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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997
    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;
        (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
        party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
        these conditions;
        (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
        quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
        no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
        it may be put.

#include "config.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "read_types.h"
#include "analyser.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "names.h"
#include "utility.h"


    The current line in the file is recorded.  The previous line (where
    any errors were likely to have been) is also saved.

long crt_line_no = 1 ;
long line_no = 1 ;


    This flag controls whether the input should be lisp-like (default)
    or c-like.

boolean func_input = 0 ;


    The looked_ahead flag is true to indicate that the next word has
    already been read.  The really_analyse flag is false to indicate
    that the next word may be ignored.

boolean looked_ahead = 0 ;
static boolean really_analyse = 1 ;


    The input is read into a buffer.

#define BUFFSIZE        5000
static char word_buff [ BUFFSIZE ] ;


    The word just read from the input file is word.  It has length
    word_length and input type word_type.

char *word = "" ;
long word_length ;
int word_type = INPUT_EOF ;


    In reading a word we almost always read one too many character.
    This is stored in pending.  A value of 0 indicates that there is
    no pending character.

static int pending = 0 ;


    The next word is read from the input file.

void read_word
    PROTO_Z ()
    int c ;
    char *p ;
    int negate = 0 ;
    unsigned base = 10 ;

    /* If we have looked ahead one, return last value */
    if ( looked_ahead ) {
        looked_ahead = 0 ;
        return ;

    /* Get the first letter */
    if ( pending ) {
        c = pending ;
        if ( c == EOF ) {
            word_type = INPUT_EOF ;
            return ;
        pending = 0 ;
    } else {
        c = getc ( input ) ;
        if ( c == '\n' ) crt_line_no++ ;

    /* Step over any white space and comments */
    while ( white_space ( c ) || c == '#' ) {
        if ( c == '#' ) {
            /* Comments go to the end of the line */
            while ( c = getc ( input ), c != '\n' ) {
                if ( c == EOF ) {
                    is_fatal = 0 ;
                    input_error ( "End of file in comment" ) ;
                    word_type = INPUT_EOF ;
                    pending = EOF ;
                    return ;
            crt_line_no++ ;
        } else {
            c = getc ( input ) ;
            if ( c == '\n' ) crt_line_no++ ;
    line_no = crt_line_no ;

    /* Check for end of file */
    if ( c == EOF ) {
        word_type = INPUT_EOF ;
        pending = EOF ;
        return ;

    /* Check for open brackets */
    if ( c == '(' ) {
        word = "(" ;
        word_type = INPUT_OPEN ;
        return ;

    /* Check for close brackets */
    if ( c == ')' ) {
        word = ")" ;
        word_type = INPUT_CLOSE ;
        return ;

    if ( func_input ) {
        /* Check for commas (c-like input only) */
        if ( c == ',' ) {
            word = "," ;
            word_type = INPUT_COMMA ;
            return ;

        /* Check for semicolons (c-like input only) */
        if ( c == ';' ) {
            word = ";" ;
            word_type = INPUT_SEMICOLON ;
            return ;

    /* Check for strings */
    if ( c == '"' ) {
        boolean escaped ;
        p = word_buff ;
        do {
            boolean ignore = 0 ;
            escaped = 0 ;
            c = getc ( input ) ;
            if ( c == '\n' ) {
                is_fatal = 0 ;
                input_error ( "New line in string" ) ;
                crt_line_no++ ;
                line_no = crt_line_no ;
                ignore = 1 ;
            if ( c == '\\' ) {
                escaped = 1 ;
                c = getc ( input ) ;
                if ( c == '\n' ) {
                    crt_line_no++ ;
                    line_no = crt_line_no ;
                    ignore = 1 ;
                } else if ( c == 'n' ) {
                    c = '\n' ;
                } else if ( c == 't' ) {
                    c = '\t' ;
                } else if ( octal_digit ( c ) ) {
                    int e = ( c - '0' ) ;
                    c = getc ( input ) ;
                    if ( !octal_digit ( c ) ) {
                        is_fatal = 0 ;
                        input_error ( "Invalid escape sequence" ) ;
                        c = '0' ;
                    e = 8 * e + ( c - '0' ) ;
                    c = getc ( input ) ;
                    if ( !octal_digit ( c ) ) {
                        is_fatal = 0 ;
                        input_error ( "Invalid escape sequence" ) ;
                        c = '0' ;
                    e = 8 * e + ( c - '0' ) ;
                    c = e ;
                    if ( c >= 256 ) {
                        is_fatal = 0 ;
                        input_error ( "Invalid escape sequence" ) ;
                        c = 0 ;
            if ( c == EOF ) {
                is_fatal = 0 ;
                input_error ( "End of file in string" ) ;
                word_type = INPUT_EOF ;
                pending = EOF ;
                return ;
            if ( !ignore ) *( p++ ) = ( char ) c ;
        } while ( c != '"' || escaped ) ;
        *( --p ) = 0 ;
#if 0
        c = getc ( input ) ;
        if ( c == '\n' ) crt_line_no++ ;
        if ( !terminator ( c ) ) {
            is_fatal = 0 ;
            input_error ( "Terminator character expected" ) ;
        pending = c ;
        word = word_buff ;
        word_length = ( int ) ( p - word ) ;
        word_type = INPUT_STRING ;
        return ;

    /* Check for words */
    if ( alpha ( c ) ) {
        p = word_buff ;
        do {
            *( p++ ) = ( char ) c ;
            c = getc ( input ) ;
            if ( c == '\n' ) crt_line_no++ ;
        } while ( alphanum ( c ) ) ;
        *p = 0 ;
        if ( !terminator ( c ) ) {
            is_fatal = 0 ;
            input_error ( "Terminator character expected" ) ;
        pending = c ;
        word = word_buff ;
        word_type = INPUT_WORD ;
        return ;

    /* Check for bars */
    if ( c == '|' ) {
        c = getc ( input ) ;
        if ( c == '\n' ) crt_line_no++ ;
        if ( !terminator ( c ) ) {
            is_fatal = 0 ;
            input_error ( "Terminator character expected" ) ;
        pending = c ;
        word = "|"  ;
        word_type = INPUT_BAR ;
        return ;

    /* Check for a single dash and arrow */
    if ( c == '-' ) {
        c = getc ( input ) ;
        if ( c == '\n' ) crt_line_no++ ;
        if ( terminator ( c ) ) {
            pending = c ;
            word = "-"  ;
            word_type = INPUT_BLANK ;
            return ;
        if ( func_input && c == '>' ) {
            pending = 0 ;
            word = "->" ;
            word_type = INPUT_ARROW ;
            return ;
        negate = 1 ;

    /* Step over any signs */
    while ( c == '-' || c == '+' ) {
        if ( c == '-' ) negate = 1 - negate ;
        c = getc ( input ) ;
        if ( c == '\n' ) crt_line_no++ ;

    /* Check for numbers */
    if ( c == '0' ) {
        base = 8 ;
        c = getc ( input ) ;
        if ( c == '\n' ) crt_line_no++ ;
        if ( terminator ( c ) ) {
            pending = c ;
            word = "0" ;
            word_type = INPUT_NUMBER ;
            return ;
        if ( c == 'x' || c == 'X' ) {
            base = 16 ;
            c = getc ( input ) ;
            if ( c == '\n' ) crt_line_no++ ;
    } else if ( !dec_digit ( c ) ) {
        is_fatal = 0 ;
        input_error ( "Illegal character, %c", ( unsigned char ) c ) ;
        pending = 0 ;
        read_word () ;
        return ;

    /* Set up buffer */
    p = word_buff + BUFFSIZE ;
    *( --p ) = 0 ;
    *( --p ) = '0' ;
    *( --p ) = 0 ;

    /* Read the number */
    do {
        unsigned n ;
        if ( dec_digit ( c ) ) {
            n = ( unsigned ) ( c - '0' ) ;
        } else if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) {
            n = 10 + ( unsigned ) ( c - 'A' ) ;
        } else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) {
            n = 10 + ( unsigned ) ( c - 'a' ) ;
        } else {
            is_fatal = 0 ;
            input_error ( "Illegal digit, %c", ( unsigned char ) c ) ;
            n = 0 ;
        if ( n >= base ) {
            is_fatal = 0 ;
            input_error ( "Illegal digit, %c", ( unsigned char ) c ) ;
            n = 0 ;
        if ( really_analyse ) {
            p = word_buff + ( BUFFSIZE - 2 ) ;
            do {
                if ( *p == 0 ) {
                    *( p - 1 ) = 0 ;
                } else {
                    n += base * ( unsigned ) ( *p - '0' ) ;
                *p = ( char ) ( '0' + ( n & 7 ) ) ;
                n >>= 3 ;
                p-- ;
            } while ( n || *p ) ;
        c = getc ( input ) ;
        if ( c == '\n' ) crt_line_no++ ;
    } while ( !terminator ( c ) ) ;

    /* Find the start of the number */
    if ( really_analyse ) {
        for ( p = word_buff + ( BUFFSIZE - 2 ) ; *p ; p-- ) /* empty */ ;
        if ( negate ) *( p-- ) = '-' ;
    pending = c ;
    word = p + 1 ;
    if ( streq ( word, "-0" ) ) word = "0" ;
    word_type = INPUT_NUMBER ;
    return ;


    This routine skips over the input until the first closing bracket
    unmatched by an open bracket is read.  The routine returns the
    number of word read at the highest bracket level.  (Not currently

long skip_words
    PROTO_Z ()
    long n = 0 ;
    int level = 1 ;
    really_analyse = 0 ;
    while ( level ) {
        read_word () ;
        switch ( word_type ) {
            case INPUT_OPEN : level++ ; break ;
            case INPUT_CLOSE : level-- ; break ;
            case INPUT_EOF : {
                input_error ( "Unexpected end of file" ) ;
                return ( n ) ;
        if ( level == 1 ) n++ ;
    really_analyse = 1 ;
    return ( n ) ;


    The current position in the input file is stored in p.

void store_position
    PROTO_N ( ( p ) )
    PROTO_T ( position *p )
    p->line = crt_line_no ;
    p->posn = ftell ( input ) ;
    p->pending = pending ;
    p->ahead = looked_ahead ;
    return ;


    The position in the input file is set from p.

void set_position
    PROTO_N ( ( p ) )
    PROTO_T ( position *p )
    crt_line_no = p->line ;
    pending = p->pending ;
    looked_ahead = p->ahead ;
    if ( fseek ( input, p->posn, SEEK_SET ) ) {
        fatal_error ( "Illegal seek command" ) ;
    return ;