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/* 80x86/expmacs.h */
$Author: release $
$Date: 1998/01/17 15:55:51 $
$Revision: $
$Log: expmacs.h,v $
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:55:51 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
* Revision 1.15 1997/10/23 09:37:00 pwe
* extra_diags
* Revision 1.14 1997/10/10 18:25:07 pwe
* prep ANDF-DE revision
* Revision 1.13 1997/04/23 16:24:42 pwe
* added constovf
* Revision 1.12 1996/12/13 14:39:24 pwe
* Revision 1.11 1996/12/10 15:11:34 pwe
* Revision 1.10 1996/02/22 10:03:36 pwe
* sco diag recursive struct (& clearinlined)
* Revision 1.9 1995/09/22 16:29:18 pwe
* setoutpar introduced
* Revision 1.8 1995/09/05 16:24:48 pwe
* specials and exception changes
* Revision 1.7 1995/09/01 17:30:01 pwe
* traps and Build scripts
* Revision 1.6 1995/08/30 16:06:30 pwe
* prepare exception trapping
* Revision 1.5 1995/08/14 13:53:33 pwe
* several corrections, tail calls and error jumps
* Revision 1.4 1995/08/04 08:29:18 pwe
* 4.0 general procs implemented
* Revision 1.3 1995/07/07 15:22:16 pwe
* prepare for 4.0, and correct PIC switch
* Revision 1.2 1995/01/30 12:56:10 pwe
* Ownership -> PWE, tidy banners
* Revision 1.1 1994/10/27 14:15:22 jmf
* Initial revision
* Revision 1.1 1994/07/12 14:31:17 jmf
* Initial revision
#ifndef expmacs_key
#define expmacs_key 1
#define nilexp (exp)0
/* main components of exp */
#define son(x) ((x)->sonf.e)
#define bro(x) ((x)->brof.e)
#define last(x) (int)((x)->lastf)
#define name(x) (x)->namef
#define sh(x) (x)->shf
#define pt(x) ((x)->ptf.e)
#define props(x) (x)->propsf
#define no(x) ((x)->numf.l)
#define parked(x) ((x)->park)
#define dgf(x) ((x)->diagf)
/* alternative components of exp */
#define brog(x) ((x)->brof.glob)
#define nostr(x) ((x)->numf.str)
#define ptno(x) ((x) ->ptf.l)
#define sonno(x) ((x) ->sonf.l)
#define fno(x) ((x) -> numf.f)
#ifndef NEWDIAGS
#define dno(x) ((x) -> numf.d)
#define uno(x) ((x) -> numf.ui)
/* ntests */
#define test_number(x) (ntest)((x)->propsf & 0x1f)
#define settest_number(x, t) (x)->propsf= (prop)(((x)->propsf & 0xe0) | (int)(t))
/* rounding */
#define round_number(x) ((x)->propsf >> 3)
#define setround_number(x,r) (x)->propsf=(prop)(((x)->propsf & 0x7) | (r << 3))
/* error handling macros */
#define errhandle(x) ((x)->propsf & 0x7)
#define optop(x) ((int)errhandle(x) <= 2)
#define seterrhandle(x,e) (x)->propsf= (prop)(((x)->propsf & 0xf8) | (e))
/* properties of constructions with EXCEPTIONS */
#define setjmp_dest(r,d) {(r)->ptf.e = (d); ++no(son(d));}
#define isov(x) (errhandle(x) == 0x4)
#define istrap(x) (((x)->propsf & 0x3) == 0x3)
/* setting macros for components of exp */
#define setbro(x,b) (x)->brof.e = (b)
#define setsh(x,b) (x)->shf = (b)
#define setson(x,b) (x)->sonf.e = (b)
#define setpt(x,b) (x)->ptf.e = (b)
#define setlast(x) (x)->lastf = 1
#define clearlast(x) (x)->lastf = 0
#define setname(x,n) (x)->namef = (n)
#define setfather(f,s) (s)->brof.e = (f); (s)->lastf = 1
/* components of shapes */
#define shape_size(x) ((x)->numf.l)
#define shape_align(x) ((x)->brof.ald->
#define align_of(x) ((x)->brof.ald)
#define al1(x) ((x)->sonf.ald->
#define al1_of(x) ((x)->sonf.ald)
#define al2(x) ((x)->ptf.ald->
#define al2_of(x) ((x)->ptf.ald)
#define is_signed(x) (int)((x)->lastf)
#define frame_al_of_ptr(x) (x)->sonf.ald->al.al_val.al_frame
#define frame_al1_of_offset(x) (x)->sonf.ald->al.al_val.al_frame
#define al_includes_vcallees 16
#define al_includes_caller_args 6
/* properties of IDENT_TAG */
#define setvar(e) props(e) = (prop)(props(e) | 0x01)
/* sets the property of a declaration to isvar (is a variable)*/
#define clearvar(e) props(e) = (prop)(props(e) & ~0x01)
/* sets the property of a declaration to !isvar */
#define setid(e) props(e) = (prop)(props(e) & ~0x01)
/* sets the property of a declaration to !isvar */
#define isvar(e) (props(e)&0x01)
/* tests the property of a declaration as above */
#define setvis(e) props(e) = (prop)(props(e) | 0x02)
/* sets the property of a declaration to in memory */
#define isvis(e) (props(e)&0x02)
/* tests if a declaration is to be in memory */
#define setenvoff(e) props(e) = (prop)(props(e) | 0x04)
/* sets the property of a declaration to visible */
#define isenvoff(e) (props(e)&0x04)
/* tests if a declaration is to be visible */
#define setcaonly(e) props(e) = (prop)(props(e) | 0x08)
/* sets the property of a variable declaration to show that it is only
operated on by contents and assign operations */
#define clearcaonly(e) props(e) = (prop)(props(e) & ~0x08)
#define iscaonly(e) (props(e)&0x08)
/* tests the above property */
#define setusereg(e) props(e) = (prop)(props(e) | 0x10)
/* sets the property of a declaration to recommend the use of
a register */
#define isusereg(e) (props(e)&0x10)
/* tests a declaration for a register recommendation */
#define clearusereg(e) props(e) = (prop)(props(e) & ~0x10)
#define setparam(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x20)
#define clearparam(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) & ~0x20)
#define isparam(x) (props(x) & 0x20)
#define setglob(e) props(e) = (prop)(props(e) | 0x40)
/* sets property of declaration to be global, in this case
bro(e) will be the index of the declaration */
#define clearglob(e) props(e) &= ~0x40
#define isglob(e) (props(e)&0x40)
/* tests the above property */
#define setcopy(e) props(e) = (prop)(props(e) | 0x80)
/* set a flag used during copy : also used for LABST_TAG */
#define clearcopy(e) props(e) = (prop)(props(e) & ~0x80)
/* clear a flag used during copy */
#define copying(e) (props(e)&0x80)
/* test the flag used during copying */
/* Set in weights and used in coder. At this time no copying */
#define set_intnl_call(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x80)
#define has_intnl_call(x) (props(x) & 0x80)
/* variable has had the no-sign-extension opt. (80x86 only) */
#define setse_opt(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x400)
#define isse_opt(x) (props(x) & 0x400)
#define setinlined(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x200)
#define isinlined(x) (props(x) & 0x200)
#define clearinlined(x) props(x) &= ~0x200
/* variable is used both as byte and long (80x86 only) */
#define setbyteuse(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x800)
#define isbyteuse(x) (props(x) & 0x800)
/* parameter used for output (needs only to be in memory for 80x86) */
#define setoutpar(x) setvis(x)
#define isoutpar(x) isvis(x)
#define clearoutpar(x)
/* properties of PROC_TAG construction */
#define set_struct_res(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x1)
#define has_struct_res(x) (props(x) & 0x1)
#define set_loc_address(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x2)
#define loc_address(x) (props(x) & 0x2)
#define set_proc_has_setjmp(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x4)
#define proc_has_setjmp(x) (props(x) & 0x4)
#define set_proc_has_alloca(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x8)
#define proc_has_alloca(x) (props(x) & 0x8)
#define set_proc_has_lv(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x10)
#define proc_has_lv(x) (props(x) & 0x10)
#define isrecursive(x) (props(x) & 0x20)
#define setrecursive(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x20)
#define set_proc_uses_crt_env(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x40)
#define proc_uses_crt_env(x) (props(x) & 0x40)
#define set_proc_uses_external(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x80)
#define proc_uses_external(x) (props(x) & 0x80)
/* used for diags, after code production */
#define set_proc_has_fp(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x100)
#define clear_proc_has_fp(x) props(x) &= ~0x100
#define proc_has_fp(x) (props(x) & 0x100)
/*set property of SOLVE_TAG construction */
#define setcrtsolve(x) props(x)=1
/* properties of pt of REP_TAG and SOLVE_TAG during copy */
#define set_copying_solve(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 1)
#define clear_copying_solve(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) & ~0x01)
/* properties of MOVECONT_TAG construction */
#define setnooverlap(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x01)
#define isnooverlap(x) (props(x) & 0x01)
/* properties of CONT_TAG construction */
#define set_propagate(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x1)
#define to_propagate(x) (props(x) & 0x1)
#define clear_propagate(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) & ~0x01)
/* various properties of LABST_TAG construction are used in exp.c */
#define set_loaded_lv(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x10)
#define is_loaded_lv(x) (props(x) & 0x10)
#define setunroll(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x04)
#define clearunroll(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) & ~0x04)
#define isunroll(x) (props(x) & 0x04)
/* see also setcopy */
#define set_dg_labmark(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x800)
#define dg_labmark(x)(props(x) & 0x800)
#define clear_dg_labmark(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) & ~0x800)
/* properties of NAME_TAG construction */
#define setlastuse(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x01)
#define islastuse(x) (props(x) & 0x01)
#define setloadparam(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x02)
#define isloadparam(x) (props(x) & 0x02)
#define setreallyass(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x04)
#define isreallyass(x) (props(x) & 0x04)
#define setisdiaginfo(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x08)
#define isdiaginfo(x) (props(x) & 0x08)
#define setdiscarded(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x10)
#define isdiscarded(x) (props(x) & 0x10)
/* properties of STRING_TAG construction */
#define string_char_size(e) props(e)
/* properties of VAL_TAG construction */
#define setbigval(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x01)
#define clearbigval(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) & ~0x01)
#define isbigval(x) (props(x) & 0x01)
#define setconstovf(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x02)
#define constovf(x) (props(x) & 0x02)
/* properties of REP_TAG construction */
#define setunrolled(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x01)
#define isunrolled(x) (props(x) & 0x01)
/* properties of APPLY_TAG construction */
#define settoinline(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x01)
#define istoinline(x) (props(x) & 0x01)
#define setbuiltin(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x8000)
#define builtinproc(x) (props(x) & 0x8000) /* trans386 special */
/* properties of ASM construction */
#define asm_string(x) (props(x) & 0x01)
#define asm_in(x) (props(x) & 0x02)
#define asm_out(x) (props(x) & 0x04)
#define asm_ptr(x) (props(x) & 0x08)
#define asm_var(x) (props(x) & 0x0c) /* out | ptr */
/* properties of alloca constructions */
#define set_checkalloc(x) props(x) |= 1;
#define checkalloc(x) (props(x) & 1)
/* properties of jump record */
#define fstack_pos_of(x) (x)->propsf
#define set_callee(id) setname(son(id), formal_callee_tag)
#define set_make_procprops(e, p) props(e) |= ((p)<<8)
#define proc_has_vcallees(e) (props(e) & 0x200)
#define postlude_has_call(e) (props(e) & 1)
#define call_has_vcallees(e) (props(e) & 2)
#define proc_has_checkstack(e) (props(e) & 0x800)
#define proc_has_vcallers(e) (props(e) & 0x100)
#define proc_has_nolongj(e) (props(e) & 0x1000)
#define set_proc_needs_envsize(x) props(x) = (prop)(props(x) | 0x8000)
#define proc_needs_envsize(x) (props(x) & 0x8000)
#define call_is_untidy(e) (props(bro(son(e))) & 4)
#define call_has_checkstack(e) (props(bro(son(e))) & 8)
/* rounding for alignment */
#define rounder(n,a) (((n)+(a)-1)/(a))*(a)
#define align32 ( 32)
#define align16 ( 16)
#define align8 ( 8)
#define align1 ( 1)
#define size64 ( 64)
#define size32 ( 32)
#define size16 ( 16)
#define size8 ( 8)