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* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 The TenDRA Project <>.
* All rights reserved.
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* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
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* 3. Neither the name of The TenDRA Project nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific, prior written permission.
* $Id$
Crown Copyright (c) 1997
This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
(DERA). It is made available to Recipients with a
royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
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$Author: release $
$Date: 1998/01/17 15:55:47 $
$Revision: $
$Log: tags.h,v $
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:55:47 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
* Revision 1.9 1997/10/28 12:04:40 pwe
* comment only
* Revision 1.8 1997/10/10 18:15:44 pwe
* prep ANDF-DE revision
* Revision 1.7 1995/08/31 14:19:02 currie
* mjg mods
* Revision 1.6 1995/08/15 08:25:35 currie
* Shift left + trap_tag
* Revision 1.5 1995/08/09 10:33:09 currie
* otagexp list reorganised
* Revision 1.4 1995/06/26 13:04:40 currie
* make_stack_limit, env_size etc
* Revision 1.2 1995/05/05 08:10:58 currie
* initial_value + signtures
* Revision 1.1 1995/04/06 10:44:05 currie
* Initial revision
#ifndef c_diff
#define ident_tag 1
#define seq_tag 3
#define cond_tag 4
#define labst_tag 5
#define rep_tag 6
#define goto_tag 7
#define test_tag 8
#define ass_tag 9
#define apply_tag 11
#define res_tag 12
#define goto_lv_tag 13
#define return_to_label_tag 14
#define solve_tag 15
#define assvol_tag 16
#define compound_tag 17
#define nof_tag 18
#define local_free_all_tag 19
#define local_free_tag 20
#define last_local_tag 21
#define long_jump_tag 22
#define concatnof_tag 23
#define ncopies_tag 24
#define case_tag 25
#define movecont_tag 26
#define testbit_tag 27
#define alloca_tag 28
#ifndef NEWDIAGS
#define diagnose_tag 29
#define prof_tag 30
#define ignorable_tag 31
#define bfass_tag 32
#define bfassvol_tag 33
#define condassign_tag 34
#define apply_general_tag 35
#define tail_call_tag 36
#define untidy_return_tag 37
#define same_callees_tag 38
#define plus_tag 39
#define neg_tag 40
#define shl_tag 41
#define mod_tag 43
#define rem2_tag 44
#define abs_tag 45
#define round_tag 46
#define offset_pad_tag 47
#define offset_div_tag 48
#define offset_max_tag 49
#define minptr_tag 50
#define fpower_tag 51
#define fplus_tag 52
#define fminus_tag 53
#define fmult_tag 54
#define fdiv_tag 55
#define fabs_tag 56
#define fneg_tag 57
#define float_tag 58
#define chfl_tag 59
#define and_tag 60
#define or_tag 61
#define xor_tag 62
#define not_tag 63
#define component_tag 64
#define max_tag 65
#define min_tag 66
#define bitf_to_int_tag 67
#define bfcont_tag 68
#define fmax_tag 69
#define shr_tag 70
#define fmin_tag 71
#define div0_tag 72
#define bfcontvol_tag 73
#define absbool_tag 74
#define addptr_tag 75
#define chvar_tag 76
#define minus_tag 77
#define mult_tag 78
#define subptr_tag 79
#define realpart_tag 80
#define div1_tag 81
#define div2_tag 82
#define offset_add_tag 83
#define offset_div_by_int_tag 84
#define offset_mult_tag 85
#define offset_negate_tag 86
#define offset_subtract_tag 87
#define rem0_tag 88
#define rotl_tag 89
#define rotr_tag 90
#define power_tag 91
#define imag_tag 92
#define make_complex_tag 93
#define int_to_bitf_tag 94
#define conj_tag 95
#define hold_tag 101
#define hold2_tag 102 /* 102 also used as hold */
#define initial_value_tag 103 /* removed in common part */
#define cont_tag 113
#define field_tag 114
#define val_tag 115
#define reff_tag 116
#define name_tag 117
#define proc_tag 118
#define top_tag 119
#define contvol_tag 120
#define current_env_tag 121
#define env_offset_tag 122
#define make_lv_tag 123
#define clear_tag 124
#define null_tag 125
#define real_tag 126
#define string_tag 127
#define general_proc_tag 128
#define env_size_tag 129
#define give_stack_limit_tag 130
#define make_stack_limit_tag 131
#define general_env_offset_tag 132
#define caller_tag 200
#define caller_name_tag 201
#define make_dynamic_callee_tag 204
#define make_callee_list_tag 205
#define set_stack_limit_tag 206
#define formal_callee_tag 207
#define trap_tag 208
#define asm_tag 209
#define is_o(t) ((t) >= cont_tag && (t) <= make_stack_limit_tag)
#define is_a(t) ((t) >= plus_tag && (t) <= make_stack_limit_tag)
#endif /* c_diff */
NOTE that an exp can occur in just one place in the tree, because of
the backward pointers. Except for name_tag the general structure is
that an exp has a son which is nilexp or its first argument exp. The
next argument is the bro of the first, the next the bro of that etc.
The last argument has the last field set and its bro is the head exp
of the construction. In a name_tag the son contains the ident_tag which
declares the identity or variable being used. case, env_offset and string
are also special cases.
The pt field is used in goto and test-like constructions to hold the
labst being jumped to. It is used in ident and name constructions
to hold a list of uses of a declaration.
A name_tag or an exp with at pt to a labst MUST NOT be removed from
the tree without the usage count being decreased. In the case of name_tag
the exp must be removed from the pt-list which starts in the pt
of the defining ident_tag. kill_exp does these operations. It
also applies kill_exp recursively to all arguments.
For constructions not involving tags or labels, install_fns.c contains
examples of ways of constructing exps which may be used during
TDF transformations. However, at the time when the functions in
install_fns.c are being used, tags and labels are represented by
indexes into arrays. During TDF transformations this is no longer so.
name_tag refers directly to the ident_tag of the appropriate declaration,
and labels are represented by labst_tag exps. The form of a labst is
explained below, but remember that the count of uses must be kept
correctly up to date. The form of ident_tag and name_tag constructions
are also explained below, as are the uses of some functions defined
in me_fns.c to help in creating them.
The props field is zero except for those properties defined in the
expmacs.h file. Operations with ntests, rounding modes or error treatments
have these represented in the props field. as in expmacs.h.
An exp should normally have hold_check applied to it after being created.
abs_tag: Represents integer abs construction.
son(e) is arg1.
shape is sh(arg1).
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
absbool_tag: Represents comparison and conversion to boolean.
Only produced (by check.c) is has_setcc is 1.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(arg1) is arg2.
shape is a variety shape.
ntest is represented in props, qv.
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
Delivers 1 in shape if arg1 ntest arg2, 0 otherwise.
addptr_tag: Adds pointer and offset to produce pointer.
son(e) is arg1 (pointer).
bro(arg1) is arg2 (offset).
shape is pointer(al2(sh(arg2))).
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
alloca_tag: Represents local_alloc construction.
son(e) is arg1.
shape is pointer(x).
no(e) is 0.
props(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
and_tag: represents and
son(e) is a brother list of argument, all of the same shape.
At least two arguments. After check any constants will
have been combined into one, which will be the last exp
if there is a constant contribution.
shape is shape of son(e). This may be changed in some installers
by chvar_tag transformations in check - only if
has_byte_ops is 1.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
apply_tag: Represents apply_proc construction.
son(e) is arg1
bro(son(e)) is arg2 in the form of a brother list of zero or
more exps.
shape is result_shape.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
Properties in the props field are defined in expmacs.h
asm_tag: Represents the ~asm group of token applications
son(e) is arg.
shape is top.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
Properties in the props field are defined in expmacs.h
ass_tag: Represents assign construction.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(son(e)) is arg2.
shape is top.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
assvol_tag: Represents assign_to_volatile construction.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(son(e)) is arg2.
shape is top.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
bfass_tag and bfassvol_tag: represent bitfield assignment ops.
bfcont_tag and bfcontvol_tag: represent bitfield contents ops.
These tags are removed by check.c and should not be seen
bitf_to_int_tag: represents bitfield to int conversion.
shape is variety being converted to.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
case_tag: Represents case construction.
son(e) is control.
bro(son(e)) is a brother list of exps representing branches.
Each element is zero-named exp with:
pt is destination labst_tag.
no is lower limit.
if upper limit is equal to lower
then son is nilexp
else son is exp with no the upper limit.
The elements of this list are arranged in increasing
order of lower limit.
shape is bottom if exhausive, top otherwise.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
chfl_tag: represents change floating variety
son(e) is arg1.
shape is floating shape being converted to.
no(e) is 0;
pt(e) is nilexp.
chvar_tag: represents change variety
son(e) is arg1.
shape is variety being converted to.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
clear_tag: represents make_value
son(e) is nilexp.
shape is shape of value required.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
component_tag: represents component
Always removed by check.c. Should not occur elsewhere.
compound_tag: Represents the compound construction.
son(e) is arg2 in the form of a brother list of zero
or more pairs. The first of each pair will be a val_tag
with shape some offset. Its no field will be the offset
in which to put the next item of the pair.
shape is compound(arg1).
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
concatnof_tag: represents concat nof
son(e) is arg1.
bro(arg1) is arg2
arg1 and arg2 will be nof(m, s) and nof(n, s)
shape is nof(m + n, s)
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
cond_tag: Represents conditional construction.
son(e) is first.
bro(son(e)) is alt, which will be a labst_tag
shape is LUB of first and alt.
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
cont_tag: represents contents
contvol_tag: represents contents with volatile qualifier.
son(e) is arg1 (a pointer).
shape is shape of value being extracted.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
Properties in the props field are defined in expmacs.h
current_env_tag: represents current env
son(e) is nilexp
shape is pointer(frame alignment).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
diagnose_tag: represents a diagnosing operation.
dno(e) is diag_info (qv.).
son(e) is controlled exp.
shape is sh(son(e))
pt(e) is nilexp.
div2_tag: represent div0/1/2
son(e) is arg1.
bro(arg1) is arg2.
shape is sh(arg1) unless changed by chvar_tag (has_byte_ops).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
Remember to increment labst count if used.
env_offset_tag: represents env_offset
son(e) is ident_tag referred to.
shape is offset from frame alignment.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
fabs_tag: represents floating abs
son(e) is arg1.
shape is sh(arg1).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
Remember to increment labst count if used.
fdiv_tag: represents floating division.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(arg1) is arg2.
shape is sh(arg1).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
Remember to increment labst count if used.
field_tag: represents selection from a compound shape.
son(e) is arg1 (value of shape compound).
shape is shape of the component required.
no(e) is the offset (in bits) from the start of the
compound to the required component.
pt(e) is nilexp.
float_tag: represents conversion from int to float.
son(e) is arg1 (int).
shape is the floating shape required.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
Remember to increment labst count if used.
fmin_tag: represents floating maximum and minimum
son(e) is arg1.
bro(arg1) is arg2.
shape is sh(arg1.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
fminus_tag: represents floating subtraction.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(arg1) is arg2.
shape is sh(arg1).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
Remember to increment labst count if used.
fmult_tag: represents floating multiplication
son(e) is a brother list of argument, all of the same shape.
At least two arguments. After check any constants will
have been combined into one, which will be the last exp
if there is a constant contribution.
shape is shape of son(e).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
Remember to increment labst count if used.
fneg_tag: represents floating negation.
son(e) is arg1.
shape is sh(arg1).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
Remember to increment labst count if used.
fplus_tag: represents floating addition.
son(e) is a brother list of argument, all of the same shape.
At least two arguments. After check any constants will
have been combined into one, which will be the last exp
if there is a constant contribution.
shape is shape of son(e).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
Remember to increment labst count if used.
fpower_tag: represents floating power
son(e) is arg1.
bro(arg1) is arg2.
shape is shape of son(e).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
Remember to increment labst count if used.
goto_tag: Represents goto construction.
son(e) is nilexp.
shape is bottom.
pt(e) is destination labst_tag.
Create using me_l1, then set the pt field and increment
the usage counter in the labst_tag.
goto_lv_tag: Represents the goto_local_lv construction.
son(e) is local_lv value.
shape is bottom.
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
hold_tag: used as a dummy father at some times.
son(e) is exp being so held.
ident_tag: Represents identify and variable constructions.
For identify: son(e) is definition, bro(son(e)) is body.
For variable: son(e) is init, bro(son(e)) is body.
The shape of the result is the shape of body.
The no(e) is a count of the number of uses.
The pt(e) is the start of a chain of uses through name_tag's.
Properties in the props field are defined in expmacs.h
Create an ident_tag using me_startid, add name_tag uses of it
using me_obtain, complete the definition using me_complete_id.
ignorable_tag: represents ignorable construction.
son(e) is exp being controlled.
shape is sh(son(e)).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
imag_tag: represents imaginary part.
son(e) is complex number.
shape is floating shape with same control parameters as the
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
int_to_bitf_tag: represents integer to bitfield conversion.
son(e) is arg1 (int).
shape is bitfield required.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
labst_tag: Represents exps which are destination of jumps. Produced from
alt of conditional, body of repeat and each place of labelled.
son(e) is a holder.
bro(son(e)) is the destination exp.
shape is shape of bro(son(e)).
pt(e) is nilexp.
Properties in the props field are defined in expmacs.h
The holder (i.e. the son of the labst) can have any name_tag;
its no field is the number of uses of the labst and
its bro is the destination exp. No other field is defined.
last_local_tag: represents last_local construction.
son(e) is nilexp.
shape is top.
pt(e) is pointer(x).
no(e) is 0.
local_free_all_tag: represents local_free_all construction.
son(e) is nilexp.
shape is top.
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
local_free_tag: Represents local_free construction.
son(e) is arg2 (pointer).
bro(son(e)) is arg1 (offset).
shape is top.
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
long_jump_tag: Represents long_jump construction.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(son(e)) is arg2.
shape is bottom.
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
make_complex_tag: represent make complex number.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(arg1) is arg2.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
make_lv_tag: represents make label value.
son(e) is nilexp.
shape is lv.
pt(e) is labst.
no(e) is 0.
Remember to increment labst count.
min_tag: represent maximum and minimum integer ops.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(arg1) is arg2.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
minptr_tag: Represents subtract_pointers construction.
son(e) is arg1
bro(son(e)) is arg2
shape is offset(al1(arg2),al1(arg1))
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
minus_tag: represents subtraction.
This is replaced by addition of negation by check.c.
mod_tag: Represents rem1 construction.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(son(e)) is arg2
shape is sh(arg1)
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
no(e) is 0.
movecont_tag: Represents move_some construction.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(son(e)) is arg2.
bro(bro(son(e))) is arg3.
shape is top.
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
Properties in the props field are defined in expmacs.h
mult_tag: represents integer multiplication.
son(e) is a brother list of argument, all of the same shape.
At least two arguments. After check any constants will
have been combined into one, which will be the last exp
if there is a constant contribution.
shape is shape of son(e).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
Remember to increment labst count if used.
name_tag: Represents obtain_tag
son(e) is declaration (an ident_tag).
no(e) is offset in bits from the start of that declaration's
pt(e) is the next name_tag on the chain of uses of an ident_tag,
which started in th pt field of the ident_tag, or
nilexp if the end of the chain.
Properties in the props field are defined in expmacs.h
Remember to increment ident_tag count or use me_obtain from
me_fns.c to create this.
ncopies_tag: represents ncopies.
son(e) is value to be copied.
no(e) is n, the number of copies.
shape is nof(n, sh(son(e))).
pt(e) is nilexp.
neg_tag: Represents negate construction
son(e) is arg1.
shape is sh(arg1).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is destination labst if ov_err is error_jump, otherwise
nof_tag: represents the make_nof construction.
son(e) is arg1 as a brother list of zero or more exps, each of
the same shape (under eq_shape).
shape is nof(n, shape of item)
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
not_tag: Represents logical complement construction
son(e) is arg1.
shape is sh(arg1).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
null_tag: represent ptr null and proc null.
son(e) is nilexp.
shape is pointer(approprite alignment).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
offset_add_tag: Represents offset_add construction.
son(e) is arg1
bro(son(e)) is arg2.
shape is offset(max(al1(arg1),al1(arg2)),al2(arg2))
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
offset_div_tag: Represents offset_div construction.
son(e) is arg1
bro(son(e)) is arg2.
shape is integer(v).
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
offset_div_by_int_tag: Represents offset_div_by_int construction.
son(e) is arg1
bro(son(e)) is arg2.
shape is offset(x,x)
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
offset_max_tag: Represents offset_max construction.
son(e) is arg1
bro(son(e)) is arg2.
shape is offset(max(al1(arg1),al1(arg2)),max(al2(arg1),al2(arg2)))
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
offset_mult_tag: Represents offset_mult construction.
son(e) is arg1
bro(son(e)) is arg2.
shape is offset(x,x)
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
offset_negate_tag: Represents offset_negate construction.
son(e) is arg1
shape is offset(x,x)
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
offset_pad_tag: represents offset pad.
son(e) is arg1 (offset).
shape is offset of required padded shape.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
offset_subtract_tag: Represents offset_subtract construction.
son(e) is arg1
bro(son(e)) is arg2.
shape is offset(al2(arg1),al2(arg2))
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
or_tag: represents or
son(e) is a brother list of argument, all of the same shape.
At least two arguments. After check any constants will
have been combined into one, which will be the last exp
if there is a constant contribution.
shape is shape of son(e).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
plus_tag: represents the combination of plus and minus constructions.
son(e) is a brother list of argument, all of the same shape.
At least two arguments. After check any constants will
have been combined into one, which will be the last exp
if there is a constant contribution.
shape is shape of son(e).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is destination labst if ov_err is error_jump, otherwise
power_tag: represents integer power.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(arg1) is arg2.
shape is sh(arg1).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
Remember to increment labst count if used.
proc_tag: represents make_proc
son(e) is body of procedure, starting with declarations
(ident_tag) of parameters.
shape is proc.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is shape of return.
Properties in the props field are defined in expmacs.h
prof_tag: represents profile exp.
son(e) is nilexp.
shape is top.
no(e) is expected number of times through this point.
pt(e) is nilexp.
real_tag: represents a floating point constant.
son(e) is nilexp.
shape is a floating shape (not complex).
no(e) is index of number in flptnos.
pt(e) is nilexp.
realpart_tag: represents operation to take the real part of a complex.
son(e) is arg1 (complex).
shape is floating derived from same controls as complex.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
reff_tag: represents increment of a pointer by a constant offset.
son(e) is arg1 (pointer).
shape is shape of resulting pointer.
no(e) is offset in bits.
pt(e) is nilexp.
rem2_tag: Represents rem0/2 construction.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(son(e)) is arg2
shape is sh(arg1)
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
no(e) is 0.
rep_tag: represents repeat construction.
son(e) is start.
bro(son(e)) is body, which will be a labst_tag.
shape is shape of body.
pt(e) is loop record of this repeat.
no(e) is 0.
Properties in the props field are defined in expmacs.h
res_tag: Represents the return construction.
son(e) is arg1
shape is bottom.
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
rotr_tag: represent rotate left and right.
son(e) is arg1 (value to be rotated).
bro(arg1) is arg2 (no of places).
shape is sh(arg10.
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
round_tag: represents round_with_mode construction.
son(e) is arg1.
shape is integer(r).
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is destination labst if ov_err is error_jump, otherwise
seq_tag: Represents the sequence construction.
bro(son(e)) is result.
son(e) is statements in the form of a zero-named exp, with its
son as the first statement, and the remaining statements
chained through the bro fields.
shape is the shape of result.
pt(e) is nilexp.
no(e) is 0.
Use new_exp_list to start and empty sequence, add_exp_list to
add an exp. When all but the result exp have been added, use
clear_exp_list on the list. Then create the sequence with
shl_tag: Represents shift_left construction.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(son(e)) is arg2
shape is sh(arg1)
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is labst if error_jump, nilexp otherwise.
Remember to increment labst count if used.
shr_tag: Represents shift_right construction.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(son(e)) is arg2
shape is sh(arg1)
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
solve_tag: Represents the labelled construction.
son(e) is starter.
bro(son(e)) is the start of a brother list of one or more exps,
which will be labst_tag's for each of the places.
shape is LUB of starter and each of the places.
pt(e) is loop record of this solve.
no(e) is 0;
Properties in the props field are defined in expmacs.h
string_tag: represents constant array of integers.
son(e) is nilexp.
shape is nof(n, s).
nostr(e) is pointer to array of integers.
pt(e) is nilexp.
Properties in the props field are defined in expmacs.h
subptr_tag: represents subtract offset from pointer.
No longer used.
testbit_tag: Introduced by check to replace test(nt ,and(x, mask), 0)
if tn is equal or not_equal.
son(e) is x.
bro(son(e)) is mask (not necessarily constant).
shape is top.
no(e) is either between 0 and 100 inclusive, in which case
the probability of continuing to the next construction
(not jumping), or no(e) is 1000 in which case the
probability of jumping is not known.
pt(e) is destination labst_tag.
test_tag: Represents floating_test, integer_test, local_lv_test
offset_test, pointer_test, proc_test constructions.
son(e) is arg1.
bro(son(e)) is arg2.
shape is top.
no(e) is either between 0 and 100 inclusive, in which case
the probability of continuing to the next construction
(not jumping), or no(e) is 1000 in which case the
probability of jumping is not known.
pt(e) is destination labst_tag.
Create using me_q1 or me_q2 which will increment the usage
counter in the labst_tag.
If a test_tag is removed from the tree it must be killed using
kill_exp which will decrease the labst usage count AND kill
the arguments. If the arguments must not be killed, the labst
count must be decreased explicitly.
top_tag: represents "do nothing" operation.
son(e) is nilexp.
shape is top
no(e) is 0.
pt(e) is nilexp.
val_tag: represents constant integers and offsets.
son(e) is nilexp.
shape is integer or offset shape.
pt(e) is nilexp.
if shape is integer and !isbigval(e), no(e) is the number.
if shape is integer and isbigval(e), no(e) is the index of
a representation of the integer in flptnos.
if shape is offset, no(e) is the offset measured in bits.
Properties in the props field are defined in expmacs.h
son = (ident for caller-formal as in proc_tag)
with body = (ident for callee_formal with
def = formal_callee_tag)
with body of proc
props = procprops
shape is proc.
pt(e) is shape of return.
son = proc
bro(son) = exp(tag=0; props = procprops; no = number of otagexps;
son = list of otagexps ie caller actuals)
if tag is present in otagexp, then
name(otagexp) = caller_tag
son(otagexp) = actual
and postlude will have ident with
def = caller_name_tag
and no(def) = no of corresponding caller_tag
in the otagexp list, starting from 0
else otagexp is the actual exp
bro(bro(son)) = callees =(1) make_callee_list_tag with son list of exps
and number = number in list
(2) make_dynamic_callee_tag with son ptr
and bro(son) size
(3) same_callees_tag
and props = procprops
bro(bro(bro(son))) = postlude with tags identified as above
son = proc
bro(son)= (tag=0; props = procprops; son = callees as above)
son = result exp
no() = error_code