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Crown Copyright (c) 1997
This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
(DERA). It is made available to Recipients with a
royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
product development provided that any such use et cetera
shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
(1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
(2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
for the relevant amendment or amendments;
(3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
these conditions;
(4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
it may be put.
BY calculus (VERSION 1.2)
#ifndef errors_NAME
#define errors_NAME "errors"
#define errors_VERSION "1.0"
#define errors_SPECIFICATION 0
#define errors_IMPLEMENTATION 1
/* Prototype macros */
#ifndef CONST_S
#define CONST_S
/* Primitive types */
typedef char * string;
/* Basic types */
typedef union errors_tag {
unsigned ag_tag;
union errors_tag *ag_ptr;
unsigned ag_enum;
unsigned long ag_long_enum;
int ag_prim_int;
string ag_prim_string;
} errors;
typedef errors *errors_PTR;
#ifndef errors_DESTR_DEFINED
#define errors_DESTR_DEFINED
typedef void (*DESTROYER)(errors *, unsigned);
#define PTR(A) errors_PTR
#define LIST(A) errors_PTR
#define STACK(A) errors_PTR
#define SIZE(A) int
/* Assertion macros */
#ifdef ASSERTS
extern errors *check_null_errors(errors *, char *, int);
extern errors *check_tag_errors(errors *, unsigned, char *, int);
extern errors *check_tag_etc_errors(errors *, unsigned, unsigned, char *, int);
#define CHECK_NULL(P)\
(check_null_errors((P), __FILE__, __LINE__))
#define CHECK_TAG(P, N)\
(check_tag_errors((P), (unsigned)(N), __FILE__, __LINE__))
#define CHECK_TAG_ETC(P, L, U)\
(check_tag_etc_errors((P), (unsigned)(L), (unsigned)(U), __FILE__, __LINE__))
#define CHECK_NULL(P) (P)
#define CHECK_TAG(P, N) (P)
#define CHECK_TAG_ETC(P, L, U) (P)
/* Enumeration definitions */
/* Union type definitions */
typedef errors *NAME;
typedef errors *MESSAGE;
typedef errors *MAP;
typedef errors *PARAM;
typedef errors *ENTRY;
/* Structure declarations */
/* Identity type definitions */
typedef NAME KEY;
typedef NAME TYPE;
typedef NAME USAGE;
/* Structure definitions */
#ifndef errors_STRUCT_DEFINED
#define errors_STRUCT_DEFINED
#endif /* errors_STRUCT_DEFINED */
/* Function declarations */
extern errors *gen_errors(unsigned);
extern void destroy_errors(errors *, unsigned);
extern void dummy_destroy_errors (errors *, unsigned);
extern void destroy_errors_list (errors *, unsigned);
extern errors *append_errors_list(errors *, errors *);
extern errors *end_errors_list(errors *);
extern unsigned length_errors_list(errors *);
extern errors *reverse_errors_list(errors *);
#ifdef errors_IO_ROUTINES
extern unsigned crt_errors_alias;
extern void set_errors_alias(errors *, unsigned);
extern errors *find_errors_alias(unsigned);
extern void clear_errors_alias(void);
/* Run-time type information */
#ifndef GEN_errors
#define GEN_errors(A, B) gen_errors((unsigned)(A))
#define TYPEID_ptr ((unsigned)0)
#define TYPEID_list ((unsigned)1)
#define TYPEID_stack ((unsigned)2)
#define TYPEID_name ((unsigned)3)
#define TYPEID_msg ((unsigned)4)
#define TYPEID_map ((unsigned)5)
#define TYPEID_param ((unsigned)6)
#define TYPEID_entry ((unsigned)7)
/* Definitions for pointers */
#define STEP_ptr(A, B) (CHECK_NULL(A) + B)
#define SIZE_ptr(A) 1
#define NULL_ptr(A) ((errors *)0)
#define IS_NULL_ptr(A) ((A) == 0)
#define EQ_ptr(A, B) ((A) == (B))
#define MAKE_ptr(A) GEN_errors((A), TYPEID_ptr)
#define DESTROY_ptr(A, B) destroy_errors((A), (unsigned)(B))
#define UNIQ_ptr(A) GEN_errors(1, TYPEID_ptr)
#define DESTROY_UNIQ_ptr(A) destroy_errors((A), (unsigned)1)
#ifdef errors_IO_ROUTINES
#define VOIDSTAR_ptr(A) ((void *)(A))
#define COPY_ptr(A, B) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr = (B))
#define DEREF_ptr(A) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr)
#define CONS_ptr(A, B, C)\
errors *x0_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_list);\
x0_[1].ag_ptr = (A);\
x0_->ag_ptr = (B);\
(C) = x0_;\
#define UN_CONS_ptr(A, B, C)\
errors *x1_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = x1_[1].ag_ptr;\
(B) = x1_->ag_ptr;\
#define DESTROY_CONS_ptr(D, A, B, C)\
errors *x2_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = x2_[1].ag_ptr;\
(B) = x2_->ag_ptr;\
(D)(x2_, (unsigned)2);\
#define PUSH_ptr(A, B)\
errors **r3_ = &(B);\
errors *x3_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_stack);\
x3_[1].ag_ptr = (A);\
x3_->ag_ptr = *r3_;\
*r3_ = x3_;\
#define POP_ptr(A, B)\
errors **r4_ = &(B);\
errors *x4_ = CHECK_NULL(*r4_);\
(A) = x4_[1].ag_ptr;\
*r4_ = x4_->ag_ptr;\
destroy_errors(x4_, (unsigned)2);\
/* Definitions for lists */
#define HEAD_list(A) (CHECK_NULL(A) + 1)
#define PTR_TAIL_list(A) (CHECK_NULL(A))
#define TAIL_list(A) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr)
#define LENGTH_list(A) length_errors_list((A))
#define END_list(A) end_errors_list((A))
#define REVERSE_list(A) reverse_errors_list((A))
#define APPEND_list(A, B) append_errors_list((A), (B))
#define SIZE_list(A) 1
#define NULL_list(A) ((errors *) 0)
#define IS_NULL_list(A) ((A) == 0)
#define EQ_list(A, B) ((A) == (B))
#define UNIQ_list(A) GEN_errors(1, TYPEID_list)
#define DESTROY_UNIQ_list(A) destroy_errors((A), (unsigned)1)
#ifdef errors_IO_ROUTINES
#define VOIDSTAR_list(A) ((void *)(A))
#define DESTROY_list(A, B)\
destroy_errors_list((A), (unsigned)(B));\
#define COPY_list(A, B) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr = (B))
#define DEREF_list(A) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr)
#define CONS_list(A, B, C)\
errors *x5_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_list);\
x5_[1].ag_ptr = (A);\
x5_->ag_ptr = (B);\
(C) = x5_;\
#define UN_CONS_list(A, B, C)\
errors *x6_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = x6_[1].ag_ptr;\
(B) = x6_->ag_ptr;\
#define DESTROY_CONS_list(D, A, B, C)\
errors *x7_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = x7_[1].ag_ptr;\
(B) = x7_->ag_ptr;\
(D)(x7_, (unsigned)2);\
#define PUSH_list(A, B)\
errors **r8_ = &(B);\
errors *x8_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_stack);\
x8_[1].ag_ptr = (A);\
x8_->ag_ptr = *r8_;\
*r8_ = x8_;\
#define POP_list(A, B)\
errors **r9_ = &(B);\
errors *x9_ = CHECK_NULL(*r9_);\
(A) = x9_[1].ag_ptr;\
*r9_ = x9_->ag_ptr;\
destroy_errors(x9_, (unsigned)2);\
/* Definitions for stacks */
#define SIZE_stack(A) 1
#define NULL_stack(A) ((errors *) 0)
#define IS_NULL_stack(A) ((A) == 0)
#define STACK_list(A) (A)
#define LIST_stack(A) (A)
#define COPY_stack(A, B) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr = (B))
#define DEREF_stack(A) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr)
#define CONS_stack(A, B, C)\
errors *x10_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_list);\
x10_[1].ag_ptr = (A);\
x10_->ag_ptr = (B);\
(C) = x10_;\
#define UN_CONS_stack(A, B, C)\
errors *x11_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = x11_[1].ag_ptr;\
(B) = x11_->ag_ptr;\
#define DESTROY_CONS_stack(D, A, B, C)\
errors *x12_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = x12_[1].ag_ptr;\
(B) = x12_->ag_ptr;\
(D)(x12_, (unsigned)2);\
#define PUSH_stack(A, B)\
errors **r13_ = &(B);\
errors *x13_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_stack);\
x13_[1].ag_ptr = (A);\
x13_->ag_ptr = *r13_;\
*r13_ = x13_;\
#define POP_stack(A, B)\
errors **r14_ = &(B);\
errors *x14_ = CHECK_NULL(*r14_);\
(A) = x14_[1].ag_ptr;\
*r14_ = x14_->ag_ptr;\
destroy_errors(x14_, (unsigned)2);\
/* Definitions for sizes */
#define SCALE(A, B) ((A)*(int)(B))
/* Definitions for primitive int */
#define SIZE_int 1
#define COPY_int(A, B) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_prim_int = (B))
#define DEREF_int(A) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_prim_int)
#define CONS_int(A, B, C)\
errors *x15_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_list);\
COPY_int(x15_ + 1, (A));\
x15_->ag_ptr = (B);\
(C) = x15_;\
#define UN_CONS_int(A, B, C)\
errors *x16_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_int(x16_ + 1);\
(B) = x16_->ag_ptr;\
#define DESTROY_CONS_int(D, A, B, C)\
errors *x17_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_int(x17_ + 1);\
(B) = x17_->ag_ptr;\
(D)(x17_, (unsigned)2);\
#define PUSH_int(A, B)\
errors **r18_ = &(B);\
errors *x18_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_stack);\
COPY_int(x18_ + 1, (A));\
x18_->ag_ptr = *r18_;\
*r18_ = x18_;\
#define POP_int(A, B)\
errors **r19_ = &(B);\
errors *x19_ = CHECK_NULL(*r19_);\
(A) = DEREF_int(x19_ + 1);\
*r19_ = x19_->ag_ptr;\
destroy_errors(x19_, (unsigned)2);\
/* Definitions for primitive string */
#define SIZE_string 1
#define COPY_string(A, B) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_prim_string = (B))
#define DEREF_string(A) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_prim_string)
#define CONS_string(A, B, C)\
errors *x20_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_list);\
COPY_string(x20_ + 1, (A));\
x20_->ag_ptr = (B);\
(C) = x20_;\
#define UN_CONS_string(A, B, C)\
errors *x21_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_string(x21_ + 1);\
(B) = x21_->ag_ptr;\
#define DESTROY_CONS_string(D, A, B, C)\
errors *x22_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_string(x22_ + 1);\
(B) = x22_->ag_ptr;\
(D)(x22_, (unsigned)2);\
#define PUSH_string(A, B)\
errors **r23_ = &(B);\
errors *x23_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_stack);\
COPY_string(x23_ + 1, (A));\
x23_->ag_ptr = *r23_;\
*r23_ = x23_;\
#define POP_string(A, B)\
errors **r24_ = &(B);\
errors *x24_ = CHECK_NULL(*r24_);\
(A) = DEREF_string(x24_ + 1);\
*r24_ = x24_->ag_ptr;\
destroy_errors(x24_, (unsigned)2);\
/* Definitions for union NAME */
#define ORDER_name ((unsigned) 1)
#define SIZE_name 1
#define NULL_name ((NAME) 0)
#define IS_NULL_name(A) ((A) == 0)
#define EQ_name(A, B) ((A) == (B))
#define COPY_name(A, B) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr = (B))
#define DEREF_name(A) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr)
#define CONS_name(A, B, C)\
errors *x25_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_list);\
COPY_name(x25_ + 1, (A));\
x25_->ag_ptr = (B);\
(C) = x25_;\
#define UN_CONS_name(A, B, C)\
errors *x26_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_name(x26_ + 1);\
(B) = x26_->ag_ptr;\
#define DESTROY_CONS_name(D, A, B, C)\
errors *x27_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_name(x27_ + 1);\
(B) = x27_->ag_ptr;\
(D)(x27_, (unsigned)2);\
#define PUSH_name(A, B)\
errors **r28_ = &(B);\
errors *x28_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_stack);\
COPY_name(x28_ + 1, (A));\
x28_->ag_ptr = *r28_;\
*r28_ = x28_;\
#define POP_name(A, B)\
errors **r29_ = &(B);\
errors *x29_ = CHECK_NULL(*r29_);\
(A) = DEREF_name(x29_ + 1);\
*r29_ = x29_->ag_ptr;\
destroy_errors(x29_, (unsigned)2);\
/* Definitions for union MESSAGE */
#define ORDER_msg ((unsigned) 2)
#define SIZE_msg 1
#define NULL_msg ((MESSAGE) 0)
#define IS_NULL_msg(A) ((A) == 0)
#define EQ_msg(A, B) ((A) == (B))
#define COPY_msg(A, B) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr = (B))
#define DEREF_msg(A) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr)
#define CONS_msg(A, B, C)\
errors *x30_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_list);\
COPY_msg(x30_ + 1, (A));\
x30_->ag_ptr = (B);\
(C) = x30_;\
#define UN_CONS_msg(A, B, C)\
errors *x31_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_msg(x31_ + 1);\
(B) = x31_->ag_ptr;\
#define DESTROY_CONS_msg(D, A, B, C)\
errors *x32_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_msg(x32_ + 1);\
(B) = x32_->ag_ptr;\
(D)(x32_, (unsigned)2);\
#define PUSH_msg(A, B)\
errors **r33_ = &(B);\
errors *x33_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_stack);\
COPY_msg(x33_ + 1, (A));\
x33_->ag_ptr = *r33_;\
*r33_ = x33_;\
#define POP_msg(A, B)\
errors **r34_ = &(B);\
errors *x34_ = CHECK_NULL(*r34_);\
(A) = DEREF_msg(x34_ + 1);\
*r34_ = x34_->ag_ptr;\
destroy_errors(x34_, (unsigned)2);\
/* Definitions for union MAP */
#define ORDER_map ((unsigned) 1)
#define SIZE_map 1
#define NULL_map ((MAP) 0)
#define IS_NULL_map(A) ((A) == 0)
#define EQ_map(A, B) ((A) == (B))
#define COPY_map(A, B) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr = (B))
#define DEREF_map(A) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr)
#define CONS_map(A, B, C)\
errors *x35_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_list);\
COPY_map(x35_ + 1, (A));\
x35_->ag_ptr = (B);\
(C) = x35_;\
#define UN_CONS_map(A, B, C)\
errors *x36_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_map(x36_ + 1);\
(B) = x36_->ag_ptr;\
#define DESTROY_CONS_map(D, A, B, C)\
errors *x37_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_map(x37_ + 1);\
(B) = x37_->ag_ptr;\
(D)(x37_, (unsigned)2);\
#define PUSH_map(A, B)\
errors **r38_ = &(B);\
errors *x38_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_stack);\
COPY_map(x38_ + 1, (A));\
x38_->ag_ptr = *r38_;\
*r38_ = x38_;\
#define POP_map(A, B)\
errors **r39_ = &(B);\
errors *x39_ = CHECK_NULL(*r39_);\
(A) = DEREF_map(x39_ + 1);\
*r39_ = x39_->ag_ptr;\
destroy_errors(x39_, (unsigned)2);\
/* Definitions for union PARAM */
#define ORDER_param ((unsigned) 1)
#define SIZE_param 1
#define NULL_param ((PARAM) 0)
#define IS_NULL_param(A) ((A) == 0)
#define EQ_param(A, B) ((A) == (B))
#define COPY_param(A, B) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr = (B))
#define DEREF_param(A) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr)
#define CONS_param(A, B, C)\
errors *x40_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_list);\
COPY_param(x40_ + 1, (A));\
x40_->ag_ptr = (B);\
(C) = x40_;\
#define UN_CONS_param(A, B, C)\
errors *x41_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_param(x41_ + 1);\
(B) = x41_->ag_ptr;\
#define DESTROY_CONS_param(D, A, B, C)\
errors *x42_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_param(x42_ + 1);\
(B) = x42_->ag_ptr;\
(D)(x42_, (unsigned)2);\
#define PUSH_param(A, B)\
errors **r43_ = &(B);\
errors *x43_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_stack);\
COPY_param(x43_ + 1, (A));\
x43_->ag_ptr = *r43_;\
*r43_ = x43_;\
#define POP_param(A, B)\
errors **r44_ = &(B);\
errors *x44_ = CHECK_NULL(*r44_);\
(A) = DEREF_param(x44_ + 1);\
*r44_ = x44_->ag_ptr;\
destroy_errors(x44_, (unsigned)2);\
/* Definitions for union ENTRY */
#define ORDER_entry ((unsigned) 1)
#define SIZE_entry 1
#define NULL_entry ((ENTRY) 0)
#define IS_NULL_entry(A) ((A) == 0)
#define EQ_entry(A, B) ((A) == (B))
#define COPY_entry(A, B) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr = (B))
#define DEREF_entry(A) (CHECK_NULL(A)->ag_ptr)
#define CONS_entry(A, B, C)\
errors *x45_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_list);\
COPY_entry(x45_ + 1, (A));\
x45_->ag_ptr = (B);\
(C) = x45_;\
#define UN_CONS_entry(A, B, C)\
errors *x46_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_entry(x46_ + 1);\
(B) = x46_->ag_ptr;\
#define DESTROY_CONS_entry(D, A, B, C)\
errors *x47_ = CHECK_NULL(C);\
(A) = DEREF_entry(x47_ + 1);\
(B) = x47_->ag_ptr;\
(D)(x47_, (unsigned)2);\
#define PUSH_entry(A, B)\
errors **r48_ = &(B);\
errors *x48_ = GEN_errors(2, TYPEID_stack);\
COPY_entry(x48_ + 1, (A));\
x48_->ag_ptr = *r48_;\
*r48_ = x48_;\
#define POP_entry(A, B)\
errors **r49_ = &(B);\
errors *x49_ = CHECK_NULL(*r49_);\
(A) = DEREF_entry(x49_ + 1);\
*r49_ = x49_->ag_ptr;\
destroy_errors(x49_, (unsigned)2);\
/* Maximum allocation size */
#define errors_GEN_MAX 8