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<A NAME=S18>
<H1>TDF Guide, Issue 4.0 </H1>
<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<DT><A HREF="#S19"><B>4.1 </B> - Shapes</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S20"><B>4.1.1 </B> - TOP, BOTTOM, LUB</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S21"><B>4.1.2 </B> - INTEGER</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S22"><B>4.1.3 </B> - FLOATING and complex</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S23"><B>4.1.4 </B> - BITFIELD</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S24"><B>4.1.5 </B> - PROC</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S25"><B>4.1.6 </B> - Non-primitive SHAPEs</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S26"><B>4.2 </B> - Alignments</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S27"><B>4.2.1 </B> - ALIGNMENT constructors</A>
<DT><A HREF="#S28"><B>4.2.2 </B> - Special alignments</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S29"><B>4.2.3 </B> - AL_TAG, make_al_tagdef</A>
<DT><A HREF="#S30"><B>4.3 </B> - Pointer and offset SHAPEs</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S31"><B>4.3.1 </B> - OFFSET</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S32"><B>4.4 </B> - Compound SHAPEs</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S33"><B>4.4.1 </B> - Offset arithmetic with compound
<DT><A HREF="#S34"><B>4.4.2 </B> - offset_mult</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S35"><B>4.4.3 </B> - OFFSET ordering and representation</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#S36"><B>4.5 </B> - BITFIELD alignments</A><DD>
In most languages there is some notion of the type of a value. This
is often an uncomfortable mix of a definition of a representation
for the value and a means of choosing which operators are applicable
to the value. The TDF analogue of the type of value is its SHAPE (S3.20).
A SHAPE is only concerned with the representation of a value, being
an abstraction of its size and alignment properties. Clearly an architecture-independent
representation of a program cannot say, for example, that a pointer
is 32 bits long; the size of pointers has to be abstracted so that
translations to particular architectures can choose the size that
is apposite for the platform.<P>
<A NAME=S19>
<HR><H2>4.1. Shapes</H2>
There are ten different basic constructors for the SORT SHAPE from
bitfield to top as shown in table 3. SHAPEs arising from those constructors
are used as qualifiers (just using an upper case version of the constructor
name) to various SORTs in the definition; for example, EXP TOP is
an expression with top SHAPE. This is just used for definitional purposes
only; there is no SORT SHAPENAME as one has SORTNAME.<P>
In the TDF specification of EXPs, you will observe that all EXPs in
constructor signatures are all qualified by the SHAPE name; for example,
a parameter might be EXP INTEGER(v). This merely means that for the
construct to be meaningful the parameter must be derived from a constructor
defined to be an EXP INTEGER(v). You might be forgiven for assuming
that TDF is hence strongly-typed by its SHAPEs. This is not true;
the producer must get it right. There are some checks in translators,
but these are not exhaustive and are more for the benefit of translator
writers than for the user. A tool for testing the SHAPE correctness
of a TDF program would be useful but has yet to be written.<P>
<A NAME=S20>
<H3>4.1.1. TOP, BOTTOM, LUB</H3>
Two of the SHAPE constructions are rather specialised; these are
TOP and BOTTOM. The result of any expression with a TOP shape will
always be discarded; examples are those produced by assign and integer_test
. A BOTTOM SHAPE is produced by an expression which will leave the
current flow of control e.g. goto . The significance of these SHAPEs
only really impinges on the computation of the shapes of constructs
which have alternative expressions as results. For example, the result
of conditional is the result of one of its component expressions.
In this case, the SHAPE of the result is described as the LUB of the
SHAPEs of the components. This simply means that if one of the component
SHAPEs is TOP then the resulting SHAPE is TOP; if one is BOTTOM then
the resulting SHAPE is the SHAPE of the other; otherwise both component
SHAPEs must be equal and is the resulting SHAPE. Since this operation
is associative, commutative and idempotent, we can speak quite unambiguously
of the LUB of several SHAPEs.<P>
<A NAME=S21>
<H3>4.1.2. INTEGER</H3>
Integer values in TDF have shape INTEGER(v) where v is of SORT VARIETY.
The constructor for this SHAPE is integer with a VARIETY parameter.
The basic constructor for VARIETY is var_limits which has a pair of
signed natural numbers as parameters giving the limits of possible
values that the integer can attain. The SHAPE required for a 32 bit
signed integer would be:<P>
integer(var_limits(-2<I>31</I>, 2<I>31</I>-1))
while an unsigned char is:<P>
integer(var_limits(0, 255))
A translator should represent each integer variety by an object big
enough (or bigger) to contain all the possible values with limits
of the VARIETY. That being said, I must confess that most current
translators do not handle integers of more than the maximum given
naturally by the target architecture, but this will be rectified in
due course.<P>
The other way of constructing a VARIETY is to specify the number of
bits required for its 2s-complemennt representation using var_width:
signed_width: BOOL
width: NAT
<A NAME=S22>
<H3>4.1.3. FLOATING and complex</H3>
Similarly, floating point and complex numbers have shape FLOATING
qualified by a FLOATING_VARIETY. <P>
A FLOATING_VARIETY for a real number is constructed using fvar_parms:<P>
base: NAT
mantissa_digits: NAT
minimum_exponent: NAT
maximum_exponent:: NAT
A FLOATING_VARIETY specifies the base, number of mantissa digits,
and maximum and minimum exponent. Once again, it is intended that
the translator will choose a representation which will contain all
possible values, but in practice only those which are included in
IEEE float, double and extended are actually implemented.<P>
Complex numbers have a floating variety constructed by complex_parms
which has the the same signature as fvar_parms. The representation
of these numbers is likely to be a pair of real numbers each defined
as if by fvar_parms with the same arguments. The real and imaginary
parts of of a complex number can be extracted using real_part and
imaginary_part; these could have been injected ito the complex number
using make_complex or any of the complex operations. Many translators
will simply transform complex numbers into COMPOUNDs consisting of
two floating point numbers, transforming the complex operations into
floating point operations on the fields.<P>
<A NAME=S23>
<H3>4.1.4. BITFIELD</H3>
A number of contiguous bits have shape BITFIELD, qualified by a BITFIELD_VARIETY
(S3.4) which gives the number of bits involved and whether these bits
are to be treated as signed or unsigned integers. Current translators
put a maximum of 32 or 64 on the number of bits.<P>
<A NAME=S24>
<H3>4.1.5. PROC</H3>
The representational SHAPEs of procedure values is given by PROC with
constructor proc . I shall return to this in the description of the
operations which use it.<P>
<A NAME=S25>
<H3>4.1.6. Non-primitive SHAPEs</H3>
The construction of the other four SHAPEs involves either existing
SHAPEs or the alignments of existing SHAPEs. These are constructed
by compound, nof , offset and pointer. Before describing these, we
require a digression into what is meant by alignments and offsets.<P>
<A NAME=S26>
<HR><H2>4.2. Alignments</H2>
In most processor architectures there are limitations on how one can
address particular kinds of objects in convenient ways. These limitations
are usually defined as part of the ABI for the processor. For example,
in the MIPs processor the fastest way to access a 32-bit integer is
to ensure that the address of the integer is aligned on a 4-byte boundary
in the address space; obviously one can extract a mis-aligned integer
but not in one machine instruction. Similarly, 16-bit integers should
be aligned on a 2-byte boundary. In principle, each primitive object
could have similar restrictions for efficient access and these restrictions
could vary from platform to platform. Hence, the notion of alignment
has to be abstracted to form part of the architecture independent
TDF - we cannot assume that any particular alignment regime will hold
The abstraction of alignments clearly has to cover compound objects
as well as primitive ones like integers. For example, if a field of
structure in C is to be accessed efficiently, then the alignment of
the field will influence the alignment of the structure as whole;
the structure itself could be a component of a larger object whose
alignment must then depend on the alignment of the structure and so
on. In general, we find that a compound alignment is given by the
maximum alignment of its components, regardless of the form of the
compound object e.g. whether it is a structure, union, array or whatever.
This gives an immediate handle on the abstraction of the alignment
of a compound object - it is just the set of abstractions of the alignments
of its components. Since "maximum" is associative, commutative
and idempotent, the component sets can be combined using normal set-union
rules. In other words, a compound alignment is abstracted as the set
of alignments of the primitive objects which make up the compound
object. Thus the alignment abstraction of a C structure with only
float fields is the singleton set containing the alignment of a float
while that of a C union of an int and this structure is a pair of
the alignments of an int and a float.<P>
<A NAME=S27>
<H3>4.2.1. ALIGNMENT constructors</H3>
The TDF abstraction of an alignment has SORT ALIGNMENT. The constructor,
unite_alignments, gives the set-union of its ALIGNMENT parameters;
this would correspond to taking a maximum of two real alignments in
the translator. <P>
The constructor , alignment, gives the ALIGNMENT of a given SHAPE
according to the rules given in the definition. These rules effectively
<I>define</I> the primitive ALIGNMENTs as in the ALIGNMENT column
of table 3. Those for PROC, all OFFSETs and all POINTERs are constants
regardless of any SHAPE qualifiers. Each of the INTERGER VARIETYs,
each of the FLOATING VARIETYs and each of the BITFIELD VARIETYs have
their own ALIGNMENTs. These ALIGNMENTs will be bound to values apposite
to the particular platform at translate-time. The ALIGNMENT of TOP
is conventionally taken to be the empty set of ALIGNMENTs (corresponding
to the minimum alignment on the platform). <P>
The alignment of a procedure parameter clearly has to include the
alignment of its SHAPE; however, most ABIs will mandate a greater
alignment for some SHAPEs e.g. the alignment of a byte parameter is
usually defined to be on a 32-bit rather than an 8-bit boundary. The
constructor, parameter_alignment, gives the ALIGNMENT of a parameter
of given SHAPE.<P>
<A NAME=S28>
<H3>4.2.2. Special alignments</H3>
There are several other special ALIGNMENTs.<P>
The alignment of a code address is {<I>code</I>} given by code_alignment;
this will be the alignment of a pointer given by make_local_lv giving
the value of a label. <P>
The other special ALIGNMENTs are considered to include all of the
others, but remain distinct. They are all concerned with offsets and
pointers relevant to procedure frames, procedure parameters and local
allocations and are collectively known as frame alignments. These
frame alignments differ from the normal alignments in that their mapping
to a given architecture is rather more than just saying that it describes
some n-bit boundary. For example, alloca_alignment describes the alignment
of dynamic space produced by local_alloc (roughly the C alloca). Now,
an ABI could specify that the alloca space is a stack disjoint from
the normal procedure stack; thus manipulations of space at alloca_alignment
may involve different code to space generated in other ways.<P>
Similar considerations apply to the other special alignments, callees_alignment(b),
callers_alignment(b) and locals_alignment. The first two give the
alignments of the bases of the two different parameter spaces in procedures
(q.v.) and locals_alignment gives the alignment of the base of locally
declared tags within a procedure. The exact interpretation of these
depends on how the frame stack is defined in the target ABI, e.g.
does the stack grow downwards or upwards? <P>
The final special alignment is var_param_alignment. This describes
the alignment of a special kind of parameter to a procedure which
can be of arbitrary length (see <A HREF="guide7.html#12">section 5.1.1
on page 27</A>).<P>
<A NAME=S29>
<H3>4.2.3. AL_TAG, make_al_tagdef</H3>
Alignments can also be named as AL_TAGs using make_al_tagdef. There
is no corresponding make_al_tagdec since AL_TAGs are implicitly declared
by their constructor, make_al_tag. The main reason for having names
for alignments is to allow one to resolve the ALIGNMENTs of recursive
data structures. If, for example, we have mutually recursive structures,
their ALIGNMENTs are best named and given as a set of equations formed
by AL_TAGDEFs. A translator can then solve these equations trivially
by substitution; this is easy because the only significant operation
is set-union.<P>
<A NAME=S30>
<HR><H2>4.3. Pointer and offset SHAPEs</H2>
A pointer value must have a form which reflects the alignment of the
object that it points to; for example, in the MIPs processor, the
bottom two bits of a pointer to an integer must be zero. The TDF SHAPE
for a pointer is POINTER qualified by the ALIGNMENT of the object
pointed to. The constructor pointer uses this alignment to make a
<A NAME=S31>
<H3>4.3.1. OFFSET</H3>
Expressions which give sizes or offsets in TDF have an OFFSET SHAPE.
These are always described as the difference between two pointers.
Since the alignments of the objects pointed to could be different,
an OFFSET is qualified by these two ALIGNMENTs. Thus an EXP OFFSET(X,Y)
is the difference between an EXP POINTER(X) and an EXP POINTER(Y).
In order for the alignment rules to apply, the set X of alignments
must include Y. The constructor offset uses two such alignments to
make an OFFSET SHAPE. However, many instances of offsets will be produced
implicitly by the offset arithmetic, e.g., offset_pad:<P>
<I> arg</I>1: EXP OFFSET(<I>z, t</I>)
-> EXP OFFSET(<I>z</I> xc8 <I> a, a</I>)
This gives the next OFFSET greater or equal to <I>arg1</I> at which
an object of ALIGNMENT <I>a</I> can be placed. It should be noted
that the calculation of shapes and alignments are all translate-time
activities; only EXPs should produce runnable code. This code, of
course, may depend on the shapes and alignments involved; for example,
offset_pad might round up <I>arg1</I> to be a multiple of four bytes
if<I> a</I> was an integer ALIGNMENT and <I>z</I> was a character
ALIGNMENT. Translators also do extensive constant analysis, so if
<I>arg1</I> was a constant offset, then the round-off would be done
at translate-time to produce another constant.<P>
<A NAME=S32>
<HR><H2>4.4. Compound SHAPEs</H2>
The alignments of compound SHAPEs (i.e. those arising from the constructors
compound and nof) are derived from the constructions which produced
the SHAPE. To take the easy one first, the constructor nof has signature:<P>
<I> n</I>: NAT
<I> s</I>: SHAPE
This SHAPE describes an array of <I>n</I> values all of SHAPE <I>s</I>;
note that <I>n</I> is a natural number and hence is a constant known
to the producer. Throughout the definition this is referred to as
the SHAPE NOF(n, s). The ALIGNMENT of such a value is alignment(s);
i.e. the alignment of an array is just the alignment of its elements.<P>
The other compound SHAPEs are produced using compound:<P>
<I> sz</I>: EXP OFFSET(<I>x, y</I>)
The <I>sz</I> parameter gives the minimum size which can accommodate
the SHAPE. <P>
<A NAME=S33>
<H3>4.4.1. Offset arithmetic with compound shapes</H3>
The constructors offset_add , offset_zero and shape_offset are used
together with offset_pad to implement (<I>inter alia</I>) selection
from structures represented by COMPOUND SHAPEs. Starting from the
zero OFFSET given by offset_zero, one can construct an EXP which is
the offset of a field by padding and adding offsets until the required
field is reached. The value of the field required could then be extracted
using component or add_to_ptr. Most producers would define a TOKEN
for the EXP OFFSET of each field of a structure or union used in the
program simply to reduce the size of the TDF<P>
The SHAPE of a C structure consisting of an char followed by an int
would require <I>x</I> to be the set consisting of two INTEGER VARIETYs,
one for int and one for char, and <I>sz</I> would probably have been
constructed like:<P>
<I>sz </I>= offset_add(offset_pad(int_al, shape_offset(char)), shape_offset(int))
The various rules for the ALIGNMENT qualifiers of the OFFSETs give
the required SHAPE; these rules also ensure that offset arithmetic
can be implemented simply using integer arithmetic for standard architectures
(see <A HREF="guide15.html#2">section 13.1 on page 56</A>). Note that
the OFFSET computed here is the minimum size for the SHAPE. This would
not in general be the same as the difference between successive elements
of an array of these structures which would have SHAPE OFFSET(<I>x</I>,
<I>x</I>) as produced by offset_pad(<I>x</I>, <I>sz</I>). For examples
of the use of OFFSETs to access and create structures, see
<A HREF="guide14.html#0">section 12 on page 53</A>.<P>
<A NAME=S34>
<H3>4.4.2. offset_mult</H3>
In C, all structures have size known at translate-time. This means
that OFFSETs for all field selections of structures and unions are
translate-time constants; there is never any need to produce code
to compute these sizes and offsets. Other languages (notably Ada)
do have variable size structures and so sizes and offsets within these
structures may have to be computed dynamically. Indexing in C will
require the computation of dynamic OFFSETs; this would usually be
done by using offset_mult to multiply an offset expression representing
the stride by an integer expression giving the index:<P>
<I> arg1</I>: EXP OFFSET(<I>x, x</I>)
<I> arg2</I>: EXP INTEGER(<I>v</I>)
-> EXP OFFSET(<I>x, x</I>)
and using add_to_ptr with a pointer expression giving the base of
the array with the resulting OFFSET.<P>
<A NAME=S35>
<H3>4.4.3. OFFSET ordering and representation</H3>
There is an ordering defined on OFFSETs with the same alignment qualifiers,
as given by offset_test and offset_max having properties like:<P>
shape_offset(S) xb3 offset_zero(alignment(S))
A xb3 B iff offset_max(A,B) = A
offset_add(A, B) xb3 A where B xb3 offset_zero(some compatible alignment)
In most machines, OFFSETs would be represented as single integer values
with the OFFSET ordering corresponding to simple integer ordering.
The offset_add constructor just translates to simple addition with
offset_zero as 0 with similar correspondences for the other offset
constructors. You might well ask why TDF does not simply use integers
for offsets, instead of introducing the rather complex OFFSET SHAPE.
The reasons are two-fold. First, following the OFFSET arithmetic rules
concerned with the ALIGNMENT qualifiers will ensure that one never
extracts a value from a pointer with the wrong alignment by, for example,
applying contents to an add_to_pointer. This frees TDF from having
to define the effect of strange operations like forming a float by
taking the contents of a pointer to a character which may be mis-aligned
with respect to floats - a heavy operation on most processors. The
second reason is quite simple; there are machines which cannot represent
OFFSETs by a single integer value.<P>
The iAPX-432 is a fairly extreme example of such a machine; it is
a "capability" machine which must segregate pointer values
and non-pointer values into different spaces. On this machine a value
of SHAPE POINTER({<I>pointer</I>, int}) (e.g. a pointer to a structure
containing both integers and pointers) could have two components;
one referring to the pointers and another to the integers. In general,
offsets from this pointer would also have two components, one to pick
out any pointer values and the other the integer values. This would
obviously be the case if the original POINTER referred to an array
of structures containing both pointers and integers; an offset to
an element of the array would have SHAPE OFFSET({<I>pointer</I>, int},{<I>pointer
</I>, int}); both elements of the offset would have to be used as
displacements to the corresponding elements of the pointer to extract
the structure element. The OFFSET ordering is now given by the comparison
of both displacements. Using this method, one finds that pointers
in store to non-pointer alignments are two words in different blocks
and pointers to pointer-alignments are four words, two in one block
and two in another. This sounds a very unwieldy machine compared to
normal machines with linear addressing. However, who knows what similar
strange machines will appear in future; the basic conflicts between
security, integrity and flexibility that the iAPX-432 sought to resolve
are still with us. For more on the modelling of pointers and offsets
see <A HREF="guide15.html#0">section 13 on page 56</A>.<P>
<A NAME=S36>
<HR><H2>4.5. BITFIELD alignments</H2>
Even in standard machines, one finds that the size of a pointer may
depend on the alignment of the data pointed at. Most machines do not
allow one to construct pointers to bits with the same facility as
other alignments. This usually means that pointers in memory to BITFIELD
VARIETYs must be implemented as two words with an address and bit
displacement. One might imagine that a translator could implement
BITFIELD alignments so that they are the same as the smallest natural
alignment of the machine and avoid the bit displacement, but this
is not the intention of the definition. On any machine for which it
is meaningful, the alignment of a BITFIELD must be one bit; in other
words successive BITFIELDs are butted together with no padding bits
<A NAME=footnote73 HREF="footnote.html#73">*</A>. Within the limits
of what one can extract from BITFIELDs, namely INTEGER VARIETYs, this
is how one should implement non-standard alignments, perhaps in constructing
data, such as protocols, for exchange between machines. One could
implement some Ada representational statements in this way; certainly
the most commonly used ones.<P>
TDF Version 3.0 does not allow one to construct a pointer of SHAPE
POINTER(b) where b consists entirely of bitfield alignments; this
relieves the translators of the burden of doing general bit-addressing.
Of course, this simply shifts the burden to the producer. If the high
level language requires to construct a pointer to an arbitrary bit
position, then the producer is required to represent such a pointer
as a pair consisting of pointer to some alignment including the required
bitfield and an offset from this alignment to the bitfield. For example,
Ada may require the construction of a pointer to a boolean for use
as the parameter to a procedure; the SHAPE of the rep resentation
of this Ada pointer could be a COMPOUND formed from a POINTER({x,b})
and an OFFSET({x, b}, b) where b is the alignment given by a 1 bit
alignment. To access the boolean, the producer would use the elements
of this pair as arguements to bitfield_assign and bitfield_contents
(<A HREF="guide9.html#16">Assigning and extracting bitfields on page
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