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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997

    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-

        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;

        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;

        (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
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        these conditions;

        (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
        quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
        no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
        it may be put.

$Author: pwe $
$Date: 1998/03/11 11:03:21 $
$Revision: 1.3 $
$Log: const.c,v $
 * Revision 1.3  1998/03/11  11:03:21  pwe
 * DWARF optimisation info
 * Revision 1.2  1998/01/29  16:59:07  pwe
 * hold2
 * Revision  1998/01/17  15:55:46  release
 * First version to be checked into rolling release.
 * Revision 1.5  1998/01/09  09:28:40  pwe
 * prep restructure
 * Revision 1.4  1997/10/10  18:15:21  pwe
 * prep ANDF-DE revision
 * Revision 1.3  1996/11/04  15:15:13  currie
 * no err-jumps in const extraction
Revision 1.2  1995/08/15 08:25:29  currie
Shift left + trap_tag

 * Revision 1.1  1995/04/06  10:44:05  currie
 * Initial revision

 *                         const.c
 *  This file defines the routines which implement the TDF-to-TDF
 *  optimising transformation which removes constant expressions from
 *  program fragments (typically loops).
 *  The type maxconst returns information about the expression under
 *  consideration. The field self is true if the expression as a whole is
 *  constant within the program fragment under consideration. If the
 *  entire expression is not constant (self is false) then the field cont
 *  is a list of the sub-expressions which are constant within the
 *  specified region.
 *  The type maxconst is defined in consttypes.h
 *  The principal procedures defined here are mc_list, repeat_consts and
 *  return_repeats. They are described below.
 *  Also used externally is intnl_to.

#include "config.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "consttypes.h"
#include "constmacs.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "check.h"
#include "install_fns.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "check_id.h"
#include "flags.h"
#include "externs.h"
#include "installglob.h"
#include "is_worth.h"
#include "flpt.h"
#include "flpttypes.h"
#include "xalloc.h"
#include "messages_c.h"
#include "basicread.h"
#include "me_fns.h"
#include "dg_aux.h"

#include "const.h"

/* MACROS */

#define false 0
#define true  1
#define MAXUSE 16
#define VERYBIGUSAGE 100
#define MEMINC 64
#define nilmem ((memlist *)0)


static maxconst self_const = {
  true, nilexp
/* the entire expression is constant */
    no_consts = {
  false, nilexp
/* no part of the expression is constant */

/* All variables initialised */

typedef struct _memlist {
  exp dec;
  int res;
  struct _memlist *next;
}   memlist;

                /* no need to init mem and fmem */
static memlist *mem = nilmem,   /* current list of frequent identifiers */
   *fmem = nilmem;              /* list of free cells */

static prop cond_flag = 0;      /* pushed value */
/* 1 => inside cond(..);  2 => after test() in cond() */

static int arg_is_reff;         /* no init needed */
/* arg is reffield, so contents doesn't need guarding */

#define globmax 100
static int glob_index;
static exp glob_dest[globmax];

static int has_lj_dest;


exp get_repeats PROTO_S ((void));

static int find_glob
    PROTO_N ( (e) )
    PROTO_T ( exp e )
  int i;
  for ( i = 0; i < glob_index; i++)
    if (glob_dest[i] == e)
      return 1;
  return 0;

 *  ret_constlist returns the elements of a constants-list

void ret_constlist
    PROTO_N ( (head) )
    PROTO_T ( exp head )
  if (head != nilexp) {
    exp limit = pt (head), t = son (head), n;
    retcell (head);
    while (t != limit) {
      n = bro (t);
      retcell (t);
      t = n;
    retcell (t);

static maxconst max_const PROTO_S ( ( exp, exp, int ) ) ;
/* declaration - max_const and mc_list are mutually recursive */

 *  mc_list examines a list of expressions, and for each of them
 *  extracts the largest expressions which are constant within the
 *  region of interest.
 *  Parameters:
 *        whole   the program region under consideration
 *        e       the first expression in the list. Expressions are
 *                linked via the brother field.
 *        ass_ok  all assignments in this region are to simple unaliassed
 *                variables
 *        good    if this is true AND all the expressions in the list are
 *                constant then the value self_const is returned.

static maxconst mc_list
    PROTO_N ( (whole, e, ass_ok, good) )
    PROTO_T ( exp whole X exp e X int ass_ok X int good )
  exp t = e;
  int contin = true;
  maxconst mc, result;

  result.self = good;
  result.cont = nilexp;

  do {
    /* NB - t may be killed within max_const (offset_mult) */
    /* so remember next one in list */
    exp next_t = bro (t);
    if (last (t))
      contin = false;
    mc = max_const (whole, t, ass_ok);

    if (mc.self) {
      /* the whole of t is constant */
      /* make a list element */
      exp w = getexp (f_bottom, nilexp, false, t, nilexp, cond_flag,
                       0, 0);
      if (result.cont == nilexp)/* first item - start a list */
        result.cont = getexp (f_bottom, nilexp, false, w, w, 0,  0, 0);
      else {                    /* add this to list */
        bro (pt (result.cont)) = w;
        pt (result.cont) = w;
    } else {
      result.self = false;      /* some part of e is not constant */
      if (mc.cont != nilexp) {  /* but t has constants in it */
        if (result.cont != nilexp) {    /* add them to list */
          bro (pt (result.cont)) = son (mc.cont);
          pt (result.cont) = pt (mc.cont);
          retcell (mc.cont);
        } else                  /* list was empty - start list */
          result.cont = mc.cont;

    t = next_t;
  while (contin);

  if (result.self) {
    ret_constlist (result.cont);
    return (self_const);
  return result;

 *  intnl_to returns true if part is contained in whole

int intnl_to
    PROTO_N ( (whole, part) )
    PROTO_T ( exp whole X exp part )
  exp q = part;

  while (q != whole && q != nilexp && name(q) != hold_tag
                && name(q) != hold2_tag &&
         (name (q) != ident_tag || !isglob (q)))
    q = father (q);

  return q == whole;

/* heavily used idents are kept in lookup list */

static int not_assigned_to PROTO_S ( ( exp, exp ) ) ;

static int not_ass2
    PROTO_N ( (vardec, piece) )
    PROTO_T ( exp vardec X exp piece )
   * this replaces used_in with stronger test - see changes in assigns_alias
  exp t = pt (vardec);
  exp q;
  exp upwards = t;

  do {                          /* test each use of the identifier */
    q = t;
    while (q != nilexp && q != piece && q != vardec &&
           name (q) != rep_tag &&
           (name (q) != ident_tag || !isglob (q))) {
      upwards = q;
      q = bro (q);

    if (q != nilexp && q != piece && name (q) == rep_tag) {
      /* q has got to a repeat, so */
      /* scan up repeat_list structure for holder of piece */
      exp h = pt (q), hp = pt (piece);
      while (h != nilexp && h != hp)
        h = bro (h);
      if (h == hp) {
        /* q was within piece */
        q = piece;
        upwards = son (q);
        while (!last (upwards))
          upwards = bro (upwards);
      } else
        q = nilexp;
    /* ascend from the use until we reach either vardec or piece */
    if (q == piece && last (upwards)) { /* the use was in piece */
      if (isreallyass(t))
        return false;
      if (!last (t) && last (bro (t)) &&
          (name (bro (bro (t))) == ass_tag ||
           name (bro (bro (t))) == assvol_tag))
        return false;           /* the use was an assignment */
      if (!last (t) && last (bro (t))
          && name (bro (bro (t))) == ident_tag) {
        /* use in declaration */
        if (!isvar (bro (bro (t))) &&
            !not_assigned_to (bro (bro (t)), bro (t))) {
          return false;
      } else {
        exp dad = father (t);
        if (name (dad) == addptr_tag && son (dad) == t) {
          /* use in subscript .... */
          if (!last (dad) && last (bro (dad)) &&
               (name (bro (bro (dad))) == ass_tag ||
                 name (bro (bro (dad))) == assvol_tag))
            return false;               /* the use was an assignment */
          if (!last (dad) && last (bro (dad)) &&
              name (bro (bro (dad))) == ident_tag) {
            /* ... which is identified */
            if (!isvar (bro (bro (dad))) &&
                !not_assigned_to (bro (bro (dad)), bro (dad))) {
              return false;
    t = pt (t);
  } while (t != nilexp);
  return true;

static int not_assigned_to
    PROTO_N ( (vardec, body) )
    PROTO_T ( exp vardec X exp body )
  if (no (vardec) > VERYBIGUSAGE)
    return false;

  if (no (vardec) > MAXUSE) {
    /* when a variable is used many times the result from not_ass2 */
    /* is saved in an ordered list to avoid n-squared run-times    */
    memlist *ptr = mem;
    /* is this declaration known? */
    /* NOTE: memory is cleared after each repeat is processed */
    /* so any in memory refer to the current repeat */
    while (ptr != nilmem && (ptr->dec) != vardec)
      ptr = ptr->next;
    if (ptr == nilmem) {
      memlist **pp = &mem;
      /* insert with heavier used decs first */
      while (*pp != nilmem && no ((*pp)->dec) > no (vardec))
        pp = &((*pp)->next);
      if (fmem == nilmem) {
        /* add some cells onto the free list */
        memlist **fpp = &fmem;
        int i;
        *fpp = (memlist *) xcalloc (MEMINC, sizeof (memlist));
        for (i = 0; i < MEMINC; ++i) {
          (*fpp)->next = (*fpp) + 1;
          fpp = &((*fpp)->next);
        *fpp = nilmem;
      /* get a cell from the free list */
      ptr = fmem;
      fmem = ptr->next;
      /* remember this vardec */
      ptr->dec = vardec;
      ptr->res = not_ass2 (vardec, body);
      /* put cell into mem list */
      ptr->next = *pp;
      *pp = ptr;
    return (ptr->res);
  } else
    /* default case - identifier not heavily used */
    return (not_ass2 (vardec, body));

 *  max_const extracts the largest expressions which are constant within
 *  the region of interest.
 *  Parameters:
 *        whole   the program region under consideration
 *        e       the expression under consideration
 *        ass_ok  all assignments in this region are to simple unaliassed
 *                variables

static maxconst max_const
    PROTO_N ( (whole, e, ass_ok) )
    PROTO_T ( exp whole X exp e X int ass_ok )
  switch (name (e)) {
  case labst_tag:
    return mc_list (whole, bro (son (e)), ass_ok, false);

  case contvol_tag:
  case case_tag:
  case goto_tag:
  case apply_general_tag:
  case tail_call_tag:
    return no_consts;

  case fdiv_tag: {
    maxconst mc;
    maxconst mct;
    mc = max_const(whole, bro(son(e)), ass_ok);
    mct = mc_list (whole, son (e), ass_ok, optop(e));
    if (mct.self)
      return mct;

    if (mc.self && !strict_fl_div && optop(e)) {
      flpt f = new_flpt();
      exp funit;
      exp temp1;
      exp temp2;
      flt_copy (flptnos[fone_no], &flptnos[f]);
      funit = getexp(sh(e), nilexp, 0, nilexp, nilexp,
                        0, f, real_tag);
      temp1 = me_b3(sh(e), funit, bro(son(e)), fdiv_tag);
      temp2 = me_b3(sh(e), son(e), temp1, fmult_tag);

      dgf(temp2) = dgf(e);
      replace(e, temp2, temp2);
      return max_const(whole, temp2, ass_ok);
      return mct;

  case cond_tag:{
      prop old_cond_flag = cond_flag;
      maxconst mc;
      if (cond_flag == 0)
        cond_flag = 1;
      mc = mc_list (whole, son (e), ass_ok, false);
      cond_flag = old_cond_flag;
      return mc;

  case test_tag:{
      maxconst mc;
      mc = mc_list (whole, son (e), ass_ok, false);
      if (cond_flag == 1)
        cond_flag = 2;
      return mc;

  case val_tag:
  case proc_tag:
  case env_offset_tag:
  case general_env_offset_tag:
    return self_const;

  case name_tag:
    if (intnl_to (whole, son (e)))
      return no_consts;         /* internal const - may change */
      return self_const;        /* external constant */

  case cont_tag:
    if ((name (son (e)) == name_tag) && isvar (son (son (e)))) {
      /* so e is extracting the contents of a variable */
      exp var = son (son (e));

      if (!intnl_to (whole, var) && (not_assigned_to (var, whole))
          && ass_ok) {
         * variable declared external to whole, and NEVER assigned to in
         * whole
        if (iscaonly(var))
          return self_const;
        if (isglob(var) && !find_glob(var))
          return self_const;
        return no_consts;
        return no_consts;
    } else
      return mc_list (whole, son (e), ass_ok, ass_ok);

  case plus_tag:
  case and_tag:
  case or_tag:
  case xor_tag:
  case mult_tag:{
      maxconst mc;

      mc = mc_list (whole, son (e), ass_ok, optop(e));

      if (mc.cont != nilexp && pt (mc.cont) != son (mc.cont) && optop(e)) {
        /* more than 1 item in list */
        exp limit = pt (mc.cont), h = son (mc.cont), arg, this, last_h;
        int arg_count = 0;
        int tot_args = 1;
        this = son(e);
        while(!last(this)) {
          this = bro(this);

        /* remember for which operator these are arguments */
        /* NB - some items may not be args of this operator */
        while (h != nilexp) {
          this = son (h);
          arg = son (e);
          while (arg != nilexp && arg != this)
            arg = (last (arg) ? nilexp : bro (arg));
          if (arg != nilexp) {
            /* it's an argument of this operator */
            pt (h) = e;
            last_h = h;
          h = (h == limit ? nilexp : bro (h));
        /* remove reference to operator if only 1 arg is const */
        if (arg_count != tot_args && arg_count > 0) {
          pt (last_h) = nilexp;
      return mc;

  case addptr_tag:{
      exp p = son (e);
      maxconst mc, mx;

      /* find the root pointer */
      while (name (p) == addptr_tag)
        p = son (p);

      mc = max_const (whole, p, ass_ok);
      ret_constlist (mc.cont);

      if (mc.self) {
        /* root pointer is constant in this context */
        exp c_list = nilexp, v_list = nilexp, x, cph, *list;

        /* construct list of ALL constant parts */
        /* initial list element will hold const. ptr */
        cph = getexp (f_bottom, nilexp, false, nilexp, nilexp,
                      0,  0, 0);
        mc.self = false;        /* assume, for moment */
        mc.cont = getexp (f_bottom, nilexp, false, cph, cph,
                          0,  0, 0);

        /* return up the chain, testing the offsets */
        while (p != e) {
          mx = max_const (whole, bro (p), ass_ok);
          p = bro (p);          /* p is now the offset */

          /* add offset to appropriate list */
          list = (mx.self) ? &c_list : &v_list;
          *list = getexp (nilexp, *list, 0, p, nilexp, 0,  0, 0);

          if (mx.cont != nilexp) {
            /* the offset is not constant, but PARTS of it are */

            /* remove any "negate(name(...))" */
            exp lim = pt (mx.cont), h = son (mx.cont);
            while (h != nilexp) {
              if (name (son (h)) == neg_tag &&
                  name (son (son (h))) == name_tag)
                no (h) = -1;    /* set "done" flag */
              h = (h == lim ? nilexp : bro (h));

            /* add constant parts to mc */
            bro (pt (mx.cont)) = son (mc.cont);
            son (mc.cont) = son (mx.cont);
            retcell (mx.cont);
          p = bro (p);          /* p is now the next higher operation */

        if (v_list == nilexp) {
          /* whole addptr expression is constant */
          /* return c_list elements */
          while (c_list != nilexp) {
            x = c_list;
            c_list = bro (c_list);
            retcell (x);

          ret_constlist (mc.cont);

          return self_const;
        /* go down the chain of addptrs, rearranging offsets */
        /* NB - assumes addptr is strictly diadic, so "last" */
        /* flags are already correct                   */

        /* put non-constant offsets at the higher levels */
        while (v_list != nilexp) {
          /* put next offset in 2nd argument position */
          x = son (p);
          bro (x) = son (v_list);
          bro (bro (x)) = p;
          p = x;                /* point to 1st argument */
          /* traverse v_list, returning elements */
          x = v_list;
          v_list = bro (x);
          retcell (x);

        /* the rest is constant - add it to mc.cont */
        son (cph) = p;

        /* and put constant offsets at the lower levels */
        while (c_list != nilexp) {
          /* put next offset in 2nd argument position */
          x = son (p);
          bro (x) = son (c_list);
          bro (bro (x)) = p;
          p = x;                /* point to 1st argument */
          /* traverse c_list, returning elements */
          x = c_list;
          c_list = bro (x);
          retcell (x);

        return mc;
      } else
        return mc_list (whole, son (e), ass_ok, true);

  case offset_mult_tag:{
      exp arg1 = son (e);
      exp arg2 = bro (arg1);
      maxconst mc1, mc2;
      shape ofsh = sh (e);
      mc1 = max_const (whole, arg1, ass_ok);
      mc2 = max_const (whole, arg2, ass_ok);
      if (mc1.self && mc2.self)
        return self_const;
      if (mc2.self && mc1.cont != nilexp) {
         * the offset is const, and arg1 has some constant parts
         * so transform:
         *   offset_mult((a*b),K)
         * to:
         *   offset_mult(a,offset_mult(b,K))
         * rearranged so that the constant factors are grouped
         * with K so that the largest possible structure can be
         * extracted as constant
        exp klist = nilexp, nklist = nilexp;
        exp *ref;
        exp m_res;
        int j;
        ret_constlist (mc1.cont);
        if (name (arg1) == mult_tag) {
          exp m_arg = son (arg1);
          /* sort into const and varying args */
          while (m_arg != nilexp) {
            mc1 = max_const (whole, m_arg, ass_ok);
            if (mc1.self) {
              /* add to constant operand list */
              klist = getexp (nilexp, klist, false, m_arg, nilexp,
                              0,  0, 0);
            } else {
              /* add to non-constant operand list */
              nklist = getexp (nilexp, nklist, false, m_arg, nilexp,
                               0,  0, 0);
              ret_constlist (mc1.cont);
            if (last (m_arg))
              m_arg = nilexp;
              m_arg = bro (m_arg);
          /* build offset_mult chain with const parts innermost */
          m_res = copy (arg2);
          for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
            exp *list = (j == 0) ? &klist : &nklist;
            /* use klist, and then nklist */
            while (*list != nilexp) {
              exp z = *list;
              exp a1 = copy (son (z));
              exp offmul = getexp (ofsh, nilexp, false, a1, nilexp,
                                   0,  0, offset_mult_tag);
              setbro (a1, m_res);
              clearlast (a1);
              setbro (m_res, offmul);
              setlast (m_res);
              m_res = hold_check(offmul);
              *list = bro (z);
              retcell (z);
          /* insert m_res - kill left overs */
          ref = refto (father (e), e);
          if (last (*ref))
            setlast (m_res);
            clearlast (m_res);
          bro (m_res) = bro (*ref);
          *ref = m_res;
          kill_exp (e, e);
        } else
          m_res = e;
        return mc_list (whole, son (m_res), ass_ok, true);
      /* default action */
      return mc_list (whole, son (e), ass_ok, true);

    if (son (e) == nilexp)
      return self_const;
      return mc_list (whole, son (e), ass_ok, is_a (name (e)) && optop(e));

 *  do_this_k
 *    replaces simple and compound constants in list by uses of a
 *    newly declared constant.
 *  Parameters:
 *        kdec    declaration of this new constant
 *        patn    pattern to look for
 *                NB where safe_eval has NOT been used,
 *                   patn is son(kdec)
 *        list    list of constant expresion holders
 *        limit   last constant holder in list

void do_this_k
    PROTO_N ( (kdec, patn, list, limit) )
    PROTO_T ( exp kdec X exp patn X exp list X exp limit )
  exp t = list;
  int scan = true;
  exp arglist = nilexp, ap;
  int nargs = 0;

  if (pt (list) != nilexp) {
    /* build required argument list */
    exp p = son (patn);
    while (p != nilexp) {
      exp arg_h = getexp (nilexp, arglist, 0, p, nilexp, 0, 0, 0);
      arglist = arg_h;
      p = (last (p) ? nilexp : bro (p));
  while (scan) {
    if (no (t) == 0) {

      if (pt (t) == nilexp && eq_exp (son (t), patn)) {
        /* simple correspondence */
        exp e = son (t);
        exp f = father (e);
        exp tagt = getexp (sh (e), bro (e),  (int)(last (e)),
                           kdec, pt (kdec), 0,  0, name_tag);
        pt (kdec) = tagt;
        ++no (kdec);
        if (diagnose)
          dg_extracted (tagt, *(refto (f, e)));
        *(refto (f, e)) = tagt;
        no (t) = -1;            /* dealt with */
        kill_exp (son (t), son (t));
      } else
      if (pt (t) != nilexp && name (pt (t)) == name (patn)) {
        /* try for complex match - at least the operator is correct */
        /* check errtreat ??? */
        int scan2 = true;
        int matched = 0;
        exp t2 = t, op = pt (t);

        while (matched >= 0 && scan2) {
          if (no (t2) == 0 && pt (t2) == op) {
            /* find match in argument list */
            ap = arglist;

            while (ap != nilexp &&
                   (pt (ap) != nilexp || !eq_exp (son (t2), son (ap)))
              ap = bro (ap);

            if (ap == nilexp)
              matched = -1;
            else {
              pt (ap) = t2;
          if (t2 == limit)
            scan2 = false;
            t2 = bro (t2);

        if (matched == nargs) {
          exp prev_arg = nilexp, oparg = son (op), cc;
          int last_arg;

          cc = getexp (sh (son (kdec)), op, 1, kdec, pt (kdec), 0,
                        0, name_tag);
          pt (kdec) = cc;
          ++no (kdec);

          while (oparg != nilexp) {
            last_arg = (int)last (oparg);
            ap = arglist;
            while (ap != nilexp && son (pt (ap)) != oparg)
              ap = bro (ap);
            if (ap == nilexp) {
              /* this is one of the other args of op */
              if (prev_arg == nilexp)
                son (op) = oparg;
                bro (prev_arg) = oparg;
              clearlast (oparg);
              prev_arg = oparg;
            oparg = (last_arg ? nilexp : bro (oparg));

          /* now add combined constant */
          bro (prev_arg) = cc;

          /* mark those dealt with & clear arglist */
          ap = arglist;
          while (ap != nilexp) {
            exp deadarg = son (pt (ap));
            no (pt (ap)) = -1;
            son (pt (ap)) = nilexp;
            pt (ap) = nilexp;
            kill_exp (deadarg, deadarg);
            ap = bro (ap);
    if (t == limit)
      scan = false;
      t = bro (t);

  /* return arglist */
  while (arglist != nilexp) {
    ap = bro (arglist);
    retcell (arglist);
    arglist = ap;

 *  safe_arg
 * insert run-time checks on this argument - see safe_eval
 *  Parameters:
 *        e     argument to be tested
 *        esc   label: jump to this if e is:
 *                      pointer and nil
 *                      numeric and zero

static exp safe_arg
    PROTO_N ( (e, esc) )
    PROTO_T ( exp e X exp esc )
  exp decl = getexp (sh (e), nilexp, 0, e, nilexp,
                     0,  0, ident_tag);
  exp v1, v2, z, s, konst, tst;

  /* make the unsafe value for this shape */
  switch (name (sh (e))) {
  case ptrhd:
    konst = me_null(sh(e), ptr_null, null_tag);
  case scharhd:
  case ucharhd:
  case swordhd:
  case uwordhd:
  case slonghd:
  case ulonghd:
  case s64hd:
  case u64hd:
    konst = getexp (sh (e), nilexp, 0, nilexp, nilexp,
                    0,  0, val_tag);
  case shrealhd:
  case realhd:
  case doublehd:{
      flpt f = new_flpt ();
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < MANT_SIZE; ++i)
        (flptnos[f].mant)[i] = 0;
      flptnos[f].exp = 0;
      flptnos[f].sign = 0;
      konst = getexp (sh (e), nilexp, 0, nilexp, nilexp,
                      0, f, real_tag);
  case offsethd:
    konst = f_offset_zero (f_alignment (sh (e)));
  default: {
      failer (BAD_SHAPE);

  v1 = getexp (sh (e), nilexp, 0, decl, pt (decl), 0,  0, name_tag);
  pt (decl) = v1;
  ++no (decl);
  v2 = getexp (sh (e), nilexp, 1, decl, pt (decl), 0,  0, name_tag);
  pt (decl) = v2;
  ++no (decl);

  tst = getexp (f_top, nilexp, 0, v1, esc, 0,
                 0, test_tag);
  settest_number(tst, f_not_equal);
  ++no (son (esc));
  setbro (v1, konst);
  tst = hc (tst, konst);

  z = getexp (f_top, v2, 0, tst, nilexp, 0,  0, 0);
  setbro (tst, z);
  setlast (tst);
  s = getexp (sh (e), decl, 1, z, nilexp, 0,  0, seq_tag);
  setbro (e, s);
  clearlast (e);
  s = hc (s, v2);

  return (hc (decl, s));

 *  safe_eval   ensure that the evaluation of e cannot fail
 * insert run-time checks into the evaluation of this expression - this is
 * only used when a constant is extracted from inside a conditional inside
 * a loop. Where this happens, the extraction of the constant and its
 * unconditional evaluation outside the loop can result in program failure
 * when the program would not otherwise have failed.
 * This should be called with "escape_route" as nilexp - this marks the
 * outermost call of safe_eval, and causes the contruction of a label for
 * the code to escape to if a "dangerous" value is encountered during
 * evaluation of the constant. If at the end of the outermost call the label
 * has been used, then there is a possibility of failure during evaluation
 * and code is generated to supply a "safe" value when the label is reached.
 * dangerous operations are:
 *      contents of NIL
 *      reffield of NIL (indirectly, when its contents are taken)
 *      division by zero (any variety; includes mod and rem)
 * Note that checking the result of reffield for NIL is a waste of time
 * since any offset from NIL will make the result different from NIL.
 *  Parameters:
 *        e             expression being evaluated
 *        escape_route  label: jump to this if evaluation would fail

static exp safe_eval
    PROTO_N ( (e, escape_route) )
    PROTO_T ( exp e X exp escape_route )
  exp esc_lab, res;

  if (escape_route == nilexp) {
    /* this is outermost call - construct escape label */
    exp z = getexp (f_top, nilexp, 0, nilexp, nilexp, 0,  0, clear_tag);
    esc_lab = getexp (sh (e), nilexp, 0, z, nilexp,
                      0,  0, labst_tag);
  } else
    esc_lab = escape_route;

  switch (name (e)) {
  case ident_tag:
  case cond_tag:
  case rep_tag:
  case solve_tag:
  case case_tag:  {
      failer (CONSTC_ERROR);
  case name_tag:
  case env_offset_tag:
  case general_env_offset_tag:
  case real_tag:
    res = copy (e);
  case div0_tag:
  case div1_tag:
  case div2_tag:
  case fdiv_tag:
  case mod_tag:
  case rem2_tag:
  case rem0_tag:
  case offset_div_tag:
  case offset_div_by_int_tag:
      exp arg1 = safe_eval (son (e), esc_lab);
      exp arg2 = safe_eval (bro (son (e)), esc_lab);
      res = copyexp (e);
      setson (res, arg1);
      arg2 = safe_arg (arg2, esc_lab);
      setbro (arg1, arg2);
      clearlast (arg1);
      res = hc (res, arg2);
  case cont_tag:
      exp arg = son (e);
      if (name (arg) == name_tag &&
          (isglob (son (arg)) || isvar (son (arg))))
        res = copy (e);
      else {
        arg = safe_eval (arg, esc_lab);
        if (!arg_is_reff)
          arg = safe_arg (arg, esc_lab);
        res = copyexp (e);
        setson (res, arg);
        res = hc (res, arg);
  case reff_tag:
      exp arg = son (e);
      if (name (arg) == name_tag && isglob (son (arg)))
        res = copy (e);
      else {
        arg = safe_eval (arg, esc_lab);
        if (!arg_is_reff)
          arg = safe_arg (arg, esc_lab);
        res = copyexp (e);
        setson (res, arg);
        res = hc (res, arg);
      exp k = copyexp (e);
      exp arg = son (e);
      exp p;
      if (arg == nilexp) {
        res = k;
      p = safe_eval (arg, esc_lab);
      setson (k, p);
      while (!last (arg)) {
        exp safe = safe_eval (bro (arg), esc_lab);
        setbro (p, safe);
        clearlast (p);
        p = bro (p);
        arg = bro (arg);
      res = hc (k, p);

  arg_is_reff = (name (e) == reff_tag);
  if (escape_route != nilexp)
    return (res);               /* this was an inner call */

  if (no (son (esc_lab)) == 0) {
    /* the escape route is not used - inherently safe */
    retcell (son (esc_lab));
    retcell (esc_lab);
    return (res);
  } else {
    /* the escape route was used - construct conditional */
    exp cond = getexp (sh (e), nilexp, 0, res, nilexp,
                       0,  0, cond_tag);
    exp safe;
    safe = getexp (sh (e), nilexp, 1, nilexp, nilexp,
                   0,  0, clear_tag);
    setbro (son (esc_lab), safe);
    IGNORE hc (esc_lab, safe);
    setbro (res, esc_lab);
    clearlast (res);
    IGNORE hc (cond, esc_lab);
    return (cond);

 *  extract_consts
 *  Parameters:
 *        issn         loop is son(rf) else bro(rf)
 *        rf           EXP holding loop
 *        list_head    exp containing list of constant expressions
 *                     this must not be empty

static void look_for_caonly
    PROTO_N ( (e) )
    PROTO_T ( exp e )
  if (name(e) == name_tag) {
    if (isvar(son(e)))
  if (name(e) == addptr_tag)
  if (name(e) == seq_tag || name(e) == ident_tag)

static int extract_consts
    PROTO_N ( (issn, rf, list_head) )
    PROTO_T ( int issn X exp rf X exp list_head )
  exp val;
  int changed = 0;              /* result; will be true if we make a change */
  exp t = son (list_head);      /* first in list */
  exp limit = pt (list_head);   /* last in list */
  int contin = true;

  do {
    if (issn)
      val = son (rf);
      val = bro (rf);
    if (no (t) != 0)            /* this has been dealt with previously - just
                                 * check for end */
      contin = (t != limit);
    else {
      /* this has not been absorbed by a previous constant */

      exp e;
      int force = 0;

      if (pt (t) == nilexp) {
        /* simple constant - no brothers */
        exp f;
        e = son (t);
        f = father (e);

        /* ?????????????????? */
        if (!last (e) && last (bro (e))
            && (name (f) == ident_tag)
            && !isvar (f)) {
          /* this is an in-register constant declaration */
          /* so remove the force register bit from f so  */
          /* that it becomes a simple renaming           */
          clearusereg (f);
          /* and set the force register bit for the      */
          /* outer declaration                           */
          force = 1;
        e = copy_dg_separate (e);       /* original may remain in use */
        e = copy (e);
        /* so son(t) can be killed or used in declaration */
      } else {
        /* the next few consts are args of the same operator */
        exp op = pt (t), new_c, prev = nilexp, c_arg = nilexp, t2 = t;
        int scan = true;

        new_c = copyexp (op);

        while (scan) {
          if (no (t2) == 0 && pt (t2) == op) {
            c_arg = copy_dg_separate (son (t2));
                                        /* original may remain in use */
            c_arg = copy (son (t2));
            if (prev == nilexp)
              son (new_c) = c_arg;
            else {
              bro (prev) = c_arg;
              clearlast (prev);
            prev = c_arg;
          if (t2 == limit)
            scan = false;
            t2 = bro (t2);

        e = hc (new_c, c_arg);

      if (is_worth (e)) {
        /* declare new constant */
        exp konst;
        exp newdec;
        int kill_e = false;
        if (diagnose)
          strip_dg_context (e);
        if (props (t) > 1) {
          /* this const. is in a conditional in the loop */
          /* ensure that extraction from loop does not cause a failure */
          kill_e = true;
          konst = safe_eval (e, nilexp);
        } else
          konst = e;
        newdec = getexp (sh (val), bro (val),
                  (int)(last (val)), konst, nilexp, 0,  0, ident_tag);
        if (has_lj_dest)
        if (force && isvis(father(e)))
        if (force || ismips)
          setusereg (newdec);

        if (name(sh(konst)) == ptrhd)

        bro (konst) = val;
        clearlast (konst);
        bro (val) = newdec;
        setlast (val);
        if (issn)
          son (rf) = newdec;
          bro (rf) = newdec;

        if (diagnose) {
          make_optim_dg (DGD_EXTRACT, newdec);
        do_this_k (newdec, e, t, limit);
        if (kill_e)
          kill_exp (e, e);
        changed = 1;            /* have made a change */
      } else
        kill_exp (e, e);

    if (t == limit)             /* that was the last in the list */
      contin = false;
    else {
      exp n = bro (t);
      retcell (t);
      t = n;
  while (contin);

  retcell (t);

  retcell (list_head);
  return (changed);

 *  assigns_alias
 *  scans e - returns true if any aliased variables are assigned to

int named_dest
    PROTO_N ( (dest) )
    PROTO_T ( exp dest )
  switch (name (dest)) {
  case name_tag:{
      if (isvar (son (dest))) {
        if (iscaonly (son (dest)))
          return true;
        if (isglob(son(dest))) {
          if (find_glob(son(dest)))
            return true;
          if (glob_index == globmax)
            return false;
          glob_dest[glob_index++] = son(dest);
          return true;
      } else if (!isvar(son(dest)) && son (son (dest)) != nilexp) {
        return named_dest (son (son (dest)));
      return false;
  case addptr_tag:
  case reff_tag:{
      /* Should we look at bro son to see if it contains an assignment ??? */
      return false;
    return false;

int assigns_alias
    PROTO_N ( (e) )
    PROTO_T ( exp e )
  switch (name (e)) {
  case assvol_tag:
  case ass_tag:{
      exp dest = son (e);

      if (!named_dest (son (e)))
        return (true);          /* LHS may be aliassed */
      else                      /* check RHS for assignments */
        return (assigns_alias (bro (dest)));

  case name_tag:
  case env_offset_tag:
  case general_env_offset_tag:
    return (false);

  case case_tag:
    return (assigns_alias (son (e)));
    /* NB - must only look at first son */

  case bfass_tag:
  case apply_tag:
    return (true);              /* pessimist! */

      int aa = false;
      exp s = son (e);

      while ((s != nilexp) && !aa) {
        aa = assigns_alias (s);
        if (aa || last (s))
          s = nilexp;
          s = bro (s);

      return (aa);

 *  scan_for_lv
 *  scans e - returns true if any label may be long jump destination

static int scan_for_lv
    PROTO_N ( (e) )
    PROTO_T ( exp e )
  switch (name (e)) {
  case make_lv_tag:
    return (true);

  case name_tag:
  case env_offset_tag:
  case general_env_offset_tag:
    return (false);

      int aa = false;
      exp s = son (e);

      while ((s != nilexp) && !aa) {
        aa = scan_for_lv (s);
        if (aa || last (s))
          s = nilexp;
          s = bro (s);

      return (aa);

 *  repeat_consts
 *  calls extract_consts on each element of the list of repeat loops

void repeat_consts
    PROTO_Z ()
  exp reps = get_repeats ();

  while (reps != nilexp) {
    if (son (reps) != nilexp && name (son (reps)) == rep_tag
        && no (reps) < max_loop_depth) {
      exp loop = son (reps);
      exp sts = bro (son (loop));
      int no_alias;
      maxconst mx;
      exp consts;

      /* put old identifier memory list into its free list */
      memlist **mptr = &mem;

      glob_index = 0;
      no_alias = !assigns_alias (sts);
      while (*mptr != nilmem)
        mptr = &((*mptr)->next);
      *mptr = fmem;
      fmem = mem;
      mem = nilmem;

      mx = mc_list (loop, sts, no_alias, false);

      consts = mx.cont;
      /* NB - false forces a list to be produced */

      if (no_alias)
        set_noalias (reps);     /* preserve for forall processing */

      if (consts != nilexp) {
        exp rr;
        int sn;
        exp fa = father (loop);
        if (son (fa) == loop) {
          sn = 1;
          rr = fa;
        } else {
          sn = 0;
          rr = son (fa);
          while (bro (rr) != loop && !last (rr))
            rr = bro (rr);
        if (sn || bro (rr) == loop) {
          while (name(fa) != proc_tag && name(fa) != general_proc_tag
                && name(fa) != hold_tag && name(fa) != hold2_tag)
            fa = father(fa);
          if (name(fa) != hold_tag && name(fa) != hold2_tag) {
            if (proc_uses_crt_env(fa))
              has_lj_dest = scan_for_lv (sts);
              has_lj_dest = 0;
            IGNORE extract_consts (sn, rr, consts);
    reps = pt (reps);

 *  get_repeats
 *  calculates maximum distance of every repeat from a leaf node
 *  (this allows repeat processing to be restricted to inner loops)
 *  returns the repeat_list

exp get_repeats
    PROTO_Z ()
  if (repeat_list != nilexp && !is_dist (repeat_list)) {
    exp reps = repeat_list;

    while (reps != nilexp) {
      if (no (reps) == 0) {
        /* this is a leaf node */
        /* no(x) is used in dexp to count directly nested loops */
        int dist = 0;
        exp sup = reps;
        do {
          set_dist (sup);       /* no(x) is now max dist to leaf */
          no (sup) = dist;
          if (son (sup) != nilexp && name (son (sup)) == rep_tag)
            ++dist;             /* only repeats are significant */
          sup = bro (sup);      /* go to enclosing repeat */
        } while (sup != nilexp && (!is_dist (sup) || no (sup) < dist));
      reps = pt (reps);
  return (repeat_list);

 *  return_repeats
 *  returns the storage used by repeat_list

void return_repeats
    PROTO_Z ()
  exp reps = repeat_list;

  while (reps != nilexp) {
    exp next = pt (reps);
    retcell (reps);
    reps = next;
  repeat_list = nilexp;