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$Header: /u/g/release/CVSROOT/Source/src/installers/680x0/common/peephole.c,v 1998/01/17 15:55:50 release Exp $
$Log: peephole.c,v $
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:55:50 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
Revision 1997/10/13 12:42:58 ma
First version.
Revision 1.2 1997/06/18 12:04:58 ma
Merged with Input Baseline changes.
Revision 1997/03/14 07:50:17 ma
Imported from DRA
* Revision 1.2 1996/09/20 13:51:43 john
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1996/09/20 10:56:58 john
* Revision 1996/03/26 15:45:16 john
* Revision 1.1 93/02/22 17:16:34 17:16:34 ra (Robert Andrews)
* Initial revision
#include "config.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "assembler.h"
#include "instrs.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "mach.h"
#include "mach_ins.h"
#include "mach_op.h"
#include "peephole.h"
#include "utility.h"
extern bool have_cond ;
extern bool just_ret ;
extern long crt_ret_lab ;
This table gives a correspondence between the conditional jump
"if condition goto ..." and the opposite conditional jump
"if not condition goto ...".
#include "instr_aux.h"
This routine searches the list of all instructions for label n.
It returns null if it cannot be found.
static mach_ins *find_label
PROTO_N ( ( n ) )
PROTO_T ( long n )
mach_ins *p ;
for ( p = all_mach_ins ; p ; p = p->next ) {
if ( p->ins_no == m_label_ins && p->op1->def.num == n ) return ( p ) ;
return ( null ) ;
A jump alias is a label followed immediately by an unconditional
jump to another label. It is possible to get cycles of mutually
dependent jump aliases. This routine checks whether the alias a=>b
is part of a cycle, and if so returns null. Otherwise it returns
the position of label b.
#define alias_max 20
static mach_ins *check_jump_alias
PROTO_N ( ( a, b ) )
PROTO_T ( long a X long b )
int i, n ;
mach_ins *p, *q ;
long alias [ alias_max ] ;
if ( a == b ) return ( null ) ;
alias [0] = a ;
alias [1] = b ;
p = find_label ( b ) ;
if ( p == null ) return ( null ) ;
for ( n = 2, q = p ; n < alias_max ; n++ ) {
while ( q && q->ins_no == m_label_ins ) q = q->next ;
if ( q && q->ins_no == m_bra ) {
long c = q->op1->def.num ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
if ( c == alias [i] ) return ( null ) ;
alias [n] = c ;
q = find_label ( c ) ;
} else {
return ( p ) ;
return ( null ) ;
This routine finds the length of all jumps and marks each as long,
word or byte. The length is based on the number of instructions
jumped over. It would be better if the assembler could do this.
#define byte_len_min -16
#define byte_len_max 16
#define word_len_min -2000
#define word_len_max 2000
#ifndef asm_does_jump_lens
static void find_jump_sizes
PROTO_N ( ( lmin, lmax ) )
PROTO_T ( long lmin X long lmax )
long *tb ;
mach_ins *p ;
long i, n = lmax - lmin + 1 ;
/* Allocate a temporary label position table */
if ( n <= 0 ) return ;
#ifndef NO_ALLOCA
tb = ( long * ) alloca ( n * sizeof ( long ) ) ;
tb = alloc_nof ( long, n ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) tb [i] = 0 ;
/* Fill in label positions */
for ( p = all_mach_ins, i = 1 ; p ; p = p->next ) {
if ( p->ins_no == m_label_ins ) {
n = p->op1->def.num - lmin ;
tb [n] = i ;
} else {
i++ ;
/* Work out jump lengths */
for ( p = all_mach_ins, i = 1 ; p ; p = p->next ) {
int r = p->ins_no ;
if ( is_jump ( r ) ) {
n = p->op1->def.num ;
if ( just_ret && n == crt_ret_lab && r == m_bra ) {
p->ins_no = m_rts ;
free_mach_op ( p->op1 ) ;
p->op1 = null ;
} else {
int m = long_jump ;
long d = tb [ n - lmin ] ;
if ( d ) {
d -= i ;
if ( d >= byte_len_min && d <= byte_len_max && d ) {
m = byte_jump ;
} else if ( d >= word_len_min && d <= word_len_max ) {
m = word_jump ;
p->ins_no = r + m ;
if ( r != m_label_ins ) i++ ;
#ifdef NO_ALLOCA
free ( tb ) ;
return ;
Normally this is just ~save_msk, but if, for example D2 is renamed to
D1 by epilogue then D2 has to be marked as changed by procedure calls.
bitpattern callmsk = 0 ;
This routine scans through the list of all instructions applying
various simple optimizations.
void peephole
long a1, a2 ;
mach_ins *p, *q ;
mach_op *op1, *op2 ;
int knock_on_effects ;
mach_op *hold [32] ;
bitpattern unknown ;
int removed_p ;
mach_ins *p_up, *p_down ;
long lmin = 100000, lmax = -100000 ;
#define remove_p() \
if ( p_up == null ) { \
all_mach_ins = p_down ; \
} else { \
p_up->next = p_down ; \
} \
removed_p = 1 ;
do {
knock_on_effects = 0 ;
unknown = 0xffffffff ;
p_up = null ;
p = all_mach_ins ;
while ( p != null ) {
int n = p->ins_no ;
bitpattern ch = p->changed ;
removed_p = 0 ;
p_down = p->next ;
if ( n == m_lea ) {
/* Some lea's can be turned into moves */
op1 = p->op1 ;
if ( op1->type == MACH_CONT ) {
op2 = op1->of ;
if ( op2->type == MACH_REG && op2->plus == null ) {
if ( op2->def.num == p->op2->def.num ) {
/* The move may be nugatory */
remove_p () ;
reclaim_ins ( p ) ;
} else {
/* Create the move */
p->ins_no = m_movl ;
p->op1 = op2 ;
op1->of = null ;
free_mach_op ( op1 ) ;
if ( n == m_pea ) {
/* Some pea's can be turned into pushes */
op1 = p->op1 ;
if ( op1->type == MACH_CONT ) {
op2 = op1->of ;
if ( op2->type == MACH_REG && op2->plus == null ) {
/* Create the push */
p->ins_no = m_movl ;
p->op1 = op2 ;
op1->type = MACH_DEC ;
op1->def.num = REG_SP ;
op1->of = null ;
p->op2 = op1 ;
if ( n == m_bra ) {
/* Remove unreachable code after unconditional jumps */
q = p_down ;
while ( q && q->ins_no != m_label_ins ) {
mach_ins *q1 = q->next ;
reclaim_ins ( q ) ;
knock_on_effects = 1 ;
q = q1 ;
p->next = q ;
p_down = q ;
if ( is_jump ( n ) ) {
a1 = p->op1->def.num ;
/* Remove jumps to immediately following labels */
q = p_down ;
while ( q && q->ins_no == m_label_ins ) {
a2 = q->op1->def.num ;
if ( a1 == a2 ) {
remove_p () ;
reclaim_ins ( p ) ;
knock_on_effects = 1 ;
q = q->next ;
if ( !knock_on_effects && n != m_bra && p_down ) {
int m = p_down->ins_no ;
if ( m == oppo_jump ( n ) ) {
/* A jump following its opposite jump can be
made unconditional */
p_down->ins_no = m_bra ;
m = m_bra ;
if ( m == m_bra ) {
/* Negate conditionals if appropriate :
if ( cond ) goto L1
goto L2
L1 : ....
becomes :
if ( !cond ) goto L2
L1 : ....
q = p_down->next ;
while ( q && q->ins_no == m_label_ins ) {
a2 = q->op1->def.num ;
if ( a1 == a2 ) {
remove_p () ;
reclaim_ins ( p ) ;
p_down->ins_no = oppo_jump ( n ) ;
knock_on_effects = 1 ;
q = q->next ;
} else if ( m == n ) {
/* Consecutive identical jumps are unnecessary */
q = p_down ;
p_down = q->next ;
q->next = null ;
reclaim_ins ( q ) ;
p->next = p_down ;
knock_on_effects = 1 ;
} else if ( just_ret && m != m_label_ins ) {
/* Negate certain simple returns :
if ( cond ) goto L1
return x
L1 : ....
becomes :
if ( !cond ) goto L2
L1 : ....
L2 : return x
q = p_down->next ;
if ( q && q->ins_no == m_bra &&
q->op1->def.num == crt_ret_lab ) {
bool go = 0 ;
q = q->next ;
while ( q && q->ins_no == m_label_ins ) {
a2 = q->op1->def.num ;
if ( a2 == a1 ) go = 1 ;
if ( a2 == crt_ret_lab ) go = 0 ;
q = q->next ;
if ( go ) {
a2 = next_lab () ;
if ( a2 < lmin ) lmin = a2 ;
if ( a2 > lmax ) lmax = a2 ;
p->ins_no = oppo_jump ( n ) ;
p->op1->def.num = a2 ;
q = p_down->next ;
p->next = q->next ;
q->next = null ;
reclaim_ins ( q ) ;
#ifndef no_align_directives
make_instr ( m_as_align4, null, null, 0 ) ;
make_label ( a2 ) ;
current_ins->next = p_down ;
p_down->next = null ;
current_ins = current_ins->next ;
make_instr ( m_rts, null, null, 0 ) ;
p_down = p->next ;
if ( n == m_label_ins ) {
/* Update maximum and minimum label numbers */
a1 = p->op1->def.num ;
if ( a1 < lmin ) lmin = a1 ;
if ( a1 > lmax ) lmax = a1 ;
/* Look for jump aliases :
L1 : goto L2
L2 : ....
becomes :
goto L2
L2 :
L1 : ....
provided L1=>L2 is not part of a cycle of jump aliases.
q = p->next ;
while ( q && q->ins_no == m_label_ins ) q = q->next ;
if ( q && q->ins_no == m_bra ) {
a2 = q->op1->def.num ;
q = check_jump_alias ( a1, a2 ) ;
if ( q != null ) {
/* Move the label */
remove_p () ;
p->next = q->next ;
q->next = p ;
knock_on_effects = 1 ;
/* Look at consecutive moves */
if ( n == m_movl && p_down && p_down->ins_no == m_movl ) {
a1 = p->op1->type ;
a2 = p->op2->type ;
if ( a1 == MACH_REG && a2 != MACH_REG &&
!check_op ( p->op2, p->op1->def.num ) &&
equal_op ( p->op2, p_down->op1 ) ) {
/* b = a, c = b => b = a, c = a */
free_mach_op ( p_down->op1 ) ;
p_down->op1 = make_register ( p->op1->def.num ) ;
if ( a1 != MACH_REG && a2 == MACH_REG &&
!check_op ( p->op1, p->op2->def.num ) &&
equal_op ( p->op1, p_down->op1 ) ) {
/* b = a, c = a => b = a, c = b */
free_mach_op ( p_down->op1 ) ;
p_down->op1 = make_register ( p->op2->def.num ) ;
/* Moving constants into registers */
if ( ( n == m_movl || n == m_moveq ) && p->op2->type == MACH_REG ) {
int t = p->op1->type ;
if ( t == MACH_HEX ) t = MACH_VAL ;
if ( ( t == MACH_VAL || t == MACH_EXT || t == MACH_LAB ) &&
p->op1->plus == null ) {
long z = p->op2->def.num ;
if ( !( unknown & regmsk ( z ) ) &&
hold [z]->type == t &&
hold [z]->def.num == p->op1->def.num ) {
/* Move is strictly unnecessary */
if ( p_down && is_jump ( p_down->ins_no ) ) {
/* Keep it in for test purposes */
} else {
remove_p () ;
reclaim_ins ( p ) ;
} else {
hold [z] = p->op1 ;
hold [z]->type = t ;
unknown &= ~ch ;
ch = 0 ;
/* Remove ignore instructions */
if ( n == m_ignore_ins ) {
remove_p () ;
reclaim_ins ( p ) ;
/* Deal with registers changed by procedure calls */
if ( n == m_call ) ch |= callmsk ;
/* Update p_up, p and unknown */
if ( !removed_p ) {
p_up = p ;
unknown |= ch ;
p = p_down ;
} while ( knock_on_effects ) ;
/* Work out jump sizes */
#ifndef asm_does_jump_lens
find_jump_sizes ( lmin, lmax ) ;
return ;
This table gives the correspondence between instruction numbers
and instruction sizes.
static bool instr_sz [] = {
#include "instr_aux.h"
} ;
This routine checks for (some) possible uses of post-increment and
pre-decrement instructions. It returns 1 if a change has been
bool post_inc_check
PROTO_N ( ( q, r ) )
PROTO_T ( mach_ins *q X bitpattern r )
long r1, r2, sz ;
int move_ins ;
bool incr = 1, use_op1 = 1, use_op2 = 1 ;
mach_op *op ;
mach_ins *p = q->next ;
if ( p == null ) return ( 0 ) ;
/* The first instruction may be m_subql */
if ( p->ins_no == m_subql ) {
sz = p->op1->def.num ;
r1 = p->op2->def.num ;
p = p->next ;
if ( p == null ) return ( 0 ) ;
incr = 0 ;
/* The next instruction must be a move of two registers */
if ( p->ins_no != m_movl ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( p->op1->type != MACH_REG ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( p->op2->type != MACH_REG ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( incr ) {
r1 = p->op1->def.num ;
} else {
/* The first register must be the one in the m_subql */
if ( p->op1->def.num != r1 ) return ( 0 ) ;
/* The second register must be that given by r */
r2 = p->op2->def.num ;
if ( regmsk ( r2 ) != r ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( incr ) {
/* The next instruction must be "lea sz(r2), r1" */
p = p->next ;
if ( p == null ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( p->ins_no != m_lea ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( p->op1->type != MACH_CONT ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( p->op1->of->type != MACH_REG ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( p->op1->of->def.num != r2 ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( p->op1->of->plus->type != MACH_VAL ) return ( 0 ) ;
sz = p->op1->of->plus->def.num ;
if ( p->op2->type != MACH_REG ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( p->op2->def.num != r1 ) return ( 0 ) ;
/* Check the value of sz */
if ( sz == 1 ) {
move_ins = m_movb ;
} else if ( sz == 2 ) {
move_ins = m_movw ;
} else if ( sz == 4 ) {
move_ins = m_movl ;
} else {
return ( 0 ) ;
p = p->next ;
if ( p == null ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( p->next ) {
/* The next instruction may be "move (r2), reg" */
if ( p->next->next ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( p->next->ins_no != move_ins ) return ( 0 ) ;
op = p->next->op1 ;
if ( op->type != MACH_CONT ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( op->of->type != MACH_REG ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( op->of->def.num != r2 ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( op->of->plus != null ) return ( 0 ) ;
/* Check the size of the current operation */
if ( !is_simple ( p->ins_no ) || instr_sz [ p->ins_no ] != sz ) {
return ( 0 ) ;
/* Check if the first operand is (r2) */
if ( p->op1 ) {
op = p->op1 ;
if ( op->type != MACH_CONT ) {
use_op1 = 0 ;
} else {
if ( op->of->type != MACH_REG ) use_op1 = 0 ;
if ( op->of->def.num != r2 ) use_op1 = 0 ;
if ( op->of->plus != null ) use_op1 = 0 ;
} else {
use_op1 = 0 ;
/* Check if the second operand is (r2) */
if ( p->op2 ) {
op = p->op2 ;
if ( op->type != MACH_CONT ) {
use_op2 = 0 ;
} else {
if ( op->of->type != MACH_REG ) use_op2 = 0 ;
if ( op->of->def.num != r2 ) use_op2 = 0 ;
if ( op->of->plus != null ) use_op2 = 0 ;
} else {
use_op2 = 0 ;
/* Check that the operands are alright */
if ( use_op1 + use_op2 != 1 ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( use_op1 && check_op ( p->op2, r2 ) ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( use_op2 && check_op ( p->op1, r2 ) ) return ( 0 ) ;
/* Make the change */
reclaim_ins ( q->next->next ) ;
reclaim_ins ( q->next ) ;
if ( use_op1 ) {
free_mach_op ( p->op1 ) ;
p->op1 = ( incr ? make_inc_sp () : make_dec_sp () ) ;
p->op1->def.num = r1 ;
} else {
free_mach_op ( p->op2 ) ;
p->op2 = ( incr ? make_inc_sp () : make_dec_sp () ) ;
p->op2->def.num = r1 ;
p->changed |= regmsk ( r1 ) ;
q->next = p ;
if ( p->next ) {
p->next->op1->of->def.num = r1 ;
if ( incr ) p->next->op1->of->plus = make_value ( -sz ) ;
} else {
if ( use_op2 ) have_cond = 0 ;
return ( 1 ) ;