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<TITLE>Tokens and APIs</TITLE>
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<A NAME=S78>
<H1>TDF Guide, Issue 4.0 </H1>
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<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<DT><A HREF="#S79"><B>10.1 </B> - Application programming interfaces</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S80"><B>10.2 </B> - Linking to APIs</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S81"><B>10.2.1 </B> - Target independent headers, unique_extern
<DT><A HREF="#S82"><B>10.3 </B> - Language programming interfaces</A><DD>
<H1>10 <A NAME=0>Tokens and APIs</H1>
All of the examples of the use of TOKENs so far given have really
been as abbreviations for commonly used constructs, e.g. the EXP OFFSETS
for fields of structures. However, the real justification for TOKENs
are their use as abstractions for things defined in libraries or application
program interfaces (APIs). <P>
<A NAME=S79>
<HR><H2>10.1. Application programming interfaces</H2>
APIs usually do not give complete language definitions of the operations
and values that they contain; generally, they are defined informally
in English giving relationships between the entities within them.
An API designer should allow implementors the opportunity of choosing
actual definitions which fit their hardware and the possibility of
changing them as better algorithms or representations become available.<P>
The most commonly quoted example is the representation of the type
FILE and its related operations in C. The ANSI C definition gives
no common representation for FILE; its implementation is defined to
be platform-dependent. A TDF producer can assume nothing about FILE;
not even that it is a structure. The only things that can alter or
create FILEs are also entities in the Ansi-C API and they will always
refer to FILEs via a C pointer. Thus TDF abstracts FILE as a SHAPE
TOKEN with no parameters, make_tok(T_FILE) say. Any program that uses
FILE would have to include a TOKDEC introducing T_FILE:<P>
make_tokdec(T_FILE, empty, shape())
and anywhere that it wished to refer to the SHAPE of FILE it would
shape_apply_token(make_tok(T_FILE), ())
Before this program is translated on a given platform, the actual
SHAPE of FILE must be supplied. This would be done by linking a TDF
CAPSULE which supplies the TOKDEF for the SHAPE of FILE which is particular
to the target platform.<P>
Many of the C operations which use FILEs are explicitly allowed to
be expanded as either procedure calls or as macros. For example, putc(c,f)
may be implemented either as a procedure call or as the expansion
of macro which uses the fields of f directly. Thus, it is quite natural
for putc(c, f) to be represented in TDF as an EXP TOKEN with two EXP
parameters which allows it to be expanded in either way. Of course,
this would be quite distinct from the use of putc as a value (as a
proc parameter of a procedure for example) which would require some
other representation. One such representation that comes to mind might
be to simply to make a TAGDEC for the putc value, supplying its TAGDEF
in the Ansi API CAPSULE for the platform. This might prove to be rather
short-sighted, since it denies us the possibility that the putc value
itself might be expanded from other values and hence it would be better
as another parameterless TOKEN. I have not come across an actual API
expansion for the putc value as other than a simple TAG; however the
FILE* value stdin is sometimes expressed as:<P>
#define stdin &_iob[0]
which illustrates the point. It is better to have all of the interface
of an API expressed as TOKENs to give both generality and flexibility
across different platforms.<P>
<A NAME=S80>
<HR><H2>10.2. Linking to APIs</H2>
In general, each API requires platform-dependent definitions to be
supplied by a combination of TDF linking and system linking for that
platform. This is illustrated in the following diagram giving the
various phases involved in producing a runnable program.<P>
<CENTER><IMG SRC="../images/guide3.gif"></CENTER>
There will be CAPSULEs for each API on each platform giving the expansions
for the TOKENs involved, usually as uses of identifiers which will
be supplied by system linking from some libraries. These CAPSULEs
would be derived from the header files on the platform for the API
in question, usually using some automatic tools. For example, there
will be a TDF CAPSULE (derived from <stdio.h>) which defines
the TOKEN T_FILE as the SHAPE for FILE, together with definitions
for the TOKENs for putc, stdin, etc., in terms of identifiers which
will be found in the library libc.a. <P>
<A NAME=S81>
<H3>10.2.1. Target independent headers, unique_extern</H3>
Any producer which uses an API will use system independent information
to give the common interface TOKENs for this API. In the C producer,
this is provided by header files using pragmas, which tell the producer
which TOKENs to use for the particular constructs of the API . In
any target-independent CAPSULE which uses the API, these TOKENs would
be introduced as TOKDECs and made globally accessible by using make_linkextern.
For a world-wide standard API, the EXTERNAL "name" for a
TOKEN used by make_linkextern should be provided by an application
of unique_extern on a UNIQUE drawn from a central repository of names
for entities in standard APIs; this repository would form a kind of
super-standard for naming conventions in all possible APIs. The mechanism
for controlling this super-standard has yet to be set up, so at the
moment all EXTERN names are created by string_extern.<P>
An interesting example in the use of TOKENs comes in abstracting field
names. Often, an API will say something like "the type Widget
is a structure with fields alpha, beta ..." without specifying
the order of the fields or whether the list of fields is complete.
The field selection operations for Widget should then be expressed
using EXP OFFSET TOKENs; each field would have its own TOKEN giving
its offset which will be filled in when the target is known. This
gives implementors on a particular platform the opportunity to reorder
fields or add to them as they like; it also allows for extension of
the standard in the same way.<P>
The most common SORTs of TOKENs used for APIs are SHAPEs to represent
types, and EXPs to represent values, including procedures and constants.
NATs and VARIETYs are also sometimes used where the API does not specify
the types of integers involved. The other SORTs are rarely used in
APIs; indeed it is difficult to imagine <I>any</I> realistic use of
TOKENs of SORT BOOL. However, the criterion for choosing which SORTs
are available for TOKENisation is not their immediate utility, but
that the structural integrity and simplicity of TDF is maintained.
It is fairly obvious that having BOOL TOKENs will cause no problems,
so we may as well allow them. <P>
<A NAME=S82>
<HR><H2>10.3. Language programming interfaces</H2>
So far, I have been speaking as though a TOKENised API could only
be some library interface, built on top of some language, like xpg3,
posix, X etc. on top of C. However, it is possible to consider the
constructions of the language itself as ideal candidates for TOKENisation.
For example, the C for-statement could be expressed as TOKEN with
four parameters
<A NAME=footnote77 HREF="footnote.html#77">*</A>. This TOKEN could
be expanded in TDF in several different ways, all giving the correct
semantics of a for-statement. A translator (or other tools) could
choose the expansion it wants depending on context and the properties
of the parameters. The C producer could give a default expansion which
a lazy translator writer could use, but others might use expansions
which might be more advantageous. This idea could be extended to virtually
all the constructions of the language, giving what is in effect a
C-language API; perhaps this might be called more properly a language
programming interface (LPI). Thus, we would have TOKENs for C for-statements,
C conditionals, C procedure calls, C procedure definitions etc.
<A NAME=footnote78 HREF="footnote.html#78">*</A>.
The notion of a producer for any language working to an LPI specific
to the constructs of the language is very attractive. It could use
different TOKENs to reflect the subtle differences between uses of
similar constructs in different languages which might be difficult
or impossible to detect from their expansions, but which could allow
better optimisations in the object code. For example, Fortran procedures
are slightly different from C procedures in that they do not allow
aliasing between parameters and globals. While application of the
standard TDF procedure calls would be semantically correct, knowledge
of that the non-aliasing rule applies would allow some procedures
to be translated to more efficient code. A translator without knowledge
of the semantics implicit in the TOKENs involved would still produce
correct code, but one which knew about them could take advantage of
that knowledge.<P>
I also think that LPIs would be a very useful tool for crystalising
ideas on how languages should be translated, allowing one to experiment
with expansions not thought of by the producer writer. This decoupling
is also an escape clause allowing the producer writer to defer the
implementation of a construct completely to translate-time or link-time,
as is done at the moment in C for off-stack allocation. As such it
also serves as a useful test-bed for TOKEN constructions which may
in future become new constructors of core TDF. <P>
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