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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997

    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-

        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;

        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;

        (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
        party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
        these conditions;

        (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
        quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
        no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
        it may be put.

$Author: pwe $
$Date: 1998/03/11 11:03:50 $
$Revision: 1.3 $
$Log: basicread.c,v $
 * Revision 1.3  1998/03/11  11:03:50  pwe
 * DWARF optimisation info
 * Revision 1.2  1998/02/04  10:43:39  release
 * Changes during testing.
 * Revision  1998/01/17  15:55:45  release
 * First version to be checked into rolling release.
 * Revision 1.3  1996/06/18  09:21:14  currie
 * C torture long nats
Revision 1.2  1995/07/06 09:14:29  currie

 * Revision 1.1  1995/04/06  10:43:34  currie
 * Initial revision

#include "config.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "xalloc.h"
#include "flags.h"
#include "messages_r.h"
#include "natmacs.h"
#include "readglob.h"
#include "flpt.h"
#include "f64.h"
#include "installglob.h"

#include "basicread.h"

/* MACROS */

#define bpby 8
 /* bits per byte */

#define cppkt 256
 /* bytes per packet */

#define bppkt (bpby*cppkt)
 /* the number of bits per packet (from the file). */

/* All variables are initialised, jmf */

static char * crt_ptr;  /* initialised by init_reader */
static char * end_ptr;  /* initialised by init_reader */

static int getcode_bitposn;
static union pun_u
  {unsigned int intc;
    struct pun_s {char a; char b; char c; char d;} chars;
  } crt_bits;           /* set before use */

static char *crt_dot_t; /* initialised by init_reader */
int  crt_lno;           /* initialised to -1 by init_reader */
int crt_charno;         /* only used if crt_lno != -1. No init needed */
char * crt_flnm;        /* only used if crt_lno != -1. No init needed */
static int  failer_count;       /* initialised by init_reader */
                                /* number of failures so far. To allow for
                                   limiting error messages */
static int   pkt_index; /* initialised by init_reader */
                                /* the index of the current packet in the
                                   file */
static int table_flag;  /* initialised by init_reader */
                                /* 1 if reading from memory, 0 if reading
                                   from file buffer */
static char *crt_line;  /* set before use */
                                /* current line of encoding */
static int   file_pkt;  /* initialised by init_reader */
                                /* holds the index of the packet in the
                                   file */
static FILE * fpin;     /* initialised by init_reader */
                                /* file pointer for input */
static int  buff[64];   /* set by read_line */
                                /* file buffer for input */
static place current_place;     /* set before use */
static place bytestream_pickup; /* set before use */
                                /* records the end of a bytestream */


static unsigned int  mask[33] = {
  0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255,
  0x1ff, 0x3ff, 0x7ff, 0xfff, 0x1fff, 0x3fff, 0x7fff, 0xffff,
  0x1ffff, 0x3ffff, 0x7ffff, 0xfffff, 0x1fffff, 0x3fffff, 0x7fffff, 0xffffff,
  0x1ffffff, 0x3ffffff, 0x7ffffff, 0xfffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x3fffffff,
    0x7fffffff, 0xffffffff
 /* used to mask bits out of characters */

   failer prints an error message on the standard output, and sets
   good_trans to 1 to indicate an error.

/* fails, giving error message s */
void failer
    PROTO_N ( (s) )
    PROTO_T ( char *s )

  good_trans = 1;
  if (crt_lno != -1)
    IGNORE fprintf (stderr, "trans:%s: internal error: after line %d: char %d: %s\n", crt_flnm, crt_lno, crt_charno, s);
    IGNORE fprintf (stderr, "trans:%s: internal error: %s\n", crt_dot_t, s);
  if (failer_count >= 15)       /* errors limited to 15 */

  read_line reads the next line from the file and
  updates pkt_index, file_pkt and crt_line.

static void read_line
    PROTO_N ( (complain) )
    PROTO_T ( int complain )

  size_t   test = fread ((char *)buff, sizeof (char), cppkt, fpin);

  if (test == (size_t)0 && complain) {
    failer (READ_PAST_END);
  crt_line = (char *)buff;

  initreader opens the file called n and sets initial values
  into variables.
void check_magic_no PROTO_S ( ( void ) ) ;

bool initreader
    PROTO_N ( (n) )
    PROTO_T ( char *n )
  crt_dot_t = n;
  crt_lno = -1;
  failer_count = 0;

  fpin = fopen (n, "rb");
  if (fpin == (FILE *) 0) {
    failer (CANT_OPEN_FILE);
    return (0);

  pkt_index = -1;
  file_pkt = -1;
  table_flag = 0;
  getcode_bitposn = 0;
  read_line (1);

  crt_line = (char *)buff;
  crt_ptr = crt_line;
  end_ptr = crt_line + cppkt;
  return (1);

void endreader
    PROTO_Z ()
  int   st = fclose (fpin);
  if (st == EOF) {
    failer ("failed to close file");

int  getcode
    PROTO_N ( (np) )
    PROTO_T ( int np )
  /* np = no of bits to read, np is >= 1 */
    unsigned int m;
    int p;
      int n = np;
      p = getcode_bitposn - n;
      m = mask[n];
    if (p >= 0) {
      getcode_bitposn = p;
      return (int)((crt_bits.intc >> p) & m);

    int p = getcode_bitposn;
    int q;
    unsigned int m;
      int n = np - p;
      m = mask[n];
      q = (int)((crt_bits.intc & mask[p]) << n);
      p = 32 - n;

    if (crt_ptr == end_ptr) {
      read_line (1);
      crt_ptr = crt_line;

!!!!!!!!!!!!!  /* define FS_LITTLE_ENDIAN in config.h */
    crt_bits.chars.d = crt_ptr[0];
    crt_bits.chars.c = crt_ptr[1];
    crt_bits.chars.b = crt_ptr[2];
    crt_bits.chars.a = crt_ptr[3];
    crt_bits.intc = ((unsigned int*)crt_ptr)[0];
    crt_ptr += 4;
    getcode_bitposn = p;
    return q + (int)((crt_bits.intc >> p) & m);

int get_big_code
    PROTO_N ( (n) )
    PROTO_T ( int n )
  int t;
  int res = 0;

  while (1)
     t = getcode(n);
     if (t == 0)
       res += (int)(mask[n]);
       return (res + t);

   keep_place records the present state of the getcode variables
   in a place. It condenses the position variables into the
   bits_on field, measured from the start of the recorded line.

place keep_place
    PROTO_Z ()
  place new_pl;
  new_pl.flag = table_flag;
  if (table_flag)
    new_pl.pl_mem = crt_line;
  new_pl.bits_on = (int)(crt_ptr - crt_line) * 8 - getcode_bitposn;
  if (!table_flag)
    new_pl.bits_on += pkt_index * bppkt;
  return (new_pl);

  set_place resets the getcode variables from the place pl, which
  was produced by keep_place or add_place. If necessary it reads more
  lines from the file.

void set_place
    PROTO_N ( (pl) )
    PROTO_T ( place pl )
  int  new_pi;
  table_flag = pl.flag;
  if (!table_flag) {
    new_pi = pl.bits_on / bppkt;
    crt_line = (char *)buff;
    crt_ptr = crt_line + (pl.bits_on / 32) * 4 - new_pi * cppkt;
    getcode_bitposn = 32 - pl.bits_on % 32;
    pkt_index = file_pkt;
    while (pkt_index < new_pi)
      read_line (0);
  else {
    crt_line = pl.pl_mem;
    crt_ptr = crt_line + (pl.bits_on/32)*4;
    getcode_bitposn = 32 - pl.bits_on % 32;
    current_place = pl;
  if (getcode_bitposn == 32)
    getcode_bitposn = 0;

  if (getcode_bitposn > 0) {
    crt_bits.chars.d = crt_ptr[0];
    crt_bits.chars.c = crt_ptr[1];
    crt_bits.chars.b = crt_ptr[2];
    crt_bits.chars.a = crt_ptr[3];
    crt_bits.intc = ((unsigned int*)crt_ptr)[0];
    crt_ptr += 4;

   add_place produces a place n bits on from the place pl.

place add_place
    PROTO_N ( (pl, n) )
    PROTO_T ( place pl X int n )
  place new_pl;
  new_pl.bits_on = pl.bits_on + n;
  new_pl.pl_mem = pl.pl_mem;
  new_pl.flag = pl.flag;
  return (new_pl);

   new_place memorises a line starting from the current position
   and going on for bn bits. This may cause more lines to be read
   from the file.
void add_capsule_frees
    PROTO_N ( (vp) )
    PROTO_T ( void * vp )
  capsule_frees * cf;
  cf = (capsule_frees*)xmalloc(sizeof(capsule_frees));
  cf->next = capsule_freelist;
  cf->ptr = vp;
  capsule_freelist = cf;

place new_place
    PROTO_N ( (bn) )
    PROTO_T ( int bn )
  place pl;
  int   no_chars,
  char *mem;
  char  c;
  pl.flag = 1;

  if (!table_flag)  {
    pl.bits_on = 32 - getcode_bitposn;
    if (getcode_bitposn == 0)
      pl.bits_on = 0;
    no_chars = ((pl.bits_on + bn + 31) / 32) * 4;
    if (getcode_bitposn > 0) {
      crt_ptr -= 4;
    mem = (char *) xcalloc (no_chars, sizeof (char));
    for (i = 0; i < no_chars; ++i) {
      if (crt_ptr == end_ptr) {
        read_line (1);
        crt_ptr = crt_line;
      c = *crt_ptr++;
      mem[i] = c;
    pl.pl_mem = mem;
    return (pl);

  pl.bits_on = (int)(crt_ptr - crt_line) * 8 - getcode_bitposn;
  pl.pl_mem = current_place.pl_mem;
  return pl;

  small_dtdfint reads one TDF integer using getcode. TDF integers are
  encoded as a number of octal digits, most significant first.
  These octal digits are encoded in 4-bit chunks with 8 added on
  to the last digit only.

int small_dtdfint
    PROTO_Z ()
  int  digit;
  int total = 0;
  while (digit = getcode (4), digit < 8)
    total = 8 * total + digit;
  return (8 * total + (digit - 8));

 /* step the input stream on to the next byte boundary */

void to_boundary
    PROTO_Z ()
  getcode_bitposn = getcode_bitposn - getcode_bitposn % 8;

 /* delivers a new place for the bitstream in the input stream and steps
    over it */

bitstream d_bitstream
    PROTO_Z ()
  bitstream crt_bitstream;
  place here;
  int  length;
  length = small_dtdfint ();
  here = keep_place ();
  crt_bitstream = new_place (length);
  set_place (add_place (here, length));
  return crt_bitstream;

bytestream d_bytestream
    PROTO_Z ()
  return bytestream_pickup;

void ignore_bytestream
    PROTO_Z ()
  /* steps over a bytestream */
  int  length;
  place here;
  length = small_dtdfint ();
  to_boundary ();
  here = keep_place ();
  set_place (add_place (here, (length * 8)));

 /* records in bytestream_pickup the end of a bytestream */

void start_bytestream
    PROTO_Z ()
  int  length;
  place here;
  length = small_dtdfint ();
  to_boundary ();
  here = keep_place ();
  bytestream_pickup = add_place (here, (length * 8));

 /* resets the input stream from bytestream_pickup */

void end_bytestream
    PROTO_Z ()
  set_place (bytestream_pickup);

tdfstring d_tdfstring
    PROTO_Z ()
  /* reads a tdfstring from the input stream */
  int  bits = small_dtdfint ();
  int  n = small_dtdfint ();
  tdfstring tdb;
  int  i;
  tdb.number = n;
  if (bits <= 8) {
    tdb.ints.chars = (char *) xcalloc (n + 1, sizeof (char));
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      tdb.ints.chars[i] = (char)getcode (bits);
    tdb.ints.chars[n] = 0;
    tdb.size = 8;
    return tdb;
  if (bits <= 16) {
    tdb.ints.shorts = (short *) xcalloc (n + 1, sizeof (short));
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      tdb.ints.shorts[i] = (short)getcode (bits);
    tdb.ints.shorts[n] = 0;
    tdb.size = 16;
    return tdb;
  if (bits <= 32) {
    tdb.ints.longs = (int *) xcalloc (n + 1, sizeof (int));
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      tdb.ints.longs[i] = getcode (bits);
    tdb.ints.longs[n] = 0;
    tdb.size = 32;
    return tdb;
  if (bits <= 64) {
    tdb.ints.longs = (int *) xcalloc (n + 1, sizeof (int));
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      flt64 x;
      flpt f;
      x.big = getcode(bits - 32);
      x.small = (unsigned int)getcode(32);
      f = f64_to_flt(x, 0);
      tdb.ints.longs[i] = f;
    tdb.ints.longs[n] = 0;
    tdb.size = 64;
    return tdb;
  return tdb;

tdfstring d_tdfident
    PROTO_Z ()
  /* reads a tdfident from the input stream */
  int  bits = small_dtdfint ();
  int  n = small_dtdfint ();
  tdfstring tdb;
  int  i;
  tdb.size = bits;
  tdb.number = n;
  if (bits <= 8) {
    tdb.ints.chars = (char *) xcalloc (n + 1, sizeof (char));
    to_boundary ();
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      tdb.ints.chars[i] = (char)getcode (bits);
    tdb.ints.chars[n] = 0;
    to_boundary ();
    return tdb;
  if (bits <= 16) {
    tdb.ints.shorts = (short *) xcalloc (n + 1, sizeof (short));
    to_boundary ();
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      tdb.ints.shorts[i] = (short)getcode (bits);
    tdb.ints.shorts[n] = 0;
    to_boundary ();
    return tdb;
  tdb.ints.longs = (int *) xcalloc (n + 1, sizeof (int));
  to_boundary ();
  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    tdb.ints.longs[i] = getcode (bits);
  tdb.ints.longs[n] = 0;
  to_boundary ();
  return tdb;

tdfbool d_tdfbool
    PROTO_Z ()
  /* reads a tdfbool from the input stream */
  return (tdfbool)getcode (1);

tdfint d_tdfint
    PROTO_Z ()
  /* reads a tdfint from the input stream */
  nat n;
  unsigned int  digit;
  unsigned int total = 0;
  int  small = 1;
  int goon = 1;
  flpt f;

  while (goon)
     digit = (unsigned int)getcode(4);
     if (digit >= 8)
       { goon = 0;
         digit -= 8;
     if (small)
       { if (total > 0x1fffffff)
           { small = 0;
             f = floatrep_unsigned(total);
             flpt_newdig(digit, &flptnos[f], 8);
           total = (total << 3) + digit;
     else {
       flpt_newdig(digit, &flptnos[f], 8);
  nat_issmall(n) = (bool)small;
  if (small)
    natint(n) = (int)total;
     nat_issmall(n) = 0;
     natbig(n) = f;
  return n;

void check_magic_no
    PROTO_Z ()
        tdfint maj;
        tdfint min;

        if (getcode(8) != 'T' || getcode(8) != 'D' || getcode(8) != 'F' ||
                getcode(8) != 'C') {
                failer("This is not a TDF Version >= 4 capsule");
        maj = d_tdfint();
        if (natint(maj) > MAJOR_VERSION) {
                failer("TDF version of capsule is later than version dealt with by translator - update the translator");
        if (natint(maj) < MAJOR_VERSION) {
                failer("TDF version dealt with by translator is later than version of capsule - recompile capsule with later compiler");
        min = d_tdfint();
        if (natint(min) > MINOR_VERSION) {
            IGNORE fprintf(stderr, "Warning: capsule may contain constructions not dealt with in this minor version of the translator\n");