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    <title>The sid users' guide</title>

    <corpauthor>The TenDRA Project</corpauthor>


      <surname>Ruigrok van der Werven</surname>




      <holder>The TenDRA Project</holder>



  <chapter id="introduction">

    <para>This document describes how to use the <code>sid</code> parser
      generator. It was written for <code>sid</code> version 1.9. The
      main features of each version of <code>sid</code> are listed

        <para><code>sid</code> 1.0 - this was the first version of
          <code>sid</code> to support attribute grammars. The output
          language was C.</para>

        <para><code>sid</code> 1.1 - this was a bug fix version of
          <code>sid</code> 1.0.</para>

        <para><code>sid</code> 1.2 - this version of <code>sid</code> added
          predicates, exception handling, improved inlining options, and a
          grammar test pseudo-language.</para>

        <para><code>sid</code> 1.3 - this version of <code>sid</code> added
          anonymous rules, and a better syntax for the C specific

        <para><code>sid</code> 1.4 - this was a bug fix version of
          <code>sid</code> 1.3.</para>

        <para><code>sid</code> 1.5 - this was a bug fix version of
          <code>sid</code> 1.4. The command line option syntax changed in
          this release as well.</para>

        <para><code>sid</code> 1.6 - this version of <code>sid</code>
          changed the input syntax, added scoped rules, and removed basics
          (replacing them with terminal symbols). It also added a stricter
          ISO C language.</para>

        <para><code>sid</code> 1.7 - The syntax of the actions file changed
          slightly in this version. The error messages and recovery from
          syntax errors were also improved in this version.  This version
          also added explicit call by reference support (rather than the
          inconsistent function call semantics of earlier versions). The
          command line options changed in this version, to support language
          specific options, and the <code>strict-ansi-c</code> language was
          dropped. Non-local variables were also added.</para>

        <para><code>sid</code> 1.8 - Initialisers were added for non-local
          variables. Assignment was added.</para>

        <para><code>sid</code> 1.9 - this was a bug fix version of
          <code>sid</code> 1.8.</para>

    <para><code>sid</code> turns specifications of languages into
      programs that recognise those languages. One of the aims of
      <code>sid</code> was to separate the specification of the
      language to be recognised from the language that the recogniser
      program is written in. For this reason, input to <code>sid</code>
      is split into two components: output language independent
      information, and output language dependent information.</para>

    <para>At present, <code>sid</code> will only output programs in C
      (either ISO or pre-ISO), but it is designed so that adding new
      output languages should be fairly simple. There is one other
      pseudo-language: the test language. This is used for testing
      grammars and the transforms, but will not output a parser.</para>

  <chapter id="grammar">

    <sect1 id="parsing">

      <para>There are two phases in traditional language recognition that
        are relevant to <code>sid</code>: the first is lexical analysis
        (breaking the input up into terminal symbols); the second is
        syntax analysis or parsing (ensuring that the terminal symbols in
        the input are in the correct order).</para>

      <para><code>sid</code> currently does very little to help with
        lexical analysis. It is possible to use <code>sid</code> to
        produce the lexical analyser, but <code>sid</code> provides no
        real support for it at present. For now, the programmer is
        expected to write the lexical analyser, or use another tool to
        produce it.</para>

      <para>The lexical analyser should break the input up into a series
        of terminals. Each of these terminals is allocated a number. In
        <code>sid</code>, these numbers range from zero to the maximum
        terminal number (specified in the grammar description). The
        terminals may also have data associated with them (e.g. the value
        of a number), known as the attributes of the terminal, or the
        results of the terminal.</para>

      <para><code>sid</code> generates the parser. The parser is a program
        that reads the sequence of terminals from the lexical analyser,
        and ensures that they form a valid input in the language being
        recognised. If the input is not valid, then the parser will fail
        (<code>sid</code> provides mechanisms to allow the parser to
        recover from errors).</para>

    <sect1 id="context-free">
      <title>Context free grammars</title>

      <para>This section provides a brief introduction to grammars. It is
        not intended to be an in-depth guide to grammars, more an
        introduction which defines some terminology.</para>

      <para><code>sid</code> works with a subset of what are known as
        context free grammars. A context free grammar consists of a set
        of input symbols (known as terminals), a set of rules
        (descriptions of what are legal forms in the language, also known
        as non-terminals), and an entry point (the rule from which the
        grammar starts).</para>

      <para>A rule is defined as a series of alternatives (throughout this
        document the definition of a rule is called a production - this
        may conflict with some other uses of the term). Each alternative
        consists of a sequence of items. An item can be a terminal or a
        rule. As an example (using the <code>sid</code> notation, which
        now looks unlike the conventional syntax for grammars), a comma
        separated list of integers could be specified as:

list-of-integers = {
integer ;
integer ;
comma ;
list-of-integers ;
} ;

      <para>This production contains two alternatives: the first matches the
        terminal <code>integer</code>; the second matches the sequence of
        terminals <code>integer</code> followed by <code>comma</code>,
        followed by another list of integers.</para>

      <para>There is much documentation available on context free grammars
        (and other types of formal grammar). The reader is advised to
        find an alternative source for more information.</para>

    <sect1 id="sid-grammar">
      <title>sid grammars</title>

      <para><code>sid</code> grammars are based upon a subset of context
        free grammars, known as LL(1) grammars. The main property of such
        grammars is that the parser can always tell which alternative it
        is going to parse next by looking at the current terminal symbol.
        <code>sid</code> does a number of transforms to turn grammars
        that are not in this form into it (although it cannot turn all
        possible grammars into this form). It also provides facilities
        that allow the user to alter the control flow of the parser.</para>

      <para><code>sid</code> makes the following changes to the context
        free grammars described above:</para>

        <listitem><para>There may be more than one entry point to the

        <listitem><para>As well as being a rule or a terminal, an item may be
          an action, a predicate or an identity. An action is just a user
          supplied function. A predicate is a cross between a basic and an
          action (it is a user defined function but it may alter the control
          flow). An identity is like an assignment in a conventional
          programming language.</para></listitem>

        <listitem><para>Rules may take parameters and return results (as may
          actions; terminals may only return results). These may be
          passed between items using names.</para></listitem>

        <listitem><para>Each rule can have an exception handler associated
          with it.  Exception handlers are used for error recovery when the
          input being parsed does not match the grammar.</para></listitem>

        <listitem><para>Rules may be anonymous.</para></listitem>

        <listitem><para>Rules may have non-local names associated with them.
          These names are in scope for that rule and any rules that are
          defined inside it. The value of each non-local name is saved on
          entry to the rule, and restored when the rule is

  <chapter id="overview">

    <para><code>sid</code> takes the input grammar and applies several
      transformations to it, before it produces the parser. These
      transformations allow the language descriptions to be written in
      a slightly more natural form than would otherwise be

    <sect1 id="left-recursion">
      <title>Left recursion elimination</title>

      <para>The first transformation is to eliminate any left recursive
        productions, replacing them with right recursive ones. This
        transforms a set of rules of the form:

Ai = Aj Bji, Ci
Ai = Cj Xji
Xji = Bjk Xki, Yji
        where <code>Yji</code> is the identity function if <code>i</code>
        equals <code>j</code>, and an error otherwise. In order for this
        transformation to work, the following conditions must hold:

            <para>The parameter type for all <code>Ai</code> must be the

            <para>The result type for all <code>Ai</code> must be the

            <para>The exception handlers for all <code>Ai</code> must be the

            <para>The parameters to each left recursive call to some
              <code>Aj</code> must be exactly the formal parameters to the
              calling rule <code>Ai</code>.</para>

            <para>Any non-local name referenced by any rule must be in scope
              for all rules.</para>

            <para>A rule may not define non-local variables unless it is the
              only entry point into the cycle (i.e. there is only one named
              rule in the cycle).</para>
        <code>sid</code> will report an error if these conditions are not

    <sect1 id="factoring">

      <para>The second major transformation is to factor the grammar. It is
        possible that this phase could go on for ever, so there is a limit to
        the number of rules that can be generated. This limit may be changed
        (see the <link linkend="invoke">invocation section</link>). In
        practice it is rare for this to happen.</para>

      <para>The factoring phase tries to increase the number of language
        specifications that <code>sid</code> can produce a parser for, by
        factoring out common initial items in alternatives, e.g.:

X = {
a ; b ;
||  a ; c ;
} ;

        would be transformed into something like:

X = {
a ; X1 ;
} ;

X1 = {
b ;
||  c ;
} ;

      <para>It will also expand calls to rules at the beginning of
        alternatives if this is necessary to allow the parser to be produced
        (this is the phase that the limit is needed for). The expansions are
        done in the following cases:

            <para>If the rule is see-through (i.e. there is an expansion of
              the rule that does not contain any terminals or predicates) and
              its first set contains terminals in the first set of the rest of
              the alternative.</para>

            <para>If the rule has a predicate in its first set.</para>

            <para>If the rule has terminals in its first set that are also in
              the first set of another alternative that does not begin with
              the same rule.</para>

      <para>If the rule being expanded contains an exception handler, and it
        is not identical to the exception handler in the enclosing rule, then
        an error will occur. Similarly if the rule being expanded defines any
        non-local variables then an error will occur.</para>

    <sect1 id="optimise">

      <para>After these two transformations, <code>sid</code> performs some
        optimisations on the grammar, such as reducing multiple copies of
        identical rules, removing tail recursion, inlining all basic rules,
        inlining single alternative rules, inling rules used only once, and
        inlining everything that can be inlined. All of the inlining is

      <para>After these optimisations, <code>sid</code> checks the language
        description to ensure that it is possible to produce a parser for it,
        and if so it outputs the parser.</para>

  <chapter id="invoke">

    <para><code>sid</code> should be invoked in the following manner:

sid options input-files output-files

      <para>The options are described later. The input files should be a
        number of input file names dependent upon the output language. The
        first input file is the <code>sid</code> grammar file. In the case of
        either C dialects there should be one other input file that provides C
        specific information to <code>sid</code>. The number of output files
        is also language specific. At present, two output files should be
        specified for the C languages. The first should be a <code>.c</code>
        file into which the parser is written; the second should be a
        <code>.h</code> file into which the terminal definitions and external
        function declarations are written.</para>

    <para>The options list should consist of zero or more of the following
      options. There are short forms for each of these options as well; see
      the <code>sid</code> manual page for more information on

        <para>--dump-file <filename>FILE</filename></para>

        <para>This option causes intermediate dumps of the grammar to be
          written to the named file. The format of the dump files is similar
          to the format of the grammar specification, with the following

            <para>Predicates are written with the predicate result replaced
              by the predicate identifier (this will always be zero), and
              the result is followed by a <code>?</code> to indicate that it
              was a predicate. As an example, the predicate:

( b, ? ) = &lt;pred&gt; ( a )

            would be printed out as:

( b : Type1T, 0 : Type2T ) ? = &lt;pred&gt; ( a : Type3T )

            <para>Items that are considered to be inlinable are prefixed by
              a <code>+</code>. Items that are tail calls which will be
              eliminated are prefixed by a <code>*</code>.</para>

            <para>Nested rules are written at the outer level, with names of
              the form

            <para>Types are provided on call parameter and result

            <para>Inline rules are given a generated name, and are written
              out as a call to the generated rule (and a definition

        <para>--factor-limit <token>LIMIT</token></para>

        <para>This option limits the number of rules that can be created
          during the factorisation process. It is probably best not to change


        <para>This option writes a summary of the command line options to the
          standard error stream.</para>

        <para>--inline <token>INLINES</token></para>

        <para>This option controls what inlining will be done in the output
          parser. The inlines argument should be a comma separated list of the
          following words:


              <para>This causes single alternative rules to be inlined. This
                inlining is no longer performed as a modification to the
                grammar (it was in version 1.0).</para>


              <para>This causes rules that contain only basics (and no
                exception handlers or empty alternatives) to be inlined. The
                restriction on exception handlers and empty alternatives is
                rather arbitrary, and may be changed later.</para>


              <para>This causes tail recursive calls to be inlined. Without
                this, tail recursion elimination will not be


              <para>This causes other calls to be inlined wherever possible.
                Unless the <code>MULTI</code> inlining is also specified, this
                will be done only for productions that are called


              <para>This causes calls to be inlined, even if the rule being
                called is called more than once. Turning this inlining on
                implies <code>OTHER</code>. Similarly turning off
                <code>OTHER</code> inlining will turn off <code>MULTI</code>
                inlining. For grammars of any size, this is probably best
                avoided; if used the generated parser may be huge (e.g. a C
                grammar has produced a file that was several hundred MB in


              <para>This turns on all inlining.</para>

          In addition, prefixing a word with <code>NO</code> turns off that
          inlining phase. The words may be given in any case.  They are
          evaluated in the order given, so:

--inline noall,singles

          would turn on single alternative rule inlining only, whilst:

--inline singles,noall

          would turn off all inlining. The default is as if <code>sid</code>
          were invoked with the option:

--inline noall,basics,tail

        <para id="lang">--language <token>LANGUAGE</token></para>

        <para>This option specifies the output language. Currently this should
          be one of <code>ansi-c</code>, <code>pre-ansi-c</code> and
          <code>test</code>. The default is <code>ansi-c</code>.</para>

        <para>The <code>ansi-c</code> and <code>pre-ansi-c</code> languages
          are basically the same. The only difference is that
          <code>ansi-c</code> initially uses function prototypes, and
          <code>pre-ansi-c</code> doesn't. The C language specific options

              <para><code>prototypes, proto, no-prototypes,

              <para>These enable or disable the use of function prototypes.
                By default this is enabled for <code>ansi-c</code> and
                disabled for <code>pre-ansi-c</code>.</para>

              <para><code>numeric-ids, numeric, no-numeric-ids,

              <para>These enable or disable the use of numeric identifiers.
                Numeric identifiers replace the identifier name with a number,
                which is mainly of use in stopping identifier names getting
                too long. The disadvantage is that the code becomes less
                readable, and more difficult to debug. Numeric identifiers are
                not used by default.</para>

              <para id="casts"><code>casts, cast, no-casts,

              <para>These enable or disable casting of action and assignment
                operator immutable parameters. If enabled, a parameter is cast
                to its own type when it is substituted into the action. This
                will cause some compilers to complain about attempts to modify
                the parameter (which can help pick out attempts at mutating
                parameters that should not be mutated). The disadvantage is
                that not all compilers will reject attempts at mutation, and
                that ISO C doesn't allow casting to structure and union types,
                which means that some code may be illegal. Parameter casting
                is disabled by default.</para>

              <para><code>unreachable-macros, unreachable-macro,
                unreachable-comments, unreachable-comment</code></para>

              <para>These choose whether unreachable code is marked by a macro
                or a comment. The default is to mark unreachable code with a
                comment <code>/*UNREACHED*/</code>, however a macro
                <code>UNREACHED ;</code> may be used instead, if

          The <code>test</code> language only takes one input file, and
          produces no output file. It may be used to check that a grammar is
          valid. In conjunction with the dump file, it may be used to check
          the transformations that would be applied to the grammar. There are
          no language specific options for the <code>test</code>


        <para>This option writes a copy of the current error messages to the
          standard output. See the manual entry for more details about
          changing the error message content.</para>

        <para>--switch <token>OPTION</token></para>

        <para>This passes through <token>OPTION</token> as a language specific
          option. The valid options are described
          <link linkend="lang">above</link>.</para>

        <para>--tab-width <token>NUMBER</token></para>

        <para>This option specifies the number of spaces that a tab occupies.
          It defaults to 8. It is only used when indenting output.</para>


        <para>This option causes the version number and supported languages to
          be written to the standard error stream.</para>

  <chapter id="grammar-file">
    <title>The sid grammar file</title>

    <para>The <code>sid</code> grammar file should always be the first input
      file specified on the command line. It provides an output language
      independent description of the language to be recognised. The file is
      split up into a number of different sections, each of which begins with
      a section header. All sections must be included, although it is possible
      to leave most of them empty. The following sections exist at present:
      type declaration, terminal declaration, rule definition, and grammar
      entry points. They must appear in that order. The sections are detailed
      below, after the lexical conventions.</para>

    <sect1 id="grammar-lex">
      <title>Lexical conventions</title>

      <para>Almost all non-printable characters (but definitely space, tab,
        newline and form-feed) are considered to be white space, and are
        ignored other than to separate other tokens. In addition, two comment
        forms are recognised: the C comment syntax, where comments begin with
        <code>/*</code>, and end with <code>*/</code>, although unlike C these
        comments nest properly; and the C++ line comment syntax, where
        comments begin with <code>//</code>, and are terminated at the end of
        the line. Comments are treated in the same way as white space

      <para>Section headers are enclosed in percent characters, and are case
        insensitive. The following section headers are currently


      <para>Identifiers must begin with a letter, an underscore or a hyphen.
        This may be followed by zero or more letters, digits, underscores and
        hyphens. Identifiers are case sensitive. The following are all legal

expression      mult-expr       plus_expr       expr-1

      <para>Identifiers are split into two namespaces: local names have one
        space; types, actions, rules, non-local names and terminals share the
        other namespace, so it is not possible to have an identifier that is a
        type as well as being a rule for example.</para>

      <para>The following symbols are also used:

&amp;   ;       =       [       :       ]       !       ,
||      $       ?       {       }       (       )       &lt;
&gt;    -&gt;   ::      ##

        <para>All other characters are illegal.</para>

    <sect1 id="type-decl">
      <title>The type declaration section</title>

      <para>The first section is the type declaration section. This begins
        with the types section header, followed by the names of all of the
        types used by the grammar. Each type name should be terminated by a
        semicolon. An example of the type declaration section follows:

NumberT ;
StringT ;

        This declares two types: <code>NumberT</code> and
        <code>StringT</code>. There is no requirement for the type names to
        resemble names in the target language (in fact this should be avoided,
        as it is possible to use many different target languages).  All types
        used in the grammar must be declared here. Similarly, all types
        declared here must be used in the grammar.</para>

    <sect1 id="term-decl">
      <title>The terminal declaration section</title>

      <para>After the type declaration section comes the terminal declaration
        section. This section declares the terminals that will be used by the
        grammar. A terminal is a recogniser for a symbol in the input alphabet
        of the language to be recognised. It is possible to declare terminals
        that are not used by the grammar.</para>

      <para>The section begins with its section header, followed by the
        declarations of the terminals. Each terminal declaration begins with
        the name of the terminal being defined, followed by its type, and
        terminated by a semicolon. If the terminal is not used in the grammar,
        the declaration should be preceded by a <code>!</code> symbol.</para>

      <para>A type (for terminals, rules and actions) is written as a colon,
        followed by the parameter tuple, followed by the <code>-&gt;</code>
        symbol, followed by the result tuple. If the type is zero-tuple to
        zero-tuple, then the type may be omitted. A tuple consists of a comma
        separated sequence of name-type pairs (with the name and type being
        separated by a colon), surrounded by parentheses. For parameter
        tuples, the type may be suffixed by a <code>&amp;</code> symbol,
        indicating that call by reference should be used (the default is call
        by copy). For declarations, the names should be omitted. For
        terminals, the parameter type must be the zero-tuple.</para>

      <para>The simplest type of terminal declaration is as follows:

terminal1 ;
      <para>This means the same as:
terminal1 : () -&gt; () ;
      <para>An example of a more complex terminal declaration is:
terminal2 : () -&gt; ( :StringT ) ;
      <para>If these terminals were not to be used in the grammar, they should
        be declared as:

!terminal1 ;
!terminal2 : () -&gt; ( :StringT ) ;

    <sect1 id="rule-defn">
      <title>The rule definition section</title>

      <para>The rule definition section follows the terminal declaration
        section. It begins with the section header, followed by the
        definitions and declarations of all of the rules used in the grammar,
        and the declarations of all of the actions used in the grammar.</para>

      <para>Rule declarations look identical to terminal declarations, e.g.:

rule1 : ( :NumberT ) -&gt; ( :NumberListT ) ;
rule2 ;

      <para>Action declarations are similar, although the names are surrounded
        by angle brackets, e.g.:

&lt;action1&gt; : ( :StringT &amp; ) -&gt; () ;
&lt;action2&gt; ;

      <para>A declaration (or a definition) may be prefixed with the
        <code>::</code> symbol. This symbol forces the definition into the
        outermost scope. Scopes are described later on.</para>

      <para>A rule definition (called a production) looks something like the

add-expr : () -&gt; ( v : NumberT ) = {
v1 = mul-expr ;
plus ;
v2 = expr ;
v  = &lt;add&gt; ( v1, v2 ) ;
v1 = mul-expr ;
minus ;
v2 = expr ;
v  = &lt;subtract&gt; ( v1, v2 ) ;
v = &lt;ex&gt; ;
} ;

      <para>The production begins with the rule name, followed by the
        parameter and result names and types (in this case, the rule name is
        <code>add-expr</code>, there are no parameters, and there is one
        result name <code>v</code> of type <code>NumberT</code>). This may
        optionally be followed by local declarations (there are none here -
        they are described later).</para>

      <para>The left hand side of the rule is followed by the <code>=</code>
        symbol, a list of alternatives surrounded by curly braces, and is
        terminated by a semicolon. The alternatives are separated by the
        <code>||</code> symbol, and the last alternative may be separated from
        its predecessor (there must be one) using the <code>##</code> symbol;
        if this is the case, then this alternative is the exception handler
        for the production (otherwise it has no exception handler).</para>

      <para>An alternative may match the empty string, using the symbol
        <code>$</code> and the terminator symbol <code>;</code>, i.e.:

$ ;

        unless it is an exception handler alternative (in which case it must
        do something), or a sequence of items. The empty string is only valid
        if the production has no results. If you want to match an empty string
        in a production that has a result, it is necessary to use an action
        (or identity) to provide a result.</para>

      <para>An item is an identity, or a call to a (possibly anonymous) rule,
        a terminal, an action or a predicate. An identity looks like an
        assignment in conventional programming languages:

( a, b, c ) = ( d, e, f ) ;

      <para>Each tuple must contain the same number of names. In the case of a
        one-tuple, the parentheses may be dropped, e.g.:

a = d ;

      <para>Note that this is a binding operation, not an assignment.  Each
        name on the left hand side must be a new name. It is illegal to
        redeclare a name that is already in scope. It is possible to assign to
        a name which is already in scope by prefixing that name with the
        <code>&amp;</code> symbol, e.g.:

( a, &amp;b, c ) = ( d, e, f ) ;

        would assign to the name <code>b</code>, which must have been
        previously defined (it may be a parameter; if it is a call by
        reference parameter, then the change will propagate outside to the
        calling rule).</para>

      <para>It is also possible to use the <code>!</code> symbol in the result
        tuple to ignore results, e.g.:

( a, !, b, ! ) = ( c, d, e, f ) ;

      <para>This is not particularly useful in an identity, but may be more
        useful in a call to a rule, terminal or action. A call to a terminal
        or rule looks like a call to a function in a conventional programming
        language, e.g.:

( a, b ) = rule1 ( c, d ) ;
( e, f ) = terminal1 () ;

      <para>Calls to actions have the same form, except that action names are
        surrounded by angle brackets, e.g.:

( g, h, i ) = &lt;action1&gt; ( a, e ) ;

      <para>In addition, one of the names in the result tuple of the call to
        the action may be the predicate result symbol <code>?</code>, in which
        case the action is used as a predicate (more details on predicates are
        given later).</para>

      <para>When calling a rule, terminal or action, it is necessary to have
        declared it (or in the case of a rule declared or defined it) before
        the call.</para>

      <para>If a rule or action is being invoked, and it takes one or more
        call by reference parameters, then the corresponding arguments should
        be prefixed by the <code>&amp;</code> symbol, e.g.:

length = &lt;string-length&gt; ( &amp;string ) ;

      <para>If the rule, terminal or action has the zero-tuple as a result,
        then only the right hand side of the definition is required, e.g.:

rule2 ( a, b ) ;
terminal2 () ;
&lt;action2&gt; ( c, d ) ;

      <para>If the rule, terminal or action has the zero-tuple as a parameter,
        then the parameter tuple may be omitted, e.g.:

( a, b ) = rule3 ;
terminal3 ;
c = &lt;action3&gt; ;

      <para>In older versions of <code>sid</code>, it used to be possible to
        have ambiguous items, e.g.:

a = b ;

        where <code>b</code> was both a rule and a name. As local names may
        not shadow non-local and global names, then this is no longer a

      <para>In each case, the data flow through the rule is indicated using
        names. In the previous example of a production, both alternatives have
        the same data flow: the call to <code>mul-expr</code> returns one
        value, which is stored in the name <code>v1</code>, and the call to
        <code>expr</code> returns one value, which is stored in the name
        <code>v2</code>. Both of these names are passed to the action
        (<code>add</code> in the first alternative, <code>subtract</code> in
        the second), which returns a value into the name <code>v</code>
        (presumably the sum or difference of the previous two values). The
        name <code>v</code> is the name of the result, so this will be
        returned as the result of the rule. The exception handler (which is
        invoked if something fails) calls the action <code>ex</code> to
        produce the result <code>v</code>.</para>

      <para>It is necessary that the types of the data flow through the
        production are correct. It is also necessary to define all of the
        result names for the production in each of the alternatives in that

      <para>An anonymous rule is written in the same way as the body of a
        normal rule, e.g.:

list : () -&gt; ( l : ListT ) = {
n = number ;
? = &lt;at-eof&gt; ;
l = &lt;make-list&gt; ( n ) ;
comma ;
l1 = list ;
l  = &lt;cons&gt; ( n, l1 ) ;
l = &lt;com-or-eof&gt; ( n ) ;
} ;

      <para>An anonymous rule is always inlined.</para>

      <para>The rule name may be followed by a sequence of definitions and
        declarations surrounded by the <code>[</code> and <code>]</code>
        symbols (which are followed by the rest of the rule). In this case,
        the definitions are local to the rule, e.g.:

x-list [
x = {
terminal1 ;
terminal2 ;
terminal3 ;
} ;
] = {
x ;
x ;
x-list ;
} ;

      <para>In this case, the rule <code>x</code> would be local to the rule
        <code>x-list</code> and no other rule would be able to use it.  In
        error messages, the name of the rule <code>x</code> would be written
        as <code>x-list::x</code>. All declarations and definitions that occur
        inside of the <code>[</code> and <code>]</code> symbols have the scope
        of the enclosing rule, unless they are preceded by the <code>::</code>
        symbol, in which case they have global scope.  This is particularly
        necessary for actions, as actions can only be defined with global

      <para>It is also possible to define non-local names. These are declared
        as an identifier (the name), followed by the <code>:</code> symbol,
        followed by another identifier (its type), in a similar manner to an
        entry in a type tuple. Non-local names are not allowed at the
        outermost level (so they may not be prefixed with the <code>::</code>
        symbol either). When a non-local name is defined, it is in scope for
        all of the rules in its scope that are defined after it is, plus its
        defining rule.</para>

      <para>Non-local names have their values saved on entry to their defining
        rule, and the value will be restored when the rule is exited. This
        includes exiting the rule tail recursively or because of an exception
        (if the rule has an exception handler, the non-local name will not be
        restored until the exception handler has exited). In almost all other
        respects non-local names are the same as local names. An example

rule1 [
name1 : Type1T ;
rule1_1 = {
&lt;action1&gt; ( name1 ) ;
rule2 ( name1 ) ;
} ;
] = {
&lt;action2&gt; ( &amp;name1 ) ;
rule1_1 ;
} ;

      <para>It is possible to associate an initialiser with a non-local name,
        by following the type name with a <code>=</code> symbol and the action
        name in angle brackets, e.g.:

rule1 [
name1 : Type1T = &lt;action1&gt; ;
] = {
// ....
} ;

      <para>In this case the action is called at the start of the rule to
        initialise the non-local name. The action should return an object of
        the same type as the non-local name. Normally, the action takes no
        parameters, however it may take one parameter of the same type as the
        non-local name (or a reference to that type), in which case it will be
        given the saved value of the non-local name as an argument (this may
        be used to build a stack automatically for example).</para>

    <sect1 id="entry-point">
      <title>The grammar entry points section</title>

      <para>The final section lists the entry points to the grammar. It begins
        with the section header, followed by a comma separated list of rule
        names, terminated by a semicolon, e.g.:

%entry% expr ;

      <para>If you are going to use a rule as an entry point into the grammar
        (i.e. you wish to call the associated function), you must list it in
        the entry points list. If not, the function may not exist.</para>

  <chapter id="info-file">
    <title>The C information file</title>

    <para>The grammar specification itself is not sufficient to produce a
      parser. There also needs to be output language specific information to
      allow the parser to interface with the program it is to be part of. In
      the case of the C output routines, <code>sid</code> needs to know the
      following information:

          <para>What code should precede and succeed the automatically
            generated code.</para>

          <para>How to map the <code>sid</code> identifiers into C

          <para>How to do assignments for each type.</para>

          <para>How to get the current terminal number.</para>

          <para>How to get the result of the current terminal.</para>

          <para>How to advance the lexical analyser, to get the next

          <para>What the actions are defined as, and how to pass parameters to

          <para>How to save and restore the current terminal when an error

    <para>Eventually almost all of this should be user suppliable. At the
      moment, some of the information is supplied by the user in the C
      information file, some through macros, and some is built in.
      <code>sid</code> currently gets the information as follows:

          <para>The C information file has a header and a trailer section,
            which define code that precedes and succeeds the code that
            <code>sid</code> generates.</para>

          <para>The C information file has a section that allows the user to
            specify mappings from <code>sid</code> identifiers into C
            identifiers. These are only valid for the following types of
            identifiers: types, functions (implementations of rules) and
            terminals. For other identifier types (or when no mapping is
            supplied), <code>sid</code> uses some default rules:</para>

          <para>Firstly, <code>sid</code> applies a transform to the
            <code>sid</code> identifier name, to make it a legal C identifier.
            At present this maps <code>_</code> to <code>__</code>,
            <code>-</code> to <code>_H</code> and <code>:</code> (this occurs
            in scoped names) to <code>_C</code>. All other characters are
            left unmodified. This transform cannot be changed.</para>

          <para><code>sid</code> also puts a prefix before all identifiers, to
            try to prevent clashes (and also to make automatically generated
            - i.e. numeric - identifiers legal). These prefixes can be
            redefined for each class of identifier, in the C information file.
            They should be chosen so as not to clash with any other
            identifiers (i.e. no other identifiers should begin with that

          <para>By default, the following prefixes are used:

            <table id="identifier-prefixes">
              <title>Identifier prefixes</title>

              <tgroup cols="2">



                    <entry>This prefix is used before type identifiers, for
                      the type name itself.</entry>


                    <entry>This prefix is used before rule identifiers, for
                      the rule's implementation function.</entry>


                    <entry>This prefix is used before rule identifiers, for
                      the rule's label when tail recursion is being
                      eliminated. In this case, a number is added to the
                      suffix before the identifier name, to prevent clashes
                      when a rule is inlined twice in the same function.  It
                      is also used before other labels that are automatically
                      generated and are just numbered.</entry>


                    <entry>This prefix is used before name identifiers used as
                      parameters to functions, or in normal usage. It is also
                      used by non-local names (which doesn't cause a problem
                      as they always occur scoped, and local names never


                    <entry>This prefix is used before name identifiers used as
                      results of functions. Results are passed as reference
                      parameters, and this suffix is used then. Another
                      identifier with the <code>ZI</code> prefix is also used
                      within the function, and the type reference assignment
                      operator is used at the end of the function to assign
                      the results to the reference parameters.</entry>


                    <entry>This prefix is used before the terminal symbol
                      names in the generated header file.</entry>

          <para>Normally, <code>sid</code> will do assignments using the C
            assignment operator. Sometimes, this will not do the right thing,
            so the user can define a set of assignment operations for any type
            in the C information file.</para>

          <para><code>sid</code> expects the <code>CURRENT_TERMINAL</code>
            macro to be defined, and its definition should return an integer
            that is the current terminal. The macro should be an expression,
            not a statement.</para>

          <para>It is necessary to define how to extract the results of all
            terminals in the C information file (if a terminal doesn't return
            anything, then it is not necessary to define how to get the

          <para><code>sid</code> expects the <code>ADVANCE_LEXER</code> macro
            to be defined, and its definition should cause the lexical
            analyser to read a new token. The new terminal number should be
            accessible through the <code>CURRENT_TERMINAL</code> macro. On
            entry into the parser <code>CURRENT_TERMINAL</code> should give
            the first terminal number.</para>

          <para>All actions, and their parameter and result names are defined
            in the C information file.</para>

          <para><code>sid</code> expects the <code>SAVE_LEXER</code> and
            <code>RESTORE_LEXER</code> macros to be defined. The first is
            called with an argument which is the error terminal value. The
            macro should save the current terminal's value, and set the
            current terminal to be the error terminal value. The second macro
            is called without arguments, and should restore the saved value of
            the current terminal.  <code>SAVE_LEXER</code> will never be
            called more than once without a call to
            <code>RESTORE_LEXER</code>, so the save stack only needs one

    <para>The remainder of this section describes the layout of the C
      information file. The lexical conventions are described first, followed
      by a description of the sections in the order in which they should
      appear. Unlike the <code>sid</code> grammar file, not all sections are

    <sect1 id="info-lex">
      <title>Lexical conventions</title>

      <para>The lexical conventions of the C information file are very similar
        to those of the <code>sid</code> grammar file. There is a second class
        of identifier: the C identifier, which is a subset of the valid
        <code>sid</code> identifiers; there is also the C code block.</para>

      <para>A C code block begins with <code>@{</code> and is terminated by
        <code>@}</code>. The code block consists of all of the characters
        between the start and end of the code block, subject to substitutions.
        All substitutions begin with the <code>@</code> character. The
        following substitutions are recognised:


            <para>This substitutes the <code>@</code> character itself.</para>


            <para>This form marks a label, which will be substituted for in
              the output code. This is necessary, because an action may be
              inlined into the same function more than once. If this happens,
              then without doing label substitution there would be two
              identical labels in the same scope. With label substitution,
              this problem is avoided. In general, all references to a label
              within an action should be prefixed with <code>@:</code>. This
              substitution may not be used in header and trailer code


            <para>This form marks a parameter or result identifier
              substitution. If parameter and result identifiers are not
              prefixed with an <code>@</code> character, then they will not be
              substituted. It is an error if the identifier is not a parameter
              or a result. Header and trailer code blocks have no parameters
              or results, so it is always an error to use identifier
              substitution in them. It is an error if any of the result
              identifiers are not substituted at least once.</para>

              <para>Result identifiers may be assigned to using this form of
                identifier substitution, but parameter identifiers may not be
                (nor may there address be taken - they are immutable). To try
                to prevent this, parameters that are substituted may be cast
                to their own type, which makes them unmodifiable in ISO C (see
                the notes on the <link linkend="casts"><code>casts</code>
                language specific option</link>).</para>


            <para>This form marks a parameter identifier whose address is to
              be substituted, but whose contents will not be modified. The
              effects of modifying the identifier are undefined. It is an
              error to use this in parameter assignment operator


            <para>This form marks a parameter identifier that will be
              modified. For this to be useful, the parameter should be a call
              by reference parameter, so that the effect of the modification
              will be propagated. This substitution is only valid in actions
              (assignment operators are not allowed to modify their


            <para>This form marks an exception raise. In the generated code, a
              jump to the current exception handler will be substituted. This
              substitution is only valid in actions.</para>


            <para>This form marks an attempt to access the current terminal.
              This substitution is only valid in actions.</para>


            <para>This form marks an attempt to advance the lexical analyser.
              This substitution is only valid in actions.</para>

      <para>All other forms are illegal. Note that in the case of labels and
        identifiers, no white space is allowed between the <code>@:</code>,
        <code>@</code>, <code>@&amp;</code> or <code>@=</code> and the
        identifier name. An example of a code block is:

/* A code block */
int i ;
if ( @param ) {
@! ;
@result = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i &lt; 100 ; i++ ) {
printf ( "{%d}\n", i ) ;
@result += i ;
@=param += @result ;
if ( @. == TOKEN_SEMI ) {
@&gt; ;

    <sect1 id="prefixes">
      <title>The prefixes section</title>

      <para>The first section in the C information file is the prefix
        definition section. This section is optional. It begins with the
        section header, followed by a list of prefix definitions. A prefix
        definition begins with the prefix name, followed by a <code>=</code>
        symbol, followed by a C identifier that is the new prefix, and
        terminated by a semicolon. The following example shows all of the
        prefix names, and their default values:

type            = ZT ;
function        = ZR ;
label           = ZL ;
input           = ZI ;
output          = ZO ;
terminal        = ZB ;

    <sect1 id="maps">
      <title>The maps section</title>

      <para>The section that follows the prefixes section is the maps section.
        This section is also optional. It begins with its section header,
        followed by a list of identifier mappings. An identifier mapping
        begins with a <code>sid</code> identifier (either a type, a rule or a
        terminal), followed by the <code>-&gt;</code> symbol, followed by the
        C identifier it is to be mapped to, and terminated by a semicolon. An
        example follows:

NumberT         -&gt; unsigned ;
calculator      -&gt; calculator ;

      <para>Note that it is not possible to map type identifiers to be
        arbitrary C types. It will be necessary to <code>typedef</code> or
        macro define the type name in the C file.</para>

      <para>It is recommended that all types, terminals and entry point rules
        have their names mapped in this section, although this is not
        necessary. If the names are not mapped, they will have funny names in
        the rest of the program.</para>

    <sect1 id="header">
      <title>The header section</title>

      <para>After the maps section comes the header section. This begins with
        the section header, followed by a code block, followed by a comma,
        followed by a second code block, and terminated with a semicolon. The
        first code block will be inserted at the beginning of the generated
        parser file; the second code block will be inserted at the start of
        the generated header file. An example is:

%header% @{
#include "lexer.h"

LexerT token ;

#define CURRENT_TERMINAL        token.t
#define ADVANCE_LEXER           next_token ()

extern void terminal_error () ;
extern void syntax_error () ;
@}, @{
@} ;

    <sect1 id="assign">
      <title>The assignments section</title>

      <para>The assignments section follows the header section. This section
        is optional. Normally, assignment between two identifiers will be done
        using the C assignment operator. In some cases this will not do the
        correct thing, and it is necessary to do the assignment differently.
        All types for which this applies should have an entry in the
        assignments section. The section begins with its header, followed by
        definitions for each type that needs its own assignment operator. Each
        definition should have one parameter, and one result. The action's
        name should be the name of the type. An example follows:


ListT : ( l1 ) -&gt; ( l2 ) = @{
if ( @l2.head = @l1.head ) {
@l2.tail = @l1.tail ;
} else {
@l2.tail = &amp;( @l2.head ) ;
@} ;

      <para>If a type has an assignment operator defined, it must also have a
        parameter assignment operator type defined and a result assignment
        operator defined (more precisely it must have either no assignment
        operations defined, or all three assignment operations

    <sect1 id="param-assign">
      <title>The parameter assignments section</title>

      <para>The parameter assignments section is very similar to the
        assignments section (which it follows), and is also optional. If a
        type has an assignment section entry, it must have a parameter
        assignment entry as well.</para>

      <para>The parameter assignment operator is used in function calls to
        ensure that the object is copied correctly: if no parameter assignment
        operator is provided for a type, the standard C call by copy mechanism
        is used; if a parameter assignment operator is provided for a type,
        then the address of the object is passed by the calling function, and
        the called function declares a local of the same type, and uses the
        parameter assignment operator to copy the object (this should be
        remembered when passing parameters to entry points that have arguments
        of a type that has a parameter assignment operator defined).</para>

      <para>The difference between the parameter assignment operator and the
        assignment operator is that the parameter identifier to the parameter
        assignment operator is a pointer to the object being manipulated,
        rather than the object itself. An example reference assignment section


ListT : ( l1 ) -&gt; ( l2 ) = @{
if ( @l2.head = @l1-&gt;head ) {
@l2.tail = @l1-&gt;tail ;
} else {
@l2.tail = &amp;( @l2.head ) ;
@} ;

    <sect1 id="result-assign">
      <title>The result assignments section</title>

      <para>The result assignments section is very similar to the assignments
        section and the parameter assignments section (which it follows), and
        is also optional. If a type has an assignment section entry, it must
        also have a result assignment entry. The only difference between the
        two is that the result identifier of the result assignment operation
        is a pointer to the object being manipulated, rather than the object
        itself. Result assignments are only used when the results of a rule
        are assigned back through the reference parameters passed into the
        function. An example result assignment section is:


ListT : ( l1 ) -&gt; ( l2 ) = @{
if ( @l2-&gt;head = @l1.head ) {
@l2-&gt;tail = @l1.tail ;
} else {
@l2-&gt;tail = &amp;( @l2-&gt;head ) ;
@} ;

    <sect1 id="term-result">
      <title>The terminal result extraction section</title>

      <para>The terminal result extraction section follows the reference
        assignment section. It defines how to extract the results from
        terminals. The section begins with its section header, followed by the
        terminal extraction definitions.</para>

      <para>There must be a definition for every terminal in the grammar that
        returns a result. It is an error to include a definition for a
        terminal that doesn't return a result. The result of the definition
        should be the same as the result of the terminal. An example of the
        terminal result extraction section follows:


number : () -&gt; ( n ) = @{
@n = token.u.number ;
@} ;

identifier : () -&gt; ( i ) = @{
@i = token.u.identifier ;
@} ;

string : () -&gt; ( s ) = @{
@s = token.u.string ;
@} ;

    <sect1 id="action-defn">
      <title>The action definition section</title>

      <para>The action definition section follows the terminal result
        extractor definition section. The format is similar to the previous
        sections: the section header followed by definitions for all of the
        actions. An action definition has the following form:

&lt;action-name&gt; : ( parameters ) -&gt; ( results ) = code-block ;

      <para>This is similar to the form of all previous definitions, except
        that the name is surrounded in angle brackets. What follows is also
        true of the other definitions as well (unless they state

      <para>The <code>action-name</code> is a <code>sid</code> identifier that
        is the name of the action being defined; <code>parameters</code> is a
        comma separated list of C identifiers that will be the names of the
        parameters passed to the action, and <code>results</code> is a comma
        separated list of C identifiers that will be the names of the result
        parameters passed to the action. The <code>code-block</code> is the C
        code that defines the action. It is expected that this will assign a
        valid result to each of the result identifier names.</para>

      <para>The parameter and result tuples have the same form as in the
        language independent file, except that the types are optional.  Like
        the language independent file, if the type of an action is zero-tuple
        to zero-tuple, then the type can be omitted, e.g.:

&lt;action&gt; = @{ /* .... */ @} ;

      <para>An example action definition section is:


&lt;add&gt; : ( v1, v2 ) -&gt; ( v3 ) = @{
@v3 = @v1 + @v2 ;
@} ;

&lt;subtract&gt; : ( v1 : NumberT, v2 : NumberT ) -&gt; ( v3 : NumberT ) = @{
@v3 = @v1 - @v2 ;
@} ;

&lt;multiply&gt; : ( v1 : NumberT, v2 ) -&gt; ( v3 ) = @{
@v3 = @v1 * @v2 ;
@} ;

&lt;divide&gt; : ( v1, v2 ) -&gt; ( v3 : NumberT ) = @{
@v3 = @v1 / @v2 ;
@} ;

&lt;print&gt; : ( v ) -&gt; () = @{
printf ( "%u\n", @v ) ;
@} ;

&lt;error&gt; = @{
fprintf ( stderr, "ERROR\n" ) ;
exit ( EXIT_FAILURE ) ;
@} ;

      <para>Do not define static variables in action definitions; if you do,
        you will get unexpected results. If you wish to use static variables
        in actions definitions, then define them in the header block.</para>

    <sect1 id="trailer">
      <title>The trailer section</title>

      <para>After the action definition section comes the trailer section.
        This has the same form as the header section. An example is:

%trailer% @{
int main ()
next_token () ;
calculator ( NULL ) ;
return 0 ;
@}, @{
@} ;

      <para>The code blocks will be appended to the generated parser, and the
        generated header file respectively.</para>

  <chapter id="predicate">

    <para>Predicates provide the user with a mechanism for altering the
      control flow in a manner that terminals alone cannot do.</para>

    <para>During the factorisation process, rules that begin with predicates
      are expanded if necessary to ensure that predicates that may be used to
      select which alternative to go down always begin the alternative, e.g.:

rule1 = {
rule2 ;
/* .... */
/* .... */
} ;

rule2 = {
? = &lt;predicate&gt; ;
/* .... */
/* .... */
} ;
      would be expanded into:

rule1 = {
? = predicate ;
/* .... */
/* .... */
/* .... */
/* .... */
/* .... */
} ;
    <para>Also, if a predicate is used to select which alternative to use, it
      must be the first thing in the alternative, so the following would not
      be allowed:

rule = {
&lt;action&gt; ;
? = &lt;predicate&gt; ;
/* .... */
/* .... */
} ;
    <para>When predicates begin a rule, they are executed (in some arbitrary
      order) until one of them returns true. The alternative that this
      predicate begins is then selected. If no predicates return true, then
      one of the remaining alternatives is selected based upon the current
      terminal (or an error occurs).</para>

    <para>It is important that predicates do not contain dependencies upon the
      order of evaluation. In practice, predicates are likely to be simple, so
      this shouldn't be a problem.</para>

    <para>When predicates are used within an alternative, they behave like
      terminals. If they evaluate to true, then parsing continues.  If they
      evaluate to false, then an exception is raised.</para>

  <chapter id="exception">
    <title>Error handling</title>

    <para>If the input given to the parser is valid, then the parser will not
      need to produce any errors. Unfortunately this is not always the case,
      so <code>sid</code> provides a mechanism for handling errors.</para>

    <para>When an error occurs, an exception is raised. This passes control to
      the nearest enclosing exception handler. If there is no exception
      handler at all, the entry point function will return with the current
      terminal set to the error value.</para>

    <para>An exception handler is just an alternative that is executed when a
      terminal or predicate fails. This should obviate the need to rely upon
      language specific mechanisms (such as <code>setjmp</code> and
      <code>longjmp</code>) for error recovery.</para>

  <chapter id="call-by-ref">
    <title>Call by reference</title>

    <para>The default behaviour of <code>sid</code> is to do argument passing
      using call by copy semantics, and to not allow mutation of parameters of
      rules and actions (however inlined rules, and rules created during
      factoring have call by reference parameters). However it is possible to
      give rule and action parameters call by reference semantics, using the
      <code>&amp;</code> symbol in the type specification (as described
      earlier). It is also possible to mutate parameters of actions, using the
      <code>@=</code> substitution in the action body (also described
      earlier). It is important to do the correct substitutions in action
      definitions, as <code>sid</code> uses this information to decide where
      it can optimise the output code.</para>

    <para>If a call by copy parameter is mutated, then <code>sid</code> will
      introduce a new temporary variable and copy the parameter into it - this
      temporary will then be mutated. Similar code will be output for rules
      that have call by copy parameters that are mutated (e.g. as a call by
      reference argument to an action that mutates its parameters).</para>

  <chapter id="call-entry">
    <title>Calling entry points</title>

    <para>When calling a function that implements an entry point rule, it
      should be called with the rule's parameters as the first arguments,
      followed by the addresses of the rule's results as the remaining
      arguments. The parameters should have their addresses passed if they are
      of a type that has a parameter assignment operator defined, or if the
      parameter is a call by reference parameter.</para>

    <para>For example, given the following rule:

rule1 : ( :Type1T, :Type2T, :Type3T &amp; ) -&gt; ( :Type4T ) ;
      where <code>Type2T</code> has a parameter assignment operator defined,
      and <code>rule1</code> is mapped to <code>rule1</code> (and the type
      names are mapped to themselves), the call would be something like:

Type1T a = make_type1 () ;
Type2T b = make_type2 () ;
Type3T c = make_type3 () ;
Type4T d ;

rule1 ( a, b, &amp;c, &amp;d ) ;

  <chapter id="glossary">

    <para>This section describes some of the terms used in the
      <code>sid</code> documentation.</para>

    <glossary id="sid-glossary">

          <para>An alternative is a sequence of items.</para>

        <glossterm>Exception handler</glossterm>

          <para>An exception handler is a special type of alternative.  Each
            rule may have at most one exception handler. An exception handler
            is invoked if the current terminal does not match any of the
            expected terminals, if a predicate fails, or if an action raises
            an exception, within the scope of the exception handler.</para>


          <para>This is the process of physically inlining a rule into another
            rule. It is done during the factoring process to turn the grammar
            into a form that a parser can be produced for. See the entry for


          <para>This is one of the transforms that <code>sid</code> performs
            on the grammar. See the <link linkend="overview">overview
            section</link> for a description of the factoring process.</para>

        <glossterm>First set</glossterm>

          <para>The first set of a rule (or alternative) is the set of
            terminals and predicates that can start that rule (or

        <glossterm>Follow set</glossterm>

          <para>The follow set of a rule is the set of terminals and
            predicates that can follow the rule in any of its


          <para>This is the process of outputting the code for parsing one
            rule within the function that parses another rule. This is
            normally done as part of the output process. Expansion is a form
            of inlining performed during the factoring process, but the
            inlining is done by modifying the grammar, rather than as part of
            the output phase.</para>


          <para>An item is the equivalent of a statement in a conventional
            programming language. It can be an invocation of a rule, terminal,
            action or predicate, or an identity operation (assignment).</para>


          <para>A name is an identifier that is used to pass information
            between rules and actions. Local names are defined within a rule,
            and only exist within the rule itself. Non-local names are defined
            in a rule's scoped definitions section and exists in all of the
            rules in that scope. Non-local rules are also saved and restored
            across calls to the rule that defines them.</para>


          <para>Recursion is where a rule invokes itself. Direct recursion is
            where the rule invokes itself from one of its own alternatives;
            indirect recursion is where a rule invokes another rule (which
            invokes another rule etc.) which eventually invokes the original

          <para>Left recursion is a form of recursion where all of the
            recursive calls occur as the first item in an alternative. It is
            not possible to produce a parser for a grammar that contains left
            recursions, so <code>sid</code> turns left recursions into right
            recursions. This process is known as left recursion

          <para>Right recursion is a form of recursion where all of the
            recursive calls occur as the last item in an alternative.</para>


          <para>See rule.</para>


          <para>A rule is a sequence of alternatives. A rule may contain a
            special alternative that is used as an exception handler.  A rule
            is also referred to as a production; this term is normally used
            when talking about the definition of a rule.</para>


          <para>A rule is said to be see-through if there is an expansion of
            the rule that does not contain any terminals or predicates.</para>

  <chapter id="errors">
    <title>Understanding error messages</title>

    <para>This section tries to explain what some of the error messages that
      are reported by the <code>sid</code> transforms mean. It does not
      contain descriptions of messages like "type 'some type' is unknown", as
      these should be self-explanatory.</para>

    <sect1 id="left-errors">
      <title>Left recursion elimination errors</title>

      <para><errortext>The parameter or result types of the left recursive
        calls in the following productions do not match:
        PRODUCTIONS</errortext>: This means that there is a set of rules which
        call each other left recursively (i.e. the first item in some of the
        alternatives in each rule is a call to another rule in the set), and
        they do not all have the same parameter and result types, e.g.:

rule1 : ( a : Type1T, b : Type1T, c : Type2T, d : Type2T ) -&gt; () = {
rule2 ( a, b ) ;
terminal1 ;
} ;

rule2 : ( a : Type1T, b : Type2T ) -&gt; () = {
rule1 ( a, a, b, b ) ;
terminal2 ;
} ;

      <para><errortext>The exception handlers in the left recursion involving
        the following productions do not match: PRODUCTIONS</errortext>: This
        means that there is a set of productions which call each other left
        recursively (i.e. the first item in an alternative is a call to
        another production in the set), and they do not all have the same
        exception handler, e.g.:

rule1 = {
rule2 ;
terminal1 ;
&lt;action1&gt; ;
} ;

rule2 = {
rule1 ;
terminal2 ;
&lt;action2&gt; ;
} ;

      <para>It is quite likely that when using exception handlers, it may be
        necessary to do the left recursion elimination manually to ensure that
        the exception handlers occur at the correct place.</para>

      <para><errortext>The argument names of the left recursive calls in the
        following productions do not match: PRODUCTIONS</errortext>: This
        means that there is a set of productions which call each other left
        recursively (i.e. the first item in an alternative is a call to
        another production in the set), and the arguments to one of the left
        recursive calls are not the same as the parameters of the calling
        rule, e.g.:

rule1 : ( a : Type1T, b : Type1T ) -&gt; () = {
rule1 ( b, a ) ;
terminal1 ;
} ;

      <para><errortext>A non-local name in the rule 'RULE' is not in scope in
        the rule 'RULE' in the left recursive cycle involving the following
        productions: PRODUCTIONS</errortext>: This means that there is a set
        of productions which call each other left recursively (i.e. the first
        item in an alternative is a call to another production in the set),
        and the first named rule uses a non-local name that is not in scope in
        the second named rule, e.g.:

rule1 [
name1 : Type1T ;
rule1_1 [
name1_1 : Type1T ;
] = {
rule1 ;
&lt;action1_1&gt; ( name1_1 ) ;
terminal1 ;
} ;
] = {
terminal2 ;
rule1_1 ;
&lt;action1&gt; ( name1 ) ;
} ;

      <para><errortext>The rule 'RULE' declares non-local names in the left
        recursive cycle with more than one entry point involving the following
        productions: PRODUCTIONS</errortext>: This means that there is a set
        of productions which call each other left recursively (i.e. the first
        item in an alternative is a call to another production in the set),
        and the named rule defines non-local variables even though it is not
        the only entry point to the cycle, e.g.:

rule1 [
name1 : Type1T ;
rule1_1 = {
&lt;action1_1&gt; ( name1 ) ;
} ;
] = {
terminal1 ;
rule1_1 ;
rule2 ;
&lt;action1&gt; ( name1 ) ;
} ;

rule2 = {
rule1 ;
&lt;action2&gt; ;
terminal2 ;
} ;

      <para>No cycle termination for the left recursive set involving the
        following rules: <token>RULES</token>: This means that there is a set
        of productions which call each other left recursively (i.e.  the first
        item in an alternative is a call to another production in the set),
        and they do not contain an alternative that begins with a non-left
        recursive call, e.g.:

rule1 = {
rule2 ;
rule3 ;
} ;

rule2 = {
rule1 ;
rule3 ;
} ;

rule3 = {
rule1 ;
rule2 ;
} ;

    <sect1 id="first-errors">
      <title>First set computation errors</title>

      <para>Cannot compute first set for <token>PRODUCTION</token>: This means
        that <code>sid</code> cannot compute the set of terminals and
        predicates that may start the production. This is normally because
        there is a recursive call (or cycle) that contains no terminals, e.g.:

rule1 = {
&lt;action1&gt; ;
rule1 ;
terminal1 ;
} ;

      <para>This is not removed by the left recursion elimination phase, as
        the call is not the leftmost item in the alternative.</para>

      <para>Can see through to predicate '<token>PREDICATE</token>' in
        production <token>PRODUCTION</token>: This means that there is a
        predicate that isn't the first item in its alternative, but is
        preceded only by see-through items, e.g.:

rule1 = {
&lt;action1&gt; ;
? = &lt;predicate&gt; ;
terminal1 ;
} ;

      <para>Can see through to predicates in rule '<token>RULE</token>' in
        production <token>PRODUCTION</token>: This means that the first rule
        has at least one predicate in its first set, and the second rule calls
        it in a position where it is not the first item in the alternative and
        is preceded only by see-through items, e.g.:

rule1 = {
? = &lt;predicate&gt; ;
terminal1 ;
} ;

rule2 = {
&lt;action&gt; ;
rule1 ;
terminal2 ;
} ;

      <para>The rule '<token>RULE</token>' has all terminals in its first set
        and has a redundant see-through alternative: This means that the
        rule's first set (the set of all terminals that can start the rule)
        includes all possible input terminals, and the rule also has a
        see-through alternative. The see-through alternative will never be
        used, as one of the other alternatives will always be chosen.</para>

    <sect1 id="factor-errors">
      <title>Factoring errors</title>

      <para>Too many productions (<token>NUMBER</token>) created during
        factorisation: This normally means that <code>sid</code> cannot factor
        the grammar. You will need to rewrite the offending part.
        Unfortunately there is no easy way to do this. Start by looking at the
        dump file for a set of rules that seem to have been expanded a

      <para>The rule '<token>RULE</token>' cannot be expanded into
        '<token>RULE</token>' as the exception handlers don't match: When
        <code>sid</code> performs factoring, it needs to expand calls to
        certain rules into the rules that calls them (this is described in the
        <link linkend="overview">overview section</link>). If the called rule
        has an exception handler and it is not the same as the exception
        handler of the calling rule, then the expansion will fail.</para>

      <para>The rule '<token>RULE</token>' cannot be expanded into
        '<token>RULE</token>' as it contains non-local name definitions: When
        <code>sid</code> performs factoring, it needs to expand calls to
        certain rules into the rules that calls them (this is described in the
        <link linkend="overview">overview section</link>). If the called rule
        defines any non-local names, then the expansion will fail.</para>

    <sect1 id="check-errors">
      <title>Checking errors</title>

      <para><errortext>Collision of terminal(s) TERMINALS in rule
        'RULE'</errortext>: This error means that more than one alternative in
        the named rule begins with the named terminals, e.g.:

rule1 = {
&lt;action1&gt; ;
terminal1 ;
terminal1 ;
} ;

      <para>Normally, the factoring process will remove the problem, but when
        something like the above happens to stop the factoring occurring, this
        error will be produced.</para>

      <para><errortext>Collision of predicate 'PREDICATE' in rule
        'RULE'</errortext>: This error occurs when more than one alternative
        in the named rule begins with the named predicate, e.g.:

rule1 = {
( a, ? ) = &lt;predicate&gt; ;
&lt;action1&gt; ( a ) ;
( ?, b ) = &lt;predicate&gt; ;
&lt;action2&gt; ( b ) ;
} ;

      <para>Again, it is normally the case that the factoring process will
        remove this problem, but if the same predicate uses different
        predicate results in different alternatives, this error will be

      <para>The terminal(s) <token>TERMINALS</token> can start rule
        '<token>RULE</token>' which is see-through, and the same terminal(s)
        may appear in the following situations: <token>ALTERNATIVES</token>:
        This means that there are one or more terminals that can start the
        named rule (which is see-through), and may also follow it, e.g.:

rule1 = {
terminal1 ;
$ ;
} ;

rule2 = {
rule1 ;
terminal1 ;
terminal2 ;
} ;

      <para>The alternatives listed are the alternatives which call the rule,
        and contain (some of) the named terminals after the call. The call is

      <para>The predicate(s) <token>PREDICATES</token> can start rule
        '<token>RULE</token>' which is see-through and the same predicate(s)
        may appear in the following situations: <token>ALTERNATIVES</token>:
        This means that there are one or more predicates that can start the
        named rule (which is see-through), and may also follow it, e.g.:

rule1 = {
? = &lt;predicate&gt; ;
$ ;
} ;

rule2 = {
terminal1 ;
rule1 ;
? = &lt;predicate&gt; ;
terminal2 ;
} ;

      <para>The alternatives listed are the alternatives which call the rule,
        and contain (some of) the named predicates after the call.  The call
        is highlighted.</para>

      <para>The rule '<token>RULE</token>' contains more than one see-through
        alternative: This error occurs if the rule has more than one
        alternative that doesn't need to read a terminal or a predicate, e.g.:

rule1 = {
&lt;action1&gt; ;
&lt;action2&gt; ;
} ;