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/* 80x86/scan2.c */
$Author: release $
$Date: 1998/01/17 15:55:52 $
$Revision: $
$Log: scan2.c,v $
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:55:52 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
* Revision 1.31 1997/12/04 20:01:12 pwe
* ANDF-DE V1.9
* Revision 1.30 1997/10/10 18:25:26 pwe
* prep ANDF-DE revision
* Revision 1.29 1997/02/18 11:43:05 pwe
* NEWDIAGS for debugging optimised code
* Revision 1.28 1996/12/10 15:11:49 pwe
* Revision 1.27 1996/07/09 16:57:36 pwe
* cont_arg offset from global const
* Revision 1.26 1996/07/09 09:43:56 pwe
* caller env_offset if callees present, and tidy
* Revision 1.25 1996/05/20 14:30:42 pwe
* improved 64-bit handling
* Revision 1.24 1996/05/13 12:52:07 pwe
* undo premature commit
* Revision 1.22 1996/02/01 09:34:39 pwe
* PIC oddities for AVS
* Revision 1.21 1996/01/31 12:24:26 pwe
* is_crc v is_opnd & end_contop must not preceed move_reg
* Revision 1.20 1996/01/22 14:31:09 pwe
* PIC const*const, contop top_tag & linux 64-bit ints
* Revision 1.19 1996/01/17 11:24:38 pwe
* resurrect performance
* Revision 1.18 1995/12/19 13:34:11 pwe
* PIC global idents, and static vars
* Revision 1.17 1995/12/01 10:48:37 pwe
* PIC static variables
* Revision 1.16 1995/11/01 18:41:29 pwe
* PIC tail_call and exception handling
* Revision 1.15 1995/10/25 17:41:22 pwe
* PIC_code current_env and callees
* Revision 1.14 1995/10/16 17:45:50 pwe
* frame alignments
* Revision 1.13 1995/09/13 14:25:23 pwe
* tidy for gcc
* Revision 1.12 1995/09/05 16:25:08 pwe
* specials and exception changes
* Revision 1.11 1995/08/30 16:06:54 pwe
* prepare exception trapping
* Revision 1.10 1995/08/23 09:43:01 pwe
* track fpu control word for trap etc
* Revision 1.9 1995/08/14 13:54:05 pwe
* several corrections, tail calls and error jumps
* Revision 1.8 1995/08/04 08:29:44 pwe
* 4.0 general procs implemented
* Revision 1.7 1995/03/10 18:11:58 pwe
* offset_div_by_int chvar to 32 bit
* Revision 1.6 1995/03/02 17:46:04 pwe
* revise conditions for calling make_bitfield_offset
* Revision 1.5 1995/02/24 16:11:14 pwe
* dynamic offsets, including mixed bit/byte representations
* Revision 1.4 1995/02/02 15:17:26 pwe
* implement offset_max as max
* Revision 1.3 1995/02/01 18:51:18 pwe
* correct empty make_nof
* Revision 1.2 1995/01/30 12:56:46 pwe
* Ownership -> PWE, tidy banners
* Revision 1.1 1994/10/27 14:15:22 jmf
* Initial revision
* Revision 1.1 1994/07/12 14:40:36 jmf
* Initial revision
Defines the scan through a program which
reorganises it so that all arguments of
operations are 80386 operands.
80386 specific.
These procedures use a pair of a boolean and and exp (eg sto and to)
instead of a pointer to an exp. The boolean is true if the exp
being referred to is the son of the given exp, and false if it is
the brother. This is to allow exps to be represented by indices
into arrays and to allow the arrays to be realloced, which
invalidates the use of &son(to) and &bro(to).
#include "config.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "flags.h"
#include "label_ops.h"
#include "install_fns.h"
#include "externs.h"
#include "coder.h"
#include "instr386.h"
#include "scan2.h"
#include "basicread.h"
/* MACROS */
#define assexp(isson, p, v) if (isson) setson(p, v); else setbro(p, v)
#define contexp(isson, p) ((isson) ? son(p) : bro(p))
/* inserts an identity declaration of x at
to, and replaces x by a use of the
identifier */
static void cca
PROTO_N ( (sto, to, sx, x) )
PROTO_T ( int sto X exp to X int sx X exp x )
exp def, ato, id, tg;
def = contexp (sx, x);
if (name(def)==caller_tag) { /* position sensitive */
cca (sto, to, 1, def);
ato = contexp (sto, to);
id = getexp (sh (ato), bro (ato), (int)(last (ato)), def, nilexp,
0, 1, ident_tag);
tg = getexp (sh (def), bro (def), (int)(last (def)), id, nilexp,
0, 0, name_tag);
pt (id) = tg;
clearlast (def);
if (def != ato) {
bro (def) = ato;
bro (ato) = id;
setlast (ato);
assexp (sto, to, id);
assexp (sx, x, tg);
else {
bro (def) = tg;
bro (tg) = id;
setlast (tg);
clearlast (def);
assexp (sto, to, id);
if (diagnose) {
dgf(id) = dgf(bro(son(id)));
dgf(bro(son(id))) = nildiag;
/* keeping the same to, scans along the
bro list e, applying cca to introduce
an identity declaration when doit is 1.
Keeps count as the index position along
the list in order to pass it to doit.
If it uses cca it scans the resulting
declaration, using the same to. If it
doesnt use cca, it scans the list
element, still using the same to. This
keeps all operations in the same order.
Result of cc is true if the operands
are all of 80386 form. some operations
are allowed to have not more than one
operand not of 80386 form; this is then
precomputed in reg0 before the
operations. This boolean result is used
to ensure that not more than one
operand is so treated */
static int cc
PROTO_N ( (sto, to, se, e, doit, count, usereg0) )
PROTO_T ( int sto X exp to X int se X exp e X
int (*doit) PROTO_S ((exp, int, int )) X
int count X int usereg0 )
int unused = usereg0; /* can still use reg0 */
exp ec = contexp (se, e);
if (last (ec)) {
if (doit (ec, count, unused)) {
cca (sto, to, se, e);
ec = contexp (sto, to);
return (scan2 (1, ec, son (ec), unused));
else {
if (unused)
return (scan2 (se, e, ec, 1));
return (scan2 (sto, to, ec, unused));
else {
unused = cc (sto, to, 0, ec, doit, count + 1, unused);
/* can we still use reg0? */
ec = contexp (se, e);
if (doit (ec, count, unused)) {
cca (sto, to, se, e);
ec = contexp (sto, to);
return (scan2 (1, ec, son (ec), unused));
else {
if (unused)
return (scan2 (sto, to, ec, 1));
return (scan2 (sto, to, ec, unused));
/* keeping the same to, scans along the
bro list e, applying cca to introduce
an identity declaration when doit is 1.
Keeps count as the index position along
the list in order to pass it to doit.
If it uses cca it scans the resulting
declaration, using the same to. If it
doesnt use cca, it scans the list
element, still using the same to. This
keeps all operations in the same order.
The difference in detail from cc supports
the asymmetry of div etc */
static void cc1
PROTO_N ( (sto, to, se, e, doit, count, usereg0) )
PROTO_T ( int sto X exp to X int se X exp e X
int (*doit) PROTO_S ((exp, int, int)) X
int count X int usereg0 )
int unused = ((count == 1) ? usereg0 : 0);
/* can we still use reg0? */
exp ec = contexp (se, e);
if (last (ec)) {
if (doit (ec, count, unused)) {
cca (sto, to, se, e);
ec = contexp (sto, to);
IGNORE scan2 (1, ec, son (ec), unused);
else {
if (unused) {
IGNORE scan2 (se, e, ec, 1);
IGNORE scan2 (sto, to, ec, unused);
else {
cc1 (sto, to, 0, ec, doit, count + 1, unused);
/* can we still use reg0? */
ec = contexp (se, e);
if (doit (ec, count, unused)) {
cca (sto, to, se, e);
ec = contexp (sto, to);
IGNORE scan2 (1, ec, son (ec), unused);
else {
if (unused) {
IGNORE scan2 (se, e, ec, 1);
IGNORE scan2 (sto, to, ec, unused);
/* does cca and forces the declaration to use a register */
static void ccp
PROTO_N ( (sto, to, sx, x) )
PROTO_T ( int sto X exp to X int sx X exp x )
exp toc;
cca (sto, to, sx, x);
toc = contexp (sto, to);
setusereg (toc);
IGNORE scan2 (1, toc, son (toc), 0);
/* is an operand */
static int is_opnd
PROTO_N ( (e) )
PROTO_T ( exp e )
/* make sure (is_o && is_crc -> !is_opnd) */
unsigned char n = name (e);
if (n == name_tag) {
if (isvar(son(e)))
return (isglob(son(e)) && !PIC_code);
return (son(son(e)) != nilexp &&
(!isglob(son(e)) || !PIC_code || name(sh(son(e))) != prokhd ||
(brog(son(e)) -> dec_u.dec_val.extnamed)) &&
(name(son(son(e))) != ident_tag || !isparam(son(son(e))) ));
return (
n == val_tag || n == real_tag || n == env_size_tag ||
n == cont_tag ||
n == string_tag ||
n == null_tag ||
n == proc_tag || n == general_proc_tag);
/* This checks the integer argument of an
addptr to make sure that it is of the
right form, including the scale factor
for the kind of operand. This
introduces two declarations, only the
inner one forces the use of a register.
This guarantees that we only load the
registers as close to the actual
instruction as possible, since we are
short of registers on the 80386 */
static void ap_argsc
PROTO_N ( (sto, to, e) )
PROTO_T ( int sto X exp to X exp e )
exp p, a, q;
int k;
int do1 = 1;
if (name (son (e)) == reff_tag)
q = son (son (e));
q = son (e); /* q must be addptr - all addptrs processed here */
if ((frame_al_of_ptr(sh(son(q))) & al_includes_vcallees) &&
(frame_al1_of_offset(sh(bro(son(q)))) & al_includes_caller_args)) {
/* env_offset to arg requires indirection from
frame pointer */
shape pc_sh = f_pointer(f_callers_alignment(0));
exp c = getexp (pc_sh, bro(son(q)), 0, nilexp, nilexp, 0, 0, cont_tag);
exp r = getexp (pc_sh, c, 1, son(q), nilexp, 0, 64, reff_tag);
setfather (r, son(q));
son(c) = r;
son(q) = c;
p = son (q);
a = bro (p);
if (name (p) == name_tag && isvar (son (p)) && isglob (son (p)))
do1 = 0;
if (do1)
ccp (1, e, 1, q);
if (name (a) == offset_mult_tag && name (bro (son (a))) == val_tag &&
(k = no (bro (son (a))), k == 8 || k == 16 || k == 32 || k == 64))
ccp (1, e, 1, bro (son (q)));
ccp (1, e, 0, son (q));
if (do1) {
cca (sto, to, 1, son (e));
cca (sto, to, 1, bro (son (son (e))));
cca (sto, to, 1, son (e));
/* checks that the argument of a cont or
the destination of an assign has the
right form for an operand, and
introduces a declaration if not.
Continues processing with the same to.
These arguments can contain
declarations, so that we can load
addresses as close as possible to the
instructions that use them, since we
are short of registers in the 80386.
This is done by contop in instr386, during
the code production. */
static int cont_arg
PROTO_N ( (sto, to, e, usereg0) )
PROTO_T ( int sto X exp to X exp e X int usereg0 )
unsigned char n = name (son (e));
if (n == name_tag && isvar (son (son (e))))
return usereg0;
if (n == cont_tag && usereg0 && shape_size(sh(e)) <= 32) {
cont_arg(sto, to, son(e), 1);
return 0;
if (n == reff_tag) {
exp s = son (son (e));
if (name (s) == name_tag) {
if (isusereg (son (s)))
return 0;
if (!PIC_code && isglob(son(s)) && isvar(son(s)))
return 0;
if (name(s) == cont_tag && usereg0 && shape_size(sh(e)) <= 32) {
cont_arg(sto, to, s, 1);
return 0;
if (name (s) == addptr_tag) {
ap_argsc (sto, to, e);
return 0;
if (n == addptr_tag) {
ap_argsc (sto, to, e);
return 0;
if (n == reff_tag)
ccp (1, e, 1, son (e));
ccp (1, e, 1, e);
cca (sto, to, 1, son (e));
return 0;
/* is assignable */
static int is_assable
PROTO_N ( (e) )
PROTO_T ( exp e )
return (is_a (name (e)) || name(e) == alloca_tag ||
((name (e) == apply_tag || name (e) == apply_general_tag) &&
(name (sh (e)) <= ulonghd || name (sh (e)) == ptrhd)));
/* doit routine, is not an operand */
static int notopnd
PROTO_N ( (t, c, usereg0) )
PROTO_T ( exp t X int c X int usereg0 )
if (usereg0) {
if (is_opnd (t))
return (0);
return (!is_assable (t));
return (!is_opnd (t));
static int scan_for_alloca PROTO_S ((exp));
static int scan_alloc_args
PROTO_N ( (s) )
PROTO_T ( exp s )
if (scan_for_alloca(s))
return 1;
if (last(s))
return 0;
return scan_alloc_args(bro(s));
static int scan_for_alloca
PROTO_N ( (t) )
PROTO_T ( exp t )
switch (name(t)) {
case local_free_all_tag:
case local_free_tag:
case last_local_tag:
case alloca_tag:
case make_lv_tag:
return 1;
case case_tag:
return scan_for_alloca(son(t));
case labst_tag:
return scan_for_alloca(bro(son(t)));
case env_offset_tag:
case string_tag:
case name_tag:
return 0;
case apply_general_tag:
if call_is_untidy(t)
return 1;
return scan_alloc_args(son(t));
if (son(t) == nilexp)
return 0;
return scan_alloc_args(son(t));
static int no_alloca
PROTO_N ( (t, c, usereg0) )
PROTO_T ( exp t X int c X int usereg0 )
UNUSED(c); UNUSED(usereg0);
return scan_for_alloca(t);
/* uses cc, requiring all to be operands */
static void all_opnd
PROTO_N ( (sto, to, e, usereg0) )
PROTO_T ( int sto X exp to X exp e X int usereg0 )
IGNORE cc (sto, to, 1, e, notopnd, 1, usereg0);
/* doit routine, not assignable */
static int notass
PROTO_N ( (t, i, usereg0) )
PROTO_T ( exp t X int i X int usereg0 )
UNUSED(i); UNUSED(usereg0);
return (!is_assable (t));
/* uses cc, requiring all to be assignable */
static void all_assable
PROTO_N ( (sto, to, e) )
PROTO_T ( int sto X exp to X exp e )
IGNORE cc (sto, to, 1, e, notass, 1, 1);
/* just used in the next routine */
static int is_direct
PROTO_N ( (e) )
PROTO_T ( exp e )
unsigned char s = name (e);
return ((s == name_tag && !isglob (son (e)) && !isvar (son (e))) ||
(s == cont_tag && name (son (e)) == name_tag &&
!isglob (son (son (e))) && isvar (son (son (e)))));
/* is indirectly addressable */
static int is_indable
PROTO_N ( (e) )
PROTO_T ( exp e )
unsigned char s = name (e);
if (s == name_tag)
return (1);
if (s == cont_tag) {
unsigned char t = name (son (e));
return ((t == name_tag && isvar (son (son (e)))) ||
(t == cont_tag && name (son (son (e))) == name_tag &&
isvar (son (son (son (e))))) ||
(t == reff_tag && is_direct (son (son (e)))));
return ((s == reff_tag && is_direct (son (e))) ||
s == addptr_tag);
/* son must be indirectly addressable */
static void indable_son
PROTO_N ( (sto, to, e) )
PROTO_T ( int sto X exp to X exp e )
if (!is_indable (son (e))) {
exp ec;
cca (sto, to, 1, e);
ec = contexp (sto, to);
IGNORE scan2 (1, ec, son (ec), 0);
IGNORE scan2 (sto, to, son (e), 0);
/* apply scan2 to this bro list, moving "to" along it */
static void scanargs
PROTO_N ( (st, e, usereg0) )
PROTO_T ( int st X exp e X int usereg0 )
exp t = e;
exp temp;
while (temp = contexp (st, t), IGNORE scan2 (st, t, temp, usereg0),
temp = contexp (st, t), !last (temp)) {
t = contexp (st, t);
st = 0;
/* doit routine for plus first arg cant be negate, others can */
static int plusdo
PROTO_N ( (t, i, usereg0) )
PROTO_T ( exp t X int i X int usereg0 )
if (usereg0)
return (0);
if (name (t) == neg_tag)
return (0);
return (!is_opnd (t));
/* doit routine for mult */
static int multdo
PROTO_N ( (t, i, usereg0) )
PROTO_T ( exp t X int i X int usereg0 )
return ((usereg0) ? 0 : !is_opnd (t));
/* doit routine for and */
static int anddo
PROTO_N ( (t, i, usereg0) )
PROTO_T ( exp t X int i X int usereg0 )
return ((usereg0) ? 0 : !is_opnd (t));
/* doit routine for xor */
static int notado
PROTO_N ( (t, i, usereg0) )
PROTO_T ( exp t X int i X int usereg0 )
return ((usereg0) ? 0 : !is_opnd (t));
/* change offset representation bytes to bits */
static void make_bitfield_offset
PROTO_N ( (e, pe, spe, sha) )
PROTO_T ( exp e X exp pe X int spe X shape sha )
exp omul;
exp val8;
if (name(e) == val_tag)
omul = getexp (sha, bro(e), (int)(last (e)), e, nilexp, 0, 0, offset_mult_tag);
val8 = getexp (slongsh, omul, 1, nilexp, nilexp, 0, 8, val_tag);
setbro(e, val8);
assexp(spe, pe, omul);
static void scan_apply_args
PROTO_N ( (spto, pto, sato, ato) )
PROTO_T ( int spto X exp pto X int sato X exp ato )
if (scan_alloc_args (contexp (sato, ato)))
IGNORE cc (spto, pto, sato, ato, no_alloca, 1, 0);
IGNORE scanargs(sato, ato, 1);
/* avoid registers corrupted by dynamic callees */
static void cca_for_cees
PROTO_N ( (sto, to, e) )
PROTO_T ( int sto X exp to X exp e )
if (name(son(e)) == name_tag) {
if (!isglob (son(son(e))))
set_intnl_call (son(son(e)));
if (name(son(e)) == cont_tag && name(son(son(e))) == name_tag) {
if (!isglob (son(son(son(e)))))
set_intnl_call (son(son(son(e))));
cca (sto, to, 1, e);
set_intnl_call (contexp (sto, to));
static int is_asm_opnd
PROTO_N ( (e, ext) )
PROTO_T ( exp e X int ext )
unsigned char n = name (e);
if (n == name_tag) {
setvis (son(e));
return 1;
if (n == cont_tag && name(son(e)) == name_tag && isvar(son(son(e)))) {
setvis (son(son(e)));
return 1;
return (n == val_tag || n == real_tag || n == null_tag ||
(n == reff_tag && name(son(e)) == name_tag));
static int is_asm_var
PROTO_N ( (e, ext) )
PROTO_T ( exp e X int ext )
unsigned char n = name (e);
if (n == name_tag && isvar(son(e))) {
setvis (son(e));
return 1;
return 0;
void check_asm_seq
PROTO_N ( (e, ext) )
PROTO_T ( exp e X int ext )
if (name(e) == asm_tag) {
if ((asm_string(e) && name(son(e)) == string_tag) ||
(asm_in(e) && is_asm_opnd(son(e), ext)) ||
(asm_var(e) && is_asm_var(son(e), ext)) )
if (name(e) == seq_tag) {
exp t = son(son(e));
for (;;) {
check_asm_seq (t, ext);
if (last(t))
t = bro(t);
check_asm_seq (bro(son(e)), ext);
if (name(e) != top_tag)
failer ("illegal ~asm");
/* main scan routine */
int scan2
PROTO_N ( (sto, to, e, usereg0) )
PROTO_T ( int sto X exp to X exp e X int usereg0 )
switch (name (e)) {
case prof_tag:
return 0;
case cond_tag:
case rep_tag:
case compound_tag:
case solve_tag:
case nof_tag:
case concatnof_tag:
case ncopies_tag:
#ifndef NEWDIAGS
case diagnose_tag:
case caller_tag:
if (son(e) == nilexp) /* empty make_nof */
return (0);
scanargs (1, e, 1);
return (0);
case labst_tag:
IGNORE scan2 (0, son (e), bro (son (e)), 1);
return (0);
case ident_tag:
IGNORE scan2 (0, son (e), bro (son (e)), 0);
IGNORE scan2 (1, e, son (e), 0);
return (0);
case seq_tag:
scanargs (1, son (e), 1);
IGNORE scan2 (0, son (e), bro (son (e)), 1);
return (0);
case local_free_tag:
case long_jump_tag:
case return_to_label_tag:
all_assable (sto, to, e);
return (0);
case offset_add_tag:
case offset_subtract_tag:
if (al2(sh(son(e))) == 1 && al2(sh(bro(son(e)))) != 1)
make_bitfield_offset (bro(son(e)), son(e), 0, sh(e));
if (al2(sh(son(e))) != 1 && al2(sh(bro(son(e)))) == 1)
make_bitfield_offset (son(e), e, 1, sh(e));
IGNORE all_opnd (sto, to, e, usereg0);
return 0;
/* all arguments except possibly one must be operands */
case offset_mult_tag:
case alloca_tag:
case minus_tag:
case neg_tag:
case not_tag:
case offset_pad_tag:
case offset_negate_tag:
case offset_max_tag:
case int_to_bitf_tag:
case testbit_tag:
case bitf_to_int_tag:
case max_tag:
case min_tag:
case abs_tag:
IGNORE all_opnd (sto, to, e, usereg0);
return 0;
/* all arguments except possibly one must be operands */
case subptr_tag:
case minptr_tag:
case make_stack_limit_tag:
IGNORE all_opnd (sto, to, e, 0);
return 0;
case set_stack_limit_tag:
exp lim = find_stlim_var();
setbro (lim, son(e));
setson (e, lim);
setname (e, ass_tag);
return scan2 (sto, to, e, usereg0);
case chvar_tag:
int ur = usereg0 && name(son(e)) != cont_tag;
IGNORE all_opnd (sto, to, e, ur);
return 0;
case test_tag:
case absbool_tag:
if ((name (sh (son (e))) >= shrealhd &&
name (sh (son (e))) <= doublehd))
IGNORE all_opnd (sto, to, e, 0);/* all arguments must be operands */
IGNORE all_opnd (sto, to, e, usereg0);
/* all arguments except possibly one must be operands */
return 0;
case mod_tag:
case rem2_tag:
case rem0_tag:
case div1_tag:
case div2_tag:
case div0_tag:
if (name (sh (e)) == u64hd) {
exp * bottom = &bro(son(e));
if (name(*bottom) == chvar_tag && shape_size (sh (son(*bottom))) <= 32 &&
name (son(*bottom)) != val_tag && !is_signed (sh (son(*bottom))) ) {
if (shape_size (sh (son(*bottom))) == 32) {
setbro (son(*bottom), bro(*bottom));
*bottom = son(*bottom);
setsh (son(*bottom), ulongsh);
cc1 (sto, to, 1, e, notopnd, 1, usereg0);
return 0;
/* all arguments except possibly the first must be operands */
case shl_tag:
case shr_tag:
case rotl_tag:
case rotr_tag:
case offset_div_tag:
cc1 (sto, to, 1, e, notopnd, 1, usereg0);
return 0;
/* all arguments except possibly the first must be operands */
case offset_div_by_int_tag:
if (name(sh(bro(son(e)))) != slonghd && name(sh(bro(son(e)))) != ulonghd) {
exp ch = getexp ((name(sh(bro(son(e))))&1 ? slongsh : ulongsh),
e, 1, bro(son(e)), nilexp, 0, 0, chvar_tag);
setbro(bro(son(e)), ch);
setbro(son(e), ch);
cc1 (sto, to, 1, e, notopnd, 1, usereg0);
return 0;
/* all arguments except possibly the first must be operands */
case fplus_tag:
case fminus_tag:
case fmult_tag:
case fdiv_tag:
case fneg_tag:
case fabs_tag:
case chfl_tag:
case float_tag:
case round_tag:
case movecont_tag:
IGNORE all_opnd (sto, to, e, 0);/* all arguments must be operands */
return 0;
case ass_tag:
case assvol_tag:
exp toc;
if (name (e) == assvol_tag)/* change assvol to assign */
setname (e, ass_tag);
IGNORE cont_arg (sto, to, e, 0);
/* special check for references */
if (!is_assable (bro (son (e)))) {
/* second argument must be assignable */
cca (sto, to, 0, son (e));
toc = contexp (sto, to);
IGNORE scan2 (1, toc, son (toc), 1);
IGNORE scan2 (sto, to, bro (son (e)), 1);
return (0);
case apply_tag:
if (builtinproc(e)) { /* son must be named global */
if (!last(son(e)))
IGNORE cc (sto, to, 0, son(e), notopnd, 1, 0);
return 0;
if (!last(son(e)))
scan_apply_args (sto, to, 0, son(e));
indable_son (sto, to, e);
return (0);
case apply_general_tag:
exp cees = bro(bro(son(e)));
exp p_post = cees; /* bro(p_post) is postlude */
while (name(bro(p_post)) == ident_tag && name(son(bro(p_post))) == caller_name_tag)
p_post = son(bro(p_post));
scan2 (0, p_post, bro(p_post), 1);
if (son(cees) != nilexp)
scan_apply_args (sto, to, 1, cees);
if (no(bro(son(e))) != 0)
scan_apply_args (sto, to, 1, bro(son(e)));
indable_son (sto, to, e);
if ((name(cees) == make_dynamic_callee_tag && name(bro(son(cees))) != val_tag)
|| (name(cees) == same_callees_tag && callee_size < 0))
has_dy_callees = 1;
if (name(cees) == same_callees_tag)
has_same_callees = 1;
if (name(cees) == make_dynamic_callee_tag || name(cees) == same_callees_tag)
cca_for_cees (sto, to, e);
return (0);
case tail_call_tag:
exp cees = bro(son(e));
has_tail_call = 1;
if (son(cees) != nilexp)
IGNORE cc (sto, to, 1, cees, no_alloca, 1, 0);
indable_son (sto, to, e);
if (name(cees) == make_dynamic_callee_tag && name(bro(son(cees))) != val_tag)
has_dy_callees = 1;
if (name(cees) == same_callees_tag)
has_same_callees = 1;
if (name(cees) == make_dynamic_callee_tag)
cca_for_cees (sto, to, e);
return (0);
case goto_lv_tag:
indable_son (sto, to, e);
return (0);
case res_tag:
case untidy_return_tag:
if ((name(sh(son(e))) == cpdhd) &&
(name(son(e)) != cont_tag ||
name(son(son(e))) != name_tag ||
!isvar(son(son(son(e)))))) { /* gcc compatibility */
exp ec;
cca (sto, to, 1, e);
ec = contexp (sto, to);
IGNORE scan2 (1, ec, son (ec), 0);
return 0;
else {
IGNORE (scan2 (sto, to, son (e), 1));
return 0;
case case_tag:
exp toc;
if (name (son (e)) != name_tag &&
(name (son (e)) != cont_tag ||
name (son (son (e))) != name_tag)) {
cca (sto, to, 1, e);
toc = contexp (sto, to);
IGNORE scan2 (1, toc, son (toc), 0);
IGNORE scan2 (sto, to, son (e), 0);
return (0);
case plus_tag:
IGNORE cc (sto, to, 1, e, plusdo, 1, usereg0);
return 0;
case addptr_tag:
exp f = father (e);
exp new_r = getexp (sh (e), bro (e), (int)(last (e)),
e, nilexp, 0,
0, reff_tag);
exp * ref = refto (f, e);
setlast (e);
bro (e) = new_r;
*ref = new_r;
ap_argsc (sto, to, new_r);
return (0);
case mult_tag:
if (shape_size (sh (e)) == 64 && optop(e)) {
exp * arglist = &son(e);
for (;;) {
if (name(*arglist) == chvar_tag && shape_size (sh (son(*arglist))) <= 32 &&
(is_signed (sh (e)) || !is_signed (sh (son(*arglist)))) ) {
if (shape_size (sh (son(*arglist))) == 32) {
setbro (son(*arglist), bro(*arglist));
if (last(*arglist))
setlast (son(*arglist));
clearlast (son(*arglist));
*arglist = son(*arglist);
setsh (son(*arglist), (is_signed (sh (e)) ? slongsh : ulongsh));
if (last(*arglist))
arglist = &bro(*arglist);
IGNORE cc (sto, to, 1, e, multdo, 1, usereg0);
return 0;
case and_tag:
IGNORE cc (sto, to, 1, e, anddo, 1, usereg0);
return 0;
case or_tag:
case xor_tag:
IGNORE cc (sto, to, 1, e, notado, 1, usereg0);
return 0;
case cont_tag:
case contvol_tag:
if (name (e) == contvol_tag)
setname (e, cont_tag);
return cont_arg (sto, to, e, usereg0);
case field_tag:
if (!is_o (name (son (e))) || name (e) == cont_tag) {
exp temp;
cca (sto, to, 1, e);
temp = contexp (sto, to);
return (scan2 (1, temp, son (temp), usereg0));
return (scan2 (sto, to, son (e), usereg0));
case reff_tag:
if (name (son (e)) == addptr_tag) {
ap_argsc (sto, to, e);
return (0);
ccp (sto, to, 1, e);
return (0);
case proc_tag:
case general_proc_tag:
IGNORE scan2 (1, e, son (e), 1);
return (0);
case asm_tag:
if (props(e) != 0)
failer ("~asm not in ~asm_sequence");
check_asm_seq (son(e), 0);
proc_has_asm = 1;
return (0);
case name_tag:
if (!is_opnd (e)) {
return 0;
return (usereg0);