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Crown Copyright (c) 1997
This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
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acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
(DERA). It is made available to Recipients with a
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to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
product development provided that any such use et cetera
shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
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$Author: release $
$Date: 1998/01/17 15:55:47 $
$Revision: $
$Log: flpt_fns.c,v $
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:55:47 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
* Revision 1.1 1997/11/04 18:23:43 pwe
* split install_fns with new flpt_fns
/* This file consists of the floating point and complex operations
extracted from install_fns.c, to reduce compilation unit sizes
#include "config.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "common_types.h"
#include "basicread.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "main_reads.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "flags.h"
#include "me_fns.h"
#include "installglob.h"
#include "readglob.h"
#include "table_fns.h"
#include "flpttypes.h"
#include "flpt.h"
#include "xalloc.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "read_fns.h"
#include "sortmacs.h"
#include "machine.h"
#include "spec.h"
#include "check_id.h"
#include "check.h"
#include "szs_als.h"
#include "messages_c.h"
#include "natmacs.h"
#include "f64.h"
#include "readglob.h"
#include "case_opt.h"
#include "install_fns.h"
#include "externs.h"
extern shape shcomplexsh;
extern shape complexsh;
extern shape complexdoublesh;
exp_list reorder_list PROTO_S ( ( exp_list, int ) ) ;
exp me_contents PROTO_S ( ( exp ) ) ;
extern int eq_et PROTO_S ( ( error_treatment, error_treatment ) ) ;
extern exp TDFcallaux PROTO_S ( ( error_treatment, exp, char *, shape ) ) ;
extern exp find_named_tg PROTO_S ( ( char *, shape ) ) ;
static exp me_complete_chain PROTO_S ( ( exp, exp, exp ) ) ;
static exp push PROTO_S ( ( exp, exp ) ) ;
static void square_x_iy PROTO_S ( ( error_treatment, exp *, exp *, exp ) ) ;
static void mult_w_by_z PROTO_S ( ( error_treatment, exp *, exp *, exp, exp, exp ) ) ;
static exp make_comp_1_z PROTO_S ( ( floating_variety, error_treatment, exp, exp, exp, exp, exp, exp ) ) ;
static exp f_bin_floating_plus PROTO_S ( ( error_treatment, exp, exp ) ) ;
static exp f_bin_floating_mult PROTO_S ( ( error_treatment, exp, exp ) ) ;
static exp real_power PROTO_S ( ( error_treatment, exp, exp ) ) ;
exp f_change_floating_variety
PROTO_N ( (flpt_err, r, arg1) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment flpt_err X floating_variety r X exp arg1 )
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
return arg1;
#if check_shape
if ( ! ( (is_complex(sh(arg1)) && is_complex(f_floating(r)) ) ||
(is_float(sh(arg1)) && is_float(f_floating(r)) )
if (eq_shape(f_floating(r), sh(arg1))) /* i.e. does nothing */
return arg1; /* Discard the other bits ? */
#if substitute_complex
if (is_complex(sh(arg1)))
shape complex_shape = sh(arg1);
floating_variety real_fv = f_float_of_complex (f_floating(r));
exp c1 = me_startid (complex_shape, arg1, 0);
exp obtain1_c1 = me_obtain(c1); /* contents of arg1 */
exp obtain2_c1 = me_obtain(c1);
exp x = f_real_part (obtain1_c1); /* re(arg1) */
exp y = f_imaginary_part (obtain2_c1); /* im(arg1) */
exp new_x = f_change_floating_variety (flpt_err, real_fv, x);
exp new_y = f_change_floating_variety (flpt_err, real_fv, y);
exp make_comp = f_make_complex (r, new_x, new_y);
c1 = me_complete_id (c1, make_comp); /* Does a 'hold_check' */
return c1;
#endif /* substitute complex */
#if ishppa
exp t = me_c1(f_floating(r), flpt_err, arg1, chfl_tag);
if (!optop(t) && name(sh(t))==doublehd) {
exp id = me_startid(sh(t),t,0);
exp tmp = me_complete_id(id,me_obtain(id));
return tmp;
return t;
return me_c1(f_floating(r), flpt_err, arg1, chfl_tag);
exp f_complex_conjugate
PROTO_N ( (arg1) )
PROTO_T ( exp arg1 )
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
return arg1;
#if check_shape
if (!is_complex(sh(arg1)))
#if substitute_complex
shape complex_shape = sh(arg1); /* shape of our complex numbers */
floating_variety real_fv = f_float_of_complex(complex_shape);
shape real_shape = f_floating(real_fv);
floating_variety complex_fv = f_complex_of_float(real_shape);
exp c1 = me_startid(complex_shape, arg1, 0);
exp obtain1_c1 = hold_check(me_obtain(c1)); /* contents of arg1 */
exp obtain2_c1 = hold_check(me_obtain(c1));
exp x1 = f_real_part(obtain1_c1); /* re(arg1) */
exp y1 = f_imaginary_part(obtain2_c1); /* im(arg1) */
exp neg_im = f_floating_negate(f_impossible, y1); /* - im(arg1) */
exp make_comp = f_make_complex(complex_fv, x1, neg_im);
c1 = me_complete_id(c1, make_comp);
return c1;
return me_u3(sh(arg1), arg1, conj_tag);
exp f_float_int
PROTO_N ( (flpt_err, f, arg1) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment flpt_err X floating_variety f X exp arg1 )
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
return arg1;
#if check_shape
if (!is_integer(sh(arg1)))
if (is_complex(f_floating(f))) {
flpt fzero_copy = new_flpt();
floating_variety fv = f_float_of_complex(f_floating(f));
shape real_shape = f_floating(fv);
exp zero;
exp res = f_float_int(flpt_err, fv, arg1);
res = hold_check(res);
flt_copy (flptnos[fzero_no], &flptnos[fzero_copy]);
zero = getexp(real_shape, nilexp, 1, nilexp, nilexp, 0,
fzero_copy, real_tag);
return f_make_complex(f, res, zero);
#if !has64bits
if ((name(arg1)!=val_tag || flpt_err.err_code > 2)
&& shape_size(sh(arg1))> 32) {
#if use_long_double
exp z = TDFcallaux(flpt_err, arg1,
(is_signed(sh(arg1))?"__TDFUs_float":"__TDFUu_float"), doublesh);
z = hold_check(z);
if (f != doublefv) {
z = me_c1(f_floating(f), flpt_err, z, chfl_tag);
return z;
exp z = TDFcallaux(flpt_err, arg1,
(is_signed(sh(arg1))?"__TDFUs_float":"__TDFUu_float"), realsh);
z = hold_check(z);
if (f != realfv) {
z = me_c1(f_floating(f), flpt_err, z, chfl_tag);
return z;
return me_c1(f_floating(f), flpt_err, arg1, float_tag);
exp f_floating_abs
PROTO_N ( (ov_err, arg1) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment ov_err X exp arg1 )
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
return arg1;
#if check_shape
if (!is_float(sh(arg1)))
#if ishppa
exp r = me_u1(ov_err, arg1, fabs_tag);
if (!optop(r) && name(sh(r))==doublehd) {
exp id = me_startid(sh(r),r,0);
exp tmp = me_complete_id(id,me_obtain(id));
return tmp;
return r;
return me_u1(ov_err, arg1, fabs_tag);
exp f_floating_div
PROTO_N ( (ov_err, arg1, arg2) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment ov_err X exp arg1 X exp arg2 )
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg2,arg2); return arg1; }
if (name(sh(arg2)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg1,arg1); return arg2; }
#if check_shape
if (! ((is_float(sh(arg1)) || is_complex(sh(arg1))) && eq_shape(sh(arg1), sh(arg2))) )
/* PAB changes - 21 October 1994 */
#if substitute_complex
if (is_complex(sh(arg1))) {
shape complex_shape = sh(arg1); /* shape of our complex numbers */
floating_variety real_fv = f_float_of_complex(complex_shape);
shape real_shape = f_floating(real_fv);
floating_variety complex_fv = f_complex_of_float(real_shape);
exp z1 = me_startid(complex_shape, arg1, 0);
exp z2 = me_startid(complex_shape, arg2, 0);
exp obtain1_z1 = hold_check(me_obtain(z1)); /* contents of arg1 */
exp obtain2_z1 = hold_check(me_obtain(z1));
exp obtain1_z2 = hold_check(me_obtain(z2)); /* contents of arg2 */
exp obtain2_z2 = hold_check(me_obtain(z2));
exp z1_re = f_real_part(obtain1_z1); /* re(arg1) */
exp z2_re = f_real_part(obtain1_z2); /* re(arg2) */
exp z1_im = f_imaginary_part(obtain2_z1); /* im(arg1) */
exp z2_im = f_imaginary_part(obtain2_z2); /* im(arg2) */
exp x1 = me_startid(real_shape, z1_re, 0);
exp x2 = me_startid(real_shape, z2_re, 0);
exp y1 = me_startid(real_shape, z1_im, 0);
exp y2 = me_startid(real_shape, z2_im, 0);
exp obtain1_x1 = hold_check(me_obtain(x1)); /* x1 is used twice */
exp obtain2_x1 = hold_check(me_obtain(x1));
exp obtain1_y1 = hold_check(me_obtain(y1)); /* y1 is used twice */
exp obtain2_y1 = hold_check(me_obtain(y1));
exp obtain1_x2 = hold_check(me_obtain(x2)); /* x2 is used four times */
exp obtain2_x2 = hold_check(me_obtain(x2));
exp obtain3_x2 = hold_check(me_obtain(x2));
exp obtain4_x2 = hold_check(me_obtain(x2));
exp obtain1_y2 = hold_check(me_obtain(y2)); /* y2 is used four times */
exp obtain2_y2 = hold_check(me_obtain(y2));
exp obtain3_y2 = hold_check(me_obtain(y2));
exp obtain4_y2 = hold_check(me_obtain(y2));
exp mult_x2_x2 = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, obtain1_x2, obtain2_x2);
exp mult_y2_y2 = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, obtain1_y2, obtain2_y2);
exp mult_x1_x2 = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, obtain1_x1, obtain3_x2);
exp mult_y1_y2 = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, obtain1_y1, obtain3_y2);
exp mult_y1_x2 = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, obtain2_y1, obtain4_x2);
exp mult_x1_y2 = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, obtain2_x1, obtain4_y2);
exp plus1 = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, mult_x2_x2, mult_y2_y2);
exp plus2 = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, mult_x1_x2, mult_y1_y2);
exp minus1 = f_floating_minus(ov_err, mult_y1_x2, mult_x1_y2);
exp denom = me_startid(real_shape, plus1, 0);
exp obtain_denom1 = hold_check(me_obtain(denom));
exp obtain_denom2 = hold_check(me_obtain(denom));
exp answer_re = f_floating_div(ov_err, plus2, obtain_denom1);
exp answer_im = f_floating_div(ov_err, minus1, obtain_denom2);
exp make_comp = f_make_complex(complex_fv, answer_re, answer_im);
denom = me_complete_id(denom, make_comp);
y2 = me_complete_id(y2, denom);
y1 = me_complete_id(y1, y2);
x2 = me_complete_id(x2, y1);
x1 = me_complete_id(x1, x2);
z2 = me_complete_id(z2, x1);
z1 = me_complete_id(z1, z2);
return z1;
#if ishppa
exp r = hold_check(me_b1(ov_err, arg1, arg2, fdiv_tag));
if (!optop(r) && name(sh(r))==doublehd) {
exp id = me_startid(sh(r),r,0);
exp tmp = me_complete_id(id,me_obtain(id));
return tmp;
return r;
return hold_check(me_b1(ov_err, arg1, arg2, fdiv_tag));
exp f_floating_maximum
PROTO_N ( (flpt_err, arg1, arg2) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment flpt_err X exp arg1 X exp arg2 )
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg2,arg2); return arg1; }
if (name(sh(arg2)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg1,arg1); return arg2; }
#if check_shape
if (!is_float(sh(arg1)) || !eq_shape(sh(arg1), sh(arg2)))
return hold_check(me_b1(flpt_err, arg1, arg2, fmax_tag));
exp f_floating_minimum
PROTO_N ( (flpt_err, arg1, arg2) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment flpt_err X exp arg1 X exp arg2 )
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg2,arg2); return arg1; }
if (name(sh(arg2)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg1,arg1); return arg2; }
#if check_shape
if (!is_float(sh(arg1)) || !eq_shape(sh(arg1), sh(arg2)))
return hold_check(me_b1(flpt_err, arg1, arg2, fmin_tag));
/* The following code needs to generate labels for use with */
/* 'cond_tag'. This is currently implemented using the */
/* knowledge that a label can be obtained by taking a pointer */
/* to an EXP - a hack which was introduced because of the */
/* need to use 'f_integer_test' with 64-bit integers. This */
/* hack is performed exclusively by the MACRO 'make_label' */
#define make_label(EXP) &EXP
/* 'is_constant_arg' checks to see if E1 is */
/* a constant that will fit into type 'int'. */
#define is_constant_arg(E1) \
((name(E1) == val_tag) && !isbigval(E1) && \
(is_signed(sh(E1)) || (no(E1) >> 31 == 0)))
exp f_floating_power
PROTO_N ( (ov_err, arg1, arg2) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment ov_err X exp arg1 X exp arg2 )
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg2,arg2); return arg1; }
if (name(sh(arg2)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg1,arg1); return arg2; }
#if check_shape
if (!( (is_float(sh(arg1)) || is_complex(sh(arg1))) && is_integer(sh(arg2)) ))
/* PAB changes - 31 October 1994 */
/* Gives shorter .s file if n<10 and arg1 is unknown */
if (is_complex(sh(arg1))) {
shape integer_shape = sh(arg2);
shape complex_shape = sh(arg1); /* shape of our complex numbers */
floating_variety real_fv = f_float_of_complex(complex_shape);
shape real_shape = f_floating(real_fv);
floating_variety complex_fv = f_complex_of_float(real_shape);
exp sn = me_startid(integer_shape, arg2, 0);
if (is_constant_arg(arg2) ||
((name(arg2) == name_tag) && (name(son(arg2)) == ident_tag)
&& !isvar(son(arg2)) && is_constant_arg(son(son(arg2)))))
{ /* we know the power */
int n;
int exponent;
exp z = push (sn, me_startid(complex_shape, arg1, 0));
if (is_constant_arg(arg2)) {
exponent = no(arg2); /* arg2 is a constant */
else {
exponent = no(son(son(arg2)));
/* arg2 identifies a constant */
n = abs(exponent);
if (n == 0) {
exp answer_re, answer_im, make_comp;
flpt fzero_copy = new_flpt();
flpt fone_copy = new_flpt();
flt_copy (flptnos[fzero_no], &flptnos[fzero_copy]);
flt_copy (flptnos[fone_no], &flptnos[fone_copy]);
answer_re = getexp(real_shape, nilexp, 1, nilexp, nilexp, 0, fone_copy, real_tag);
answer_im = getexp(real_shape, nilexp, 1, nilexp, nilexp, 0, fzero_copy, real_tag);
make_comp = f_make_complex(complex_fv, answer_re, answer_im);
return me_complete_chain(z, arg2, make_comp);
} else {
exp link_next;
exp z_re = f_real_part (me_obtain(z));
exp z_im = f_imaginary_part(me_obtain(z));
exp x = push (z, me_startid(real_shape, z_re, 0));
exp y = push (x, me_startid(real_shape, z_im, 0));
exp u, v, mylast;;
while ((n % 2) == 0) {
mylast = y;
square_x_iy(ov_err, &x, &y, mylast);
n = n / 2;
if (n == 1) { /* return z */
if (exponent < 0) {
link_next = make_comp_1_z(complex_fv, ov_err,
me_obtain(x), me_obtain(x), me_obtain(x),
me_obtain(y), me_obtain(y), me_obtain(y));
} else {
link_next = f_make_complex(complex_fv, me_obtain(x), me_obtain(y));
return me_complete_chain(y, arg2, link_next); /* return z */
} else { /* w = z */
u = push (y, me_startid(real_shape, me_obtain(x), 0));
v = push (u, me_startid(real_shape, me_obtain(y), 0));
mylast = v;
while (n != 1) {
square_x_iy(ov_err, &x, &y, mylast); /* z = z*z */
mylast = y;
n = n / 2;
if ((n % 2) == 1) {
mult_w_by_z (ov_err, &u, &v, x, y, mylast); /* w = w*z */
mylast = v;
if (exponent < 0) {
link_next = make_comp_1_z(complex_fv, ov_err,
me_obtain(u), me_obtain(u), me_obtain(u),
me_obtain(v), me_obtain(v), me_obtain(v));
} else {
link_next = f_make_complex(complex_fv, me_obtain(u), me_obtain(v));
return me_complete_chain(v, arg2, link_next); /* return w */
} else {
exp reinitialise_w, main_loop, make_comp; /* main building blocks */
exp square_z, mult_z_w, half_n, update_w, repeat_body;
exp seq, seq_zero, make_comp1, make_comp2;
exp real0, real1, x, y, u, v;
exp z = me_startid(complex_shape, arg1, 0);
exp abs_val_sn = f_abs(ov_err, me_obtain(sn));
exp n = me_startid(sh(sn), abs_val_sn, 1);
exp z_re = f_real_part (me_obtain(z));
exp z_im = f_imaginary_part(me_obtain(z));
flpt fzero_copy = new_flpt();
flpt fone_copy = new_flpt();
flt_copy (flptnos[fzero_no], &flptnos[fzero_copy]);
flt_copy (flptnos[fone_no], &flptnos[fone_copy]);
real0 = getexp(real_shape, nilexp, 1, nilexp, nilexp, 0, fzero_copy, real_tag);
real1 = getexp(real_shape, nilexp, 1, nilexp, nilexp, 0, fone_copy, real_tag);
x = me_startid(real_shape, z_re, 1); /* re(arg1) */
y = me_startid(real_shape, z_im, 1); /* re(arg2) */
u = me_startid(real_shape, real1, 1); /* re(w) = 1.0 */
v = me_startid(real_shape, real0, 1); /* im(w) = 0.0 */
/* change value of w to z if n is odd */
exp constant1 = me_shint(integer_shape, 1);
exp constant2 = me_shint(integer_shape, 2);
exp rem_n_2 = f_rem0 (f_impossible, f_impossible,
me_contents(n), constant2);
exp assign_u = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, me_obtain(u), me_contents(x), ass_tag));
exp assign_v = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, me_obtain(v), me_contents(y), ass_tag));
exp top_cell = me_l1(f_top, top_tag);
exp alt_labst = hold_check(me_b3(sh(top_cell), me_null(f_top,0,clear_tag),
top_cell, labst_tag));
exp is_n_odd = f_integer_test (no_nat_option, f_equal,
make_label(alt_labst), rem_n_2, constant1);
exp seq_zero = hold_check(me_b2(is_n_odd, assign_u, 0));
exp seq = hold_check(me_b3(sh(assign_v), seq_zero, assign_v, seq_tag));
reinitialise_w = hold_check(me_b3(lub_shape(sh(seq),sh(alt_labst)),
seq, alt_labst, cond_tag));
/* z=z*z */
exp minus_x_y = f_floating_minus(ov_err, me_contents(x), me_contents(y));
exp plus_x_y = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, me_contents(x), me_contents(y));
exp mult_x_y = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, me_contents(x), me_contents(y));
exp tmp = me_startid(real_shape, mult_x_y, 0);
exp answer_re = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, minus_x_y, plus_x_y);
exp answer_im = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, me_obtain(tmp), me_obtain(tmp));
exp assign_x = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, me_obtain(x), answer_re, ass_tag));
exp assign_y = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, me_obtain(y), answer_im, ass_tag));
exp seq_zero = hold_check(me_u2(assign_x, 0));
exp seq = hold_check(me_b3(sh(assign_y), seq_zero, assign_y, seq_tag));
square_z = me_complete_id(tmp, seq);
/* w=z*w */
exp mult_x_u = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, me_contents(x), me_contents(u));
exp mult_x_v = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, me_contents(x), me_contents(v));
exp mult_y_u = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, me_contents(y), me_contents(u));
exp mult_y_v = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, me_contents(y), me_contents(v));
exp tmp = me_startid(real_shape, mult_y_u, 0);
exp answer_re = f_floating_minus(ov_err, mult_x_u, mult_y_v);
exp answer_im = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, mult_x_v, me_obtain(tmp));
exp assign_u = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, me_obtain(u), answer_re, ass_tag));
exp assign_v = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, me_obtain(v), answer_im, ass_tag));
exp seq_zero = hold_check(me_u2(assign_u, 0));
exp seq = hold_check(me_b3(sh(assign_v), seq_zero, assign_v, seq_tag));
mult_z_w = me_complete_id(tmp, seq);
/* n=n/2 */
exp constant2 = me_shint(integer_shape, 2);
exp answer = f_div0 (f_impossible, f_impossible,
me_contents(n), constant2);
half_n = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, me_obtain(n), answer, ass_tag));
/* if n is odd then w = z*w */
exp constant1 = me_shint(integer_shape, 1);
exp constant2 = me_shint(integer_shape, 2);
exp rem_n_2 = f_rem0 (f_impossible, f_impossible,
me_contents(n), constant2);
exp top_cell = me_l1(f_top, top_tag);
exp alt_labst = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, me_null(f_top,0,clear_tag),
top_cell, labst_tag));
exp is_n_odd = f_integer_test (no_nat_option, f_equal,
make_label(alt_labst), rem_n_2, constant1);
exp seq_zero = hold_check(me_u2(is_n_odd, 0));
exp seq = hold_check(me_b3(sh(mult_z_w), seq_zero, mult_z_w, seq_tag));
update_w = hold_check(me_b3(lub_shape(sh(seq),sh(alt_labst)),
seq, alt_labst, cond_tag));
/* repeat + body */
exp if_n_equals_1, seq_zero, seq, body_labst;
exp constant1 = me_shint(integer_shape, 1);
exp top_cell = me_l1(f_top, top_tag);
body_labst = hold_check(me_b3(sh(top_cell), me_null(f_top,0,clear_tag),
top_cell, labst_tag));
if_n_equals_1 = f_integer_test (no_nat_option, f_equal, make_label(body_labst),
me_contents(n), constant1);
seq_zero = me_b2(square_z, update_w, 0);
setbro (square_z, half_n); /* insert half_n between */
setbro (half_n, update_w); /* square_x and update_w */
clearlast (half_n);
seq_zero = hold_check(seq_zero);
seq = hold_check(me_b3(sh(if_n_equals_1), seq_zero, if_n_equals_1, seq_tag));
setbro(son(body_labst), seq);
setfather(body_labst, seq);
repeat_body = hold_check(me_b3(sh(seq), top_cell, body_labst, rep_tag));
/* make loop - only done if mod(n) > 1 */
exp constant1 = me_shint(integer_shape, 1);
exp top_cell = me_l1(f_top, top_tag);
exp alt_labst = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, me_null(f_top,0,clear_tag),
top_cell, labst_tag));
exp is_n_gt_1 = f_integer_test (no_nat_option, f_greater_than,
make_label(alt_labst), me_contents(n), constant1);
exp seq_zero = hold_check(me_u2(is_n_gt_1, 0));
exp seq = hold_check(me_b3(sh(repeat_body), seq_zero, repeat_body, seq_tag));
main_loop = hold_check(me_b3(lub_shape(sh(seq),sh(alt_labst)),
seq, alt_labst, cond_tag));
make_comp1 = f_make_complex(complex_fv, me_contents(u), me_contents(v));
make_comp2 = make_comp_1_z(complex_fv, ov_err,
me_contents(u), me_contents(u), me_contents(u),
me_contents(v), me_contents(v), me_contents(v));
/* if arg2 is negative then make_comp2 else make_comp1 */
exp constant0 = me_shint(integer_shape, 0);
exp alt_labst = hold_check(me_b3(sh(make_comp1),
make_comp1, labst_tag));
exp is_arg2_negative = f_integer_test (no_nat_option, f_less_than,
me_obtain(sn), constant0);
exp seq_zero = hold_check(me_u2(is_arg2_negative, 0));
exp seq = hold_check(me_b3(sh(make_comp2), seq_zero, make_comp2, seq_tag));
make_comp = hold_check(me_b3(lub_shape(sh(seq),sh(alt_labst)),
seq, alt_labst, cond_tag));
seq_zero = hold_check(me_b2(reinitialise_w, main_loop, 0));
seq = hold_check(me_b3(sh(make_comp), seq_zero, make_comp, seq_tag));
v = me_complete_id(v, seq);
u = me_complete_id(u, v);
y = me_complete_id(y, u);
x = me_complete_id(x, y);
n = me_complete_id(n, x);
sn = me_complete_id(sn, n);
z = me_complete_id(z, sn);
return z;
return real_power(ov_err, arg1, arg2);
exp f_floating_minus
PROTO_N ( (ov_err, arg1, arg2) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment ov_err X exp arg1 X exp arg2 )
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg2,arg2); return arg1; }
if (name(sh(arg2)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg1,arg1); return arg2; }
#if check_shape
if (! ((is_float(sh(arg1)) || is_complex(sh(arg1))) && eq_shape(sh(arg1), sh(arg2))) )
/* PAB changes - 18 October 1994 */
#if substitute_complex
if (is_complex(sh(arg1))) {
shape complex_shape = sh(arg1); /* shape of our complex numbers */
floating_variety real_fv = f_float_of_complex(complex_shape);
shape real_shape = f_floating(real_fv);
floating_variety complex_fv = f_complex_of_float(real_shape);
exp z1 = me_startid(complex_shape, arg1, 0);
exp z2 = me_startid(complex_shape, arg2, 0);
exp x1 = f_real_part (me_obtain(z1)); /* re(arg1) */
exp x2 = f_real_part (me_obtain(z2)); /* re(arg2) */
exp y1 = f_imaginary_part(me_obtain(z1)); /* im(arg1) */
exp y2 = f_imaginary_part(me_obtain(z2)); /* im(arg2) */
exp minus_re = f_floating_minus(ov_err, x1, x2);
exp minus_im = f_floating_minus(ov_err, y1, y2);
exp make_comp = f_make_complex(complex_fv, minus_re, minus_im);
z2 = me_complete_id(z2, make_comp);
z1 = me_complete_id(z1, z2);
return z1;
#if ishppa
exp r = hold_check(me_b1(ov_err, arg1, arg2, fminus_tag));
if (!optop(r) && name(sh(r))==doublehd) {
exp id = me_startid(sh(r),r,0);
exp tmp = me_complete_id(id,me_obtain(id));
return tmp;
return r;
return hold_check(me_b1(ov_err, arg1, arg2, fminus_tag));
exp f_floating_mult
PROTO_N ( (ov_err, arg1) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment ov_err X exp_list arg1 )
exp first = arg1.start;
exp r = getexp (sh(first), nilexp, 0, first,
0, 0, fmult_tag);
if (name(sh(first)) == bothd || arg1.number == 1)
return first;
seterrhandle(r, ov_err.err_code);
if (isov(r))
setjmp_dest(r, get_lab(ov_err.jmp_dest));
#if check_shape
{exp t = first;
while (1)
if (! ((is_float(sh(t)) || is_complex(sh(t))) && eq_shape(sh(t), sh(first))) )
if (t == arg1.end)
t = bro(t);
if (name(sh(t)) == bothd)
return t;
/* PAB changes - 19 October 1994 */
#if substitute_complex
if (is_complex(sh(arg1.start))) {
shape complex_shape = sh(arg1.start); /* shape of our complex numbers */
floating_variety real_fv = f_float_of_complex(complex_shape);
shape real_shape = f_floating(real_fv);
floating_variety complex_fv = f_complex_of_float(real_shape);
exp x1, y1, x2, y2, z1, z1_re, z1_im, t, link_next, prod_re, prod_im;
#if 0
arg1 = reorder_list(arg1, 1); /* reorder so constants are at the front */
z1 = me_startid(complex_shape, arg1.start, 0);
z1_re = f_real_part (me_obtain(z1)); /* re(arg1.first) */
z1_im = f_imaginary_part(me_obtain(z1)); /* im(arg1.first) */
x1 = push(z1, me_startid(real_shape, z1_re, 0));
y1 = push(x1, me_startid(real_shape, z1_im, 0));
t = arg1.start;
while (t != arg1.end) {
t = bro(t);
z1 = push(y1, me_startid(complex_shape, t, 0));
z1_re = f_real_part (me_obtain(z1)); /* contents of next */
z1_im = f_imaginary_part(me_obtain(z1)); /* list element */
x2 = push(z1, me_startid(real_shape, z1_re, 0));
y2 = push(x2, me_startid(real_shape, z1_im, 0));
if (eq_exp(x1,x2) && eq_exp(y1,y2)) {
exp minus_x1_x2 = f_floating_minus(ov_err, me_obtain(x1), me_obtain(x2));
exp plus_x1_x2 = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, me_obtain(x1), me_obtain(x2));
exp mult_x1_y1 = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, me_obtain(x1), me_obtain(y1));
prod_re = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, minus_x1_x2, plus_x1_x2);
prod_im = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, mult_x1_y1, mult_x1_y1);
exp mult_x1_x2 = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, me_obtain(x1), me_obtain(x2));
exp mult_y1_y2 = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, me_obtain(y1), me_obtain(y2));
exp mult_x1_y2 = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, me_obtain(x1), me_obtain(y2));
exp mult_x2_y1 = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, me_obtain(x2), me_obtain(y1));
prod_re = f_floating_minus(ov_err, mult_x1_x2, mult_y1_y2);
prod_im = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, mult_x1_y2, mult_x2_y1);
x1 = push(y2, me_startid(real_shape, prod_re, 0));
y1 = push(x1, me_startid(real_shape, prod_im, 0));
link_next = f_make_complex(complex_fv, me_obtain(x1), me_obtain(y1));
return me_complete_chain(y1, arg1.start, link_next);
setfather (r, arg1.end);
#if ishppa
if (!optop(r) && name(sh(r))==doublehd) {
exp id = me_startid(sh(r),r,0);
exp tmp = me_complete_id(id,me_obtain(id));
return tmp;
return r;
exp f_floating_negate
PROTO_N ( (ov_err, arg1) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment ov_err X exp arg1 )
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
return arg1;
#if check_shape
if (!is_float(sh(arg1)) && !is_complex(sh(arg1)))
/* PAB changes - 18 October 1994 */
#if substitute_complex
if (is_complex(sh(arg1))) {
shape complex_shape = sh(arg1); /* shape of our complex numbers */
floating_variety real_fv = f_float_of_complex(complex_shape);
shape real_shape = f_floating(real_fv);
floating_variety complex_fv = f_complex_of_float(real_shape);
exp c1 = me_startid(complex_shape, arg1, 0);
exp obtain1_c1 = hold_check(me_obtain(c1)); /* contents of arg1 */
exp obtain2_c1 = hold_check(me_obtain(c1));
exp x1 = f_real_part(obtain1_c1); /* re(arg1) */
exp y1 = f_imaginary_part(obtain2_c1); /* im(arg1) */
exp neg_re = f_floating_negate(ov_err, x1); /* - re(arg1) */
exp neg_im = f_floating_negate(ov_err, y1); /* - im(arg1) */
exp make_comp = f_make_complex(complex_fv, neg_re, neg_im);
c1 = me_complete_id(c1, make_comp);
return c1;
#if ishppa
exp r = hold_check(me_u1(ov_err, arg1, fneg_tag));
if (!optop(r) && name(sh(r))==doublehd) {
exp id = me_startid(sh(r),r,0);
exp tmp = me_complete_id(id,me_obtain(id));
return tmp;
return r;
return hold_check(me_u1(ov_err, arg1, fneg_tag));
exp f_floating_plus
PROTO_N ( (ov_err, arg1) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment ov_err X exp_list arg1 )
exp first = arg1.start;
exp r = getexp (sh(first), nilexp, 0, first,
nilexp, 0, 0, fplus_tag);
if (name(sh(first)) == bothd || arg1.number == 1)
return first;
seterrhandle(r, ov_err.err_code);
if (isov(r))
setjmp_dest(r, get_lab(ov_err.jmp_dest));
#if check_shape
{exp t = first;
while (1)
if (! ((is_float(sh(t)) || is_complex(sh(t))) && eq_shape(sh(t), sh(first))) )
if (t == arg1.end)
t = bro(t);
if (name(sh(t)) == bothd)
return t;
/* PAB changes - 18 October 1994 */
#if substitute_complex
if (is_complex(sh(arg1.start))) {
exp z1, z2, x1, y1, x2, y2, make_comp, t;
shape complex_shape = sh(arg1.start); /* shape of our complex numbers */
floating_variety real_fv = f_float_of_complex(complex_shape);
shape real_shape = f_floating(real_fv);
floating_variety complex_fv = f_complex_of_float(real_shape);
#if 0
arg1 = reorder_list(arg1, 1); /* reorder so constants are at the front */
z1 = me_startid(complex_shape, arg1.start, 0);
x1 = f_real_part (me_obtain(z1)); /* re(arg1.first) */
y1 = f_imaginary_part(me_obtain(z1)); /* im(arg1.first) */
z2 = z1; /* start chain of idents */
while (t != arg1.end) {
t = bro(t);
z2 = push(z2, me_startid(complex_shape, t, 0));
x2 = f_real_part (me_obtain(z2)); /* contents of next */
y2 = f_imaginary_part(me_obtain(z2)); /* list element */
x1 = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, x1, x2); /* pass it this on */
y1 = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, y1, y2); /* as new result */
make_comp = f_make_complex(complex_fv, x1, y1);
return me_complete_chain(z2, arg1.start, make_comp);
setfather (r, arg1.end);
#if ishppa
if (!optop(r) && name(sh(r))==doublehd) {
exp id = me_startid(sh(r),r,0);
exp tmp = me_complete_id(id,me_obtain(id));
return tmp;
return r;
exp f_floating_test
PROTO_N ( (prob, flpt_err, nt, dest, arg1, arg2) )
PROTO_T ( nat_option prob X error_treatment flpt_err X ntest nt X label dest X exp arg1 X exp arg2 )
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg2,arg2); return arg1; }
if (name(sh(arg2)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg1,arg1); return arg2; }
#if check_shape
if (! ((is_float(sh(arg1)) || is_complex(sh(arg1))) && eq_shape(sh(arg1), sh(arg2))) )
/* PAB changes - 18 October 1994 */
#if substitute_complex
if (is_complex(sh(arg1))) { /* is arg1 a complex number ? */
shape complex_shape = sh(arg1); /* shape of our complex numbers */
exp z1 = me_startid(complex_shape, arg1, 0);
exp z2 = me_startid(complex_shape, arg2, 0);
exp obtain1_z1 = hold_check(me_obtain(z1)); /* contents of arg1 */
exp obtain2_z1 = hold_check(me_obtain(z1));
exp obtain1_z2 = hold_check(me_obtain(z2)); /* contents of arg2 */
exp obtain2_z2 = hold_check(me_obtain(z2));
exp x1 = f_real_part (obtain1_z1); /* re(arg1) */
exp x2 = f_real_part (obtain1_z2); /* re(arg2) */
exp y1 = f_imaginary_part(obtain2_z1); /* im(arg1) */
exp y2 = f_imaginary_part(obtain2_z2); /* im(arg2) */
#if check_shape
if ((nt != f_equal) && (nt != f_not_equal))
if (nt == f_equal) { /* equality of z1 and z2 */
exp test1 = f_floating_test (prob, flpt_err, f_equal, dest, x1, x2);
exp test2 = f_floating_test (prob, flpt_err, f_equal, dest, y1, y2);
exp seq_zero = hold_check(me_u2(test1, 0));
exp seq = hold_check(me_b3(sh(test2), seq_zero, test2, seq_tag));
z2 = me_complete_id(z2, seq);
} else { /* inequality of z1 and z2 */
exp seq, conditional;
exp top_cell = me_l1(f_top, top_tag);
exp alt_labst = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, me_null(f_top,0,clear_tag),
top_cell, labst_tag));
exp test1 = f_floating_test (prob, flpt_err, f_equal,
make_label(alt_labst), x1, x2);
exp test2 = f_floating_test (prob, flpt_err, f_not_equal,
dest, y1, y2);
exp seq_zero = hold_check(me_b2(test1, test2, 0));
seq = hold_check(me_b3(f_bottom, seq_zero, f_make_top(), seq_tag));
conditional = hold_check(me_b3(f_top,
seq, alt_labst, cond_tag));
z2 = me_complete_id(z2, conditional);
z1 = me_complete_id(z1, z2);
return z1;
return me_q2(prob, flpt_err, nt, dest, arg1, arg2, test_tag);
exp f_imaginary_part
PROTO_N ( (arg1) )
PROTO_T ( exp arg1 )
shape real_shape;
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
return arg1;
#if check_shape
if (!is_complex(sh(arg1)))
/* PAB changes - 25 May 1995 */
real_shape = f_floating(f_float_of_complex(sh(arg1)));
#if substitute_complex
exp t = me_u3(real_shape, arg1, field_tag);
no(t) = shape_size(real_shape);
return hold_check(t);
return me_u3(real_shape, arg1, imag_tag);
exp f_real_part
PROTO_N ( (arg1) )
PROTO_T ( exp arg1 )
shape real_shape;
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
return arg1;
#if check_shape
if (!is_complex(sh(arg1)))
/* PAB changes - 25 May 1995 */
real_shape = f_floating(f_float_of_complex(sh(arg1)));
#if substitute_complex
exp t = me_u3(real_shape, arg1, field_tag);
no(t) = 0;
return hold_check(t);
return me_u3(real_shape, arg1, realpart_tag);
exp f_make_complex
PROTO_N ( (f, arg1, arg2) )
PROTO_T ( floating_variety f X exp arg1 X exp arg2 )
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg2,arg2); return arg1; }
if (name(sh(arg2)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg1,arg1); return arg2; }
#if check_shape
if (!is_float(sh(arg1)) || !is_float(sh(arg2)) ||
!eq_shape(sh(arg1), sh(arg2)) || f != f_complex_of_float(sh(arg1)))
/* PAB changes - 19 October 1994 */
#if substitute_complex
switch (f) {
case shcomplexfv:
shape off_set = f_offset(SHREAL_ALIGN, SHREAL_ALIGN);
exp val1 = me_shint(off_set, 0);
exp val2 = me_shint(off_set, SHREAL_SZ);
exp sz = me_shint(off_set, SHREAL_SZ + SHREAL_SZ);
exp r = getexp(f_compound(sz), nilexp, 0, val1, nilexp, 0, 0, compound_tag);
setbro(val1, arg1);
setbro(arg1, val2);
setbro(val2, arg2);
setfather(r, arg2);
return hold_check(r);
case complexfv:
shape off_set = f_offset(REAL_ALIGN, REAL_ALIGN);
exp val1 = me_shint(off_set, 0);
exp val2 = me_shint(off_set, REAL_SZ);
exp sz = me_shint(off_set, REAL_SZ + REAL_SZ);
exp r = getexp(f_compound(sz), nilexp, 0, val1, nilexp, 0, 0, compound_tag);
setbro(val1, arg1);
setbro(arg1, val2);
setbro(val2, arg2);
setfather(r, arg2);
return hold_check(r);
case complexdoublefv:
shape off_set = f_offset(DOUBLE_ALIGN, DOUBLE_ALIGN);
exp val1 = me_shint(off_set, 0);
exp val2 = me_shint(off_set, DOUBLE_SZ);
exp sz = me_shint(off_set, DOUBLE_SZ + DOUBLE_SZ);
exp r = getexp(f_compound(sz), nilexp, 0, val1, nilexp, 0, 0, compound_tag);
setbro(val1, arg1);
setbro(arg1, val2);
setbro(val2, arg2);
setfather(r, arg2);
return hold_check(r);
failer("Illegal floating_variety for make_complex_tag\n");
return me_b3(f_floating(f), arg1, arg2,
#if FBASE == 10
exp f_make_floating
PROTO_N ( (fv, rm, sign, mantissa, base, expo) )
PROTO_T ( floating_variety fv X rounding_mode rm X bool sign X string mantissa X nat base X signed_nat expo )
int ignore_zero = 1;
int lg = mantissa.number;
flpt f = new_flpt ();
int sig_digs = 0;
int i;
int point = 0;
char ch;
int exponent = snatint(expo);
if (PIC_code)
proc_externs = 1;
if (snatneg(expo))
exponent = - exponent;
if (natint(base) != 10)
failer (BASE_NOT_10);
for (i = 0; i < MANT_SIZE; ++i)
(flptnos[f].mant)[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < lg; ++i) {
ch = mantissa.ints.chars[i];
if (ch == '0' && ignore_zero) {
if (point)
else {
if (ch == '.')
point = 1;
else {
ignore_zero = 0;
if (!point)
if (sig_digs < MANT_SIZE)
(flptnos[f].mant)[sig_digs++] = ch - '0';
if (ignore_zero) {
flptnos[f].exp = 0;
flptnos[f].sign = 0;
else {
flptnos[f].exp = exponent - 1;
flptnos[f].sign = (sign ? -1 : 1);
if (flptnos[f].exp > target_dbl_maxexp)
failer (BIG_FLPT);
return (getexp (f_floating(fv), nilexp, 0, nilexp, nilexp,
0, f, real_tag));
exp f_make_floating
PROTO_N ( (fv, rm, sign, mantissa, natbase, expo) )
PROTO_T ( floating_variety fv X rounding_mode rm X bool sign X string mantissa X nat natbase X signed_nat expo )
int ignore_zero = 1;
int lg = mantissa.number;
flpt f = new_flpt ();
int has_sig_digs = 0;
int i;
int point = 0;
int exponent = snatint(expo);
flt fr;
int base = natint(natbase);
if (PIC_code)
proc_externs = 1;
if (base != 10 && base != 16 && base !=8 && base != 2 && base != 4)
failer (BAD_BASE);
if (snatneg(expo))
exponent = - exponent;
for (i = 0; i < lg; ++i) {
char c = mantissa.ints.chars[i];
if (c != '0' || !ignore_zero) {
ignore_zero = 0;
if (c == '.')
point = 1;
else {
c = c - '0';
if (c != 0)
has_sig_digs = 1;
exponent -= point;
flpt_newdig((unsigned int)c, &fr, base);
if (ignore_zero) {
fr.exp = 0;
fr.sign = 0;
else {
if (has_sig_digs)
fr.sign = (sign ? -1 : 1);
fr.sign = 0;
flpt_scale(exponent, &fr, base);
flpt_round((int)rm, flpt_bits((floating_variety)fv), &fr);
if (flpt_const_overflow_fail) {
r2l r;
r = real2longs_IEEE(&fr, fv);
flptnos[f] = fr;
return (getexp (f_floating(fv), nilexp, 0, nilexp, nilexp,
0, f, real_tag));
exp f_power
PROTO_N ( (ov_err, arg1, arg2) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment ov_err X exp arg1 X exp arg2 )
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg2,arg2); return arg1; }
if (name(sh(arg2)) == bothd)
{ kill_exp(arg1,arg1); return arg2; }
#if check_shape
if (!is_integer(sh(arg1)) || !is_integer(sh(arg2)))
return real_power(ov_err, arg1, arg2);
exp f_round_with_mode
PROTO_N ( (flpt_err, mode, r, arg1) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment flpt_err X rounding_mode mode X variety r X exp arg1 )
exp res;
if (name(sh(arg1)) == bothd)
return arg1;
if (is_complex(sh(arg1))) {
arg1 = f_real_part(arg1);
#if check_shape
if (!is_float(sh(arg1)))
#if !has64bits
if ( shape_size(r)>32 && (name(arg1) != real_tag || flpt_err.err_code>=4) ) {
int s = is_signed(r);
char * fn;
exp e;
#if use_long_double
arg1 = hold_check(
f_change_floating_variety(f_impossible, 2, arg1));
arg1 = hold_check(
f_change_floating_variety(f_impossible, 1, arg1));
switch(mode) {
case R2NEAR: fn = (s)?"__TDFUs_R2NEAR":"__TDFUu_R2NEAR"; break;
case R2PINF: fn = (s)?"__TDFUs_R2PINF":"__TDFUu_R2PINF"; break;
case R2NINF: fn = (s)?"__TDFUs_R2NINF":"__TDFUu_R2NINF"; break;
case R2ZERO: fn = (s)?"__TDFUs_R2ZERO":"__TDFUu_R2ZERO"; break;
default: fn = (s)?"__TDFUs_ASSTATE":"__TDFUu_R2ASSTATE";
e = TDFcallaux(flpt_err, arg1, fn, r);
return (hold_check(e));
#if ismips
/* mips does not seem to get float->unsigned long right -
so convert to signed long and adjust if too big*/
if (name(arg1)!=real_tag && shape_size(r)==32 && !is_signed(r) ) {
floating_variety fa = (shape_size(sh(arg1))==32)?0:1;
exp_list st;
exp z;
exp d1 = me_startid(r, arg1, 0);
exp hldr = getexp(f_top, nilexp, 0, nilexp, nilexp, 0, 0, 0);
exp lb = getexp(f_top, nilexp, 0, hldr, nilexp, 0, 0, labst_tag);
exp fmax = hold_check(f_float_int(f_impossible, fa,
me_shint(ulongsh,0x80000000 )));
exp d2 = me_startid(r, fmax, 0);
exp tst = f_floating_test(no_nat_option,
f_impossible, f_less_than, &lb,
me_obtain(d1), me_obtain(d2));
exp nconv = f_round_with_mode(flpt_err, mode, slongsh,
exp first; exp alt; exp cnd;
st = new_exp_list(1);
st = add_exp_list(st, tst, 0);
first = f_sequence(st, f_change_variety(flpt_err, r, nconv));
z = f_round_with_mode(flpt_err, mode, slongsh,
f_floating_minus(f_impossible, me_obtain(d1), me_obtain(d2)));
alt = f_plus(f_impossible,
f_change_variety(f_impossible, r, z), me_shint(r, 0x80000000));
cnd = f_conditional(&lb, first, alt);
return me_complete_id(d1, me_complete_id(d2, cnd));
#if ispower
if (name(arg1)!=real_tag || flpt_err.err_code>2) {
if (architecture!=POWERPC_CODE)
exp id;
exp apply1;
exp apply2;
long shp_sze = shape_size(f_integer(r));
bool sgned = is_signed(f_integer(r));
bool err = (flpt_err.err_code>2);
char *nm ;
char *nm_err;
int power_mode;
/* Set up ident to hold arg1 */
if (name(sh(arg1))==shrealhd)
arg1 = f_change_floating_variety(f_impossible,realfv,arg1);
id = me_startid(f_top,arg1,0);
/* Set up power_mode */
switch (mode)
case R2ZERO: power_mode = 0;break;
case R2NEAR: power_mode = 1;break;
case R2PINF: power_mode = 2;break;
case R2NINF: power_mode = 3;break;
default:power_mode = 1;break;
/* Work out which functions to call */
if (sgned)
nm = "__TDFrnd_sgned";
nm_err = "__TDFerr_rnd_sgned";
nm = "__TDFrnd_unsgned";
nm_err = "__TDFerr_rnd_unsgned";
exp_list pars2;
exp_option no_var ;
pars2 = new_exp_list(2);
no_var.present = 0;
pars2 = add_exp_list(pars2,me_obtain(id),0);
pars2 = add_exp_list(pars2,me_shint(uwordsh,power_mode),1);
apply2 = f_apply_proc(sgned?slongsh:ulongsh,me_obtain(find_named_tg(nm,f_proc)),pars2,no_var);
if (err)
exp_list st;
exp seq;
exp pl;
exp_list pars1;
exp_option no_var;
no_var.present = 0;
pars1 = new_exp_list(2);
pars1 = add_exp_list(pars1,me_obtain(id),0);
pars1 = add_exp_list(pars1,me_shint(uwordsh,power_mode),1);
apply1 = f_apply_proc(f_top,me_obtain(find_named_tg(nm_err,f_proc)),pars1,no_var);
pl = f_plus(flpt_err,me_shint(slongsh,INT_MAX),me_obtain(find_named_tg("__TDFrnd_error",slongsh)));
st = new_exp_list(2);
st = add_exp_list(st,apply1,0);
st = add_exp_list(st,pl,1);
seq = f_sequence(st,apply2);
id = me_complete_id(id,seq);
id = me_complete_id(id,apply2);
if (shp_sze <32)
id = f_change_variety(flpt_err,f_integer(r),id);
return id;
}/*end ispower */
res = getexp (f_integer(r), nilexp, 0, arg1, nilexp,
0, 0, round_tag);
setround_number(res, mode);
seterrhandle(res, flpt_err.err_code);
if (flpt_err.err_code == 4)
setjmp_dest(res, get_lab(flpt_err.jmp_dest));
setfather (res, arg1);
return res;
floating_variety f_flvar_parms
PROTO_N ( (base, mantissa_digits, minimum_exponent, maximum_exponent) )
PROTO_T ( nat base X nat mantissa_digits X nat minimum_exponent X nat maximum_exponent )
int b = natint(base);
int mantdig = natint(mantissa_digits);
int neg_minexp = natint(minimum_exponent);
int maxexp = natint(maximum_exponent);
while (b !=2) {
if ((b & 1) != 0) {
failer("base in flvar_parms must be a power of 2");
b = (b>>1);
if (mantdig <= 24 && neg_minexp <= 126 &&
maxexp <= 127)
return (0);
if (mantdig <= 53 && neg_minexp <= 1022 &&
maxexp <= 1023)
return (1);
#if use_long_double
if (mantdig <= 64 && neg_minexp <= 16382 &&
maxexp <= 16383)
return (2);
return (2);
return 1;
floating_variety f_complex_parms
PROTO_N ( (base, mantissa_digits, minimum_exponent, maximum_exponent) )
PROTO_T ( nat base X nat mantissa_digits X nat minimum_exponent X nat maximum_exponent )
return float_to_complex_var(f_flvar_parms(base, mantissa_digits,
minimum_exponent, maximum_exponent));
void init_floating_variety
shrealsh = getshape(0, const_al1, const_al1, SHREAL_ALIGN,
SHREAL_SZ, shrealhd);
realsh = getshape(0, const_al1, const_al1, REAL_ALIGN, REAL_SZ, realhd);
doublesh = getshape(0, const_al1, const_al1, DOUBLE_ALIGN,
DOUBLE_SZ, doublehd);
#if substitute_complex
shcomplexsh = getshape(0, const_al1, const_al1, SHREAL_ALIGN,
2*SHREAL_SZ, cpdhd);
complexsh = getshape(0, const_al1, const_al1, REAL_ALIGN,
2*REAL_SZ, cpdhd);
complexdoublesh = getshape(0, const_al1, const_al1, DOUBLE_ALIGN,
2*DOUBLE_SZ, cpdhd);
shcomplexsh = getshape(0, const_al1, const_al1, SHREAL_ALIGN,
2*SHREAL_SZ, shcomplexhd);
complexsh = getshape(0, const_al1, const_al1, REAL_ALIGN,
2*REAL_SZ, complexhd);
complexdoublesh = getshape(0, const_al1, const_al1, DOUBLE_ALIGN,
2*DOUBLE_SZ, complexdoublehd);
floating_variety f_dummy_floating_variety;
floating_variety f_float_of_complex
PROTO_N ( (sha) )
PROTO_T ( shape sha )
int s = shape_size(sha)/2;
if (s==SHREAL_SZ) return shrealfv;
if (s==REAL_SZ) return realfv;
if (s==DOUBLE_SZ) return doublefv;
failer("Expecting a complex shape");
return f_dummy_floating_variety;
floating_variety f_complex_of_float
PROTO_N ( (sha) )
PROTO_T ( shape sha )
int s = shape_size(sha);
if (s==SHREAL_SZ) return shcomplexfv;
if (s==REAL_SZ) return complexfv;
if (s==DOUBLE_SZ) return complexdoublefv;
failer("Expecting a floating shape");
return f_dummy_floating_variety;
floating_variety fv_of_shape
PROTO_N ( (sha) )
PROTO_T ( shape sha )
int s = shape_size(sha);
if (s==SHREAL_SZ) return shrealfv;
if (s==REAL_SZ) return realfv;
if (s==DOUBLE_SZ) return doublefv;
failer("Expecting a complex shape");
return f_dummy_floating_variety;
static void square_x_iy
PROTO_N ( (ov_err, arg1, arg2, arg3) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment ov_err X exp *arg1 X exp *arg2 X exp arg3 )
exp x = *arg1;
exp y = *arg2;
exp obtain1_x = me_obtain(x);
exp obtain2_x = me_obtain(x);
exp obtain3_x = me_obtain(x);
exp obtain1_y = me_obtain(y);
exp obtain2_y = me_obtain(y);
exp obtain3_y = me_obtain(y);
exp minus_x_y = f_floating_minus(ov_err, obtain1_x, obtain1_y);
exp plus_x_y = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, obtain2_x, obtain2_y);
exp mult_x_y = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, obtain3_x, obtain3_y);
exp tmp = push(arg3, me_startid(sh(x), mult_x_y, 0));
exp obtain1_tmp = hold_check(me_obtain(tmp));
exp obtain2_tmp = hold_check(me_obtain(tmp));
exp answer_re = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, minus_x_y, plus_x_y);
exp answer_im = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, obtain1_tmp, obtain2_tmp);
x = push(tmp, me_startid(sh(x), answer_re, 0));
y = push(x, me_startid(sh(x), answer_im, 0));
*arg1 = x;
*arg2 = y;
static void mult_w_by_z
PROTO_N ( (ov_err, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment ov_err X exp *arg1 X exp *arg2 X exp arg3 X exp arg4 X exp arg5 )
exp u = *arg1;
exp v = *arg2;
exp x = arg3;
exp y = arg4;
exp obtain1_x = me_obtain(x);
exp obtain2_x = me_obtain(x);
exp obtain1_y = me_obtain(y);
exp obtain2_y = me_obtain(y);
exp obtain1_u = me_obtain(u);
exp obtain2_u = me_obtain(u);
exp obtain1_v = me_obtain(v);
exp obtain2_v = me_obtain(v);
exp mult_x_u = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, obtain1_x, obtain1_u);
exp mult_x_v = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, obtain2_x, obtain1_v);
exp mult_y_u = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, obtain1_y, obtain2_u);
exp mult_y_v = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, obtain2_y, obtain2_v);
exp tmp = push(arg5, me_startid(sh(x), mult_y_u, 0));
exp obtain_tmp = hold_check(me_obtain(tmp));
exp answer_re = f_floating_minus(ov_err, mult_x_u, mult_y_v);
exp answer_im = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, mult_x_v, obtain_tmp);
u = push(tmp, me_startid(sh(x), answer_re, 0));
v = push(u, me_startid(sh(x), answer_im, 0));
*arg1 = u;
*arg2 = v;
static exp make_comp_1_z
PROTO_N ( (complex_fv, ov_err, contents1_u, contents2_u, contents3_u,
contents1_v, contents2_v, contents3_v) )
PROTO_T ( floating_variety complex_fv X error_treatment ov_err X
exp contents1_u X exp contents2_u X exp contents3_u X
exp contents1_v X exp contents2_v X exp contents3_v )
exp mult_u_u = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, contents1_u, contents2_u);
exp mult_v_v = f_bin_floating_mult(ov_err, contents1_v, contents2_v);
exp mod_squared = f_bin_floating_plus(ov_err, mult_u_u, mult_v_v);
exp mod_sq = me_startid(sh(contents1_u), mod_squared, 0);
exp obtain1_mod_sq = me_obtain(mod_sq);
exp obtain2_mod_sq = me_obtain(mod_sq);
exp v_div_mod_sq = f_floating_div(ov_err, contents3_v, obtain2_mod_sq);
exp answer_re = f_floating_div(ov_err, contents3_u, obtain1_mod_sq);
exp answer_im = f_floating_negate(ov_err, v_div_mod_sq);
exp make_comp = f_make_complex(complex_fv, answer_re, answer_im);
return me_complete_id(mod_sq, make_comp);
#define is_const(X) (name(X) != ident_tag)
exp_list reorder_list
PROTO_N ( (arg1, consts_first) )
PROTO_T ( exp_list arg1 X int consts_first )
exp type1_start, type1_end, type2_start, type2_end, t;
type1_start = type1_end = type2_start = type2_end = nilexp;
setbro(arg1.end, nilexp);
for (t = arg1.start; t != arg1.end; t=bro(t)) {
if ((is_const(t) && consts_first) || !(is_const(t) || consts_first)) {
if (type1_start == nilexp) {
type1_start = type1_end = t; /* first of type 1 */
} else {
setbro(type1_end, t); /* add to existing type 1's */
type1_end = t;
} else {
if (type2_start == nilexp) {
type2_start = type2_end = t; /* first of type 2 */
} else {
setbro(type2_end, t); /* add to existing type 2's */
type2_end = t;
if ((type1_start != nilexp) && (type2_start != nilexp)) {
arg1.start = type1_start;
setbro(type1_end, type2_start); /* if list is not a mixture */
arg1.end = type2_end; /* no reordering has to be done */
return arg1;
exp me_contents
PROTO_N ( (arg1) )
PROTO_T ( exp arg1 )
exp r = me_u3(sh(arg1), me_obtain(arg1), cont_tag);
return hold_check(r);
/* Used in conjunction with the function "me_complete_chain",
this function is used to push "ident_tag" declarations
onto a "stack" so that they can be linked up later. It is
used in loops where the number of "ident_tag"s is unknown
and they need to be bound together in a "first-used last-
bound" order - hence the stack.
arg1 is the new element
arg2 is the top element on the stack
static exp push
PROTO_N ( (arg1, arg2) )
PROTO_T ( exp arg1 X exp arg2 )
setbro(arg2, arg1);
return arg2;
/* Take the stack full of "ident_tag" declarations and link them
together with the last element in the list being "last_link"
and the body around which the declarations are put be "link_to".
static exp me_complete_chain
PROTO_N ( (ident_chain, last_link, link_to) )
PROTO_T ( exp ident_chain X exp last_link X exp link_to )
exp remove_link;
while (son(ident_chain) != last_link) {
remove_link = bro(ident_chain);
link_to = me_complete_id(ident_chain, link_to);
ident_chain = remove_link;
return me_complete_id(ident_chain, link_to);
/* Binary version of 'f_floating_plus' */
static exp f_bin_floating_plus
PROTO_N ( (ov_err, arg1, arg2) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment ov_err X exp arg1 X exp arg2 )
exp_list el;
el = new_exp_list(2);
el = add_exp_list(el, arg1, 0);
el = add_exp_list(el, arg2, 1);
return f_floating_plus (ov_err,el);
/* Binary version of 'f_floating_mult' */
static exp f_bin_floating_mult
PROTO_N ( (ov_err, arg1, arg2) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment ov_err X exp arg1 X exp arg2 )
exp_list el;
el = new_exp_list(2);
el = add_exp_list(el, arg1, 0);
el = add_exp_list(el, arg2, 1);
return f_floating_mult (ov_err,el);
static exp optimise_with_wrap
PROTO_N ( (arg, shape1, shape2) )
PROTO_T ( exp arg X shape shape1 X shape shape2 )
if (! eq_shape(shape1,shape2))
return f_change_variety (f_wrap, shape2, arg);
return (arg);
static exp real_power
PROTO_N ( (ov_err, arg1, arg2) )
PROTO_T ( error_treatment ov_err X exp arg1 X exp arg2 )
/* Gives shorter .s file if n<10 and arg1 is unknown */
exp real1, sn;
exp (*f_real_mult) PROTO_S ((error_treatment, exp, exp));
shape real_shape, integer_shape, tmp_shape;
/* With wrap, we may as well work with 'int's and change back after */
tmp_shape = sh(arg1);
if (is_integer(tmp_shape) && !is_signed(tmp_shape) &&
shape_size(sh(arg1)) < 32 &&
eq_et(ov_err, f_wrap))
arg1 = hold_check (f_change_variety (f_impossible, ulongsh, arg1));
/* Widen to 'int' if necessary - guarantees negate will work */
if (shape_size(sh(arg2)) < 32) {
arg2 = hold_check (f_change_variety (f_impossible, slongsh, arg2));
real_shape = sh(arg1); /* shape of the result */
integer_shape = sh(arg2);
sn = me_startid(integer_shape, arg2, 0);
/* Identify an exp which represents the value 1 (or 1.0) */
if (is_integer(real_shape)) {
real1 = me_shint(real_shape,1);
else {
real1 = me_shint(integer_shape,1);
real1 = f_float_int (f_impossible, fv_of_shape(real_shape), real1);
real1 = hold_check (real1); /* This should be reduced to 1.0 */
real1 = push (sn, me_startid(real_shape, real1, 0));
/* Decide which is the suitable function for multiplying two numbers */
f_real_mult = (is_integer(real_shape) ? f_mult : f_bin_floating_mult);
if (is_constant_arg(arg2) ||
((name(arg2) == name_tag) && (name(son(arg2)) == ident_tag)
&& !isvar(son(arg2)) && is_constant_arg(son(son(arg2)))))
{ /* we know the power */
int exponent;
exp x;
if (is_constant_arg(arg2)) {
exponent = no(arg2); /* arg2 is a constant */
else {
exponent = no(son(son(arg2)));
/* arg2 identifies a constant */
if (exponent < 0) {
if (is_integer(real_shape)) {
failer("constant value out of range: power: must be non-negative");
else { /* take reciprocal */
arg1 = hold_check (f_floating_div (ov_err, me_obtain(real1), arg1));
x = push (real1, me_startid(real_shape, arg1, 0));
if (exponent == 0) {
return me_complete_chain (x, arg2, optimise_with_wrap (
me_obtain(real1), real_shape, tmp_shape));
exp w, mylast = x;
int n = abs(exponent);
while ((n % 2) == 0) {
exp mult_x_x;
mult_x_x = (*f_real_mult)(ov_err, me_obtain(x), me_obtain(x));
mylast = x = push (mylast,
me_startid(real_shape, hold_check(mult_x_x), 0));
n = n / 2;
if (n == 1) {
return me_complete_chain (x, arg2, optimise_with_wrap (
me_obtain(x), real_shape, tmp_shape)); /* return x */
else { /* w = x */
mylast = w = push (x, me_startid(real_shape, me_obtain(x), 0));
while (n != 1) {
exp mult_x_x;
mult_x_x = (*f_real_mult)(ov_err, me_obtain(x), me_obtain(x));
mylast = x = push (mylast,
me_startid(real_shape, hold_check(mult_x_x), 0));
n = n / 2;
if ((n % 2) == 1) {
exp mult_w_x;
mult_w_x = (*f_real_mult)(ov_err, me_obtain(w), me_obtain(x));
mylast = w = push (mylast,
me_startid(real_shape, hold_check(mult_w_x), 0));
return me_complete_chain (w, arg2, optimise_with_wrap (
me_obtain(w), real_shape, tmp_shape)); /* return w */
} else {
exp reinitialise_w, main_loop, make_comp; /* main building blocks */
exp square_x, mult_x_w, half_n, update_w, repeat_body;
exp seq, w, x, n;
n = me_obtain(sn);
if (!is_integer(real_shape)) { /* Must be positive for integer powers */
n = f_abs (f_impossible, n);
n = push (real1, me_startid (integer_shape, n, 1));
w = push (n, me_startid(real_shape, me_obtain(real1), 1));
x = push (w, me_startid(real_shape, arg1, 1));
/* change value of w to z if n is odd */
exp rem_n_2 = f_and (me_contents(n), me_shint(integer_shape, 1));
exp assign_w = f_assign (me_obtain(w), me_contents(x));
exp alt_labst = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, f_make_value(f_top),
f_make_top(), labst_tag));
exp is_n_odd = f_integer_test (no_nat_option, f_equal, make_label(alt_labst),
rem_n_2, me_shint(integer_shape, 1));
exp seq = f_sequence (add_exp_list(new_exp_list(1), is_n_odd, 0), assign_w);
reinitialise_w = hold_check(me_b3(lub_shape(sh(seq),sh(alt_labst)),
seq, alt_labst, cond_tag));
/* x=x*x */
exp mult_x_x;
mult_x_x = (*f_real_mult) (ov_err, me_contents(x), me_contents(x));
square_x = f_assign (me_obtain(x), mult_x_x);
/* w=x*w */
exp answer;
answer = (*f_real_mult)(ov_err, me_contents(x), me_contents(w));
mult_x_w = f_assign (me_obtain(w), answer);
/* n=n/2 */
exp answer = f_shift_right (me_contents(n), me_shint(integer_shape, 1));
half_n = f_assign (me_obtain(n), answer);
/* if n is odd then w = z*w */
exp rem_n_2 = f_and (me_contents(n), me_shint(integer_shape, 1));
exp alt_labst = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, f_make_value(f_top),
f_make_top(), labst_tag));
exp is_n_odd = f_integer_test (no_nat_option, f_equal, make_label(alt_labst),
rem_n_2, me_shint(integer_shape, 1));
exp seq = f_sequence (add_exp_list(new_exp_list(1),
is_n_odd, 0), mult_x_w);
update_w = hold_check(me_b3(lub_shape(sh(seq),sh(alt_labst)),
seq, alt_labst, cond_tag));
/* repeat + body */
exp body_labst, if_n_equals_1;
exp_list st;
body_labst = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, f_make_value(f_top), f_make_top(), labst_tag));
if_n_equals_1 = f_integer_test (no_nat_option, f_equal, make_label(body_labst),
me_contents(n), me_shint(integer_shape, 1));
st = new_exp_list(1);
st = add_exp_list(st, square_x, 0);
st = add_exp_list(st, half_n, 1);
st = add_exp_list(st, update_w, 2);
seq = f_sequence (st, if_n_equals_1);
setbro (son(body_labst), seq);
setsh (body_labst, sh (seq)); /* put seq into the body */
clearlast (son(body_labst)); /* of the labst */
setfather (body_labst, seq);
repeat_body = hold_check(me_b3(sh(body_labst), f_make_top(), body_labst, rep_tag));
/* make loop - only done if mod(n) > 1 */
exp alt_labst = hold_check(me_b3(f_top, f_make_value(f_top),
f_make_top(), labst_tag));
exp is_n_gt_1 = f_integer_test (no_nat_option, f_greater_than, make_label(alt_labst),
me_contents(n), me_shint(integer_shape, 1));
exp seq = f_sequence (add_exp_list(new_exp_list(1),
is_n_gt_1, 0), repeat_body);
main_loop = hold_check(me_b3(lub_shape(sh(seq),sh(alt_labst)),
seq, alt_labst, cond_tag));
if (is_integer(real_shape)) {
make_comp = me_contents(w);
else {
exp make_comp2 = f_floating_div(ov_err, me_obtain(real1), me_contents(w));
exp alt_labst = hold_check(me_b3(real_shape, f_make_value(f_top),
make_comp2, labst_tag));
exp is_arg2_positive = f_integer_test (no_nat_option, f_greater_than_or_equal,
make_label(alt_labst), me_obtain(sn),
me_shint(integer_shape, 0));
exp seq = f_sequence (add_exp_list(new_exp_list(1),
is_arg2_positive, 0), me_contents(w));
make_comp = hold_check(me_b3(lub_shape(sh(seq),sh(alt_labst)),
seq, alt_labst, cond_tag));
seq = f_sequence (add_exp_list (add_exp_list(new_exp_list(1),
reinitialise_w, 0), main_loop, 1), make_comp);
seq = optimise_with_wrap (seq, real_shape, tmp_shape);
return me_complete_chain(x, arg2, seq);