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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997
    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
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    This file contains the definitions for the shape checking macros
    generated in check_exp.h.

#define UNUSED_ARG( A )                 UNUSED ( A )
#define UNUSED_ARG( A )                 ( ( void ) ( A ) )

#define CHECK_exp_apply_token           chk_token ( exp ) ;

#define CHECK_exp_cond\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_integer, control ) ;\
        chk_cond ( exp ) ;

#define CHECK_abs                       CHECK_negate

#define CHECK_add_to_ptr\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_pointer, arg1 ) ;\
        node *sh2 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg2 ) ;\
        al_includes ( ptr_to ( sh1 ), offset_from ( sh2 ) ) ;\
        exp->shape = sh_pointer ( offset_to ( sh2 ) ) ;

#define CHECK_and\
        exp->shape = normalize ( check2 ( ENC_integer, arg1, arg2 ) ) ;

#define CHECK_apply_proc\
        exp->shape = normalize ( result_shape ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_proc, p ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( params ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( var_param ) ;

#define CHECK_apply_general_proc\
        exp->shape = normalize ( result_shape ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_proc, p ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( postlude ) ;

#define CHECK_assign\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_pointer, arg1 ) ;\
        al_includes ( ptr_to ( sh1 ), al_shape ( arg2 ) ) ;\
        exp->shape = sh_top ;

#define CHECK_assign_with_mode          CHECK_assign

#define CHECK_bitfield_assign\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_pointer, arg1 ) ;\
        node *sh2 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg2 ) ;\
        node *sh3 = check1 ( ENC_bitfield, arg3 ) ;\
        al_includes ( ptr_to ( sh1 ), offset_from ( sh2 ) ) ;\
        al_includes ( offset_to ( sh2 ), al_shape ( sh3 ) ) ;\
        exp->shape = sh_top ;

#define CHECK_bitfield_assign_with_mode CHECK_bitfield_assign

#define CHECK_bitfield_contents\
        node *sh = sh_bitfield ( v ) ;\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_pointer, arg1 ) ;\
        node *sh2 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg2 ) ;\
        al_includes ( ptr_to ( sh1 ), offset_from ( sh2 ) ) ;\
        al_includes ( offset_to ( sh2 ), al_shape ( sh ) ) ;\
        exp->shape = sh ;

#define CHECK_bitfield_contents_with_mo CHECK_bitfield_contents

#define CHECK_case\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_integer, control ) ;\
        if ( exhaustive && exhaustive->cons->encoding == ENC_true ) {\
            exp->shape = sh_bottom ;\
        } else {\
            exp->shape = sh_top ;\

#define CHECK_change_bitfield_to_int\
        exp->shape = sh_integer ( v ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_bitfield, arg1 ) ;

#define CHECK_change_floating_variety\
        exp->shape = sh_floating ( r ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_floating, arg1 ) ;

#define CHECK_change_variety\
        exp->shape = sh_integer ( r ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_integer, arg1 ) ;

#define CHECK_change_int_to_bitfield\
        exp->shape = sh_bitfield ( bv ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_integer, arg1 ) ;

#define CHECK_complex_conjugate\
        exp->shape = normalize ( c->shape ) ;

#define CHECK_component\
        exp->shape = normalize ( sha ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_compound, arg1 ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_offset, arg2 ) ;

#define CHECK_concat_nof\
        exp->shape = normalize ( check2 ( ENC_nof, arg1, arg2 ) ) ;

#define CHECK_conditional\
        exp->shape = normalize ( lub ( first->shape, alt->shape ) ) ;

#define CHECK_contents\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_pointer, arg1 ) ;\
        al_includes ( ptr_to ( sh1 ), al_shape ( s ) ) ;\
        exp->shape = normalize ( s ) ;

#define CHECK_contents_with_mode        CHECK_contents

#define CHECK_current_env\
        exp->shape = sh_pointer ( al_frame ) ;

#define CHECK_div0                      CHECK_and

#define CHECK_div1                      CHECK_and

#define CHECK_div2                      CHECK_and

#define CHECK_env_offset\
        exp->shape = sh_offset ( fa, y ) ;\
        chk_tag ( exp, t, 0 ) ;

#define CHECK_env_size\
        exp->shape = sh_offset ( al_frame, al_top ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_proc, proctag ) ;

#define CHECK_fail_installer\
        exp->shape = sh_bottom ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( message ) ;

#define CHECK_float_int\
        exp->shape = sh_floating ( f ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_integer, arg1 ) ;

#define CHECK_floating_abs\
        exp->shape = normalize ( check1 ( ENC_floating, arg1 ) ) ;

#define CHECK_floating_div\
        exp->shape = normalize ( check2 ( ENC_floating, arg1, arg2 ) ) ;

#define CHECK_floating_minus            CHECK_floating_div

#define CHECK_floating_maximum          CHECK_floating_div

#define CHECK_floating_minimum          CHECK_floating_div

#define CHECK_floating_mult\
        exp->shape = normalize ( checkn ( ENC_floating, arg1, 1 ) ) ;

#define CHECK_floating_negate           CHECK_floating_abs

#define CHECK_floating_plus             CHECK_floating_mult

#define CHECK_floating_power\
        exp->shape = normalize ( check1 ( ENC_floating, arg1 ) ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_integer, arg2 ) ;

#define CHECK_floating_test\
        exp->shape = sh_top ;\
        IGNORE check2 ( ENC_floating, arg1, arg2 ) ;

#define CHECK_goto                      exp->shape = sh_bottom ;

#define CHECK_goto_local_lv\
        exp->shape = sh_bottom ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_pointer, arg1 ) ;

#define CHECK_identify\
        exp->shape = normalize ( body->shape ) ;\
        chk_tag ( exp, name_intro, 1 ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( definition ) ;

#define CHECK_ignorable\
        exp->shape = normalize ( arg1->shape ) ;

#define CHECK_imaginary_part\
        exp->shape = null ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( arg1 ) ;

#define CHECK_initial_value\
        exp->shape = normalize ( init->shape ) ;

#define CHECK_integer_test\
        exp->shape = sh_top ;\
        IGNORE check2 ( ENC_integer, arg1, arg2 ) ;

#define CHECK_labelled\
        node *sh = starter->shape ;\
        node *place = places->son ;\
        while ( place ) {\
            sh = lub ( sh, place->shape ) ;\
            place = place->bro ;\
        exp->shape = normalize ( sh ) ;

#define CHECK_last_local\
        exp->shape = sh_pointer ( al_alloca ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_offset, x ) ;

#define CHECK_local_alloc\
        exp->shape = sh_pointer ( al_alloca ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_offset, arg1 ) ;

#define CHECK_local_alloc_check         CHECK_local_alloc

#define CHECK_local_free\
        exp->shape = sh_top ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_offset, a ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_pointer, p ) ;

#define CHECK_local_free_all            exp->shape = sh_top ;

#define CHECK_long_jump\
        exp->shape = sh_bottom ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_pointer, arg1 ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_pointer, arg2 ) ;

#define CHECK_make_complex\
        exp->shape = sh_floating ( c ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_floating, arg1 ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_floating, arg2 ) ;

#define CHECK_make_compound\
        exp->shape = sh_compound ( arg1 ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_offset, arg1 ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( arg2 ) ;

#define CHECK_make_floating\
        exp->shape = sh_floating ( f ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( base ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( mantissa ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( negative ) ;

#define CHECK_make_general_proc\
        exp->shape = sh_proc ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_bottom, body ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( result_shape ) ;

#define CHECK_make_int                  exp->shape = sh_integer ( v ) ;

#define CHECK_make_local_lv             exp->shape = sh_pointer ( al_code ) ;

#define CHECK_make_nof\
        long ns = arg1->cons->encoding ;\
        node *sh = checkn ( ENC_shape_none, arg1, 0 ) ;\
        if ( sh ) exp->shape = sh_nof ( make_nat ( ns ), sh ) ;

#define CHECK_make_nof_int\
        node *sh = sh_integer ( v ) ;\
        exp->shape = sh_nof ( string_length ( str ), sh ) ;

#define CHECK_make_null_local_lv        exp->shape = sh_pointer ( al_code ) ;

#define CHECK_make_null_proc            exp->shape = sh_proc ;

#define CHECK_make_null_ptr             exp->shape = sh_pointer ( a ) ;

#define CHECK_make_proc\
        exp->shape = sh_proc ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_bottom, body ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( result_shape ) ;

#define CHECK_make_stack_limit\
        exp->shape = null ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( stack_base ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( frame_size ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( alloc_size ) ;

#define CHECK_make_top                  exp->shape = sh_top ;

#define CHECK_make_value                exp->shape = normalize ( s ) ;

#define CHECK_maximum                   CHECK_and

#define CHECK_minimum                   CHECK_and

#define CHECK_minus                     CHECK_and

#define CHECK_move_some\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_pointer, arg1 ) ;\
        node *sh2 = check1 ( ENC_pointer, arg2 ) ;\
        node *sh3 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg3 ) ;\
        al_includes ( ptr_to ( sh1 ), offset_from ( sh3 ) ) ;\
        al_includes ( ptr_to ( sh2 ), offset_to ( sh3 ) ) ;\
        exp->shape = sh_top ;

#define CHECK_mult                      CHECK_and

#define CHECK_n_copies\
        exp->shape = sh_nof ( n, arg1->shape ) ;

#define CHECK_negate\
        exp->shape = normalize ( check1 ( ENC_integer, arg1 ) ) ;

#define CHECK_not                       CHECK_negate

#define CHECK_obtain_tag                chk_tag ( exp, t, 0 ) ;

#define CHECK_offset_add\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg1 ) ;\
        node *sh2 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg2 ) ;\
        al_includes ( offset_to ( sh1 ), offset_from ( sh2 ) ) ;\
        exp->shape = sh_offset ( offset_from ( sh1 ), offset_to ( sh2 ) ) ;

#define CHECK_offset_div\
        node *sh = check2 ( ENC_offset, arg1, arg2 ) ;\
        al_equals ( offset_from ( sh ), offset_to ( sh ) ) ;\
        exp->shape = sh_integer ( v ) ;

#define CHECK_offset_div_by_int\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg1 ) ;\
        al_equals ( offset_from ( sh1 ), offset_to ( sh1 ) ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_integer, arg2 ) ;\
        exp->shape = normalize ( sh1 ) ;

#define CHECK_offset_max\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg1 ) ;\
        node *sh2 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg2 ) ;\
        node *al1 = al_union ( offset_from ( sh1 ), offset_from ( sh2 ) ) ;\
        node *al2 = offset_to ( sh1 ) ;\
        al_equals ( al2, offset_to ( sh2 ) ) ;\
        exp->shape = sh_offset ( al1, al2 ) ;

#define CHECK_offset_mult\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg1 ) ;\
        al_equals ( offset_from ( sh1 ), offset_to ( sh1 ) ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_integer, arg2 ) ;\
        exp->shape = normalize ( sh1 ) ;

#define CHECK_offset_negate\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg1 ) ;\
        al_equals ( offset_from ( sh1 ), offset_to ( sh1 ) ) ;\
        exp->shape = normalize ( sh1 ) ;

#define CHECK_offset_pad\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg1 ) ;\
        node *al1 = al_union ( offset_from ( sh1 ), a ) ;\
        exp->shape = sh_offset ( al1, offset_to ( sh1 ) ) ;

#define CHECK_offset_subtract\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg1 ) ;\
        node *sh2 = check1 ( ENC_offset, arg2 ) ;\
        al_equals ( offset_from ( sh1 ), offset_from ( sh2 ) ) ;\
        exp->shape = sh_offset ( offset_to ( sh1 ), offset_to ( sh2 ) ) ;

#define CHECK_offset_test\
        exp->shape = sh_top ;\
        IGNORE check2 ( ENC_offset, arg1, arg2 ) ;

#define CHECK_offset_zero               exp->shape = sh_offset ( a, a ) ;

#define CHECK_or                        CHECK_and

#define CHECK_plus                      CHECK_and

#define CHECK_pointer_test\
        exp->shape = sh_top ;\
        IGNORE check2 ( ENC_pointer, arg1, arg2 ) ;

#define CHECK_power                     CHECK_shift_left

#define CHECK_proc_test\
        exp->shape = sh_top ;\
        IGNORE check2 ( ENC_proc, arg1, arg2 ) ;

#define CHECK_profile\
        exp->shape = sh_top ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( uses ) ;

#define CHECK_real_part\
        exp->shape = null ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( arg1 ) ;

#define CHECK_rem0                      CHECK_and

#define CHECK_rem1                      CHECK_and

#define CHECK_rem2                      CHECK_and

#define CHECK_repeat\
        exp->shape = normalize ( body->shape ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_top, start ) ;

#define CHECK_return\
        exp->shape = sh_bottom ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( arg1 ) ;

#define CHECK_return_to_label\
        exp->shape = sh_bottom ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( lab_val ) ;

#define CHECK_round_with_mode\
        exp->shape = sh_integer ( r ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_floating, arg1 ) ;

#define CHECK_rotate_left               CHECK_shift_left

#define CHECK_rotate_right              CHECK_shift_left

#define CHECK_sequence\
        exp->shape = normalize ( result->shape ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( statements ) ;

#define CHECK_set_stack_limit\
        exp->shape = sh_top ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( lim ) ;

#define CHECK_shape_offset\
        exp->shape = sh_offset ( al_shape ( s ), al_top ) ;

#define CHECK_shift_left\
        exp->shape = normalize ( check1 ( ENC_integer, arg1 ) ) ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_integer, arg2 ) ;

#define CHECK_shift_right               CHECK_shift_left

#define CHECK_subtract_ptrs\
        node *sh1 = check1 ( ENC_pointer, arg1 ) ;\
        node *sh2 = check1 ( ENC_pointer, arg2 ) ;\
        exp->shape = sh_offset ( ptr_to ( sh2 ), ptr_to ( sh1 ) ) ;

#define CHECK_tail_call\
        exp->shape = sh_bottom ;\
        IGNORE check1 ( ENC_proc, p ) ;

#define CHECK_untidy_return\
        exp->shape = sh_bottom ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( arg1 ) ;

#define CHECK_variable\
        exp->shape = normalize ( body->shape ) ;\
        chk_tag ( exp, name_intro, 1 ) ;\
        UNUSED_ARG ( init ) ;

#define CHECK_xor                       CHECK_and