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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997
    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;
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/*      $Id: weights.c,v 1998/01/17 15:56:01 release Exp $       */

#ifndef lint
static char vcid[] = "$Id: weights.c,v 1998/01/17 15:56:01 release Exp $";
#endif /* lint */


   The main procedure here is weightsv which determines the 
   allocation of s regs. It considers which of those tags not 
   already allocated to a t reg by scan, are best put in an s 
   register. The same conditions as for t regs apply as to the 
   suitability of the tags for registers.  Weights estimates the 
   usage of each tag and hence the amount that would be saved if 
   it were held in an s reg. Thus it computes break points for
   register allocation for later use by reg_alloc.  The type 
   weights consists of two arrays of integers. In the first array 
   each integer corresponds to a fixpnt reg and the second arrays'
   integers correspond to floating point regs.  At the end of a 
   call of weights on an ident exp the props field of the ident 
   may still contain inreg_bits or infreg_bits, set by scan, to 
   indicate that a t reg should be used. Otherwise number of ident 
   is set up to represent the break point for allocation. A similar 
   process occurs for proc parameters which have the break value 
   in the forweights field of the parapair of the corresponding 
   procrec. This value has three meanings:

   1) The ident (or parameter) defines a fixpnt value and number
   of ident (forweights of parpair) is an integer brk with the 
   interpretation that if there are at least brk fixpt s registers 
   unallocated at this point then one will be used for this tag 

   2) As 1 but for floating point values.
   3) number of ident = 100 in which case allocate value on the 
   stack, (this is obviously always available for parameters).


$Log: weights.c,v $
 * Revision  1998/01/17  15:56:01  release
 * First version to be checked into rolling release.
 * Revision 1.4  1996/02/19  09:25:40  john
 * Added assertion
 * Revision 1.3  1995/06/13  14:04:03  john
 * Cosmetic change
 * Revision 1.2  1995/05/16  10:56:50  john
 * Changes for spec 3.1
 * Revision  1995/03/23  10:39:26  john
 * Entered into CVS
 * Revision 1.4  1995/03/23  10:17:15  john
 * Added sequence to tested cases

#include "config.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include "common_types.h"
#include "exptypes.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "procrectypes.h"
#include "procrecs.h"
#include "bitsmacs.h"
#include "maxminmacs.h"
#include "regable.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "special.h"
#include "weights.h"

weights zeroweights =
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

weights weightsv PROTO_S ((double scale, exp e));

weights add_weights
    PROTO_N ( ( w1,w2 ) )
    PROTO_T ( weights *w1 X weights *w2 )
  /* sum of weights*/
  weights r;
  long  i;
  for (i = 0; i < wfixno; ++i) {
    (r.fix)[i] = (w1->fix)[i]+(w2->fix)[i];
  for (i = 0; i < wfloatno; ++i) {
    (r.floating)[i] = (w1->floating)[i]+(w2->floating)[i];
  return (r);

/* loc is the usage count of a tag, ws is
   the weights computed for the scope of
   the tag and fix distinguishes between
   fix and float. This computes the
   weights for the declaration and a break
   point for register allocation which
   gives the number of available regs for
   which it is worthwhile to allocate this
   tag into a reg ("regged"). This proc is
   the source of all non-zero weights. NB
   loc may be negative since using a s-reg
   will involve a dump and restore  */
wp max_weights
    PROTO_N ( ( loc, ws, fix ) )
    PROTO_T ( double loc X weights * ws X bool fix )

  long  bk = wfixno + 1;

  long  i;
  float *w = (ws -> fix);
  /*  w[i] = greatest usage of (i+1) inner fixed tags  */
  wp res;
  float *pw = &(((res.wp_weights).fix)[0]);
  if (fix) {
    for (i = 0; i < wfixno; ++i) {
      if (i == 0) {
        if (loc > w[i]) {
          /* this tag has higher usage than any inner one ... */
          pw[i] = loc;
          bk = i;               /* ... so it's regged in pref to others */
          pw[i] = w[i];
      else {
        if ((loc + w[i - 1]) > w[i]) {
          /* this tag and i inner ones have higher usage than any other 
             (i+1) inner ones ... */
          pw[i] = loc + w[i - 1];
          if (i < bk)
            bk = i;
          /* ... so it and i inner ones are regged in preference to any
             other (i+1) inner ones */
          pw[i] = w[i];

    res.fix_break = bk;
  else {
    for (i = 0; i < wfixno; ++i) {
      pw[i] = w[i];

  res.fix_break = bk;

  bk = wfloatno + 1;
  w = (ws -> floating);
  pw = &(((res.wp_weights).floating)[0]);
  if (!fix) {                   /* same algorithm for float regs as fixed
                                   regs */
    for (i = 0; i < wfloatno; ++i) {
      if (i == 0) {
        if (loc > w[i]) {
          pw[i] = loc;
          bk = i;
          pw[i] = w[i];
      else {
        if ((loc + w[i - 1]) > w[i]) {
          pw[i] = loc + w[i - 1];
          if (i < bk)
            bk = i;
          pw[i] = w[i];
  else {
    for (i = 0; i < wfloatno; ++i) {
      pw[i] = w[i];
  res.float_break = bk;
  return res;

weights mult_weights
    PROTO_N ( ( m,ws ) )
    PROTO_T ( double m X weights *ws )
  /* multiply weights by scalar - non
     overflowing */
  weights res;
  float *r = &(res.fix)[0];
  float *w = ws -> fix;
  long  i;
  for (i = 0; i < wfixno; ++i) {
      r[i] = w[i] * m;

  r = &(res.floating)[0];
  w = ws -> floating;
  for (i = 0; i < wfloatno; ++i) {
      r[i] = w[i] * m;
  return (res);

weights add_wlist
    PROTO_N ( ( scale, re ) )
    PROTO_T ( double scale X exp re )
  weights w, w1;
  exp r = re;
  if (r == nilexp) {
    return zeroweights;
    if (last (r)) {
      return (weightsv (scale, r));
    else {
      w = weightsv (scale, r);
      Assert(r != bro(r));
      do {
        r = bro (r);
        w1 = weightsv (scale, r);
        w = add_weights (&w, &w1);
      } while (!last (r));
      return w;


   This procedure estimates the usage of tags and parameters to 
   help determine whether they can advantageously be placed in 
   s registers.  The parameter scale allows more importance to 
   be placed on usage inside 'for' loops for example. The 
   procedure reg_alloc in reg_alloc.c finally determines the 
   actual choice of s reg and recodes the number field of an ident. 
weights weightsv
    PROTO_N ( ( scale, e ) )
    PROTO_T ( double scale X exp e )
 unsigned char  n;
  n = name (e);
  switch (n) {
    case name_tag: 
        exp s = son (e);
        if (name (s) == ident_tag && !isglob (s)) {
          if (is_floating(name(sh(e))) && name(sh(e)) != shrealhd) {
                fno(s) += scale*2.0;
          } else fno (s) += scale;
        /* usage of tag stored in number of son of load_name (decl) */
        return zeroweights;

    case ident_tag: 
        if (son (e) != nilexp) {
          weights wdef;
          weights wbody;
          long  noe = no (e) /* set by scan */ ;
          if ((name (son (e)) == clear_tag) || (props (e) & defer_bit)) {
            wdef = zeroweights;
            fno(e)= 0.0;
          else {
            /* maybe needs a store to initialise */ 
            if (is_floating(name(sh(son(e)))) && name(sh(son(e))) != shrealhd) {
                        fno(e) = scale*2.0;
            } else fno (e) = scale;                 
            wdef = weightsv (scale, son (e));
          /* weights for initialisation of dec */

          wbody = weightsv (scale, bro (son (e)));
          /* weights of body of scan */
          if (props (e) & defer_bit) {/* declaration will be treated
                                   transparently in code production */
            exp t = son (e);
            exp s;
            if (name (t) == val_tag || name(t) == real_tag) {
              return wbody;
            while (name (t) != name_tag) {
              t = son (t);

            s = son (t);
            if (name (s) == ident_tag && !isglob (t)){
              fno (s) = fno (e);        /* is this correct */
            /* usage of tag stored in number of son of 
             load_name (decl) */

            return wbody;
          }                     /* end deferred */

          if ((props (e) & inreg_bits) == 0 && fixregable (e)) {
            wp p;
            p = max_weights (fno (e) - 2.0*scale , &wbody, 1);
            /* usage decreased by 2 because of dump and 
               restore of s-reg 
            no (e) = p.fix_break;
            return (add_weights (&wdef, &p.wp_weights));
          else if ((props (e) & infreg_bits) == 0 && floatregable (e)) {
            wp p;
            p = max_weights (fno (e) - 2 * scale, &wbody, 0);
            /* usage decreased by 4(on mips) because of dump 
               and restore of double s-reg */
            no (e) = p.float_break;
            return (add_weights (&wdef, &p.wp_weights));
          else {
            no (e) = noe /* restore to value given by scan */ ;
            return add_weights (&wdef, &wbody);
          return zeroweights;
    case rep_tag: {
        e = bro (son (e));
        goto tailrecurse;

    case case_tag: {
        e = son (e);
        goto tailrecurse;

    case labst_tag: {
      scale = fno(e);
      e = bro (son (e));
      goto tailrecurse;

    case val_tag:{
        return zeroweights;

    case ncopies_tag: {
        scale = no(e)*scale;
        e = son(e);
        goto tailrecurse;
    case seq_tag: {
      exp l = son(son(e));
      exp r = bro(son(e));
      weights w,w1;
      w = weightsv(scale,l);
        l = bro(l);
        w1 = weightsv(scale,l);
        w = add_weights(&w,&w1);
      w1 = weightsv(scale,r);
      w = add_weights(&w,&w1);
      return w;
     default: {
       if (son (e) == nilexp || n == env_offset_tag || 
           n == general_env_offset_tag) {
         return zeroweights;
       if (last (son (e))) {
         e = son (e);
         goto tailrecurse;
       return (add_wlist (scale, son (e)));