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Crown Copyright (c) 1997
This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
(DERA). It is made available to Recipients with a
royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
product development provided that any such use et cetera
shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
(1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
(2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
for the relevant amendment or amendments;
(3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
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these conditions;
(4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
it may be put.
#include "config.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "de_types.h"
#include "de_unit.h"
#include "decode.h"
#include "fetch.h"
#include "names.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "table.h"
#include "tdf.h"
#include "utility.h"
A value of 0 indicates that we are decoding the names at the start
of the capsule, 1 that we are decoding the linkage information, and
2 that we are decoding a main equation body.
int decode_status = -1 ;
This flag is true if we are only interested in the token
declarations in a capsule.
boolean extract_tokdecs = 0 ;
The array vars of size no_var gives all variable sorts. The
indexes in this array of the alignment tags, tags and tokens are
given by al_tag_var, tag_var, tok_var respectively.
static long no_var ;
static var_sort *vars ;
long al_tag_var, tag_var, tok_var ;
All unused constructs in a capsule are formed into a list for
later reuse.
static construct *garbage = null ;
The current bindings are held in crt_binding. spare_binding, if not
null, contains a binding suitable for reuse.
binding *crt_binding ;
static binding *spare_binding = null ;
A new binding with space for no_var variable sorts is created and
static binding *new_binding
binding *b ;
long i, n = no_var ;
if ( n == 0 ) return ( null ) ;
if ( spare_binding ) {
b = spare_binding ;
spare_binding = null ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) b [i].max_no = 0 ;
return ( b ) ;
b = alloc_nof ( binding, n ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
b [i].max_no = 0 ;
b [i].sz = 0 ;
b [i].table = null ;
return ( b ) ;
The binding b is returned to free.
static void free_binding
PROTO_N ( ( b ) )
PROTO_T ( binding *b )
spare_binding = b ;
return ;
The size of the table of the vth variable sort in the binding bt
is set to n.
static void set_binding_size
PROTO_N ( ( bt, v, n ) )
PROTO_T ( binding *bt X long v X long n )
binding *b ;
construct **p ;
long i, m = n + 10 ;
if ( v < 0 || v >= no_var ) {
input_error ( "Illegal binding sort" ) ;
return ;
b = bt + v ;
b->max_no = n ;
if ( b->sz < m ) {
p = realloc_nof ( b->table, construct *, m ) ;
b->sz = m ;
b->table = p ;
} else {
p = b->table ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < b->sz ; i++ ) p [i] = null ;
return ;
The unused entries in the binding b are filled in.
static void complete_binding
PROTO_N ( ( b ) )
PROTO_T ( binding *b )
long v ;
for ( v = 0 ; v < no_var ; v++ ) {
long i ;
binding *bv = b + v ;
sortname s = vars [v].sortnum ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bv->max_no ; i++ ) {
if ( bv->table [i] == null ) {
construct *p = make_construct ( s ) ;
if ( extract_tokdecs ) {
/* This construct is unused - free it */
( sort_count [s] )-- ;
p->next = garbage ;
garbage = p ;
} else {
/* Make up an internal name */
long n = p->encoding ;
char *nm = alloc_nof ( char, 32 ) ;
IGNORE sprintf ( nm, "~~%s_%ld", vars [v].name, n ) ;
p->name = nm ;
if ( add_to_var_hash ( p, s ) ) {
input_error ( "%s has already been defined", nm ) ;
bv->table [i] = p ;
return ;
The nth entry of the vth variable sort of the binding bt is set to
the construct p.
static void set_binding
PROTO_N ( ( bt, v, n, p ) )
PROTO_T ( binding *bt X long v X long n X construct *p )
binding *b ;
if ( v < 0 || v >= no_var ) {
input_error ( "Illegal binding sort" ) ;
return ;
b = bt + v ;
if ( n >= b->max_no || n < 0 ) {
input_error ( "Object number %ld (%s) too big", n, vars [v].name ) ;
return ;
if ( b->table [n] ) {
input_error ( "Object %ld (%s) already bound", n, vars [v].name ) ;
return ;
b->table [n] = p ;
return ;
The nth entry of the vth variable sort of the binding bt is returned.
construct *find_binding
PROTO_N ( ( bt, v, n ) )
PROTO_T ( binding *bt X long v X long n )
binding *b ;
if ( v < 0 || v >= no_var ) {
input_error ( "Illegal binding sort" ) ;
return ( null ) ;
b = bt + v ;
if ( n >= b->max_no || n < 0 ) {
input_error ( "Object number %ld (%s) too big", n, vars [v].name ) ;
return ( null ) ;
return ( b->table [n] ) ;
An aligned string (in an external name) is decoded and returned
as an array of characters.
char *de_aligned_string
char *p ;
long i, n = tdf_int () ;
if ( n != 8 ) input_error ( "Only 8-bit strings allowed" ) ;
n = tdf_int () ;
byte_align () ;
p = alloc_nof ( char, n + 1 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) p [i] = ( char ) fetch ( 8 ) /* LINT */ ;
p [n] = 0 ;
byte_align () ;
return ( p ) ;
This flag is true if we are in the skip pass of a set of equations
(primarily token definitions).
boolean in_skip_pass = 0 ;
A set of equations with decoding routine f is decoded. If f is null
the equations are stepped over, otherwise they are decoded.
typedef void ( *equation_func ) PROTO_S ( ( void ) ) ;
static void de_equation
PROTO_N ( ( f ) )
PROTO_T ( equation_func f )
long i, n ;
binding *old_binding = null ;
/* Read new bindings */
n = tdf_int () ;
if ( n ) {
if ( n != no_var ) input_error ( "Number of local variables wrong" ) ;
old_binding = crt_binding ;
crt_binding = new_binding () ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
long sz = tdf_int () ;
set_binding_size ( crt_binding, i, sz ) ;
n = tdf_int () ;
if ( n != no_var ) input_error ( "Number of linkage units wrong" ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
long j, no_links = tdf_int () ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < no_links ; j++ ) {
long inner = tdf_int () ;
long outer = tdf_int () ;
construct *p = find_binding ( old_binding, i, outer ) ;
set_binding ( crt_binding, i, inner, p ) ;
complete_binding ( crt_binding ) ;
} else {
n = tdf_int () ;
if ( n ) input_error ( "Number of linkage units wrong" ) ;
/* Read the actual equation */
n = BYTESIZE * tdf_int () ;
byte_align () ;
if ( f == null ) {
input_skip ( n ) ;
} else {
long end_posn = input_posn () + n ;
decode_status = 2 ;
( *f ) () ;
byte_align () ;
decode_status = 1 ;
if ( input_posn () != end_posn ) input_error ( "Unit length wrong" ) ;
/* Restore the old bindings */
if ( old_binding ) {
free_binding ( crt_binding ) ;
crt_binding = old_binding ;
return ;
An entire TDF capsule is decoded.
void de_capsule
long i, n ;
long no_eqn ;
char **eqns ;
/* Reset variables */
al_tag_var = -1 ;
tag_var = -2 ;
tok_var = -3 ;
spare_binding = null ;
have_version = 0 ;
decode_status = 0 ;
/* Read magic number */
de_magic ( MAGIC_NUMBER ) ;
/* Read equation names */
no_eqn = tdf_int () ;
eqns = alloc_nof ( char *, no_eqn ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < no_eqn ; i++ ) eqns [i] = de_aligned_string () ;
/* Read variable sort names */
no_var = tdf_int () ;
vars = alloc_nof ( var_sort, no_var ) ;
crt_binding = new_binding () ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < no_var ; i++ ) {
char *s = de_aligned_string () ;
long sz = tdf_int () ;
vars [i].name = s ;
if ( streq ( s, LINK_al_tag ) ) {
vars [i].sortnum = SORT_al_tag ;
al_tag_var = i ;
} else if ( streq ( s, LINK_tag ) ) {
vars [i].sortnum = SORT_tag ;
tag_var = i ;
} else if ( streq ( s, LINK_token ) ) {
vars [i].sortnum = SORT_token ;
tok_var = i ;
} else {
vars [i].sortnum = SORT_unknown ;
set_binding_size ( crt_binding, i, sz ) ;
/* Read external names */
decode_status = 1 ;
n = tdf_int () ;
if ( n != no_var ) input_error ( "Number of variable sorts wrong" ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < no_var ; i++ ) {
static int un = 0 ;
sortname si = vars [i].sortnum ;
long j, no_links = tdf_int () ;
boolean reject = 0 ;
if ( extract_tokdecs && i != tok_var ) reject = 1 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < no_links ; j++ ) {
construct *p, *q ;
long id = tdf_int () ;
n = de_external_bits () ;
byte_align () ;
p = make_construct ( si ) ;
if ( extract_tokdecs ) {
( sort_count [ si ] )-- ;
p->encoding = -1 ;
if ( n == ENC_string_extern ) {
/* Simple external name */
boolean name_ok = 1 ;
node *ns = de_node ( "=" ) ;
if ( reject ) {
free_node ( ns ) ;
} else {
/* Check that name is a valid identifier */
char *nm = ns->cons->name ;
if ( alpha ( *nm ) ) {
long k ;
for ( k = 1 ; k < ns->cons->encoding ; k++ ) {
char c = nm [k] ;
if ( !alphanum ( c ) ) name_ok = 0 ;
} else {
name_ok = 0 ;
if ( name_ok ) {
/* Use external name as internal name */
p->name = nm ;
if ( !is_local_name ( nm ) ) {
p->ename = new_node () ;
p->ename->cons = &false_cons ;
} else {
/* Make up internal name */
p->name = alloc_nof ( char, 32 ) ;
IGNORE sprintf ( p->name, "~~extern_%d", un++ ) ;
if ( !is_local_name ( nm ) ) {
p->ename = new_node () ;
p->ename->cons = &true_cons ;
p->ename->son = ns ;
} else if ( n == ENC_unique_extern ) {
/* Unique external name */
node *nu = de_node ( "%[=]" ) ;
if ( reject ) {
free_node ( nu ) ;
} else {
/* Make up internal name */
p->name = alloc_nof ( char, 32 ) ;
IGNORE sprintf ( p->name, "~~extern_%d", un++ ) ;
p->ename = new_node () ;
p->ename->cons = &true_cons ;
p->ename->son = nu ;
} else if ( n == ENC_chain_extern ) {
/* Chain external name */
node *nc = de_node ( "=i" ) ;
if ( reject ) {
free_node ( nc ) ;
} else {
/* Make up internal name */
p->name = alloc_nof ( char, 32 ) ;
IGNORE sprintf ( p->name, "~~extern_%d", un++ ) ;
p->ename = new_node () ;
p->ename->cons = &true_cons ;
p->ename->son = nc ;
} else {
input_error ( "Illegal EXTERN value, %ld", n ) ;
/* Add construct to tables */
if ( reject ) {
set_binding ( crt_binding, i, id, p ) ;
p->next = garbage ;
garbage = p ;
} else {
q = add_to_var_hash ( p, si ) ;
if ( q ) {
if ( !extract_tokdecs ) {
( sort_count [ si ] )-- ;
if ( q->encoding == -1 ) {
q->encoding = ( sort_count [ si ] )++ ;
set_binding ( crt_binding, i, id, q ) ;
p->next = garbage ;
garbage = p ;
} else {
set_binding ( crt_binding, i, id, p ) ;
/* Complete the bindings */
complete_binding ( crt_binding ) ;
/* Read the equations */
n = tdf_int () ;
if ( n != no_eqn ) input_error ( "Number of equations wrong" ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < no_eqn ; i++ ) {
char *eq = eqns [i] ;
long j, no_units = tdf_int () ;
if ( no_units ) {
boolean skip_pass = 0 ;
equation_func f = null ;
/* Find equation decoding routine */
if ( extract_tokdecs ) {
if ( streq ( eq, LINK_tokdec_props ) ) {
f = de_tokdec ;
} else if ( streq ( eq, LINK_tokdef_props ) ) {
f = de_tokdef ;
in_skip_pass = 1 ;
} else {
if ( streq ( eq, LINK_al_tagdef_props ) ) {
f = de_aldef ;
} else if ( streq ( eq, LINK_tagdec_props ) ) {
f = de_tagdec ;
} else if ( streq ( eq, LINK_tagdef_props ) ) {
f = de_tagdef ;
} else if ( streq ( eq, LINK_tokdec_props ) ) {
f = de_tokdec ;
} else if ( streq ( eq, LINK_tokdef_props ) ) {
f = de_tokdef ;
skip_pass = 1 ;
} else if ( streq ( eq, LINK_version_props ) ) {
f = de_version ;
/* Skip pass */
if ( skip_pass ) {
long old_posn = input_posn () ;
in_skip_pass = 1 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < no_units ; j++ ) de_equation ( f ) ;
in_skip_pass = 0 ;
input_goto ( old_posn ) ;
/* Main pass */
for ( j = 0 ; j < no_units ; j++ ) de_equation ( f ) ;
in_skip_pass = 0 ;
/* Free unused constructs */
free_construct ( &garbage ) ;
return ;
The current capsule of a library is recorded to use in error messages.
char *capname = null ;
void de_library
long old_posn ;
long i, no_cap ;
boolean old_extract = extract_tokdecs ;
de_magic ( MAGIC_LINK_NUMBER ) ;
IGNORE tdf_int () ;
no_cap = tdf_int () ;
old_posn = input_posn () ;
/* First pass - extract all token declaration */
extract_tokdecs = 1 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < no_cap ; i++ ) {
long end_posn ;
long j, n ;
decode_status = 0 ;
n = tdf_int () ;
if ( n != 8 ) input_error ( "Only 8-bit strings allowed" ) ;
n = tdf_int () ;
byte_align () ;
capname = alloc_nof ( char, n + 1 ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < n ; j++ ) {
capname [j] = ( char ) fetch ( 8 ) ; /* LINT */
capname [n] = 0 ;
n = BYTESIZE * tdf_int () ;
byte_align () ;
end_posn = input_posn () + n ;
de_capsule () ;
byte_align () ;
if ( input_posn () != end_posn ) {
input_error ( "Capsule length wrong" ) ;
capname = null ;
/* Second pass - if the first pass didn't do everything */
extract_tokdecs = old_extract ;
if ( extract_tokdecs ) return ;
input_goto ( old_posn ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < no_cap ; i++ ) {
long end_posn ;
long j, n ;
decode_status = 0 ;
n = tdf_int () ;
if ( n != 8 ) input_error ( "Only 8-bit strings allowed" ) ;
n = tdf_int () ;
byte_align () ;
capname = alloc_nof ( char, n + 1 ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < n ; j++ ) {
capname [j] = ( char ) fetch ( 8 ) ; /* LINT */
capname [n] = 0 ;
n = BYTESIZE * tdf_int () ;
byte_align () ;
end_posn = input_posn () + n ;
de_capsule () ;
byte_align () ;
if ( input_posn () != end_posn ) {
input_error ( "Capsule length wrong" ) ;
capname = null ;
return ;