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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997

    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-

        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;

        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;

        (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
        party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
        these conditions;

        (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
        quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
        no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
        it may be put.

$Author: pwe $
$Date: 1998/03/15 16:00:35 $
$Revision: 1.5 $
$Log: dw2_info.c,v $
 * Revision 1.5  1998/03/15  16:00:35  pwe
 * regtrack dwarf dagnostics added
 * Revision 1.4  1998/03/11  11:03:43  pwe
 * DWARF optimisation info
 * Revision 1.3  1998/02/18  11:22:20  pwe
 * test corrections
 * Revision 1.2  1998/01/21  10:30:06  pwe
 * labdiff change
 * Revision  1998/01/17  15:55:48  release
 * First version to be checked into rolling release.
 * Revision 1.13  1998/01/09  09:31:32  pwe
 * prep restructure
 * Revision 1.12  1997/12/04  19:41:31  pwe
 * ANDF-DE V1.9
 * Revision 1.11  1997/11/06  09:22:14  pwe
 * ANDF-DE V1.8
 * Revision 1.10  1997/10/28  10:14:22  pwe
 * local location corrections
 * Revision 1.9  1997/10/23  09:27:40  pwe
 * ANDF-DE v1.7, extra diags
 * Revision 1.8  1997/10/10  18:18:38  pwe
 * prep ANDF-DE revision
 * Revision 1.7  1997/08/23  13:36:45  pwe
 * initial ANDF-DE
 * Revision 1.6  1997/06/25  13:05:39  pwe
 * constant global floats as well as local
 * Revision 1.5  1997/06/25  12:16:16  pwe
 * constant floats supported, 4-byte only
 * Revision 1.4  1997/04/17  11:50:25  pwe
 * Sparc and 80x86 support
 * Revision 1.3  1997/04/04  15:17:13  pwe
 * another (long)
 * Revision 1.2  1997/04/01  17:19:40  pwe
 * diagnose pl_tests and locate -> platform specific
 * Revision 1.1  1997/03/20  16:09:18  pwe
 * first version

#include "config.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "dg_aux.h"
#include "dw2_config.h"
#include "dw2_entries.h"
#include "dw2_codes.h"
#include "dw2_info.h"
#include "dw2_basic.h"
#include "dw2_types.h"
#include "dw2_lines.h"
#include "dw2_iface.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "basicread.h"
#include "flags.h"
#include "flpt.h"
#include "flpttypes.h"
#include "externs.h"
#include "xalloc.h"
#include "dg_globs.h"
#include "f64.h"
#include "dw2_locdata.h"

long dw2_scope_start = 0;
long dw2_scope_end = 0;
int dw_doing_branch_tests = 0;

static long local_var_place;
static int doing_abstract = 0;
static int doing_inline = 0;    /* consistency check only */
static dg_info proc_dg_info = (dg_info)0;
static dg_type return_type = (dg_type)0;

static dg_default * default_span_list = (dg_default *)0;

static void fail_unimplemented
    PROTO_Z ()
  failer ("unimplemented attribute");

static exp find_id
    PROTO_N ( (e) )
    PROTO_T ( exp e )
  if (name(e) == name_tag && !isdiscarded(e) && !isvar(son(e)))
    return son(e);
  if (name(e) == cont_tag && name(son(e)) == name_tag && !isdiscarded(son(e))
                && ( isvar(son(son(e))) || isparam(son(son(e))) ))
    return son(son(e));
  return nilexp;

void dw_out_const
    PROTO_N ( (e) )
    PROTO_T ( exp e )
  switch (name(e)) {
    case real_tag: {
      int sw = (shape_size(sh(e)) <= 32 ? 0 : 1);
                                /* DWARF cannot represent extended reals */
      r2l real_parts;
      real_parts = real2longs_IEEE (&flptnos[no(e)], sw);
      dw_at_form ((sw ? DW_FORM_data8 : DW_FORM_data4));
      d_outnl ();
      dw_at_data (4, (long)(real_parts.i1));
      if (sw)
        dw_at_data (4, (long)(real_parts.i2));
    case val_tag:
    case null_tag: {
      if (isbigval(e)) {
        flt64 x;
        int ov;
        x = flt_to_f64(no(e), is_signed(sh(e)), &ov);
        dw_at_form (DW_FORM_data8); d_outnl ();
        dw_at_data (4, (long)(x.small));
        dw_at_data (4, (long)(x.big));
      if (is_signed(sh(e))) {
        dw_at_form (DW_FORM_sdata); outs (", ");
        sleb128 ((long)no(e)); d_outnl();
      else {
        dw_at_form (DW_FORM_udata); outs (", ");
        uleb128 ((unsigned long)no(e)); d_outnl();
    default: {
      dw_at_form (DW_FORM_block1); d_outnl();
      dw2_locate_exp (e, 1, 0);

void dw_out_default
    PROTO_N ( (d) )
    PROTO_T ( dg_default * d )
  if (d->val && dw_is_const (son(d->val)))
    dw_out_const (son(d->val));
  if (d->span.sp_key != SP_SPAN) {
    dw_at_form (DW_FORM_flag); d_outnl();
    dw_at_flag (1);
  else {
    if (!d->lab) {
      d->lab = next_dwarf_label ();
      d->next = default_span_list;
      default_span_list = d;
    dw_at_form (DW_FORM_ref_addr); d_outnl();
    dw_at_address (d->lab);

void complete_defaults
    PROTO_Z ()
  while (default_span_list) {
    out_dwf_label (default_span_list->lab, 1);
    IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_span, (long)0);
    IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_span_strt, (long)0);
    dw_at_decl (shorten_sourcepos (default_span_list->span));
    IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_span_end, (long)0);
    dw_at_decl (end_sourcepos (default_span_list->span));
    dw_sibling_end ();
    default_span_list = default_span_list->next;

static void out_refblock                /* Not certain this is needed! */
    PROTO_N ( (objs, assgn) )
    PROTO_T ( objset * objs X int assgn )
  int count = 0;
  long over_lab;
  objset * p = objs;
  while (p) {
    if (p->ass == assgn)
    p = p->next;
  if (count) {
    over_lab = next_dwarf_label();
    out_dwf_label (over_lab, 0);
    outs (" - . - 2");
  outn (count * 4);
  if (count) {
    p = objs;
    while (p) {
      if (p->ass == assgn)
        dw_at_ext_address (p->tg);
      p = p->next;
    out_dwf_label (over_lab, 1);

static void check_trivial
    PROTO_N ( (e) )
    PROTO_T ( exp e )
#if 0
        /* This is still far too strong; e may be anything with equivalent
                already in a register! */
  if (e && name(e) != val_tag && name(e) != name_tag &&
        (name(e) != cont_tag || name(son(e)) != name_tag) &&
        name(e) != goto_tag && name(e) != top_tag ) {
    if (name(e) == chvar_tag || name(e) == chfl_tag)
      check_trivial (son(e));
      failer ("lost information?");

static void output_detch PROTO_S ((detch_info * dl));

static detch_info * sub_detch = (detch_info *)0;

static void output_info
    PROTO_N ( (e, d) )
    PROTO_T ( exp e X dg_info d )
  /* within info section */
  if (!d) {
    exp t;
    if (!e) {
      if (sub_detch)
        output_detch (sub_detch);
    if (name(e) == name_tag || name(e) == env_size_tag || 
        name(e) == env_offset_tag || (t = son(e), !t))
    for (;;) {
      output_info (t, dgf(t));
      if (last(t) || name(e) == case_tag) return;
      t = bro(t);

  switch (d->key) {

    case DGA_COMP: {
      if (!(d->data.i_comp.lo_pc)) {    /* optimised away */
        check_trivial (e);
        output_info (e, d->more);
      if (d->data.i_comp.is_tag) {
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_for_unit, (long)0);
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_comp.lo_pc);
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_comp.hi_pc);
        dw_at_ext_address (d->data.i_comp.corl.comp_tag);
      else {
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_for_lang, (long)0);
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_comp.lo_pc);
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_comp.hi_pc);
        dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)d->data.i_comp.corl.comp_lang);
      output_info (e, d->more);

    case DGA_PARAMS: {
      output_info (e, d->more);

    case DGA_SRC: {
      output_info (e, d->more);

    case DGA_SCOPE: {
      long old_scope1 = dw2_scope_start;
      long old_scope2 = dw2_scope_end;
      long attr1 = 0, attr2;
      char * lexname = d->data.i_scope.lexname;
      if (!doing_abstract) {
        if (!(d->data.i_scope.start)) { /* optimised away */
          check_trivial (e);
          output_info (e, d->more);
        if (lexname && lexname[0])
          attr1 |= (H_NM | H_XY);
        attr1 |= H_PC;
        if (d->data.i_scope.begin_st) {
          if (d->data.i_scope.begin_st == (long)(-1))   /* old diags */
            d->data.i_scope.begin_st = (long)0;
            attr1 |= H_BG;
      dw2_scope_start = d->data.i_scope.start;
      dw2_scope_end = d->data.i_scope.end;
      attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_scope, attr1);
      if (attr2 & ~(H_NM|H_XY|H_PC|H_BG))
        fail_unimplemented ();
      if (attr2 & H_NM)
        dw_at_string (lexname);
      if (attr2 & H_XY)
        dw_at_decl (d->data.i_scope.lexpos);
      if (attr2 & H_PC) {
        dw_at_address (dw2_scope_start);
        dw_at_address (dw2_scope_end);
      if (attr2 & H_BG)
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_scope.begin_st);
      output_info (e, d->more);
      dw_sibling_end ();
      dw2_scope_start = old_scope1;
      dw2_scope_end = old_scope2;

    case DGA_EXTRA: {
      long old_scope1 = dw2_scope_start;
      long old_scope2 = dw2_scope_end;
      dw2_scope_start = d->data.i_scope.start;
      dw2_scope_end = d->data.i_scope.end;
      if (!doing_abstract) {
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_fragment, (long)0);
        dw_at_address (dw2_scope_start);
        dw_at_address (dw2_scope_end);
      output_info (e, d->more);
      if (!doing_abstract)
        dw_sibling_end ();
      dw2_scope_start = old_scope1;
      dw2_scope_end = old_scope2;

    case DGA_LAB: {
      if (!doing_abstract) {
        if (d->data.i_scope.start) {
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_label, (long)0);
          dw_at_string (d->data.i_scope.lexname);
          dw_at_decl (d->data.i_scope.lexpos);
          dw_at_address (d->data.i_scope.start);
          check_trivial (e);
      output_info (e, d->more);

    case DGA_NAME: {
      local_var_place = d->data.i_nam.scope_start;
      dw2_out_name (d->data.i_nam.dnam, (e ? LOCAL_NAME : DEAD_NAME));
      output_info (e, d->more);

    case DGA_WITH: {
      if (!doing_abstract) {
        if (!(d->data.i_with.lo_pc) || !e) {    /* optimised away */
          check_trivial (e);
          output_info (e, d->more);
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_with, (long)0);
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (d->data.i_with.w_typ));
        dw2_locate_exp (son(d->data.i_with.w_exp), 0, 0);
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_with.lo_pc);
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_with.hi_pc);
      output_info (e, d->more);
      if (!doing_abstract) {
        dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGA_CALL: {
      if (doing_abstract)
        output_info (e, d->more);
      else {
        if (!(d->data.i_call.brk)) {    /* optimised away */
          check_trivial (e);
          output_info (e, d->more);
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_call, (long)0);
        dw_at_string (d->data.i_call.clnam);
        dw_at_decl (d->data.i_call.pos);
        dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)d->;
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_call.brk);
        dw2_locate_val (d->data.i_call.p);
        output_info (e, d->more);

    case DGA_INL_CALL: {
      int old_il = doing_inline;
      dg_type old_res = return_type;
      dg_name_list args = d->data.i_inl.args;
      dg_name di;
      dg_type p_t, res_t;
      long brk = d->data.i_inl.lo_pc;
      if (doing_abstract)
        break;  /* no recursion */
      di = d->data.i_inl.proc->p.nam;
      p_t = find_proc_type (di->data.n_proc.typ);
      res_t = p_t->data.t_proc.res_type;
      return_type = res_t;
      if (brk) {                        /* sometimes lo = hi */
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_inl_call, (long)0);
        dw_at_ext_address (d->data.i_inl.proc);
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_inl.lo_pc);
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_inl.hi_pc);
      else {    /* call compressed into operand, so no breakpoint */
        check_trivial (e);
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_inl_opnd, (long)0);
        dw_at_ext_address (d->data.i_inl.proc);
      doing_inline = 1;
      while (args) {
        dw2_out_name (args, INL_PARAM_NAME);
        args = args->next;
      if (extra_diags && brk) {
        dg_info rets = d->data.i_inl.resref;
        long attr1 = H_XY, attr2;
        if (rets) {
          attr1 |= H_PC;
          if (res_t)
            attr1 |= H_LC;
        do {
          attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_return, attr1);
          if (attr2 & ~(H_XY|H_PC|H_LC))
            fail_unimplemented ();
          if (attr2 & H_XY)
            dw_at_decl (di->mor->end_pos);
          if (attr2 & H_PC)
            dw_at_address (rets->data.i_res.brk);
          if (attr2 & H_LC)
            dw2_locate_val (rets->data.i_res.res);
          if (!rets)
          rets = rets->;
        while (rets);
      output_info (e, d->more);
      doing_inline = old_il;
      dw_sibling_end ();
      return_type = old_res;

    case DGA_INL_RES: {
      output_info (e, d->more);

    case DGA_X_TRY: {
      if (!doing_abstract) {
        if (!(d->data.i_try.lo_pc)) {   /* optimised away */
          check_trivial (e);
          output_info (e, d->more);
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_try, (long)0);
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_try.lo_pc);
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_try.hi_pc);
      output_info (e, d->more);
      if (!doing_abstract)
        dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGA_X_CATCH: {
      if (!doing_abstract) {
        if (!(d->data.i_catch.lo_pc)) { /* optimised away */
          check_trivial (e);
          output_info (e, d->more);
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_catch, (long)0);
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_catch.lo_pc);
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_catch.hi_pc);
        if (d->data.i_catch.ex)
          dw2_out_name (d->data.i_catch.ex, EXCEPT_NAME);
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_opt_par, (long)0);
      output_info (e, d->more);
      if (!doing_abstract)
        dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGA_X_RAISE: {
      if (!doing_abstract) {
        long attr1 = H_XY, attr2;
        if (d->data.i_raise.x_typ)
          attr1 |= H_TP;
        if (d->data.i_raise.x_val)
          attr1 |= (dw_is_const (son(d->data.i_raise.x_val)) ? H_CV : H_LC);
        attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_throw, attr1);
        if (attr2 & ~(H_XY|H_TP|H_LC|H_CV))
          fail_unimplemented ();
        if (attr2 & H_XY)
          dw_at_decl (d->data.i_raise.pos);
        if (attr2 & H_TP)
          dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (d->data.i_raise.x_typ));
        if (attr2 & H_LC)
          dw2_locate_exp (son(d->data.i_raise.x_val), 0, 0);
        if (attr2 & H_CV)
          dw_out_const (son(d->data.i_raise.x_val));
      output_info (e, d->more);

    case DGA_BRANCH: {
      if (doing_abstract)
        output_info (e, d->more);
      else {
        long brk = d->data.i_brn.brk;
        if (brk) {
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_branch, (long)0);
          dw_at_decl (d->data.i_brn.pos);
          dw_at_address (brk);
          dw_at_address (d->data.i_brn.cont);
          trace_dw_branch_exits (e);
        else {
          check_trivial (e);
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_branch_0, (long)0);
          dw_at_decl (d->data.i_brn.pos);
        output_info (e, d->more);
        if (brk)
          dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGA_TEST: {
      if (doing_abstract)
        output_info (e, d->more);
      else {
        long brk = d->data.i_tst.brk;
        if (brk) {
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_test, (long)0);
          dw_at_decl (d->data.i_tst.pos);
          dw_at_address (d->data.i_tst.brk);
          dw_at_address (d->data.i_tst.cont);
          dw_at_ext_lab (d->data.i_tst.jlab);
        else {
          check_trivial (e);
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_test_0, (long)0);
          dw_at_decl (d->data.i_tst.pos);
        output_info (e, d->more);

    case DGA_JUMP: {
      if (doing_abstract)
        output_info (e, d->more);
      else {
        long brk = d->data.i_tst.brk;
        if (brk) {
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_jump, (long)0);
          dw_at_decl (d->data.i_tst.pos);
          dw_at_address (d->data.i_tst.brk);
          dw_at_ext_lab (d->data.i_tst.jlab);
        else {
          check_trivial (e);
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_jump_0, (long)0);
          dw_at_decl (d->data.i_tst.pos);
        output_info (e, d->more);

    case DGA_LJ: {
      if (doing_abstract)
        output_info (e, d->more);
      else {
        long brk = d->data.i_lj.brk;
        if (brk) {
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_lj, (long)0);
          dw_at_decl (d->data.i_lj.pos);
          dw_at_address (d->data.i_lj.brk);
          dw2_locate_val (d->data.i_lj.j);
        else {
          check_trivial (e);
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_lj_0, (long)0);
          dw_at_decl (d->data.i_lj.pos);
        output_info (e, d->more);

    case DGA_DEST: {
      if (!doing_abstract) {
        long attr1 = 0, attr2;
        if (!(d->data.i_dest.brk)) {    /* optimised away */
          check_trivial (e);
          output_info (e, d->more);
        if (d->data.i_dest.val) {
          attr1 |= H_TP;
          attr1 |= (dw_is_const (son(d->data.i_dest.val)) ? H_CV : H_LC);
        attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_destruct, attr1);
        if (attr2 & ~(H_XY|H_TP|H_LC|H_CV))
          fail_unimplemented ();
        dw_at_decl (d->data.i_dest.pos);
        dw_at_address (d->data.i_dest.brk);
        if (attr2 & H_TP)
          dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (return_type));
        if (attr2 & H_LC)
          dw2_locate_exp (son(d->data.i_dest.val), 0, 0);
        if (attr2 & H_CV)
          dw_out_const (son(d->data.i_dest.val));
      output_info (e, d->more);
      if (!doing_abstract)
        dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGA_RVS: {
      if (d->data.i_rvs.has_iv)
        break;          /* inverse ref, so don't output here */
      if (!doing_abstract) {
        abbrev_entry dwe;
        int w_alt = 0, w_en = 0, w_kind = 0;
        switch (d->data.i_rvs.rvs_key) {
          case DGR_SEL:
            dwe = (d->data.i_rvs.async ? dwe_asynchsel : dwe_select);
          case DGR_ACC:
            dwe = (d->data.i_rvs.n_code ? dwe_accept_c : dwe_accept);
            w_alt = w_en = 1;
          case DGR_RTS:
            dwe = dwe_rts;
            w_alt = w_kind = 1;
            if (d->data.i_rvs.en) {
              dwe = dwe_rts_en;
              w_en = 1;
          case DGR_ALT:
            dwe = (d->data.i_rvs.n_code ? dwe_sel_alt_c : dwe_sel_alt);
            w_kind = 1;
          case DGR_SGD:
            dwe = dwe_sel_guard;
          case DGR_TRIG:
            dwe = (d->data.i_rvs.n_code ? dwe_trigger_c : dwe_trigger);
            w_kind = 1;
          case DGR_ABTL:
            dwe = (d->data.i_rvs.n_code ? dwe_abort_ptc : dwe_abort_pt);
          case DGR_REQUE:
            dwe = dwe_requeue;
            w_en = 1;
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe, (long)0);
        dw_at_decl (d->data.i_rvs.pos);
        if (d->data.i_rvs.n_code) {
          dw_at_address (d->data.i_rvs.lo_pc);
          if (d->data.i_rvs.n_code >= 2)
            dw_at_address (d->data.i_rvs.hi_pc);
        if (w_alt)
          dw_at_flag (d->data.i_rvs.alt);
        if (w_en)
          dw_at_ext_address (d->data.i_rvs.en);
        if (w_kind)
          dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)d->data.i_rvs.kind);
        if (d->data.i_rvs.rvs_key == DGR_ALT)
          dw_out_const (d->data.i_rvs.u2.e);
        if (d->data.i_rvs.rvs_key == DGR_REQUE)
          dw_at_flag (d->data.i_rvs.w_abort);
        if (d->data.i_rvs.rvs_key == DGR_ACC && d->data.i_rvs.n_code) {
          dg_name_list args = d->data.i_rvs.u2.p;
          while (args) {
            dw2_out_name (args, INL_PARAM_NAME);
            args = args->next;
        if (d->data.i_rvs.holder) {
          dg_info inner = d->data.i_rvs.u.iv;
          while (inner) {
            if (!inner->data.i_rvs.has_iv)
              failer ("bad RVS invert");
            inner->data.i_rvs.has_iv = 0;
            output_info (inner->data.i_rvs.info_e, inner);
            inner->data.i_rvs.has_iv = 1;
            inner = inner->data.i_rvs.u.iv;
      output_info (e, d->more);
      if (!doing_abstract && d->data.i_rvs.rvs_key != DGR_RTS &&
                (d->data.i_rvs.n_code || (d->data.i_rvs.rvs_key == DGR_ALT ||
                        d->data.i_rvs.rvs_key == DGR_TRIG)))
        dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGA_DETCH: {
      if (d->data.i_detch.posn < 0) {
        output_detch (d->data.i_detch.dl);
        output_info (e, d->more);
      else {
        output_info (e, d->more);
        output_detch (d->data.i_detch.dl);

    case DGA_MOVD:
    case DGA_HOIST: {
      if (!doing_abstract) {
        dg_tag tg = d->;
        if (d->this_tag)
          set_ext_address (d->this_tag);
        if (d->data.i_movd.lo_pc) {
          IGNORE dw_entry ((tg ? dwe_moved_r : dwe_moved), (long)0);
          dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)d->data.i_movd.reason);
          if (tg)
            dw_at_ext_address (tg);
          dw_at_address (d->data.i_movd.lo_pc);
          dw_at_address (d->data.i_movd.hi_pc);
        else {
          check_trivial (e);
          IGNORE dw_entry ((tg ? dwe_moved_xr : dwe_moved_x), (long)0);
          dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)d->data.i_movd.reason);
          if (tg)
            dw_at_ext_address (tg);
      output_info (e, d->more);
      if (!doing_abstract)
        dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGA_OPTIM: {
      if (!doing_abstract) {
        if (d->this_tag)
          set_ext_address (d->this_tag);
        if (d->data.i_optim.lo_pc) {
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_optim, (long)0);
          dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)d->data.i_optim.reason);
          dw_at_address (d->data.i_optim.lo_pc);
          dw_at_address (d->data.i_optim.hi_pc);
          out_refblock (d->data.i_optim.objs, 0);       /* unassigned refs */
          out_refblock (d->data.i_optim.objs, 1);       /* assigned refs */
        else {
          check_trivial (e);
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_moved_x, (long)0);
          dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)d->data.i_movd.reason);
      output_info (e, d->more);
      if (!doing_abstract)
        dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGA_REMVAL:
    case DGA_BEG:
    case DGA_BAR:
    case DGA_NONE: {
      output_info (e, d->more);

      failer ("unexpected dg_info");


static void output_detch
    PROTO_N ( (dl) )
    PROTO_T ( detch_info * dl )
  while (dl) {
    int has_child = 0;
    int has_dest = 0;
    int reason = dl->why;
    dg_info d_src = dl->info;
    dg_info more_src = (dg_info)0;
    dg_tag tg = dl->tg;
    while (tg && tg->copy)
      tg = tg->copy;
    if (tg && tg->>key == DGA_MOVD) {
      d_src = tg->;
      reason = d_src->data.i_movd.reason;
      if (d_src->data.i_movd.lost)
        tg = d_src->;
        has_dest = 1;
      d_src = d_src->more;
    if (has_dest) {
      if (d_src->key == DGA_SRC && !doing_abstract) {
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_displ_x, (long)0);
        dw_at_ext_address (tg);
        dw_at_decl (d_src->data.i_src.startpos);
      if ( !doing_abstract &&
                d_src->key != DGA_INL_RES &&
                (d_src->key != DGA_RVS || !d_src->data.i_rvs.has_iv) &&
                d_src->key != DGA_BEG && d_src->key != DGA_BAR)
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_displaced, (long)0);
        dw_at_ext_address (tg);
    else {
      if (d_src->key == DGA_SRC && !doing_abstract) {
        IGNORE dw_entry ((tg ? dwe_absent_xr : dwe_absent_x), (long)0);
        dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)reason);
        if (tg)
          dw_at_ext_address (tg);
        dw_at_decl (d_src->data.i_src.startpos);
      if (d_src->key == DGA_NAME)       /* included when doing_abstract */
        more_src = d_src;
      if ( !doing_abstract &&
                d_src->key != DGA_INL_RES &&
                (d_src->key != DGA_RVS || !d_src->data.i_rvs.has_iv) &&
                d_src->key != DGA_BEG && d_src->key != DGA_BAR)
        has_child = 1;
        more_src = d_src;
        more_src->more = (dg_info)0;
        IGNORE dw_entry ((tg ? dwe_absent_r : dwe_absent), (long)0);
        dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)reason);
        if (tg)
          dw_at_ext_address (tg);
      detch_info * old = sub_detch;
      sub_detch = dl->sub;
      output_info (nilexp, more_src);
      sub_detch = old;
    if (has_child)
      dw_sibling_end ();
    dl = dl->next;

static void out_param
    PROTO_N ( (p) )
    PROTO_T ( dg_param p )
  /* within debug_info */
  /* used for declarations only */
  long attr1 = (H_TP | H_VP), attr2;
  if (p.pnam[0])
    attr1 |= H_NM;
  if (p.ppos.file)
    attr1 |= H_XY;
#ifdef H_DX
  if (p.p_dflt) {
    if (p.p_dflt->span.sp_key == SP_SPAN ||
        (p.p_dflt->val && dw_is_const (son(p.p_dflt->val)) ))
      attr1 |= H_DF;
      attr1 |= H_DX;
  if (p.p_dflt)
    attr1 |= H_DF;
  attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_param, attr1);
#ifdef H_DX
  if (attr2 & ~(H_NM|H_XY|H_TP|H_VP|H_DF|H_DX))
  if (attr2 & ~(H_NM|H_XY|H_TP|H_VP|H_DF))
    fail_unimplemented ();
  if (attr2 & H_NM)
    dw_at_string (p.pnam);
  if (attr2 & H_XY)
    dw_at_decl (p.ppos);
  if (attr2 & H_TP)
    dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (p.p_typ));
  if (attr2 & H_VP) {
    int vp = 0;
    if (p.pmode == DG_OUT_MODE || p.pmode == DG_INOUT_MODE)
      vp = 1;
    dw_at_flag (vp);
#ifdef H_DX
  if (attr2 & H_DX)
    dw_at_flag ((p.p_dflt && !(attr2 & H_DF)) ? 1 : 0);
  if (attr2 & H_DF)
    dw_out_default (p.p_dflt);

static void dw2_out_proc
    PROTO_N ( (di) )
    PROTO_T ( dg_name di )
                                /* within debug_info section */
  int old_il = doing_inline;
  int old_ab = doing_abstract;
  long infolab = 0;
  exp id;
  dg_type p_t, res_t;
  dg_type old_res = return_type;
  long is_callable = DW_CC_normal;
  char* nam;
  char* gnam = "";
  long attr1, attr2;
  dg_instantn * generic = (dg_instantn *)0;
  dg_info old_di = proc_dg_info;
  proc_dg_info = (dg_info)0;
  if (di->idnam.id_key == DG_ID_INST) {
    generic = di->idnam.idd.instance;
    if (generic->nam.id_key == DG_ID_ANON)
      nam = generic->spec.idd.nam;
    else {
      nam = generic->nam.idd.nam;
      gnam = generic->spec.idd.nam;
    nam = di->idnam.idd.nam;
  p_t = find_proc_type (di->data.n_proc.typ);
  res_t = p_t->data.t_proc.res_type;
  return_type = res_t;
  id = di->data.n_proc.obtain_val;
  if (id) {
    exp p;
    if (name(id) != hold_tag || name(son(id)) != name_tag) {
      failer ("wrong proc obtain_tag");
    id = son(son(id));
    p = son(id);
    if (p) {
      exp t = son(p);
      dw2_prepare_locate (id);
      proc_dg_info = dgf(p);
      if (proc_dg_info && proc_dg_info->key != DGA_PRC)
        failer ("inconsistent proc info");
      if (proc_has_vcallees(p))
        is_callable = DW_CC_nocall;
      while (name(t) == ident_tag && isparam(t) && name(son(t)) != formal_callee_tag)
        t = bro(son(t));
      if (name(t) == ident_tag && name(son(t)) == formal_callee_tag)
        is_callable = DW_CC_nocall;
      if (brog(id)->dec_u.dec_val.extnamed) {
        infolab = next_dwarf_label ();
        exit_section ();
        enter_section ("debug_pubnames");
        out32 (); out_dwf_labdiff (dw_info_start, infolab); d_outnl();
        out_string (nam);
        exit_section ();
        enter_section ("debug_info");

  if (p_t->data.t_proc.prps & (f_untidy | f_var_callees))
    is_callable = DW_CC_nocall;
  if (di->mor && di->mor->refspec)
    attr1 = H_SP | H_XY;
  else {
    attr1 = H_NM | H_XY;
    if (res_t)
      attr1 |= H_TP;
    switch (di->idnam.id_key) {
      case DG_ID_EXT:
        attr1 |= H_EX;
      case DG_ID_ARTFL:
        attr1 |= H_AT;
      case DG_ID_INST:
        if (gnam[0])
          attr1 |= H_GN;
    if (p_t->data.t_proc.knowpro)
      attr1 |= H_PT;
    if (p_t->data.t_proc.lang)
      attr1 |= H_LN;
    if (p_t->data.t_proc.ccv) {
      attr1 |= H_CC;
      if (p_t->data.t_proc.ccv != DW_CC_normal)
        is_callable = p_t->data.t_proc.ccv;
  if (is_callable |= DW_CC_normal)
    attr1 |= H_CC;
  if (di->mor && di->mor->isspec)
    attr1 |= H_DC;
  if (di->mor && di->mor->issep)
    attr1 |= H_SE;
  if (di->mor && di->mor->acc)
    attr1 |= H_AC;
  if (di->mor && di->mor->virt)
    attr1 |= H_VT;
  if (di->mor && di->mor->vslot)
    attr1 |= H_VL;
  if (di->mor && di->mor->repn)
    attr1 |= H_RP;
  doing_abstract = 0;
  if (di->mor && di->mor->this_tag) {
    set_ext_address (di->mor->this_tag);
    if (di->mor->this_tag->any_inl) {
      doing_abstract = 1;
      attr1 |= H_IL;

  do {
    if (!doing_abstract && proc_dg_info) {
      if (infolab)
        out_dwf_label (infolab, 1);
      attr1 |= H_PC;
      if (proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.p &&
        attr1 |= H_SL;
      if (di->mor && di->mor->elabn)
        attr1 |= H_EL;

    attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_proc, attr1);

    if (attr2 & ~(H_AO|H_SP|H_DC|H_NM|H_XY|H_EX|H_AT|H_AC|H_CC|
      fail_unimplemented ();
    if (attr2 & H_AO)
      dw_at_ext_address (di->mor->this_tag);
    if (attr2 & H_SP)
      dw_at_ext_address (di->mor->refspec);
    if (attr2 & H_DC)
      dw_at_flag ((di->mor && di->mor->isspec ? 1 : 0));
    if (attr2 & H_NM)
      dw_at_string (nam);
    if (attr2 & H_XY)
      dw_at_decl (di->whence);
    if (attr2 & H_EX)
      dw_at_flag ((di->idnam.id_key == DG_ID_EXT ? 1 : 0));
    if (attr2 & H_AT)
      dw_at_flag ((di->idnam.id_key == DG_ID_ARTFL ? 1 : 0));
    if (attr2 & H_AC)
      dw_at_data (1, (long)(di->mor ? di->mor->acc : 0));
    if (attr2 & H_CC)
      dw_at_data (1, is_callable);
    if (attr2 & H_TP)
      dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (res_t));
    if (attr2 & H_PT)
      dw_at_flag (p_t->data.t_proc.yespro);
    if (attr2 & H_IL)
      dw_at_data (1, (long)(di->mor->isinline ? DW_INL_declared_inlined :
    if (attr2 & H_VT)
      dw_at_data (1, (long)(di->mor ? di->mor->virt : 0));
    if (attr2 & H_VL)
      dw2_locate_exp (son(di->mor->vslot), 0, 0);
    if (attr2 & H_PC) {
      dw_at_address (proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.prc_start);
      dw_at_address (proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.prc_end);
      dw_at_procdetails ();     /* return address and frame_base */
    if (attr2 & H_SL)
      dw2_locate_exp (son(proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.p->data.i_param.o_env), 1, 0);

    if (attr2 & H_EXTN) {
      long block_end = next_dwarf_label ();
      attr1 &= ~attr2;
      if (attr1 & ~(H_EL|H_GN|H_RP|H_LN|H_SE))
        fail_unimplemented ();
      out16 (); out_dwf_dist_to_label (block_end); d_outnl();
      if (attr1 & H_EL) {
        set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_elaboration, DW_FORM_ref_addr);
        dw_at_ext_address (di->mor->elabn);
      if (attr1 & H_GN) {
        set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_generic_name, DW_FORM_string);
        dw_at_string (gnam);
      if (attr1 & H_RP) {
        set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_repn, 0);
        dw_out_const (son (di->mor->repn));
      if (attr1 & H_LN) {
        set_attribute (DW_AT_language, DW_FORM_udata);
        dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)(p_t->data.t_proc.lang));
      if (attr1 & H_SE) {
        set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_separate, DW_FORM_flag);
        dw_at_flag ((di->mor && di->mor->issep ? 1 : 0));
      set_attribute (0, 0);
      out_dwf_label (block_end, 1);

    if (!doing_abstract && generic)
      dw2_out_generic (generic->params);

    if (!doing_abstract && !proc_dg_info && !di->data.n_proc.params) {
                /* must be declaration only */
      dg_param * el = p_t->data.t_proc.params.array;
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < p_t->data.t_proc.params.len; i++)
        out_param (el[i]);
      if (p_t->data.t_proc.prps & f_var_callers)
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_opt_par, (long)0);

      if (di->mor && di->mor->en_family)
        dw_out_dim (*(di->mor->en_family));
      dw_sibling_end ();
      break;    /* to return */
      dg_name param = (dg_name)0;
      dg_param * el = p_t->data.t_proc.params.array;
      int w = 0;
      if (proc_dg_info && proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.p)
        param = proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.p->data.i_param.args;
      if (di->data.n_proc.params)
        param = di->data.n_proc.params->data.i_param.args;
      while (param) {
        if (param->key == DGN_OBJECT) {
          if (w < p_t->data.t_proc.params.len)
            param->data.n_obj.p = &(el[w]);
            param->data.n_obj.p = (dg_param *)0;
        if (doing_abstract) {
          if (!(param->mor) || !(param->mor->this_tag))
            failer ("param inlining error");
          param->mor->inline_ref = param->mor->this_tag;
        dw2_out_name (param, PARAM_NAME);
        param = param->next;
    if (p_t->data.t_proc.prps & f_var_callers)
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_opt_par, (long)0);

    if (!doing_abstract && di->mor && di->mor->exptns.len) {
      dg_type * et = di->mor->exptns.array;
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < di->mor->exptns.len; i++) {
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_thrown_t, (long)0);
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (et[i]));
    if (di->mor && di->mor->en_family)
      dw_out_dim (*(di->mor->en_family));
    if (proc_dg_info && proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.barrier) {
      dg_info b = proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.barrier;
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_barrier, (long)0);
      dw_at_decl (b->data.i_bar.pos);
      dw_at_address (b->data.i_bar.lo_pc);
      dw_at_address (b->data.i_bar.hi_pc);

    if (!doing_abstract && extra_diags && proc_dg_info) {
      long atret1 = H_XY, atret2;
      retrec * rets = proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.returns;
      if (rets) {
        atret1 |= H_PC;
        if (res_t)
          atret1 |= H_LC;
      do {
        atret2 = dw_entry (dwe_return, atret1);
        if (atret2 & ~(H_XY|H_PC|H_LC))
          fail_unimplemented ();
        if (atret2 & H_XY)
          dw_at_decl (di->mor->end_pos);
        if (atret2 & H_PC)
          dw_at_address (rets->lab);
        if (atret2 & H_LC)
          dw2_locate_result (pt(son(id)));
        if (!rets)
        rets = rets->next;
      while (rets);

    if (id && (proc_dg_info || doing_abstract)) {
      output_info (son(id), (proc_dg_info ? dgf(son(id))->more : dgf(son(id))));

    dw_sibling_end ();
    if (doing_abstract) {
      doing_abstract = 0;
      doing_inline = 1;
      attr1 = H_AO;
  while (proc_dg_info);

  doing_abstract = old_ab;
  doing_inline = old_il;
  proc_dg_info = old_di;
  return_type = old_res;

void dw2_out_generic
    PROTO_N ( (p) )
    PROTO_T ( dg_name_list p )
  while (p) {
    switch (p->key) {
      case DGN_OBJECT: {
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_tmpl_val, (long)0);
        dw_at_string (idname_chars (p->idnam));
        dw_at_decl (p->whence);
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (p->data.n_obj.typ));
        dw_out_const (son (p->data.n_obj.obtain_val));
      case DGN_TYPE: {
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_tmpl_type, (long)0);
        dw_at_string (idname_chars (p->idnam));
        dw_at_decl (p->whence);
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (p->data.n_typ.raw));
      case DGN_PROC: {
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_tmpl_proc, (long)0);
        dw_at_string (idname_chars (p->idnam));
        dw_at_decl (p->whence);
        dw_at_ext_address (p->mor->refspec);
      case DGN_MODULE: {
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_tmpl_mod, (long)0);
        dw_at_string (idname_chars (p->idnam));
        dw_at_decl (p->whence);
        dw_at_ext_address (p->mor->refspec);
    p = p->next;

void dw2_out_name
    PROTO_N ( (di, contex) )
    PROTO_T ( dg_name di X dg_nm_contex contex )
                                /* in debug_info section */
  dg_tag inl_tag = (di->mor ? di->mor->inline_ref : (dg_tag)0);
  if (di->mor && di->mor->this_tag && !di->mor->this_tag->outref.k) {
    di->mor->this_tag->outref.k = LAB_D;
    di->mor->this_tag->outref.u.l = next_dwarf_label ();

                                /* EXCEPT_NAME, INSTANTN_NAME not done yet */
  if ((contex == LOCAL_NAME || contex == DEAD_NAME) && !doing_abstract) {
    if (!dw2_scope_start)
      failer ("missing scope");

  switch (di->key) {

    case DGN_OBJECT: {
      exp x = di->data.n_obj.obtain_val;
      dg_type typ = di->data.n_obj.typ;
      dg_param * ppar = (contex == PARAM_NAME ? di->data.n_obj.p : (dg_param *)0);
      char* nam = idname_chars (di->idnam);
      long attr1 = 0, attr2;
      long loclab = 0, loclabext = 0, infolab = 0;
      abbrev_entry dwe;
      if ((inl_tag && !doing_inline && !doing_abstract) || (!inl_tag && doing_inline))
        failer ("inline inconsistency");

      if (contex == GLOBAL_NAME && di->idnam.id_key == DG_ID_EXT &&
                x && find_id (son(x))) {
        infolab = next_dwarf_label ();
        exit_section ();
        enter_section ("debug_pubnames");
        out32 (); out_dwf_labdiff (dw_info_start, infolab); d_outnl();
        dw_at_string (nam);
        exit_section ();
        enter_section ("debug_info");

      if (contex == PARAM_NAME || contex == INL_PARAM_NAME)
        dwe = dwe_param;
      if (di->mor && di->mor->isconst)
        dwe = dwe_constant;
        dwe = dwe_variable;

      if (doing_inline)
        attr1 |= H_AO;
      else {
        if (di->mor && di->mor->refspec)
          attr1 |= (H_SP | H_XY);
        else {
          attr1 |= (H_NM | H_XY | H_TP);
          if (contex == GLOBAL_NAME)
            attr1 |= H_EX;
          if (di->idnam.id_key == DG_ID_ARTFL)
            attr1 |= H_AT;
        if (di->mor && di->mor->isspec)
          attr1 |= H_DC;
        if (di->mor && di->mor->acc)
          attr1 |= H_AC;
        if (contex == PARAM_NAME) {
          attr1 |= H_VP;
#ifdef H_DX
          if (ppar && ppar->p_dflt) {
            if (ppar->p_dflt->span.sp_key == SP_SPAN ||
                (ppar->p_dflt->val && dw_is_const (son(ppar->p_dflt->val)) ))
              attr1 |= H_DF;
              attr1 |= H_DX;
          if (ppar && ppar->p_dflt)
            attr1 |= H_DF;
        if (di->mor && di->mor->repn)
          attr1 |= H_RP;
      if (!doing_abstract && !(attr1 & H_DC)) {
        if (!x)
          failer ("obtain_value missing");
        if (contex == LOCAL_NAME || contex == DEAD_NAME)
          attr1 |= H_SS;
        if (contex != DEAD_NAME && dw_is_const (son(x)))
          attr1 |= H_CV;
        else {
          int ll = decide_ll_type (x);
          if (!ll && contex == PARAM_NAME)
            ll = 1;
          attr1 |= (ll ? H_LL : H_LC);
          if (ll > 1)
            attr1 |= H_LE;

      if (di->mor && di->mor->this_tag) {
        if (doing_abstract)
          set_abstract_lab (di->mor->this_tag);
          set_ext_address (di->mor->this_tag);
      if (infolab)
        out_dwf_label (infolab, 1);
      attr2 = dw_entry (dwe, attr1);
      if (attr2 & ~(H_AO|H_SP|H_DC|H_NM|H_XY|H_EX|H_AT|H_AC|H_TP|H_VP|
#ifdef H_DX
        fail_unimplemented ();

      if (attr2 & H_AO)
        dw_at_abstract_lab (inl_tag);
      if (attr2 & H_SP)
        dw_at_ext_address (di->mor->refspec);
      if (attr2 & H_DC)
        dw_at_flag ((di->mor && di->mor->isspec ? 1 : 0));
      if (attr2 & H_NM)
        dw_at_string (nam);
      if (attr2 & H_XY)
        dw_at_decl (di->whence);
      if (attr2 & H_EX)
        dw_at_flag ((infolab ? 1 : 0));
      if (attr2 & H_AT)
        dw_at_flag ((di->idnam.id_key == DG_ID_ARTFL ? 1 : 0));
      if (attr2 & H_AC)
        dw_at_data (1, (long)(di->mor ? di->mor->acc : 0));
      if (attr2 & H_TP)
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (typ));
      if (attr2 & H_VP) {
        int vp = 0;
        if (ppar && (ppar->pmode == DG_OUT_MODE || ppar->pmode == DG_INOUT_MODE))
          vp = 1;
        dw_at_flag (vp);
#ifdef H_DX
      if (attr2 & H_DX)
        dw_at_flag ((ppar && ppar->p_dflt && !(attr2 & H_DF)) ? 1 : 0);
      if (attr2 & H_DF)
        dw_out_default (ppar->p_dflt);
      if (attr2 & H_SS)
        dw_at_distance (dw2_scope_start, local_var_place);
      if (attr2 & H_CV)
        dw_out_const (son(x));
      if (attr2 & H_LC) {
        if (contex == DEAD_NAME)
          dw_no_locate ();
          dw2_locate_exp (son(x), 0, 0);
      if (attr2 & H_LL)
        dw_at_address (loclab = next_dwarf_label ());
      if (attr2 & H_LE)
        dw_at_address (loclabext = next_dwarf_label ());
      if (attr2 & H_RP)
        dw_out_const (son (di->mor->repn));

      if (loclab) {
        long lstart, lend;
#if 0
        retrec * rets = proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.returns;
        long rstart = proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.p->data.i_param.b_start, rend;
        exit_section ();
        enter_section ("debug_loc");
        out_dwf_label (loclab, 1);
        if (contex == PARAM_NAME) {
          lstart = proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.prc_start;
          out_loc_range (lstart, lstart, 1);
          dw2_locate_exp (son(x), 0, 3);
          lstart = proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.p->data.i_param.b_start;
          lend = proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.prc_end;
        else {
          lstart = dw2_scope_start;
          lend = dw2_scope_end;
        out_obj_loclist (lstart, lend, x);
#if 0
        while (rets) {
          if (rets->over) {
            rend = rets->lab;
            if (rend != rstart) {
              out_loc_range (rstart, rend, 0);
              dw2_locate_exp (son(x), 0, 1);
            rstart = rets->over;
          rets = rets->next;
        rend = proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.prc_end;
        if (rend != rstart) {
          out_loc_range (rstart, rend, 0);
          dw2_locate_exp (son(x), 0, 1);
        out32(); outs("0, 0"); outnl_comment ("loclist end");
        if (loclabext) {
          out_dwf_label (loclabext, 1);
          out_obj_extloclist (lstart, lend, x);
          out32(); outs("0, 0"); outnl_comment ("extension end");
        out_obj_shared_set (di);
        exit_section ();
        enter_section ("debug_info");

    case DGN_PROC: {
      dw2_out_proc (di);

    case DGN_MODULE:
    case DGN_NSP: {
      char* nam;
      char* gnam = "";
      long attr1 = 0, attr2;
      abbrev_entry dwe;
      int has_init_code = 0;
      exp id = di->data.n_mod.init;
      dg_instantn * generic = (dg_instantn *)0;
      dg_name mem;
      if (id && name(id) == hold_tag && name(son(id)) == name_tag) {
        id = son(son(id));
        if (son(id) && (name(son(id)) == apply_tag ||
                        name(son(id)) == apply_general_tag)) {
          dw2_prepare_locate (id);
          if (dgf(son(id)))
            has_init_code = 1;
      if (di->key == DGN_MODULE)
        dwe = dwe_module;
        dwe = dwe_namespace;
      if (di->idnam.id_key == DG_ID_INST) {
        generic = di->idnam.idd.instance;
        if (generic->nam.id_key == DG_ID_ANON)
          nam = generic->spec.idd.nam;
        else {
          nam = generic->nam.idd.nam;
          gnam = generic->spec.idd.nam;
        nam = di->idnam.idd.nam;
      if (doing_inline)
        attr1 |= H_AO;
      else {
        if (di->mor && di->mor->refspec)
          attr1 = H_SP | H_XY;
        else {
          attr1 = H_NM | H_XY;
          switch (di->idnam.id_key) {
            case DG_ID_ARTFL:
              attr1 |= H_AT;
            case DG_ID_INST:
              if (gnam[0])
                attr1 |= H_GN;
        if (di->mor && di->mor->isspec)
          attr1 |= H_DC;
        if (di->mor && di->mor->issep)
          attr1 |= H_SE;
      if (!doing_abstract) {
        if (has_init_code)
          attr1 |= H_PC;
        if (di->mor && di->mor->elabn)
          attr1 |= H_EL;

      if (di->mor && di->mor->this_tag) {
        if (doing_abstract)
          set_abstract_lab (di->mor->this_tag);
          set_ext_address (di->mor->this_tag);
      attr2 = dw_entry (dwe, attr1);
      if (attr2 & ~(H_AO|H_SP|H_DC|H_NM|H_XY|H_AT|H_AC|H_PC|H_EXTN))
        fail_unimplemented ();

      if (attr2 & H_AO)
        dw_at_abstract_lab (inl_tag);
      if (attr2 & H_SP)
        dw_at_ext_address (di->mor->refspec);
      if (attr2 & H_DC)
        dw_at_flag ((di->mor && di->mor->isspec ? 1 : 0));
      if (attr2 & H_NM)
        dw_at_string (nam);
      if (attr2 & H_XY)
        dw_at_decl (di->whence);
      if (attr2 & H_AT)
        dw_at_flag ((di->idnam.id_key == DG_ID_ARTFL ? 1 : 0));
      if (attr2 & H_AC)
        dw_at_data (1, (long)(di->mor ? di->mor->acc : 0));
      if (attr2 & H_PC) {
        dg_info pd = dgf(son(id));
        if (pd->key != DGA_PRC)
          failer ("inconsistent proc info");
        dw_at_address (pd->data.i_prc.prc_start);
        dw_at_address (pd->data.i_prc.prc_end);
      if (attr2 & H_EXTN) {
        long block_end = next_dwarf_label ();
        attr1 &= ~attr2;
        if (attr1 & ~(H_EL|H_GN|H_SE))
          fail_unimplemented ();
        out16 (); out_dwf_dist_to_label (block_end); d_outnl();
        if (attr1 & H_EL) {
          set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_elaboration, DW_FORM_ref_addr);
          dw_at_ext_address (di->mor->elabn);
        if (attr1 & H_GN) {
          set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_generic_name, DW_FORM_string);
          dw_at_string (gnam);
        if (attr1 & H_SE) {
          set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_separate, DW_FORM_flag);
          dw_at_flag ((di->mor && di->mor->issep ? 1 : 0));
        set_attribute (0, 0);
        out_dwf_label (block_end, 1);

      if (!doing_abstract && generic)
        dw2_out_generic (generic->params);
      mem = di->data.n_mod.members;
      while (mem) {
        dw2_out_name (mem, contex);
        mem = mem->next;
      dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGN_SUBUNIT: {
      abbrev_entry dwe;
      if (di->data.n_sub.child)
        dwe = (di->data.n_sub.acc ? dwe_child_acc : dwe_childunit);
        dwe = dwe_subunit;
      dw_at_ext_address (di->data.n_sub.parent);
      if (di->data.n_sub.child) {
        if (di->data.n_sub.acc)
          dw_at_data (1, (long)(di->data.n_sub.acc));
        dw_at_flag (di->data.n_sub.split);
      dw2_out_name (di->data.n_sub.sub, contex);
      dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGN_IMPORT: {
      long attr1 = 0, attr2;
      char * nam = idname_chars (di->idnam);
      dg_type p_t = di->data.n_imp.i_typ;
      int params = (p_t && p_t->key == DGT_PROC);
      if (nam[0])
        attr1 |= H_NM;
      if (di->whence.file)
        attr1 |= H_XY;
      if (di->mor && di->mor->acc)
        attr1 |= H_AC;
      if (contex == LOCAL_NAME && !doing_abstract)
        attr1 |= H_SS;
      attr2 = dw_entry ((params ? dwe_import_p : dwe_import), attr1);
      if (attr2 & ~(H_NM|H_XY|H_AC|H_SS))
        fail_unimplemented ();
      if (attr2 & H_NM)
        dw_at_string (nam);
      if (attr2 & H_XY)
        dw_at_decl (di->whence);
      if (attr2 & H_AC)
        dw_at_data (1, (long)(di->mor ? di->mor->acc : 0));
      dw_at_ext_address (di->data.n_imp.import);
      dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)(di->data.n_imp.ik));
      if (attr2 & H_SS)
        dw_at_distance (dw2_scope_start, local_var_place);

      if (params) {
        dg_param * el = p_t->data.t_proc.params.array;
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < p_t->data.t_proc.params.len; i++)
          out_param (el[i]);
        if (p_t->data.t_proc.prps & f_var_callers)
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_opt_par, (long)0);
        dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGN_TYPE: {
      long attr1 = 0, attr2;
      int ada_derived = 0;
      char * nam = idname_chars (di->idnam);
      if (doing_inline && inl_tag)
        attr1 |= H_AO;
      else {
        if (di->mor && di->mor->refspec)
          attr1 = H_SP;
        if (di->mor && di->mor->isspec)
          attr1 |= H_DC;
        if (nam[0])
          attr1 |= H_NM;
        if (di->whence.file)
          attr1 |= H_XY;
        if (di->idnam.id_key == DG_ID_ARTFL)
          attr1 |= H_AT;
        if (di->mor && di->mor->acc)
          attr1 |= H_AC;
        if (di->data.n_typ.raw)
          attr1 |= H_TP;
        if (di->mor && di->mor->isnew)
          attr1 |= H_NW;
        if (di->mor && di->mor->aderiv) {
          attr1 |= H_AD;
          ada_derived = 1;
      if ((attr1 == H_TP || (!nam[0] && !(di->mor && di->mor->this_tag))) &&
                !(di->data.n_typ.raw->outref.u.l) &&
                !di->data.n_typ.constraints) {
        if (di->mor && di->mor->this_tag)
          di->data.n_typ.raw->outref = di->mor->this_tag->outref;
        else {
          di->data.n_typ.raw->outref.u.l = next_dwarf_label();
          di->data.n_typ.raw->outref.k = LAB_D;
        dw_out_type (di->data.n_typ.raw);
      else {
        if (di->mor && di->mor->this_tag) {
          if (doing_abstract)
            set_abstract_lab (di->mor->this_tag);
          if (!(di->mor->this_tag->done)) {
            set_ext_address (di->mor->this_tag);
            di->mor->this_tag->done = 1;
        attr2 = dw_entry ((di->data.n_typ.constraints ? dwe_typecon :
                        dwe_typedef), attr1);
        if (attr2 & ~(H_AO|H_SP|H_DC|H_NM|H_XY|H_AT|H_AC|H_TP|H_NW|H_AD))
          fail_unimplemented ();

        if (attr2 & H_AO)
          dw_at_abstract_lab (inl_tag);
        if (attr2 & H_SP)
          dw_at_ext_address (di->mor->refspec);
        if (attr2 & H_DC)
          dw_at_flag ((di->mor && di->mor->isspec ? 1 : 0));
        if (attr2 & H_NM)
          dw_at_string (nam);
        if (attr2 & H_XY)
          dw_at_decl (di->whence);
        if (attr2 & H_AT)
          dw_at_flag ((di->idnam.id_key == DG_ID_ARTFL ? 1 : 0));
        if (attr2 & H_AC)
          dw_at_data (1, (long)(di->mor ? di->mor->acc : 0));
        if (attr2 & H_TP)
          dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (di->data.n_typ.raw));
        if (attr2 & H_NW)
          dw_at_flag ((di->mor && di->mor->isnew ? 1 : ada_derived));
        if (attr2 & H_AD)
          dw_at_flag (ada_derived);
      if (di->data.n_typ.constraints) {
        dg_constraint c = di->data.n_typ.constraints;
        while (c) {
          attr1 = (c->is_val ? H_CV : H_TP);
          if (c->refmem)
            attr1 |= H_RM;
          attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_cnstraint, attr1);
          if (attr2 & ~(H_RM|H_CV|H_TP))
            fail_unimplemented ();
          if (attr2 & H_RM)
            dw_at_ext_address (c->refmem);
          if (attr2 & H_CV)
            dw_out_const (son(c->u.val));
          if (attr2 & H_TP)
            dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (c->u.typ));
          c = c->next;
        dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGN_ENTRY: {
      long attr1 = 0, attr2;
      char * nam = idname_chars (di->idnam);
      dg_type p_t = find_proc_type (di->data.n_proc.typ);
      dg_type res_t = p_t->data.t_proc.res_type;
      dg_param * el = p_t->data.t_proc.params.array;
      int i;

      attr1 = H_NM | H_XY;
      if (di->mor && di->mor->acc)
        attr1 |= H_AC;
      if (res_t)
        attr1 |= H_TP;
      if (di->mor && di->mor->repn)
        attr1 |= H_RP;
      if (di->mor && di->mor->this_tag)
        set_ext_address (di->mor->this_tag);
      attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_entry, attr1);
      if (attr2 & ~(H_NM|H_XY|H_AC|H_TP|H_RP))
        fail_unimplemented ();
      if (attr2 & H_NM)
        dw_at_string (nam);
      if (attr2 & H_XY)
        dw_at_decl (di->whence);
      if (attr2 & H_AC)
        dw_at_data (1, (long)(di->mor ? di->mor->acc : 0));
      if (attr2 & H_TP)
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (res_t));
      if (attr2 & H_RP) {
        dw_out_const (son (di->mor->repn));

      for (i = 0; i < p_t->data.t_proc.params.len; i++)
        out_param (el[i]);
      if (di->mor && di->mor->en_family)
        dw_out_dim (*(di->mor->en_family));
      dw_sibling_end ();

      failer ("unexpected dg_name");
  if (di->mor && di->mor->this_tag)
    di->mor->this_tag->done = 1;

static retrec ** returns_list;

void dw2_proc_start
    PROTO_N ( (p, d) )
    PROTO_T ( exp p X dg_name d )
  if (dgf(p))
    failer ("unexpected diag info for proc");
  proc_dg_info = dgf(p) = new_dg_info (DGA_PRC);
  proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.prc_start = set_dw_text_label ();
  proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.prc_end = 0;
  proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.returns = (retrec *)0;
  returns_list = &(proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.returns);
  proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.p = proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.barrier = (dg_info)0;
  if (d)
    dw2_source_mark (d->whence, 0);

void dw2_return_pos
    PROTO_N ( (over) )
    PROTO_T ( long over )
  retrec * rec = (retrec *) xmalloc (sizeof (retrec));
  rec->lab = set_dw_text_label ();
  rec->over = over;
  rec->next = (retrec *)0;
  *returns_list = rec;
  returns_list = &(rec->next);
  if (over)
    set_obj_rets (rec);

void dw2_proc_end
    PROTO_N ( (p) )
    PROTO_T ( exp p )
  dgf(p)->data.i_prc.prc_end = set_dw_text_label ();
  proc_dg_info = (dg_info)0;

static void prepare_detch
    PROTO_N ( (dl) )
    PROTO_T ( detch_info * dl )
  while (dl) {
    int reason = dl->why;
    dg_info d = dl->info;
    dg_tag found_tg;
    if (reason >= DGD_MOVD) {
      found_tg = dl->tg;
      while (found_tg->copy)
        found_tg = found_tg->copy;
      d = found_tg->;
      reason = d->data.i_movd.reason;
      d = d->more;
    if (reason < DGD_MOVD) {
      switch (d->key) {
        case DGA_NAME: {
          d->data.i_nam.scope_start = set_dw_text_label ();
        case DGA_SCOPE: {
          d->data.i_scope.start = set_dw_text_label ();
          d->data.i_scope.end = set_dw_text_label ();
        case DGA_REMVAL: {
          d->data.i_remval.lo_pc = set_dw_text_label ();
          set_remval_object (d);
    if (dl->sub)
      prepare_detch (dl->sub);
    dl = dl->next;

void dw2_code_info
    PROTO_N ( (d, mcode, args) )
    PROTO_T ( dg_info d X void (*mcode) PROTO_S((void *)) X void * args )
  if (d == nildiag) {
  switch (d->key) {

    case DGA_PARAMS: {
      obj_list hold_pars;
      hold_pars.obj = d->data.i_param.args;
      hold_pars.islist = 1; = (obj_list *)0;
      local_objects = &hold_pars;
      set_locdata (hold_pars);
      if (proc_dg_info)
        proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.p = d;
      d->data.i_param.b_start = set_dw_text_label ();
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      close_locdata (hold_pars);
      local_objects = (obj_list *)0;

    case DGA_COMP: {
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);

    case DGA_SRC: {
      if (d->data.i_src.startpos.file)
        dw2_source_mark (d->data.i_src.startpos, d->data.i_src.is_stmt);
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      if (d->data.i_src.endpos.file)
        dw2_source_mark (d->data.i_src.endpos, 0);

    case DGA_SCOPE:
    case DGA_EXTRA: {
      d->data.i_scope.start = set_dw_text_label ();
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      d->data.i_scope.end = set_dw_text_label ();

    case DGA_LAB: {
      d->data.i_scope.start = set_dw_text_label ();
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);

    case DGA_NAME: {
      obj_list hold_obj;
      hold_obj.obj = d->data.i_nam.dnam;
      hold_obj.islist = 0; = local_objects;
      local_objects = &hold_obj;
      set_locdata (hold_obj);
      d->data.i_nam.scope_start = set_dw_text_label ();
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      close_locdata (hold_obj);
      local_objects =;

    case DGA_WITH: {
      d->data.i_with.lo_pc = set_dw_text_label ();
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      d->data.i_with.hi_pc = set_dw_text_label ();

    case DGA_CALL: {
      dg_info old = current_dg_info;
      current_dg_info = d;
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      current_dg_info = old;

    case DGA_INL_CALL: {
      obj_list hold_pars;
      hold_pars.obj = d->data.i_inl.args;
      hold_pars.islist = 1; = local_objects;
      local_objects = &hold_pars;
      set_locdata (hold_pars);
      d->data.i_inl.lo_pc = set_dw_text_label ();
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      d->data.i_inl.hi_pc = set_dw_text_label ();
      close_locdata (hold_pars);
      local_objects =;

    case DGA_INL_RES: {
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      d->data.i_res.brk = set_dw_text_label ();
      d->data.i_res.res = find_diag_res (args);
        dg_tag cr = d->;
        dg_info * dl;
        if (cr->key != DGK_INFO || cr->>key != DGA_INL_CALL)
          failer ("inline result ref?");
        dl = &(cr->>data.i_inl.resref);
        while (*dl) {
          if ((*dl)==d) {
            failer ("impossible cycle");
          dl = &((*dl)->;
        *dl = d;

    case DGA_X_TRY: {
      d->data.i_try.lo_pc = set_dw_text_label ();
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      d->data.i_try.hi_pc = set_dw_text_label ();

    case DGA_X_CATCH: {
      obj_list hold_obj;
      hold_obj.obj = d->data.i_catch.ex;
      hold_obj.islist = 0; = local_objects;
      local_objects = &hold_obj;
      set_locdata (hold_obj);
      d->data.i_catch.lo_pc = set_dw_text_label ();
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      d->data.i_catch.hi_pc = set_dw_text_label ();
      close_locdata (hold_obj);
      local_objects =;

    case DGA_X_RAISE: {
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);

    case DGA_BRANCH: {
      int old_db = dw_doing_branch_tests;
      dw_doing_branch_tests = 1;
      d->data.i_brn.brk = set_dw_text_label ();
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      d->data.i_brn.cont = set_dw_text_label ();
      dw_doing_branch_tests = old_db;

    case DGA_TEST:
    case DGA_JUMP:
    case DGA_LJ: {
      dg_info old = current_dg_info;
      current_dg_info = d;
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      current_dg_info = old;

    case DGA_BEG: {
      dg_tag tg = d->data.i_tg;
      if (tg->key != DGK_INFO || tg->>key != DGA_SCOPE)
        failer ("statement_part_dg?");
      tg->>data.i_scope.begin_st = set_dw_text_label ();
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);

    case DGA_DEST: {
      d->data.i_dest.brk = set_dw_text_label ();
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);

    case DGA_RVS: {
      obj_list hold_pars; = local_objects;
      if (d->data.i_rvs.rvs_key == DGR_ACC && d->data.i_rvs.n_code) {
        hold_pars.obj = d->data.i_rvs.u2.p;
        hold_pars.islist = 1;
        local_objects = &hold_pars;
        set_locdata (hold_pars);
      if (d->data.i_rvs.n_code)
        d->data.i_rvs.lo_pc = set_dw_text_label ();
      if (d-> {
        dg_info h;
        if (d->>key != DGK_INFO || (
                h = d->>, h->key != DGA_RVS))
          failer ("incompatible rendezvous sequence");
        d->data.i_rvs.u.iv = h->data.i_rvs.u.iv;
        h->data.i_rvs.u.iv = d;
        h->data.i_rvs.holder = 1;
        d->data.i_rvs.info_e = current_dg_exp;
        d->data.i_rvs.has_iv = 1;
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      if ((unsigned int)d->data.i_rvs.n_code >= 2)
        d->data.i_rvs.hi_pc = set_dw_text_label ();
      if (d->data.i_rvs.rvs_key == DGR_ACC && d->data.i_rvs.n_code)
        close_locdata (hold_pars);
      local_objects =;

    case DGA_BAR: {
      d->data.i_bar.lo_pc = set_dw_text_label ();
      if (proc_dg_info) {
        proc_dg_info->data.i_prc.barrier = d;
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      d->data.i_bar.hi_pc = set_dw_text_label ();

    case DGA_DETCH: {
      if (d->data.i_detch.posn < 0) {
        prepare_detch (d->data.i_detch.dl);
        dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      else {
        dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
        prepare_detch (d->data.i_detch.dl);

    case DGA_MOVD:
    case DGA_HOIST: {
      d->data.i_movd.lo_pc = set_dw_text_label ();
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      d->data.i_movd.hi_pc = set_dw_text_label ();

    case DGA_OPTIM: {
      d->data.i_optim.lo_pc = set_dw_text_label ();
      set_optim_objects (d, 1);
      dw2_code_info (d->more, mcode, args);
      d->data.i_optim.hi_pc = set_dw_text_label ();
      set_optim_objects (d, 0);

      failer ("unexpected dg_info");
