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Crown Copyright (c) 1997
This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
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acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
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$Author: release $
$Date: 1998/01/17 15:55:47 $
$Revision: $
$Log: unroll.c,v $
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:55:47 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
* Revision 1.2 1995/09/11 13:58:41 currie
* gcc pedantry
* Revision 1.1 1995/04/06 10:44:05 currie
* Initial revision
#include "config.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "basicread.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "installglob.h"
#include "externs.h"
#include "check_id.h"
#include "check.h"
#include "me_fns.h"
#include "install_fns.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "unroll.h"
static int unroll_complex PROTO_S ( ( exp, int, exp, int, exp, int ) ) ;
/* MACROS */
#define LIMIT 55
#define SIMPLE_LIMIT 0
#define UNROLL_MAX 16
#define UNROLL_BY 4
/* All variables initialised */
static exp names[LIMIT]; /* no init needed */ /* records the uses of the control variable */
static int names_index; /* no init needed */
static int allow_double; /* no init needed */ /* permit removal of internal test */
static int jumps_out; /* no init needed */
static int uc_list
PROTO_N ( (e, n, control, lia, ul, decr) )
PROTO_T ( exp e X int n X exp control X int lia X exp ul X int decr )
int c = unroll_complex (e, n, control, lia, ul, decr);
if (c < 0 || last (e))
return c;
return uc_list (bro (e), c, control, lia, ul, decr);
static int unroll_complex
PROTO_N ( (e, n, control, lia, ul, decr) )
PROTO_T ( exp e X int n X exp control X int lia X exp ul X int decr )
/* e = body - repeated statement less label */
/* n = complexity maximum */
/* control = variable declaration for control variable */
/* lia = boolean, limit is aliased */
/* ul = variable declaration for limit if not aliased */
/* decr = unit to decrement by */
if (n < 0)
return - 1; /* complexity exceeded */
if (son (e) == nilexp) {
if (name(e) == goto_tag)
allow_double = 0; /* prevent removal of internal test */
return n;
switch (name (e)) {
case test_tag:
case testbit_tag:
if (!isunroll(pt(e))) { /* flag set and cleared by cond_tag below */
allow_double = 0; /* prevent removal of internal test; jump out of loop */
return uc_list (son (e), n - decr, control, lia, ul, decr);
case goto_tag:
if (!isunroll(pt(e))) { /* flag set and cleared by cond_tag below */
allow_double = 0; /* prevent removal of internal test; jump out of loop */
return n-1;
case cond_tag:
int t;
setunroll(bro(son(e))); /* mark internal label */
if (name(sh(son(e))) == bothd) {
t = unroll_complex(son(e), n - (4*decr), control, lia, ul, 0);
t = unroll_complex(bro(son(e)), t - decr, control, lia, ul, decr);
else {
t = unroll_complex(son(e), n - decr, control, lia, ul, decr);
t = unroll_complex(bro(son(e)), t - decr, control, lia, ul, decr);
clearunroll(bro(son(e))); /* unmark it */
return t;
case ass_tag:
case assvol_tag:
exp assdest = son(e); /* destination of assignment */
if (name(assdest) == name_tag && son(assdest) == ul)
allow_double = 0; /* prevent removal of internal test; assigning to limit */
if (lia) {
if (name(assdest) == name_tag && !isvar(son(assdest)))
allow_double = 0; /* prevent removal of internal test; perhaps assigning to limit */
if (name(assdest) == name_tag && !iscaonly(son(assdest)))
allow_double = 0; /* prevent removal of internal test; perhaps assigning to limit */
return uc_list (son (e), n - decr, control, lia, ul, decr);
case name_tag:
if (son (e) == control) { /* is this the control variable? */
exp t;
if (!last (e) || name (bro (e)) != cont_tag)
allow_double = 0; /* any use but contents -> no test elim */
else { /* it is a cont */
t = bro (e);
#if isalpha
if (!last(t) || name(bro(t)) != chvar_tag ||
last (bro(t)) || name (bro(bro (t))) != val_tag || !last (bro (bro(t))) ||
name (bro (bro (bro(t)))) != offset_mult_tag)
allow_double = 0; /* not offset_mult -> no test elim */
names[names_index++] = bro(e); /* record the use */
if (last (t) || name (bro (t)) != val_tag || !last (bro (t)) ||
name (bro (bro (t))) != offset_mult_tag)
allow_double = 0; /* not offset_mult -> no test elim */
names[names_index++] = bro(e); /* record the use */
return n - decr;
case apply_tag:
case solve_tag:
return - 1; /* no unroll */
case case_tag:
return unroll_complex (son (e), n - decr, control, lia, ul, decr);
case string_tag:
case env_offset_tag:
case general_env_offset_tag:
return n - decr; /* decrease the complexity count */
case top_tag:
case prof_tag:
case clear_tag:
return n;
case labst_tag:
return unroll_complex (bro (son (e)), n, control, lia, ul, decr);
case seq_tag:
return uc_list (son (e), n, control, lia, ul, decr);
case round_tag:
case fplus_tag:
case fminus_tag:
case fmult_tag:
case fdiv_tag:
case fabs_tag:
case fneg_tag:
case fpower_tag:
case fmax_tag:
case fmin_tag:
case float_tag:
case chfl_tag:
return uc_list (son (e), n - (16*decr), control, lia, ul, decr); /* heavy flpt ops */
return uc_list (son (e), n - decr, control, lia, ul, decr); /* other ops decrease complexity by 1 */
void simple_unroll
PROTO_N ( (candidate, body, inc, te) )
PROTO_T ( exp candidate X exp body X exp inc X exp te )
/* candidate = rep_tag */
/* body = repeated statement less label, assignment and test */
/* inc = the single assignment to the control variable */
/* te = the final test - only jump to repeat label */
exp second_body = copy (body); /* repeated statement less label, assignment and test */
exp second_inc = copy (inc); /* assignment to control */
exp second_test = copy (te);
exp z = getexp (f_top, te, 0, nilexp, nilexp, 0, 0, 0);
exp seq = getexp (f_top, bro (son (candidate)), 1,
z, nilexp, 0, 0, seq_tag);
exp cond_labst;
exp cl1, mt;
exp cond, f;
exp * point;
float freq = fno(bro(son(candidate)));
no (son (bro (son (candidate))))--; /* decrease label count (increased by copy(te)) */
setlast (second_inc);
bro (second_inc) = z;
clearlast (second_body);
bro (second_body) = second_inc;
clearlast (second_test);
bro (second_test) = second_body;
clearlast (inc);
bro (inc) = second_test;
clearlast (body);
bro (body) = inc;
son (z) = body;
setlast (te);
bro (te) = seq;
bro (son (bro (son (candidate)))) = seq;
x labst
1 use seq
0 te
body inc second_test second_body second_inc
cond_labst = getexp (f_top, nilexp, 1, nilexp, nilexp,
0, 0, labst_tag);
fno(cond_labst) = (float) (freq / 20.0);
mt = getexp (f_top, cond_labst, 1, nilexp, nilexp, 0, 0, top_tag);
cl1 = getexp (f_top, mt, 0, nilexp, nilexp, 0, 1, clear_tag);
son (cond_labst) = cl1;
pt (second_test) = cond_labst;
settest_number (second_test,
(int)int_inverse_ntest[test_number (te)]);
cond = getexp (f_top, bro (candidate), (int)(last (candidate)),
candidate, nilexp, 0, 0, cond_tag);
bro (cond_labst) = cond;
f = father (candidate);
point = refto (f, candidate);
*point = cond;
clearlast (candidate);
bro (candidate) = cond_labst;
rep labst(ln)
x labst 1 use top
1 use seq
0 te
body inc second_test(invert, ln) second_body second_inc
setunrolled (candidate);
static exp inc_offset
PROTO_N ( (var, sha, konst, body, i) )
PROTO_T ( exp var X shape sha X exp konst X exp body X int i )
exp sum, t;
exp id = son(var);
exp rest = pt(id);
body = copy(body);
if (names_index > 0) { /* count of offset_mult uses of control variable */
t = pt(id);
sum = me_u3(sha, copy(var), cont_tag);
sum = hold_check(me_b3(sha, sum,
me_shint(sha, i*no(konst)), plus_tag)); /* variable + i */
for (i = 0; i < names_index; ++i) {
exp q = pt(t);
exp b = bro(t);
replace(bro(t), copy(sum), body); /* replace the offset_mults in body */
kill_exp(b, b);
t = q;
if (t != rest)
failer("unroll failure");
kill_exp(sum, sum);
return body;
void unroll_trans
PROTO_N ( (candidate, body, inc, te, limit, nt, var, konst, reps, times) )
PROTO_T ( exp candidate X exp body X exp inc X exp te X exp limit X
int nt X exp var X exp konst X exp reps X int times )
/* candidate = rep_tag */
/* body = repeated statement less label, assignment and test */
/* inc = the single assignment to the control variable */
/* te = the final test - only jump to repeat label */
/* limit = the limit exp */
/* nt = the test number */
/* var = name_tag for control variable */
/* konst = the value added to the control variable */
/* reps = current element of the repeat list */
/* times = no of times to unroll */
float freq = fno(bro(son(candidate)));
if (allow_double && no(konst) == 1 && /* allow_double==0 prevents test elimination */
(nt == (int)f_greater_than || nt == (int)f_greater_than_or_equal) &&
/* the permitted tests - we are counting upwards */
((name(limit) == name_tag && !isvar(son(limit))) ||
name(limit) == val_tag ||
(name(limit) == cont_tag && name(son(limit)) == name_tag &&
isvar(son(son(limit))))) /* permitted forms of limit */
) {
/* unroll and remove the internal increment and test */
int i;
shape sha = sh(konst);
exp branches [UNROLL_MAX + 2]; /* 0 - (times-2) are preliminaries
(times-1) is test out
times is the loop
(times+1) is the end */
exp test_out = copy(te); /* used to jump out after < times */
exp temp, temp1, bc, repeater, lrep, res, id, temp2;
exp new_c = me_shint(sha, times*no(konst)); /* used to increment the control variable */
for (i = 0; i < times + 2; ++i) { /* set up labst for branches */
exp lia = me_shint(sha, (((i > 1) && (i < (times-1))) || i >= times) ? 2: 1);
exp li = getexp(f_bottom, nilexp, 0, lia, nilexp, 0, 0, labst_tag);
fno(li) = (float) (freq / 20.0);
name(lia) = clear_tag;
branches[i] = li;
sh(branches[times+1]) = f_top;
for (i = 0; i < times - 1; ++ i) { /* set up preliminaries */
exp sub = me_b3(f_top, copy(body), copy(inc), 0);
exp seq = me_b3(f_bottom, sub,
getexp(f_bottom, nilexp, 0, nilexp, branches[i+1], 0, 0, goto_tag), seq_tag);
bro(son(branches[i])) = seq;
bro(seq) = branches[i];
pt(test_out) = branches[times+1];
temp = me_u3(f_top, test_out, 0);
temp = me_b3(f_bottom, temp,
getexp(f_bottom, nilexp, 0, nilexp, branches[times], 0, 0, goto_tag), seq_tag);
bro(son(branches[times-1])) = temp;
bro(temp) = branches[times-1];
temp = copy(body);
temp1 = temp;
if (jumps_out) {
bro(temp1) = copy(inc);
temp1 = bro(temp1);
for (i = 1; i < times - 1; ++i) {
if (jumps_out)
bro(temp1) = copy(body);
bro(temp1) = inc_offset(var, sha, konst, body, i);
temp1 = bro(temp1);
if (jumps_out) {
bro(temp1) = copy(inc);
temp1 = bro(temp1);
bc = getexp(f_top, nilexp, 0, temp, nilexp, 0, 0, 0);
bro(temp1) = bc;
if (jumps_out)
bc = me_b3(f_top, bc, copy(body), seq_tag);
else {
bc = me_b3(f_top, bc, inc_offset(var, sha, konst, body, i), seq_tag);
kill_exp(body, body);
if (jumps_out)
kill_exp(new_c, new_c);
replace(bro(son(bro(var))), new_c, new_c); /* replace konst by times*konst */
temp = me_b3(f_top, bc, inc, 0);
temp = me_b3(f_top, temp, te, seq_tag);
lrep = me_b3(f_top, me_shint(sha, 1), temp, labst_tag);
fno(lrep) = freq / (float)times;
name(son(lrep)) = clear_tag;
repeater = me_b3(f_top, f_make_top(), lrep, rep_tag);
son(reps) = repeater;
pt(te) = lrep; /* label in repeater */
pt(test_out) = branches[times+1];
temp = f_make_top();
bro(son(branches[times+1])) = temp;
bro(temp) = branches[times+1];
temp = me_u3(f_top, repeater, 0);
temp = me_b3(f_bottom, temp,
getexp(f_bottom, nilexp, 0, nilexp, branches[times+1], 0, 0, goto_tag), seq_tag);
bro(son(branches[times])) = temp;
bro(temp) = branches[times];
temp = me_u3(sha, copy(var), cont_tag);
temp1 = copy(limit);
sh(temp1) = sha;
temp = hold_check(me_b3(sha, temp1, temp, minus_tag));
if (nt == (int)f_greater_than) {
temp = hold_check(me_b3(sha, temp, me_shint(sha, 1), plus_tag));
temp = hold_check(me_b3(sha, temp,
me_shint(sha, times-1), and_tag));
id = me_startid(sha, temp, 0);
temp = getexp(f_top, nilexp, 0, me_obtain(id), branches[times], 0, 0, test_tag);
settest_number(temp, f_not_equal);
bro(son(temp)) = me_shint(sha, 0);
bro(bro(son(temp))) = temp;
temp1 = temp;
for (i = 1; i < (times-1); ++i) {
temp2 = getexp(f_top, nilexp, 0, me_obtain(id), branches[times-i-1], 0, 0, test_tag);
settest_number(temp2, f_not_equal);
bro(son(temp2)) = me_shint(sha, i);
bro(bro(son(temp2))) = temp2;
settest_number(temp, f_not_equal);
bro(temp1) = temp2;
temp1 = temp2;
bc = getexp(f_top, nilexp, 0, temp, nilexp, 0, 0, 0);
bro(temp1) = bc;
bc = me_b3(f_bottom, bc,
getexp(f_bottom, nilexp, 0, nilexp, branches[0], 0, 0, goto_tag), seq_tag);
id = me_complete_id(id, bc);
temp1 = id;
for (i = 0; i < (times+2); ++i) {
bro(temp1) = branches[i];
temp1 = bro(temp1);
res = getexp(f_top, nilexp, 0, id, nilexp, 0, 0, solve_tag);
bro(temp1) = res;
replace(candidate, res, res);
#if is80x86
simple_unroll (candidate, body, inc, te);
void unroller
exp reps = repeat_list;
exp candidate;
exp labst;
exp rb;
while (reps != nilexp) {
if (no (reps) == 0 && son (reps) != nilexp &&
name (son (reps)) == rep_tag) {
/* this is a leaf repeat node */
candidate = son (reps); /* this is the repeat */
labst = bro (son (candidate)); /* the repeated statement */
rb = bro (son (labst)); /* the repeated statement less label */
if (name (son (candidate)) == top_tag &&
no (son (labst)) == 1 &&
name (rb) == seq_tag &&
name (bro (son (rb))) == seq_tag) {
top_tag labst_tag
count seq_tag
0 seq_tag
exp final = bro (son (rb));
exp body = son (son (rb));
exp ass = son (son (final));
exp te = bro (son (final));
if (name (ass) == ass_tag && name (te) == test_tag) {
top_tag labst_tag
count seq_tag
0 seq_tag = final
body 0 test_tag = te
ass_tag = ass
exp dest = son (ass);
exp val = bro (dest);
if (name (dest) == name_tag && isvar (son (dest)) &&
iscaonly (son (dest)) && shape_size (sh (val)) == 32) {
top_tag labst_tag
count seq_tag
0 seq_tag = final
body 0 test_tag = te
ass_tag = ass
name = dest val (32)
var & ca
if (name (val) == plus_tag && name (son (val)) == cont_tag &&
name (son (son (val))) == name_tag &&
son (son (son (val))) == son (dest) &&
name (bro (son (val))) == val_tag) {
top_tag labst_tag
count seq_tag
0 seq_tag = final
body 0 test_tag = te
ass_tag = ass
name = dest plus_tag =val (32)
var & ca cont_tag val_tag
name_tag -> dest
exp konst = bro (son (val));
int nt = (int)test_number (te);
if (name (son (te)) == cont_tag &&
name (son (son (te))) == name_tag &&
pt (te) == labst &&
son (son (son (te))) == son (dest)) {
top_tag labst_tag
count seq_tag
0 seq_tag = final
body 0 test_tag(nt, labst) = te
ass_tag = ass cont_tag
name = dest plus_tag =val (32) name_tag -> dest
var & ca cont_tag val_tag = konst
name_tag -> dest
int count;
exp limit = bro(son(te));
exp unaliased_limit = nilexp;
int limit_is_aliased = 0;
if (name(limit) == cont_tag &&
name(son(limit)) == name_tag &&
isvar(son(son(limit)))) {
top_tag labst_tag
count seq_tag
0 seq_tag = final
body 0 test_tag(nt, labst) = te
ass_tag = ass cont_tag cont_tag = limit
name = dest plus_tag =val (32) name_tag -> dest
var & ca cont_tag val_tag = konst
name_tag -> dest
if (iscaonly(son(son(limit))))
unaliased_limit = son(son(limit));
limit_is_aliased = 1;
names_index = 0;
allow_double = 1;
jumps_out = 0;
count = unroll_complex (body, LIMIT, son (dest),
limit_is_aliased, unaliased_limit, 1);
if (count >= 0) {
unroll_trans (candidate, body, ass, te,
limit, nt, dest, konst, reps, UNROLL_BY);
else {
int count;
names_index = 0;
allow_double = 0;
count = unroll_complex (body, SIMPLE_LIMIT, nilexp,
0, nilexp, 1);
if (count >= 0) {
simple_unroll(candidate, body, ass, te);
reps = pt (reps);