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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997
    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
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    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
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        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
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/* 80x86/instrdecs.h */

$Author: release $
$Date: 1998/01/17 15:55:51 $
$Revision: $
$Log: instr.h,v $
 * Revision  1998/01/17  15:55:51  release
 * First version to be checked into rolling release.
 * Revision 1.13  1996/12/13  14:39:31  pwe
 * prep NEWDIAGS
 * Revision 1.12  1996/05/20  14:30:36  pwe
 * improved 64-bit handling
 * Revision 1.11  1996/05/13  12:52:01  pwe
 * undo premature commit
 * Revision 1.9  1995/11/01  18:41:26  pwe
 * PIC tail_call and exception handling
 * Revision 1.8  1995/09/13  14:25:20  pwe
 * tidy for gcc
 * Revision 1.7  1995/09/08  12:51:25  pwe
 * exceptions improved
 * Revision 1.6  1995/08/30  16:06:48  pwe
 * prepare exception trapping
 * Revision 1.5  1995/08/14  13:53:54  pwe
 * several corrections, tail calls and error jumps
 * Revision 1.4  1995/08/04  08:29:38  pwe
 * 4.0 general procs implemented
 * Revision 1.3  1995/02/16  18:47:16  pwe
 * transformed subtract inverts, sets and adds carry in case of error_jump
 * Revision 1.2  1995/01/30  12:56:27  pwe
 * Ownership -> PWE, tidy banners
 * Revision 1.1  1994/10/27  14:15:22  jmf
 * Initial revision
 * Revision 1.1  1994/07/12  14:35:04  jmf
 * Initial revision

#ifndef indecs_key
#define indecs_key 1

extern  void ins0 PROTO_S ((char *i));
extern  void ins1 PROTO_S ((char *i, int s1, where a1));
extern  void ins1lit PROTO_S ((char *i, int s1, where a1));
extern  void ins1ind PROTO_S ((char *i, int s1, where a1));
extern  void ins2 PROTO_S ((char *i, int s1, int s2, where a1, where a2));
extern  void ins3 PROTO_S((char *i, int s1, int s2, int s3, where a1,
          where a2, where a3));
extern  void set_label PROTO_S ((exp jr));
extern  void simplest_set_lab PROTO_S ((int labno));
extern  void simple_set_label PROTO_S ((int labno));
extern  void jump PROTO_S ((exp jr, int with_fl_reg));
extern  void branch PROTO_S ((int test_no, exp jr, int sg, int shnm));
extern  void simple_branch PROTO_S ((char * j, int labno));
extern  void jmp_overflow PROTO_S ((exp jr, int sg, int inv));
extern  void trap_overflow PROTO_S ((int sg, int inv));
extern  void test_trap PROTO_S ((int test_no, int sg, int shnm));
extern  void trap_ins PROTO_S ((int s));
extern  void set_env_off PROTO_S ((int stack_pos, exp id));
extern  void envoff_operand PROTO_S ((exp id, int off));
extern  void envsize_operand PROTO_S ((exp id));
extern  void ldisp PROTO_S ((void));
extern  char *margin;
extern  char *spx;
extern  char *sep;
extern  void outreal PROTO_S ((exp e));
extern  void rel_sp PROTO_S ((int i, int b));
extern  void rel_cp PROTO_S ((int i, int b));
extern  void rel_ap PROTO_S ((int i, int b));
extern  void rel_ap1 PROTO_S ((int i, int b));
extern  void regn PROTO_S ((int regs, int rdisp, exp ldname, int le));
extern  void ind_reg PROTO_S((int regs, int rdisp, int offset,
          exp ldname, int b));
extern  void extn PROTO_S ((exp id, int off, int b));
extern  void int_operand PROTO_S ((int k, int le));
extern  void const_extn PROTO_S ((exp ident, int noff));
extern  void proc_extn PROTO_S ((exp ident, int noff));
extern  void label_operand PROTO_S ((exp e));
extern  void index_opnd PROTO_S ((where whmain, where wh, int scale));
extern  void mult_op PROTO_S((int inc, where rmain,
          where rind, int scale, where dest));
extern  void caseins PROTO_S((int sz, exp arg, int min, int max, int *v,
         int exhaustive, int in_eax, exp case_exp));
extern int get_reg_no PROTO_S ((int regs));
extern int extra_stack;
extern int max_extra_stack;
extern  void const_intnl PROTO_S ((int addr, int lab, int off));
extern  void discard_fstack PROTO_S ((void));
extern  void discard_st1 PROTO_S ((void));
extern  void load_stack0 PROTO_S ((void));
extern  int no_frame;
extern  void outbp PROTO_S ((void));
extern  void set_stack_from_bp PROTO_S ((void));
extern  int last_jump_label;
extern  void set_lv_label PROTO_S ((exp e));
extern void setcc PROTO_S ((int test_no, int sg, int shnm));

extern void testah PROTO_S ((int mask));
extern exp make_extn PROTO_S ((char * n, shape s, int v));

extern void rotshift64 PROTO_S ((int shft, int sig, where wshift));

/* temporary */
extern  void temp_push_fl PROTO_S ((void));
extern  void temp_pop_fl PROTO_S ((void));
