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// -*- C -*-


StringT         -> NStringT;
CCodeP          -> CCodeP;
BoolT           -> BoolT;
c-parse-grammar -> c_parse_grammar;

%header% @{
                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997
    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;
        (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
        party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
        these conditions;
        (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
        quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
        no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
        it may be put.

#include "c-parser.h"
#include "action.h"
#include "c-code.h"
#include "c-out-info.h"
#include "basic.h"
#include "entry.h"
#include "gen-errors.h"
#include "type.h"
#include "types.h"


#define CURRENT_TERMINAL c_lexer_get_terminal (c_current_stream)
#define ADVANCE_LEXER c_lexer_next_token (c_current_stream)
#define SAVE_LEXER(x) (c_lexer_save_terminal (c_current_stream, (CTokenT) (x)))
#define RESTORE_LEXER (c_lexer_restore_terminal (c_current_stream))


static NStringT         c_prefix_names [CPFX_NUM_PREFIXES];
static BoolT            c_inited_prefix_names = FALSE;
static CPrefixT         c_current_prefix;
static EntryP           c_current_entry;
static TypeTupleT       c_saved_type;
static TypeTupleT       c_current_type;
static BoolT            c_propagating_error = FALSE;


CLexerStreamP           c_current_stream;
COutputInfoP            c_current_out_info;
TableP                  c_current_table;
@}, @{
                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997
    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;
        (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
        party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
        these conditions;
        (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
        quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
        no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
        it may be put.



StringT: (a) -> (b) = @{
    nstring_assign (&@b, @&a);


StringT: (a) -> (b) = @{
    nstring_assign (&@b, @a);


StringT: (a) -> (b) = @{
    nstring_assign (@b, @&a);


c-identifier: () -> (i) = @{
    nstring_assign (&@i, c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));

sid-identifier: () -> (i) = @{
    nstring_assign (&@i, c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));

code: () -> (c) = @{
    @c = c_lexer_code_value (c_current_stream);


// Prefix section actions:

<set-prefix>: (string) -> () = @{
    int prefix;

    if (!c_inited_prefix_names) {
        nstring_copy_cstring (&(c_prefix_names [CPFX_TYPE]), "type");
        nstring_copy_cstring (&(c_prefix_names [CPFX_FN]), "function");
        nstring_copy_cstring (&(c_prefix_names [CPFX_IN]), "input");
        nstring_copy_cstring (&(c_prefix_names [CPFX_OUT]), "output");
        nstring_copy_cstring (&(c_prefix_names [CPFX_LABEL]), "label");
        nstring_copy_cstring (&(c_prefix_names [CPFX_TERMINAL]), "terminal");
        c_inited_prefix_names = TRUE;
    for (prefix = 0; prefix < CPFX_NUM_PREFIXES; prefix ++) {
        if (nstring_ci_equal (@&string, &(c_prefix_names [prefix]))) {
    if ((c_current_prefix = (CPrefixT) prefix) == CPFX_NUM_PREFIXES) {
        E_c_unknown_prefix (@&string);
    nstring_destroy (&@=string);

<x-set-prefix>: (string) -> () = @{
    if (c_current_prefix == CPFX_NUM_PREFIXES) {
        nstring_destroy (&@=string);
    } else {
        NStringP prefix = c_out_info_prefix (c_current_out_info,

        nstring_destroy (prefix);
        nstring_assign (prefix, &@=string);

// Mapping section actions:

<set-map>: (string) -> () = @{
    if ((c_current_entry = table_get_entry (c_current_table, @&string)) ==
        NIL (EntryP)) {
        E_c_unknown_identifier (@&string);
    } else if (entry_get_mapping (c_current_entry)) {
        E_c_remapped_identifier (@&string);
        c_current_entry = NIL (EntryP);
    } else {
        switch (entry_type (c_current_entry)) EXHAUSTIVE {
          case ET_NAME:
          case ET_ACTION:
          case ET_NON_LOCAL:
            E_c_illegal_map (@&string);
            c_current_entry = NIL (EntryP);
          case ET_RENAME:
          case ET_PREDICATE:
            /* UNREACHED */
          case ET_TYPE:
          case ET_RULE:
          case ET_BASIC:
    nstring_destroy (&@=string);

<x-set-map>: (string) -> () = @{
    if (c_current_entry) {
        entry_set_mapping (c_current_entry, &@=string);
    } else {
        nstring_destroy (&@=string);

// Header actions:

<set-header1>: (code) -> () = @{
    c_code_check (@code, FALSE, FALSE, NIL (TypeTupleP), NIL (TypeTupleP),
    c_out_info_set_header1 (c_current_out_info, @code);

<set-header2>: (code) -> () = @{
    c_code_check (@code, FALSE, FALSE, NIL (TypeTupleP), NIL (TypeTupleP),
    c_out_info_set_header2 (c_current_out_info, @code);

// Argument list actions:

<save-tuple> = @{
    types_assign (&c_saved_type, &c_current_type);

<null-type> = @{
    types_init (&c_saved_type);
    types_init (&c_current_type);

<init-tuple> = @{
    types_init (&c_current_type);

<tuple-type>: (name, type) -> () = @{
    if (!types_add_typed_name (&c_current_type, c_current_table, &@=name,
                               @&type, FALSE)) {
        E_c_unknown_type (@&type);
    nstring_destroy (&@=type);

<tuple-ref-type>: (name, type) -> () = @{
    if (!types_add_typed_name (&c_current_type, c_current_table, &@=name,
                               @&type, TRUE)) {
        E_c_unknown_type (@&type);
    nstring_destroy (&@=type);

<tuple-name>: (string) -> () = @{
    types_add_name (&c_current_type, c_current_table, &@=string, FALSE);

// Type assignment actions:

<assign>: (string) -> () = @{
    if ((c_current_entry = table_get_type (c_current_table, @&string)) ==
        NIL (EntryP)) {
        E_c_unknown_assign (@&string);
    } else if (type_get_assign_code (entry_get_type (c_current_entry))) {
        E_c_assign_mult_def (@&string);
        c_current_entry = NIL (EntryP);
    nstring_destroy (&@=string);

<x-assign>: (code) -> () = @{
    if (c_current_entry) {
        BoolT      errored = FALSE;
        KeyP       key     = entry_key (c_current_entry);
        TypeTupleT tmp;

        types_init (&tmp);
        types_add_type_entry (&tmp, c_current_entry, FALSE);
        if (!types_disjoint_names (&c_saved_type)) {
            E_c_assign_param_clash (key, &c_saved_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_fillin_types (&c_saved_type, &tmp)) {
            E_c_assign_param_mismatch (key, &tmp, &c_saved_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_disjoint_names (&c_current_type)) {
            E_c_assign_result_clash (key, &c_current_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_fillin_types (&c_current_type, &tmp)) {
            E_c_assign_result_mismatch (key, &tmp, &c_current_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (types_intersect (&c_saved_type, &c_current_type)) {
            E_c_assign_formal_clash (key, &c_saved_type, &c_current_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        types_destroy (&tmp);
        if (errored) {
            types_destroy (&c_saved_type);
            types_destroy (&c_current_type);
            c_code_deallocate (@code);
            c_current_entry = NIL (EntryP);
        } else {
            TypeP type = entry_get_type (c_current_entry);

            c_code_check (@code, FALSE, FALSE, &c_saved_type, &c_current_type,
            type_set_assign_code (type, (GenericP) @code);
    } else {
        types_destroy (&c_saved_type);
        types_destroy (&c_current_type);
        c_code_deallocate (@code);

<passign>: (string) -> () = @{
    if ((c_current_entry = table_get_type (c_current_table, @&string)) ==
        NIL (EntryP)) {
        E_c_unknown_param_assign (@&string);
    } else if (type_get_param_assign_code (entry_get_type (c_current_entry))) {
        E_c_param_assign_mult_def (@&string);
        c_current_entry = NIL (EntryP);
    nstring_destroy (&@=string);

<x-passign>: (code) -> () = @{
    if (c_current_entry) {
        BoolT      errored = FALSE;
        KeyP       key     = entry_key (c_current_entry);
        TypeTupleT tmp;

        types_init (&tmp);
        types_add_type_entry (&tmp, c_current_entry, FALSE);
        if (!types_disjoint_names (&c_saved_type)) {
            E_c_param_assign_param_clash (key, &c_saved_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_fillin_types (&c_saved_type, &tmp)) {
            E_c_param_assign_param_mismatch (key, &tmp, &c_saved_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_disjoint_names (&c_current_type)) {
            E_c_param_assign_result_clash (key, &c_current_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_fillin_types (&c_current_type, &tmp)) {
            E_c_param_assign_res_mismatch (key, &tmp, &c_current_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (types_intersect (&c_saved_type, &c_current_type)) {
            E_c_param_assign_formal_clash (key, &c_saved_type,
            errored = TRUE;
        types_destroy (&tmp);
        if (errored) {
            types_destroy (&c_saved_type);
            types_destroy (&c_current_type);
            c_code_deallocate (@code);
            c_current_entry = NIL (EntryP);
        } else {
            TypeP type = entry_get_type (c_current_entry);

            c_code_check (@code, FALSE, TRUE, &c_saved_type, &c_current_type,
            type_set_param_assign_code (type, (GenericP) @code);
    } else {
        types_destroy (&c_saved_type);
        types_destroy (&c_current_type);
        c_code_deallocate (@code);

<rassign>: (string) -> () = @{
    if ((c_current_entry = table_get_type (c_current_table, @&string)) ==
        NIL (EntryP)) {
        E_c_unknown_result_assign (@&string);
    } else if (type_get_result_assign_code (entry_get_type (c_current_entry))) {
        E_c_result_assign_mult_def (@&string);
        c_current_entry = NIL (EntryP);
    nstring_destroy (&@=string);

<x-rassign>: (code) -> () = @{
    if (c_current_entry) {
        BoolT      errored = FALSE;
        KeyP       key     = entry_key (c_current_entry);
        TypeTupleT tmp;

        types_init (&tmp);
        types_add_type_entry (&tmp, c_current_entry, FALSE);
        if (!types_disjoint_names (&c_saved_type)) {
            E_c_result_assign_param_clash (key, &c_saved_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_fillin_types (&c_saved_type, &tmp)) {
            E_c_res_assign_param_mismatch (key, &tmp, &c_saved_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_disjoint_names (&c_current_type)) {
            E_c_result_assign_result_clash (key, &c_current_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_fillin_types (&c_current_type, &tmp)) {
            E_c_res_assign_result_mismatch (key, &tmp, &c_current_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (types_intersect (&c_saved_type, &c_current_type)) {
            E_c_result_assign_formal_clash (key, &c_saved_type,
            errored = TRUE;
        types_destroy (&tmp);
        if (errored) {
            types_destroy (&c_saved_type);
            types_destroy (&c_current_type);
            c_code_deallocate (@code);
            c_current_entry = NIL (EntryP);
        } else {
            TypeP type = entry_get_type (c_current_entry);

            c_code_check (@code, FALSE, FALSE, &c_saved_type, &c_current_type,
            type_set_result_assign_code (type, (GenericP) @code);
    } else {
        types_destroy (&c_saved_type);
        types_destroy (&c_current_type);
        c_code_deallocate (@code);

// Terminal result extraction actions:

<set-terminal>: (string) -> () = @{
    if ((c_current_entry = table_get_basic (c_current_table, @&string)) ==
        NIL (EntryP)) {
        E_c_unknown_basic (@&string);
    } else {
        BasicP basic = entry_get_basic (c_current_entry);

        if (basic_get_result_code (basic)) {
            E_c_basic_mult_def (@&string);
            c_current_entry = NIL (EntryP);
        } else if (types_equal_zero_tuple (basic_result (basic))) {
            E_c_basic_has_no_result (@&string);
            c_current_entry = NIL (EntryP);
    nstring_destroy (&@=string);

<x-set-terminal>: (code) -> () = @{
    if (c_current_entry) {
        BasicP     basic   = entry_get_basic (c_current_entry);
        TypeTupleP result  = basic_result (basic);
        BoolT      errored = FALSE;
        KeyP       key     = entry_key (c_current_entry);

        if (!types_disjoint_names (&c_saved_type)) {
            E_c_basic_param_clash (key, &c_saved_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_equal_zero_tuple (&c_saved_type)) {
            E_c_basic_param_mismatch (key, &c_saved_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_disjoint_names (&c_current_type)) {
            E_c_basic_result_clash (key, &c_current_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_fillin_types (&c_current_type, result)) {
            E_c_basic_result_mismatch (key, result, &c_current_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (types_intersect (&c_saved_type, &c_current_type)) {
            E_c_basic_formal_clash (key, &c_saved_type, &c_current_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (errored) {
            types_destroy (&c_saved_type);
            types_destroy (&c_current_type);
            c_code_deallocate (@code);
            c_current_entry = NIL (EntryP);
        } else {
            types_destroy (&c_saved_type);
            c_code_check (@code, FALSE, FALSE, NIL (TypeTupleP),
                          &c_current_type, c_current_table);
            basic_set_result_code (basic, (GenericP) @code);
    } else {
        types_destroy (&c_saved_type);
        types_destroy (&c_current_type);
        c_code_deallocate (@code);

// Action definition actions:

<set-action>: (string) -> () = @{
    if ((c_current_entry = table_get_action (c_current_table, @&string)) ==
        NIL (EntryP)) {
        E_c_unknown_action (@&string);
    } else {
        ActionP action = entry_get_action (c_current_entry);

        if (action_get_code (action)) {
            E_c_action_mult_def (@&string);
            c_current_entry = NIL (EntryP);
    nstring_destroy (&@=string);

<x-set-action>: (code) -> () = @{
    if (c_current_entry) {
        ActionP    action  = entry_get_action (c_current_entry);
        TypeTupleP param   = action_param (action);
        TypeTupleP result  = action_result (action);
        BoolT      errored = FALSE;
        KeyP       key     = entry_key (c_current_entry);

        if (!types_disjoint_names (&c_saved_type)) {
            E_c_action_param_clash (key, &c_saved_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_fillin_types (&c_saved_type, param)) {
            E_c_action_param_mismatch (key, param, &c_saved_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_disjoint_names (&c_current_type)) {
            E_c_action_result_clash (key, &c_current_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (!types_fillin_types (&c_current_type, result)) {
            E_c_action_result_mismatch (key, result, &c_current_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (types_intersect (&c_saved_type, &c_current_type)) {
            E_c_action_formal_clash (key, &c_saved_type, &c_current_type);
            errored = TRUE;
        if (errored) {
            types_destroy (&c_saved_type);
            types_destroy (&c_current_type);
            c_code_deallocate (@code);
            c_current_entry = NIL (EntryP);
        } else {
            c_code_check (@code, TRUE, FALSE, &c_saved_type, &c_current_type,
            types_propogate_mutations (param, &c_saved_type);
            action_set_code (action, (GenericP) @code);
    } else {
        types_destroy (&c_saved_type);
        types_destroy (&c_current_type);
        c_code_deallocate (@code);

<set-trailer1>: (code) -> () = @{
    c_code_check (@code, FALSE, FALSE, NIL (TypeTupleP), NIL (TypeTupleP),
    c_out_info_set_trailer1 (c_current_out_info, @code);

<set-trailer2>: (code) -> () = @{
    c_code_check (@code, FALSE, FALSE, NIL (TypeTupleP), NIL (TypeTupleP),
    c_out_info_set_trailer2 (c_current_out_info, @code);

// Error recovery stuff:

<unhandled-syntax-error> = @{

<expected-identifier> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_identifier ();

<expected-c-identifier> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_c_identifier ();

<expected-separator> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_separator ();

<expected-open-tuple> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_open_tuple ();

<expected-close-tuple> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_close_tuple ();

<expected-arrow> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_arrow ();

<expected-terminator> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_terminator ();

<expected-end-action> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_end_action ();

<expected-define> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_define ();

<expected-code> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_code ();

<expected-blt-header> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_blt_header ();

<expected-blt-terminals> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_blt_terminals ();

<expected-blt-actions> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_blt_actions ();

<expected-blt-trailer> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_blt_trailer ();

<expected-eof> = @{
    if (!c_propagating_error) {
        E_c_expected_eof ();

<destroy-string>: (string) -> () = @{
    nstring_destroy (&@=string);

<skip-to-end-of-tuple-defn> = @{
    while ((@. != C_TOK_EOF) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_DEFINE) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_CODE) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_SEPARATOR) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_CLOSE_TUPLE) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_TERMINATOR) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_PARAM_ASSIGN) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_RESULT_ASSIGN) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TERMINALS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_ACTIONS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TRAILER)) {
        if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
            (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
            nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
    if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
        (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
        nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
    if (@. != C_TOK_EOF) {
    c_propagating_error = TRUE;

<skip-to-end-of-prefix> = @{
    while ((@. != C_TOK_EOF) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_TERMINATOR) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_MAPS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TERMINALS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_ASSIGNMENTS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_PARAM_ASSIGN) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_RESULT_ASSIGN) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_ACTIONS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TRAILER)) {
        if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
            (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
            nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
        } else if (@. == C_TOK_CODE) {
            c_code_deallocate (c_lexer_code_value (c_current_stream));
    if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
        (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
        nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
    if (@. != C_TOK_EOF) {
    c_propagating_error = TRUE;

<skip-to-end-of-map> = @{
    while ((@. != C_TOK_EOF) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_TERMINATOR) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_ASSIGNMENTS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_PARAM_ASSIGN) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_RESULT_ASSIGN) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TERMINALS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_ACTIONS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TRAILER)) {
        if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
            (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
            nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
        } else if (@. == C_TOK_CODE) {
            c_code_deallocate (c_lexer_code_value (c_current_stream));
    if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
        (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
        nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
    if (@. != C_TOK_EOF) {
    c_propagating_error = TRUE;

<skip-to-end-of-assignment> = @{
    while ((@. != C_TOK_EOF) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_TERMINATOR) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_PARAM_ASSIGN) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_RESULT_ASSIGN) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TERMINALS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_ACTIONS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TRAILER)) {
        if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
            (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
            nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
        } else if (@. == C_TOK_CODE) {
            c_code_deallocate (c_lexer_code_value (c_current_stream));
    if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
        (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
        nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
    if (@. != C_TOK_EOF) {
    c_propagating_error = TRUE;

<skip-to-end-of-param-assign> = @{
    while ((@. != C_TOK_EOF) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_TERMINATOR) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_RESULT_ASSIGN) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TERMINALS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_ACTIONS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TRAILER)) {
        if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
            (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
            nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
        } else if (@. == C_TOK_CODE) {
            c_code_deallocate (c_lexer_code_value (c_current_stream));
    if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
        (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
        nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
    if (@. != C_TOK_EOF) {
    c_propagating_error = TRUE;

<skip-to-end-of-result-assign> = @{
    while ((@. != C_TOK_EOF) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_TERMINATOR) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TERMINALS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_ACTIONS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TRAILER)) {
        if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
            (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
            nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
        } else if (@. == C_TOK_CODE) {
            c_code_deallocate (c_lexer_code_value (c_current_stream));
    if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
        (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
        nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
    if (@. != C_TOK_EOF) {
    c_propagating_error = TRUE;

<skip-to-end-of-terminal> = @{
    while ((@. != C_TOK_EOF) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_TERMINATOR) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_ACTIONS) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TRAILER)) {
        if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
            (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
            nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
        } else if (@. == C_TOK_CODE) {
            c_code_deallocate (c_lexer_code_value (c_current_stream));
    if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
        (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
        nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
    if (@. != C_TOK_EOF) {
    c_propagating_error = TRUE;

<skip-to-end-of-action> = @{
    while ((@. != C_TOK_EOF) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_TERMINATOR) &&
           (@. != C_TOK_BLT_TRAILER)) {
        if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
            (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
            nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
        } else if (@. == C_TOK_CODE) {
            c_code_deallocate (c_lexer_code_value (c_current_stream));
    if ((@. == C_TOK_SID_IDENTIFIER) ||
        (@. == C_TOK_C_IDENTIFIER)) {
        nstring_destroy (c_lexer_string_value (c_current_stream));
    if (@. != C_TOK_EOF) {
    c_propagating_error = TRUE;

<skip-recover> = @{
    c_propagating_error = FALSE;

<is-close-tuple-or-skipped-or-eof>: () -> (predicate) = @{
    @predicate = ((@. == C_TOK_CLOSE_TUPLE) ||
                  (@. == C_TOK_EOF) ||

%trailer% @{
@}, @{