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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997

    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-

        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;

        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;

        (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
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$Author: release $
$Date: 1998/01/17 15:56:06 $
$Revision: $
$Log: locate.c,v $
 * Revision  1998/01/17  15:56:06  release
 * First version to be checked into rolling release.
 * Revision 1.3  1995/09/12  10:59:30  currie
 * gcc pedanttry
 * Revision 1.2  1995/08/16  16:06:50  currie
 * Shortened some .h names
 * Revision 1.1  1995/04/13  09:08:06  currie
 * Initial revision
/* locate.c
     discovers "where" an "exp" is;
     The where coding of an address tells one whether the result of
      evaluating an exp is in a register or directly or literally in store,

#include "config.h"
#include "addrtypes.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "inst_fmt.h"
#include "mips_ins.h"
#include "bitsmacs.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "procrectypes.h"
#include "guard.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "regexps.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "psu_ops.h"
#include "getregs.h"
#include "move.h"
#include "handle_sregs.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "frames.h"
#include "code_here.h"
#include "locate.h"
#include "basicread.h"

extern  FILE * as_file;

long  locals_offset;            /* the offset in bits of start of current
                                   locals */
long  frame_size;               /* the size of the current stack frame in
                                   bits */

baseoff boff
    PROTO_N ( (id) )
    PROTO_T ( exp id )
{               /* decodes id to give a baseoff suitable
                                   for ls_ins etc */
  baseoff an;
  if (isglob (id)) {            /* globals */
    dec * gl = brog(id);
    long sno = gl->dec_u.dec_val.sym_number;
    an.base = -(sno + 1);
    an.offset = 0;
  else {
    int   x = no (id);
    int   b = x & 0x3f;
    if (name(son(id))==caller_name_tag) {
        an.base = 29;
        an.offset = (x-b)>>4;
        /* caller tags */
    if (b == 29) {
      an.base = 29;
      an.offset = ((x - b) >> 4) + (locals_offset >> 3);
      /* locally declared things accessed by sp*/
    if ((b==30 && Has_fp) ) {
      an.base = b;
      an.offset = (((x - b)) >> 4) + (locals_offset >> 3)
                        - ((frame_size+callee_size)>>3);
      /* locally declared things accessed by fp  */
    if ( (b == local_reg && Has_vcallees)) {
      an.base = b;
      an.offset = (((x - b)) >> 4) + (locals_offset >> 3)
                        - (frame_size>>3);
      /* locally declared things accessed by local_reg */
      if (b <= 31) {
        an.base = b;
        an.offset = ((x - b) >> 4);
        /* other base offsets */
        if (b == 32) {
          an.base = -((x - b) >> 6);
          an.offset = 0;
          /* global names  */
          if (b == 33) {
            an.base = (x - b) >> 6;
            an.offset = 0;
            /* global anonymous */
          else {
            failer ("not a baseoff in boff ");
  return an;

where locate PROTO_S ((exp e, space sp, shape s, int dreg));
 /* locate differs from locate1 only in that it looks to see e has already
    been evaluated somehow */

where locate1
    PROTO_N ( (e, sp, s, dreg) )
    PROTO_T ( exp e X space sp X shape s X int dreg )
                                /* finds the address of e using shape s;
                                   sp gives available t-regs for any inner
                                   evaluation. dreg is historical. */
  ash a;
  ans aa;
  where wans;
  a = ashof (s);

/*  while (name (e) == diag_tag || name (e) == fscope_tag
      || name (e) == cscope_tag) {
    e = son (e);
  switch (name (e)) {
    case name_tag:
        exp decx = son (e);
        bool var = isvar (decx);
                                /* this a locally declared name ... */
          if (props (decx) & defer_bit) {
                                /* ... it has been identified with a
                                   simple expression which is better
                                   evaluated every time */
            where w;
            w = locate (son (decx), sp, sh (son (decx)), dreg);

            if (no (e) == 0) {
              aa = w.answhere;
            else {
              instore is;
              switch (w.answhere.discrim) {
                case notinreg:
                    is = insalt (w.answhere);
                    is.b.offset += (no (e) / 8);
                  failer ("NOT deferable");

              setinsalt (aa, is);
            if (props (decx) & inreg_bits) {
                                /* ... it has been allocated in a fixed
                                   point reg */
              if (var) {
                setregalt (aa, no (decx));
              else {
                instore b;
                b.b.base = no (decx);
                b.b.offset = 0;
                b.adval = 1;
                setinsalt (aa, b);
              if (props (decx) & infreg_bits) {
                                /* ... it has been allocated in a floating
                                   point reg */
                freg fr;
       = no (decx);
                fr.dble = (a.ashsize == 64) ? 1 : 0;
                setfregalt (aa, fr);
              else {            /* ... it is in memory */
                instore is;
                if (var || (name (sh (e)) == prokhd &&
                      (son (decx) == nilexp || name (son (decx)) == proc_tag
                        || name (son (decx)) == general_proc_tag))) {
                  is.adval = 1;
                else {
                  is.adval = 0;
                is.b = boff (decx);
                is.b.offset += (no (e) / 8);
                setinsalt (aa, is);
        wans.answhere = aa;
        wans.ashwhere = a;
        return wans;

    case addptr_tag:
        exp sum = son (e);
        where wsum;
        int   addend;
        space nsp;
        int   reg;
        int   ind;
        instore is;
        ans asum;
        wsum = locate (sum, sp, sh (sum), 0);
        asum = wsum.answhere;
        /* answer is going to be wsum displaced by integer result of
           evaluating bro(sum) */

        switch (asum.discrim) {
          case notinreg:
              is = insalt (asum);
              if (is.adval) {   /* wsum is a literal address in store ...
                baseoff b;
                b = is.b;
                if (b.base < 0 || b.base > 31) {
                                /* ... it is not a base-offset , so make
                                   it one */
                  reg = getreg (sp.fixed);
                  ls_ins (i_la, reg, b);
                  keepreg (sum, reg);
                  b.base = reg;
                  b.offset = 0;
                nsp = guardreg (b.base, sp);

                addend = reg_operand (bro (sum), nsp);
                /* evaluate the displacement ... */
                if (dreg == 0)
                  dreg = getreg (nsp.fixed);
                rrr_ins (i_addu, dreg, b.base, addend);
                /* ... add it to the base register into new reg */
                b.base = dreg;
                is.b = b;
                setinsalt (aa, is);
                wans.answhere = aa;
                wans.ashwhere = a;
                /* ...and use it as base a literal base-offset result */
                keepexp (e, aa);
                return wans;
              else {            /* wsum represents an actual pointer in
                                   store... */
                ind = getreg (sp.fixed);
                ls_ins (i_lw, ind, is.b);
                /* ... so load it into a good register */
              goto breakpt;
              /* should be break - thought there was cc error */

            }                   /* end notinreg */

          case inreg:
            /* wsum is already in reg */
              ind = regalt (asum);
              goto breakpt;

          default: {
              failer ("Locate ? reg");
        }                       /* end case */

    breakpt:                    /* register ind contains the evaluation of
                                   1st operand of addptr */
        nsp = guardreg (ind, sp);
        if (name(bro(sum)) == env_offset_tag
                || name(bro(sum)) == general_env_offset_tag ) {
          is.b.base = ind;
          is.b.offset = frame_offset(son(bro(sum)));
        else {
          addend = reg_operand (bro (sum), nsp);
          /* evaluate displacement .... */
          if (dreg == 0)
            dreg = getreg (nsp.fixed);
          rrr_ins (i_addu, dreg, ind, addend);
          /* ... add it to ind in new reg */
          is.b.base = dreg;
          is.b.offset = 0;
        is.adval = 1;
        setinsalt (aa, is);
        wans.answhere = aa;
        wans.ashwhere = a;
        /* ... and deliver literal base_offset */
        keepexp (e, aa);
        return wans;
      }                         /* end add_ptr */

    case subptr_tag:            /* this is nugatory - previous transforms
                                   make it into addptr or reff */
        exp sum = son (e);
        int   ind = reg_operand (sum, sp);
        instore isa;
        isa.adval = 1;
        sum = bro (sum);
        if (name (sum) == val_tag) {
          instore isa;
          isa.b.base = ind;
          isa.b.offset = -no (e);
          setinsalt (aa, isa);
        else {
          if (dreg == 0)
            dreg = getreg (sp.fixed);
          rrr_ins (i_subu, dreg, ind,
              reg_operand (sum, guardreg (ind, sp)));
          isa.b.base = dreg;
          isa.b.offset = 0;
        setinsalt (aa, isa);
        wans.answhere = aa;
        wans.ashwhere = a;
        keepexp (e, aa);
        return wans;
      }                         /* end subptr */

    case reff_tag: {
        instore isa;

        wans = locate (son (e), sp, sh (son (e)), 0);
        /* answer is going to be wans displaced by no(e) */

        switch (wans.answhere.discrim) {
          case notinreg: {

              isa = insalt (wans.answhere);
              if (!isa.adval) {
                /* wans is an actual pointer  in store, so make it into a
                   literal address.... */
                int   reg = getreg (sp.fixed);
                ls_ins (i_lw, reg, isa.b);
                isa.b.offset = 0;
                isa.b.base = reg;
                isa.adval = 1;
              /* ... and add appropriate displacement to give result */
              isa.b.offset += no (e) / 8;
              setinsalt (wans.answhere, isa);
              keepexp (e, wans.answhere);
          case inreg: {
              /* wans is a pointer in a register */
              isa.b.base = regalt (wans.answhere);
              isa.adval = 1;
              isa.b.offset = no (e) / 8;
              setinsalt (wans.answhere, isa);
          default: {
              failer ("Locate ? reg ");
        wans.ashwhere = a;
        return wans;

      }                         /* end reff */

    case cont_tag:
    case contvol_tag:
        exp s = son (e);
        ans ason;
        instore isa;
        int   reg;
        where fc;
        fc = locate (s, sp, sh (e), 0);
        ason = fc.answhere;
        /* answer is going to be the contents of address represented by fc

        switch (ason.discrim) {
          case notinreg:
              isa = insalt (ason);
              if (isa.adval) {  /* fc is a literal store address, so make
                                   it into a direct one */
                isa.adval = 0;
                setinsalt (aa, isa);
              else {            /* fc is an actual pointer in store ....
                reg = getreg (sp.fixed);
                ls_ins (i_lw, reg, isa.b);
                /* .... so load it into reg and deliver direct base-offset
                   (reg,0) */
                isa.b.base = reg;
                isa.b.offset = 0;
                setinsalt (aa, isa);
                if (name (e) != contvol_tag && fc.ashwhere.ashalign != 1)
                  keepexp (e, aa);
              goto breakson;

            }                   /* end notinrg */

          case inreg:
            /* this one is fraught - it depends on only being used in
               lh-value positions from vars- take care */
              isa.b.base = regalt (ason);
              isa.b.offset = 0;
              isa.adval = 1;
              setinsalt (aa, isa);
              /* fc is in register, so deliver literal(!? ) base-offset */
              goto breakson;

          case infreg:          /* ditto caveat above */
              aa = ason;
              goto breakson;

          default: {
              failer ("Locate ? reg");
        wans.answhere = aa;
        wans.ashwhere = a;
        return wans;

      }                         /* end cont */

    case top_tag:               /* does this ever happen ? */
        setregalt (aa, 0);
        wans.answhere = aa;
        wans.ashwhere = a;
        return wans;
      }                         /* end top */

    case field_tag: {
        instore isa;
        wans = locate (son (e), sp, sh (son (e)), 0);
        /* answer is wans displace literally by no(e); it should always be
           a literal store adress */

        switch (wans.answhere.discrim) {
          case notinreg: {

              isa = insalt (wans.answhere);
              isa.b.offset += no (e) / 8;
              setinsalt (wans.answhere, isa);
            failer (" field should be transformed ");
        wans.ashwhere = a;
        return wans;
      }                         /* end field */

      /* general catch all; evaluate e into register and deliver it as a
         literal store address */
        int   r = reg_operand (e, sp);
        instore is;
        if (r == 2) {           /* guard possible result from proc - can
                                   do better */
          r = getreg (sp.fixed);
          mon_ins (i_move, r, 2);
        is.b.base = r;
        is.b.offset = 0;
        is.adval = 1;
        setinsalt (aa, is);
        wans.answhere = aa;
        wans.ashwhere = a;
        return wans;


where locate
    PROTO_N ( (e, sp, s, dreg) )
    PROTO_T ( exp e X space sp X shape s X int dreg )
  ans ak;
  where w;
  ak = iskept (e);
  if (ak.discrim == inreg && (regalt (ak) == 0)) {
    where w;
    w = locate1 (e, sp, s, dreg);
    return w;
  else {                        /* e has been evaluated into a register */
    w.answhere = ak;
    w.ashwhere = ashof (s);
  return w;