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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997
    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;
        (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
        party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
        these conditions;
        (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
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        no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
        it may be put.

$Log: inst_fmt.h,v $
 * Revision  1998/01/17  15:56:02  release
 * First version to be checked into rolling release.
 * Revision 1.2  1995/12/18  13:11:40  wfs
 * Put hppatrans uder cvs control. Major Changes made since last release
 * include:
 * (i) PIC code generation.
 * (ii) Profiling.
 * (iii) Dynamic Initialization.
 * (iv) Debugging of Exception Handling and Diagnostics.
 * Revision 5.2  1995/10/20  13:58:40  wfs
 * Declared "reg_name()" and "call_ins()" for gcc compilation.
 * Revision 5.1  1995/09/15  14:09:47  wfs
 * Extra function declarations added to stop gcc complaining.
 * Revision 5.0  1995/08/25  13:42:58  wfs
 * Preperation for August 25 Glue release
 * Revision 3.3  1995/08/25  11:12:16  wfs
 * *** empty log message ***
 * Revision 3.3  1995/08/25  11:12:16  wfs
 * *** empty log message ***
 * Revision 3.1  95/04/10  16:26:57  16:26:57  wfs (William Simmonds)
 * Apr95 tape version.
 * Revision 3.0  95/03/30  11:17:54  11:17:54  wfs (William Simmonds)
 * Mar95 tape version with CRCR95_178 bug fix.
 * Revision 2.0  95/03/15  15:27:41  15:27:41  wfs (William Simmonds)
 * spec 3.1 changes implemented, tests outstanding.
 * Revision 1.1  95/01/11  13:39:09  13:39:09  wfs (William Simmonds)
 * Initial revision


#include "addrtypes.h"
#include "hppains.h"

extern char *ext_name PROTO_S ( ( long ) ) ;

extern void ldmb_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, int, int, int ) ) ;
extern void ld_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, int, baseoff, int ) ) ;

extern void st_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, int, baseoff ) ) ;

extern void riir_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, ins_p, int, long, long, int ) ) ;

extern void ir_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, ins_p, CONST char*, long, int ) ) ;

extern void imm_to_r PROTO_S ( ( long, int ) );

extern void set_ins PROTO_S ( ( char*, baseoff, int ) ) ;
extern void z_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p ) ) ;

extern void condrr_ins PROTO_S ( ( char, ins_p, int, int, int, int ) ) ;
extern void condri_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, int, long, int ) ) ;

extern void extj_special_ins PROTO_S ( (CONST char *, int, char *, int ) ) ;
extern void extj_reg_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, int ) ) ;

extern void ret_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p ) ) ;

extern void ldf_ro_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, baseoff, int ) ) ;
extern void ldf_rr_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p,ins_p, int, int, int ) ) ;
extern void ldf_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, baseoff, int ) ) ;
extern void stf_ro_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, int, baseoff ) ) ;
extern void stf_rr_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, int, int, int ) ) ;
extern void stf_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, int, baseoff ) ) ;

extern void rrf_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p,ins_p,ins_p, int, int ) ) ;
extern void rrrf_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, ins_p, int, int, int ) ) ;

extern void rrf_cmp_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, int, int ) ) ;
extern void immr_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, char*,char*,long,char*,int ) ) ;
extern void ld_immr_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p, char*,char*,long,char*,int,int ) ) ;
extern void st_immr_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p,int, char*,char*,long,char*,int ) ) ;
extern void iiir_ins PROTO_S ( ( ins_p,ins_p,int,int,int,int ) );
extern void bb_in PROTO_S ( ( ins_p,int,int,int ) );
extern void rr_ins PROTO_S (( ins_p, int, int ));
extern void rrr_ins PROTO_S (( ins_p, ins_p, int, int, int ));
extern void ub_ins PROTO_S (( CONST char*, int ));
extern void cj_ins PROTO_S (( CONST char*, int, int, int ));
extern void st_ir_ins PROTO_S (( ins_p, ins_p, int, ins_p, CONST char*, long, int ));
extern void ld_ir_ins PROTO_S (( ins_p, ins_p, ins_p, CONST char*, long, int, int ));
extern void comb_ins PROTO_S (( CONST char*, int, int, int ));
extern void cmp_rrf_ins PROTO_S (( ins_p, ins_p, ins_p, int, int ));
extern void rrir_ins PROTO_S (( ins_p, ins_p, int, int, long, int ));
extern void cij_ins PROTO_S (( CONST char*, long, int, int ));
extern void irr_ins PROTO_S (( ins_p, ins_p, ins_p, long, int, int ));
extern void ld_rr_ins PROTO_S (( ins_p, ins_p, int, int, int ));
extern void r_ins PROTO_S (( ins_p, int ));
extern void out_directive PROTO_S (( CONST char*, CONST char* ));
extern void iir_ins PROTO_S (( ins_p, ins_p, int, int, int ));
extern void rir_ins PROTO_S (( ins_p, ins_p, int, long, int ));
extern CONST char* reg_name PROTO_S (( int ));
extern void call_ins PROTO_S (( ins_p, char*, int, char* ));
extern void outlab PROTO_S (( char*, int ));
extern void bl_in PROTO_S (( ins_p, char*, int ));
extern void ble_in PROTO_S (( ins_p, char*, int, int ));

int line,lines,nLabels;

typedef long FILE_POSN ;
#define SET_FILE_POSN( A, B )           fseek ( ( A ), ( B ), SEEK_SET )
#define GET_FILE_POSN( A, B )           ( B ) = ftell ( ( A ) )
typedef fpos_t FILE_POSN ;
#define SET_FILE_POSN( A, B )           fsetpos ( ( A ), &( B ) )
#define GET_FILE_POSN( A, B )           fgetpos ( ( A ), &( B ) )

typedef struct {
   FILE_POSN fpos;     /* position in outf  */
   ins_p  ins;        /* instruction       */                    
   ins_p  cc;        /* condition code    */                    
   int    op[4];    /* operands          */
   int    lab;     /* label             */
} psuedoIn;

typedef psuedoIn *pIn;

/* #define BLOCK 131072 */

#define BLOCK 65536
#define INCR  4096

pIn *pCode;
int *labIntro;  /*  `labIntro[lab]' will record the line number on
                     which label `lab' was introduced. */

#endif /* INST_FMT_INCLUDED */