String XtNlineWidth, XtNlist, XtNlongest, XtNlowerCursor ;
51 |
+CONST String XtNmax, XtNmenuName, XtNmenuOnScreen, XtNmin, XtNminScale ;
52 |
+CONST String XtNminimumDelay, XtNminimumThumb, XtNnumberStrings ;
53 |
+CONST String XtNpasteBuffer, XtNpieceSize, XtNpopupOnEntry, XtNposition ;
54 |
+CONST String XtNpreferredPaneSize, XtNradioData, XtNradioGroup ;
55 |
+CONST String XtNrefigureMode, XtNrepeatDelay, XtNresizable ;
56 |
+CONST String XtNresizeToPreferred, XtNright, XtNrightBitmap ;
57 |
+CONST String XtNrightCursor, XtNrightMargin, XtNrowHeight, XtNrowSpacing ;
58 |
+CONST String XtNrubberBand, XtNscale, XtNscrollHorizontal ;
59 |
+CONST String XtNscrollVertical, XtNselectTypes ;
60 |
+CONST String XtNshadowColor, XtNshadowThickness, XtNshapeStyle ;
61 |
+CONST String XtNshowGrip, XtNskipAdjust, XtNsliderHeight, XtNsliderWidth ;
62 |
+CONST String XtNsliderX, XtNsliderY, XtNstartCallback, XtNstate ;
63 |
+CONST String XtNstipple, XtNstopCallback, XtNtopMargin ;
64 |
+CONST String XtNtopOfThumb, XtNtreeGC, XtNtreeParent, XtNtype ;
65 |
+CONST String XtNupperCursor, XtNuseStringInPlace,XtNvertDistance ;
66 |
+CONST String XtNvertSpace, XtNverticalBetweenCursor ;
67 |
+CONST String XtNverticalGripCursor, XtNverticalList, XtNwrap ;
68 |
69 |
+CONST String XtCAllowOff, XtCAutoFill, XtCAutoReconfigure ;
70 |
+CONST String XtCBackgroundStipple, XtCCanvasHeight ;
71 |
+CONST String XtCCanvasWidth, XtCColumnWidth, XtCColumns ;
72 |
+CONST String XtCCornerRoundPercent, XtCDataCompression, XtCDecay ;
73 |
+CONST String XtCDefaultScale, XtCDelay, XtCEdge, XtCEncoding ;
74 |
+CONST String XtCGravity, XtCGripIndent, XtCHorizontalMargins ;
75 |
+CONST String XtCIcon, XtCInsensitive, XtCInternalSpace, XtCJumpScroll ;
76 |
+CONST String XtCLabelClass, XtCLeftBitmap, XtCLineWidth, XtCList ;
77 |
+CONST String XtCLongest, XtCMax, XtCMenuName, XtCMenuOnScreen, XtCMin ;
78 |
+CONST String XtCMinimumDelay, XtCMinimumThumb, XtCNumberStrings ;
79 |
+CONST String XtCOutput, XtCPieceSize, XtCPopupOnEntry ;
80 |
+CONST String XtCPreferredPaneSize, XtCRadioData, XtCRadioGroup ;
81 |
+CONST String XtCRightBitmap, XtCRowHeight, XtCRubberBand ;
82 |
+CONST String XtCScale, XtCScroll, XtCSelectTypes, XtCShadowColor ;
83 |
+CONST String XtCShadowThickness, XtCShapeStyle, XtCShowGrip, XtCShown ;
84 |
+CONST String XtCSliderHeight, XtCSliderWidth, XtCSliderX, XtCSliderY ;
85 |
+CONST String XtCSpacing, XtCStartCallback, XtCState, XtCStipple ;
86 |
+CONST String XtCStopCallback, XtCTopOfThumb, XtCTreeGC, XtCTreeParent ;
87 |
+CONST String XtCType, XtCUseStringInPlace, XtCVertSpace ;
88 |
+CONST String XtCVerticalMargins, XtCWidget, XtCWrap ;
89 |
90 |
+CONST String XtRAsciiType, XtREdgeType, XtRGC, XtRResizeMode ;
91 |
+CONST String XtRScrollMode, XtRWrapMode ;
92 |
93 |
+CONST String XtEfile, XtEstring, XtEtextResizeBoth, XtEtextResizeHeight ;
94 |
+CONST String XtEtextResizeNever, XtEtextResizeWidth, XtEtextScrollAlways ;
95 |
+CONST String XtEtextScrollNever, XtEtextScrollWhenNeeded, XtEtextWrapLine ;
96 |
+CONST String XtEtextWrapNever, XtEtextWrapWord ;