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A Public Domain Tool for producing TDF
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1. Introduction
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The basic idea is to produce the TDF bit encoding using language
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constructions directly related to the TDF constructors given in the
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specification document. These constructions have been produced
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automatically from the document and so updating them in view of further
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revisions of TDF is a relatively painless exercise.
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There are macros for all of the non-primitive constructors with
13 |
names given by prefixing the constructor name with o_ ; eg to output the
14 |
EXP make_top, you simply call the macro o_make_top. A constructor with a
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number of parameters will correspond to a macro with that number of
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parameters. The expansion of the macro will check that each parameter
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outputs the correct TDF SORT.
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There are also procedures for outputing primitive SORTS; eg out_tdfbool(b)
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outputs b as as a TDFBOOL. I have only provided output procedures
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for primitive SORTs which have simple representations in C eg
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out_tdfint32(x) outputs the 32 bit integer x as a TDFINT.
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To give a flavour of the intended use of the tool, in order to produce
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the TDF for an assignment, one does:
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o_assign(LHS, RHS)
27 |
where LHS and RHS are pieces of code which will output the EXPs for the
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source and destination of the assignment. For example, LHS for a simple
29 |
variable as destination could be:
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where A is the number chosen by the compiler for the variable. Of course,
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it is unlikely that a compiler would do this directly. LHS will usually be
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some conditional code which might choose this expansion from its analysis
34 |
of the program being compiled. Both LHS and RHS (in common with all the
35 |
parameters of the o_ macros) are statements (not expessions!) whose
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sequencing is controlled by the macro.
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38 |
The expansion of o_assign (see encodings.h) is:
39 |
#define o_assign(p_arg1,p_arg2)\
40 |
{ out_basic_int(e_assign, 7);\
41 |
p_arg1; ASSERT_SORT(s_exp); \
42 |
p_arg2; ASSERT_SORT(s_exp); \
43 |
44 |
45 |
The encoding for the EXP assign (ie 6)is given by e_assign (in enc_nos.h)
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while s_exp (also in enc_nos.h) is a number chosen to represent the sort of
47 |
an EXP. The procedure out_basic_int (in PD_streams.c) is the most primitive
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output routine. The macros ASSERT_SORT and SET_RSORT are defined in
49 |
asserts.h and used to implement the SORT checking.
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2. Stream Mechanisms
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The TDF encoding is constructed in streams, represented by the type TDF
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given in PD_streams.h.
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Each of the output macros and procedures operate on one of these streams
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given by TDF * current_TDF. For example, the out_basic_int(e_assign, 7) in
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o_assign above will add 7 bits to current_TDF to encode e_assign.
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61 |
We have:
62 |
typedef struct { Chunk * first; Chunk * last;
63 |
unsigned int no; unsigned int sort;} TDF;
64 |
The no and sort fields are used to provide the SORT checking mechanism. The
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first field points to the start of current stream given by a list of
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Chunks; the last field is the final Chunk in this list, ie the one where the
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next bits of output will go.
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A Chunk is given by:
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typedef struct chunk_struct
71 |
{ struct chunk_struct *next;
72 |
short int usage;
73 |
unsigned char offst; unsigned char aligned;
74 |
unsigned char data[DATA_SIZE];
75 |
} Chunk;
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The output bits will go into the data field where usage ( <= DATA_SIZE ) is
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the index of the next character to be written to and offst is the bit
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position within this character starting from the most significant end (ie
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offst=0 => no bits written yet into character). The next field is the next
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Chunk in the stream, terminated by (Chunk*)0; if the the next field is 0
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then this Chunk will be pointed to be the last field of the corresponding
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TDF structure.
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The a non-zero aligned field indicates that the start of the chunk data must be
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on a byte boundary in the final CAPSULE.
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Note that the initial Chunks of a stream may not be completely filled; ie
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usage can less than DATA_SIZE (and offst need no be zero) for any Chunk in
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the chain.
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I have not provided any routines for compressing the Chunks into a
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contiguous area of mainstore; however the routine make_tdf_file will output
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a TDF stream to a file. If the contents of the TDF stream is a CAPSULE then
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this would be a .j file.
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3. Creating and changing streams.
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It is usually necessary to have several streams of TDF being produced at
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the same time. For example, tagdef and tagdec UNITs are often conveniently
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constructed in parallel; for example, there would usually be at least one
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for each UNIT being produced in the CAPSULE being compiled. We simply
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change the stream in current_TDF. For some constructions, the macros
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given below are very convenient - in any case the same pattern should be
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To create a new stream of output in a variable of type TDF , use the macro
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NEW_STREAM given in PD_streams.h:
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110 |
#define NEW_STREAM(ptrtoTDF, make_stream)\
111 |
{ TDF * hold_;\
112 |
hold_ = current_TDF;\
113 |
current_TDF = ptrtoTDF;\
114 |
current_TDF->first = current_TDF->last = create_chunk();\
115 |
116 |
current_TDF = hold_;\
117 |
118 |
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Here ptrtoTDF is some TDF* where the new stream is to be produced and
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make_stream is code to produce the bits of the stream. NEW_STREAM will park
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the current stream while the new stream is being produced, re-instating it
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after it is finished. For example:
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TDF new_stream;
124 |
NEW_STREAM( & new_stream, o_make_top)
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will produce a stream containing make_top in new_stream, leaving the
126 |
current stream unchanged. To add more to new_stream later, one would do:
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CONT_STREAM( & new_stream, more_bits)
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Notice that NEW_STREAM(x,y) is just the same as:
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current_TDF->first = current_TDF->last = create_chunk(); y)
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Having constructed a new stream, it can be appended onto the current stream
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using the procedure:
136 |
void append_TDF(TDF * tdf, Bool free_it)
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Here, free_it says whether the Chunks of tdf can be freed and reused. For
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example, append_tdf( & new_stream, 1) will append new_stream onto
139 |
current_TDF, allowing the Chunks of new_stream to be resused (see
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create_chunk and free_chunk in PD_streams.c). The variable new_stream can
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then only be used as another output stream using NEW_STREAM.
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If one wished to copy new_stream onto the end of the current stream leaving
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its Chunks intact, use free_it = 0.
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A similar, more specialised, method of appending is given by:
146 |
void append_bytestream(TDF * tdf, Bool free_it)
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which makes tdf into a BYTESTREAM and appends it onto current_TDF. This
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would only be used for encoding a UNIT.
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4. Encodings
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The encoding macros of those construction which have encoding numbers
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output the encoding number for the construction in the number of bits
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appropriate to its SORT using:
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void out_basic_int(long num, int bts)
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num is output to current_TDF in bts bits. This is the most primitive output
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routine and all the others use it, eg out_tdfint32 does the appropriate
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number of out_basic_int(oct_digit, 4).
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161 |
The encoding numbers of each construction given by the o_ macros in
162 |
encodings.h may be found in enc_nos.h
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The parameters of a construction are output after the encoding number, so
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that many constructions are sequences of encoding numbers and the encodings
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of primitive sorts, implicitly bracketed by the signatures of the
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constructions involved.
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There are five procedures provided to give primitive encodings in
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171 |
void out_tdfint32(unsigned long n);
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- outputs n as a TDFINT - assumes long is 32 bits.
173 |
void out_extendable_int(unsigned long num, unsigned int bts);
174 |
- outputs num as extentable encoding in bts bits (see spec 7.3.3)
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void out_tdfbool(Bool b);
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- outputs b as a TDFBOOL
177 |
void out_tdfstring_bytes (unsigned char * s, unsigned int k,
178 |
unsigned int n);
179 |
- outputs s as a TDFSTRING with k elements of size k bits.
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void out_tdfident_bytes (unsigned char * s)
181 |
- outputs s as a TDFIDENT, putting in the appropriate alignments
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183 |
Other will be required for total generality; for example, it will become
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necessary to create TDFINTs of size greater than 32 bits.
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A procedure which can output a TDF stream (usually it would be a complete
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CAPSULE - a .j file) is given by:
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void make_tdf_file(TDF * s, FILE * out_file)
189 |
This is in mke_tdf_file.c
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5. LISTs and OPTIONs
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Many of the TDF constructors have LIST parameters with special encoding
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giving the number of elements in the LIST. The o_ macros take account of
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these by invoking the macro TDF_LIST. With the use of the LIST_ELEM macro,
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the number of elements are counted as they are output and used to provide
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the prefix of the encoding of the LIST. For example, a sequence S1; S2; S3
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would be encoded:
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o_sequence( {LIST_ELEM(S1); LIST_ELEM(S2)}, S3)
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The SORT checking is not foolproof here; in a LIST there must be no output
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other than that in the parameter of a LIST_ELEM. In the above example, the
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SORTS of S1 and S2 will be checked to see that they are EXPs, but there is
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no check to see that nothing has been output between LIST_ELEM(S1) and
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The mechanism for this is quite simple. The macro call of TDF_LIST in
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o_sequence (for example) creates a new stream into which the list elements
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will be output; each LIST_ELEM will increment the no field of the stream;
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the final number will be output to the original stream and the new stream
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appended to it.
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214 |
A similar mechanism is used for OPTIONal parameters. This time the o_ macro
215 |
invokes TDF_OPTION and the actual parameter has the choice of either
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outputing nothing or something of the correct SORT using the OPTION macro.
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For example, a procedure application has an optional var_param parameter;
218 |
with a empty option we have:
219 |
o_apply_proc(Shape, Proc, Pars, {})
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while with a real var_param V:
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o_apply_proc(Shape, Proc, Pars, OPTION(V))
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Most of the constructors which use BITSTREAMs are handled transparently by
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their o_ macros. For example, a shape_cond would be encoded:
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o_shape_cond(C, S1, S2)
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where S1 and S2 simply output SHAPEs normally. The _cond constructors all
230 |
invoke the macro TDF_COND which provides new streams for both E1 and E2.
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The number of bits in each is computed using:
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long bits_in_TDF(TDF *tdf);
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and give the prefix TDFINT for the bitstreams required by the _cond
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Similarly all the _apply_token constructors work in the same fashion, this
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time using the TOK_APP macro. Here, of course, there is no SORT check
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possible on the parameter applied to the token. An EXP token, T, with two
239 |
parameters, P1 and P2,is applied using: o_exp_apply_token(T, {P1; P2}) ie
240 |
the token parameters are simply output sequentially.
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The other BITSTREAMs are all derived from token_definition which is rather
243 |
peculiar in that the SORT of the body parameter depends on its result_sort
244 |
parameter. The o_token_definition macro is to be found in PD_streams.h
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rather than in encodings.h and its SORT is described as s_bitstream rather
246 |
than s_token_definition as one might expect. Otherwise, it can used in the
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same way as the other o_ macros. Note that the SORT of the body parameter
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is not checked to be consistent with its result_sort parameter.
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7. Summary
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253 |
254 |
255 |
- contains all the o_ macros except for o_token_definition.
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257 |
- contains the e_ encoding numbers an s_ sort numbers.
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259 |
- declares the stream procedures, the primitive encodings and the
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stream changing and creation macros, together with
261 |
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263 |
- defines the stream procedures and primitive encodings.
264 |
265 |
- defines the macros which control the SORT checking;
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can be modified to eliminate SORT checking.
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- defines the macro proto to allow prototypes in declarations.
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All output will be directed at:
271 |
TDF * current_TDF;
272 |
273 |
Primitive encoding procedures:
274 |
void out_basic_int(unsigned long num, unsigned int bts);
275 |
void out_extendable_int(unsigned long num, unsigned int bts);
276 |
void out_tdfint32(unsigned long n);
277 |
void out_tdfstring_bytes(unsigned char * s, unsigned int k,
278 |
unsigned int n);
279 |
void out_tdfbool(Bool b);
280 |
281 |
Stream handling procedures:
282 |
void append_TDF(TDF * tdf, Bool free_it);
283 |
void append_bytestream(TDF *tdf, Bool free_it);
284 |
long bits_in_TDF(TDF *tdf);
285 |
286 |
Chunk handling procedures:
287 |
Chunk * create_chunk();
288 |
void free_chunk(Chunk * x);
289 |
290 |
Stream macros:
291 |
NEW_STREAM(ptrtoTDF, make_stream)
292 |
CONT_STREAM(ptrtoTDF, make_stream)
293 |
These are used by the o_ macros:
294 |
TDF_COND(code_, sort_, exp_, arg1, arg2)
295 |
TDF_LIST(x, sort_)
296 |
- an actual x parameter will contain only LIST_ELEM(...)s
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TDF_OPTION(x, sort_)
298 |
- an actual x parameter will have no output or one OPTION(...)
299 |
TOK_APP(num_, sort_, tok_, pars_)
300 |
301 |
302 |
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8. Appendix
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There are four other files included which may be useful. They are:
306 |
307 |
- contains d_X procedures, where X is a TDF non-primitive SORT;
308 |
when used with readstream.c, the d_ procedures will give a
309 |
diagnostic print of TDF in the above stream format.
310 |
311 |
- defines the primitive decoding and printing for stream format.
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313 |
- declares the primitive decodings.
314 |
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- usually used to output the completed CAPSULE as a .j file.
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Please direct any comments or complaints to:
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Ian Currie, DRA, Malvern
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E-mail: currie@uk.mod.hermes