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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997

    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-

        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;

        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;

        (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
        party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
        these conditions;

        (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
        quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
        no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
        it may be put.

$Author: pwe $
$Date: 1998/03/11 11:03:48 $
$Revision: 1.4 $
$Log: dw2_types.c,v $
 * Revision 1.4  1998/03/11  11:03:48  pwe
 * DWARF optimisation info
 * Revision 1.3  1998/02/11  16:56:40  pwe
 * corrections
 * Revision 1.2  1998/01/21  10:30:09  pwe
 * labdiff change
 * Revision  1998/01/17  15:55:48  release
 * First version to be checked into rolling release.
 * Revision 1.11  1998/01/09  09:31:36  pwe
 * prep restructure
 * Revision 1.10  1997/12/08  19:20:28  pwe
 * absent v anon generic name
 * Revision 1.9  1997/12/04  19:41:44  pwe
 * ANDF-DE V1.9
 * Revision 1.8  1997/11/06  09:22:24  pwe
 * ANDF-DE V1.8
 * Revision 1.7  1997/10/23  09:27:51  pwe
 * ANDF-DE v1.7, extra diags
 * Revision 1.6  1997/10/10  18:18:45  pwe
 * prep ANDF-DE revision
 * Revision 1.5  1997/08/23  13:36:56  pwe
 * initial ANDF-DE
 * Revision 1.4  1997/06/16  16:23:57  pwe
 * correct sense of bitfield alignment
 * Revision 1.3  1997/04/17  11:50:35  pwe
 * Sparc and 80x86 support
 * Revision 1.2  1997/03/24  11:10:30  pwe
 * struct bitfields
 * Revision 1.1  1997/03/20  16:09:30  pwe
 * first version

#include "config.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "dw2_config.h"
#include "dw2_types.h"
#include "dw2_codes.h"
#include "dw2_entries.h"
#include "dw2_basic.h"
#include "dw2_info.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "xalloc.h"
#include "diag_fns.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "check.h"
#include "externs.h"
#include "basicread.h"
#include "szs_als.h"
#include "tags.h"

static void fail_unimplemented
    PROTO_N ( (a1, a2) )
    PROTO_T ( long a1 X long a2 )
  IGNORE fprintf (stderr, "%lx  %lx\n", a1, a2);
  failer ("unimplemented attribute");

static dg_type needed_types = (dg_type)0;

static char * sep =  ", ";

ext_lab dw2_find_type_label
    PROTO_N ( (t) )
    PROTO_T ( dg_type t )
  if (!(t->outref.u.l)) {
    if (t->key == DGT_TAGGED) {
      dg_tag tg = t->data.t_tag;
      if (tg->done || tg->needed || tg->key == DGK_NONE) {
        t->outref = tg->outref;
        return t->outref;
      if (tg->key == DGK_TYPE) {
        dg_type ref_t = tg->p.typ;
        t->outref = dw2_find_type_label (ref_t);
        tg->outref = t->outref;
        tg->done = 1;
        return t->outref;
      if (tg->key == DGK_NAME) {
        dg_name ref_n = tg->p.nam;
        if (ref_n->key == DGN_TYPE && ref_n->idnam.id_key == DG_ID_NONE) {
          dg_type ref_t = tg->p.nam->data.n_typ.raw;
          t->outref = dw2_find_type_label (ref_t);
          tg->outref = t->outref;
          tg->done = 1;
          return t->outref;
      tg->needed = 1;
      t->outref.u.l = tg->outref.u.l = next_dwarf_label();
      t->outref.k = tg->outref.k = LAB_D;
    else {
      t->outref.u.l = next_dwarf_label();
      t->outref.k = LAB_D;
    t->type_queue = needed_types;
    needed_types = t;
  return t->outref;

static void out_classmem
    PROTO_N ( (m) )
    PROTO_T ( dg_classmem m )
  /* within info section */
  if (
    set_ext_address (;
  switch (m.cm_key) {
    case DG_CM_FIELD: {
      dg_type f = m.d.cm_f.f_typ;
      exp off = son (m.d.cm_f.f_offset);
      dg_type base = f;
      int base_sz = 1;
      long attr1 = H_TP, attr2;
      if (m.d.cm_f.fnam[0])
        attr1 |= H_NM;
      if (m.d.cm_f.f_pos.file)
        attr1 |= H_XY;
      if (name(off) == val_tag)
        attr1 |= H_LC;
      if (f->key == DGT_BITF) {
        attr1 |= H_BF;
        base = f->data.t_bitf.expanded;
        base_sz = shape_size (f->data.t_bitf.sha);
      if (m.d.cm_f.acc)
        attr1 |= H_AC;
      if (m.d.cm_f.discr)
        attr1 |= H_DS;
#ifdef H_DX
      if (m.d.cm_f.dflt) {
        if (m.d.cm_f.dflt->span.sp_key == SP_SPAN ||
              (m.d.cm_f.dflt->val && dw_is_const (son(m.d.cm_f.dflt->val)) ))
          attr1 |= H_DF;
          attr1 |= H_DX;
      if (m.d.cm_f.dflt)
        attr1 |= H_DF;

      attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_member, attr1);
#ifdef H_DX
      if (attr2 & ~(H_NM|H_XY|H_AC|H_TP|H_LC|H_BF|H_DS|H_DF|H_DX))
      if (attr2 & ~(H_NM|H_XY|H_AC|H_TP|H_LC|H_BF|H_DS|H_DF))
        fail_unimplemented (attr1, attr2);
      if (attr2 & H_NM)
        dw_at_string (m.d.cm_f.fnam);
      if (attr2 & H_XY)
        dw_at_decl (m.d.cm_f.f_pos);
      if (attr2 & H_AC)
        dw_at_data (1, (long)m.d.cm_f.acc);
      if (attr2 & H_TP)
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (base));
      if (attr2 & H_LC)
        dw_locate_offset (((no (off)) & -base_sz) >> 3);
      if (attr2 & H_BF) {
#if !little_end
        dw_at_data (1, (long)(no (off) & (base_sz - 1)));
        dw_at_data (1, (long)(base_sz - f->
                                - (no (off) & (base_sz - 1))));
        dw_at_data (1, (long)f->;
      if (attr2 & H_DS)
        dw_at_flag (m.d.cm_f.discr);
#ifdef H_DX
      if (attr2 & H_DX)
        dw_at_flag ((m.d.cm_f.dflt && !(attr2 & H_DF)) ? 1 : 0);
      if (attr2 & H_DF)
        dw_out_default (m.d.cm_f.dflt);
    case DG_CM_FN: {
      dw2_out_name (m.d.cm_fn.fn, MEMBER_NAME);
    case DG_CM_INDIRECT: {
      long attr1 = (H_TP | H_LC), attr2;
      if (m.d.cm_ind.nam[0])
        attr1 |= H_NM;
      if (m.d.cm_ind.pos.file)
        attr1 |= H_XY;
      attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_ind_mem, attr1);
      if (attr2 & ~(H_NM|H_XY|H_TP|H_LC))
        fail_unimplemented (attr1, attr2);
      if (attr2 & H_NM)
        dw_at_string (m.d.cm_ind.nam);
      if (attr2 & H_XY)
        dw_at_decl (m.d.cm_ind.pos);
      if (attr2 & H_TP)
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (m.d.cm_ind.typ));
      if (attr2 & H_LC)
        dw_locate_reloffset (son(m.d.cm_ind.ind_loc));
    case DG_CM_STAT: {
      dw2_out_name (m.d.cm_stat, MEMBER_NAME);

static void out_class_data
    PROTO_N ( (cd) )
    PROTO_T ( class_data * cd )
  /* within info section */
  exp vtable_exp = nilexp;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < cd->inherits.len; i++) {
    dg_class_base cb;
    long attr1 = (H_TP | H_LC), attr2;
    cb = cd->inherits.array[i];
    if (cb.pos.file)
      attr1 |= H_XY;
    if (cb.acc)
      attr1 |= H_AC;
    if (cb.virt)
      attr1 |= H_VT;
    attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_inheritce, attr1);
    if (attr2 & ~(H_XY|H_TP|H_LC|H_AC|H_VT))
      fail_unimplemented (attr1, attr2);
    if (attr2 & H_XY)
      dw_at_decl (cb.pos);
    if (attr2 & H_TP)
      dw_at_ext_address (cb.base);
    if (attr2 & H_LC) {
      if (cb.location)
        dw_locate_reloffset (son(cb.location));
      else {
        out8(); outn ((long)1); outs(sep);
        outn ((long)DW_OP_nop); d_outnl();
    if (attr2 & H_AC)
      dw_at_data (1, (long)cb.acc);
    if (attr2 & H_VT)
      dw_at_data (1, (long)cb.virt);
  for (i = 0; i < cd->friends.len; i++) {
    dg_tag f = cd->friends.array[i];
    IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_friend, (long)0);
    dw_at_ext_address (f);
  if (cd->vt_s) {
    for (i = 0; i < cd->members.len; i++) {
      dg_classmem * cm = &(cd->members.array[i]);
      if (cm->cm_key == DG_CM_STAT && cm->d.cm_stat->key == DGN_OBJECT &&
            ((cm->d.cm_stat->mor && cm->d.cm_stat->mor->this_tag == cd->vt_s)
                || cm->tg == cd->vt_s))
        vtable_exp = cm->d.cm_stat->data.n_obj.obtain_val;
    for (i = 0; i < cd->members.len; i++) {
      dg_classmem * cm = &(cd->members.array[i]);
      if (cm->cm_key == DG_CM_FN && cm->d.cm_fn.fn->key == DGN_PROC &&
                cm->d.cm_fn.fn->mor && cm->d.cm_fn.fn->mor->virt) {
        exp a, b, c;
        if (!vtable_exp || !cm->d.cm_fn.slot ||
                name(sh(son(cm->d.cm_fn.slot))) != offsethd)
          failer ("wrong virtual function data");
        a = copy (son(vtable_exp));
        b = copy (son(cm->d.cm_fn.slot));
        c = f_add_to_ptr (a, b);
        cm->d.cm_fn.fn->mor->vslot = hold (hold_check (c));
  for (i = 0; i < cd->members.len; i++) {
    out_classmem (cd->members.array[i]);

static void out_task_sync_data
    PROTO_N ( (td) )
    PROTO_T ( task_data * td )
  /* within info section */
  int i;
  dg_name en = td->entries;
  while (en) {
    dw2_out_name (en, GLOBAL_NAME);
    en = en->next;
  for (i = 0; i < td->members.len; i++) {
    out_classmem (td->members.array[i]);

static void out_variant_part
    PROTO_N ( (v) )
    PROTO_T ( dg_varpart * v )
  /* within info section */
  int i, j;
  dg_variant * v_el = v->vnts.array;
  switch (v->v_key) {
    case DG_V_D: {
      long l = next_dwarf_label();
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_varpart, (long)0);
      dw_at_address (l);
      out_dwf_label (l, 1);
      out_classmem (v->u.d);
    case DG_V_S: {
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_varpart, (long)0);
      dw_at_ext_address (v->u.s);
    case DG_V_T: {
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_varpart_t, (long)0);
      dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (v->u.t));
  for (i = 0; i < v->vnts.len; i++) {
    dg_discrim * d_el = v_el[i].discr.array;
    dg_classmem * f_el = v_el[i].fields.array;
    if (v_el[i].discr.len == 0)
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_variant_0, (long)0);
    if (v_el[i].discr.len == 1 && no(d_el->lower) == no(d_el->upper)) {
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_variant_1, (long)0);
      dw_out_const (d_el->lower);
    else {
      long block_end = next_dwarf_label ();
      int ss = (name(sh(d_el->lower)) & 1);
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_variant_n, (long)0);
      out16 (); out_dwf_dist_to_label (block_end); d_outnl();
      for (j = 0; j < v_el[i].discr.len; j++) {
        out8 ();
        if (no(d_el[i].lower) == no(d_el[i].upper)) {
          outn ((long)DW_DSC_label); outs (sep);
          if (ss)
            sleb128 ((long)no(d_el[i].lower));
            uleb128 ((unsigned long)no(d_el[i].lower));
        else {
          outn ((long)DW_DSC_range); outs (sep);
          if (ss) {
            sleb128 ((long)no(d_el[i].lower));
            outs (sep);
            sleb128 ((long)no(d_el[i].upper));
          else {
            uleb128 ((unsigned long)no(d_el[i].lower));
            outs (sep);
            uleb128 ((unsigned long)no(d_el[i].upper));
      out_dwf_label (block_end, 1);
    for (j = 0; j < v_el[i].fields.len; j++) {
      out_classmem (f_el[j]);
    dw_sibling_end ();
  dw_sibling_end ();

static void out_ref_bound
    PROTO_N ( (tg) )
    PROTO_T ( dg_tag tg )
  dw_at_form (DW_FORM_ref_addr); d_outnl ();
  dw_at_ext_address (tg);

void dw_out_dim
    PROTO_N ( (d) )
    PROTO_T ( dg_dim d )
  /* within info section */
  long attr1 = 0, attr2;
  if (d.d_key == DG_DIM_TYPE) {         /* must be array dimension */
    if ((d.d_typ->key == DGT_SUBR || d.d_typ->key == DGT_ENUM) &&
                !(d.d_typ->outref.u.l)) {
      d.d_typ->outref.u.l = next_dwarf_label();
      d.d_typ->outref.k = LAB_D;
      dw_out_type (d.d_typ);
    else {
      attr1 = H_TP;
      attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_typedef, attr1);
      if (attr2 != attr1)
        fail_unimplemented (attr1, attr2);
      dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (d.d_typ));
  if (d.d_typ)
    attr1 |= (H_TP | H_SZ);
  if (!d.low_ref ||
    attr1 |= H_LB;
  if (!d.hi_ref ||
    attr1 |= (d.hi_cnt ? H_CN : H_UB);
  attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_subr_type, attr1);
  if (attr2 & ~(H_TP|H_SZ|H_LB|H_UB|H_CN))
    fail_unimplemented (attr1, attr2);
  if (attr2 & H_TP)
    dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (d.d_typ));
  if (attr2 & H_SZ)
    dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)(shape_size (d.sha) >> 3));
  if (attr2 & H_LB) {
    if (d.low_ref)
      out_ref_bound (;
      dw_out_const (son(d.lower.x));
  if (attr2 & (H_UB | H_CN)) {
    if (d.hi_ref)
      out_ref_bound (;
      dw_out_const (son(d.upper.x));

void dw_out_type
    PROTO_N ( (t) )
    PROTO_T ( dg_type t )
  /* within info section */
  dw_set_ext_lab (t->outref);
  switch (t->key) {

    case DGT_TAGGED: {
      dg_tag tg = t->data.t_tag;
      if (tg->done || tg->key != DGK_NAME || tg->p.nam->key != DGN_TYPE) {
        failer ("unexpected out_type");
        outnl_comment ("                ERROR");
      tg->done = 1;
      dw2_out_name (tg->p.nam, GLOBAL_NAME);

    case DGT_BASIC: {
      shape sha = t->data.t_bas.b_sh;
      long encoding;
      switch (t->data.t_bas.b_key) {
        case DG_ADR_T:
          encoding = DW_ATE_address;
        case DG_BOOL_T:
          encoding = DW_ATE_boolean;
        case DG_CHAR_T:
          encoding = (is_signed (sha) ? DW_ATE_signed_char : DW_ATE_unsigned_char);
        case DG_INT_T:
          encoding = (is_signed (sha) ? DW_ATE_signed : DW_ATE_unsigned);
        case DG_FLOAT_T:
          encoding = (is_floating (name(sha)) ? DW_ATE_float : DW_ATE_complex_float);
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_base_type, (long)0);
      dw_at_string (t->data.t_bas.tnam);
      dw_at_data (1, encoding);
      dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)(shape_size (sha) >> 3));

    case DGT_QUAL: {
      abbrev_entry dwe;
      int flg = 0;
      switch (t->data.t_qual.q_key) {
        case DG_PTR_T: {
          dwe = dwe_ptr_type;
        case DG_HPPTR_T: {
          dwe = dwe_hpptr_t;
          flg = 1;
        case DG_REF_T: {
          dwe = dwe_ref_type;
        case DG_PACK_T: {
          dwe = dwe_pack_type;
        case DG_CONST_T: {
          dwe = dwe_cnst_type;
        case DG_VOL_T: {
          dwe = dwe_vol_type;
        case DG_ALIAS_T: {
          dwe = dwe_als_type;
        case DG_CLWID_T: {
          dwe = dwe_clwd_type;
        case DG_LIM_T: {
          dwe = dwe_lim_type;
        case N_DG_QUAL_TYPES:
          break;        /* dummy */
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe, (long)0);
      dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (t->data.t_qual.typ));
      if (flg)
        dw_at_flag (flg);

    case DGT_ARRAY: {
      exp stride_e = son(t->data.t_arr.stride);
      dg_dim * el = t->data.t_arr.dims.array;
      int stride_known = (name(stride_e) == val_tag);
      int size_known = stride_known;
      unsigned long tot_size = (unsigned long) no(stride_e);
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < t->data.t_arr.dims.len && size_known; i++) {
        if (el[i].count >= 0)
          tot_size *= (unsigned long) el[i].count;
          size_known = 0;

      IGNORE dw_entry ((size_known ? dwe_arr_type : dwe_arr_dyn), (long)0);
      dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (t->data.t_arr.elem_type));
      if (stride_known)
        dw_out_const (stride_e);
        dw2_offset_exp (stride_e);
      dw_at_data (1, (long)(t->data.t_arr.rowm ? DW_ORD_row_major : DW_ORD_col_major));
      if (size_known)
        dw_at_udata ((tot_size + 7) >> 3);

      for (i = 0; i < t->data.t_arr.dims.len; i++)
        dw_out_dim (el[i]);
      dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGT_SUBR: {
      dw_out_dim (t->data.t_subr);

    case DGT_ENUM: {
      long attr1 = H_SZ, attr2;
      int i;
      dg_enum * el = t->data.t_enum.values.array;
      if (t->mor && t->mor->refspec)
        attr1 |= H_SP;
      if (t->mor && t->mor->isspec)
        attr1 |= H_DC;
      if (t->data.t_enum.tnam[0])
        attr1 |= H_NM;
      if (t->data.t_enum.tpos.file)
        attr1 |= H_XY;
      if (t->mor && t->mor->isnew)
        attr1 |= H_NW;
      attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_enum_type, attr1);
      if (attr2 & ~(H_SP|H_DC|H_NM|H_XY|H_SZ|H_NW))
        fail_unimplemented (attr1, attr2);
      if (attr2 & H_SP)
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (t->mor->refspec->p.typ));
      if (attr2 & H_DC)
        dw_at_flag ((t->mor && t->mor->isspec ? 1 : 0));
      if (attr2 & H_NM)
        dw_at_string (t->data.t_enum.tnam);
      if (attr2 & H_XY)
        dw_at_decl (t->data.t_enum.tpos);
      if (attr2 & H_SZ)
        dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)(shape_size (sh (son(el[0].value))) >> 3));
      if (attr2 & H_NW)
        dw_at_flag ((t->mor && t->mor->isnew ? 1 : 0));

      for (i = 0; i < t->data.t_enum.values.len; i++) {
        if (el[i].tg)
          set_ext_address (el[i].tg);
        if (el[i].is_chn) {
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_enum_char, (long)0);
          out8(); uleb128 ((unsigned long)el[i].chn); d_outnl();
        else {
          IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_enum_tor, (long)0);
          dw_at_string (el[i].enam);
        dw_out_const (son(el[i].value));
      dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGT_STRUCT:
    case DGT_CLASS:
    case DGT_A_TASK:
    case DGT_A_SYNCH: {
      abbrev_entry dwe;
      int ada_derived = 0;
      char* nam;
      char* gnam = "";
      long attr1 = 0, attr2;
      dg_instantn * generic = (dg_instantn *)0;
      if (t->data.t_struct.is_union)
        dwe = dwe_union_t;
      switch (t->key) {
        case DGT_STRUCT:
          dwe = dwe_struct_t;
        case DGT_CLASS:
          dwe = dwe_class_t;
        case DGT_A_TASK:
          dwe = dwe_task_t;
          dwe = dwe_synch_t;
      if (t->data.t_struct.idnam.id_key == DG_ID_INST) {
        generic = t->data.t_struct.idnam.idd.instance;
        if (generic->nam.id_key == DG_ID_NONE ||
                generic->nam.id_key == DG_ID_ANON)
          nam = generic->spec.idd.nam;
        else {
          nam = generic->nam.idd.nam;
          gnam = generic->spec.idd.nam;
        nam = t->data.t_struct.idnam.idd.nam;

      if (t->data.t_struct.tpos.file)
        attr1 |= H_XY;
      if (t->mor && t->mor->refspec)
        attr1 |= H_SP;
      else {
        if (nam[0])
          attr1 |= H_NM;
        if (gnam[0])
          attr1 |= H_GN;
      if (t->mor && t->mor->isspec)
        attr1 |= H_DC;
      if (t->mor && t->mor->issep)
        attr1 |= H_SE;
      if (t->data.t_struct.sha)
        attr1 |= H_SZ;
      if (t->mor && t->mor->elabn)
        attr1 |= H_EL;
      if (t->mor && t->mor->isnew)
        attr1 |= H_NW;
      if (t->mor && t->mor->aderiv) {
        attr1 |= H_AD;
        ada_derived = 1;

      if (t->key == DGT_CLASS) {
        if (t->>vt_s)
          attr1 |= H_VS;
        if (t->>vt_d)
          attr1 |= H_VD;
        if (t->>rtti_s)
          attr1 |= H_RS;
        if (t->>rtti_d)
          attr1 |= H_RD;
      if (t->key != DGT_STRUCT) {
        if (t->>cb)
          attr1 |= H_CB;
        if (t->>id)
          attr1 |= H_ID;

      attr2 = dw_entry (dwe, attr1);
      if (attr2 & ~(H_SP|H_DC|H_NM|H_XY|H_SZ|H_NW|H_EXTN))
        fail_unimplemented (attr1, attr2);
      if (attr2 & H_SP)
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (t->mor->refspec->p.typ));
      if (attr2 & H_DC)
        dw_at_flag ((t->mor && t->mor->isspec ? 1 : 0));
      if (attr2 & H_NM)
        dw_at_string (nam);
      if (attr2 & H_XY)
        dw_at_decl (t->data.t_struct.tpos);
      if (attr2 & H_SZ)
        dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)(shape_size (t->data.t_struct.sha) >> 3));
      if (attr2 & H_NW)
        dw_at_flag ((t->mor && t->mor->isnew ? 1 : 0));

      if (attr2 & H_EXTN) {
        long block_end = next_dwarf_label ();
        out16 (); out_dwf_dist_to_label (block_end); d_outnl();
        attr1 &= ~attr2;
        if (attr1 & H_NW) {
          set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_newtype, DW_FORM_flag);
          dw_at_flag ((t->mor && t->mor->isnew ? 1 : ada_derived));
        if (attr1 & H_AD) {
          set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_ada_derived, DW_FORM_flag);
          dw_at_flag (ada_derived);
        if (attr1 & H_SE) {
          set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_ada_derived, DW_FORM_flag);
          dw_at_flag ((t->mor && t->mor->issep ? 1 : 0));
        switch (t->key) {
          case DGT_STRUCT: {
            fail_unimplemented (attr1, attr1);
          case DGT_CLASS: {
            if (attr1 & ~(H_NW|H_VS|H_VD|H_RS|H_RD|H_EL|H_GN|H_AD))
              fail_unimplemented (attr1, attr1);
            if (attr1 & H_VS) {
              set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_vtable_static, DW_FORM_ref_addr);
              dw_at_ext_address (t->>vt_s);
            if (attr1 & H_VD) {
              set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_vtable_dynamic, DW_FORM_ref_addr);
              dw_at_ext_address (t->>vt_d);
            if (attr1 & H_RS) {
              set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_rtti_static, DW_FORM_ref_addr);
              dw_at_ext_address (t->>rtti_s);
            if (attr1 & H_RD) {
              set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_rtti_dynamic, DW_FORM_ref_addr);
              dw_at_ext_address (t->>rtti_d);
          case DGT_A_TASK: {
            if (attr1 & ~(H_NW|H_ID|H_CB|H_EL|H_GN|H_SE))
              fail_unimplemented (attr1, attr1);
            if (attr1 & H_ID) {
              set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_task_id, DW_FORM_ref_addr);
              dw_at_ext_address (t->>id);
            if (attr1 & H_CB) {
              set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_task_control_block, DW_FORM_ref_addr);
              dw_at_ext_address (t->>cb);
          default: {
            if (attr1 & ~(H_NW|H_CB|H_EL|H_GN|H_SE))
              fail_unimplemented (attr1, attr1);
            if (attr1 & H_CB) {
              set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_so_control_block, DW_FORM_ref_addr);
              dw_at_ext_address (t->>cb);
        if (attr1 & H_EL) {
          set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_elaboration, DW_FORM_ref_addr);
          dw_at_ext_address (t->mor->elabn);
        if (attr1 & H_GN) {
          set_attribute (DW_AT_DD_generic_name, DW_FORM_string);
          dw_at_string (gnam);

      if (generic)
        dw2_out_generic (generic->params);
      switch (t->key) {
        case DGT_STRUCT: {
          int i;
          dg_classmem * el = t->data.t_struct.u.fields.array;
          for (i = 0; i < t->data.t_struct.u.fields.len; i++)
            out_classmem (el[i]);
        case DGT_CLASS: {
          out_class_data (t->;
        default: {
          out_task_sync_data (t->;
      if (t->data.t_struct.vpart)
        out_variant_part (t->data.t_struct.vpart);
      dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGT_PMEM: {
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_ptrmem_t, (long)0);
      dw_at_ext_address (t->data.t_pmem.pclass);
      dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (t->data.t_pmem.memtyp));
      dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)(shape_size (t->data.t_pmem.sha) >> 3));

    case DGT_CONS: {
      abbrev_entry dwe;
      long attr1 = (H_TP | H_SZ), attr2 = 0;
      if (t->data.t_cons.c_key == DG_SET_T)
        dwe = dwe_set_t;
        dwe = dwe_file_t;
      if (t->mor && t->mor->refspec)
        attr1 |= H_SP;
      if (t->mor && t->mor->isspec)
        attr1 |= H_DC;
      if (t->data.t_enum.tnam[0])
      attr2 = dw_entry (dwe, attr1);
      if (attr2 & ~(H_SP|H_DC|H_TP|H_SZ))
        fail_unimplemented (attr1, attr2);
      if (attr2 & H_SP)
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (t->mor->refspec->p.typ));
      if (attr2 & H_DC)
        dw_at_flag ((t->mor && t->mor->isspec ? 1 : 0));
      if (attr2 & H_TP)
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (t->data.t_cons.typ));
      if (attr2 & H_SZ)
        dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)(shape_size (t->data.t_cons.sha) >> 3));

    case DGT_PROC: {
      int i;
      dg_param * el = t->data.t_proc.params.array;
      dg_type res_t = t->data.t_proc.res_type;
      if (res_t) {
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_proc_type, (long)0);
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (res_t));
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_procv_t, (long)0);
      for (i = 0; i < t->data.t_proc.params.len; i++) {
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_formal, (long)0);
        dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (el[i].p_typ));
      if (t->data.t_proc.prps & f_var_callers)
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_opt_par, (long)0);
      dw_sibling_end ();

    case DGT_BITF: {
      failer ("bitfields shouldn't occur here");

    case DGT_FIXED: {
      long attr1 = 0, attr2;
      if (t->
        attr1 |= H_DF;
      if (t->data.t_adanum.digits)
        attr1 |= H_DS;
      attr2 = dw_entry (dwe_fixpt_t, attr1);
      if (attr2 & ~(H_DF|H_DS))
        fail_unimplemented (attr1, attr2);
      dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (t->data.t_adanum.rept));
      dw_out_const (son(t->data.t_adanum.small));
      if (attr2 & H_DF)
        dw_out_const (son(t->;
      if (attr2 & H_DS)
        dw_out_const (son(t->data.t_adanum.digits));

    case DGT_FLDIG: {
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_fldg_t, (long)0);
      dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (t->data.t_adanum.rept));
      dw_out_const (son(t->data.t_adanum.digits));

    case DGT_MOD: {
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_modular_t, (long)0);
      dw_at_ext_lab (dw2_find_type_label (t->data.t_adanum.rept));
      dw_out_const (son(t->data.t_adanum.digits));

    case DGT_STRING: {
      exp l_e = son(t->data.t_string.length);   /* other fields ignored */
      if (name(l_e) == val_tag) {
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_stringc_t, (long)0);
        dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)no(l_e));
      else {
        IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_string_t, (long)0);
        dw2_locate_exp (l_e, 0, 0);
        dw_at_udata ((unsigned long)(shape_size (sh(l_e)) >> 3));

    case DGT_UNKNOWN: {
      IGNORE dw_entry (dwe_unknown_t, (long)0);

      failer ("illegal type");

void dw2_out_all_types
    PROTO_Z ()
  while (needed_types) {
    dg_type dt = needed_types;
    needed_types = needed_types->type_queue;
    if (dt->key != DGT_TAGGED || !dt->data.t_tag->done)
      dw_out_type (dt);